DK142207B - Locking mechanism for rotating turbine shafts. - Google Patents

Locking mechanism for rotating turbine shafts. Download PDF


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DK142207B DK395376A DK395376A DK142207B DK 142207 B DK142207 B DK 142207B DK 395376 A DK395376 A DK 395376A DK 395376 A DK395376 A DK 395376A DK 142207 B DK142207 B DK 142207B
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locking mechanism
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DK395376A (en
DK142207C (en
Wolfgang Diebold
Edelwald Heinrich Lutz
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Bbc Brown Boveri & Cie
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Publication of DK142207B publication Critical patent/DK142207B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK142207C publication Critical patent/DK142207C/da



    • F01D21/00Shutting-down of machines or engines, e.g. in emergency; Regulating, controlling, or safety means not otherwise provided for
    • F01D21/006Arrangements of brakes
    • F02B3/00Engines characterised by air compression and subsequent fuel addition
    • F02B3/06Engines characterised by air compression and subsequent fuel addition with compression ignition
    • F05D2220/00Application
    • F05D2220/40Application in turbochargers


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Supercharger (AREA)



Opfindelsen angår en blokeringsmekanisme til roterende turbineaksler, navnlig turboladeres aksler, og som kan anbringes på turboladerens kompressorside og/eller turbineside og har elastiske mellemled.The invention relates to a blocking mechanism for rotary turbine shafts, in particular turbocharger shafts, which can be mounted on the compressor side and / or turbine side of the turbocharger and have elastic intermediate links.

Ved havari i en turbolader i et dieselmotoranlæg, f.eks. ved be-5 skadigelse af skovle eller lejer, er det for at undgå total standsning af anlægget nødvendigt at bringe turbineakslen til standsning og derpå uden ladning at fortsætte driften af den hidtil ladede dieselmotor. Ved standset turbolader gennemstrømmer dieselmotorens udstødsgasser fortsat de nu stillestående turbineskovle i aksial retning og udøver dermed 10 et drejningsmoment på turbinehjulet. For at forhindre drejning af turboladerens aksel skal denne blokeres ved hjælp af en bremsende mekanisme, som udøver et tilsvarende i modsat retning virkende drejnings-moment. De hidtil kendte og anvendte blokeringsmekanismer kan f.eks. være anbragte på kompressorsiden og på turbinesiden. Hertil anvendes 15 i almindelighed to identiske blokeringsmekanismer. Til udligning af fremstillingstolerancer og aksiale termiske udvidelser af den blokerede aksel anbringes der dog på turbinesiden et elastisk mellemled mellem blokeringsmekanismen og turbinehuset.In the event of a turbocharger failure in a diesel engine plant, e.g. in the event of damage to blades or bearings, it is necessary to bring the turbine shaft to a standstill and, without charge, to continue the operation of the previously loaded diesel engine to avoid total shutdown of the system. When the turbocharger is stopped, the exhaust gases of the diesel engine continue to flow through the now stationary turbine vanes in the axial direction, thus exerting a torque on the turbine wheel. In order to prevent rotation of the turbocharger shaft, it must be blocked by a braking mechanism which exerts a corresponding torque acting in the opposite direction. The previously known and used blocking mechanisms may e.g. be located on the compressor side and on the turbine side. For this purpose, two identical blocking mechanisms are generally used. However, to compensate for manufacturing tolerances and axial thermal extensions of the blocked shaft, an elastic intermediate is provided on the turbine side between the blocking mechanism and the turbine housing.

Ved den kendte metode til blokering af turboladerens aksel er det 20 imidlertid en ulempe, at de i den modsatte retning virkende drejningsmomenter, som de to blokeringsmekanismer udøver, er meget forskellige i forhold til hinanden. Turbinehjulet er anbragt symmetrisk i forhold til turbineakslens endelejer, hvorved vægtarmen bliver væsentlig længere på kompressorsiden. Derved er det på kompressorsiden indvirkende 25 drejningsmoment mindre end det på turbinesiden indvirkende modsatte drejningsmoment. Derved kan der ved vridning optræde en deformering eller overbelastning af akselenden.However, with the known method of blocking the shaft of the turbocharger, it is a disadvantage that the torques acting in the opposite direction exerted by the two blocking mechanisms are very different from one another. The turbine wheel is arranged symmetrically with respect to the end bearings of the turbine shaft, whereby the weight arm becomes substantially longer on the compressor side. Thereby the torque acting on the compressor side is less than the opposite torque acting on the turbine side. This can result in distortion or overloading of the shaft end.

