
Publication number
DE1821714U DE1960J0008577 DEJ0008577U DE1821714U DE 1821714 U DE1821714 U DE 1821714U DE 1960J0008577 DE1960J0008577 DE 1960J0008577 DE J0008577 U DEJ0008577 U DE J0008577U DE 1821714 U DE1821714 U DE 1821714U
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Publication of DE1821714U publication Critical patent/DE1821714U/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)


'on1oh a. ftt. ll1mt. iM. í. !'14ohu't. ICStt9 Aæ Ei~l..... J SjtMa S fwa$ <f$3Hm Xür den ; Gchtttx von, il=elbuuma jg<m SMasi&cgg . a MNtiM2H3asM4< i. &- <&a*M. SseMaMMaswMMa a& m<S- aw-$&S<I wwßMagiMM BwnMdMMMtt MaißRßßaMaaa& aMP @Sw< <a ? ? g sf O"r btüte « « t*rtlerZit** X* das att » täte* iMMwa. <W WWMlMßM&MMß 3Wa<WWSMiK$ ! SSJMN% xMm <w< ! w a srnm MMt ! MM : &KagMMMiMS$ aMäbs soblimt tote M<-xaMs M SKblMKMsaß aa < CjLM a< % ? ? ? ..'1148'-,. t. faaaWtwA MwMiaMMäMMS Buetell-.... 01*.-4e ~. t., n An.. a « w a m8i wWMPMt'& N&a&MFRSß iMMMMM&aaasp MKSt'wett sMaMMM&NMas ' ? ?' $ ahaH : SSß<MäN& n e Vaft1---L.. Ub1... Oft unwa 11..- vor dor Y*rbiA4W4 4*2* 1449"tlib* » it ttu ZXK" - da"'-.. pewU- efolgt. Al. JIl'den'on1oht88- tä. <MM yww. f<w saMt<s&KPjß t ? ? ? ? ? j ? gWW ? 3 ? ? & ? Bg ? a8 ? ? aMMtb AaN3MN'w<. a aHMS. 3. <$ % M jjMe AtMasM'SäMMMipMa <a*itMKk'MßaSws aMbM* aMMM% asa&Ns&jbNiea4MW r1ätaa. at. ~-,,-gp, aaqerut. 1n4. wobei 418.. tWW1KSMMM&Ka*H8. aaaSNS GI tar] I !""" "ehl. 1114. Xe karm Ue Jnor. mc abw..-tt., 4ua 41. be baw. 4u kril. .. t.. 41.. tIbIIc8. U. hel1t... el1$. \1reD., tu"U ... 4.. 7Ifte1'TOm. ohttra-... % tib : ri'd. d. J3e1 - 14a&-4ft. la4ea tl.. 41. Lif. Dstnbe."se'"11u4-- aterU1a.. ei : ua Auch1as hma in.. tpnch. der . a. r Ll8cUUM ein A1JVata TOD 4 ial e- tolpa ; VOfttIt U. 80., 1414et- U'btf ;.,.. 4- WMW Attf $tew K'&&t<1MPSMg&Kß d « ROM » de* di* Ign£ » tUbe ot*C*b « K-bm 3=4*w MMMWdW MXaS tjM$$ WSrt&MM&SH&Ma* talsei4 w « vmt die » &*bildeten Ziea » t0* ym den ati tta. ;. Dach 4R geWitea tJafaas. ... G1 tiera ero1&'t e1a ie"f.. Jtel'. mob. a- ..... kau... Aau. l dezr täbe. o. u. 11t8 wd : na- : aal 4-i1rE1ndVUß Vid 4ù "er1dùa& der M-Jd. t 4en.,, ~bäAd. m.. <<- »» xa tor zoy, meatta uem&Ouwa* MWMSLSSS aWdWattMMMM&iMRaa $M- ! & lMb&Ma XßaMaMjMM em xwwMSMMMataMMMaß'x'sT 0**"44 » M % t"t*rm Nortui der exa dt* y4r14aduxw d*r Imac « tAb* » it deu uerbu » 40= = 4*a i) t NMaMKßS* MwsSM aaä<Mt<KM&b Maa'K&aaaga* 3MsMt$& Mhat&ß'6Maßa* "&Wgk *tb* *leaebo =& idrk « » lro. » Xtd=g der 14*6 » Ub* mit dts 4vArbänd « u* r"104bung tat y4m. ? M<Mp MHMMNMwwaaK'&N MaWMrWWS*1SMMtRas<tMSa Sp3L § ? NMMaWM&jMMMaMH-ast. MjMeHMt d « M ÄXOU$W4K » t*U « 1**r4*24 dmet *u » $W4 « * aaßse&tm'xs % j Mät&mmMf ixS MmaMB iMM mvw. &9 Mä s <w Mi jS g3<sB&$a l. t. Sa3MäMSbw ' aM- ? ? ? ? 