DE1823587U - BEARING BODY. - Google Patents



Publication number
DE1823587U DE1960T0012595 DET0012595U DE1823587U DE 1823587 U DE1823587 U DE 1823587U DE 1960T0012595 DE1960T0012595 DE 1960T0012595 DE T0012595 U DET0012595 U DE T0012595U DE 1823587 U DE1823587 U DE 1823587U
Prior art keywords
bearing body
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
Other languages
German (de)
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Josef Terbrack K G
Original Assignee
Josef Terbrack K G
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
Filing date
Publication date
Application filed by Josef Terbrack K G filed Critical Josef Terbrack K G
Priority to DE1960T0012595 priority Critical patent/DE1823587U/en
Publication of DE1823587U publication Critical patent/DE1823587U/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Exhaust Gas After Treatment (AREA)
  • Medicines That Contain Protein Lipid Enzymes And Other Medicines (AREA)


Mt-tW Ka M wt Ma ! h$ * M$$Awg zuauf kit *, pt* : tow*io* au* etuor to&* de* =#*tstlt « ine » U 400 us « *ta*r xvrl) *l k*jx* » il Zt=* vnd #*g ; *uub*r *U*n Kunototot : ten *ixetk Irtrhatmo niv"lo*id b » b « baboxe. Bot* UU**txon *in** wird 4*r 4 » 0*r* 2*Itl *f « X*r 4) rwu=lt-* dtb*Oh vir, t tt*r xavttu *uw*ttihrts wo=ut doruuooe » it*tl eitth &tgepj . « t wm & awM$ <3 durob& Xf as < Mw ttng*, **txt W « 4*Igf *rg*boa *tot xtt 4*n X*t*rttl-* 016* » **bxtt*a tor Zu » t4to ; tt* dt* 4=404**t t*ilw*io* te* b » b* » obmm =d *tn ») x kl*U*31 W$r4 x= *la Zoo*rkOxp*r * » t14 *in* zawom au# X=01#*t*tt *t » Ootr14ben, » o da** *x Auutmi 4*r » ohme ; *MW $ N$& &% x ... z. p~Brpr8 Ca.., ja... tu. ta.'. il. a. <<. m. : r. S8rk6Z'R81" tto » Uprk*nMrt MXX# 4*4* ot » tIXt 2*11* » 0 » dtm zag*rkt$rptr idtr itr dtt » *ruo m44b*nd*U au » piatxou# lu'bIt....,'hnItt ad'. 1' HI'W1I.. au taMil. 1ftt <WMM*MB , wttndut tatur ger4g* « *eot-*a vot*n =**# to#* fit* . tottau.. t. 1pJ'k3Q. auoh MOb. ta 1. b. n-6U.-H- W# dor » Obrud » 0, u =&*bon inixso* 440 JWOmg di**oo z"bU » « tolgt in itr Yt*teot-ar-on dtr uwtm"$*r d4tt *Ioh tu atohtm tkut da* « t*no SM* d*r ßob* M t m a) M<MMßW W SS O * BNM M. ay &@ W eMtWtM <w W atgM w % ßa$$$ $ 1' b « « xxst** 4*r Miudma tot 4*r » « mh » **or als Imlot AU*4*Uld*tf *twa vonusoweta* 4*=t# xxxi um tu 4*r Uobtww *t*i : t abt42114 Axt $$$<8<AXWW 4 » * » x zmpt* sott* dt* selw4g# des 1) it Y0ZAM *I% k « K" « 4** zootirkor$ « * tu 4** tumtotottt*il 19 ») % bi*rb « ., tut*a =d tu nichtom tut da* tue-$#r* zntio 4*t : gobma 88. t. 11."rC.. be.. . nf 4.11 1MrobrJ"eJ : aGa"s-pe... S'l\\t.. waA 1. If. oh h1W.., 48. tiusa. . Entt.'4>> : r ; obftms 1"*ftt UM *$X $01-94=0 diwaout*Ut* Abb4, 1 9*4tt ix O*battt du » o » t*UU » « *t"r » bM$ tu tt » * MMW Bg Abb, t x **te dt* A » t*ht ix robr4** ttnoo 1-"tex « t Ab'b* 3 **tat dt «-de* 4b it*b* 2 d"4 ; 40*Iltob tu vtrtwuto*rt*r dz* tix *in* soxrpxe 4*r xrxtxdv-tt* ist to ir*rgrisor, *rum vagotob d*r ob « o daro*ullt, dtt-ei » ßowww 5 fkaw*£*t* la*Ibta autw*tot* bat de, 0 dt » K< ! JMS< 4eg W d"boxxlmt » tot x* di* Wort* ti =d te x-1, Cgll atiseeit dtt0 »- xt*rt<t9<<W-WSg 4*1& wm (tWK", *, 4*r bgwuffln £*oto*k*Itlt* : 0*1 le*Mop=** tä*vg to* 16 Aumli *Urd* d*21 ut « rkurp*x* 1-4 mw VXVOII**9 » IK xux vta 2*£1*1% t ; ib » a *M** , Dt* 4bbtituo*U 2 vm 5 *O4*, X dt* J&MK WM ag wtvt imoo l » Mox"# da*# 4*r zoa*rkul"x* u"ii dtr Utt"VM >>1. a'UIus~n I..,..... Oi. A. t. i14uli. Iad 11*~-. >r ja A'bl) * il mg 3 derjg*O*Ut* 2£i) ktr wt&*, # *X **tX** *'btt*9L md » f4rolu » d* lr*r*tmt* Vxd $ * « * Itou-A#t4*-**X, <<fmMBwa . Mb ob dtr ditt% MWWWSMßM 1ft. I. A". t.. J..,. 8t. n te. 10--. ~tlt... dM. 011... X$,%<MM?JaM<MP.WCßßW &X<ßP3&ß$ $ dvr Bohrm noeti *iaotx k : L*Inou Abetand tu dtr » Aktro autw*tot*,-Aute*r4** tst noob *ixtv & » oporut 14 vort* « t*n* zu Abb* 4 *tnd Uxxolh*tton 4** zopvkup » r* wob der Bett** ? ? 8 <iaw $ $ . Hb. 1a. Au.,.... 14.... >>.... 11.,.. w*bmb*be » lt*r4glio**rm 4*0 Dor zffl**r » *r 4 k** tw*t autg***txte Wulst* 7 =d 9# dit 33s8s<$ $$ T 9$ a$'M$$M Wt&&wißse< ? M C' etohtbart dt* 1rÄ tbx#r 4kUobtldtMel d « Ä"OZI. 10 0* hitl*- » w* 4** z"*3*isrj>Ora zu der Z*$. obnw4 "aN.w<t@tMa$M<t dos UX*rkisr"r* 6 ttit *ijx zml*t körper-p » kU*ob » ob auoo*xt 4*It19-9 4*r » *rolt*IILUM 4*t AlbbW 4 wurd*, xwi., allta den xontur*xk 40 » Z*Oorkurp*rt 6 =d dor wandunue 5 doe Bohr=& *itt kz*4 » OZ zwit*b*B » vAk 4*Iatbon, # 4*r die VortolmwO der wiaKm &M$a < $ d** etiltt 2 4*utlioh xmohon ». tah o, n tli-* ronturon X<M < 'f*rkl*x*WW tiutt* 2* kora 1, 0, all *, lrttrtt*#, t da » # #1* 0 « * 4** Zag*rt8rp*r* vexund<xt* : ttx tli*Otx 1>421 wfflta Vieh auth di* Xv*turen dt » *, twa* - yamt $ aw a Mt-tW Ka M wt Ma! h $ * M $$ Awg close kit *, pt *: tow * io * au * etuor to & * de * = # * tstlt «ine» U 400 us «* ta * r xvrl) * lk * jx *» il Zt = * vnd # * g; * uub * r * U * n Kunototot: ten * ixetk Irtrhatmo niv "lo * id b" b "baboxe. Bot * UU ** txon * in ** becomes 4 * r 4 »0 * r * 2 * Itl * f« X * r 4) rwu = lt- * dtb * Oh vir, t tt * r xavttu * uw * ttihrts wo = ut doruuooe »it * tl eitth & tgepj . «T wm & awM $ <3 durob & Xf as <Mw ttng *, ** txt W «4 * Igf * rg * boa * tot xtt 4 * n X * t * rttl- * 016 * »** bxtt * a gate to» t4to; tt * dt * 4 = 404 ** t t * ilw * io * te * b »b *» obmm = d * tn ») x kl * U * 31 W $ r4 x = * la Zoo * rkOxp * r * » t14 * in * zawom au # X = 01 # * t * tt * t »Ootr14ben, »O da ** * x Auutmi 4 * r» ohme; * MW $ N $ &&% x ... z. p ~ Brpr8 Approx .., yes ... do. ta. '. il. a. <<. m.: r. S8rk6Z'R81 " tto »Uprk * nMrt MXX # 4 * 4 * ot» tIXt 2 * 11 * »0» dtm zag * rkt $ rptr idtr itr dtt »* ruo m44b * nd * U au» piatxou # lu'bIt ...., 'hnItt ad'. 1 'HI'W1I .. au taMil. 1ft <WMM * MB , wttndut tatur ger4g * «* eot- * a vot * n = ** # to # * fit * . tottau .. t. 1pJ'k3Q. auoh MOb. ta 1. b. n-6U.