CH142429A - Cigarette. - Google Patents



Publication number
CH142429A CH142429DA CH142429A CH 142429 A CH142429 A CH 142429A CH 142429D A CH142429D A CH 142429DA CH 142429 A CH142429 A CH 142429A
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German (de)
Fischer Martin
Original Assignee
Fischer Martin
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
Filing date
Publication date
Application filed by Fischer Martin filed Critical Fischer Martin
Publication of CH142429A publication Critical patent/CH142429A/en



    • A24D1/00Cigars; Cigarettes
    • A24D1/10Cigars; Cigarettes with extinguishers



    (@(@@;(@ilaan(1 <SEP> vorli(@@;'en(ler <SEP> l"ri'ili(lun"; <SEP> ist
<tb>  Clile <SEP> @1@,';lI'('tte <SEP> 1111t <SEP> @iall@i'lllll111. <SEP> Gemäss <SEP> fler
<tb>  l@rfill(lun@ <SEP> ist <SEP> die <SEP> zi-'arette <SEP> 111 t <SEP> einer <SEP> _1b  brcnn@;renze <SEP> verselicn. <SEP> (1111'c11 <SEP> welche <SEP> (1;,s <SEP> Wci  t('1'g-11lllillen <SEP> über <SEP> ,Jule <SEP> ( <SEP> rreIlze <SEP> <B>'hinaus</B> <SEP> und <SEP> da  durch <SEP> die <SEP> lästre <SEP> Rauclientwichlun- <SEP> verliiii  (.lert <SEP> wird.
<tb>  Ili <SEP> der <SEP> Zeichnung <SEP> :i11(1 <SEP> drei <SEP> Allsfitllrun\,'  I((@ispi(@le <SEP> d(@. <SEP> I,rfindung'sg'e@;'cu-taildes <SEP> (ltlre  stellt.
<tb>  l3(@i <SEP> <B>der</B> <SEP> .@usfüllrun!,'@f(lrin <SEP> na(@11 <SEP> I <SEP> i;;

  '. <SEP> 1 <SEP> ist
<tb>  uülc <SEP> z1riarette <SEP> 1 <SEP> niit.(@in(@ni <SEP> br<B>u</B>ilell <SEP> Band <SEP> _) <SEP> in
<tb>  Form <SEP> einur <SEP> 3letallfolie. <SEP> zlliu <SEP> T3(,ipi(@l <SEP> (#1n('1'
<tb>  <B>Aluminiumfolie</B> <SEP> odel' <SEP> 2111s <SEP> (:111C111 <SEP> @('1111'er <SEP> ellt  f1,1111111baren <SEP> Papier, <SEP> Vlrsellen. <SEP> L)ie@('<B><I>Band</I></B>
<tb>  -? <SEP> 1;a1111 <SEP> alicli <SEP> ;111f <SEP> (ler <SEP> lnii('il.,2ite <SEP> dem <SEP> Zi@,;'al'et  1(@np;ll@icr@ <SEP> angellracllt <SEP> sein. <SEP> Wird <SEP> (1i(_' <SEP> Zi  !,'';11'f,#tt(' <SEP> 1)1'('t111('11(1 <SEP> ;111i' <SEP> (lle <SEP> Seit=e <SEP> ;@'(#le;@'t. <SEP> @O <SEP> el'  liscllt <SEP> sie. <SEP> sobald <SEP> (1a. <SEP> llrennelld(' <SEP> Eil(le <SEP> ;