8 Maa'eiwMtgSSSM litt* M'HSNMtJN a< cessht <&? ? ? <E MMMMPe% SWt3% aWtaM<hMt S'mM saSw&aMbt&e xaaMKaBMp $<M*'6ws Mae <Ma<aüb<M8a M $M*<atMMNßM'bM* M<ääM&'wßs&e&a att-ur =eh w4am s*,.-txät*t affl, * 1) s » rauh= x=t « t er p » tiu*rt « imontgtabe » u d", si ; tu attastz4 ü » Gitter » b « Uh » x b*V* *4=PAK*kta zu wrau (äft4 2=tjl r4-r du igemo dor Brtt « Mg b**"ht durt14 #4 » di* IA » MttLU « In= JäiMrKüafe saSä ? : &E8a% aa<M SeMSMMhßS 't w<&' ! m& Br1'i : atwr. &<< h8Hht 4ma. a88 41. IJbtpetäh 81.. tunfflubt Wob*. t die ztottiorott 4*r etrkb* imt oxich ffl* Msjgw vwwwaMß. w&w < Sas KtX i y m$ t . 1M .. WO~i 418 ßtelfJskdt <<er 4 agag $ ? ? piss. 4 S&SMMS*3M$1ß' .. Vat~ll>>p... Gt. $tfr \d. r4.. ~iDip - Sawih ac < ? ? ?- ? ? Ms&&MsßMaK <d& % awc saai<kw$<MMK meeiBa w - dM . 1u--Re S\udf>.. U6kelt. mti1t. ? % m t-~a4e. van1muUcht. 1'18. 1 ud 2.. 1... eÛ1e be1. ap1el8W ! 8a 9n1o Fg* tNiKaSfaHag 4*r 31 4 it xßy& lwa% Xmtom ia ar8gel= magota b 4=4, *ettut, iaM $ MgRssSpiSMsg M<w MRaasMasa&s a$ » IM swi 1 UMt vorimob », 4 di* tMt X<a$ piaia t X- <! W ! m& 4 aMMK 4& 4 aaaaM&iß* DX$'&'<MS-e-dM&SNMsaaa' y$3Ht<W, $Si ! t % m' S iMwr$<N* Sy % ta&a. < $aa'e&. < wäMhn. &tss $ m wñ... Detr Ahiad der æ. tDblle' ! * ñchtet a ih aaeh 4- t» * Dor Äbatand der Utn*b**t rtg&tet g) e =eh dt= rKMsjbMa&&a 3$stwa ei » d att 6 bo » telmt. An ] &Bgwt&% wdMtMg* $ aaaM- iAw aF B8M<Mß@$mat wjabMtMa 4a< wMMe ..'t.'MRtr 5.. 4ft'Xeta ~ : t 4-letatuea 11eBdi eMPHSMsawaw äßiamßw &<? s. aati6ge<MMKa as 3MaiWMMraa6i&w w MMM $y $ A£* ausserteht*t *im* aMSM sa'H MXMaaßNSa U. . r-as. I'1*"8'. bA. Mt Ma& <& Va'<& 9 a. mVM-a&g sMaasamamog S VMs&s E j j iasM <ßM B 3. WMa e& g $MM fia <&E&s1Mäasä. *ix*r 1*Cbm* tio » Aohatob » na wird" <yT$'MMM3ü$) t #Am Q » rbanum tolit l"rbvg"zk ima Uld, 031 en tortlüu.. 9<MMMas&was. ixnsMs'' sßi% ty 3P'$ M$ *tixnton Abstame dtb, i# =ob der g*WU=cht*U ÄUMIA au. tea Äba, *, 4. b. ucb der &ftU : chten AUS ! % LlbtsaWb.. tNt. D1. 80 ter'tia. aten 1ea GI"tee 11 klbrJ1 ad..... tapelt w.. lu » Mtäbo 6 » ibet oim vortenhaft M&il TaB M< $ Sa&eT. $ ? $sm äE @ N sgs$s$ ? ? S ...-tau. t ZUg-6'b 111 41. <'1t&rbIMer, öe-41n Z$* Ytrbindmw = dou trt-oizt nitteiin daw Lc&osMW äp sä. mstM am MU* « tamt= 16, b = die ate = d*U Aor sieteten 1, Ooh=& Yt » vheu » i » di, MPI*gt wrd04 » 4d=h *r#bt nig'h *Ue *tob31t =ä ix 48wi » « S, 1=* *Im ze » ßung der 24U0 *uotn=der zu- aNttJMatissMtaaa &. 