Summary of the invention
The invention provides a kind of constant-current controller that can conveniently adjust output current size.
A constant-current controller, comprises mark sensor adapter circuit, triggers input and trigger polarity selecting circuit, output current intensity regulating circuit, steady current generation and output circuit; The input end of mark sensor adapter circuit is connected with mark sensor, the signal output part of mark sensor adapter circuit is connected with the signal input part of output current intensity regulating circuit, the signal output part of output current intensity regulating circuit produces and is connected with the current signal input end of output circuit with steady current, trigger input and be connected with trigger source with the signal input part that triggers polarity selecting circuit, trigger input and produce and be connected with the trigger pip input end of output circuit with steady current with the signal output part that triggers polarity selecting circuit;
Mark sensor adapter circuit identification marking sensor, and identification signal is sent to output current intensity regulating circuit, output current intensity regulating circuit is determined maximum output current value according to identification signal, output current intensity regulating circuit is determined current output current value according to maximum output current value and current regulation stall, and current output current value signal is sent to steady current generation and output circuit, steady current produces with output circuit determines current output current intensity according to this current output current value signal; Trigger input and receive after trigger pip with triggering polarity selecting circuit, trigger pip is sent to steady current and produce and output circuit, steady current is externally exported steady current after producing and receiving trigger pip with output circuit.
Wherein, mark sensor adapter circuit comprises at least 1 aptamer circuit; Aptamer circuit comprises two voltage comparator U100B, three end output adjustable voltage stabilizer U101, connector J100, resistance R 104, capacitor C 102; The model of U100B is LM393, the model of U101 is LM317L, 7 pin of U100B are connected with Vcon1 end, 5 pin of U100B are connected with+2.5V power supply, 6 pin of U100B are with Rset1 end, the 2nd end of U100B, one end of R104, one end of C102 is connected, and the 1st end of U101 is connected with power supply VCC, and the 3rd end of U101 is connected with the other end of R104,1 pin of the other end of C102, J100 is connected with ground, and 2 pin of J100 are connected with Rset1 end;
Trigger input and comprise triggering level reference circuit and at least 1 triggering electronic circuit with triggering polarity selecting circuit, triggering level reference circuit comprises resistance R 1, three-terminal voltage-stabilizing diode U1, capacitor C 15, trigger electronic circuit and comprise two voltage comparator U100A, single-pole double-throw switch (SPDT) JP100, resistance R 100, R101, R102, R103, capacitor C 100, C101, connector J3, the model of U100A is LM393, the model of U1 is TL431, 1 pin of J3 is connected with Trig1 end, one end of Trig1 end and R100, one end of R101, one end of C100 connects, the other end of R101 is connected with the moved end of JP100, JP100 the 1st not moved end and Trig1+ end be connected, JP100 the 2nd not moved end and Trig1-end be connected, one end of Trig1+ end and R102, 3 pin of U100A connect, one end of Trig1-end and R103, 2 pin of U100A connect, 1 pin of U100A is connected with Vcon1 end, the other end of R102, the other end of R103, 1 pin of U1, 3 pin of U1, one end of C15, one end of R1 is connected with+2.5V power supply, the other end of R100, 8 pin of U100A, one end of C101, the other end of R1 is connected with power supply VCC, 2 pin of J3, the other end of C100, the other end of C101, 4 pin of U100A, 2 pin of U1, the other end of C15 is connected with ground,
Output current intensity regulating circuit comprises that at least 1 regulates electronic circuit; Regulate electronic circuit to comprise operational amplifier U102B, connector J101, adjustable resistance WR100, WR101, capacitor C 103; The model of U102B is TLC2262,1 pin of J101 is connected with Rset1 end, 2 pin of J101 are connected with Iadj1 end, 3 pin of J101 are connected with one end of WR101, the sliding end of WR101, the other end of WR101 is connected with ground, and Iadj1 end is connected with one end of C103,5 pin of U102B, and 6 pin of U102B are connected with 7 pin of U102B, one end of WR100, the sliding end of WR100 is connected with A01 end, and the other end of the other end of WR101, the other end of WR100, C103 is connected with ground;
Steady current produces with output circuit and comprises at least 1 output electronic circuit, output electronic circuit comprises operational amplifier U102A, field effect transistor Q100, resistance R 108, R109, R110, R111, capacitor C 104, C105, C107, connector J102, the model of U102A is TLC2262, the model of Q100 is IRL520, 1 pin of J102 is connected with power vd D, 2 pin of J102 are connected with Iout1 end, 3 pin of U102A are connected with A01 end, 2 pin of U102A and one end of C105, one end of R108, one end of R110, the S end of Q100 connects, 1 pin of U102A and the other end of C105, one end of R109 connects, the other end of R109 and one end of R111, the G end of Q100 connects, the D end of Q100 is connected with Iout1 end, the other end of R111 is connected with Vcon1 end, 8 pin of U102A, one end of C104, the other end of R108, the positive pole of C107 is connected with power supply VCC, the negative pole of C107, the other end of C104, 4 pin of U102A, the other end of R110 is connected with ground.