Formålet med den foreliggende opfindelse er at tilvejebringe en blokeringsmekanisme, der på enkel måde kan fastgøres på et hvilket som 30 helst tilgængeligt sted på turbineakslen. Fortrinsvis skal det påkrævede modsatte drejningsmoment tilvejebringes under udnyttelse af blokeringssædets forholdsvis korte afstand fra turbinehjulet, således at der fås en vridningsfri forbindelse.The object of the present invention is to provide a blocking mechanism which can be easily attached to any available location on the turbine shaft. Preferably, the required opposite torque must be provided utilizing the relatively short distance of the locking seat from the turbine wheel so as to obtain a torsion-free connection.

Denne opgave løses ifølge opfindelsen ved, at en på turboladerhu-35 set fiksérbar ringformet yderflange og en tilsvarende ringformet, på turbineakslen forskydeligt lejret inderflange ved hjælp af en med en stopring fastholdt fjeder er således forbundne med hinanden, at de er aksialt forskydelige i forhold til hinanden, og at spændeelementer bestående af en opslidset inderbøsning, en yderbøsning og spændeskruer, 2 142207 hvoraf inderbøsningen sidder pi en aftrapning pi akslen og med en radialt udadvendende konisk flade ligger an mod yderbøsningen, er anbragte i en reces i inderflangen på en sådan måde, at turboladerakslen kan fikseres ved tilspænding af spændeskruerne.This object is solved according to the invention in that an annular flange, which can be fixed on a turbocharger housing and a corresponding annular, internally flange mounted on the turbine shaft by means of a spring retained by a stop ring is so connected that they are axially displaceable relative to the and that clamping elements consisting of a slotted inner sleeve, an outer sleeve and tensioning screws, of which the inner sleeve sits on a shaft on the shaft and with a radially outwardly tapered surface abutting the outer sleeve, are arranged in a recess in the inner flange in such manner, that the turbocharger shaft can be fixed by tightening the tightening screws.

5 Fordelen ved denne mekanisme består navnlig i, at forbindelsen af yderflangen med inderflangen ved hjælp af med bringerstifter giver en aksial forskydelighed af de to flanger i forhold til hinanden og derved på enkel måde muliggør en udligning af mekaniske og termiske udvidelser. Anbringelsen af spændeelementer i inderflangen samt en opslidset 10 inderbøsning, som sidder på en aftrapning på turboladerakslen, giver blokering af akslen ved friktion. Ved hjælp af anbringelsen af fjederen mellem yderflangen og inderflangen opnås, at yderflangen efter at have været demonteret, atter skubbes tilbage i den oprindelige stilling.In particular, the advantage of this mechanism consists in that the connection of the outer flange to the inner flange by means of with pins provides an axial displacement of the two flanges with respect to each other, thereby allowing in a simple manner an equalization of mechanical and thermal extensions. The placement of clamping elements in the inner flange as well as a slotted inner sleeve 10, which sits on a step on the turbocharger shaft, causes the shaft to be blocked by friction. By means of placing the spring between the outer flange and the inner flange, it is achieved that the outer flange, after being dismantled, is again pushed back to its original position.

Medbringerstifterne kan hensigtsmæssigt være anbragte i aksialt 15 rettede boringer, der er anbragte på en sidan måde, at deres længdeakse ligger i skilleplanen mellem yderflangen og inderflangen, og spæn-deelementerne kan bestå af en yderbøsning og spændeskruer, og yderbøsningen og den opslidsede inderbøsning kan have koniske flader.Conveniently, the carrier pins may be disposed in axially directed bores disposed in a lateral manner that their longitudinal axis lies in the separation plane between the outer flange and the inner flange, and the clamping members may consist of an outer sleeve and clamping screws, and the outer sleeve and slotted inner sleeve may have tapered surfaces.

