CA2224758A1 - Embossed document protection methods and products - Google Patents

Embossed document protection methods and products Download PDF


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CA2224758A1 CA 2224758 CA2224758A CA2224758A1 CA 2224758 A1 CA2224758 A1 CA 2224758A1 CA 2224758 CA2224758 CA 2224758 CA 2224758 A CA2224758 A CA 2224758A CA 2224758 A1 CA2224758 A1 CA 2224758A1
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printed lines
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CA 2224758
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French (fr)
Kenneth M. Wicker
David M. Wicker
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Publication of CA2224758A1 publication Critical patent/CA2224758A1/en
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  • Other Investigation Or Analysis Of Materials By Electrical Means (AREA)


A security document has at least one set of printed lines of color having a pitch wherein a part of the printed lines are embossed. The embossed part of the lines from a latent image. The latent image is visible when viewed from non-perpendicular angles relative to the document and angle of embossment. The latent image is invisible when the document is viewed at the perpendicular angle to the document or when viewing a copy of the original document.


CA 02224758 l997-l2-l2 ' ~412-2 EMl~OSSl~D DOCUMI:~NT P:ROT:ECTION I~ rI~ l)S ~ND P-J~OI~JCTS

Field of the Invelltioll Tllis inventioll relates generally to docunlellt protec~ioll nlclllods and plodll((s.
Back~roull(l Or tlle Invenl,ioll Many n1etllods and products have been developecl to detel colll1terrei(ing Or val~ le documents or financial instrulllents sucll a~s currellcy. Mosl .such documell(s are ple~ le(l by printlng Ol lithograplly on higll quality media such as silk, rice p.~pel-, and lligll coulact rag paper, and the printillg of origillal document~s may be dolle eitllcr in black-and-wlliie Or ill color, and if in color, eit.her ill spot color, colored backglollllds ,uld/or mullicolol plil1tillg.
The common prillting processes of valuable origillals, whelllel- ill l-laclc and wllite t)r in color, are intaglio and gravure, amollg others. Tllese and the otl1cr proccsses mentiolle(l ill tllis application are very well known in the ~rt and will not be discussc(l in great detail Most of the useful examples in the prior art to detel counlel-leit;llg an(l the likes al-e intellded to provide that copies are produced eithel witll a cleat- Inoire pattern Ol wi(ll a "latent image" indicia tllat on the original document is ;nvi~il)le Or neal-ly invisible tO the naked eye.
An example of the means to print: security doculllell~s is illustlated in IJnite(l ~tales Paten Number S,487,567 by Volpe. Volpe discloses a seculity p~l7er llaving a desile(l "latellt image" indicia formed hy continuous lines at one angle all(l ~ ba( kgroulld image al~o fol-me(l of continuous lines but at a differellt angle from tlle indici.l rlhe indicia only hec-ll1]es visible whell copicd.

