Design and control method for electric prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in soft soil foundation under traffic load
Technical Field
The invention belongs to the technical field of urban underground comprehensive pipe gallery construction and management, and particularly relates to a design and control method of a prefabricated electric comprehensive pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under traffic load.
At present, with the development of the urbanization process, the construction of the urban underground comprehensive pipe gallery and the management technology thereof are increasingly improved, but at present, the research on the aspects of the design, the construction technology and the like of the urban comprehensive pipe gallery is still not systematic, the achievement is less, and the urban underground comprehensive pipe gallery is still in the research and experience accumulation stage. Although the technical specification of urban comprehensive pipe gallery engineering GB50838-2015 has been published in China, specific standards are not provided for detailed design, construction methods, materials and equipment and the like. There are still some problems in the utility tunnel construction, restrict its rapid development. The standardization and modularization of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery are important prerequisites for popularizing the underground pipe gallery prefabrication and assembly technology, but the corresponding standard system in China is not complete. The pre-fabricated piping lane does not have complete design standards and acceptance criteria to be followed.
Along with the development of economy and traffic industry in China, urban traffic transportation is highlighted by new characteristics of increased traffic volume, increased load (even overload), accelerated vehicle speed and the like, and the new characteristics of traffic load also bring serious challenges to the normal use and safe operation of underground pipe galleries. Therefore, much attention needs to be paid to the mechanical properties of the underground pipe gallery under the action of traffic load. Repeated action of traffic loads can cause unrecoverable permanent settlement deformation of soft soil foundations. The difference of the upper load of each section and the difference of the uneven deformation resistance of different sections and the like can cause the uneven settlement or the transverse displacement of the underground pipe gallery, and the expansion joint of the pipe gallery is staggered, excessively expanded or extruded; lateral torsion damage of the pipe gallery can be caused by factors such as unilateral settlement or uneven reinforcement. This may cause local overstressing of the piping lane concrete structure and forces and deformations within the structure may exceed limits. Therefore, the influence of factors such as traffic load in soft soil areas is considered, the stress deformation problem of the underground pipe gallery and the corresponding measures such as different structures are deeply researched, and the method has important theoretical significance and engineering application value.
Until now, related research results mainly focus on the aspects of pipe culvert and underground tunnel. The Yuzhuqi develops a tunnel longitudinal similar model test, and researches the influences of the distribution and the properties of the horizontal soil layer under the tunnel, different overloading sizes and action positions of the ground surface, the assembly mode and the like on the stress deformation of the tunnel structure under the action of locally uniformly distributed loads. The longitudinal settlement form of the soil layer under various conditions is analyzed by simulating horizontal uneven soil layers, locally acting uniform loads on the earth surface and the like through a similar structure model test. The royal embodiment adopts a finite element numerical simulation method to analyze the longitudinal settlement reasons of the tunnel, the stress deformation mechanism and the waterproof failure mechanism of the tunnel structure after uneven longitudinal settlement. Wangbezhimi considers that the deformation of the immersed tunnel is mainly caused by the recompression deformation of soft soil, and the change of the pore water pressure inside the soil body and the seepage of water can have great influence on the later settlement. The method is characterized in that Lepeng and the like are used for researching control index values of the non-uniform settlement of the cross-river tunnel caused by longitudinal bending, and meanwhile, reasonable values of relative bending are researched aiming at the non-uniform settlement of the cross-river tunnel caused by circumferential dislocation. The Shanghai city provides a definite control value for the longitudinal curvature radius and the relative bending of the subway shield tunnel. The existing foundation settlement allowable values have large regulation difference, a lot of allowable values are obtained on the basis of engineering experience, and related research results related to underground pipe galleries are few at present.
In the related research field of underground pipe culverts, a series of rock-soil centrifuge tests are carried out by the Boris Rakitin and the Ming Xu to research the response condition of a reinforced concrete pipe with the diameter of 1400mm under the action of traffic load 850k N, and the influence of the depth of an earthing layer and the position and the size of the traffic load on the bending moment of the pipeline is considered. Nelson and Weidlinger studied the dynamic response of pipelines in non-uniform sites and found that the displacement of pipeline joint positions becomes greater as the stiffness of the soil mass changes. Hindy analyzes the pipelines in different media by a method of combining static Mindlin solution with plane dynamic strain, and finds that the pipeline has the maximum stress at the position where the media changes. Kim and the like research the change rule of the soil pressure borne by the underground box type structure by adopting a numerical simulation mode. Wu Xiaogang, Zhang Tuqiao and the like carry out theoretical research on a pipeline stress characteristic analysis model in a soft soil foundation under the action of traffic load on the basis of an elastic theory. The application and the like adopt a Paternak two-parameter foundation model to establish a buried pipe culvert longitudinal mechanical model reasonably considering foundation differential settlement. The research shows that: the deflection, the corner, the bending moment and the shearing force of the pipe culvert structure all have sudden changes at the differential settlement position, and the influence range of all elements by the differential settlement is limited. Wangxu et al analyzed the influence of different soft soil foundation elastic moduli on the longitudinal stress and vertical displacement of the very long culvert. The stress and deformation characteristics of the steel corrugated pipe culvert are researched, the stress and deformation rules under the action of different filling heights and driving loads are analyzed, the condition that the pipe top and the orthogonal position of the pipe top are the most unfavorable for stress and deformation under the action of different filling heights is proved, and the design of soil pressure control at the top of the culvert is provided under the condition of high filling. A series of researches on the mechanical properties and deformation characteristics of buried pipelines under the action of self weight, static load and vehicle load of soil body are carried out, and it is considered that the buried pipelines theoretically have an optimal buried depth, and the danger points of the buried pipelines are related to the constraint conditions at the two ends of the pipelines.