Ved hjælp af spændeelementer bestående af en yderbøsning, spæn-20 deskruer og en opslidset inderbøsning opnås mulighed for på enkel måde ved spænding af spændeskruerne at trække den opslidsede inder-bøsnings og yderbøsningens koniske flader mod hinanden på en sådan måde, at den opslidsede inderbøsning tilsvarende kraftigt trykkes mod turboladerakslen, fortrinsvis mod en aftrapning på denne, hvorved der 25 opnås en friktionsforbindelse.By means of clamping elements consisting of an outer sleeve, clamping screws and a slotted inner sleeve, it is possible to simply pull the tapered inner sleeve and outer sleeve conical surfaces towards each other in a simple manner in such a way that the slotted inner sleeve correspondingly strongly pressed against the turbocharger shaft, preferably against a step on it, thereby obtaining a friction connection.

Endvidere kan der fordelt over yderbøsningens omkreds skiftevis være anbragt gevindboringer og udtrykkerflader.In addition, threaded bores and thrust surfaces may be arranged alternately over the circumference of the outer sleeve.

Ved hjælp af denne skiftevise anbringelse af gevindboringer og udtrykkerflader over yderbøsningens omkreds opnås mulighed for på 30 enkel måde at anvende spændeskruerne både til blokering af turboladerakslen og til frigørelse af blokeringsmekanismen, idet disse kan indsættes i tilsvarende boringer i inderflangen.By means of this alternating arrangement of threaded bores and thrust surfaces over the circumference of the outer bushing, it is possible to easily use the tensioning screws both for blocking the turbocharger shaft and for releasing the blocking mechanism, as these can be inserted into corresponding bores in the inner flange.

Ifølge yderligere en foretrukken udførelsesform er der over inder-flangens omkreds anbragt udtrykkergevind ud for yderbøsningens ud-35 trykkerflader og til optagelse af spændeskruerne anbragt gennemgangsboringer i inderflangen og gevindboringer i yderbøsningen.According to a further preferred embodiment, the extractor thread is arranged over the circumferential flange of the outer sleeve and the threaded holes for inserting the clamping screws are arranged through the inner flange and threaded holes in the outer sleeve.

Derved opnås den fordel, at blokeringsmekanismen uden anvendelse af særlige spænde- eller udtrykkerskruer kan fikseres på turboladerakslen og atter frigøres fra denne ved hjælp af de samme spændeskruer.Thereby, the advantage is obtained that the locking mechanism can be fixed to the turbocharger shaft without the use of special clamping or pushing screws and again released from it by the same clamping screws.

142207 3 På tegningen er en udførelsesform for blokeringsmekanismen ifølge opfindelsen anskueliggjort i forenklet form. P§ tegningen viser: fig. 1 en blokeringsmekanisme ifølge opfindelsen i blokeret stilling, og 5 fig. 2 samme blokeringsmekanisme som vist i fig. 1 i løsnet stilling.In the drawing, an embodiment of the blocking mechanism according to the invention is illustrated in simplified form. The drawing in the drawing shows: fig. 1 shows a blocking mechanism according to the invention in a blocked position; and FIG. 2 shows the same blocking mechanism as shown in FIG. 1 in the detached position.

I fig. 1 ses et hus, fortrinsvis en turboladers hus, i hvilket en turboladeraksel 2 er lejret. Turboladerakslen 2 har en aftrapning 3.In FIG. 1, there is seen a housing, preferably a turbocharger housing, in which a turbocharger shaft 2 is mounted. The turbocharger shaft 2 has a step 3.

På huset 1 er ved hjælp af fastgørelsesskruer 6 fastgjort en til en blo-10 keringsmekanisme hørende ringformet yderflange 4, der ved den ende, ved hvilken den er fastgjort til huset 1, har en stopring 5, hvormed en fjeder 14, der rager radialt indad forbi indersiden af yderflangen, fastholdes mod endefladen af yderflangen. En i forhold til yderflangen 4 aksialt forskydelig, ligeledes ringformet inderflange 7 er ved hjælp af 15 spændeelementer, der består af en opslidset inderbøsning 8, en yderbøsning 9 og spændeskruer 10 under friktionsindgreb med turboladerakslen 2, fortrinsvis med akselaftrapningen 3, fastklemt på denne.On the housing 1 is secured by means of fastening screws 6 an annular outer flange 4 associated with a blocking mechanism, which at the end at which it is attached to the housing 1 has a stop ring 5, with which a spring 14 protruding radially inwards past the inside of the outer flange is held against the end surface of the outer flange. An axially displaceable axially displaceable inner flange 7 with respect to the outer flange 4 is secured to 15 by means of 15 clamping elements consisting of a slotted inner sleeve 8, an outer sleeve 9 and clamping screws 10 under frictional engagement with the turbocharger shaft 2.