~ n exa~ le of tl~e lneal1s to cml~oss a secllrity ~loc~ el~t i~; illusllatc(l il~ e(l ~lates ~'atent Numl~el ~1 715 (123 by l~ollle el al. I~onle et al. ( <~ clllnenl llavill~ 1 Icasl lwo set~s Or cllll-os~sed lilles ~l~al: are vertical llolizol~ l Or cvell clllve(l all(l lol-lllc(l I-y all illtaglio press. I'llcse CI~I?()S~SC(~ C~s, llOWeVel, do 110l lCgi'il('l Willl ~)1 ('Illl~O:i~'; ~1 1~1 illl('(l lille Or color llavilllr a pitcll. l~vcll 111011~ le dOCllt~lel~t call bc l)ril~ oule el al. I.lil lo disclose the docun~ellt l~avillg l~rillle(1 lirle~s ~ F color hlvillg .1 l~itcl~ r pl~ e(l lil~e~ (-I' colo llavillg a pilch tl~a~ are re$i~s~elel1 by an el~ ossmellt Tt ha~s hecollle illll~era~ive for purposes of docllmell~ SCClll-ily al~ sale~ cl~ I'ul-lllc improvemell~s in tlle arel of diocurl~erlt plotectil)ll be ~0u1l(1 In ~llc l)a~sl:~ lo ellsllrc ;l 10 document wa~s aulllelltic witll a latent image re(Juiled tlle (lo( ulllclll be ~ olocol~ied or Ille like to see the la~ent ilnage lo avoid tllis photocol?yillg re~luil(lllell~ lo all~llell~ic.l~e I do(ul~
there is a need fOI an easier ll~eans lo ensure aulllellticity ol doc~ nls willl a latcl~ lage.
S~lmmclry of llle lnvelltiol~l Our inventioll l~rovides a solulioll ror all easier me~ x lo ell llre a doclllllellt 15 alltllenticity witll a lalellt image. Our inventiol1 is a nletllc)(l alld l7l~dllct lol- nlakillg a coullterfeit resi~stallt se::ulily docul1lcrlt.
In one elllllodilnellt of tl1e plesellt invelllioll tlle (lo( ulllelll lla.s al lea~st olle se t or pril1ted lines of colol l-lavil1g a pitcl~ wllereil1 a part Or tl~e 1~l inle(l lilles are ell~bo.s~s( d. I lle embossed parl ortlle lillcs k~llll a latel1t ilnage ll1e latel-ll ilnlg(~ ii visible \~llell \ic\~c(l 20 from non-l?erl~clldiculal angles rela~ive lo tlle doc~ lcl~l aill(l allgl( ol cnll~os~ el~ c late image is invisible whell the docutncllt is viewed at tlle l~erl-~( lldic~ l allglc lo tlle (locllll~el~t or wllen viewing a copy of tlle original documcllt.
ln anolllcl- elnl~odilllellt of Ille pl-eselll invel~tioll tl~c dOCllll~('llt llas a lir~st set ol prillted lines of colol llavillg a l~itcll whicll fOIl~l a la~ellt illl Ige .~1,(1 a .secol1~1 ;cl (~ ltc(l lines ol color llavillg a l~itch alld at all angle relative to tlle litst sc~ ~VIliCll rOIll~S a backgroulld image. Tlle document: on at leasl olle sel of lil~e.s is c~ ossed .so as ~o rell(lel all image o~ the lalellt image visible ollly wllell viewed flOIll lloll-T?ell~elldiculcll allgles Icla~ive to the document.
S It is (llelctore al~ object of tlle invelltioll lo l1rovide a siglli~ic<llltly ilul~lovc(l Illclllo for verifying origil1al documellls.
It is an ol-jcct of tlle illvention to prod-lce pal?er On \vllicll valllable docll~ s cal~ he printed alld allows ror e.lsy iclelltificatioll of aul:llclllic d(1Cul~lcllt l~al-cl.
Tllese alld otller objects and advanlages of tlle l?re~ell~ illV('Il~iOIl call 1-(' dCI(:'IIllille(l 10 frolll tlle following descl-iptioll of l?refelred eml~o(lilllellts a(.colclill~ o tlle illVC'Ilt:iOIl <111(l (lle accompallyillg drawillgs alld claims.

Brier Descriptioll ur tlle l)ra\vi!lg.s Figule l is all exalnple of the presellt invelltioll wllc~ le la~elll ilnagc is "iuvisil)lc";
Figllle 2 is a side view of Figlll-e l;
Figurc 3 is a vicw of tlle docunlellt sllowll in [~igulC I a~ ?rede~cllllillc(l allglc rellderillg tlle la~elll: im<lge "visible";
Figul-e 4 is a .siclc view Or l~igule 3;
Figul-e S i.s a cross-secliollal view of F:igure l across lint~ 5;
Figure 6 is a cross-secliollal view of Figure 3 acros~ line (~ (i;
Figu1e 7 is an elllarge(l rraglnenlal-y l~erspect:ivc view o~ l;igllle 5 acl-oss lillc 7-7;
Figule 8 is an enlalgecl cross-sectiollal view ol l iglll-e 7 a~loss lille 8 8;
Figure 9 is all all:ellla~:ive enlbodilllellt Or ~igurc s;
Figure 10 is an elllal-ged fragll1e1lt:al-y persl7eclive vicw ol I ig~lre 9 acl-(-ss lil-e /\ -- /~, Fig~lre 11 is all elllalged cross-sec(iollal view o~ Figlll-e 1() .lcl-oss lille 13 -- 13;