The non-uniformity of the soil layer, the asymmetry of the ground load and the like can cause the load borne by the underground structure to be asymmetric, thereby causing the structural deformation and the change of the internal force, and even causing the integral displacement of the underground structure to one side. Leung C M and Zheng just etc. have studied the lateral part of tunnel and have loosened the angle, the change pattern of the lateral bearing capacity and tunnel structure form of the tunnel under different loosening degrees, etc. According to Bixiangli and the like, the bearing capacity of the through-seam assembled lining is researched through a full-scale test, the bearing capacity safety coefficient of the tunnel structure under the working conditions of top overload and bilateral unloading is obtained, and the stress of the tunnel structure under the condition of bilateral unloading is considered to be more unfavorable. The Wangbu road and the like establish a three-dimensional solid model by adopting ABAQUS, study the influence of ground ballast, a soil lateral pressure coefficient and a soil resistance coefficient on the development of transverse deformation of the tunnel, and provide a judgment index taking the change of the diameter of the tunnel as the property development of the transverse structure of the tunnel. Under the condition that the vertical load on the tunnel is kept unchanged and the horizontal load is reduced, the method researches the relation between the horizontal diameter deformation of the tunnel and the maximum opening amount of the joint, the maximum concrete stress and the like, and provides a deformation control limit value of the cross section of the tunnel. Systematic research results are not much about the influence of surface asymmetric loads. Wupengping establishes a support body-surrounding rock interaction model of a roadway (tunnel) through a large number of field observations, introduces an asymmetric load factor and a structure analysis method, researches the internal force and deformation performance of different types of support bodies under the asymmetric load condition, discusses the influence of asymmetric load on the bearing capacity and the contractible performance of the support bodies, and provides the design elements of the roadway (tunnel) support body under the condition. High-school researches show that the influence of asymmetric load ratio on poor lithology or broken surrounding rocks and a roadway with large width is large, and the roadway bottom pressure can deflect to a certain extent. Zhang Ming et al uses finite element software to construct the three-dimensional model of the steel corrugated pipe culvert under the action of the bias load, contrasts and studies the stress deformation characteristic and the soil pressure around the pipe of the steel corrugated pipe culvert under the action of the bias load and the symmetric load, and determines the maximum value and the form of the horizontal deformation and the vertical deformation of the corrugated pipe under the action of the bias load, and the existence of the bias load can greatly influence the stability of the pipe culvert.
To date, there has been little systematic research, both domestic and foreign, into the relatively new underground structure of the utility tunnel. Marshall AMs theoretically deduce and analyze the interaction between the underground pipe gallery and the soil body from factors such as pipe gallery burial depth, soil body rigidity, force transmission method and the like. The influence of the Sharma J S on the adjacent structure is researched and analyzed, and the settlement deformation caused by the large excavation is considered to be an important reason influencing the rigidity of the structure. Structures that are too rigid are more prone to greater bending moments, which are detrimental to the structure. Hunt D V L elaborates the layout scheme of the pipe gallery in detail, including the influence of factors such as the embedding depth, the setting position and the construction mode of the pipe gallery on the society and the environment, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various types of pipe galleries in detail respectively. The method is characterized in that a shield technology is adopted to construct a pipe gallery under the existing building structure, and a cutoff wall is considered to be adopted to control the deformation of the existing structure caused by foundation settlement; the method for determining the stratum deformation area range caused by underground comprehensive pipe gallery construction is provided, and the width of the area influenced by the construction is determined by the construction specific parameters of a pipe gallery tunnel, the mechanical characteristics of surrounding rock soil bodies and the like.
The underground comprehensive pipe gallery deformation and control research aspects are carried out in China. The Scheiffer university of Shanghai, etc. researches the prefabricated prestressed comprehensive pipe gallery through a full-scale test, and provides a design method of a prefabricated prestressed comprehensive pipe gallery joint. The results show that: under the action of equivalent symmetrical load of four side walls, the joint has better ductility, deformability and safety warning, but the waterproof performance and the integral stress performance of the splicing part of the prefabricated splicing comprehensive pipe gallery are weaker, and the test conditions can not reflect the stress state of an actual structure. Tan Jun et al use fuzzy theory to assess utility tunnel's security. The existing conditions of the comprehensive pipe gallery, such as steel bar corrosion, concrete cracking, structural water seepage, soil liquefaction and other factors, are considered, the bearing capacity is reduced along with the increase of the corrosion degree of the steel bars, and the influence of the soil liquefaction on the structural settlement is obvious. The field is mysterious, the ginger flood bin and the like, stress performance test research is carried out on the pipe gallery connecting node and the whole cross section, but the research is not carried out on the bonding performance of the overlapped surface directly influencing the structural overall performance, and the pipe gallery longitudinal connecting performance under the effects of uneven settlement and slippage of the longitudinal foundation of the pipe gallery and earthquake. The method is characterized in that QukowIng et al are based on a continuous medium finite element method, ABAQUS is utilized to establish a three-dimensional finite element model of a soil body and a pipe gallery, numerical simulation calculation is carried out on stress distribution and displacement change of the soil body and the pipe gallery in a normal use stage, and comparative analysis is carried out on the stress and displacement change of key parts of the pipe gallery under different burial depths. The polygala tenuifolia analyzes the respective characteristics of several main calculation modes of the comprehensive pipe gallery structure, and finite element software (Midas Gen) is adopted to perform static analysis on a proposed single-cabin and double-cabin underground pipe gallery structure respectively, but the dynamic load characteristic and the long-term influence of the vehicle are not considered.