Wherein, also comprise for the power distribution circuit of power supply is provided;
Power distribution circuit comprises three terminal regulator U4, direct current stabilizer U5, connector Jp1, J6, capacitor C 10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C16, C17, C18, diode D2, D4, the model of U4 is LM7805CT, the model of U5 is LM7812CT, 3 pin of U4 and power supply VCC, one end of C10, the positive pole of C12, 1 pin of Jp1 connects, 1 pin of U4 and 2 pin of Jp1, the negative pole of D2, 1 pin of U5, the positive pole of C18, one end of C16, the negative pole of D4 connects, 3 pin of U5 and+12V power supply, one end of C11, the positive pole of C14, the positive pole of D2 connects, the positive pole of D4 and one end of C17, the positive pole of C13, power vd D, 1 pin of J6, 2 pin of J6 connect, 3 pin of J6, 4 pin of J6, the other end of C10, the negative pole of C12, 2 pin of U4, the other end of C11, the negative pole of C14, 2 pin of U5, the negative pole of C18, the other end of C16, the other end of C17, the negative pole of C13 is connected with ground.
Wherein, mark sensor adapter circuit comprises 4 aptamer circuit, trigger input and comprise that with triggering polarity selecting circuit 4 are triggered electronic circuits, output current intensity regulating circuit comprises that 4 regulate electronic circuit, and steady current produces with output circuit and comprises that 4 are exported electronic circuits; The 1st aptamer circuit, the 1st triggering electronic circuit, the 1st adjusting electronic circuit, the 1st output electronic circuit form the 1st Current Control passage; The 2nd aptamer circuit, the 2nd triggering electronic circuit, the 2nd adjusting electronic circuit, the 2nd output electronic circuit form the 2nd Current Control passage; The 3rd aptamer circuit, the 3rd triggering electronic circuit, the 3rd adjusting electronic circuit, the 3rd output electronic circuit form the 3rd Current Control passage; The 4th aptamer circuit, the 4th triggering electronic circuit, the 4th adjusting electronic circuit, the 4th output electronic circuit form the 4th Current Control passage.
Wherein, mark sensor adapter circuit comprises sensor constant current-supplying circuit and at least 1 aptamer circuit, sensor constant current-supplying circuit comprises resistance R 3, capacitor C 23, C24, three-terminal voltage-stabilizing diode U8, aptamer circuit connector J100, triode Q100, two voltage comparator U101B, operational amplifier U1A, resistance R 100, R101, capacitor C 100, voltage stabilizing diode D100, the model of Q100 is S9015, the model of U101B is LM393, the model of U1A is MC34072, one end of R3, 2 pin of U8, one end of C23, the negative pole of C24 is connected with Vref end, the other end of R3 is connected with ground, 1 pin of J100 and the collector of Q100, the negative pole of D100, one end of C100, 3 pin of U1A connect, the collector of Q100 is connected with Vref end, the emitter of Q100 is connected with one end of R100, the positive pole of D100 and one end of R101, 6 pin of U101B connect, 5 pin of U101B are connected with+2.5V power supply, 7 pin of U101B are connected with Vcon1 end, 2 pin of U1A, 1 pin of U1A is connected with Vref1 end, 2 pin of J100, the other end of C100, the other end of R101, 4 pin of U1A are connected with ground, the other end of R100, 8 pin of U1A, 1 pin of U8, 3 pin of U8, the other end of C23, the positive pole of C24 is connected with power vd D,
Trigger input and comprise triggering level reference circuit and at least 1 triggering electronic circuit with triggering polarity selecting circuit, triggering level reference circuit comprises operational amplifier U3A, resistance R 4, R5, capacitor C 13, C14, trigger electronic circuit and comprise three-terminal voltage-stabilizing diode U101A, resistance R 102, R103, R104, R105, single-pole double-throw switch (SPDT) JP100, capacitor C 101, diode D101, connector J3, 1 pin of connector J3 is connected with Trig1 end, Trig1 end is connected with one end of C101, one end of R102, one end of R103, the other end of R103 is connected with the moved end of JP100, JP100 the 1st not moved end and Trig1+ end be connected, JP100 the 2nd not moved end and Trig1-end be connected, one end of Trig1+ end and R104, the positive pole of D101, 3 pin of U101A connect, one end of Trig1-end and R105, 2 pin of U101A connect, the other end of R104, the other end of R105 is connected with+2.5V power supply, 1 pin of U101A is connected with Vcon1 end, the positive pole of C13, one end of C14, one end of R4, one end of R5 is connected with 3 pin of U3A, 2 pin of U3A, 1 pin of U3A is connected with+2.5V power supply, the other end of R4 is connected with power supply VCC, the negative pole of C13, the other end of C14, the other end of R5, 4 pin of U3A, the other end of C101, 4 pin of U101A are connected with ground, 8 pin of U3A, the other end of R102, 8 pin of U101A are connected with power vd D,
Output current intensity regulating circuit comprises that at least 1 regulates electronic circuit; Regulate electronic circuit to comprise digital to analog converter U102, adjustable resistance WR100, resistance R 106, capacitor C 102; The model of U102 is TLV56XX, 1 pin of U102 is connected with DataIn end, 2 pin of U102 are connected with Clk end, 3 pin of U102 are connected with Cs1 end, and 6 pin of U102 are connected with RefIn1, and 7 pin of U102 are connected with RefOut1, one end of WR100 is connected with Vref1 end, the sliding end of WR100 is connected with one end of R106, and the other end of R106 is connected with one end of RefIn1 end, C102, and the other end of C102, the other end of WR100 are connected with ground;
