CA2179451A1 - Packing assist instrument - Google Patents

Packing assist instrument


Publication number
CA2179451A1 CA002179451A CA2179451A CA2179451A1 CA 2179451 A1 CA2179451 A1 CA 2179451A1 CA 002179451 A CA002179451 A CA 002179451A CA 2179451 A CA2179451 A CA 2179451A CA 2179451 A1 CA2179451 A1 CA 2179451A1
Prior art keywords
holding frame
support column
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
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Other languages
French (fr)
Kohei Yamamoto
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Fukuoka Marumoto Co Ltd
Original Assignee
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Publication of CA2179451A1 publication Critical patent/CA2179451A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • B65B25/00Packaging other articles presenting special problems
    • B65B25/02Packaging agricultural or horticultural products
    • B65B67/00Apparatus or devices facilitating manual packaging operations; Sack holders
    • B65B67/12Sack holders, i.e. stands or frames with means for supporting sacks in the open condition to facilitate filling with articles or materials
    • B65B43/00Forming, feeding, opening or setting-up containers or receptacles in association with packaging
    • B65B43/12Feeding flexible bags or carton blanks in flat or collapsed state; Feeding flat bags connected to form a series or chain
    • B65B43/14Feeding individual bags or carton blanks from piles or magazines
    • B65B61/00Auxiliary devices, not otherwise provided for, for operating on sheets, blanks, webs, binding material, containers or packages


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Agronomy & Crop Science (AREA)
  • Auxiliary Apparatuses For Manual Packaging Operations (AREA)
  • Packages (AREA)
  • Packaging Of Special Articles (AREA)
  • Supplying Of Containers To The Packaging Station (AREA)


The invention provides a packing assist instrument comprising a packing bag holding frame 2 having a through hole which articles to be packed can pass through and, a support column 3 and base 4 for supporting an opening of the through hole of holding frame 2 virtually horizontally, a bag H made of a synthetic resin film, with its bottom up, is put on said holding frame 2, articles to be packed N from over bag H are forced toward within holding frame 2, the articlcs N are inserted into bag H meantime it is reversed, before packing is completed. Insertion is smoothly carried out even for fruits or vegetables having smooth surface and apt to adhere to the bag, whereby efficient packing is achieved.
Constructed simple and compact, the instrument can easily be introduced in smaller facilities as well.


The present invention relAtes to a p~cking ~ssi3t instrument for use in pclcking vegetables, fruits or flowers such as egg-4pples, cucumbers, spinach, or the like~hereLnater referred to erticles ~ ~re p~cked in a pAcking bog .
M~ny ~rticLes ~re sold in ~ superm~lrket, or the like while suitable number of them ere packed in ~ b~g of synthetic re 7in film, such ~8 polyethylene, cont~ining ~ suitable number of or certain Amount by weight of them. P-cking of these erticles are norm211y performed daring the courso they ~re collected from producers ~nd until delivered to s~7r~rr-rk~7t~ or the like.
Gener~lly, three to five egg-~pplcs or cucumbers, three to six pimentos, potatoes or onLons, three to four ~pples or persimmons ~re recoived in brgs of synthetic resin film or a cert~in ~mount by weight of Articles ~re sc~lod ~nd then put in such b~gs before binding with An ~dhesive t~pe or therm~l fusing.
Such packing work is c~rried out in faailities of loc~l ~gricultursl org~nizations, or the like. by using ~utometic p~cking machines where theso products ~re de~lt in quite A l~rge ~mount or by h~nd where they are de~lt in smaller amount.
In the c~se of manu~l p~cking, ~n efficiency in pecking operAtion remark~bly v~ries depending on the type of ~Irticles to be p~cked. For exampl0, in the c~so thAt articles e~ch h~ving smooth surf~ce such Z15 egg-~pple3, pimentos, ~pples, or persimmons, when sever~l of them are put in ~ b~g of synthetic resin film, present difficulty in going down to the bottom thereof bec~use they I

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~dhere to the inner ~urface of the film ~nd do not slide well.
While, if they are put in the bag one by one, it will e~se ~dhesion to the film surface, but efficiency of p~cking work will rem~rk~bly be degraded.
~ hus, there read; by ~rises ~n occ~sion th~t an egg-~pple to be put in the b~g, later can not move b~ck ~nd forth not only due to its lose contact with if surface of the b~g film but ~180 due to close cont~ct wlth the 3urface of the ~rticle3 previou31y put in the bag.
~ o cope with the foreqoing m~lfunction, ~ funnel-sh~ped ~ssi3t tool i3 custom~rily used 80 th~t the surface of the ~rticles to be E~cked will not contact the interior of the bag, but it poses ~nother problem of t~king rdditLon~l manhours for detaching this tool from erch brg.
While ~lutom~tic p~cking machines will resolve such problem, but they c~n not re~dily be introduced in 3m~11er frcilities wherein v~riou3 restrictions rre imposed. Further, z~utom~tic m~chines will not immedi~tely ~d~pt them3elve3 for /Irticle3 which differ in 3ize or type, nor they c~n not reAdily deal with more th~n two 3izes or types of rrticles in p~r~llel eLt the srme time.
Further, some veget~ble3, e.g., spin~ch, hcve fri~gile lePve3 which ~re brcader toward tips finding difficulty in going into brgs, ~md apt to be d maged ~8 their le~ve3 or 3t~1ks are broken or bent, thus po~ing zmother problem of reduced v~lue as merch~ndi3e .
Furthermore, when a cert~in ~mount of them ~re to be paoked, a ccrtain ~mount by weight of ~rticle3 ~re 3caled before they are p~cked in bog3 of 3ynthetic resin film, reculring much more m~nhour3 in sc~ling for one thing ;Ind p~cking for anothor, which is great dis~dvant~ge.