With respect to the dynamic characteristics of the underground utility tunnel, the results have mainly focused on seismic action research. O' Rourk and the like analyze the stress characteristics of the comprehensive pipe gallery under the earthquake condition, and obtain that the earthquake damage is caused by the combined action of the relative deformation of surrounding soil bodies and earthquake waves, which indicates that the movement of the soil and the excitation of the earthquake are the primary reasons for the instability of underground space structures such as the pipe gallery. Beaty studied the destruction of the utility tunnel due to liquefaction; shamsabadi and the like research the soil-knot interaction mechanism of the comprehensive pipe gallery and the surrounding soil body and provide a reinforcement scheme according to the results. Kimura et al discuss the improvement effect of the construction method optimization on the seismic performance of the comprehensive pipe gallery. Grigorios Tsinidis studied the dynamic response of tunnels in soft soil foundations under lateral seismic excitation. Li Jie et al analyzed the phenomenon of the utility tunnel shaking table model experiment through a longitudinal seismic excitation experiment. The earthquake response analysis of the comprehensive pipe gallery is carried out by using the experiment and numerical simulation technology, and the result shows that: there is a fairly significant soil-knot interaction in the dynamic reaction of utility tunnels. The method is characterized in that the FLAC software is utilized by the Yankee, the Wang-Hengdong and the like, Kobe seismic motion input is adopted to perform seismic response analysis on the underground comprehensive pipe gallery in the liquefied soil, and the change rules of soil body acceleration, super pore pressure ratio, deformation of the pipe gallery and the soil body and structural internal force are explored. The leaf flies use ABAQUS software to perform three-dimensional seismic response analysis on a comprehensive pipe gallery, surrounding soil bodies and a pipeline system of the pier in the ditch. The model test research of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery large-scale vibrating table is carried out by the Schwarrior, the Liuzhihong and the like, and the boundary effect, the soil acceleration response, the deformation response and the dynamic response of a joint of a model box are researched. The research results of applied will show that: under the condition of the same reduction coefficient, compared with the static force action, the structural internal force under the action of the dynamic force is obviously increased. The existing achievements can provide basic theoretical basis for the research and design of the stress performance of the prefabricated and assembled comprehensive pipe gallery under the action of earthquake.
With regard to traffic loads and their effect on underground structures. Yamamoto and the like theoretically and numerically research the influence of ground load on a bidirectional tunnel in soft soil under a plane strain condition, and finite element software is used for simulating the load continuously loaded on the ground and the smooth interface condition. Researches on vengean jade, Rongying and the like consider that the influence of wheel load change on vertical additional stress in the roadbed is larger. The influence depth of dynamic response caused by driving load in the soft soil foundation is generally within the range of 6-10 m. The Cao Li Ling research considers that the excessive overload rate and the excessive fast and slow running speeds can cause the roadbed response to be enhanced, and the influence on a road structure system is large. The additive effect of the loading is evident with increasing depth.
The existing research shows that: the vibration collapse caused by dynamic disturbance is the cause of settlement of soft soil tunnel. The Shanghai pump road tunnel causes longitudinal uneven settlement due to ground overload, and water leakage is serious once. The Piemangxing and the like simulate the vehicle load as the sum of the dead weight and the sinusoidal load, and the response of the shallow tunnel lining to the vehicle load is researched. Shaozhoushan etc. have studied the influence of driving load to shallow loess tunnel stability of burying. The earth surface load and the stress condition of the shallow tunnel under the surrounding rock earthing are obtained in Song Haoran and the like, and the law of influence of the radius of the tunnel, the earth surface load and the like on the stability of the surrounding rock is analyzed. The utility tunnel buries underground structure as shallowly, and its vehicle power effect is more showing. Therefore, the actual effect of the vehicle load is taken into full account when designing the underground utility tunnel. However, no typical results have been found in the study of the dynamic characteristics of the underground utility tunnel under traffic load.
It can be seen from the existing relevant research results that the current research on the tunnel dynamic response under traffic load mainly focuses on the aspect of dynamic analysis under simple axisymmetric load, which is far different from the tunnel dynamic response under the action of general traffic load (usually, non-axisymmetric).
Because the process of constructing underground pipe gallery and subway, tunnel and underground pipe culvert is similar, therefore, in actual work, the underground pipe gallery is often constructed according to experience and the standard which is equal to or higher than the relevant standard, but the underground pipe gallery and the subway, tunnel and underground pipe culvert structure have little difference in function and demand, and the design standard requirement of the underground pipe gallery is adapted to the underground pipe culvert structure. From the mode of bearing the load, city underground pipe gallery buries the depth, regards soil pressure as the leading control factor of structural behavior, and it is disturbed greatly by the traffic load. In the utility tunnel project under the soft soil geological condition, the mutual influence among all structures or parts is more obvious. At present, the calculation assumption of a structure calculation model adopted by underground comprehensive pipe gallery engineering is different from the actual situation to a certain extent, and the influence of the structure under the action of asymmetric load is not considered, including the transverse and longitudinal deformation and internal force of the pipe gallery structure under the action of the asymmetric load, and the change calculation of soil pressure is not considered.
