CA2249772A1 - Ironing board covers - Google Patents

Ironing board covers Download PDF


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CA2249772A1 CA 2249772 CA2249772A CA2249772A1 CA 2249772 A1 CA2249772 A1 CA 2249772A1 CA 2249772 CA2249772 CA 2249772 CA 2249772 A CA2249772 A CA 2249772A CA 2249772 A1 CA2249772 A1 CA 2249772A1
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CA 2249772
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French (fr)
Philip Bouldstridge Balari
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Industex SL
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Industex SL
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Application filed by Industex SL filed Critical Industex SL
Publication of CA2249772A1 publication Critical patent/CA2249772A1/en
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  • Irons (AREA)
  • Laminated Bodies (AREA)


The covers are provided with additional elastic elements which act in the longitudinal direction of the cover connecting points opposite each other in the area of the edge of the short sides, in the longitudinal direction of the board, in such a way that the forces exercised by the additional elastic elements in opposing directions among themselves have values the sum of which is greater than the sum of the transverse forces exercised by the edge of the cover.


D ~ ~ I E rll I (-,)1\1 The present invent;.-n r-ei~ s to ironirt~ toard -ovor and, ~specific311y introdllt-es covers ~or this pl~rl-?se ~Jhicll .5hoW a l~-vel ~h3ra~ter al~~i a~ Jenl-iv~ a ~ivi~y OVeL- I:h.-t5e current. 1 y known .
On ironil~ o3rd~s ff~r ~t~t~ f' ~ f,t~ e~
lheL-e is noL-mally a -over over the llpper sllrface t?L- ;rOllin9 surface in fact, which projide7 ~ua~ilies of sl-nootlllless and resilience etc \~/hi-li are ne-essary to ~-arL-y 013t. Ille operation of irot-ing ir- the m-st salisfacl:ory c.?nditiol-ls These -overs are fitted t? the edge~s of the ironi boaL-d and -ar, be Lernoved lioweveL (-liven the f'~ .; nlloll stresses tft ~~hi-h they are sllblect ~!otll ~y tl,e a(-l~ioll of the ironing itself, which cr:eates traction for(es on t~ e cover, and by the action or the heal which is pLodllt~ed durint~ the ironin~ the cover be-omes disl~?rte~
stretches ~so tllat its f~n--ion is nol- sat1sflctory and the ironing is maie rnore difficult One of the norl-nal rnethods cl~rLelllly knowl-l for improvin~ ti~e fit and relentioll of the ~over on tlle ironil-g board rests in the provision of a more re islalll- and elastic border around l:he opening of the cover in sucl- a way that on fil:ting il: over l:he iror-ing board it is held beneath the board due to tl-e el3 1ic slrength of the cover, increasin~ its effective useflll life However, both this system and others currently ~nowl- suffer from prematllre wear and distortion of l:he cover a-s the pressures and usage carried out on it are much greatel- than the compensatoLy action exercised by the bordeL- of the cover.
The present invention is designed to solve these said disadvanta9es, introducin~ rllearls thl-ough ~ihich the ironing board covers can obtain an easy and effective tensionil-g at the sarne time long-]asting, perl-nitting usage of the cover in opl:imum conditions of 3pplic~tioll on the ironing board llntil the rnaterial of tl~e cover is worn ollt lhrollc3h the repeated at-tion of the fL-icl:irn pr~dllr~d in tl~e ironint-~ .
To achieve tl~ese objer,ives, l-he pre:,erlt invenl:ion envisac3e~s the combinatior-l of 'he ela:,tic elelnenl which is eY~tende(i alonc tl-~e lenc1l-h of the l~rt~er of the fittin~1 openin~3 of ~he cover, wilh otl~er ela.t.ic rlleans of tensionin-3 whit-h act in accoL-dance witl~ the lon~3i':lldinal axi.s of the cover, connectlrl~l ~~n the ~hOL~ op!Joiinc3 sides of the border of tl~e .-over openinc3. ~l~ese eia:,tit-means can be constituted of e]elnents wil~ varyincl configl]ration, being preferably, al.1l-lol]tlh not lirnil:ed to, the arrangel-nent of a .strip of ela:,tomer Inaterial conr-lected to the t-wo poinl.s to be ~oir-led, that i., to .,ay, lhe pOil)t.s on the shorl .,ides ~-f l~ e inn''L- bl~,L-der of Ihe cover, sepaLated by the lon(!i,uiinal aY~1s of it.
The action of the addi~;onal ela.s~-ic mear~., w;ll produce the correspondin-3 t L-a(-l ion for-ces on l:lle pOil-ltS of the cover openillg where the ela.stic elerllent i., attacl-led, 2n the invenlor havir,t~ disctve~ed Ihat in ord~L- lo acl-lieve a effective tensil-l~ action it i:-, nece.,.sar:y t~or the sum o~
these t wo force., to l-,e ~reater l:han Ille Slllll of all lhe transverse foL-t-es exeL-ci.sed by tl~e ela.,lic bt~Lder in the transverse diLection to the l-olr~.
For bet.ter understandinl-1~ and a.s an e:~ample bl~t not exclusive, drawin(~s are al-ta,-hed whicll explain the pL-e.sent invention, followin~ the preferL-ed metllod of carryinc1 this o~