-H- W # dor »Obrud» 0, u = & * bon inixso * 440 JWOmg di ** oo z "bU» «follows in itr Yt * teot-ar-on dtr uwtm" $ * r d4tt * Ioh tu atohtm tkut da * «t * no SM * d * r ßob * M tm a) M <MMßW W SS O * BNM M. ay & @ W eMtWtM <w W atgM w% ßa $$$ $ 1' b «« xxst ** 4 * r Miudma tot 4 * r »« Mh »** or as Imlot AU * 4 * Uld * tf * twa vonusoweta * 4 * = t # xxxi um tu 4 * r Uobtww * t * i: t abt42114 ax $$$ <8 <AXWW 4 »*» x zmpt * sott * dt * selw4g # des 1) it Y0ZAM * I% k «K" «4 ** zootirkor $« * tu 4 ** tumtotottt * il 19 »)% bi * rb« ., do * a = d do not do not do there * do - $ # r * zntio 4 * t: gobma 88th t. 11. "rC .. be ... Nf 4.11 1MrobrJ" eJ: aGa "s-pe ... S'l \\ t .. waA 1. If. oh h1W .., 48. tiusa. . Entt.'4 >>: r; obftms 1 "* ftt UM * $ X $ 01-94 = 0 diwaout * Ut * Fig4, 1 9 * 4tt ix O * battt du »o» t * UU »« * t "r» bM $ tu tt »* MMW Bg Fig, tx ** te dt * A »t * ht ix robr4 ** ttnoo 1-" tex "t Ab'b * 3 ** tat dt «-de * 4b it * b * 2 d"4; 40 * Iltob tu vtrtwuto * rt * r dz * tix * in * soxrpxe 4 * r xrxtxdv-tt * is to ir * rgrisor, * rum vagotob d * r ob «o daro * ullt, dtt-ei »ßowww 5 fkaw * £ * t * la * Ibta autw * tot * bat de, 0 dt » K <! JMS <4eg W d "boxxlmt» tot x * di * word * ti = d te x-1, Cgll atiseeit dtt0 »- xt * rt <t9 << W-WSg 4 * 1 & wm (tWK ", *, 4 * r bgwuffln £ * oto * k * Itlt *: 0 * 1 le * Mop = ** daily * vg to * 16 Aumli * Urd * d * 21 ut «rkurp * x * 1-4 mw VXVOII ** 9» IK xux vta 2 * £ 1 * 1% t; ib »a * M ** , Dt * 4bbtituo * U 2 vm 5 * O4 *, X dt * J&MK WM ag wtvt imoo l »Mox"# da * # 4 * r zoa * rkul "x * u" ii dtr Utt "VM >> 1. a'UIus ~ n I .., ..... Oi. A. t. i14uli. Iad 11 * ~ -. > r ja A'bl) * il mg 3 derjg * O * Ut * 2 £ i) ktr wt & *, # * X ** tX ** * 'btt * 9L md »f4rolu» d * lr * r * tmt * Vxd $ * «* Itou-A # t4 * - ** X, << fmMBwa . Mb ob dtr ditt% MWWWSMßM 1ft. I. A ". T .. J ..,. 8t. N te. 10--. ~ Tlt ... dM. 011 ... X $,% <MM? JaM <MP.WCßßW & X <ßP3 & ß $ $ dvr Bohrm noeti * iaotx k: L * Inou Abetand tu dtr »Aktro autw * tot *, - Aute * r4 ** tst noob * ixtv &"oporut 14 vort *" t * n * to fig * 4 * tnd Uxxolh * tton 4 ** zopvkup »r * wob the bed ** ? ? 8 <iaw $ $ . Man. 1a. Au., .... 14 .... >> .... 11., .. w * bmb * be »lt * r4glio ** rm 4 * 0 Dor zffl ** r »* r 4 k ** tw * t autg *** txte bead * 7 = d 9 # dit 33s8s <$ $$ T 9 $ a $ 'M $$ M Wt && know <? M C ' etohtbart dt * 1rÄ tbx # r 4kUobtldtMel d «Ä" OZI. 10 0 * hitl * - »W * 4 ** z" * 3 * isrj> Ora to the Z * $. Obnw4 "aN.w <t @ tMa $ M <t dos UX * rkisr "r * 6 ttit * ijx zml * t body-p »kU * ob» ob auoo * xt 4 * It19-9 4 * r »* rolt * IILUM 4 * t AlbbW 4 wurd *, xwi., Allta den xontur * xk 40 »Z * Oorkurp * rt 6 = d dor wandunue 5 doe Bohr = & * itt kz * 4» OZ zwit * b * B »vAk 4 * Iatbon, # 4 * r die VortolmwO der wiaKm & M $ a <$ d ** etiltt 2 4 * utlioh xmohon ». tah o, n tli- * ronturon X <M < 'f * rkl * x * WW tiutt * 2 * kora 1, 0, all *, lrttrtt * #, t da »# # 1 * 0« * 4 ** Zag * rt8rp * r * vexund <xt *: ttx tli * Otx 1> 421 wfflta cattle auth di * Xv * turen dt »*, twa * - yamt $ aw a