Til optagelse af spændeskruerne 10 er inderflangen 7 forsynet med en boring 11. Både den opslidsede inderbøsning 8 og yderbøsningen 9 har 20 koniske flader 12. I inderflangen 7‘s og yderflangen 4's skilleplan er der anbragt medbringerstifter 13. Fjederen 14 ligger med fjederkraft an mod endefladen af inderflangen 7. Inderflangen 7 er på sin mod turboladerakslen 2 vendende inderflade udformet som en føring 15, der hviler mod turboladerakslen 2.To receive the clamping screws 10, the inner flange 7 is provided with a bore 11. Both the slotted inner sleeve 8 and the outer sleeve 9 have 20 tapered faces 12. In the separating plane of the inner flange 7 and the outer flange 4, spring pins 13. The spring 14 rests with spring force. the end face of the inner flange 7. The inner flange 7 is formed on its inner face facing the turbocharger shaft 2 as a guide 15 resting against the turbocharger shaft 2.

25 I fig. 2 er blokeringsmekanismen vist i løsnet stilling, og dele svarende til de i fig. 1 viste dele er betegnede med de samme henvisningstal. Fastgørelsesskruerne 6 er løsnede fra huset 1, og samtidig er spændeskruerne skruet ind i et udtrykkergevind 16 i inderflangen 7 og trykker med deres endeflade mod en udtrykkerflade 17 på yder-30 bøsningen 9, hvorved den opslidsede inderbøsning 8's og yderbøsningen 9's koniske flader 12 frigøres fra hinanden, således at blokeringsmekanismen kan aftages fra aksel kraven 3. For at forhindre, at den opslidsede inderbøsning 8 og yderbøsningen 9 i mekanismens løsnede stilling kan falde ud af inderflangen 7, er der anbragt en spærrering, 35 fortrinsvis en seegerring 18 i inderflangen 7.In FIG. 2, the locking mechanism is shown in the loosened position, and parts similar to those in FIG. 1 are designated by the same reference numerals. The fastening screws 6 are detached from the housing 1, and at the same time, the clamping screws are screwed into an expander thread 16 in the inner flange 7 and press with their end face against an exporter surface 17 on the outer sleeve 9, thereby releasing the tapered inner sleeve 8's and the outer sleeve 9's tapered surfaces 12 one another, so that the locking mechanism can be removed from the shaft collar 3. In order to prevent the slotted inner sleeve 8 and outer sleeve 9 from falling out of the inner flange 7 from the mechanism, a locking ring, preferably a retaining ring 18, is arranged in the inner flange 7.