In summary, the mechanical behavior response of the underground pipe gallery structure under the soft soil geological condition, the damage or the disease of each part and the mechanism thereof are rarely deeply researched at home and abroad at present, and various adverse effects of vehicle load (especially heavy load) and the impact action thereof on the shallow underground pipe gallery structure under the actual traffic state are rarely considered. The knowledge of the deformation mechanism and the rule of the operation pipe gallery under the action of traffic load and the research of the allowable deformation control method are still insufficient. The design and construction of the utility tunnel in the city utility tunnel engineering technical specification do not clearly stipulate how to consider the effects of the surrounding vehicle load and the like. The structural safety in the deformation development process is measured by adopting which index, the problems of how to determine the control standard and the like are lack of achievements for engineering reference, and particularly the safety of the behaviour of the comprehensive pipe gallery structure in a soft soil area needs to be further and deeply researched. Prefabrication becomes the main direction of the structural design development of underground comprehensive pipe galleries in recent years in China, and the practical and theoretical requirements are provided for the mechanical properties and control of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe galleries in soft soil foundations under the influence of traffic loads. Therefore, the system is necessary to research the dynamic response and the dynamic interaction mechanism of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load.
Through the above analysis, the problems and defects of the prior art are as follows:
(1) although the technical specification of urban comprehensive pipe gallery engineering GB50838-2015 has been published and implemented in China, specific standards are not given for detailed design, construction methods, materials and equipment and the like, and corresponding standard systems in China are still imperfect.
(2) The existing foundation settlement allowable values have large specified difference, a plurality of allowable values are obtained on the basis of engineering experience, and related research results related to underground pipe galleries are few at present; the system research on the underground comprehensive pipe gallery which is a relatively novel underground structure is less at home and abroad, and meanwhile, no representative result is seen in the aspect of the dynamic characteristic research of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery under the action of traffic load.
(3) In the prior art, finite element software (Midas Gen) is adopted to carry out static analysis on a proposed underground pipe gallery structure with a single cabin and a double cabin respectively, but the dynamic load characteristic and the long-term influence of the vehicle are not considered.
(4) At present, research on tunnel dynamic response under traffic load mainly focuses on the aspect of dynamic analysis under simple axisymmetric load, which is far different from tunnel dynamic response under the action of general traffic load (generally non-axisymmetric).
(5) The calculation assumption of the structure calculation model adopted by the existing underground comprehensive pipe gallery engineering is different from the actual situation to a certain extent, and the influence of the structure under the action of asymmetric load is not considered, including the transverse and longitudinal deformation and the internal force of the pipe gallery structure under the action of the asymmetric load, and the change calculation of the soil pressure is not considered.
(6) At present, the mechanical behavior response of the underground pipe gallery structure under the soft soil geological condition, the damage or the disease of each part and the mechanism thereof are rarely deeply researched at home and abroad, and various adverse effects of vehicle load (especially heavy load) and the impact action thereof on the shallow underground pipe gallery structure under the actual traffic state are rarely considered.
(7) The prior art is still lack of understanding of the deformation mechanism and the rule of the operation pipe gallery under the action of traffic load and research of an allowable deformation control method, and the design and construction of the comprehensive pipe gallery in the engineering technical specification of the urban comprehensive pipe gallery are not clearly specified to consider the action of peripheral vehicle load and the like.
The difficulty in solving the above problems and defects is:
the significance of solving the problems and the defects is as follows:
disclosure of Invention
Aiming at the problems in the prior art, the invention provides a design and control method of a prefabricated electric comprehensive pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under traffic load.
The invention is realized in such a way that a method for designing and controlling a prefabricated power comprehensive pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under a traffic load comprises the following steps:
determining the dynamic response characteristic of a prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under a traffic load;
determining an energy transfer and deformation mechanism of a prefabricated pipe gallery system in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load;
and step three, determining an analysis theory and a calculation method of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load.
Further, in step one, confirm prefabricated utility tunnel dynamic response characteristic in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load, include:
based on a large scale model test, determining the dynamic response characteristic of a power interaction system of a typical structure of a prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery under the action of traffic load, analyzing the longitudinal and transverse stress, deformation characteristics and change rules of the typical prefabricated assembled pipe gallery structure when relevant parameters change in terms of soil layer properties, vehicle load, vehicle dynamic load coefficient, pipe gallery-to-lane distance and pipe gallery earthing and burying depth, determining a response action mechanism, and establishing a dynamic response characteristic analysis model and a theoretical calculation method of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under the traffic load.
Further, in step two, confirm prefabricated pipe gallery system energy transfer and deformation mechanism in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load, include:
on the basis of a model test, based on an energy principle, three-dimensional fine modeling analysis is carried out on a soft soil-pipe gallery nonlinear system, the energy transfer process of the soft soil-pipe gallery system under the traffic load effect is analyzed, and the damage failure mechanism of a typical prefabricated pipe gallery structure stress deformation mode in a soft soil foundation including a pipe gallery typical joint structure is determined.
Further, in step three, the method for determining the analysis theory and calculation method of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load comprises the following steps:
based on the determined dynamic response characteristic of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load and the energy transfer and deformation mechanism of the prefabricated pipe gallery system in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load, the change rule of the soil pressure and the force in the prefabricated pipe gallery structure along with time is systematically analyzed based on the elastoplasticity theory and the soil-pipe gallery interaction; through numerical simulation analysis of a refined finite element model, deformation, strength and rigidity characteristics of the prefabricated pipe gallery structure in the soft soil foundation are determined, an analysis theory, a model and a calculation method of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery structure of the soft soil foundation are established, and design control indexes are provided.
Further, the design and control method of the electric prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load further comprises the following steps:
based on a similarity theory and an orthogonal test design theory, the design of an indoor model test is guided, and a stress, displacement, deformation development mode and a failure mechanism of the model under the action of traffic load are determined by carrying out a dynamic loading test on a physical model.