l~igure 12 illustl-ates ~3 diagl-alll Or a l~re~scllt ;llVCil~:iOIl ~ShO~ ig~llC~C; 9 - I
l~igure 13 illllsll.ltes a (liagralll ol an allelllalive en1l)o(lilllcll1 of l~iglllc 12;
~igure 14 illusllales a cliaglalll of a seco~ld alterll.ltivc eml-l~(limcllt Or l'iglllt' 12; all(l Fig~lle 15 illus(lales a cliagram of a thil(l alterllative c~llbodilllell~ of l i~,ule l2.
5 Key to diagralll Or Figules 5, 12 - 15:
solid line = pl~ ted line of colot- and pi~ch;
dotted lines --pl inte(l line Of color and pitcll ill regi~ter ~villl an ellll-o~ise(l lil~e; ~ul(l dot-(lasl~ e ~-- clllbos~sed lille.
Detai1ed Descliptio1l of tl~e Prel'el-red I~IllI (?(li~ lts In tllis specifica~ioll, we use the words "I?rilll" a~ rillliurg" to rer~l lo llulkillg all original coulltel feit resis~ant securily doculllent 10 regar(lle~s ~r ~l1Sa leCI1nj(1UeS USC(I all(l ~lle words "copy" and "copying" to reFer to makillg copies ?rrolll all (!I-igillal wllelller by col~iel or scantler techllology. In the presellt invelltioll, tlle seculity doculllcll~ 1() has lwo es~ell~
elements as showll ill ~igure 7. Tlle two esselltial elemel~ are ;l ~el of i-rill~e(l lill~s 1~ ol 15 color and pitcll antl a set oJ elnl~os~sed lines 14 sul~stanliall~ in re~islel- willl ~1 pal~ ol Ille prillted li?nes 12 to fol-lll a latent image lG.
Tlle terlll "doculllellt" is used heleill ~o rerel to ally Iyl-e ol Illatelial Illat lla~ l~rilllillg whereill someolle or all entity requiles the Illatelial collt:aill colll-llcl-lcil sec1llily elelllcllls, sucll as packaging, evellt tickets or seculity papel, ~s illus~la~ecl.
Tlle term "latelll: image" is used llereill f~r an indit~ia on all origillal (I~?CIIIIICI1I ll1al is nearly invisible ~o tlle naked eye v~llell viewed (1) frolrl a l-~clpelloi( Illar allgl(~ lo Ille l~lalle Or -the documellt 10 as sll(!wll in l~igures 1 an(l 2, alld is leaCIil~,' visil-ic ~ lell ~llC d(?CIlll~elll 1() iS
viewed (4) at noll-perpelldic1llal- angles l:o ~he l~lane Of ~lle doc1ll~ as sllown in l ig~llC~ 3 al~d 4.