Blokeringsmekanismens funktionsmåde er som følger: Til blokering af turboladerakslen 2 bliver den af yderflangen 4, inderflangen 7, stopringen 5, udligningsfjederen 14 og de i inderflangen 7's og yderflangen 4's skilleplan anbragte medbringerstifter 13 bestående del af bloke- 4 142207 ringsmekanismen med føringen 15 skudt ind på turboladerakslen 2. Yderflangen 4 fastgøres ved hjælp af fastgørelsesskruerne 6 pi huset 1, og inderflangen 7 fastklemmes pi turboladerakslen 2 ved hjælp af spænde-elementerne 8, 9 og 10, idet spændeskruerne 10, som rager gennem 5 boringerne 11 i inderflangen 7, indsættes i gevindboringerne 19. Ved indskruningen af spændeskruerne 10 i yderbøsningen 9's gevindboringer 19 forskydes spændeelementerne 8, 9 aksialt på en sådan måde, at de ved hjælp af de koniske flader 12 trykker den opslidsede inderbøs-ning 8 i friktionsindgreb med turboladerakslen 2, fortrinsvis med aksei-10 aftrapningen 3 på en sådan måde, at akslen er blokeret. Udformningen af blokeringsmekanismen i inderflangen 7 og yderflangen 4 muliggør en forskydning af blokeringsmekanismen i forhold til turboladerakslen 2. Fjederen 14 bringer inderflangen 7 tilbage i dennes normalstilling i forhold til yderflangen 4. Medbringerstifterne 13 overfører drejningsmomen-15 tet. fra inderflangen 7 til yderflangen 4. Til afmontering af blokerings-mekanismen skrues spændeskruerne 10 ud af yderbøsningen 9's gevindboringer 19 og skrues så langt ind i mellem de enkelte boringer 11 i inderflangen 7 anbragte udtrykkergevind 16, at de med deres endeflader støder mod yderbøsningen 9's udtrykkerflade 17. Ved yderligere 20 spænding trykkes yderbøsningen 9 bort fra dens opslidsede inderbøs-ning 8fs koniske flade. Spændeskruerne 10's bevægelsesstrækning er begrænset af deres gevindlængde. Efter udskruning af fastgørelsesskruerne 6 af deres boringer i huset 1 kan blokeringsmekanismen trækkes af turboladerakslen 2. Ved hjælp af føringen 15, hvis indvendige 25 diameter stemmer overens med turboladerakslen 2's udvendige diameter, lettes montering og demontering af blokeringsmekanismen og desuden undgås fastklemning.The operation of the locking mechanism is as follows: For blocking of the turbocharger shaft 2, the part of the locking pin 13 provided by the outer flange 4, the inner flange 7, the stop ring 5, the compensating spring 14 and the separating plane 13 of the inner flange 7 and the outer flange 4 is provided with the locking mechanism. on the turbocharger shaft 2. The outer flange 4 is fastened by means of the fastening screws 6 in the housing 1 and the inner flange 7 is clamped on the turbocharger shaft 2 by means of the clamping elements 8, 9 and 10, with the tensioning screws 10 projecting through the bores 11 in the inner flange 7. in the threaded bores 19. By screwing the tightening screws 10 into the threaded bores 19 of the outer bushing 9, the clamping elements 8, 9 are displaced axially in such a way that by means of the tapered surfaces 12 they push the slotted inner bushing 8 into frictional engagement with the turbocharger shaft 2, preferably with axle. -10 the step 3 in such a way that the shaft is blocked. The design of the blocking mechanism in the inner flange 7 and the outer flange 4 allows for a displacement of the blocking mechanism relative to the turbocharger shaft 2. The spring 14 returns the inner flange 7 in its normal position with respect to the outer flange 4. The driver pins 13 transmit the torque 15. from the inner flange 7 to the outer flange 4. To remove the locking mechanism, the clamping screws 10 are unscrewed from the threaded bores 19 of the outer sleeve 9 and screwed in so far between the individual bores 11 in the inner flange 7 that the threads 16 of the outer sleeve abut against the outer surface of the outer sleeve 9. 17. At a further 20 voltages, the outer sleeve 9 is pushed away from its slotted inner sleeve 8fs conical surface. The range of movement of the clamping screws 10 is limited by their thread length. After unscrewing the fastening screws 6 of their bores in the housing 1, the locking mechanism can be pulled off the turbocharger shaft 2. By means of the guide 15, the inside diameter of which 25 corresponds to the outside diameter of the turbocharger shaft 2, mounting and disassembly of the blocking mechanism is also facilitated and clamping is also avoided.

DK395376A 1975-09-03 1976-09-01 Locking mechanism for rotating turbine shafts. DK142207B (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CH1139575 1975-09-03
CH1139575A CH616727A5 (en) 1975-09-03 1975-09-03 Locking device for the rotating shaft of a machine, especially a turbocharger

Publications (3)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK395376A DK395376A (en) 1977-03-04
DK142207B true DK142207B (en) 1980-09-22
DK142207C DK142207C (en) 1981-02-16



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DK395376A DK142207B (en) 1975-09-03 1976-09-01 Locking mechanism for rotating turbine shafts.

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JP (1) JPS608326B2 (en)
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BR7605785A (en) 1977-08-16
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