Further, the design and control method of the electric prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load further comprises the following steps:
the method comprises the steps of determining a modeling method of a prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery under the condition of a soft soil foundation based on a model test, wherein an underground comprehensive pipe gallery structure mechanical analysis model is established by selecting a soil body constitutive model, determining parameters of a concrete damage plasticity model, establishing artificial boundary conditions, simulating soil-pipe gallery interaction and inputting traffic loads; analyzing the change characteristic of the structural internal force of the prefabricated pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the influence of relevant factors along with time under the action of asymmetric traffic load through three-dimensional dynamic elastoplasticity finite element analysis; and carrying out fine modeling analysis on the typical joint, and analyzing the stress and deformation of the typical joint under the action of asymmetric traffic load by a system, and analyzing the damage failure mechanism and the joint failure mode of the joint of the pipe gallery.
Further, the design and control method of the electric prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load further comprises the following steps:
analyzing nonlinear characteristics between elements in the system and between the elements and the interaction with an external system in the process from inoculation, excitation to development of corridor deformation and damage in a soft soil foundation under asymmetric traffic load, and researching the damage and damage behaviors of the nonlinear power system in the process of space-time evolution by adopting mutation and dynamics theories;
calculating the safety coefficient and the permanent displacement of the prefabricated assembled underground pipe gallery structure in the soft soil foundation under the action of traffic load by adopting a strength reduction technology; the damage effect and the damage law of the underground pipe gallery under the traffic load effect are analyzed, the damage mechanism of the underground pipe gallery system is determined by combining theoretical calculation results and test data, and meanwhile, the comprehensive pipe gallery structure analysis and design method and the control indexes in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load are provided.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a system for designing and controlling a prefabricated power utility tunnel in a soft soil foundation under traffic load, which uses the method for designing and controlling a prefabricated power utility tunnel in a soft soil foundation under traffic load, wherein the system for designing and controlling a prefabricated power utility tunnel in a soft soil foundation under traffic load comprises:
the model building module is used for building a dynamic response characteristic analysis model of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load based on a large scale model test;
the dynamic response characteristic determining module is used for determining the dynamic response characteristic of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load based on the dynamic response characteristic analysis model of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load;
the system comprises a mechanism determining module, a three-dimensional fine modeling analysis module and a control module, wherein the mechanism determining module is used for carrying out three-dimensional fine modeling analysis on a soft soil-pipe gallery nonlinear system based on an energy principle and determining the energy transmission and deformation mechanism of a prefabricated pipe gallery system in a soft soil foundation under a traffic load;
and the underground comprehensive pipe gallery analysis module is used for determining an analysis theory and a calculation method of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load and providing a design control index.
It is a further object of the invention to provide a computer device comprising a memory and a processor, the memory storing a computer program which, when executed by the processor, causes the processor to perform the steps of:
(1) determining the dynamic response characteristic of a prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under traffic load;
(2) determining an energy transfer and deformation mechanism of a prefabricated pipe gallery system in a soft soil foundation under a traffic load;
(3) and determining an analysis theory and a calculation method of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load.
Another object of the present invention is to provide an information data processing terminal, wherein the information data processing terminal is used for implementing a design and control system for a prefabricated power comprehensive pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under the traffic load.
By combining all the technical schemes, the invention has the advantages and positive effects that: according to the design and control method of the electric prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load, the dynamic reaction of the prefabricated underground pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load and the dynamic interaction of the soft soil and the pipe gallery are researched for the first time, and the stress deformation mechanism and the damage mode of the pipe gallery structure of the soft soil foundation under the traffic load are disclosed; the structure analysis theory of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery is perfected, and an analysis model, a calculation technology and a design control method of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load are provided.
According to the invention, through full-scale model tests, three-dimensional numerical models and theoretical researches, combined with field test verification, the dynamic response rule of a typical prefabricated pipe gallery structure in a soft soil foundation under the action of traffic load is deeply researched, the energy transfer process of a soft soil-pipe gallery system under the action of traffic load is disclosed, and the stress mechanism, deformation, strength and rigidity characteristics of the prefabricated pipe gallery structure in the soft soil foundation are proved; the dynamic response characteristic analysis model of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load is provided, the analysis theory and the calculation method of the structure of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery of the soft soil foundation are established, the design control index is provided, and theoretical basis can be provided for pipe gallery design, construction, structural condition risk assessment and the like.
The invention deeply studies the stress and deformation characteristics of the prefabricated underground comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load, particularly the influence of the asymmetric traffic load on the structure of the pipe gallery and corresponding deformation control indexes, and pays attention to the foundation, originality and interdisciplinary property of the study. Meanwhile, the invention combines physical model test, three-dimensional numerical analysis and field test, develops the dynamic characteristics of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil area and the research on the dynamic interaction of the soft soil and the pipe gallery under the action of traffic load under the theoretical frames of mechanics, underground space engineering and the like, and has distinct characteristics in theory and method, in particular as follows:
(1) based on theories such as a nonlinear theory, a soft soil-pipe gallery interaction and the like, a method of combining a three-dimensional fine physical mechanical model test and a three-dimensional fine numerical model is provided, the influence rule of multiple parameters on the structural performance of the pipe gallery is searched, a fine modeling theory of the pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under the action of traffic load is established, the simulation of a pipe gallery damage mechanism is realized through a dynamic finite element method, and the pipe gallery structure and a shear connector damage mode and damage criterion thereof are disclosed;
(2) aiming at the dynamics problem of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load, a sudden change theory, damage fracture mechanics and a dynamics theory are adopted, the influence of nonlinear effect of damage and damage of the pipe gallery and dynamic coupling of an environmental medium is considered, and the stress characteristic and the working performance of the pipe gallery structure are revealed through theoretical analysis, finite element fine model analysis and experimental research; the method is used for researching a failure mechanism and a performance evaluation method of the prefabricated pipe gallery under the action of traffic load from a macroscopic level and a microscopic level, and establishing a design theory and a method of a prefabricated pipe gallery structure.