Steady current produces with output circuit and comprises negative pressure circuit for generating and at least 1 output electronic circuit, negative pressure circuit for generating comprises reversal of poles power supply changeover device U6, capacitor C 9, C10, C12, output electronic circuit comprises operational amplifier U100, triode Q101, resistance R 107, R108, R109, R110, R111, R112, R113, R114, R115, adjustable resistance WR101, capacitor C 103, C104, C105, C111, connector J102, the model of U100 is UA741, and the model of Q101 is TIP142, and the model of U6 is ICL7660, and 2 pin of U6 are connected with the positive pole of C9, and 4 pin of U6 are connected with the negative pole of C9,5 pin of U6 and the negative pole of C10,-5V power supply connects, 8 pin of U6 and the positive pole of C12, power supply VCC connects, the positive pole of C10, the negative pole of C12 is connected with ground, and one end of R109 is connected with RefOut1 end, the other end of R109 and Vcon1 end, 3 pin of U100, one end of R108 connects, 2 pin of U100 and one end of R110, one end of R107, one end of C103 connects, and 4 pin of U100 are connected with-5V power supply, and 1 pin of U100 is connected with one end of WR101, and 5 pin of U100 are connected with the other end of WR101, and the sliding end of WR101 is connected with-5V power supply, and 6 pin of U100 are connected with the base stage of Q101,7 pin of U100, the collector of Q101 is connected with power vd D, the other end of R108 and one end of R115, one end of R113, one end of R114, one end of R112, the positive pole of C111, one end of C104 connects, the other end of R115, the other end of R113, the other end of R114, the other end of R107, the other end of C103 is connected with the emitter of Q101, the other end of R112 and one end of C105, one end of R111, OutCheck1 holds connection, the other end of R110, the other end of R111, the negative pole of C111, the other end of C104 connects, and the other end of C105 is connected with ground.
Wherein, also comprise arithmetic control circuit for controlling constant-current supply output, for the communication interface with pc circuit of interface adaptation, for the user interface circuit of operation setting;
User interface circuit comprises that model is single-chip microcomputer U1, switch S 1, S2, the S3 of STC5402; One end of S1 is connected with 8 pin of U1, and one end of S2 is connected with 9 pin of U1, and one end of S3 is connected with 10 pin of U1, the other end ground connection of the other end of S1, the other end of S2, S3;
Arithmetic control circuit comprises single-chip microcomputer U2, crystal oscillator Y1, resistance R 1, capacitor C 1, C3, C4, diode D1; The model of U2 is STC12c2054AD, one end of Y1 is connected with 4 pin of U2, one end of C1, the other end of Y1 is connected with 5 pin of U2, one end of C3, one end of R1 is connected with 1 pin of the negative pole of D1, U2, the negative pole of C4, the positive pole of C4 is connected with power supply VCC, and the other end of R1, the positive pole of D1, the other end of C1, the other end of C3 are connected with ground;
Communication interface with pc circuit comprises the chip U5 of compatible RS232 standard, connector J2, capacitor C 5, C6, C7, C8, C11, transition diode RV1, RV2; The model of U5 is MAX232, the model of RV1 and RV2 is P4KE13CA, 1 pin of J2 is connected with 14 pin of U5,2 pin of J2 are connected with 13 pin of U5, and C5 is connected between 1 pin of U5 and 3 pin of U5, and C7 is connected between 4 pin of U5 and 5 pin of U5, C11 is connected between 15 pin of U5 and 16 pin of U5,2 pin of U5 are connected with one end of C6, and 6 pin of U5 are connected with one end of C8, and the other end of C6, the other end of C8 are connected with ground.
Wherein, also comprise for the power distribution circuit of power supply is provided;
Power distribution circuit comprises three terminal regulator U7, operational amplifier U3B, connector J4, J5, triode Q1, diode D4, D5, capacitor C 15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, adjustable resistance WR1, the model of U7 is LM7805CT, the model of U3B is MC34072, the model of Q1 is TIP142, the 1 pin connection+24V power supply of U7, 3 pin of U7 connect power supply VCC, C15 is anodal, 1 pin of J4, the 2 pin connection+24V power supplys of J4, the positive pole of C18, one end of C19, one end of WR1, the emitter of Q1, the positive pole of D4 is connected with+24V power supply, the negative pole of D4 and the collector of Q1, power vd D connects, the base stage of Q1 and one end of C20, 7 pin of U3B connect, 6 pin of U3B and the other end of C20, the sliding end of WR1 connects, 5 pin of U3B are connected with+2.5V power supply, one end of C16, the positive pole of C17, the negative pole of D5, 1 pin of J5, 2 pin of J5, 3 pin of J5 are connected with power vd D, 4 pin of J5, 5 pin of J5, 6 pin of J5, the other end of C16, the negative pole of C17, the positive pole of D5, the other end of WR1, the other end of C19, the negative pole of C18, the negative pole of C15 is connected with ground.
Wherein, mark sensor adapter circuit comprises 2 aptamer circuit, trigger input and comprise that with triggering polarity selecting circuit 2 are triggered electronic circuits, output current intensity regulating circuit comprises that 2 regulate electronic circuit, and steady current produces with output circuit and comprises that 2 are exported electronic circuits; The 1st aptamer circuit, the 1st triggering electronic circuit, the 1st adjusting electronic circuit, the 1st output electronic circuit form the 1st Current Control passage; The 2nd aptamer circuit, the 2nd triggering electronic circuit, the 2nd adjusting electronic circuit, the 2nd output electronic circuit form the 2nd Current Control passage.