T]le terll1 "en-hosse(~ lines" 14 as used in Illis invellliol1 r( I(~ls IlO( tn actlull li~lc~ Or pl'illt Or colol, In~ are ~,loove~l lines ill tllc~ clllnellt 10 Sll~ l<l~(' ill 1l1(' (lcsiyll oi' a lil~e fOtllled W]1CII C111h0S~Sill~ OCCUIS.
The terlll "line(s)" as relerl-cd to in this sl~eciricatioll Ine.llls ally tyl~e ol lill( sllell a.s C011til1UOU~st CilCle, slrai~,l1t, wavy, l~rokell alld (lolted.
Accol(lillg to an eml)o(lil1lellt of Our invelltioll, as sllowll ill l igule 5, \~e lulve provided an origillal doclllllel1t 10. Tlle (locumellt 1() llas a sup~ llaving a sidc collll-)l-isilly, a print sul race~ On thc print sur~ace, tlle doculllelll 1() lla.~; a set (11 lines 12 ol color allll pitcll. ~ part of tl1e sct Or lines 12 is supelill1l~osed and in legistel witll eml?osse(l !il~es 14 lo form the latent ilnage 16.
Ille lalellt image 16 is "VAI ID" in figules I an(l 3 altlloll~ll ally lellel, wol(l Or graphic indicia will wolk tllat illdicates to tlle receivel- whelllel do(lllllclll 10 is ~1l authenticated origil1al docul1lellt. Ihe latent illlage 1~ is elrectivc ~llly wllen en1l-ossc(1 lilles l4 are in registcl- witll tlle pOltiOI1 of set Or line~s 12 tllat rOrlll lat~ 1ll image lf~. 1'11~ lille.~ 12 can llave a widtll (W assllOWllillligllre ~) of l-etweell al-ollt .~ ()5 ~ncl al-ollt .()15 il)(:lles, but preferably they are of unilorm wicltll betweell al out .()()15 alldi aholll .005~ incllts. Ille overall pitcll Ol line spacing (r) of lines 12 may be betwe(ll 50 ~ 2()0 lines ~7er illell, although the l:~referrec'i range is fron1 ab:~ut 75 ~o a~oul 14() line.~ el incll au~l all i(k~al l~ilcl of from aboul 90 to al~ollt 133 lines per irlcll.
When seen by Illc naked eye, tlle set Or lines 12 will a~ lo l~re~selll a c(~ lou~s pattem. Tlle only requirements fol the pitcll spacil1g (P) is tll<lt \~!len tllc ol-i~,ill.ll doeullle ~ 10 is viewed (1) llerpell(l;cular the lal:ent image l6 is 'in~isil~le" ail(l wllen doc~ ll 1() is copiecl the lalcnt image 16 is "illvisible" at all angles.

In tl1is elnl)o(lilllellt of tlle invelllion as sl1owl1 in l~ e /, Ille latel~ age i~ lorllle(l wllen a porlioll of llle set of lines 1~ is in register will1 en1l)osse(1 lil1e~s 14. I~,lnllo~ g .~s used in this ernbodilllellt of tlle pre~ellt invelltiol1 compl-essc~ elier (lle sul~slrale of Illc security docull]elll 10 to fo~ elnbosse(l lines 14 oll tllc pollion (11 Ille sel of pl-ill~((l lin(x~ 12 S to fall withill the slladows ol' ~lle relief as illus(rated in T~ig~ll-c 8 I lle CnlhOSSillg 1'~ l-e felt Oll tlle revelse sidc of tllc origillal doculllelll as all altc~ ativ( ~eliliccllioll Ill(~all~ ol Ille origillality of a doculllellt 10. I'llis alterna~ive veriricalioll nleall~ SOIllCI:illlCS 110~ d('SilC(I, thus the embossillg Oll ~lle reverse side of ~lle doc~ ell~. I() can l-e sur)pless~(:l l~y l~lacillg a plate on the rcvelse side Or tlle documellt 10 wllell ~lle do-~lln(ll~ is ellll-o~ssed ~s showll in Figure ~, tlle cmbossnlelll 14 llas a wi(l~ 1) rangillg flolll ~
of the printed line 12 lo about 20~, greater tl1an tlle widtll (~) ol (lle pl-inlc(l line 12.
Preferably, tlle botlolll of the embosslnellt sllollld llavc a ~ idtll e(lllal to tlle ~ ,r ~lle pc of line 12 being elnbo~ssed~ ~loreover, ~lle clep~ll (1)) (?f ~llc elnl~o.~ lelll 1~1 is e~l~lal ~o Or greatcl tllall tllc wi(llll (W) ol llle l~art ~f Ille l~ril~tc~l lille 1~ o~ c~
15 tlle slll-jec~ illven~ioll is viewcd (4) flom a llon-pel-pell(liclllal al~ a rever.~;c "~ e" illlage 24 of tlle latellt illlage 1~ appeal-s alld tlle elnl-o~sse(l scl ol lines 22 ale llid(lel~. "V~ c"
refers to the COIOI of ~lle docllmellt 10 papel. A revelse "\~llile" ill-lagc 24 ol~ tllc allgle(l latent image 12 of tlle pl-eselll invellt;oll is illllslrate(l ill l~i~llre f~.
The set Or prilllecl lines 12 casl be cll-awll by lland, colllplll(~l forllled~ or co~ o.~ecl Oll 20 film or prill~illg plates, in yarticulal- off-set prillting, all knowll ~o (llose skillc(l in ~lle ;~ll, Or, as is also knowll, aftel creatioll convel-tecl lo an electrollic plOgl;llll or disk lo lrall~l'el inlages ~ direct to plaLc or to plillt using tlle pl-oglan-lmer (lisk Oll ally lasel Or olller collvcll~ioll.ll outllut device. Althollgll not necessary, never (lle less p.~ ogl-a~ or desigll~ Cal)l~C