The pre~ient invention h~ been m~de in oonsider~tion of the ~forsmentioned b~ckground. Therefore, ~ first object of the present invention is to provide i~n p~cking ~s~iist instrument which c~n enelble efficient p~cking work without h~lving the surf~ces of the articles to be p~cked ~dhore to thc film of the b~gs. It ie second object of thi3 invention to provide suoh r.3sist inE~trument which clln improve the e~ff;~ n-y of pecking work for de~ling with more th~n two articles which differ in size or type. Further, it is ~ third object of the invention to provide suoh ~ssiLt instrument which c~n help sc-le ~L cert~in rmount of ~rticle~ rlnd p1ck them quite efficiently.
In order to resolve s~lid ~irst object, the p~cking ~3sist instrument of thi-~ invcntion is provided with 4 packing b~g holding fr~me(herein~fter referred to ~8 the holding fr~me) h~ving through hole for allowing articlos ~nd 4 packing bag to p~ss there-through, ~zlid fr~lme being sh~ped in 3uch ~ m~mner th~t ~ p~cking b~g for p~cking scLid i~rticles is put on scLid frz/me with the bottom of thc b~g f~cing ~n opening of s~id through hole, ~nd a stand for supporting s~id holding freme with ~m opening ~nd thereof positioned virtu~lly upright ~nd horizont~lly.
In the p~oking ~ sist instrument of the present invention, ~ p~lcking b~g with its bottom up is put on ~n opening of the holding fr~lme, ~Irticles to be packed ~re forced into the through hole of the ho ding frzlme erom ov~r th~ bclg, which b~g is rever~ed 2~7~45T
meantime wrapping the crticles to be packed, passes through the holding frame together with the articles, whoreby insertion of the articles into the peoking bag i8 completed, In the course of the in3ertion of the articles to be packed into said bag, surface~ of the ~rticles to be packed ~re contacted with the inner surf21ce of the bag without relative movement taking place there between, but they move together ~t the same time as qo contacted 80 th~t the insertion of the ~rticles into the bag is done smoothly even for ~rticles having 3mooth surf~ce and ~pt to ~dhere to tho film 3urface of the bag.
In such packing assi3t instrument, the holding frame holds the bag as put thereon before the articles to be packed are in3erted in the bag, and in the meantime tho articles are in3erted, the holding frame help3 the bag be reversed ~nd goes downward together with the ~rticles inserted. The dimen3Lon and 3hape of the holding frame are in accordance with those of the packing bag.
Further, the holding fr~me preferably be ring-shaped or cylindrical, and for a ring-l~hcped holding fr~me, the stand for 3upporting it can compri3e ~I support oolumn for supporting the holding fr~me virtually horizontally ~nd ~ base member. By providing the support column extensible, the height of the holding frame can be adjusted to a height 3uited for the packing work. Further for a oylindric~l holding frame, 3uch ~ 3tand can be provided Ln the form of a pl~tform for 3upporting the holding frame a3 erected thereupon.
For example, 3uch a platform can be box-shaped for receiving and taking out the article3 fallLng down the through hole of the holding fr~me, Lt3 top plate is provided wLth an openLng communicating wLth the other opening o~ the through hole of the holding fr~me which L3 attached to the former opening, ~ portion of 2~79~
the side wall~ ia removed to provide ~n outlet ~or t~king the ~Irticles out, or in other ~rrangement3 suited for the respective p~cking work.
Further, in order to ~chieve s~id first and second objects, the p~cking assist instrument of the present invention i~ provided with a first ~nd second holding frames respectively h~ving through holQ for permitting ~rticles to be p~cked to pas5 through, e~ch of said frames being sh~ped in such a. manner th~lt a p~cking bag for paoking snid ~Irticles is put on said fr~mes with the bottom of the b~g faoing ~n opening of s~id through hole, a m~in support column, the top end of which being attached with said firlt holding frame, a base memcer for supporting the bottom end of s~id main support column ~nd positioning ~n opening of s~id first holding frame virtu~lly upright and horizontally, ~ second~ry support column, the bottom end of which ~eing 3upported by said m-in support column or b~lse member, the top end of which being ~ttached with said ~iecond holding frame, s~id ~econd~ry support column positioning ~n opening of s~id second holding fr~me virtu lly upriqht rnd hori~ont~lly.
In the pAcking ~ssist instrument of the present invention, ~ p~cking b~g with it3 bottom up is put on ~n opening of the firat or second holding frame, the cLrticles to be p~cked ~re forced into the through hole of the holding fr~lme from over the b~g, whioh b~g is reversed me~ntime wr~pping the ~rticles to be p~cked, passes through the holding frame together with the articles, whereby insertion of the rticles into the pecking bag i9 completed.
In the course of the insertion of the ~rticles to be packed into s~id b~g, surfaces of the ~IrticLes to be pllcked ~re cont~cted with the inner surf~ce of the b~g without rel~tive movement taking ~,Y~4,~1 pl~ce there bctween, but they move together at the same time a3 so contacted 80 thfit thc insertion of the flrticle3 into the belg i3 done 3moothly even for ~rticle3 which are flpt to ~dhere to the film 3urface of the b~g.
In thi3 in3t~nce, by varying the size of the fir3t and 3econd holding fr~mes e~ch other, more th~n two pflcking work3 cf~n be run parallel for p~cking, for example, more thfln two 3et3 of ~rticles which dif~er in fii~e or typc.
Further, by providing the m~in 3upport column with engaging mean3 for 3upporting the secondary 3upport column to be connected ~md which could be di3connected ee3ily, if not in use, the secondf~ry holding fr~me ~nd second~ry support column, c~n be removed from the main support column.
Furthermore, plurality of 3ets of such eng~ging mean3 o~n be po3itioned in axial or peripher~ll direction3 of 3~id main 3upport column 30 that the po3Ltion for ~ttaching the 3econd holding frame cfm conveniently be varied. ~rhu3, the p~cking a33i3t instrument c~m varif~bly bu ad~u3ted it3 height from the 3urface it 3tand3 to the po3ition of the holding frflme, which po3ition can 3uitably be decided according to the v~riou3 condition3 for the packing work including the pl~ce for 3etting the in3trument or workers ' height 30 that they c~n work in comfortrlble po3ture.
While said holding fr me i3 ch~r-cterized in th~t it i8 contoured such thflt a lower outer peripher~l surf~ce extends in par~lllel with the direction of extension of f~n ~xi3 of the holding frzlme, ~n uppcr outer peripherul surfzlce ~xtending in continuction from the lower outer peripher~l surf~ce i3 de3igned in the form of ~n inclined surface 31antwi3e extending tow~rd the axi3, and the upper inner peripher~l surf~cu i3 de3igned in the form of a curved 2 1 7945 ~
convex Yur~ace the downward direction. ~ere, the "curved convex surf~oe meons such a curved convex 13urfaco that continuously extend3 without any inflection point. Purther, the ~xial direction~ of the holding frame me~ms the direction of a phantom line extending through the ~ubst~ntial center of the through hole of the holdinq frame.
Since the lower outer peripheral surf~ce is designed in the form of a surface extending in par~llel with the axi~l direction of the holding frame ~nd the upper outer peripher~l surf~Lce is designed in the form of ~n inclined surface slantwise extending toward the holding frame generally assumes such a contour that is t~pered in the upward direction. Thus, when the packing blg is put on the holding fr~me at the time when ~ putting operation is st~rted, the placing oper~tion can easily be performed.
In the packing operation, the film surf~ce of the packing b~g moves ~8 fOllOWG. First, it is first r~i~ed up while ~liding along the lower outer peripher~ll surface of the holding frame extendinq in continuation from the latter, and the inclined sur~ce, then it i8 reversed of the upper edge of the holding frame in the downward direction Ind there~fter, it is lowered from the upper edge long the curved convex surface of the holding frame smoothly extending in the downw~rd direction.
When ~n inserting oper~tion i9 started to insert the article~, the film surface of the packing bag suspends in the downward direction to assume a E~ti~te in substantial parallel with the axis o~ the holding fr~me, ~nd since the lower outer peripheral surface of the holding frame extends in parallel with the ~xial direction, the film surf~ce of the pPcking bag suspends in the subst~nti~l parallel state with the lower outer peripher~l sur~elce. Thus, when the inserting ?~7~5~
oper~tion i8 utarted ~nd the film uurface is raiued up, displelcement of the film uurf~ce iu umoothly ~chieved ~long the lower outer peripheral uurface of the holding fr~me.
Additionally, since the inclined surface ~Yt~n~1; nq in continuation from the lower outer peripheral surface is inclined toward the upper p~rt of the ~xiu, the film 3urfaoo i5 inclined at ~n angle suit~ble for rever3ing the film surfacQ ~t the uppor edge of the holding frame as thc film uurface i8 raised up ~long the inclined 3urf~ce .
In other words, lf the film surface of the p~cking bAg i8 reversed in par~llol with the axis, i. e., it iu reversed from the utate th~t it is vertically r/~ised up in the upward direction to the st~te thut it iu lowered In the downward direction as it is, it is required th~t the film surface is turned by ~m angle of 180 degrees but when the film surface is raised up ~long the inclined uurf~ce and then it is reversed, it is only required that the film surf~ce iu turned by the ~ ;n;nq ~ngle having the inclined angle of the inclined 3urface subtracted from 180 degrees. Ihus, the film surf~ce can easily be reversed. Namely, since the film uurface i3 re~dy to be rever3ed by r~ising up along the inclined surface, the reversing of the film surface at the upper edge of holding frame is performed very smoothly.
Nhen the fiLm surface is reversed ~t the upper edge of the holding frame, an adequate gap ~ppearu between the reversed p~rt of the film surface and the upper edge of the holding frame since the film surface is diYpl~ced ~irut ~long the inclined surface ~md then along the curved convex 3urface smoothly curved from the upper edge in the downward direction. Owing to the foregoing gap, tight contact between the film uurfaco and the holding frame is prevented and reversinq of the film surface ia smoothly conducted. In ~ddition, sincc the curved convex surface is designed in the form of _ curved surf~ce smoothly curved without ~ny inflort;rn point, subsequent slipp~ge of the film surf~ce ~long the lowering path Ls ~chieved very excellently .
~ ext, the holding frame i8 chZlr?~cterized in th~t ~n inner peripher~l surf~ce of the holding fr~me A~-tr~r~li ng from the curved convex surface to the lower end of the holding fr me i8 recesscd in such ~ direction th~t ~n inner di~meter of the holding frame i9 incre~3ed. Therefore, since ~ c~vity is formed along the whole inner peripher~l of the holding frame, ~nd the p~cking b~g with the ~rticles inserted therein ia lowered below the position of the lower edge of the curved convex surf~ce, no reatriction to the p~cking b/~g rJ;r~Arrr~i~rg~ causing the pccking b~g to be smoothly lowered.
In addition, the inclined surf~ce of the hoiding fr~me is ch~rActerized in th~t an inclined ~nglo of the inclined surfzlcQ
rel~tive to the axiAl direction of the holding frame i~i set to the r~mge of 30 to 45 degreea, ~nd the po3ition of .~ bounddry between the inclined surf~ce -nd the lower outer peripherAl surfzlce ~nd the po3ition of a lower edge of the curved conc~ve surf~ce ~re loc~ted higher th~n ~bout ~ h~lf of the height from the lower end to the upper end oi the holding frame. AB ~ tir-n~-7 eLbove, if the film surf/~ce of the p~cking b~g is reversed downwardly from the state that the film 3urface 15 r~ised up as it ia, it is required that the film surface i3 turned by ~n angle of 180 degrees but when the inclined ,Ingle of the inclined ~3urf~ce iA set to the r~nge of 30 to 45 degree~i, it i only rer~ulred th~t the inolined surf~ce of the p~lcking b~g is turned by the ~ ~ining ~ngle, viz, 150 to 135 degrees. Thu5, the reversing of the film surf~ce is ~chieved very smoothly.

rn ~uch m~nner, when the inclined ~ngle of the inclined surfacQ
is ~et to 30 to 45 degrees rel~tive to the ~xis of the holding fr~me, the st~te of slippage and reversinq of the film surface of the p~cking b~g c~n be optimized. In the case that the inclined ~ngle i3 set to less than 30 degrees, the reversing of the film surfaoe of the p~cking bag is not performed smoothly because th~t ~ngle provides a weak function to the film surf~ce of the packing bag, ~nd in the case that it is set to more than 45 degree3, the friction~l resistance appearing between the inclined uurf~ce 2md the film surface becomes l~rge. Thu3, the slippage of the film surf~ce is not conducted smoothly .
On the other hand, when the position of the bound.~ry between the inclined surface ~nd the lower outer peripher~l surfac0 and that of the lower edge of the ourved convex ~urface are located higher th~n a h~lf of the height from the upper end of the holding fr~me to the lower end of the s~me, the length of the outer lower peripher~l 3urfz~ce ~nd the length of the hollow sp~ce as measured in the upward direction are rel~ltively elong~ted. Conse~uently, the function of guiding of the p~cking b g in the vertical direction is improved, and moreover, the rcLversing ~nd slipp~ge of the p~cking b~g are ~ohieved ~moothly .
Next, the holding frame i8 chllr~cterized in th~t e~ch of the holding fr~lmes assumes ~ circular or elliptic ring-sh~ped contour.
In the c~se that the holding frame is designed in the circul~r ring-shaped contour, the ~rticles ~Ire inserted in the state th~lt they are collectively received in the central p~rt of the p~cking bllg ~md they are uniformly p-lcked in the p~lcking b~g viewed from ~11 direction~.
Thus, a packing oper~ltion c~n bo performed regardlecs of the direction of insertion of the ~rticles.

On the other hand, in the c~se th~lt the holding frame is designed in the elLiptic ring-sh~ped contour, the Article ~re not collectively recuived in the centr~l p~rt of the pAcking b~g but Are packed in the fl~ttened state in the side-by-side relationship, and therefore they are reDdily re~ o~n; 7'~1 from the outside after they ere p~cked in the packing b~g. Ihis provides ~ merit thAt the p4cking b~g with the articles received therein exhibit3 excellent ~esthetic ~ppear~nce when it i9 put on A displ~y cAse or shelf. In such mAnner, since the p~cking st~te cAn be ch~nged by designing the holding frAme in the circul~r or elliptic ring-shaped contour, ~I p~cking operation c~n ~de~u~tely be performed d~r~n~ nq on the kind, shape or nature of the articles.
Since the articles c~n amoothly be inaerted into the p~cking b~g regardless of the contour of the circul_r or elliptic ring-sh~ped holding frAme, eAch p~cking operAtion cAn effectively be performed.
Next, the p~cking assist Ypp~r~tus i5 ohAr~cterized in th~t guArd member i3 dispoaed between tho holding fr~me and the arm. Nhen the pAcking b~g does not straightforwardly f~ll but falla in the inclined st~te After the ~rticles are inserted into the p~cking b~g put on the holding frAme and they pa3s past the holding frame, the p~lcking b~g comes in oontact with the guArd member for preventing it from being inclined rel~ltive to the axial direction of the holding frAme, whereby the lowering of the p~cking bAg is guided str~ightforw~rdly in the downw~rd direction. ~rhu3, the p~lcking b~g smoothly p~ssea through the holding fr me. Aesthetio Appear~nCo of the p~cking bag is not degr~ded ~fter completion of e~ch p~cking operAtion because the inserted 3tate of the ~rticles is not worsened with such inclinAtion of the p,~cking b~g prevented.
Further, 3~id holding fr~me is m~lde of An exp~nsible 2 ~ 7945 ~
mAterl~l 80 thAt thQ dimension of the through holo of ~ieid holding frame c~n be chenged depend on the kind, sh~pe or naturQ of the ~rticles .
sy forming the holding fremc of an expAnYiblQ materi~l, the through hole, which the erticles to be packed pess through, i~
rendered expansible no th~t the holding frame is adjusted to suit~ble dimension in ~ccord~nce with the dimension of the ~rticle3 to be packed. Any materiol of any construction which cAn very the si~e of the opening as ebove will do ~8 me~ns for making the holding frame expcnsible. Among the commerci-lly avail~ble m~teriAls, for example, flexible metallic conduit for passing gas or nte~m, etc. c~n be u~ed for thi~ purpose. Simil~r construction c~n be formed by utilizing reinforced plastics.
Further, as to the holding frame, there is provided with a bre~k in part of the ring-shaped holding frame.
Such e break is used in p~cking articlel3 whose volume is larger upw~rds ~nd sm~ller downwerds including flowers ~nd by, during the cour:ie of pAcking work, rele~sing the erticlos to be packed together with the b~g in the direction of said bre4k, pecking c~n be carried out without c~using dam~ge to thQ article~
to be p~cked, for example, flowors.
~ his break is proferably provided in ~ side of the holding frame, in case, for ex~mple, the frame stretches in its front portion or longitudinel direction, ~nd the brQ~k prefer~bly Qxtends r~nging from one eighth to one fourth of the QntirQ inner circumference of the holding frame. If it is le~s than one eighth of said circumference, it only m~kes ~ poor relief spece, while if more th~n one fourth, it may c~u~e trouble in the turning of the packing b~g.