Beneficial effect of the present invention: it comprises mark sensor adapter circuit, triggers input and trigger polarity selecting circuit, output current intensity regulating circuit, steady current generation and output circuit.Mark sensor adapter circuit identification marking sensor, and identification signal is sent to output current intensity regulating circuit, output current intensity regulating circuit is determined maximum output current value according to identification signal, output current intensity regulating circuit is determined current output current value according to maximum output current value and current regulation stall, and current output current value signal is sent to steady current generation and output circuit, steady current produces with output circuit determines current output current intensity according to this current output current value signal; Trigger input and receive after trigger pip with triggering polarity selecting circuit, trigger pip is sent to steady current and produce and output circuit, steady current is externally exported steady current after producing and receiving trigger pip with output circuit.Trigger input and trigger closing and opening of polarity selecting circuit realization output.The instruction that the instruction that current regulation stall can send according to regulator potentiometer, computing machine or user interface circuit send is determined.By different mark sensors is set, output current intensity regulating circuit can be determined different maximum output current values; Then according to maximum output current value and current regulation stall, determine current output current value; The present invention can conveniently adjust output current size, realizes the constant control to output current, can conveniently adjust output maximum current intensity, thereby adjust maximum output load.
Embodiment 1.
Referring to Fig. 1 to Fig. 6, below in conjunction with accompanying drawing, the present invention is described in detail.
A kind of constant-current controller of the present embodiment, comprises mark sensor adapter circuit, triggers input and trigger polarity selecting circuit, output current intensity regulating circuit, steady current generation and output circuit; The input end of mark sensor adapter circuit is connected with mark sensor, the signal output part of mark sensor adapter circuit is connected with the signal input part of output current intensity regulating circuit, the signal output part of output current intensity regulating circuit produces and is connected with the current signal input end of output circuit with steady current, trigger input and be connected with trigger source with the signal input part that triggers polarity selecting circuit, trigger input and produce and be connected with the trigger pip input end of output circuit with steady current with the signal output part that triggers polarity selecting circuit;
Mark sensor adapter circuit identification marking sensor, and identification signal is sent to output current intensity regulating circuit, output current intensity regulating circuit is determined maximum output current value according to identification signal, output current intensity regulating circuit is determined current output current value according to maximum output current value and current regulation stall, and current output current value signal is sent to steady current generation and output circuit, steady current produces with output circuit determines current output current intensity according to this current output current value signal; Trigger input and receive after trigger pip with triggering polarity selecting circuit, trigger pip is sent to steady current and produce and output circuit, steady current is externally exported steady current after producing and receiving trigger pip with output circuit.
The instruction that the instruction that current regulation stall can send according to regulator potentiometer, computing machine or user interface circuit send is determined.Current regulation stall is adjusted the ratio that current output current value accounts for maximum output current value; Therefore just can determine current output current value according to maximum output current value and current regulation stall.During each this constant-current controller of use, may need for different external equipments provides constant-current supply, therefore output current intensity may be not identical; Can be by current regulation stall is set, thus determine current output current intensity, so that output current meets the requirements,, with " current ", represent that its parameter value can change here.
Wherein, mark sensor adapter circuit comprises at least 1 aptamer circuit; Aptamer circuit comprises two voltage comparator U100B, three end output adjustable voltage stabilizer U101, connector J100, resistance R 104, capacitor C 102; The model of U100B is LM393, the model of U101 is LM317L, 7 pin of U100B are connected with Vcon1 end, 5 pin of U100B are connected with+2.5V power supply, 6 pin of U100B are with Rset1 end, the 2nd end of U100B, one end of R104, one end of C102 is connected, and the 1st end of U101 is connected with power supply VCC, and the 3rd end of U101 is connected with the other end of R104,1 pin of the other end of C102, J100 is connected with ground, and 2 pin of J100 are connected with Rset1 end.
The present embodiment has 4 Current Control passages, has 4 aptamer circuit, and their structure is identical, and foregoing is only described the wherein structure of 1 aptamer circuit; For ease of reading, the label of the said function components and parts of 4 Current Control passages changes according to certain rules, and reader can understand rule change by reference to the accompanying drawings.
In mark sensor adapter circuit: Rx04, Ux01, C102 form mark sensor constant current-supplying circuit, Ux00B forms mark sensor access state identification circuit (forbidding output when mark sensor does not access).Referring to accompanying drawing, x=1,2,3,4.Mark sensor can be sign resistance.By different identification sensor is set, can adjust output current size.
Trigger input and comprise triggering level reference circuit and at least 1 triggering electronic circuit with triggering polarity selecting circuit, triggering level reference circuit comprises resistance R 1, three-terminal voltage-stabilizing diode U1, capacitor C 15, trigger electronic circuit and comprise two voltage comparator U100A, single-pole double-throw switch (SPDT) JP100, resistance R 100, R101, R102, R103, capacitor C 100, C101, connector J3, the model of U100A is LM393, the model of U1 is TL431, 1 pin of J3 is connected with Trig1 end, one end of Trig1 end and R100, one end of R101, one end of C100 connects, the other end of R101 is connected with the moved end of JP100, JP100 the 1st not moved end and Trig1+ end be connected, JP100 the 2nd not moved end and Trig1-end be connected, one end of Trig1+ end and R102, 3 pin of U100A connect, one end of Trig1-end and R103, 2 pin of U100A connect, 1 pin of U100A is connected with Vcon1 end, the other end of R102, the other end of R103, 1 pin of U1, 3 pin of U1, one end of C15, one end of R1 is connected with+2.5V power supply, the other end of R100, 8 pin of U100A, one end of C101, the other end of R1 is connected with power supply VCC, 2 pin of J3, the other end of C100, the other end of C101, 4 pin of U100A, 2 pin of U1, the other end of C15 is connected with ground.