OVerpl-inted Ol reVelSed OUtOrtlle pattelllas fOI eXalllple~llC Clo~l(lr)a~lcrlli(lell~ c'( (~

For optimulll sarely. the invelltioll L~an al~so l~e use(l ill col~ a~ witll olllcl lnclllod~s .~llcl as USillg a visil11e image to produce a moile pal(el-ll as disclose(l~ l'ol exallll-lc il~ clll~s 5,018,767 an(l 5,193,~.~3, lhe latter of wllicl1 (li~scloses tl-<l~ e lillc~ ay l~e al a de~ ed ~itch deliberately selecled so a~s to ~ary minlltely froln the pilcll ol ll~e ~scallllillg lra- e ol-5 kllown COpy;llg lnacllilles all(l vide~ OptiOlls.
After the seculily doculnelll l0 lla~s tlle set of lines 12 pl-illlc(l, tlle sec~ y doL~llliel~t is placed ~lpoll a convelllioll.ll embosslnellt lnacl~ e wlleleill ~he !~ortiol] ol' ~lle lil~c~ 12 (lla~
are to be el~ ossed and registere~l witll tlle embosse(l lines cu-e ]n;~Ll~e(l witl~ ,u~ clubos.sil~g plate. The doculllellt 10 is elnbossed with a convell~iollcll c~ l)oc~ g nl<lcllil~e by l~llo~v 10 lnelhods sucll aS lelief l)l~te~s, comlllollly ~l~sed ill ellgr~lvill~ ril~ u- .lllcl-ll<lliv embo(lilllellt ol tl~is l~rocess, ~lle salne l~ril-~ g lllacllille c<u~ l~rilll .ll~d ell1l~os~ sillulll<lllcollsly.
In a tl~ild ~lterl~ativc elnhodill~ent of this process, tlle el~ o~sillg o~e~ s rir~Sl cll~ e l~rilllillg is apl~lied to ll~e dncull~ellt l~ter.
/~ccor(lillg to al~ alterllative embodiment Or OUI il~velll:ioll~ lS sllowll ill T iglll( 9 we 15 have provicled al~ origillal doculllent 10 printed on a sul-sll-clle a l-ir~st ~set Or lil-es 3() (~1 (olor and pitch ancl a second set of lilles 32 of CO]Ol and pilcll. l l~ese ~wo sets ol lil~es 31), 32 ale at relative angles to eacll otller. Moreover, ill l:his particlllcll enll-oclill1el~l: a.s ~sl~o~ll ill l igule 10, tlle substrate Of tlle doclllllellt 10 has elnbossed lines l~l ill rc~i~slel willl llle lii~t SC~ Or lines 30 to forlll the l~llel1t image.
Tlle firs~ set ol' lilles 30 forl-1 a lalenl ilnage tllat C~UI l~e .llly lel(Cl~ OI(I Or gl~ll)l~ic indicia that in(licates to the leceiver Or tl~e documellt wlle~llcl- tllL' (IOL~UI11LI~I i.s a a~ltllellticat:ed origillal. ~Ihe lilles 3() call llave a widlll (VV ~s sl~owll ill T~igule l l) ol l-~cl~ee about .0005 ~lld al~out .015 inclles bu~: pre~el,lbly lhey al-c ol ullilol-ln wi(llll l~el~cLll <ll-ou .0015 and al~out .0()8 illche~s. Tlle overall ~ cll Or lille~ sl~lcillg (l~) Or lilles 30 ln<ly l)c between 50 to 2()0 lilles per inch, altllougll tlle l-refel-l-ccl r.ll1ge i~ onl abo~l~ 75 ~o al~oll~ 14n lines per illCh and an icleal of from about 90 to abollt 133 lines pCI illcll. Wc~ havc found that accol-ding to our invelltioll the printing of tlle lilles 3() ~ l bul need n~t l~e repeated in nlole ~llall four or~llogollal angles Or say 5~,45",95~ all(l 135r' relative lo ~l1c 5 vertical doculllellt axis each to enll~lllce doclllllellt pl-o~.ectioll dlllill~.~ COpyillg, legal-(lle.S~ -tlle scanllillg frequellcy of Ille copyillg equipmel1t or the positioll of Ille origillal On llle col~ie plate .
Accotcling to ollr invelltioll, the presell~.ltioll ol~ tllc lilsst s( ~ ol lilles 3() is colnl-ille~
with the secolld set or lines 32 wllereill the lincs 30 lliglllil~hl tl1( lalellt ima~c arlcl Ille 10 docnlllellt is el~ ossed ancl the lines 32 higllligllt tlle baclcglo~llld illlage. As illlls~l-a~c(l il~