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Further, the 3t~nd i3 formed by firing ~ first 2nd 3econd base fr~mes, the support column i5 3upported by 3~id st~nd with the b-~3e end of 3~id column being inserted into A through hole formed in a portion where 3~id fir3t ~nd 3econd b~3e fr~me3 ~re auperpo3ed ~3 they ~re l~pped.
The 3t~nd i3 built by fixing 1 plur~lity of b~3e frz~me3 and the p~cking Zl33i3t in3trument i3 provided 23 knockdown 30 that the 233i3t in3trument cAn be comp/lctly provided for m~king it h~ndy in c~lrrying or 3toring. Further, the p~cking ~33i3t in3trument c2n be ~33embled 3imply by fixins the fir3t 2nd 3econd b~3e fr1me3, in3ertLng the support column in ~ hole formed in ~ portion the bi~3e fr~me3 2re 3uperpo3ed. For m~king the hole for inserting the 3upport column, there m~y be considered circul~r or polygon~l member3, into which the bottom of the 3upport column c~n be inserted, with their longitudin~1 section being in conformity with the cro33 3ection of the 3upport column. From the viewpoint of ~voiding 3h~kine33 or preventing unde3ired rot2tion of the holding frA~me in the p~cking work, polygon-1 members 2re prefer~ble. P.3 for the b 3e frAme3, 30me he~vy m~tericll i3 de3ir~ble in view o~
the s2~fety during the p~cking work.
Further, the b~3e frame3 c~n be provided ln ~I p~ir of fr~me member3 h~ving rect2ngulur section the bA3e end3 portion of which ~re cro33-l~pped for the 3~ke of 3upporting the holding fr~me 3te~Ldily 30 th2t it will not fall under the lo~d of the artLcle3 to be p~lcked during the p~cking work. The fr~me member3 ~re provided with A groove respectively formed ut their b23e end portion3, by me2n3 of which they ~re ~33embled cro33wi3e.
Further, the first /md 3econd b~3e frAme3 m-y be formed in ~n identicnl 3h~pe for anving production c03t.

~ 1 7945 ~
Further, in order to achieVe seid first ~nd third ob~ects, the p~lcking ~ssi3t instrument according to the invention can be provided with ~ holding fr~me having ~ through hole for p~ssing 4rticle~ to be packed to pAss through, sAid fr~lme bcing sh~ped in such e mnnner thAt the pecking bDg for p~cking s~id erticles is put on said fr~me with the bottom of the bag f~cing en opening of s~id through hole, a support column, the top end of which being attached with said holding frame, the b~se end of szLid support column being ~ttr ched to e weighing stand with ~n opening of s~id holding frame being positioned virtu~lly upright and horizontelly, and a sc~le for me~suring the weight of the ~rtioles to be p~cked c~rried by the p~cking b~g, which b~g being put on s~id holding frame.
~ n the p~oking ~ssist instrument o~ thi3 invention, ~ bag with its bottom up is put on An opening of the holding frame, the artioles to be pAcked ere from over the b~g forced into said holding frame, which erticles ere inserted into the b~g meentime ~id b~g is reversed, which b4g p~95 through seid holding freme together with the ~rticles, upon which ins0rtion of the artLcl~s to be pclcked into naid b~g is completed.
Further, by providing the instrument with ~ scale for weighing the lo~d ~pplied to the holding fr~me, insertlon of the ~rticles to be p~oked into said pAoking b~g ~md weighing of the erticles to be p~lcked c~n be c~rried ~Lt the Game time.

Fig. 1 is ~ perapective view showing the first embodiment of the p~oking assist instrument in Accordance with this invention.
Fig. 2 i~ zm illustration of the support column of the 2~ 79~]
instrument of Fig. 1 being adjusted in height.
Fig. 3 is ~n illustr~tion of ~ p-cking process.
Fig. 4 is ~ per~;pective view showing cl second embodiment of the packing assist instrument ~ccording to this invention.
Fig. 5 i8 Z~ verticrl section~l view of the p~cking ~ssist instrument3 of Fig. 4.
Fig. 6 is an illustr~tion of ~ pllcking process.
Fig. 7 is a perspective view showing ~ third embodiment of the p~oking assist instrument ~ccording to this invention.
Fig. 8 is ~ perspective view showing ~I fourth embodiment of the p~cking asaist instrument ~ccording to this invention.
Fig. 9 is ~n illustr~tion of the m~nner the packing bags ~re 3et on the p~lcking ~ssist instrument of Fig. 8.
Fig. 10 iE~ ~n illu3tration of Zl p~cking process.
Fig. 11 is ~ perspective view showing ~ fifth embodiment of the pi~cking zlssist instrument according to this invention.
Fig. 12 is ~ top view of the p~cking ~ssist instrument of Fig. 11.
Fig. 13(~) is a section~l view t~ken ~long the line X-X of Fig. 12, (b) is an enl~rged view of Im important portion of (n).
Fig. 14 i3 ~!1 pe~rti~l section-l view of ~ fr~gment of -holding frame.
Fig . 15 ~ ~) is a p~rti~l side view of e frAgment of a support column showing the vicinity of eng~ging recesses, (b) is section~1 view t~ken ~long the line A-A of (~).
Fig. 16 is ~n illustr~ltion of cl p~cking process.
Fig. 17 is ~ p~rti~l side view of ~ fragment of support column showing the vicinity of ~ different sets of englging recesses .

~ ~ 7~ 3 .
Fig. 18 i3 ~ perspective view 3howing ~L sixth embodiment of the p~cking ~ssi3t in3trument ~ccording to thi3 invention.
Fig. 19 i3 ~!1 top view of the p~cking ~ssi3t in3trument of Fig. 18.
Fig. 20 i3 ~ perspectivc view showing ~ seventh ~mhA~;I nt of the pAcking n33ist instrument ~ccordlng to thiu invention.
Fig. 21 is ~ perspective view showing an eighth embodiment of the p~cking z~3sist in3trument ~ccording to this invention.
Fig. 22 is - perspective view showing ~ ninth ~mho~li~~~nt of the p~cking aosi3t instrument ~ccording to thi3 invention.
Fig. 23 is ~ top view of tho p~cking ~ssist instrument of Fig. 22.
Fig. 24 i3 ~n iLlu3tr~tion of expem3ion of zl holding frame.
Fig. 25 i3 ~n illu3tr~tlon 3howing u3e of the p-cking i3t in3trument of Fig. 22.
Fig. 26 i3 n per3pective vi~w showing a tenth embodiment of the p~cking ~u3i3t instrument ~ccording to thi3 invention.
Fig. 27 is ~ top view of the pzlcking ~ssi3t instrument of Fig. 26.
Fig. 28 i3 ~n illu3tration 3howing u3e of the p~cking i3t in3trument of Fig. 26.
Fig. 29 i3 ~ per3pective view showing A eleventh embodiment of the p~cking ~ssist in3trument ~ccording to thiu invention.
Fiq. 30 i3 per3pective view of 1I b~ue trame, p~rt3 una33embled, of the p~lcking ~33i3t in3trument of Fig. 29.
Fig. 31 i3 n per3pective view of the p~cking ~3ui3t in3trument, p~rt3 un~3sembled, of Fig. 29.
Fig. 32 i3 ~ 3ection-l view t~ken nlong the line D-D of Fig.
29 .

Fig. 33 is Im illustration showing U80 of the p~cking assist instrument of Fig. 29.
Fig. 34 i8 ~ porspective view showing ~ twclfth embodiment of the packing assist instrument according to this invention.
Fig. 35 is ~n illu~tration showing use of the packing assist instrument of Fig. 34.
Fig. 36 is - perspective view showing a process of p~cking.
Fig. 37 is Vertical sectional parti~l views of the holding fr~me in the vicinity of its upper edge.
Fig. 38 is ~ perspectivo view showing ~ thirteenth embodiment of the packing assist instrument z3ccording to thi3 invention .

I~he present invention wiLl be described in detail herein~fter with reference to the accomp~nying drawings I to 38 with illustr~tes preferred ~omh~ r nts thereof.
Fig. 1 i~ ~ porspective view showing the fir~t ~mh~ t of the packing assist instrument of the present invention. Fig. 2 illustrate~ the support column of the instrument of Fig. l being ~djusted in height and Fig. 3 ~hows by w~y of perspective views procedure Or p~cking by oper~ltion the p~cking i~ssist instrument.
A packing assist instrument l of thi3 embodiment comprises c ring-shaped packing bag holding frame 2, a support column 3 ~nd base 4. Support column 3 And b~:;e 4 form a ~ste~nd by which holding frame 2 is supported.
}lolding frame 2 is provided by sh~ping a stainless steel rod in the form of a ring to form a through hole through which ~rticles 2~7~4~
to be pelcked pcLss, with an opening of 3~id through hole positioned upwerd ~nd horizont~lly zlnd holding frame 2 supported by support column 3. Holding frame 2 is of ~ size, ~18 shown in Fig. 3(~), 3ufficient to put a p~lcking bag ~I thereon with the bottom of b~g E~
facing 3~id opening of the through hole a3 3hown in Fig. 3(a).
~his holding fr~me 2 m~de of ~ round rod helps b~g H slide smoothly upon cont~ct with s~id fralne 2 when the bug E~ is rever3ed ~md moved .
Support column 3, a3 3hown in FLg. 2, comprise3 ~n outer cylinder 5 ~nd ~n inner cylinder 6, with the top end of inner cylinder 6 attached with holding fr me 2. Cylinder 6 i3 vertically movable relative to cylinder 6 ~nd 3upport column 3 i3 rd~u3t~ble in height by moving ~n eng~ging piece 6~ on inner cylinder 6 vertic~lly along ~ 31it 5~ of outer cylinder 5 ~nd letting said eng~lging piece eng~ged with ~ny of recesses 5b, 5c or 5d for eng~lgement, thereby allowing to ~d~ust holding fr~lme 2 in height in ~ccordance with the length of the ~rticles to be pe.cked.
13~se 4 i3 80 de3igned, ~3 further described l~tter, th~t among it3 four feet 4~ to 4d, feet 4~ ~nd 4b on the 3ide under holding fr~Le 2 llre longer th~n the other two feet on the oppo3ite 3ide thereby ~llowing the entire ~L33i3t in3trument 1 to be 3upported in the 3table st~te even under ~n unb~l~nced lo~d when it i8 in u3e.
In order to p~Lck egg-apple3 N u3ing the ~fore3~id p~cking ~s3i3t in3trument 1, the in3trument i3 placed on ~ suitable workt~ble and b~lg ~} with its bottom up is put on holding frame 2 ~8 shown in Fig. 3 (~) . ~hen, sever~l egg-apple~a N ~re held b~ h~nd and ~t the same time cont~cted with the bottom of b~g ~, sub3equently forced into holding fr~me 2 together with b~g ~ (Fig.