(3) The method has better theoretical basis and research accumulation in the aspects of deformation and stability analysis of geotechnical and underground structures, multi-field coupling mechanism and model, fracture damage and progressive failure theory, numerical simulation, engineering structure earthquake resistance and the like.
(4) According to the invention, not only is the aging macroscopic mechanical response of the underground pipe gallery under the action of traffic load emphasized, but also the evolution of physical mechanism and structural characteristics on a microscopic scale is emphasized; the modeling and the test of the three-dimensional fine mechanical physical model are emphasized, the modeling and the analysis of the three-dimensional fine numerical model are emphasized, the model test research and the theoretical analysis are emphasized, and the inherent unification of the model test, the numerical simulation and the theoretical analysis and the macro and the micro is realized.
(5) According to the invention, through absorbing the advanced theoretical achievements of multiple disciplines such as soil dynamics, underground engineering, damage fracture mechanics, mutation theory, nonlinear theory and the like, comprehensive research methods such as indoor tests, theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and the like are adopted, the combination of theoretical research and experimental research, the combination of qualitative description and quantitative analysis, the combination of macroscopic mechanics analysis and microscopic mechanism research and the combination of numerical simulation and experimental verification are emphasized, and thus a correct technical approach is provided for the success of the invention.
Therefore, the invention can make a breakthrough in the aspects of comprehensive pipe gallery mechanical behavior, soft soil-structure interaction mechanism and design control in the soft soil foundation under the action of traffic load, and realize the expected research goal.
In order to more clearly illustrate the technical solutions of the embodiments of the present invention, the drawings required to be used in the embodiments of the present invention will be briefly described below, and it is obvious that the drawings described below are only some embodiments of the present invention, and it is obvious for those skilled in the art that other drawings can be obtained according to the drawings without creative efforts.
Fig. 1 is a flow chart of a method for designing and controlling a prefabricated power comprehensive pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under traffic load according to an embodiment of the invention.
Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram of a design and control method of a prefabricated power comprehensive pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under traffic load according to an embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 3 is a structural block diagram of a design and control system of a prefabricated power comprehensive pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under traffic load according to an embodiment of the present invention;
in the figure: 1. a model building module; 2. a dynamic response characteristic determination module; 3. a mechanism determination module; 4. utility tunnel analysis module.
Detailed Description
In order to make the objects, technical solutions and advantages of the present invention more apparent, the present invention is further described in detail with reference to the following embodiments. It should be understood that the specific embodiments described herein are merely illustrative of the invention and are not intended to limit the invention.
Aiming at the problems in the prior art, the invention provides a design and control method of a prefabricated power comprehensive pipe rack in a soft soil foundation under traffic load, and the invention is described in detail by combining the attached drawings.
As shown in fig. 1, the method for designing and controlling the electric prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load provided by the embodiment of the invention comprises the following steps:
s101, determining the dynamic response characteristic of a prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under a traffic load;
s102, determining an energy transfer and deformation mechanism of a prefabricated pipe gallery system in a soft soil foundation under a traffic load;
and S103, determining an analysis theory and a calculation method of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load.
The schematic diagram of the design and control method of the electric prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load is shown in figure 2.
As shown in fig. 3, the system for designing and controlling a prefabricated power utility tunnel in a soft soil foundation under traffic load according to the embodiment of the present invention includes:
the model building module 1 is used for building a dynamic response characteristic analysis model of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under traffic load based on a large scale model test;
the dynamic response characteristic determining module 2 is used for determining the dynamic response characteristic of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load based on the dynamic response characteristic analysis model of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load;
the mechanism determining module 3 is used for carrying out three-dimensional fine modeling analysis on the soft soil-pipe gallery nonlinear system based on an energy principle, and determining the energy transfer and deformation mechanism of the prefabricated pipe gallery system in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load;
and the underground comprehensive pipe gallery analysis module 4 is used for determining an analysis theory and a calculation method of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load and providing a design control index.
The technical solution of the present invention will be further described with reference to the following examples.
1. Summary of the invention, objects, and key scientific problems solved
1.1 summary of the invention
1) Study on dynamic response characteristics of prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in soft soil foundation under traffic load
Based on a large scale model test, the dynamic response characteristic of a power interaction system of a typical structure of a prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery under the action of traffic load is researched, the longitudinal and transverse stress, deformation characteristics and change rules of the typical prefabricated assembled pipe gallery structure when relevant parameters change are analyzed from the aspects of soil layer properties, vehicle load, vehicle dynamic load coefficient, pipe gallery-to-lane distance, pipe gallery earthing and burying depth and the like, the response action mechanism of the typical prefabricated assembled pipe gallery structure is explored, and an analysis model and a theoretical calculation method for the dynamic response characteristic of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under the traffic load are established.
2) Energy transfer and deformation mechanism research of prefabricated pipe gallery system in soft soil foundation under traffic load
On the basis of a model test, based on an energy principle, three-dimensional fine modeling analysis is carried out on a soft soil-pipe gallery nonlinear system, the energy transfer process of the soft soil-pipe gallery system under the action of traffic load is deeply researched, and the damage failure mechanism of a typical prefabricated pipe gallery structure in a soft soil foundation including a typical pipe gallery joint structure is proved.