l~igures 9 and 12, the secolld set ol lines 32 are sllown a~: al1 an~lc of l~refel-al~ly l~e~ ee about 10~ al~d about 170~ relative to the first set of lines ~() al1l1 l~ re specilically llo about 30~ to about 120~ relative to tlle first sel of lilles 30.
Whell seen by Ille nalced eye, the first set of lilles ~n anll Ille ~seeol1(1 set ol~ lil-~es ~2 15 will apllear to ple.sellt a ColltilllloUs patterll Tlllls, tlle spa(illg (~'1) belweell llle l'i~ cl of lilles 30 and tlle secoll(l set Or line~s 32, as sllowll in l~igul-e I t, i.~i lil-niled ~o a pl-e(lelcllllilled spacillg depcndelll on Ille widtll of the lines. rrefel-ably tlle .secolld set of lilles 32 ale ol tlle same width as tlle firsl .set of lines 30 but: Ihey can vary ill \-d(l~ elalive l(~ Ille lir~ el or lilles 30 up to a I :6 ra~io but most preferal~ly l-etween abolll a I: I ratio an(l al~olll ~1 1 ? ralio.
20 Tlle pitch or line spacillg (I'2) betweell the second set of lilles 32 mcly he dillelelll rr~ e pitch of the firs~ set ol~ lines 30, a.s for examl~le 133 line~s l~cl illcll lo~ e secoll(l ~ 1 ol' lines - 32 ancl 90 line~s pcr illCh for tlle fir~st set Of linc~s 30, I-ut tllcy al~ can l~e gellelally sel(cle(l from withill Ille sall-le overall optical range of lille pi~cll as Ille li~ sct Or ~ ts i e . ~ lo 200 lines per incll rl'lle only req~ -elnellts ror the pilcll ~spacillg (1' l'l all(l 1l2) is (1l.l~ lle tlle origillal docunlell~ 10 is viewed (2) pelpellcliclllal Ille l.llelll iuulge is "ill~isil-le" all(l wlle tlle docurrlellt lO is co~ied tl1e latent image is "invisil-le" al all allglcs. l~lle seco~ e I Or lines 32 prcrel-ably also use a varie(y or pl illtillg angles (ul~ ~o rO~ e cloclln~ ol igillal, for example 5~,4~~,9()~ ancl 135~.
In colltl-ast to a revei-se "white" image ?4- that will appe.~ igul-e 12, Illc embodittlel1t as illustlate(l in Figulc 13 will rel1(lel Ihe in1a~e of' Ille lalel~ lage ~ le. 11l this embo(lil1lellt~ tlle seconcl lilles 32 are subst.llltiall~ r(~i,is~el willl ~lle enll~os~c(l lin~ s 14.
Tile seconcl line~ 32 rall witllill tlle sha(lows of Ille elnhos~( d linc; 14 wl1el1 doclllllrlll 1() is viewed at noll-l-el-pellcliculal al1gles. l hlls, tlle ilnage ot tllc latel~ a~e (tlle lilsl lin( .~ 30) is visihle and a "white" image of tlle sccollcl lines 32 ar)pc;(l wllen d()cllln( 1ll 1() is viewed non-pelpelldiclllLIr angles.
In otller embo(lilllellts of tllc llreselll illVelltiOll, T~igllles 1~1 all(l 1;~ illuctl-ale allclllat:ive embodiments o~ l:igulcs 12 an(l 13 respectively. Tn l:igulc 14, 11l( en]l-ossed lint~ Ie substal1tially in registel- witll rilst lines 32 and tlle emllosse(l lin(~ 14 COl'l~illllC aC10~ le second lines 32 at tlle arlgle Or the l'irst line~s 3(). Tlle resul~ alc Ille s.lllle as in T igule 12 in that whell tlle doculnelll 10 is viewcd rrom noll-pel-l7el1dicll1al alloles tlle lalellt inl,l~e i~ a reverse"white" ilnage.
In conlr.lsl to I igure 14, Figure lS illuslrates Illat Illc en~l-ossed line~. 14 alc substantially in register witll the secolld lines 32 and tl1e el~ oss~(l lilles contil1-le acl-os~s tlle first lines 30 at ~he angle of the secoJl(l lines 32. ~lle reslllls al-c ille sall1e a~ in l::igllle 13 in tllat whell the documellt 10 is viewed from a non-pel-l~ell(li-lllal allgle tl1e l ackgl~olll1(1 ilnage - is a reverse "wl1ile" inlage.