Trigger input and trigger in polarity selecting circuit: Rx00, Rx01, Cx00, Ux00A form trigger input circuit; Rx02, Rx03, JPx00 form triggering polarity selecting circuit; R1, C15, U1 form triggering level reference circuit.X=1,2,3,4。
Output current intensity regulating circuit comprises that at least 1 regulates electronic circuit; Regulate electronic circuit to comprise operational amplifier U102B, connector J101, adjustable resistance WR100, WR101, capacitor C 103; The model of U102B is TLC2262,1 pin of J101 is connected with Rset1 end, 2 pin of J101 are connected with Iadj1 end, 3 pin of J101 are connected with one end of WR101, the sliding end of WR101, the other end of WR101 is connected with ground, and Iadj1 end is connected with one end of C103,5 pin of U102B, and 6 pin of U102B are connected with 7 pin of U102B, one end of WR100, the sliding end of WR100 is connected with A01 end, and the other end of the other end of WR101, the other end of WR100, C103 is connected with ground.
In output current intensity regulating circuit: the regulator potentiometer accessing by Jx01 interface plays the strength of current effect of controlling, WRx01 is as regulation output lower current limit, and WRx00 is as regulation output upper current limit, and Ux02B is bearing the enhancing function of conditioning signal.X=1,2,3,4。
Steady current produces with output circuit and comprises at least 1 output electronic circuit, output electronic circuit comprises operational amplifier U102A, field effect transistor Q100, resistance R 108, R109, R110, R111, capacitor C 104, C105, C107, connector J102, the model of U102A is TLC2262, the model of Q100 is IRL520, 1 pin of J102 is connected with power vd D, 2 pin of J102 are connected with Iout1 end, 3 pin of U102A are connected with A01 end, 2 pin of U102A and one end of C105, one end of R108, one end of R110, the S end of Q100 connects, 1 pin of U102A and the other end of C105, one end of R109 connects, the other end of R109 and one end of R111, the G end of Q100 connects, the D end of Q100 is connected with Iout1 end, the other end of R111 is connected with Vcon1 end, 8 pin of U102A, one end of C104, the other end of R108, the positive pole of C107 is connected with power supply VCC, the negative pole of C107, the other end of C104, 4 pin of U102A, the other end of R110 is connected with ground.
In steady current generation and output circuit: Rx08, Rx09, Rx10, Cx05, Ux02A, Qx00 form constant-current circuit, output current=V/Rs; Wherein voltage-to-ground, the Rs=Rx10 of V=Ux02A positive input terminal (the 3rd pin); At Rs, fixedly in the situation that, by changing different V values, just can obtain different current output value.X=1,2,3,4。
In the present embodiment, also comprise for the power distribution circuit of power supply is provided.Certainly, can also comprise AC-DC conversion module, power distribution circuit is connected with AC-DC conversion module, and AC-DC conversion is prior art, repeats no more here.
Power distribution circuit comprises three terminal regulator U4, direct current stabilizer U5, connector Jp1, J6, capacitor C 10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C16, C17, C18, diode D2, D4, the model of U4 is LM7805CT, the model of U5 is LM7812CT, 3 pin of U4 and power supply VCC, one end of C10, the positive pole of C12, 1 pin of Jp1 connects, 1 pin of U4 and 2 pin of Jp1, the negative pole of D2, 1 pin of U5, the positive pole of C18, one end of C16, the negative pole of D4 connects, 3 pin of U5 and+12V power supply, one end of C11, the positive pole of C14, the positive pole of D2 connects, the positive pole of D4 and one end of C17, the positive pole of C13, power vd D, 1 pin of J6, 2 pin of J6 connect, 3 pin of J6, 4 pin of J6, the other end of C10, the negative pole of C12, 2 pin of U4, the other end of C11, the negative pole of C14, 2 pin of U5, the negative pole of C18, the other end of C16, the other end of C17, the negative pole of C13 is connected with ground.
Power distribution circuit provides the voltage source that meets request for utilization to each module.U5, D2, C11, C14 are 12V mu balanced circuits, and power supply is to the cooling fan of system; C10, C12, U4 are 5V mu balanced circuits, and power supply is to the control section of system.
In the present embodiment, mark sensor adapter circuit comprises 4 aptamer circuit, trigger input and comprise that with triggering polarity selecting circuit 4 are triggered electronic circuits, output current intensity regulating circuit comprises that 4 regulate electronic circuit, and steady current produces with output circuit and comprises that 4 are exported electronic circuits; The 1st aptamer circuit, the 1st triggering electronic circuit, the 1st adjusting electronic circuit, the 1st output electronic circuit form the 1st Current Control passage; The 2nd aptamer circuit, the 2nd triggering electronic circuit, the 2nd adjusting electronic circuit, the 2nd output electronic circuit form the 2nd Current Control passage; The 3rd aptamer circuit, the 3rd triggering electronic circuit, the 3rd adjusting electronic circuit, the 3rd output electronic circuit form the 3rd Current Control passage; The 4th aptamer circuit, the 4th triggering electronic circuit, the 4th adjusting electronic circuit, the 4th output electronic circuit form the 4th Current Control passage.Certainly, the quantity of Current Control passage of the present invention can also be the quantity such as 2,6.