Fi~ure 1 is a plan view, rrorn below, of an ironint~
board Witil a cover made in a-cordarlce with the pre.senl:
nverltiorl .

Figures 2 and 3 sl~ow ~ile secliolls indicat-ed in F'it~ure ~5 1 of the board shown in tilat fi~ure.

. . ~

Fi~l~re 4 shows a plan ~ie\~ with a parlial secl~ion of t.he areas of atta--:hrnent of ~)e addil-ional e]asti.c e].el-nent.
Figure. 5 and 6 are do ail.ed .seclion~ on a larger scale of a l~oard which has een fi.tted wi ll the ~over the subject of the present inve~t;.orl.

Eigure 1 sllo\is a p]an ~.-iew ~1om l~elo~ .,r l:lle cove~-applied to 3 board, showina the distribl.lti-n of forces.

1~ Figllres 8 and ~ repre~ent two cases of adapl:ation of a cover to of differer;t sizes.

~ ic~13re: 10 and 11 are ~.irl~i]3r to 8 an~ 9 sl~owin~ lhe arrangen~ent of the allxiliary e]a.slic e]ell-lel~ in a(eordance with the pJ-e ent ;

~ iclure.s 12, 13 and ]1 each show vi.ews in ~ke~:ched perspective of the differerl .situatioll.s created in the cover throuc311 the action OL the auxi]iary elaslic elemer-lt.
~0 The present invention 1~ applicable to ironing boards -1- of a conventional type wllich a~ i~s better appreciated in lhe details of ficll]res ~ and 6 have a tllbular or other type of frame -2- whic:h fo~ls the periphery and a central plate or board -3- n-laking an asserrlbly wl-iicll receives an enclosing cover -4- normally with an internal foam-type layer -5-. Norrnally this in ernal foam layer is made of a laminate elelnent of a foam lype on the basis of a .synthetic material. The cover presents a broa;d cpening limiteti by the border -~;- whicll allows it to be fitted to the ircning board, havin~ a resistant corl trl3~tion all round the border which allows its retentioll orl the board.
As has been ~sketche(i in figures 8 and 9, the elastic of any cover which border~s a]l round the material of the cover and is stitched or ~oined or introduced into a hem or attached to it by any other sy.stelll, has an elongation limite~ o t:he l.el~tll of tll? perirnete~ f l:hr? cov-?r, since the co~/er is composed of a no~ e1a.sti.~ fabri.c.
I'his rne.~l-s l:l-lal: the covr~r ,ln or~]y be fi,l,led lo ~
board l:he tot,31 ~ ~ vJhicll ix nol ~~re.3te~ al-l tl)at of ~ ? f ~ ' 0 ~ e ~Vr? l- .
Ec~ lly, I,ei~ wove~ il o 1~ r; r~ L' I ~? ~ . O .~ 1 1 '? I l l O 1-attached by any other ~systell Io the co\;er itse1f " he e].3stic parl-. cannot exerl~ .-.!~y lra-lion force !:owa~ he inner part of the boari (-n hoard.r, will-l pnr;lneter., ~hich 1~ rnea.,llre les~, th~n the 1en~t-l of the el3sti,-~ wil holll tensi,on. Thi,s is exp1ained b.?.-a~l~e l:he pal,-t of tlle ar-ea of the cover which aoes over t:~-~e I,lpper p~lt of the b~ rd p]us the part of the cover whi,cll o~er]aps on lhe ul-lderlle.3l.l-, of tl~e l -,?lr(~ v~ -r~i t-~ ?l-l~r.
lS In addition, if the point is arl:ived ,1~ t:h~t the elastic has no tr3cl:ion for.~e ~ atever or on1y veLy w?ak, the cover wi11 wrink1e readily.
As can be seerl in fi~ur-e ~, Ihe l-,erilnetel- of l,he conventiona1 cover is : 2A-1 2BI-2C. In l-he ev*nt thal: lhe 2() conventiona1 cover is app1ied to a board of sm311er dimensions as ha.s been sketched in ri~lllre ~, it me.3ns thal:
a = A - 2 C~ b ~ B - 2 CJ c ~ a with which the intern.31 perimeler is : 2~ (A-2a) 1 (B-2a~ -~(C-2~) ~ = 2A - 4a -J- 2B - ~ 2C - 4a, I:,llat i.s to .say : 2 ~5 ~ 2B ~- 2C - 1 2U .
~ s it can be seen, the tensioll will ~e less throllgl-the appearance of the facl:c)r -12cl,.
In order to solve the prob1em.s i,ndic3ted, the present invention' is based on comb1ning the border of the type described with an auxi1iar~y elastic e1ement -7- which connects two points -8- and -~- of the border -6-, relating to points on the short sides, opposed, a10ng the 1ength of the board. Following the examp1e given, the points referred - to are determined by the eye1ets -10- and -11- between whicll th~ elastic e1ernent -~1- is connected. Nevertheless, the e.s.senff- of lj~e invenl:if,~ ;sts ;r-l linkillfJ 1 f~lel i-ler lf~ i tlldin~ t~ o.~ed ~f~i rlt.-~ I l-lr~ bf~ G'l f,f ll~e f~)ver 1 mean.s of addition31 e].3-ilic elerle~ . or e-lflllents Io tilr elastic action of the bf)l:d-fr o lile~ -.ovGr ;t:self. Th can be llndel-~st of,d t11al in:,t.ead of a .sin~le el3sli.c .-lGInel-~ e ~ r~ ~-3l1 I~f~ rr.3ter rll~ Q~ f GlG~e~ fr~r examp1e lwo c~r three prefeL-abl~ ~rr-all~rd sylnrnelr~i..-3l~.y along l:he p]alle of lfn~litlld;.~ sy~ elry -I~- of tI-IG cover ar~d the bo.3Lf~. ~'I-)rf~[~ tllis .3~ .-lllt~ -rl~-f~
1~ feature of the pre-ellt invent:- Gn iS af'llit'Ved, ~ -l; S 1 l1at the forces reprG.sG.nted by the ~c~ctor. -13- al-l--i -].7- ;~r have oppo.sin~ directions ir- t!~e ]..~r-l~itl.ldil-lal l~ensil-lJ
element, Inll.t l-ave a tj3~ G' ~sllcn t h31 tl--ir ~ ln lrj -~re31:er t~lan the .sl.lln of tl~le force- t.~:?!: G-~ orl t~ bo.3~ 13j~ I:I-IG
elastic border which are repre er~ted by ~hG sei-iG.-j of tr3n.sverse ve.-tors -].4- -].~'- -].~1''- ... ar-ld -Ir~- -i.'~'-and -15''- .... T1-i.s condil:.ior-l ha.j beer-l deter1,lined tJy t.he inventors a.s the opti1lll~1n i.n o--d-~r l:o prG.erve the characterisli.cs of a (~ood te!ls1onin~ of the co~Jer for a 2~ mllch 1on~er ti1lle than i.s cllrr?ntly achie-~ed.
~ he operation of tl~e e]emG1-lts envi at-~Gd by thG pre~sent invention can be bel-ter sGG'n in fit~l~re~s 10 ar-d 11, wl~
show the vecl-ors of the force~ w11j.c1~ at-pear in the case of a cover .l~ited to the e.~act dilllen:ior-s of the board ar-d in the c.3se of a s1n3].1er cover.
As ~i.ll be ur-lderstt~od, ~ :h the av.3il.3bility of the auxiliar~ el3stic ele1nent -7- which i.. not wo~en i.nto r-lor linked in any way lhrolJ~lholJ '.ts ]en-~ to 3ny no1l-t~laslic ~fabric, 1~1~t mere]y att3ched .3t its Pn(-l.~ lo ea~:h poirll:. or the cover, it will effect a r.raction for~e on the l-no:t furthest end.s with .~!lin~ force rlot limited t.o the total perimeter of the board bllt only limited to the distance bet:.~eell the furthe.t opl~osill~ ex~tL-el-nes of the board, in the case of the 1~0.3rd witll ~reater len~th, and in ~ 35 the case of a board of s1ll31].t~r len~th proportioll31 lo the sum of the overlap surf.3ce. at each end, multiplie(l by two.