<tb>  dieses <SEP> Band <SEP> ? <SEP> g,'elan!,'t.
<tb>  Bei <SEP> d('1' <SEP> Ausführuno-sforn1 <SEP> 11a1'11 <SEP> 11g'. <SEP> 15t
<tb>  (lie <SEP> Ziri;li'(,tte <SEP> 1 <SEP> an <SEP> einem <SEP> Endstück <SEP> mit <SEP> einem
<tb>  ssela, <SEP> 3 <SEP> in <SEP> Form <SEP> (-inür <SEP> Metallfolie <SEP> oder <SEP> aus     
    Papier <SEP> etc. <SEP> belugt. <SEP> 1)i(, <SEP> I <SEP> itiige <SEP> (li(@s(@s <SEP> Bulages
<tb>  1)eträ(,'t <SEP> ?1 <SEP> bis <SEP> 35 <SEP> inm.
<tb>  Bei <SEP> der <SEP> @,llsflllll'llll!,@'@l'(@rlll <SEP> 11,e11 <SEP> 1(1!-. <SEP> .j <SEP> <B>ist</B>
<tb>  in <SEP> der <SEP> Zigarette <SEP> 1 <SEP> cilie <SEP> Schicht <SEP> -t <SEP> all, <SEP> :111(@@t.
<tb>  wolle <SEP> ()der <SEP> älmllcheill <SEP> Malertal <SEP> angehral'bl.
<tb>  Diese <SEP> Sclncllt <SEP> 1 <SEP> verlmidert <SEP> (1;i# <SEP> @@\citcrl;

  lim  men.
<tb>  Dur('11 <SEP> inlllr;ig'llicr(@n <SEP> (1(@@ <SEP> Zi!@'areltelllr,lllier5
<tb>  1 a1111 <SEP> dieser <SEP> Zweck <SEP> illlcll <SEP> ('rr(.'ICllt <SEP> werden. <SEP> Das
<tb>  Zigarettenhapicr <SEP> 1,11n <SEP> eiiis(-111,nter <SEP> bci(1  seit1g <SEP> init <SEP> einem <SEP> g;(@(@ig'n(@t(@n <SEP> M;lt(@rial <SEP> 11(@  druckt <SEP> sein, <SEP> wül('lles <SEP> @l;i: <SEP> \@'(i?(@r@'limla(@11 <SEP> (l(@@
<tb>  Tabak. <SEP> verhindert.
<tb>  Die <SEP> Erfindu)i- <SEP> bulrifft. <SEP>  -i(' <SEP> der <SEP> Titul
<tb>  5a-1. <SEP> Zigaretten <SEP>  111t <SEP> ti;lll@i'llllllll@,;'. <SEP> (1215 <SEP> 11( 1ss1
<tb>  solche. <SEP> die <SEP> in <SEP> ihrer <SEP> !@'anz('n <SEP> 7,:i11!#(' <SEP> mit <SEP> Tabalc
<tb>  gefüllt <SEP> sind <SEP> 11n(1 <SEP> nicht <SEP> @olcl('¯ <SEP> rillt <SEP> hohlem
<tb>  31nndstüch.

    (@ (@@; (@ ilaan (1 <SEP> vorli (@@; 'en (ler <SEP> l "ri'ili (lun"; <SEP> is
<tb> Clile <SEP> @ 1 @, '; lI' ('tte <SEP> 1111t <SEP> @ iall @ i'lllll111. <SEP> According to <SEP> fler
<tb> l @ rfill (lun @ <SEP> is <SEP> the <SEP> zi-'arette <SEP> 111 t <SEP> one <SEP> _1b brcnn @; renze <SEP> verselicn. <SEP> ( 1111'c11 <SEP> which <SEP> (1;, s <SEP> Wci t ('1'g-11lllillen <SEP> via <SEP>, Jule <SEP> (<SEP> rreIlze <SEP> <B> 'also </B> <SEP> and <SEP> because <SEP> makes the <SEP> lästre <SEP> Rauclientwichlun- <SEP> liiii (.lert <SEP>.
<tb> Ili <SEP> of the <SEP> drawing <SEP>: i11 (1 <SEP> three <SEP> Allsfitllrun \, 'I ((@ ispi (@le <SEP> d (@. <SEP> I, rfindung'sg'e @; 'cu-taildes <SEP> (ltlre represents.
<tb> l3 (@i <SEP> <B> der </B> <SEP>. @ usfüllrun!, '@ f (lrin <SEP> na (@ 11 <SEP> I <SEP> i ;;