The present embodiment can be by the coordinating of mark sensor and regulator potentiometer, the easily size of regulation output electric current; Mark sensor is determined maximum output current intensity, and regulator potentiometer is used for regulating current regulation stall.Such as, maximum output current intensity is 8A, and current regulation stall is 50%, and the electric current of output is 4A.With respect to prior art, the present invention can change maximum output current value (maximum output current intensity) by different identification sensor is set, and circuit kit, only needs to insert different identification sensor, can obtain different maximum output current intensity; And be prior art by the method that regulator potentiometer arranges current regulation stall, do not repeating here.
Wherein a kind of preferred parameter of the constant-current controller of the present embodiment is as follows:
Input voltage: DC26-28V, input current 12A(is maximum).
Output voltage: DC24V(is maximum and with load condition, change), output current-single channel 0.01A-6A.
Control parameter: at Rset1(Rset2) socket access sign resistance, resistance 1-6K Ω.Respective resistance values with output maximum current mate (1K=1A, 2K=2A ... and minimum current=maximum current/256, can be divided into maximum current 256 gears here ..6K=6A).Resistance exceeds above-mentioned scope, and output current value there will be uncontrollable phenomenon.Do not insert sign resistance, controller does not have electric current output.
Other socket: Iout1(Iout2)--output interface.TrigIn-triggering input.Trig1Sele(Trig2Sele)--trigger polarity and select.The input of SourseIn-power supply.Rs232-with PC communication interface.
Communications protocol and " digital regulated Power supply belt IO mouth communications protocol " compatibility, but corresponding I partial failure.Panel using method is identical with controllers such as DP1024V.
Embodiment 2.
Referring to Fig. 7 to Figure 15, below in conjunction with accompanying drawing, the present invention is described in detail.
A kind of constant-current controller of the present embodiment, comprises mark sensor adapter circuit, triggers input and trigger polarity selecting circuit, output current intensity regulating circuit, steady current generation and output circuit; The input end of mark sensor adapter circuit is connected with mark sensor, the signal output part of mark sensor adapter circuit is connected with the signal input part of output current intensity regulating circuit, the signal output part of output current intensity regulating circuit produces and is connected with the current signal input end of output circuit with steady current, trigger input and be connected with trigger source with the signal input part that triggers polarity selecting circuit, trigger input and produce and be connected with the trigger pip input end of output circuit with steady current with the signal output part that triggers polarity selecting circuit;
Mark sensor adapter circuit identification marking sensor, and identification signal is sent to output current intensity regulating circuit, output current intensity regulating circuit is determined maximum output current value according to identification signal, output current intensity regulating circuit is determined current output current value according to maximum output current value and current regulation stall, and current output current value signal is sent to steady current generation and output circuit, steady current produces with output circuit determines current output current intensity according to this current output current value signal; Trigger input and receive after trigger pip with triggering polarity selecting circuit, trigger pip is sent to steady current and produce and output circuit, steady current is externally exported steady current after producing and receiving trigger pip with output circuit.
Wherein, mark sensor adapter circuit comprises sensor constant current-supplying circuit and at least 1 aptamer circuit, sensor constant current-supplying circuit comprises resistance R 3, capacitor C 23, C24, three-terminal voltage-stabilizing diode U8, aptamer circuit connector J100, triode Q100, two voltage comparator U101B, operational amplifier U1A, resistance R 100, R101, capacitor C 100, voltage stabilizing diode D100, the model of Q100 is S9015, the model of U101B is LM393, the model of U1A is MC34072, one end of R3, 2 pin of U8, one end of C23, the negative pole of C24 is connected with Vref end, the other end of R3 is connected with ground, 1 pin of J100 and the collector of Q100, the negative pole of D100, one end of C100, 3 pin of U1A connect, the collector of Q100 is connected with Vref end, the emitter of Q100 is connected with one end of R100, the positive pole of D100 and one end of R101, 6 pin of U101B connect, 5 pin of U101B are connected with+2.5V power supply, 7 pin of U101B are connected with Vcon1 end, 2 pin of U1A, 1 pin of U1A is connected with Vref1 end, 2 pin of J100, the other end of C100, the other end of R101, 4 pin of U1A are connected with ground, the other end of R100, 8 pin of U1A, 1 pin of U8, 3 pin of U8, the other end of C23, the positive pole of C24 is connected with power vd D.
The present embodiment has 2 Current Control passages, has 2 aptamer circuit, and their structure is identical, and for ease of reading, the label of their said function components and parts changes according to certain rules, and reader can understand rule change by reference to the accompanying drawings.
In mark sensor adapter circuit: Rx00, Qx00, U8, C23, C24, R3 form mark sensor constant current-supplying circuit, U1 amplifies as the input signal of mark sensor.Dx00, Rx01, Ux01B form mark sensor access state identification circuit (forbidding output when mark sensor does not access).See accompanying drawing, x=1,2.