In ~dditi~n, this e] a.stic elemen~: -7- not Ollly exert'~
~3 l ~nq i ~ a l 1 r ~ f' t i ~ f o r f- f~ a~ ;t pll]l l:hf~ f~s under t}-~e board wilil a ~reater t~~action foL-ce, it t:enses .
the re t of the perimeter o- t~he cover th3t is to say, tl-e S lateral pat-ts of tl-e fabric whi-h are llnfi~l:neath the boaL-d 50 tl~at it al o terlses the elastic p~rt wovel~ or ~ttafl-led or joined by any systell~ to tl-e edge of tl"~ ~V~t Tl,;
means that the s3rlle cover c3r- l~e fitte~ al~ld bt-~ better len~sed witl~ollt wrir-kles, assisl:ing ir-l the work o~ ironin~, lo lo boards with rn~lch greater differel-~es in measllrements b~th in ~idth and len~th A..s c.3n be seen il- figure 12, 13 and 1~, the len~ltll of the auYi1i~ry elastic element F~ will le serl 3.5 tl-e si%e of the bol~d t~ whif_h Ihe cove~l- is fjl:tefi redllf~
The exact eompo ition Ol l:he e~1a l:ic elel-llent~ C3tl be variable as they rllay cons1st ~irrlply or L--13t strips of natural or synthetic rubher, or of other ela ti¢- elemQt-,ts of a type combinin~ texl:i]e 3nd elastnmer, s~ s straps or cords helicoidal ~prin-~s, Ol- others The arrangerllent shown in tl-e drawings ~-ith a sin~le strip -7- with a conventiona1 fixing e]ement llch as a b~lckle -16-, is merely in the n~ture of an ex3mple Thl~s fo~- example althou~h it has been represented in the dr-awings ~iven 3S
illuslral:ions ti~al the addit;or-al elastic~ e]emenl is single and actitlt~ between opposin~ poit-ts on lhe ~over 3nd in the longitlldinal directiorl, there can also be an al-r3ncle~-nent of variolls elactic elements in the longitlldinal directiorl between points less oppose~ point;s on the -ovel- wl~ich are not (~irect]y cppo~ite, or there c~ul~-i evQn be an arran~ement of an auxiliary ela~stic element in the tranf;vel-se diL~ection t~ the cov~r Anything which does not affect, alter char,ge or modify the essence of lhe cover as described wi]l be - 35 variable for the purposes of the present invetltion ~ .

Claims (6)

1. Covers for ironing boards, of the kind that present a covering with a resilient or foam basis which adapt fully to the working surface of the ironing board, presenting a broad opening for fitting to the board, provided with a resistant and elastic border, characterized by being provided with additional elastic elements which act in the longitudinal sense of the cover, connecting points of the areas of the border of the short opposing sides which are directly opposed in the longitudinal direction of the board.
2. covers for ironing boards, according to claim no. 1, characterized by the points to be connected being directly opposed.
3. Covers for ironing boards, according to claims 1 and 2, characterized by the forces exerted by the additional elastic elements in directions opposed to one.
another having values the sum of which is greater than the sum of the transverse forces exerted by the border of the cover.
4. Covers for ironing boards, according to the above claims, characterized by the elastic elements being composed of elastomer elements of longitudinal structure applied individually or forming sets.
5. Covers for ironing boards, according to claim 1-3, characterized by the elastic longitudinal elements being composed of helicoidal springs.
6. Cover, for ironing hoards, according to claims 1-3, characterized by the elastic elements which act in the longitudinal direction connect points on the smaller opposite sides of the cover which are not directly in opposition to one another in the longitudinal direction.
CA 2249772 1997-10-23 1998-10-07 Ironing board covers Abandoned CA2249772A1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
ES9702250A ES2137867B1 (en) 1997-10-23 1997-10-23 IRONING BOARD COVERS
ESP9702250 1997-10-23

Publications (1)

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CA2249772A1 true CA2249772A1 (en) 1999-04-23



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA 2249772 Abandoned CA2249772A1 (en) 1997-10-23 1998-10-07 Ironing board covers

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CA (1) CA2249772A1 (en)
ES (1) ES2137867B1 (en)

Family Cites Families (8)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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US5392543A (en) * 1994-01-13 1995-02-28 Lehrman; David Ironing board cover with drawstring and tensioning straps

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ES2137867A1 (en) 1999-12-16
ES2137867B1 (en) 2000-08-16

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