  '. <SEP> is 1 <SEP>
<tb> uülc <SEP> z1riarette <SEP> 1 <SEP> niit. (@ in (@ni <SEP> br <B> u </B> ilell <SEP> band <SEP> _) <SEP> in
<tb> Form <SEP> einur <SEP> 3 metal foil. <SEP> zlliu <SEP> T3 (, ipi (@l <SEP> (# 1n ('1'
<tb> <B> aluminum foil </B> <SEP> odel '<SEP> 2111s <SEP> (: 111C111 <SEP> @ (' 1111'er <SEP> ellt f1,1111111baren <SEP> paper, <SEP> Vlrsellen. <SEP> L) ie @ ('<B> <I> Band </I> </B>
<tb> -? <SEP> 1; a1111 <SEP> alicli <SEP>; 111f <SEP> (ler <SEP> lnii ('il., 2ite <SEP> dem <SEP> Zi @ ,;' al'et 1 (@np; ll @ icr @ <SEP> angellracllt be <SEP>. <SEP> Will <SEP> (1i (_ '<SEP> Zi!,' '; 11'f, # tt (' <SEP> 1) 1 '( 't111 ('11 (1 <SEP>; 111i' <SEP> (lle <SEP> Seit = e <SEP>; @ '(# le; @' t. <SEP> @O <SEP> el 'liscllt < SEP> sie. <SEP> as soon as <SEP> (1a. <SEP> llrennelld ('<SEP> Eil (le <SEP>;

<tb> this <SEP> tape <SEP>? <SEP> g, 'elan!,' T.
<tb> With <SEP> d ('1' <SEP> Execution-sforn1 <SEP> 11a1'11 <SEP> 11g '. <SEP> 15t
<tb> (lie <SEP> Ziri; li '(, tte <SEP> 1 <SEP> on <SEP> a <SEP> end piece <SEP> with <SEP> a
<tb> ssela, <SEP> 3 <SEP> in <SEP> form <SEP> (-in for <SEP> metal foil <SEP> or <SEP> from
    Paper <SEP> etc. <SEP> eyed. <SEP> 1) i (, <SEP> I <SEP> itiige <SEP> (li (@s (@s <SEP> Bulages
<tb> 1) eträ (, 't <SEP>? 1 <SEP> to <SEP> 35 <SEP> inm.
<tb> With <SEP> the <SEP> @, llsflllll'llll!, @ '@ l' (@ rlll <SEP> 11, e11 <SEP> 1 (1! -. <SEP> .j <SEP> < B> is </B>
<tb> in <SEP> of the <SEP> cigarette <SEP> 1 <SEP> cilie <SEP> layer <SEP> -t <SEP> all, <SEP>: 111 (@@ t.
<tb> want <SEP> () the <SEP> älmllcheill <SEP> Malertal <SEP> angehral'bl.
<tb> This <SEP> Sclncllt <SEP> 1 <SEP> avoided <SEP> (1; i # <SEP> @@ \ citcrl;

  lim men.
<tb> major ('11 <SEP> inlllr; ig'llicr (@n <SEP> (1 (@@ <SEP> Zi! @ 'areltelllr, lllier5
<tb> 1 a1111 <SEP> this <SEP> purpose <SEP> illlcll <SEP> ('rr (.' ICllt <SEP> be. <SEP> the
<tb> Zigarettenhapicr <SEP> 1,11n <SEP> eiiis (-111, nter <SEP> bci (1 since1g <SEP> init <SEP> a <SEP> g; (@ (@ ig'n (@t ( @n <SEP> M; lt (@rial <SEP> 11 (@ prints <SEP> be, <SEP> wül ('lles <SEP> @l; i: <SEP> \ @' (i? (@ r @ 'limla (@ 11 <SEP> (l (@@
<tb> tobacco. <SEP> prevented.
<tb> The <SEP> invention i- <SEP> hits. <SEP> -i ('<SEP> the <SEP> titul
<tb> 5a-1. <SEP> Cigarettes <SEP> 111t <SEP> ti; lll @ i'llllllll @ ,; '. <SEP> (1215 <SEP> 11 (1ss1
<tb> such. <SEP> indicate the <SEP> in <SEP> your <SEP>! @ '(' N <SEP> 7,: i11! # ('<SEP> with <SEP> tabalc
<tb> filled <SEP> are <SEP> 11n (1 <SEP> not <SEP> @olcl ('¯ <SEP> grooves <SEP> hollow
<tb> 31nndstüch.