Trigger input and comprise triggering level reference circuit and at least 1 triggering electronic circuit with triggering polarity selecting circuit, triggering level reference circuit comprises operational amplifier U3A, resistance R 4, R5, capacitor C 13, C14, trigger electronic circuit and comprise three-terminal voltage-stabilizing diode U101A, resistance R 102, R103, R104, R105, single-pole double-throw switch (SPDT) JP100, capacitor C 101, diode D101, connector J3, 1 pin of connector J3 is connected with Trig1 end, Trig1 end is connected with one end of C101, one end of R102, one end of R103, the other end of R103 is connected with the moved end of JP100, JP100 the 1st not moved end and Trig1+ end be connected, JP100 the 2nd not moved end and Trig1-end be connected, one end of Trig1+ end and R104, the positive pole of D101, 3 pin of U101A connect, one end of Trig1-end and R105, 2 pin of U101A connect, the other end of R104, the other end of R105 is connected with+2.5V power supply, 1 pin of U101A is connected with Vcon1 end, the positive pole of C13, one end of C14, one end of R4, one end of R5 is connected with 3 pin of U3A, 2 pin of U3A, 1 pin of U3A is connected with+2.5V power supply, the other end of R4 is connected with power supply VCC, the negative pole of C13, the other end of C14, the other end of R5, 4 pin of U3A, the other end of C101, 4 pin of U101A are connected with ground, 8 pin of U3A, the other end of R102, 8 pin of U101A are connected with power vd D.
Trigger input and trigger in polarity selecting circuit: Rx02, Rx03, Cx01, Ux01A form trigger input circuit, Rx04, Rx05, JPx00 composition trigger polarity selecting circuit, and Dx01 is as the switching control instruction that receives arithmetic control circuit; R4, R5, C13, C14, U3A form triggering level reference circuit.X=1、2。
Output current intensity regulating circuit comprises that at least 1 regulates electronic circuit; Regulate electronic circuit to comprise digital to analog converter U102, adjustable resistance WR100, resistance R 106, capacitor C 102; The model of U102 is TLV56XX, 1 pin of U102 is connected with DataIn end, 2 pin of U102 are connected with Clk end, 3 pin of U102 are connected with Cs1 end, and 6 pin of U102 are connected with RefIn1, and 7 pin of U102 are connected with RefOut1, one end of WR100 is connected with Vref1 end, the sliding end of WR100 is connected with one end of R106, and the other end of R106 is connected with one end of RefIn1 end, C102, and the other end of C102, the other end of WR100 are connected with ground; TLV56XX represents TLV56 series components and parts, such as TLV5636, TLV5639 etc.
In output current intensity regulating circuit: Ux02 forms internal control strength of current regulating circuit, WRx00, Rx06, Cx02 form mark sensor and control strength of current regulating circuit.X=1、2。
Steady current produces with output circuit and comprises negative pressure circuit for generating and at least 1 output electronic circuit, negative pressure circuit for generating comprises reversal of poles power supply changeover device U6, capacitor C 9, C10, C12, output electronic circuit comprises operational amplifier U100, triode Q101, resistance R 107, R108, R109, R110, R111, R112, R113, R114, R115, adjustable resistance WR101, capacitor C 103, C104, C105, C111, connector J102, the model of U100 is UA741, and the model of Q101 is TIP142, and the model of U6 is ICL7660, and 2 pin of U6 are connected with the positive pole of C9, and 4 pin of U6 are connected with the negative pole of C9,5 pin of U6 and the negative pole of C10,-5V power supply connects, 8 pin of U6 and the positive pole of C12, power supply VCC connects, the positive pole of C10, the negative pole of C12 is connected with ground, and one end of R109 is connected with RefOut1 end, the other end of R109 and Vcon1 end, 3 pin of U100, one end of R108 connects, 2 pin of U100 and one end of R110, one end of R107, one end of C103 connects, and 4 pin of U100 are connected with-5V power supply, and 1 pin of U100 is connected with one end of WR101, and 5 pin of U100 are connected with the other end of WR101, and the sliding end of WR101 is connected with-5V power supply, and 6 pin of U100 are connected with the base stage of Q101,7 pin of U100, the collector of Q101 is connected with power vd D, the other end of R108 and one end of R115, one end of R113, one end of R114, one end of R112, the positive pole of C111, one end of C104 connects, the other end of R115, the other end of R113, the other end of R114, the other end of R107, the other end of C103 is connected with the emitter of Q101, the other end of R112 and one end of C105, one end of R111, OutCheck1 holds connection, the other end of R110, the other end of R111, the negative pole of C111, the other end of C104 connects, and the other end of C105 is connected with ground.
In steady current generation and output circuit: Rx07, Rx08, Rx09, Rx10, Rx13, Rx14, Rx15, Cx03, Ux00, Qx01 form constant-current circuit, output current=(V/Rs) * (Ra/ Rb), voltage-to-ground, Rs=Rx13//Rx14//Rx15, Ra=Rx08, Rb=Rx09 that wherein V=RefOutx is ordered.At Ra, Rb, Rs, fixedly in the situation that, by changing different V values, just can obtain different current output value.U6, C9, C10, C12 form negative pressure circuit for generating, to meet the need of work of Ux00.The duty that Rx11, Rx12 detect this module as system is used.X=1、2。
Wherein, also comprise arithmetic control circuit for controlling constant-current supply output, for the communication interface with pc circuit of interface adaptation, for the user interface circuit of operation setting.