3(b) ) . Thus, the bottom of bl~g H is forced downward under the holding frcme under the pressuro of egg-cpples N which are wrcpped in bcg H while it i3 reversed cnd goes through holding fr~me 2 together with egg-cpples N down onto the worktable, upon which insert~on of the egg-cpples into b~g H is completed.
A3 de30ribed cbove, 3inoe bcg H with it3 bottom up i3 put on holding frcme 2, egg-~pple3 N over bcg H cre forced into holding fr~me 2, cnd bcg H i3 reversed mecntLme egg-cpples N are inserted into bcg H, egg-cpple3 N cnd bcg H cre cont~cted with e~ch other, but ct the scme time move cs 80 contccted in the course of the steps (c) to (c) of Fig. 3, insertion of egg-cpples N into bcg H is ccrried out quite 3moothly, thereby encblinq efficient pl~cking operation, although the egg-cpples N cre cpt to cdhere, due to the smoothness of their skin, on the inner surfcce of bcg H.
Subsequently, the upper portion of bcg H inserted with the egg-cpples i3 closed in such customcry mcnner ~3 by being tied up with adhe3ive tcpe or by thermcl fusing, whereupon p~ckinq is completed. ~lthough not 3hown, the in3ide of the bag H iB printed ~9 required before it is put on holding frcme 2 cnd once the bag is reversed, th0 printed surf~ce of bcg H comes out, thu3 the -rticle3 when pccking i3 completed Are recdy for shipment.
Fig. 4 is c perspective view showing c second embodiment of the pccking cssist instrument of the present invention, FLg. 5 is c verticcl Yectioncl view of the pcoking cssist instrument o~ Fig. 4, cnd Fig. 6 illustrctes by w~y of the procedure3 of pcoking.
In this embodiment, c pccking cssist instrument 10 comprises c holding frcme 11 in cylindric~l form, scid frcme hcving through hole, cnd c box-shcped support pl~tform 12.
Holding frcme 11 i3 mcde of ~ synthetic resin cylindrically 2 ~ 7~ 3 .
formed 0.8 ~3hown in Fig. 4 with ~n opening of s~id through hole po~;itioned upw~rd ~nd horizont~lly ~nd holding fr~me 11 ~Ittached onto ~ top pl~te 12~ of support pl~tform 12. Holding fr~me 11 hzls ize enough to put ~ packing b~g El thereon with the bottom of b~g ~ f~cing s~id opening of the through hole, and the top end of holding fr~me 11 forms an upw~rdly widened t~pered portion ~ with the edge thereof provided with ~ bevoling llb. In pl~ce of beveling Ilb, the edge m~y be equipped with ~ ~t~inless steel rod ~h~ped in the form of ~ ring.
Support pl~tform 12 is m~lde of ~ synthetic resin sh~ped in the form of ~ box with top pl~te 12~ provided with ~n opening 12b onto which holding fr~me 11 is ~Itti ched, /md one of the 3ide wAlls of the box is removed to provide ~n outlot 12c for t~lking out the p~oked ~rticles. Within support pl~Ltform 12, c slope 12d is provided extending ~rom opening 12b tow~rds outlet 12c for e~se of taking out the p~cked ~rticles which come dcwn through holding frz~me 11 .
In order to pack egg-~pples N using the ~fore3~id p~cking ~s3ist instrument 10, the instrument is pl~lced on ~ suit~ble workt~ble ~nd ~ b~g E~ is put on the holding fr~me 11 with the bottom of the b~lg fzlcing upw~rd ~8 shown in Fig. 4. ~hen, sever~l egg-~pples N ~re held by hrnd and ~t the ~me time cont~cted with the bottom o~ bag ~I (Fig. 6(~ ) ), subsequently forced into the holding fr~me (Fig. 6(b) ) . Thu~, the bottom of b~g H is forced downw~rd holding frnme 11 under the pressure of egg--pples N which ~re wr~pped in b~g EI while it i 3 reversed ~nd go23 through holding fr~me 11 ~nd insertion of egg-~pples N into b~g H is finished ~Fig.
6(c) ) -3~g 1~ pclcked with the egg-~pple~ N f~lls within ~upport .
pl~ltform 12 (Fig. 6(dj~. Within pl~tform 12, 310pe lZd i9 provided directed tow~rd~ outlet 12c, and faLlen b~g H i~3 moved near to outlet 12c 80 th~t b~g H i3 ea3ily taken out by putting the hand from outlet 12c in the box 12.
Likewi3e ~ in the fir3t embodiment, during the 3tep3 (a) to (c) of Fig. 6, egg-~pple3 N and b~g H are contacted with each other, but ~t the 3ame time movod me~ntime a3 30 contacted, in3ertion of egg-apple3 N into bag E~ i3 carried out quite 3moothly ~llthough the egg-apple3 ~re ~pt to adhere on the inner 3urface of b~g H, thereby enabling efficient packing oper~tion.
After bag E~ i3 taken out, the upper portion of bag EI p~cked with the egg-~pple3 N i3 clo3ed in 3uch cu3tom~ry manner as by being tied up with 4dhe3ive tape or by therm~l fu3ing, whereupon p~oking i8 completed. P.g~in, the in3ide of b g H i3 printed a3 required before it iY put on holding fr~me 11 ~nd once the bag i3 revereed, the printed sur~ce come3 out, thu3 the ~rticlel3 when p~cking i3 completed -re re~ldy for 3hipment.
Fig. 7 i3 a per3pective view 3howing ~ third embodiment of the packing ~3i~t in3trument of the pre3ent lnvention.
In thi3 F~mhc~r~-lt~ ~ packing ~33i3t in3trument 20 compri3e3 n cylindric~l-3haped holding frame 21 and ~ box-shaped ~upport platform Z2.
~ olding fr~me 21 i3, likewi3e holding frame 11 of the 3econd embodiment, made of ~ 3ynthetic re3in and ~ttached to a top plate 22~ of 3upport platform 22. Support platform 22 i3 ~gain m~de o E a 3ynthetic re3in 3h~ped in the form of a box provided with ~m opening in top plate 22a, cmd one o~ the ~iide well~ of the box i3 removed to erovide ~n outlet 22b for taking out the packed ~rticle3. In thi3 orhn~ t, 3upport pl~tform 22 i3 gre~ter in 2 ~ 7~4~ ~
ito height th~n 3upport pl~tform 12 o~ the Yecond embodiment to h~ve ~ largor inner op~ce in order to facilitrte the f~lling of the p~lcked i~rticlcs through holding fr~me 21 end the work in t~king out the pzlcked ~rticles from outlet Z2b.
The proceso of packing with p~cking assi3t instrument 20 i8 b~sically snme ~8 with the instrument 10 of the second embodiment.
In this embodiment, support pl~tform 22 is yrecter in height and free from ~my obst~cle in its interior so th~t thQ p~cked articles coming through holding frame 21 will not be blocked at the bottom of oupport pl~tform 22 and ~ssured of going down in the interior thereo f .
Fig. 8 i3 ~ per3pective view showing ~ fourth embodiment of the p~ckiny assist instrument According to the invention, Fig. 9 iLlustrates the m~nner in which the E~cking baqs nre set on the p~cking assist instrument of Fig. 8, i~nd Fig. 10 illustr~te3 ~
proces3 of p~cking.
In this embodiment, ~ plurcllity of holding fr~mes ~re fitted to ~ support column to be rotated in n verticnl pl~ne so th~t the p~cking b~Lgs ~re QutomQtic~lly put on the holding frames by virtue of the rotation of the holding fr~me3.
A p~cking ilssist instrument 30 in thi~ embodiment comprises four L-oh~ped ~rms 31CI to 31d cccomp~nying by holding frames 32~ to 32d, ~ g~ta-3hllped support column 33 on ~ b~se 35, ~nd ~ blower 36.
Arms 31~ to 3 ld ~re L-shclpod pipe of ~ 2~ynthetic resin which h~ve ~t the f~r ends thereof ring-shr~ped holding fr~meG 32~ to 32d, respectively, with their b~se ends ~butted crosswioe and supported to ~ be~m ~top of support column 33 vi~ ~ joint 34, o~id ~rms being rotated only in the direction of R Vi~l n r~tchet mech~nism (not shown ) .