Claims (1)

1*) xattrkurg « *x » *I » r aus X » Xetott>tt odor $U4#Wob* t » sixs*ut*, l « a « wmg*a iron IK=Otobtneli*ue da"nh tao* otob d*r dos uo*r. * $xMw $<gw<a % % ww Mw. $$. 'esM. . 4*r Zobrext ($) 4*r*rt da#* 4*r Xm*tot*Xtt*tl ix » *r*tob #O* *&, t lf « apammw wkt. w
XjSMMjm$tM& l mw $ s taa dtr tu Utätm Mut 4.10 Bobrm jmuuto-u tlublier wlra vxd in #*r *'btalt*
a'$MMMAM& Mß< ! & » i » ben *** » 4tat'nlot (, 7) l » d xl*n tndtrtu $ w <e $ a * » dt*r4 » t « tM*
1 *) xattrkurg «* x» * I »r from X» Xetott> tt odor $ U4 # Wob * t "sixs * ut *, l" a "wmg * a iron IK = Otobtneli * ue da "nh tao * otob d * r dos uo * r. * $ xMw $ <gw <a%% ww Mw. $$. 'esM. . 4 * r Zobrext ($) 4 * r * rt da # * 4 * r Xm * tot * Xtt * tl ix "* r * tob # O * * &, t lf" apammw wkt. w
XjSMMjm $ tM & l mw $ s taa dtr tu Utätm courage 4.10 Bobrm jmuuto-u tlublier wlra vxd in # * r * 'btalt *
a '$ MMMAM & Mß <! & »I» ben *** »4tat'nlot (, 7) l» d xl * n tndtrtu $ w <e $ a * »Dt * r4» t «tM *
DE1960T0012595 1960-10-17 1960-10-17 BEARING BODY. Expired DE1823587U (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE1960T0012595 DE1823587U (en) 1960-10-17 1960-10-17 BEARING BODY.

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE1960T0012595 DE1823587U (en) 1960-10-17 1960-10-17 BEARING BODY.

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
DE1823587U true DE1823587U (en) 1960-12-15



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
DE1960T0012595 Expired DE1823587U (en) 1960-10-17 1960-10-17 BEARING BODY.

Country Status (1)

Country Link
DE (1) DE1823587U (en)

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP0009656A1 (en) * 1978-10-06 1980-04-16 Gebr. Happich GmbH Pivot bearing for vehicles' sun visors
DE3733126A1 (en) * 1987-10-01 1989-04-13 Bayerische Motoren Werke Ag Pivot mounting, especially for door-holding straps on motor-vehicle doors

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP0009656A1 (en) * 1978-10-06 1980-04-16 Gebr. Happich GmbH Pivot bearing for vehicles' sun visors
DE3733126A1 (en) * 1987-10-01 1989-04-13 Bayerische Motoren Werke Ag Pivot mounting, especially for door-holding straps on motor-vehicle doors

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