3) Research on analysis theory and calculation method of underground comprehensive pipe gallery in soft soil foundation under traffic load
On the basis of the research, the change rule of soil pressure and the change rule of the internal force of the prefabricated pipe gallery structure along with time are systematically researched based on the elastoplasticity theory and the soil-pipe gallery interaction, the deformation, strength and rigidity characteristics of the prefabricated pipe gallery structure in the soft soil foundation are revealed through the numerical simulation analysis of a refined finite element model, the analysis theory, the model and the calculation method of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery structure of the soft soil foundation are established, and design control indexes are provided.
1.2 objects of the invention
According to the invention, through full-scale model tests, three-dimensional numerical models and theoretical researches, combined with field test verification, the dynamic response rule of a typical prefabricated pipe gallery structure in a soft soil foundation under the action of traffic load is deeply researched, the energy transfer process of a soft soil-pipe gallery system under the action of traffic load is disclosed, and the stress mechanism, deformation, strength and rigidity characteristics of the prefabricated pipe gallery structure in the soft soil foundation are proved; the dynamic response characteristic analysis model of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load is provided, the analysis theory and the calculation method of the structure of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery of the soft soil foundation are established, the design control index is provided, and theoretical basis can be provided for pipe gallery design, construction, structural condition risk assessment and the like.
1.3 Key scientific problems to solve
1) Soft soil foundation prefabricated pipe gallery nonlinear system dynamic response characteristic and energy transfer mechanism under traffic load effect
In order to essentially understand and master the influence rule of the traffic load on the stress and deformation of the prefabricated assembled comprehensive pipe gallery structure in the soft soil foundation, the load characteristic is used for generating settlement, inclination, deflection and torsion on the horizontal direction and the longitudinal direction of the pipe gallery structure, and based on a model test, the research on the dynamic response characteristic of the pipe gallery and the energy transfer mechanism of a soft soil-pipe gallery nonlinear system is the key for establishing a comprehensive pipe gallery analysis model in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load.
2) Comprehensive pipe gallery analysis model in soft soil foundation and calculation method
Based on the interaction of the soil-pipe gallery structure, the relation between the soil pressure and the structural displacement deformation of the prefabricated assembly type comprehensive pipe gallery structure in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load effect is established, and a pipe gallery structure calculation optimization analysis model and an analysis method are established, so that the method is the key for establishing the analysis theory and the design method of the prefabricated pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load.
2. Invention scheme and feasibility analysis
2.1 schemes of the invention
The invention deeply studies the stress and deformation characteristics of the prefabricated underground comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load, particularly the influence of the asymmetric traffic load on the pipe gallery structure and corresponding deformation control indexes, and pays attention to the basic property, originality and interdisciplinary property of the study.
2.1.1 methods of investigation
(1) And (4) experimental study. Based on a similarity theory and an orthogonal test design theory, the design of an indoor model test is guided, and a stress, displacement, deformation development mode and a failure mechanism of the model under the action of traffic load are deeply researched by carrying out a dynamic loading test on a physical model.
(2) And (4) carrying out numerical simulation research. On the basis of a model test, a modeling method of a prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery under the condition of a soft soil foundation is researched, wherein a mechanical analysis model of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery structure is established by selecting a soil body constitutive model, determining parameters of a concrete damage plasticity model, establishing artificial boundary conditions, simulating soil-pipe gallery interaction, inputting a traffic load and the like. Through three-dimensional dynamic elastoplasticity finite element analysis, the change characteristic of the internal force of the structure of the prefabricated pipe gallery under the action of asymmetric traffic load in the soft soil foundation under the influence of relevant factors along with time is researched. And carrying out fine modeling analysis on the typical joint, systematically researching the stress and deformation of the typical joint under the action of asymmetric traffic load, and analyzing the damage failure mechanism and the joint failure mode of the pipe gallery joint.
(3) And (4) theoretical research. In the process from inoculation, excitation to development of corridor deformation and damage in a soft soil foundation under asymmetric traffic load, nonlinear characteristics between elements in the system and interaction between the elements and an external system are deeply analyzed, and the damage and damage behaviors of the nonlinear power system in the process of space-time evolution are researched by adopting mutation and dynamics theories. And calculating the safety factor and the permanent displacement of the prefabricated assembled underground pipe gallery structure in the soft soil foundation under the action of the traffic load by adopting a strength reduction technology. The damage effect and the rule of the underground pipe gallery under the action of traffic load are deeply researched, and the damage and damage mechanism of the underground pipe gallery system is proved by combining theoretical calculation results and test data. And providing a comprehensive pipe gallery structure analysis and design method and control indexes in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load.
2.1.2 technical route (see FIG. 2)
2.1.3 means of experiment
On the basis of theoretical analysis, an entity model is established, the dynamic response characteristics of the typical structure of the prefabricated pipe gallery under the actual traffic load are analyzed by utilizing physical simulation, and the dynamic characteristics of the three-dimensional space of the prefabricated pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the actual traffic load are comprehensively reflected by mutual comparison, supplement and verification, so that the stress deformation characteristics of the three-dimensional full space of the pipe gallery structure are accurately described.
2.1.4 Key technologies
(1) In order to reveal the whole stress characteristic of the pipe gallery structure in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load, a large-scale assembly type comprehensive pipe gallery structure test model is manufactured to carry out a dynamic load test. How to determine the similarity relation and process the boundary condition of the model relates to the effect and the measurement precision of the model test.