~ 2~79~1 Holding fr~mes 32~ to 32d ~re st~inless steel rod ~h~ped Ln the form of a ring ~nd secured to the far ends of arms 31~ to 31d in 3uch ~ m~nner th~t e~ch opening of the through hole of holding fri-mes 32~ to 32d f~ces upw~rd and kept virtu~lly horizontally when the far ends of ~rms 31~ to 31d are positioned upright end further rings 32~ to 32d ~re ad~ustable in their angles relative to arms 31~ to 31d ~s ~ihown in the p~rti~l enl~rged view in Fig. 8.
Iikewise in the first ~mh~;r--lt, holding fr~mes 32~ to 32d are of ~ dimension enough to put on p~cking b~gs H ~8 shown in Fig . 10 ( e 1 .
Support column 33 is ~ synthetic resin piping sh~ped in the form of ~I g~te for supporting to the be m atop thereof the b~se ends of arms 31~ to 31d Vi~l joint 3~ to be roti~ted, the feet of the column being fixed on bclse 35.
Ba~e 35 is ~ fl~t b~so 80 th2~t the entire ~ssist in~trument 30 is ~upported in stable st~te when in use ~nd, au dF~ ri h~'d l~ter, pile of p~cking bags H c~n be set thereon.
Blower 3 6 is provided for opening clnd blowing up the packing b-lgs on bclse 35 one by ona. It i3 set ~It one end of b~se 35 with its ~ir outlet being directod over b~se 35. In order to p~ck egg--pples N using s~id p~cking ~ssist instrument, ~ pile of oriented brgs H in 30 to 50 pieccs ~re pl~ced on b~se 35 with their ends to be opened f~cing blower 36 ~8 ~hown in Fig. 9. Each of b~gs H h~s ~n protruded end p~rt Hb, which extended end is provided with ~ couple of holes Ha in ~dv~nce into which a u-sh~ped staple 37 i3 inserted for setting the pile of b~gs H in place on bese 35.
~ hen, ~8 shown in Fig. 10(~), when ~ny one of the holding fr~mes, for instance, holding fri-me 32~, is positioned between b~lgs H on b~se 35 ~nd blower 36, blower 36 is switched on 80 th~t a topmost bag H1 of the pile i~ opened ~nd blown up by the ~ir 2 1 7945 ~
blowing rom blower 36 ~s ~hown in Fig. lO(b). In this position, by ~dv~ncing arms 31~, 31d forwcrd for rot~tion ~8 shown in Fig.
lO(c), holding fr~me 32a comes into blown b~g Hl, ~nd by further ~dv~ncing the rotation ~5 shown in Fig. lO(d), holding frame 32a hits the bottom of b~g Hl which is pulled di~gon~lly upward by holding fr~me 32~, whereby protruded end part Hb is torn ~t the portion of holes H~ to rele~e the protruded end p~lrt Hb from the st~ple 37 ~nd b~g Hl ~8 being put on holding frame 32A is lifted together with holding fr~me 32~.
At this moment, ~8 shown in Fig. lO(e), sever~l egg-~pples N ~re forced into holding fr~me 32~, then, likewise as in the first embodiment, the bottom of b~g Hl is forced downw~rd holding fr~me 32~ under the pressure of egg-epple~s N which ~re, ~8 shown in Fig.
lO(f), wr~pped in the b~g while it is reversed ~nd goe3 through holding r~me 32a together with egg-~pples N, and the insertion of the egg-~pple~ N into b~g Hl is finished. In the s~me m~nner, by rotating arms 31- to 31d further, bringing holding frames 32b, 32d in turn in position ~nd inserting egg-~pples N into ~nother b~g H, ~nd by repe~ting this proce3s, insertion of egg-clpples N into b~gs H cem be c~rried out in succession.
Thus in p~cking 2Issist in3trument 30 of this embodiment, n pile of b~gs H on b~so 35 ~ro blown up in succession from the one on the top by the ~ir blown from blower 36 ~Ind c~m ~utom~tic~lly be put on holding fr~mes 32~ to 32d by rotl~ting ~rms 31~ to 31d.
Although not shown, ~ switch c~n be incorpor~ted with support column 33 with ~n electric~l wiring provided to connect support column 33, b~ e 35 ~nd blower 36 for ~lutom-~tic switching on-off of blower 36 in ssoci~tion with the rotation of ~rms 31a to 31d.
As shown in the foregoing ~.mho~l;m~onts~ the p~cking ~ssist 2 ~ 79~s ~
instrument of the presents invention is gcneri-lly simple in construction and smaller in size, thu~ ~dapted for introduction even in sm~ll production facilities and most suited for carrying out packing on worktables ~nd the like. The above embodiments are 3hown for packing egg-apple3 for example and other vegetables, fruitY, flowers or else c~n be p~cked in same m~nner. Further, the dimension and sh~pe of the holding frame, ~upport platform and other parts of the instrument can be de~igned anyway in accordance with the types and number of the ~rticles to be packed, sizes of the packing bag, etc.
Figs. lI to 13 show a fifth embodiment of the present invention, in which Fig. 11 i8 a pcrspective view of the packing ~s3ist instrument, Pig. 12 is a top view thereof, Fig. 13(a) is a sectional view along the line X-X of Pig. 12, Pig. 13(b) is p2rtial enlarged view of Pig. 13(a).
A packing assist instrument 40 in this -m~od~ t, ~8 shown in Pigs. I1 and 12, comprisos a first and second holding frames 42, 43 made of a synthetic resin or else shaped in the form of circular rings, a main 3upport column 44, a secondary support column 45, and a base 46. Pirst holding fr~me 42 is attached atop of m~in support column 44 whioh 3upports s~id frame in such a manner th~t 4n (upper) opening of the through hole of holding frame 42 faces upward and remains virtually horizontally.
As shown in Fig. 13, a lower outer peripheral surface 48 of first holding frame 42 is dispo3ed in a plane parallel with the direction of extension of an ~xis passing through center of the through hole of first holding frame 42, in addition to which over upon outer peripheral ~urface 48, a curved convex surface 51 i8 provided smoothly extending from the upper edge S 0 in the downw~rd ~J~
direction. Further, ~ lower inner peripher~l surfzlce 52, which 3urfz.ce ~Y~ n~ from Q lower edge 51~ of ourved convex surface 51 to ~ bottom ond 42~ of holdLng fr~me 42, is depressed towards the direction in which the radius of holding fr~me 42 extends, whereby ~ c~vity 53 i3 formed in full circumference over tho lower inner portion bf holding framo 42.
Aa obviously shown in Fig. 13 (b~, ~ lower edgo 49~ of a 49 inclined 3urf~ce is posLtioned ~13 high ~8 ~bout half tho hoight h of holding framo 4Z, tho Qnglo ~ of the inclined surface 49 i9 sot ~t 33 degrees rol~tivo to tho Qxis C, and lower edge 51a of curved convex surfzLce 51 is positLoned slightly higher th~n h~lf tho height h of holding frame 42.
Sinco the ~Ippo~rance ~md shQpe of second holding framo 43 is gonor~lly 3imil~r to thoso o~ the first holding frame 42, doscription thereof is omittod with s~mo roferonce numor~ls ~eing a~signod to the s~lme elomonts ~8 those of tho first holding fr~me 42 .
As doscribod above, since the outer peripher~l surfcce of tho holding fr~me 42 is providod with lower outer peripher~l surf~ce 48 which is in p~r~llel with the ~xis C and inclined surfQce 49 which is tapering towards over the axis C, tho outline of the entire outor peripher~l surface of holding fr~me 42 Qppe~rs t-~pered upwards. ~his will e~se the work of putting p~cking b~g H
with its bottom up on holding fr~me 42 when st rting the p~cking proceas .
In the actual p~cking oper~tion, tho movement of Zl film surface H~ of the p-oking bag H put on holding fr~mo 42 follows ~
oourso 55 ~18 illustr~tod in Fig. 13~). First, it r~ises up sliding along lower outer peripher~ll surface 48 of holding fri~me 42 2 1 7 ~
and inclined surfacc 49 extending in continuation from the lower outer peripher~l surface 48, then it turn3 downw~rd near upper edge 50 of the inclined surf~ce 49 ~nd descends sliding along curved convex surface 51 curving Gmoothly downward from upper edge 50.
Prior to starting packing, film surface 'flF of p~cking bcg H
put on holding frame 42 is suspended downw~rd generally in p~r~llel with axis C, while lower outer peripher~l surface 48 is also in parallel therewith, thus the film surf~ce E~r is suspended generally in parallel with lower outer peripherll surface 48. ~herefore, in the instance film surface El, raises up as packing process is started, film surface ~F moves smoothly ~long lower outer peripheral surface 48.
Further, since inclined surface 49 extending in continu~tion from lower outer peripher~l surfAce 48 is tapered upward to axis C, film surface P~, when r~ising up along slope ~9, is tapered in ~n angle most suited for its turning near upper edge 50 .
In other words, if film surface E~. iY to ~e turned as it is going up in parallel with axis C, film surface HF must instantly be reversed 180 degree~. In3te~d, when film surface FIF r~ises up ~long inclined surface 49 angled 33 degrees until it turns, it should turn onl~- 147 degrees, which is the rem~inder left after 33 degrees subtr~cted from 180 degrees, resulting in the e~se in the turn of film surface PF. Th~t is, film surf~ce E~F is re~dy for such turning meantime it goes up aLong inclined surface 49, ~nd it turns quite 23moothly ne~r upper edge 5 0 .
Further, when film surface EIF turns ne~r upper edge 50, as it movo3 vi~ inclined surface 49 downward from upper edge 50 along curved convex surface 51 curved smoothly, ~ clearance 56 is 2 ~ 7~
conveniently formed between the portion where film surf~lce 'ffF turns ~nd upper edge 50. Thi3 will prevent closc cont~ct of film surface T~IF with holding fr~me 42 in ~dvance resulting in the smooth turn of film sUrf~Ce Hr. Further, since curved convex surf~ce S1 is a smoothly curving curv~lture without point of inf:Lection or any intorruption, it provides guite 5atisf~ctory sliding of film surf~ce 7~F in the subsequent course of its descent.
Furthermore, lower inner peripher~l surface 52, which surface extending from ~ lower edge 51a of curved convex surf~ce 51 to A bottom end 42~ of holding frame 42, is depressed tow~rds the direction ln which the r~dius of holding fr~me 42 extends, whereby c~vity 53 is formed in full circumference over the lower inner portion of holding l~r~me 42. Thus, ~8 p~cking b~g ~ inserted with ~rticles to be packed de~ccnds lower th~n the position of the lower edge 51~ of curved convex surface 51, p~cking b~g E~ is rele~sed from restriction resulting in quite smooth descent of packing bag E~.
As obviously shown in Fig. 13(b), lower edge 49a of inclined surf~ce 49 positioned higher th~n h~lf the height h of holding fr~e 42 ~nd thc ~ngle 3 of inclined surf~,ce 49 sot ~t 33 degrees rel~tive to AXis C h~s resulted in ~ best sliding of the film of pclcking b~g H. Further, lower edge 51~ of ourved convex surf~ce 51 positioned slightly higher th~n h~lf the height h of holding frame 42 hzls resulted in quite smooth ~md steady pllss~ge of p~cking bclg E~ inserted with egg- pples N ~s the Articles to be p~cked. The foregoing perform~nco nd effects clre quite szlme ~s for holding frzlme 43 A8 well.
Further as shown in Fig. 14, position of inclined surf~ce 49 ~nd lower edge 51~1 of curved convex surface 51 c~n be shifted much higher th~n h~lf the height h of holding fr~lme 42. Such 2~7~5l .
configuration will provide lower outer peripher~l surl~elce 18 ~nd c~vity 53 in rel~tively yre~ter vertic~l length, thereby much ~teady ~nd smooth turning ~nd p~ss~ge of the p~cking bag c~n be ~chieved .
In this embodiment, packing ~ssist instrument 40 has pz~cking b4g holding frames 42, 43 in circul~r ring-3h~pe 30 th~t the inserted egg-~pples N ~re ~ssembled in ~nd ~round the center of p~cking b~g H znd p~cked evenly ~s observed in eny direction, thus it hc~s ~n adv~nt~ge th2lt p~cking c~.n be curried out without reg2~rd to the orient~tion o~ egg-~pples N.
Where~s, Fig. 15(~) is A p~rtinl side view of zl fr~gment of support column 44 showing eng~ging recesscs, Fig. 15tb) is sectioncll view ~long the line A-A of Fig. 15(n). As shown in Fig.
15, ~econd holding frzlme 43 i3 support~d in such a m~nner that it rem~ins horizontolly positioned as ~ hook 57 provided ~t the bottom of second-ry support column 45 is engAged with eng~ging recesses 58 provided for main support column 44. Since any one of the plurnlity of eng.~ging reces~ios 58 c~n be selected ~nd hook 57 is detach~ble with regnrd to cng~ging recesses 58, the second~ry support column c~n be removed by diseng~ging hook 57 from engaging recess 58 when only holding fr~me 42 is used but second holding fr~me 43 is not in use or stored.
Further, in packing ~Issist instrument 40, first ~nd second holding fri~me3 42, 43 ~re provided in different sizes each other 50 th~t, n8 shown in Fig. 16(n), p~cking work c~m be c~rried out in p~r~llel for egg-~pples Nl, N2, for exzlmple, which differ in size e~ch other by furnishing p~lcking b~gs Hl, H2 of different 9izes, respectively .