User interface circuit comprises that model is single-chip microcomputer U1, switch S 1, S2, the S3 of STC5402; One end of S1 is connected with 8 pin of U1, and one end of S2 is connected with 9 pin of U1, and one end of S3 is connected with 10 pin of U1, the other end ground connection of the other end of S1, the other end of S2, S3.
User interface circuit; Button S1, S2, S3, digital display tube SEG1, luminotron LED1, LED3 form user interface.U1 is the intelligent chip of Processing Interface affairs.User can go by button the output of setting controller, the running status of removing monitor controller by SEG1, LED1, LED3.
Arithmetic control circuit comprises single-chip microcomputer U2, crystal oscillator Y1, resistance R 1, capacitor C 1, C3, C4, diode D1; The model of U2 is STC12c2054AD, one end of Y1 is connected with 4 pin of U2, one end of C1, the other end of Y1 is connected with 5 pin of U2, one end of C3, one end of R1 is connected with 1 pin of the negative pole of D1, U2, the negative pole of C4, the positive pole of C4 is connected with power supply VCC, and the other end of R1, the positive pole of D1, the other end of C1, the other end of C3 are connected with ground.
Arithmetic control circuit: R1, C1, D4 form the startup reset circuit of intelligent chip; C1, C3, Y1 provide time reference frequency.Connector J1 is as being connected with user interface circuit.Intelligent chip U2 is the central processing unit of system.
Communication interface with pc circuit comprises the chip U5 of compatible RS232 standard, connector J2, capacitor C 5, C6, C7, C8, C11, transition diode RV1, RV2; The model of U5 is MAX232, the model of RV1 and RV2 is P4KE13CA, 1 pin of J2 is connected with 14 pin of U5,2 pin of J2 are connected with 13 pin of U5, and C5 is connected between 1 pin of U5 and 3 pin of U5, and C7 is connected between 4 pin of U5 and 5 pin of U5, C11 is connected between 15 pin of U5 and 16 pin of U5,2 pin of U5 are connected with one end of C6, and 6 pin of U5 are connected with one end of C8, and the other end of C6, the other end of C8 are connected with ground.
Communication interface with pc circuit: C5, C6, C7, C8, U5, J2 are communication interface adapter circuit.RV1, RV2 protection communicating circuit is avoided superpotential damage on communication line.
Wherein, also comprise for the power distribution circuit of power supply is provided, power distribution circuit comprises three terminal regulator U7, operational amplifier U3B, connector J4, J5, triode Q1, diode D4, D5, capacitor C 15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, adjustable resistance WR1, the model of U7 is LM7805CT, the model of U3B is MC34072, the model of Q1 is TIP142, the 1 pin connection+24V power supply of U7, 3 pin of U7 connect power supply VCC, C15 is anodal, 1 pin of J4, the 2 pin connection+24V power supplys of J4, the positive pole of C18, one end of C19, one end of WR1, the emitter of Q1, the positive pole of D4 is connected with+24V power supply, the negative pole of D4 and the collector of Q1, power vd D connects, the base stage of Q1 and one end of C20, 7 pin of U3B connect, 6 pin of U3B and the other end of C20, the sliding end of WR1 connects, 5 pin of U3B are connected with+2.5V power supply, one end of C16, the positive pole of C17, the negative pole of D5, 1 pin of J5, 2 pin of J5, 3 pin of J5 are connected with power vd D, 4 pin of J5, 5 pin of J5, 6 pin of J5, the other end of C16, the negative pole of C17, the positive pole of D5, the other end of WR1, the other end of C19, the negative pole of C18, the negative pole of C15 is connected with ground.
Power distribution circuit: the voltage source that meets request for utilization is provided to each module.D4, Q1, U3B, C18, C19, C20, WR1 form 24V mu balanced circuit, and power supply is to system cools fan.U7, C15 form 5V mu balanced circuit, and power supply divides to systems control division.D5 plays the function that prevents input reverse-connection.
Wherein, mark sensor adapter circuit comprises 2 aptamer circuit, trigger input and comprise that with triggering polarity selecting circuit 2 are triggered electronic circuits, output current intensity regulating circuit comprises that 2 regulate electronic circuit, and steady current produces with output circuit and comprises that 2 are exported electronic circuits; The 1st aptamer circuit, the 1st triggering electronic circuit, the 1st adjusting electronic circuit, the 1st output electronic circuit form the 1st Current Control passage; The 2nd aptamer circuit, the 2nd triggering electronic circuit, the 2nd adjusting electronic circuit, the 2nd output electronic circuit form the 2nd Current Control passage.Certainly, the quantity of Current Control passage of the present invention can also be the quantity such as 2,6.
The present embodiment can be by the coordinating of mark sensor and computing machine, or the coordinating of mark sensor and user interface circuit, or the coordinating of mark sensor and computing machine, user interface circuit, easily the size of regulation output electric current.Mark sensor is determined maximum output current intensity, and computing machine, user interface circuit are used for regulating current regulation stall, and calculation machine, user interface circuit can send the instruction that regulates current regulation stall.Current regulation stall is the number percent that current output accounts for maximum output current intensity.
It should be noted that, the electronic devices and components parameter of this embodiment and Figure of description is only for reference, and the art those of ordinary skill is implemented when of the present invention in reality, without the modification of creative work, all belongs to the scope of protection of the invention.
Above content is only preferred embodiment of the present invention, for those of ordinary skill in the art, according to thought of the present invention, all will change in specific embodiments and applications, and this description should not be construed as limitation of the present invention.