~ Itllougll ou~ ventioll is dcsclibed by rel'elellce lo ~ ecilic l~relel-led el~ lc~
is clear tllat varialions can l~e made ol o~ller Illaterial use(l \vi~ (lel~ tillg llolll ~ sl~il-it of the inverltiol1 as clailned.

Claims (16)

We claim:
1. A counterfeit resistant security document comprising:
a support having a side comprising a print surface;
a first set of printed lines on the print surface having a predetermined first color, pitch, line width, and line height in a defined area and which form a first image;
a second set of printed lines on the print surface forming a visible background the defined area and printed at an angle other than the angle of said first set of printed lines, render said first image a latent image substantially indistinguishable from the background image to the naked eye and copiers when viewed or copied substantially at a right angle to the print surface;
a third set of lines that consist of a set of linear embossments that form grooves in said support at the print surface side and on which at least part of one of the sets of printed lines is registered and superimposed, the embossments having a predetermined pitch substantially identical to the pitch of the one set of printed lines, a predetermined width equal to or greater than the width and a depth greater than the height of the one set of printed lines, the said part of the one set of printed lines lying entirely within the grooves as to render the image of said latent image visible only when viewed from non-perpendicular angles relative to said document print surface and angle of embossment.
2. The document according to claim 1 in which the first and second sets of printed lines have a width from about .0005 inches to about .015 inches and said pitch is between 50 to 200 lines per inch.
3. The document according to claim 1 in which the width of each embossment of the third set of lines is equal to, to about 20% greater than the width of the one set of printed lines.
4. The document according to claim 1 in which the depth of each embossment of the third set of lines is equal to or greater than the width of the one set of printed lines.
5. A method of making a counterfeit resistant document comprising the steps of:
printing a first set of printed lines to form a fist image and having a predetermined first color, pitch, line width, and line height in a [predetermined] defined area on a support having a side comprising a print surface;
printing a second set of printed lines on said print surface to form a visible background image and having a predetermined second color, pitch, line width and line height throughout the defined area and printed at an angle other than the angle of said first set of printed lines, the predetermined color, pitch, and line width of each set of printed lines being such as to render the first image a latent image that is substantially indistinguishable from the background image to the naked eye and copiers when viewed or copied substantially at a right angle to the print surface;
printing a third set of lines that consist of a set of linear embossments that form grooves in the support at the print surface side and on which at least part of one of the sets of printed lines is registered and superimposed, the embossment having a predetermined pitch substantially identical to the pitch of the one set of printed lines, a predetermined width equal to or greater than the width and a depth greater than the height of the one set of printed lines, the said port of one set of printed lines lying entirely within the grooves as to render said latent image visible only when viewed from non-perpendicular angles relative to said document print surface and angle of embossment.
6. The document according to claim 2 in which the first and second sets of printed lines have a width from about .0015 inches to about .008 inches and said pitch is between 75 and 140 lines per inch.
7. The document according to claim 1 in which the one set of printed lines is the first set of printed lines so as to render the reverse image of said latent image visible only when viewed from a non-perpendicular angle relative to said document print surface and angle of embossment and which the second set of lines are printed at a predetermined angle relative to said first set of printed lines.