Now, with reference to Fig. 16, p~cking process using 2 1 7~45 1 packing ~ssist instrument 4û is def~crLbed in detail. First, ~3 shown in Fig. 16(~), b~gs Hl, H2 with their bottoms up ~re put on ~irst ~nd second holding frames 42, 43, re~pectively. Then, several egg-apples Nl, N2 ~re held by hand and contacted with the bottoms of bags H1, H2. Subsequently egg-apples N1, N2 are forced into holding fremes 42, 43 together with b-g~3 H1, H2 (Fig. 16(b) ) .
Thus, the bottoms of bag~ ~1, H2 are forced downw~rd under holding frames 42, 43 under the pressure of egg-apples Nl, N2, while b~gs H1, H2 ~re reversed and pas~ through holding frames 42, 43 together with egg-apples N1, N2 ~md fall down near the ba3e 46, upon which insertion of egg-~peles N1, N2 into bAgs H1, H2 is fini~hed (Fig.
16(c~ ) .
AB described above, since bags Ell, H2 with their bottoms up ~re put on holding fr4mes 42, 43, egg-apples N1, N2 over bags H1, H2 are forced into holding frames 42, 43 and bags H1, H2 ~re reversed me~ntime egg-apple~ N1, N2 are inserted into b~gs H1, H2, egg-apples Nl, ~2 ~nd bag3 Hl, H2 are contacted with each other, but at the s~me time move C8 80 contacted in the course of the steps (a) to (c) of Fig. 16, insertion of egg--pples Nl, N2 into b~gs Hl, H2 i3 CA-rried out quite smoothly, thcreby en~bling efficient p~cking operation, although the egg-~pples N ~re apt to adhere, due to the smoothness of their 3kin, on the inner surface of b~gs Hl, H2.
Heretofore discussed i3 the c-se where holding fr~mes 42, 43 ~re used at the s~me time, but either one of them alone can of courae be uued. P~cking assist instrument 40 is provided with two holding fr~mes 42, 43 of different size3 for receiving egg-apples Nl, N2 of different sizes, but two or more holding frAmes of same size cAn ~180 be used. Depending on case~, holding fr~me 42 alone 217~J~
can again be used.
As dlscussed above, packing ~s3ist instrument 40, being provided with two holding frames 42, 43 of different 3izes, ellows p~cking processes for two sizes of egg-apples N1, N2 run in parallel. Thus it can ~chieve substential improvement in operating ef~ectiveness for packing articles which di~fer especially in size or- type. Further, since two holding ~rames 42, 43 ~re disposed virtu~lly in opposing relation3hip, the m~in support column i3 subjected to bAlanced weight, it h~s the effect o~ resulting in the UV~ nt in stability of the packing assist instrument in packing operation.
Further, as regard~ eng~ging recosseG 58, they can also be provided in a plurality of symmetrical po3itions, as shown in Fig.
17, in which case four engaging recesses 58 on main support column 44 will allow second holding frame 43 to be ~d~usted in longitudinal as well as vertical positions. Natur~lly thc position of holding frame 43 can be seLected in accQrdance with the size Qr type of the articles to be p~cked, and further the position o~
second holding fr~me 43 can be decided in order to ~void intervention of the mutual packing operation in first and second holding frames 4Z, 43 or for the e~se of p~cking oper21tion.
With reference to Figs. 18 and l9, ~ sixth embodiment of this invention will be described. Fig. 18 iel ~ perspective view of a p~cking assist instrument and Fig. 19 is a top view thereof.
A p21cking ~ssist instrument 60 compri-~es, as ~Ihown in Figs.
18 ~md 19, three holding frames 61, 62, 63 of a circular ring-shape, a main support column 64, secondary support columns 65, 66 ~nd ~
base 67. First holding ~r~me 61 i~ supported by main support column 64 so th~t it rem~ins virtuelly horizontally. Means provided for 2 ~ 79~5 1 .
3econd~ry support columns 65, 66 for cng~ging them with m~in support oolumn 64 to hold second holding fr~me3 62, 63 ~re ~8 sama Z13 tho3e for p~cking ~ssist in3trument 40. P~cking assist instrument 60 he3 three holding fr~mes 61, 62, 63 of different 3izes fQr efficiency in p~cking three kinds of ~rticles to be p~cked differing in size, type, or else.
In the ~h~ ntS heretofore described, holding frames 2, 11, 21, 32a to 32d, 42, 43, 61, 62, 63 ~re provided in circular ring-sh~pe so that inserted e~g-~lpples N ~re nssembled in the centr~l portion of p~cking b2~g H r~nd p-cked evenly ~8 observed in /my direction, thus it h~s ~n ~Idv~nt~ge that p~-cking can be c~rried out without reg~rd to the orient~ltion of egg-~pples N.
E~owever, the holdinq frame is not limited to such sh~pe and it could, for ex~mple, be ov~l ring-sh~ped or elso. An ov~l ring-sh~ped holding fr~me will deliver the ~rticles p~cked side by side in ~ row without being assembled in the central portion of the bcg ~nd it i ~dv~ntage iu that the articles so p~cked -~re e~Dy to see ~nd good for displ~y. Therefore, the holding fr~me of ov~l ring-sh~pe is suitdble for p~cking fr~gile veget;-bles, for inst~nce, spin~lch, or the like. Incidont~lly, whether the fr~me is circular or ov~l ring-sh~ped, insertion of the ~rticles into the p~oking b~g CQn be cnrried out smoothly.
Fig. 20 illustr~tes a seventh embodiment of this invention.
A pr~cking z~ssist instrument 70, ~s shown, h~3 ~n ovel ring-sh~ped frame 71 for holding the p~cking bag. This ov~l ring-sh~ped holding fr~me 71 will deliver the ~rticles p~cked side by side in ~
row without being ~ssembled in the centr~l portion of the b~g and its ~dvantage i3 th~lt the articles 80 packed ~Lre e~sy to see and good for displuy. Therefore, p-cking ~ssist instrument 70 is 2 i 7~
suit~ble for pAcking fragile veget~lbles, for inut~nce, spinach, or the like. In packing llssi3t in~3trument 70, likewise in the preceding e~ho~i;r t, inaertion of thc ~rticles Lnto the packing bAg can be carried out ~3moothly.
With reference to Fig. 21, an eighth embodiment of this invention 18 described. In A packing assist instrument 7~, d~i shown, provided between a holding fr~me 76 And a support column 77 i~ A guArd element 78 for preventing inclini~tion of the pAcking bAg.
If the bAg in3erted with the ~rticles hAs p~aed through holding frame 76 but i3 inclined without going right downward, it hit~
gu~rd clement 78 and i3 direoted to ~Ivoid inclinAtion 80 thAt the bAg pAssoY smoothly without disturbing the 2rtioles inserted.
Furthermore, in every pAcking Assi~t instrument as doscribed, it cAn be constructed in such ~ m~nner thAt the holding frame is variAbly positioned when it is AttAched to the support column or thAt the support oolumn cAn flexibly Adju~;t its height.
~hus, the pAcking aaAist instrument cAn vAriAbly be ~dju3ted its height from the surface it stands to tho position of the holding frame, which position cAn properly bo decided ~ccording to the length of the ~rticles to be packed. Also, the position of the holding frAme cAn bo ~djusted in accordAncc with the various condition3 for operation including tho place for retting the inRtrument or workers ' height 80 thAt they cAn work in comfort-ble posture .
Fig. 22 iY A perspectiv~ view showing A ninth embodiment of the pAcking Aqsist instrument According to the present invention, And Fig. 23 i~ A top view of the packing assist instrument of Fig.
22 .
A pAcking l!lssist instrument 80 in this emi~odiment comprises ~ 1 7q~5 1 .
~ ring-sh~ped holding frame 81, ~ oupport column 82 for ~upporting holding fr/lme 81, cnd ~ base 83 to which support column 82 is ~ttached with its bottom end inserted thereinto, holding fr~me 81 provided with a fastoner 84 into which the top end of support column 82 is inserted.
E~olding fr~me 81 is m~de of ~n exp~nsible and flexible tube of synthetic resin m~teri~l. A~i shown in Fig. 24, this flexible tube i3 constructed of thin sheets formed in a speci~l shz~pe and assembled in helic~l form 50 th~t it is expansible. Fig. 24(a) 3how~ the flexible tubQ in its shortest length ~nd Fig. 24 ~b) the longest Length. Therefore, holding fr~me 81 is, as shown in Figs.
22 ~nd 23, exp~nsible to the exten~ represented in Figs. 24 (~) ~nd (b) -Support column 82 i8 3ecured to holding fr~me 81 with thetop end of the column inscrted into ~m opening of faatener 84, while itr height should v~ry in ~ccord~nce with the si2e or type of the articLes to be pclcked. Preferably, it:i height should be such that the bottom of the p~cking bag inserted with articLes doeg not touch the 3urfaco where the instrument stands in order to keep the ~rticles free from d~m~ge, and, for inst~nce, 30 to 50 cm is appropri~te for egg-ilpples.
oase 83 is ~tt~ched with support column 82 where a first and second bzlse fr~lmes 83~, 83b h~ving ~ rectanguLar section 80 th~t the entire instrument is supported in st~ble st~te even when holding frnme 81 is subjected to unb~lr.nced loo.d.
Now with reference to Fig. 25, p~cking process using said ~ssist instrument will be described. The p~s~iing ~ssist instrument i8 pl~ced on ~ suitable workt~ble. First, ~ b~g E~ with its bottom up is put on holding fr~me 81 ~g shown in Fig. 25(a). Then, .
Beveral egg-appleB N are held by hand and kept st~nding on the bottom of b~g H, 3ubsequently egg-eppleB N are forced into holding frame 81 together with bag H (Fig. 25(b)). Thu3, the bottom of bag H iG forced downward under holding frame 81 under the pres~ure of egg-apples N which are wrapped in bag H while it i9 reversed ~nd goes through holding frame 81 together with egg-apples N down onto the worktable, upon which insertion of egg-apple3 N into bag H is fini3hed (Fig. 25(c)).
~ a8 de~cribed above, bag H with its bottom up iB put on holding frame 81, egg-appleB N over bag H are forced into holding frame 81, end b~g ~ iB reversed meentime egg-appleB N ~re inserted into bag H. In the course of the steps (A~ to (c) of Fig. 25, egg-apples N 4nd bag H are oontacted with each other without rel~tive movement of the egg-appleB N and the b~g H, but at the same time move as 50 contacted, insertion of egg-appleB N into bag H is carried out quite smoothly, thereby enabling efficient packing operAtion, elthough the egg-appleB N are apt to adhere, due to the smoothness of their skin, on the inner surf~ce of bag H-Subsequently, the upper portion of b~g H packed with theegg-~ppleB iB closed in such customary manner es by being tied up with adhesive tape or thermal fu~ing, whereupon packing iB
completed. ~he inside of b~g H iB printed i!lB required before it i3 put on holding frame 81 end once the bag iB revcrsed, the printed surface comes out, thus the articles as packing is completed are ready for shipment.
For inserting a greAter number of egg-epples N or packing larger article3, a l~rger packing bag is used accordingly and holding frame 81 is expanded as shown by chain lines in Fig. 22 80 that the articles as packed are prevented from contacting the inner 2 1 7~4~ 1 .
~ur~ce of holding frame 81 ~nd pAcking i~ carried out wlthout dAmaging the Articles.
Fig. 26 i3 ~ perBpective ViCW showing a tenth Gmbodimcnt of the p~cking A~sist instrument of the present invention, Fig. 27 is top view of the pAcking assist instrument of Fig. 26. In this ~ ~ ~;r--t, elements corresponding to those in the ninth embodiment Are Assigned with the same reference numeral3 as in th~t embodiment.
In A pAcking assi3t instrument 85 of this embodiment, the mAin component of a holding frAme 86 is an ov~l met~l ring 86A, ~
3ide of which is provided with A breAk 86b. Elements 86c Aro end covers mAde of resin and bAll-shAped to prevent dAmAge to pAcking bAgs and Articles to be pAcked. In this embodiment, the breAk 86b extendq to one fifth of thc entirc inner circumference of holding frAme 86. This breAk provides A sp~ce for relief in pAcking operAtion And Also facilitates smooth reversion of the p~cking bAgs.
With reference to Fig. 28, pAcking process using pAcking Ausist instrument 85 iR described, wherein the reference code F
represents A bunch of fLower~ which volume is l~rger upwArds ~nd smaller downwards.
Likewise thc process in Fig. 25, Assist in~trument 85 is plAced on A suit4ble worktilble, And A bAg H with its bottom up is put on holding framo 86 AS shown in Fig. 28(A). Then, severAl flowers F are picked up by hAnd, plAced on the bottom of bAg h, and the stalks Are forced into holding fri~me 86 together with b~g E~
(Fig. 28(b) ) . Thus, the bottom of bAg E~ is forced downwArd under holding frAme 86 undcr the pressuro of flower F And bAg H is reversed meantime flowers F clre wrApped up. Then, the flowers together with bAg ~I Arc pulled tow~rd bre~k 86b (in the direction B) so thAt thc petAls of flower~ F Are pAcked without being 2 ~