8& . KM<M& . e ss < ! $ IMMaA. Vag. verummt = dm 4=vhbool=g mt*ut <<a&< y<y% a8g M Fs ttM ? $ sai&pSKßsMgMs&&s XW&tWWfM Kß$M : B&<M<SKt M TrMM as. aXxaxaagsiXas. Nehaag MD,-.... doh aU.. aer VOftä. flW1Mre1UU jawmw<a<B « e -sa i$ &3<S m aaa a ÄM. tgB & <t <4M<aXwaa&ir1MßMaNs hol$ouw WNiMX<XM<Mt<aWWMiaM jtH$Saa : MNNa& MiMMMSMMMß jjjßjj 'on1oh a. ftt. ll1mt. in the. í. ! '14ohu't. ICStt9 Aæ Ei ~ l ..... J SjtMa S fwa $ <f $ 3Hm X for the; Gchtttx of, il = elbuuma jg <m SMasi & cgg . a MNtiM2H3asM4 <i. & - <& a * M. SseMaMMaswMMa a & m <S- aw - $ & S <I wwßMagiMM BwnMdMMMtt MaißRßßaMaaa & aMP @Sw <<a? ? g sf O "r btüte« «t * rtlerZit ** X * that att» would * iMMwa. <W WWMlMßM & MMß 3Wa <WWSMiK $! SSJMN% xMm <w <! wa srnm MMt! MM: & KagMMMiMS $ aMäbs soblimt dead M <-xaMs M SKblMKMsaß aa <CjLM a <%? ? ? .. '1148'- ,. t. faaaWtwA MwMiaMMäMMS Buetell -.... 01 * .- 4e ~. t., n An .. a «wa m8i wWMPMt '& N & a & MFRSß iMMMMM & aaasp MKSt'wett sMaMMM & NMas '? ? ' $ ahaH: SSß <MäN & ne Vaft1 --- L .. Ub1 ... Often around 11 ..- in front of Y * rbiA4W4 4 * 2 * 1449 "tlib *» it ttu ZXK " - because "'- .. pewU- follows. Al. JIl'den'on1oht88- daily <MM yww. f <w saMt <s & KPjß t? ? ? ? ? j? gWW? 3? ? &? Bg? a8? ? aMMtb AaN3MN'w <. a aHMS. 3. <$ % M jjMe AtMasM'SäMMMipMa <a * itMKk'MßaSws aMbM * aMMM% asa & Ns & jbNiea4MW r1ätaa. at. ~ - ,, - gp, aaqerut. 1n4. where 418 .. tWW1KSMMM & Ka * H8. aaaSNS GI tar] I! """" Ehl. 1114. Xe karm Ue Jnor. mc abw ..- tt., 4ua 41. be baw. 4u kril. .. t .. 41 .. tIbIIc8. U. hel1t ... el1 $. \ 1reD., Do "U ... 4 .. 7Ifte1'TOm. ohttra -...% tib: ri'd. d. J3e1 - 14a & -4ft. la4ea tl .. 41. Lif. Dstnbe. "Se '" 11u4-- aterU1a .. ei: ua Auch1as hma in .. tpnch. the . a. r Ll8cUUM a A1JVata TOD 4 ial e- tolpa; VOfttIt U. 80., 1414et- U'btf;., .. 4- WMW Attf $ tew K '&& t <1MPSMg & Kß d «ROM» de * di * Ign £ »tUbe ot * C * b« K-bm 3 = 4 * w MMMWdW MXaS tjM $$ WSrt & MM & SH & Ma * talsei4 w «vmt die» & * formed Ziea »t0 * ym den ati tta. ;. Roof 4R geWitea tJafaas. ... G1 tiera ero1 &'t e1a ie "f .. Jtel'. Mob. A- ..... chew ... Aau. l decr tbe. ou 11t8 wd: na-: aal 4-i1rE1ndVUß Vid 4ù "er1dùa & der M-Jd. t 4en. ,, ~ bäAd. m .. << - »» Xa tor zoy, meatta uem & Ouwa * MWMSLSSS aWdWattMMMM & iMRaa $ M-! & lMb & Ma XßaMaMjMM em xwwMSMMMataMMMaß'x'sT 0 ** "44» M% t "t * rm Nortui der exa dt * y4r14aduxw d * r Imac «tAb *» it deu uerbu »40 = = 4 * a i) t NMaMKßS * MwsSM aaä <Mt <KM & b Maa'K & aaaga * 3MsMt $ & Mhat &ß'6Maßa * "& Wgk * tb * * leaebo = & idrk« »lro.» Xtd = g der 14 * 6 "Ub * with dts 4vArbänd" u * r "104 exercise did y4m. ? M <Mp MHMMNMwwaaK '& N MaWMrWWS * 1SMMtRas <tMSa Sp3L §? NMMaWM & jMMMaMH-ast. MjMeHMt d «M ÄXOU $ W4K» t * U «1 ** r4 * 24 dmet * u» $ W4 «* aaßse &tm'xs% j Mät & mmMf ixS MmaMB iMM mvw. & 9 Mä s <w Mi jS g3 <sB & $ a according to Sa3MäMSbw 'aM- ? ? ? ? 8 Maa'eiwMtgSSSM suffered * M'HSNMtJN a <cessht <&? ? ? <E MMMMPe% SWt3% aWtaM <hMt S'mM saSw & aMbt & e xaaMKaBMp $ <M * '6ws Mae <Ma <aüb <M8a M $ M * <atMMNßM'bM * M <ääM &'wßs& e & a att-ur = eh w4am s *, .