8. The document according to claim 1 in which the one set of printed lines is the second set of printed lines so as to render the image of said latent image visible only when viewed from a non-perpendicular angle relative to said document print surface and angle of embossment.
9. A counterfeit resistant security document comprising:
a support having a side comprising a print surface;
a first set on printed lines on the print surface having a predetermined first color, pitch, line width and line height in a defined area on said support;
a second set of lines that consist of a set of linear embossments that form grooves in said support at the print surface side and on at least a part of said first set of printed lines to form a latent image, the embossments substantially in registered with the first set of printed lines and having a predetermined pitch substantially identical to the pitch of the first set of printed lines, a predetermined width equal to or greater than the width and a depth greater than the height of the first set of printed lines, the part of the first set of printed lines lying entirely within the grooves as to render said latent image visible only when viewed from non-perpendicular angles relative to said documents and angle of embossment.
10. The document according to claim 9 in which the first set of printed lines has a width from about .0005 inches to about .015 inches and said pitch is between 50 to 200 lines per inch.
11. The document according to claim 10 in which the first set of printed lines has a width from about .0015 inches to about .008 inches and said pitch is between 75 and 140 lines per inch.
12. The document according to claim 10 in which the width of each embossmentof the second set of lines is equal to, to about 20% greater than the width of the line of the part of the first set of printed lines on which the embossment line is superimposed.
13. The document according to claim 9 in which the depth of each embossment of the second set of lines is at least equal to or greater than the width of the line of the part of the first set of printed lines on which the embossment line is superimposed.
14. A method of making a counterfeit resistant document comprising the steps of:
printing at least a first set of printed lines having a predetermined pitch and line width and line height in a defined area on a support having a side comprising a print surface;
printing a second set of lines that consist of a set of linear embossment that form grooves in said support at the print surface side and on which at least a part of said first set of printed lines is registered and superimposed to form a latent image, the embossment having a predetermined pitch substantially identical to the pitch of the part of the first set of printed lines, a predetermined width equal to or greater than the width and a depth greater that the height of the part of the first set of printed lines the part of the first set of printed lines lying entirely within the grooves as to render said latent image visible only when viewed from non-perpendicular angles relative to said document print surface and angle of embossment.
15. A method according to claim 14 wherein the printing of said first set ofprinted lines and said second set of lines occurs simultaneously.
16. A method according to claim 14 wherein the printing of said first set ofprinted lines occurs first and said second set of lines later.
CA 2224758 1997-06-16 1997-12-12 Embossed document protection methods and products Abandoned CA2224758A1 (en)

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CA 2224758 Abandoned CA2224758A1 (en) 1997-06-16 1997-12-12 Embossed document protection methods and products

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2001000426A1 (en) * 1999-06-25 2001-01-04 Note Printing Australia Limited Improved security documents
US7916343B2 (en) 2003-07-07 2011-03-29 Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organisation Method of encoding a latent image and article produced

Cited By (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2001000426A1 (en) * 1999-06-25 2001-01-04 Note Printing Australia Limited Improved security documents
AU763653B2 (en) * 1999-06-25 2003-07-31 Reserve Bank Of Australia Improved security documents
US6659508B1 (en) 1999-06-25 2003-12-09 Note Printing Australia Limited Security documents
US7916343B2 (en) 2003-07-07 2011-03-29 Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organisation Method of encoding a latent image and article produced

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