Claims (1)

EMI0001.0004 PATE <SEP> \ <SEP> T_1\ <SEP> PR <SEP> t: <SEP> C <SEP> I <SEP> I <tb> Zigarette <SEP> init <SEP> @tanzfüllun@;. <SEP> dadurch <SEP> g'e kelinzei <SEP> cllllet. <SEP> (1 < 1ss <SEP> ciA1)llrcllll!grenze <SEP> vorn <tb> .(11e71 <SEP> 1S1. <SEP> (1llI'(1l <SEP> @@'(ilchl' <SEP> (1a5 <SEP> @@' <SEP> elter-111iii11(:11 <tb> über <SEP> .Jene <SEP> Grenze <SEP> liin; EMI0001.0004 PATE <SEP> \ <SEP> T_1 \ <SEP> PR <SEP> t: <SEP> C <SEP> I <SEP> I <tb> cigarette <SEP> init <SEP> @ tanzfüllun @ ;. <SEP> thereby <SEP> g'e kelinzei <SEP> cllllet. <SEP> (1 <1ss <SEP> ciA1) llrcllll! Limit <SEP> in front <tb>. (11e71 <SEP> 1S1. <SEP> (1llI '(1l <SEP> @@' (ilchl '<SEP> (1a5 <SEP> @@' <SEP> elter-111iii11 (: 11 <tb> via <SEP>. That <SEP> limit <SEP> left; iii= <SEP> 1111(1 <SEP> (lie <SEP> dadurch <SEP> be- EMI0002.0001 (lingte <SEP> lästige <SEP> Rauchentwicklung <SEP> verhindert <tb> werden. <tb> U\ <SEP> TERANSPRüCHE <tb> 1. <SEP> Zigarette <SEP> nach <SEP> Patentanspruch, <SEP> dadurch <tb> gekennzeichnet, <SEP> dass <SEP> das <SEP> für <SEP> den <SEP> Mund <tb> bestimmte <SEP> Ende <SEP> auf <SEP> eine <SEP> länge <SEP> von <SEP> min destens <SEP> ?1 <SEP> mni <SEP> init <SEP> einem <SEP> das <SEP> 'Veiterglim men <SEP> der <SEP> wegbelegten <SEP> Zigarette <SEP> verhin dernden <SEP> Belag <SEP> versehen <SEP> ist. <tb> ?. <SEP> Zigarette <SEP> nach <SEP> Patentanspruch <SEP> und <SEP> Un teranspruch <SEP> 1. <SEP> dadurch <SEP> gekennzeichnet. iii = <SEP> 1111 (1 <SEP> (leave <SEP> thereby <SEP> EMI0002.0001 (If <SEP> annoying <SEP> smoke development <SEP> was prevented <tb> be. <tb> U \ <SEP> CLAIMS <tb> 1. <SEP> cigarette <SEP> according to <SEP> patent claim, <SEP> thereby <tb> marked, <SEP> that <SEP> the <SEP> for <SEP> the <SEP> mouth <tb> certain <SEP> end <SEP> on <SEP> a <SEP> length <SEP> of <SEP> at least <SEP>? 1 <SEP> mni <SEP> init <SEP> a <SEP> that <SEP> 'Veiterglim men <SEP> the <SEP> discarded <SEP> cigarette <SEP> preventing <SEP> coating <SEP> is provided <SEP>. <tb>?. <SEP> Cigarette <SEP> according to <SEP> patent claim <SEP> and <SEP> sub-claim <SEP> 1. <SEP> characterized by <SEP>. EMI0002.0002 dass <SEP> der <SEP> Belag <SEP> aussen <SEP> auf <SEP> dem <SEP> Zigaretten papier <SEP> aufgetragen <SEP> ist. <tb> 3. <SEP> Zigarette <SEP> nach <SEP> Patentanspruch <SEP> und <SEP> Un teranspruch <SEP> 1, <SEP> dadurch <SEP> gekennzeichnet. <tb> dass <SEP> der <SEP> Belag <SEP> auf <SEP> der <SEP> Innenseite <SEP> des <SEP> Zi garettenpapiers <SEP> angeordnet <SEP> ist. <tb> I. <SEP> Zigarette <SEP> nach <SEP> Patentanspruch. <SEP> dadurch <tb> gekennzeichnet, <SEP> dass <SEP> die <SEP> abbrenngrenzc <tb> durch <SEP> ein <SEP> im <SEP> Abstand <SEP> von <SEP> einem <SEP> Zigarut tenende <SEP> angebrachtes <SEP> Band <SEP> gebildet <SEP> ist. EMI0002.0002 that <SEP> the <SEP> coating <SEP> outside <SEP> is applied <SEP> on <SEP> the <SEP> cigarette paper <SEP>. <tb> 3. <SEP> cigarette <SEP> according to <SEP> patent claim <SEP> and <SEP> sub-claim <SEP> 1, <SEP> characterized by <SEP>. <tb> that <SEP> the <SEP> covering <SEP> is arranged <SEP> on the <SEP> inside <SEP> of the <SEP> cigarette paper <SEP>. <tb> I. <SEP> cigarette <SEP> according to <SEP> patent claim. <SEP> thereby <tb> marked, <SEP> that <SEP> the <SEP> burn limit c <tb> <SEP> is a <SEP> <SEP> <SEP> attached <SEP> at <SEP> distance <SEP> from <SEP> to <SEP> end of cigarette <SEP>.
CH142429D 1929-12-17 1929-12-17 Cigarette. CH142429A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CH142429T 1929-12-17