contacted with the inner cirGumference cf hclding frame 86 ~Fig.
28(c) ~ .
3e3ides cval hcldLng frame 86 described abcve, circul~r and other 3hapes are ~lsc pcssible. Ag~in, the break c~n pcssibly be pc3iticned in the frcnt cf the frame withcut limited tc ~ 3ide thereof .
Ncw ~n eleventh embodiment cf the inventicn i8 de3cribed with reference to Figs. 29 to 33, wherein Fig. 29 i3 ~ per3pective view of a packing ~s3i3t instrument, Fig. 30 is a perspective view of the base, part3 unassembled, of the packing Ms3ist instrument of Fig. 29, Fig. 31 i3 a perspective view of the packing as3ist instrument, part3 un~s3embled of Fig. 29, Fig. 32 is ~ sectional view along the line D-r~ of Fig. 29, Fig. 33 illustrates ~ proces~
using the packing a33i3t instrument of Fig. 29.
A packing as3ist instrument 90 in this embodiment compri3es a ring-shaped, holding frame 91, a 3upport column 92 for 3upporting atop thereof holding frame 91, and a ba3e 93 for 3upporting the 3upport column at its bottom.
holding frame 91 oomprises a circular ring 91a made of a synthetic resin, ~ cylindric~l fastener 91b secured tc an end of ring 91A and its bottom opened. P~s described latter, the pccking bag i3 put on ring 91a and the artioles to be p~cked cver ring 91a prs~ therethrcugh toqether with the bag. The top surfAce of ring 91~, cn which the packing b~g mcves when packing i3 carried on, is in smccth curvature for ~ssuring a smooth sliding.
The tcp end of support column 9 2 is inserted into the opening of fa~tener 91b ~nd secured to holding frame 91. The height of the support column varies according to the 3ize or type of the ~rticle3 to be packed, and 30 to 50 cm i3 preferable for 21 7~
egg-c~pple ~ .
Base 93 consists of a first ~nd second b~se frzlmes 94, 95 of rect~ngulAr ~ection cross-l~pped Dt the mutual b~sQ end sides, ~nd support column 92 is secured ner~r the crossing thereof.
First and second base fr4me3 94, 95 ~re identic~l in sh~lpe, mzlde o~ rel~tively he~vy wood, ~nd provided with grooves 94~, 9S~I
for L~p ~oint at the base end thereof. These grooves 94a, 95~ ~re formed inclined to the ~xes of the b~se fr~mes 94, 95, ~nd cut h~lf the thickness of base frame3 94, 95 so that, ~s shown in Fig. 30, b~se fr~mes 94, 95, when l~pped vi~ grooves 94a, 95~, just fit e~ch other imd cro~sed ~t an ~Icute angle.
References 94b, 95b represent tri~ngle superpose pl~tes, P
side elch thereof being secured to b~se frame3 94, 95, respectively, nd provided at the center thereof with vertic~l through holes 94c, 95c for inserting the support column therethrough. One face e~ch of these superposc pl~tes 94b, 95b ~re on the s~me pl~ne with the top or bottom surf~ce of b~se frelme3 94, 95, ~nd e~ch plate is half thick a~ b~se fr~mes 94, 95. ThU~, when superposed e~ch other, ~-3 obviously shown in Fig. 32, ~1 side eclch of pl~tes 94b, 95b cont~cts ~I side e~lch other of the b~se frame3 94, 95, ~nd holes 94c, 95c mzlke Zl vertical through hole for in3erting the support col~mn.
When brse frame~ ~re to be m~de of a re~in, they ~re pre~er~bly integr~l molded with the respective superpose pl~te3 for saving cost .
In the de3cribed construction, grooves 94zL, 95~ of base fr~me3 94, 95 nre l~pped e~ch other to 3et up b~se 93, the bottom of support column 92 is inserted into the hole3 94c, 95c to st~nd 3upport column 92 on bcLse 93, further the top of support column 92 i3 inserted into f~stener 91b of holding fr~me 91 to get p~cking 2 1 7~45 1 .
ussist instrument 90 of Fig. 29 re~dy for uoo. ThuJ, in this ~rl~ l;r t, 3ince packing b~g holding fr~me 91, support cQlumn 92, 4nd b~se 93 aro provided 8 knockdowns, they ~re convenient especi~lly for bringing them to the workpl~ce and, when not in use, they c~n be disA3sembled for stor~ge.
Further, since first ~nd second b~se frames 94, 95 are elements of rn identic~l sh~pe, they c~n s~ve cost of production.
A pair of knockdown base fr~mes 94, 95, provided with holes 94c, 95c which c~n be superposed for inserting the support column therethrough, ~ssures combination of b~se fr~mes 94, 95 ~nd en~bles ste~dy oper~tion.
Now the p~cking process using s~id ~ssist instrument 90 will be described with reforence to Fig. 33. Assist in3trument 90 is pl~ced on r~ suit~ble workt~ble ~nd ~ b~g H with it3 bottom up is put on holding fr~me 91 ~8 shown in Fig. 33(a). Then, ~I plur~lity of egg-~pples N ~re held by h~nd end ~t the s~me time contacted with the bottom of b~g H, subsequently forced into holding frame 91 together with bcg H (Fig. 33(b) ) . Thus, the bottom of b~g H is forced down under holding fr~me 91 under the pressure of egg-~lpples N which ~re wrepped in b~g H whilc it is reversed z~nd goes through holding frame 91 together with egg-~pples N down onto the worktable, upon which insertion of egg-~pples N into bag H is finished ( Fig.
33 (c) ) -As described above, since b~g H with its bottom up is put on holding fr~me 91, egg-Apples N over bag H ~re forced into holding fr~me 91, zmd bag H is rev2rsed me~ntime egg-epples N are inserted into b~g H, the egg-~pples N ~nd b~lg H ~Ire cont~cted with e~ch other without rel~tive movement of the egg-~pples and bng H, but i t the s~me time move a8 80 cont~cted in the course of the 2 l 7~4~
steps (a) to (c~ of Fig 33, insertion of cgg-~pples N into b~g ~l is carried out quite smoothly, thereby enabling efficient p2cking operation, although the egg-apple3 aro apt to adhere, due to the smoothne3s of their skin, on the inner surface of the bag ~I.
subsequently, the upper portion of bag ~I p~cked with the egg-apples is closed in such customary mzLnner es by bcing tied up with adhesive t~pe or thermal fusing, whareupon packing is completed. The inside o~ b~g H is printed as required before it i5 put on holding frame 91 and onoe the bag is reversed, the printed surface come~ out, thus the articles when p~ckiny is completed ~re reedy for shipment.
In this embodiment, holding frame 91 is pro~ided oircul~r ring-sh~lped so that insertcd egg-apples N aro ~ y~mhl ~ in the central portion of packing b~g ~1 ~nd p~cked evenly as observed in ~ny direction, thus it has ~n adv~ntage th~t packing c~n be c~rried out without regard to the orientation of egg-~pples N.
Nhile, the holding framc i3 not limited to 3uch sh~pe znd, for oxample, it can be a ov~l ring-shaped. An oval ring-~haped holding fr~me will deLiver the articles packed side by side in a row without being assembled in the centr~L portion of the bzLg and its ~Idv~ntagc i5 th~t the ~rticle~ so p~cked ~re easy to sec Mnd good for display. Incidentally, whether the fr~ne is circular or oval ring-shape, insertion of the articles into the packing bAg can be c-rried out smoothly.
Now a twelfth ~mho~r^-.t of the present invention will be described referring to Figs. 34 to 37, wheréin Fig. 34 is a pcrspective view of e p~cking assist instrument, Fig. 35 shows measuring with a p~cking b~g and ~rticles to be mcasured inserted into the packing assi~t instrument, Fig. 36 ilLustrates a process 2 ~ 5 1 .
of packing, ~nd Fig 37 i3 ~ section~Ll view of the holding frame.
~ n these dr~wing3, a p--cking ~33i3t in3trument 100 i3 mzldc of m~lteri~ll including 3ynthetic re3in, which in3trument compri3e3 ~
ring-3h~ped holding fri~me 101, through which ~rticleY to be p~cked M together with ~ p~cking b~g H c~n p~33, ~ 3upport column 102 for 3upporting the holding fri,me virtunlly horizont~ 3cale 103 ~tt~ched to 3upport column 102, ~nd ~ b~3e 104 which i3 under 3c~1e 103. Support column IOZ st~nds on 3cale 103 with ~he 3upport column 3 bottom end fixed to ~ weighing teble 105.
A3 3hown in Fig. 35, the weight of p~cking b~g H put on holding fr~me 101 ~nd ~rticle3 M in3erted into the bcLg i3 known by re~ding ~ pointer 107 of 3cr~1e 103. Th~t i3, p~cking ~3si3t in3trument 100 enQble3 to weigh ~rticle3 M ~nd inYert them into p~cking b~g H ~t ~I time, which greatly improve3 the efficiency of packing work. Further, in thi3 embodiment, b~3e 104, equipped with 3c~1e 103 for holding support column 102, i3 provided for 3tabilizing the ~ssi3t in3trument.
Now, the proces3 of p~cking u3ing p~cking z~s3i3t in3trument 100 i~ deYcribed referring to Fig. 36(~1) to (c). Fir3t, ~3 3hown in Fig. 36(a), ~~ b~g H with it3 bottom up i3 put on holding frame 101 of p~cking a33i3t in3trument 100. Then, from over b~g H, ~rticles M i3 forced into holding fr~me 101 ~d re3ted a3 3hown in Fig. 36(b~. Then, pointer 107 of 3c~1e 103 ill re~ld to determine the weight of ~Irticle3 M, which weight i3 ~djusted to pre3cribed ~mount by ~dding or reducing the ~rticle3 ~3 required.
A3 weighing i8 fini3hed, the bottom of b~g H i3 further forced down under holding frame 101 by forcing ~rticle3 M into holding fr~Le 101, thu3 b~g H i3 rever3ed me~ntime wrupping ~rticleY M ~nd goe~ through holding frAme 101 together with 4i 2 ~ 79~5 ~
~rtiole~ M, and eventu~lly as 3hown in Fig. 36(c), nrticles M ~3 in3erted into b g EI f~lI down under the holding fr~me 101, and the p~cking of ~rticle3 M iB completed.
In the cour3e of said p~Lcking procea3, ~lthough the surfaces of ~rticles M and the Lnner 3urf~ce of the b~g ' s film cont~ct each other, no rolative movement i5 required between them, cnd the 3urf~ces of articles M and the inner 3urface of the b~g'3 film move at the 3~me time ~3 they are 30 contacted, p~cking work c~n ea3ily 3moothly be cnrried out even if the 3urf~ce3 of article3 M are apt to adhere to the inner 3urface of the b~g ' 8 film or if ~rticle3 M ~re we~k ~nd i3 3ub~ect to bend.
Further, b~se 104 of p~cking ~3si3t instrument 100 i3 tricngle-3haped, thu3 free from bumpine33 and excellent in 3t~bility. Therefore, 3upport column 102 or holding fr~lme 101 will not be 3h~ky or fall me~ntime ~rticle3 1!~ are weighted or packed.
If 3c~1e 103 ~lone i3 3ufficient for 3upporting support column 102, etc., 3cale 103 need not be equipped with b~3e lOg.
Now, 3hclpe and function of holding fr~me 101 of packing a33i3t in3trument 100 will be expl~ined. As 3hown in Fig 37, ~ ncf.rning the 3hape of holding fr~me 101, its outer circumference compri3e3 a lower out~sr peripher~l surf~ce 109 which i3 in p~r~llel with axi3 C and r inclined 3urface 110 which i3 extending in continuation with lower outer peripher~l 3urface 109 ~nd inclined 3urf~ce 110 upward axis C, in addition to which in the upper portion of inner periphernl 3urf2ce 113, ~ curved convex 3urface 112 i3 provided 3moothly curving downward from ~n upper edge 111.
Further, ~ lower inner peripher~l 3ur~ce 113, which 3urface extending from a lower edge 112a of curved convex 3urface 112 to ~L
bottom end 101~ of holding frome 101, is depre33ed tow~rd3 the 2 1 7~45 1 .
direction ih which the r~diu~ of holding fr~me lol extends, where~y u c~vity 114 is cre~ted in lower inner surf~ce of holding frame 101.
}n this m~nner, the outer peripher~l surface of holding fr~me 101 i3 provided with lower outer peripherr~l surf~ce 109 ~nd inclined 3urf~ce 110 so th~t the entire outer circumference of holding frame 101 i9 generully sh~ped t~pered ~nd broAder in the lower portion. This fAcilitates the work of putting b~g H with its bottom up on holding fr~me 101 when starting the packing process.
As the b~g is put on holding frame 101, the film surf~ce of p~cking b~g H is suspended downw~rd gener~lly in p~r~llel with ~xis C, th~lt is, gener~lly in p,lr~llel with lower outer peripher~l surf~co lO9. Therefore, in the inat~nce the film surf~ce of b~g H
goes up ~s ~rticles M is forced into b~g H, the film surf~ce moves smoothly ~long lower peripher~l surf~co 109 Further, since inclined surface 110 next to lowcr outer peripher~l surface 109 is t~pered upwclrd to ~xis C, the film surface a b g H, when going up alonq inclined aiurface 110, i3 t-pered in an Z~ngle suited for its turning ne~r upplsr edge 111.
In other words, if the film aurf~ce of b~g H is to be turned downw~rd ~8 it is just going up in prr~llel with axis C, the film surface mu3t inst~ntly be turned 180 degrees. Instend, when the film surf~ce raises up ~long slope 110 !mgled 30 to 45 degrees until it turns, it should turn only 150 to 135 degrees, which i8 left i~fter 30 to 45 degree3 subtr~cted ~rom 180 degrees, resulting in the ease in the turn of the film surf~ce. Th-t is, the film surf~ce of b~g H is re~dy for such turning me~ntime it goes up llong inclined surface 110, ~Ind it turns quite smoothly ne~r upper edgo 111.
Further, in the course where the film surfi~ce of b~g H