- txät * t affl, * 1) s »rough = x = t« t er p »tiu * rt« imontgtabe »ud", si; tu attastz4 ü » Grid »b« Uh »xb * V * * 4 = PAK * kta zu wrau (äft4 2 = tjl r4-r du igemo dor Brtt «Mg b **" ht durt14 # 4 »di * IA» MttLU «In = JäiMrKüafe saSä? : & E8a% aa <M SeMSMMhßS 't w <&'! m & Br1'i: atwr. &<< h8Hht 4ma. a88 41st IJbtpetäh 81 .. tunfflubt Wob *. t the ztottiorott 4 * r etrkb * imt oxich ffl * Msjgw vwwwaMß. w & w <Sas KtX iym $ t . 1M .. WO ~ i 418 stelfJskdt << er 4 agag $? ? piss. 4 S & SMMS * 3M $ 1ß ' .. Vat ~ ll >> p ... Gt. $ tfr \ d. r4 .. ~ iDip - Sawih ac <? ? ? -? ? Ms && MsßMaK <d &% awc saai <kw $ <MMK meeiBa w - dM . 1u - Re S \ udf> .. U6kelt. mti1t. ? % m t- ~ a4e. van1muUcht. 1'18. 1 ud 2 .. 1 ... eÛ1e be1. ap1el8W! 8a 9n1o Fg * tNiKaSfaHag 4 * r 31 4 it xßy & lwa% Xmtom ia ar8gel = magota b 4 = 4, * ettut, iaM $ MgRssSpiSMsg M <w MRaasMasa & s a $ »IM swi 1 UMt vorimob», 4 di * tMt X <a $ piaia t X- <! W! m & 4 aMMK 4 & 4 aaaaM & iß * DX $ '&'<MS-e-dM& SNMsaaa ' y $ 3Ht <W, $ Si! t% m 'S iMwr $ <N * Sy% ta & a. <$ aa'e &. < guess. & tss $ m wñ ... Detr Ahiad der æ. tDblle '! * dont do a ih aaeh 4- t »* Dor Äbatand der Utn * b ** t rtg & tet g) e = eh dt = rKMsjbMa && a 3 $ stwa ei »d att 6 bo» telmt. At ] & Bgwt &% wdMtMg * $ aaaM- iAw aF B8M <Mß @ $ mat wjabMtMa 4a <wMMe .. 't.'MRtr 5 .. 4ft'Xeta ~: t 4-letatuea 11eBdi eMPHSMsawaw äßiamßw &<? see aati6ge <MMKa as 3MayWMMraa6i & w w MMM $ y $ A £ * outside * t * in * aMSM sa'H MXMaaßNSa U. r-as. I'1 * "8 '. BA. Mt Ma &<& Va '<& 9 a. mVM-a & g sMaasamamog S VMs & s E jj iasM <ßM B 3. WMa e & g $ MM fia <& E & s1Mäasä. * ix * r 1 * Cbm * tio »Aohatob» na will " <yT $ 'MMM3ü $) t #Am Q »rbanum tolit l" rbvg "zk ima Uld, 031 en tortlüu .. 9 <MMMas & what. ixnsMs '' sßi% ty 3P '$ M $ * tixnton Abstame dtb, i # = whether the g * WU = cht * U ÄUMIA ouch tea Äba, *, 4. b. ucb der & ftU: chten OFF! % LlbtsaWb .. tNt. D1. 80 ter'tia. aten 1ea GI "tee 11 klbrJ1 ad ..... tapelt w .. lu »Mtäbo 6» ibet oim vorenhaft M & il TaB M <$ Sa & eT. $? $ sm äE @ N sgs $ s $? ? S. ...-dew. t ZUg-6'b 111 41. <'1t & rbIMer, öe-41n Z $ * Ytrbindmw = dou trt-oizt nitteiin daw Lc & osMW äp sä. mstM on MU * «tamt = 16, b = die ate = d * U Aor sieteten 1, Ooh = & Yt »vheu» i »di, MPI * gt wrd04 »4d = h * r # bt nig'h * Ue * tob31t = ä ix 48wi »« S, 1 = * * In the display of the 24U0 * uotn = the to- aNttJMatissMtaaa &. 8th& . KM <M &. e ss <! $ IMMaA. Vague cumulated = dm 4 = vhbool = g mt * ut << a &<y<y% a8g M Fs ttM? $ sai & pSKßsMgMs && s XW & tWWfM Kß $ M: B &<M<SKt M TrMM as. AXxaxaagsiXas. Nehaag MD, -.... doh aU .. aer VOftä. flW1Mre1UU jawmw <a <B «e -sa i $ & 3 <S m aaa a ÄM. tgB & <t <4M <aXwaa & ir1MßMaNs get $ ouw WNiMX <XM <Mt <aWWMiaM jtH $ Saa: MNNa & MiMMMSMMMß yyyyyy