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CH142429A true CH142429A (en) 1930-09-30



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CH142429D CH142429A (en) 1929-12-17 1929-12-17 Cigarette.

Country Status (1)

Country Link
CH (1) CH142429A (en)

Cited By (9)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2718889A (en) * 1951-11-13 1955-09-27 Wells H Claussen Heat absorbing and transferring band for cigarettes
US3288145A (en) * 1963-06-10 1966-11-29 Rosenthal Sol Roy Tobacco article
US3370593A (en) * 1964-04-28 1968-02-27 Owaki Kenichi Cigarette
US4121597A (en) * 1976-08-21 1978-10-24 Suck Kyun Shin Filtering pipe with extinguisher for cigarettes
US5191906A (en) 1990-10-30 1993-03-09 Philip Morris Incorporated Process for making wrappers for smoking articles which modify the burn rate of the smoking article
US5200020A (en) * 1992-02-18 1993-04-06 Philip Morris Incorporated Apparatus and method for laminating patches of a first web material onto a second web material
US5878753A (en) 1997-03-11 1999-03-09 Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc. Smoking article wrapper for controlling ignition proclivity of a smoking article without affecting smoking characteristics
US5878754A (en) 1997-03-10 1999-03-09 Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc. Smoking article wrapper for controlling ignition proclivity of a smoking article
US8863757B2 (en) 2002-01-23 2014-10-21 Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc. Smoking articles with reduced ignition proclivity characteristics

Cited By (12)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2718889A (en) * 1951-11-13 1955-09-27 Wells H Claussen Heat absorbing and transferring band for cigarettes
US3288145A (en) * 1963-06-10 1966-11-29 Rosenthal Sol Roy Tobacco article
DE1432730B1 (en) * 1963-06-10 1970-07-02 Rosenthal Sol Roy Cigarette
US3370593A (en) * 1964-04-28 1968-02-27 Owaki Kenichi Cigarette
US3409021A (en) * 1964-04-28 1968-11-05 Owaki Kenichi Reduced tar content cigarette
US4121597A (en) * 1976-08-21 1978-10-24 Suck Kyun Shin Filtering pipe with extinguisher for cigarettes
US5191906A (en) 1990-10-30 1993-03-09 Philip Morris Incorporated Process for making wrappers for smoking articles which modify the burn rate of the smoking article
US5200020A (en) * 1992-02-18 1993-04-06 Philip Morris Incorporated Apparatus and method for laminating patches of a first web material onto a second web material
US5878754A (en) 1997-03-10 1999-03-09 Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc. Smoking article wrapper for controlling ignition proclivity of a smoking article
US5878753A (en) 1997-03-11 1999-03-09 Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc. Smoking article wrapper for controlling ignition proclivity of a smoking article without affecting smoking characteristics
US8863757B2 (en) 2002-01-23 2014-10-21 Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc. Smoking articles with reduced ignition proclivity characteristics
US10028525B2 (en) 2002-01-23 2018-07-24 Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc. Smoking articles with reduced ignition proclivity characteristics

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