(2) Based on the nonlinear theory and the interaction of the soft soil and the pipe gallery, a reasonable calculation mechanical analysis model of the three-dimensional structure of the prefabricated pipe gallery is established to research the nonlinear dynamic effect of the pipe gallery structure in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load effect, and the method is one of key technologies for essentially revealing the stress deformation rule of the prefabricated pipe gallery structure.
2.2 feasibility analysis
(1) In the aspect of research foundation, project applicants and project group main members are engaged in scientific research works in the aspects of deformation and stability analysis of geotechnical and underground structures, geotechnical numerical simulation, seismic resistance of engineering structures and the like for a long time, undertake or participate in multiple national science foundation projects, Hunan province natural science foundation projects, provincial department level scientific and technical customs offense projects and other hall level projects related to the method, and have better theoretical foundation and research accumulation in the aspects of deformation and stability analysis of geotechnical and underground structures, multi-field coupling mechanism and model, fracture damage and progressive damage theory, numerical simulation, seismic resistance of engineering structures and the like.
(2) In the aspect of academic thinking, the invention not only attaches importance to the aging macroscopic mechanical response of the underground pipe gallery under the action of traffic load, but also attaches importance to the evolution of physical mechanism and structural characteristics on the microscopic scale; the method emphasizes the modeling and the test of the three-dimensional fine mechanics physical model, emphasizes the modeling and the analysis of the three-dimensional fine numerical model, emphasizes the model test research and emphasizes the theoretical analysis, thereby realizing the organic integration of the model test, the numerical simulation and the theoretical analysis and the inherent unification of the macro and the micro.
(3) In the aspect of research methods, comprehensive research methods such as indoor tests, theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and the like are adopted through multidisciplinary leading-edge theoretical achievements such as soil absorption dynamics, underground engineering, damage fracture mechanics, mutation theory, nonlinear theory and the like, and the combination of theoretical research and experimental research, the combination of qualitative description and quantitative analysis, the combination of macroscopic mechanics analysis and microscopic mechanism research and the combination of numerical simulation and experimental verification are emphasized, so that a correct technical approach is provided for the success of the invention.
Therefore, through the cooperation of the project group, the comprehensive pipe gallery mechanical behavior in the soft soil foundation under the action of traffic load, the interaction mechanism of the soft soil and the structure and the design control can make a breakthrough, and the expected research target is realized.
3. The features and innovation of the present invention
3.1 features of the invention
The invention combines physical model test, three-dimensional numerical analysis and field test, develops the dynamic characteristics of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil area under the action of traffic load and the research on the dynamic interaction of the soft soil and the pipe gallery under the action of mechanics, underground space engineering and other theoretical frames, and has distinct characteristics in theory and method.
(1) Based on theories such as a nonlinear theory, a soft soil-pipe gallery interaction and the like, a method of combining a three-dimensional fine physical mechanical model test and a three-dimensional fine numerical model is provided, the influence rule of multiple parameters on the structural performance of the pipe gallery is searched, a fine modeling theory of the pipe gallery in a soft soil foundation under the action of traffic load is established, the simulation of a pipe gallery damage mechanism is realized through a dynamic finite element method, and the pipe gallery structure and a shear connector damage mode and damage criterion thereof are disclosed;
(2) aiming at the dynamics problem of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load, a sudden change theory, damage fracture mechanics and a dynamics theory are adopted, the influence of the nonlinear effect of damage and damage of the pipe gallery and the dynamic coupling of an environmental medium is considered, and the stress characteristic and the working performance of the pipe gallery structure are revealed through theoretical analysis, finite element fine model analysis and experimental research. The method is used for researching a failure mechanism and a performance evaluation method of the prefabricated pipe gallery under the action of traffic load from a macroscopic level and a microscopic level, and establishing a design theory and a method of a prefabricated pipe gallery structure.
3.2 innovations of the invention
(1) The dynamic reaction and the dynamic interaction of the soft soil and the pipe gallery of the prefabricated assembled underground pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load are researched for the first time, and the stress deformation mechanism and the failure mode of the pipe gallery structure of the soft soil foundation under the traffic load are disclosed;
(2) the structure analysis theory of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery is perfected, and an analysis model, a calculation technology and a design control method of the prefabricated comprehensive pipe gallery in the soft soil foundation under the traffic load are provided.
Demonstration part (concrete example/experiment/simulation/positive experimental data capable of proving inventiveness of the present invention, etc.)
In the above embodiments, the implementation may be wholly or partially realized by software, hardware, firmware, or any combination thereof. When used in whole or in part, can be implemented in a computer program product that includes one or more computer instructions. When loaded or executed on a computer, cause the flow or functions according to embodiments of the invention to occur, in whole or in part. The computer may be a general purpose computer, a special purpose computer, a network of computers, or other programmable device. The computer instructions may be stored in a computer readable storage medium or transmitted from one computer readable storage medium to another computer readable storage medium, for example, the computer instructions may be transmitted from one website, computer, server, or data center to another website, computer, server, or data center via wire (e.g., coaxial cable, fiber optic, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), or wireless (e.g., infrared, wireless, microwave, etc.)). The computer-readable storage medium can be any available medium that can be accessed by a computer or a data storage device, such as a server, a data center, etc., that includes one or more of the available media. The usable medium may be a magnetic medium (e.g., floppy Disk, hard Disk, magnetic tape), an optical medium (e.g., DVD), or a semiconductor medium (e.g., Solid State Disk (SSD)), among others.
The above description is only for the purpose of illustrating the present invention and the appended claims are not to be construed as limiting the scope of the invention, which is intended to cover all modifications, equivalents and improvements that are within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.