Claims (1)

Ä a a 9 r U 4 b * Anapru. ch.
ßaaxMMMays m. wmsätMm'ae , wl-eat <MPigMMaM$aM MMMsMa'wh m swew$ W1MMMNaMPjSeß8& B* y3EM<$ e111d, 41.... Autlap <<er LtUIB~täbe (6) a. e 1d. 14e. aaa M Ai<Mt a xMa$ ' wsw& <MsßMäaMbsa* jMMM& : &asK*sw&$) msatieRSaspia NW<KäaMaSH*% aM&Na&K ? 3 SIMä* <aMaaXäaMMHH<Mß&g 4ttr 1'..... iel1ea erro1P* uni d » 0 tl* d*r, i » rbau*w (10eil) k= wr 3'tßMs3MMtaMs& a te a1d. a 4ua 11.. er (,) JA 4a. 1.'- Sa. &y'e. xs (t ( exam i. ,.'forr1ohfiag a-AMpa 1 a : : : 2"4adVch MMaMdßtt <MMt<atMay ''v-& ym Xtes. M (15e16) ti, r dte wuerbiwder tiot-11) <3. seh<m M saaaw <M, a ie&S mi3L< (@t y&& « $ &SM ob » te da » tm imtme der » i-tilgh, Vxm 4") retten (iea) =term, h81'&. a. r -<<er .. U- (6j Ueseûe rJiQt'.. a$4. sna..."wl1 (8) Yehen.. tu kö=a. ,. T. 1 : T1oh : MOh 4ea kutpr<<oh 1 b :,-4d\'R'Ch BÙ."'Id....,-4... 41.'LImg8tä'ba 81$ 0110... Jfd
'-oyyi. ehts&jg ar Haa'tlltmg nea its fSr $-e Se&ixt Tn sltmes g's. agimg &' ld b rn W eh adurch ts dasæ A a&xs. ests&t, daah e&esai&Eet as i Ver-' T&ia'Bar Ssgsst&c ( it & ? ?. ab&cn (t an asz durch &sre& sg @ JSsetä =d 4üerbamer =d Vals-zen der dureh die loebung eio& (6b) = der Q= : rband-es gebilde-t ist. 7. Vo=Iohtueg zur uer. Stell=g-einoo Git-bero für-den Scehut To3linselbäen. gg : en : echätllpng durch Wild 0,64g1. $, wobei das *itt-er aug längestabe : u =d b4 ! egga » n agl. &&s itex-s&s sgß8tä@a. ism begsaem arSarn eh a3 ? e& gez-em ass ae Me ( % enQe&at f-aA 41 Sae 4s -Srefl-e't& $ey m&ee M. (@s) agwia&lt siB<
Ä aa 9 r U 4 b * Anapru. ch.
ßaaxMMMays m. wmsätMm'ae , wl-eat <MPigMMaM $ aM MMMsMa'wh m swew $ W1MMMNaMPjSeß8 & B * y3EM <$ e111d, 41 .... Autlap << er LtUIB ~ tabe (6) a. e 1d. 14e. aaa M Ai <Mt a xMa $ ' wsw &<MsßMäaMbsa * jMMM &: & asK * sw & $) msatieRSaspia NW <KäaMaSH *% aM & Na & K? 3 SIMä * <aMaaXäaMMHH <Mß & g 4ttr 1 '..... iel1ea erro1P * uni d »0 tl * d * r, i» rbau * w (10eil) k = wr 3'tßMs3MMtaMs & a te a1d. a 4ua 11 .. he (,) YES 4a. 1.'- Sa. &y'e. xs (t ( exam i. ,. 'forr1ohfiag a-AMpa 1 a::: 2 "4adVch MMaMdßtt <MMt <atMay '' v- & ym Xtes. M. (15e16) ti, r dte wuerbiwder tiot-11) <3. seh <m M saaaw <M, a ie & S mi3L <(@t y && «$ & SM ob »te da» tm imtme der »I-tilgh, Vxm 4") save (iea) = term, h81 '&. a. r - << er .. U- (6j Ueseûe rJiQt '.. a $ 4. sna ... "wl1 (8) Yehen .. tu kö = a. ,. T. 1: T1oh: MOh 4ea kutpr << oh 1 b:, - 4d \ 'R'Ch BÙ. "'Id ...., - 4 ... 41.'LImg8tä'ba 81 $ 0110 ... Jfd
'-oyyi. ehts & jg ar Haa'tlltmg nea its fSr $ -e Se & ixt Tn sltmes g's. agimg &'ld b rn W eh adurch ts dasæ A a & xs. ests & t, daah e & esai & Eet as i Ver ' T &ia'Bar Ssgsst & c (it &??. Ab & cn (t to asz through & sre & sg @ JSsetä = d 4üerbamer = d Vals-zen the through the loebung eio & (6b) = the Q =: rband-es formed-t is. 7. Vo = Iohtueg to the outside. Stell = g-einoo Git-bero for-the Scehut To3linselbänen. gg: en: echätllpng through game 0.64g1. $, where the * itt-er aug length: u = d b4! egga »n like. && s itex-s & s sgß8tä @ a. ism begsaem arSarn eh a3? e & gez-em ass ae Me (% enQe & at f-aA 41 Sae 4s -Srefl-e't & $ ey m & ee M. (@s) agwia & lt siB <
DE1960J0008577 1960-04-13 1960-04-13 DEVICE FOR CREATING A WILDLIFE GRATING FOR INDIVIDUAL TREE. Expired DE1821714U (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE1960J0008577 DE1821714U (en) 1960-04-13 1960-04-13 DEVICE FOR CREATING A WILDLIFE GRATING FOR INDIVIDUAL TREE.

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE1960J0008577 DE1821714U (en) 1960-04-13 1960-04-13 DEVICE FOR CREATING A WILDLIFE GRATING FOR INDIVIDUAL TREE.

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
DE1821714U true DE1821714U (en) 1960-11-17



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
DE1960J0008577 Expired DE1821714U (en) 1960-04-13 1960-04-13 DEVICE FOR CREATING A WILDLIFE GRATING FOR INDIVIDUAL TREE.

Country Status (1)

Country Link
DE (1) DE1821714U (en)

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE1187217B (en) * 1962-05-03 1965-02-18 Ferrotest G M B H Device for the production of reinforced concrete reinforcement mats, in particular glued reinforcement mats at the crossing points
DE1477027A1 (en) * 1964-05-11 1971-11-11 Fastener Corp Method and device for producing nail strips
DE2617696A1 (en) * 1976-04-23 1977-11-03 Stapelmann & Co PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING PRESSED WELDED GRATING

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE1187217B (en) * 1962-05-03 1965-02-18 Ferrotest G M B H Device for the production of reinforced concrete reinforcement mats, in particular glued reinforcement mats at the crossing points
DE1477027A1 (en) * 1964-05-11 1971-11-11 Fastener Corp Method and device for producing nail strips
DE2617696A1 (en) * 1976-04-23 1977-11-03 Stapelmann & Co PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING PRESSED WELDED GRATING

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