2~ 79~
turns neQr upper edge 111, as it movcs via inclined surf~ce 110 up to the upper edge, a cle~rence 116 i3 conveniently created between the portion where the film surface turn3 ~nd upper cdgc llI. This will prcvent close contact of thc film ~3urfacc with holding fr~mc 101 in adv~nce rcsulting in thc smooth turn of the film surfacc.
Further, sincc curved convcx surf~ce 112 is I smoothly curving curv~ture without point of inflcction or any intcrruption, it provides quite satisfactory sliding of the film surface in the subsequent coursc of its descent.
Furthcrmorc, n lower inncr periphcr~1 surfacc 113, which surface extending from A lowcr edgc 112a of ourvcd convcx ~urfacc 112 to a bottom end 101~ of holding fr~me 101, is cxpanded in thc direction of the outer circumfercncc, whcrcby cavity 114 iB formcd in full circumfcrencc cvcr thc lowcr inncr portion of thc holding framc 101. Thus, a3 packing bag ~ in~erted with articles M
dcscends lower thcn the position of lowcr edgc 112a of curvcd convcx surface 112, pecking b~g El is rele~3ed from restriction resulting in quite smooth dcsccnt of packing bag H inserted with rticles M.
A8 dc3cribed ~bovc, in thc ~ctual packing work, the film surface of the bag H put on holding framc IO1 follow3 the coursc 118 3hown in the partial cnlargcd drewing of Fig. 37, rcsulting in quitc 3mooth packing work.
In this inst~nco, thc angle ~ of inclincd surface 110 set in the range of 30 to 4~ degrees, p~rticul~rly 33 dcgrees relative to zlxis C has resulted in a best ~31idLng ~nd turn of thc film of bag H. Howcver, in case the angle ~ is le3s than 30 degrecs, thc film surface of b~g H doeY not turn smoothly due to the poor action of inclined surf~cc 110, nor thc film surf~ce smoothly slides in 2 ~ 7~
case the ~ngle i3 lArger thon 45 degrees where fricti_nal reslstAnce between inclined surface 110 and film surf~ce is incre~sed .
While, ~s shown in the p~rti l enl~rged dr~wing of Fig. 37, by positioning ~ bound~ry 11O~A between inclined 3urf~ce llO and lower outer peripheral surface lO9 h~lf aA5 high ~s the height h from bottom end 1OI~A of holding fr~lme 101 to upper edge 111, the friction resist~nce of the film surface of b/lg H against slope 110 ~nd lower outer peripher~l surf~ce 109 will be nezlrly evened up ~md the film surface slidss smoothly.
Further, by positioninq lower edge 112~ of curved convex surf~ce 112 h~lf as high as the height h from bottom end 1O1~A of holding fr~me I01 to upper edge 111, the restriction to b~g E~ c~n be m~n;mi7^~ without losing the expected function of ourved convex surf~ce 112, th~t i3, to smooth the turning of the ~ilm surf~ce 80 th~t b~Ag ~ inserted with ~rticles M p~sses quite smoothly.
The m~terir~l or size of holding fr~lme 101 ~nd support column 102 of the p~!Lcking ~ssist in3trument are not limited z~nyway ~nd efficient weighing zmd p~Lcking work i3 ~chieved by deciding m~terial or size ~ccording to the type of the ~rticles to be packed.
Nor the type or shApe of sc~lle 103 is limited ~nyway 80 th~t suitable ones c~n be employed depending on the types of the ~Irticles to be p~cked, or conditions for weighing ~nd p~cking work.
For example, in a packing ~ssist instrument 120 shown in Fig. 38 ~8 a thirteen ~^mh.^"7; ~ t of the present invention, ~ digital displ~y sc~le 121 is adopted for improved preci5ion in weighing. Further, in p~cking a~;sist instrument 120, a circul~r base 123 i8 used for ~ecuring st~bility on the surface where the instrument stands ~nd for comprAct design. The uS~e, function ~nd effect of the mnin .
elements, etc. nre a3 ~ame a3 in p~cking ,~33ist in3trument 100.
In p~cking ~3sist instrument 100, 120 ~3 described ~bove, holding frAme 101 i3 provided in A circul~r ring-shape so that ~rticLes M ~re in3erted a3 assembled in the centr~l portion of p~cking bag ~ and p~cked evenly ~s ob3erved in any direction, thu3 it ha3 ~n adv~nt~ge th~t p~cking c~n be c~rried out without reg~rd to the orientation of article3 M.
While, holding fr~me 101 i~ not limited to such 3hape ~nd, for example, it c~n be ov~l ring-sh~pe. An oval ring-sh~ped holding fr~me will deliver the articles packed side by side in a rcw without being zl33embled in the contral portion of the b~g ~nd it3 advlntage i3 th~t the ~rticles 80 p~cked ~re ea3y to 3ee and good for di3play. I'hus, ovAl ring-sh~ped holding frame i3 3uited for p,lcking fragile vegetables or like 3uch a3 spin~ch.
IncidentalLy, whether the frzlme is circulAr or ov~ll ring-3h~pe, in3ertion of the ~rticle3 into the packing bag c~n be c~rried out 3moothly .
According to the pre~ent invention, the following ~dv~nt~geou3 effects Ire provided.
~ 1 ) In the p~cking ~3sist in3trument ~ccording to thi3 invention, a holding fr~me ha3 ~ through hole which cllow3 ~rticle3 tc be p~cked to p~3s through, an opening of 3~id holding frame i3 3upported upward ~nd virtually horizont~ll 30 that a b~g ~nade of a 3ynthetic re3in film, with it3 bottom up, i3 put on 3~id holding frAme, ~rticle3 to be packed ~re from over the b~g forcQd toward the holding fr~me, the bag i3 rever3ed meantime the article3 to be p~cked ~re insorted within 3~id b~g, whereby even vegetables or else h~ving smooth 3kin ~nd ~pt to adhere to the film cf the bag c~n 3moothly be inserted into the bog ~nd pclcked 0fficiently.

Further, ~ince the entire in~trumcnt is compact and available in smaller ~;ize, it c~n easily be introduced in small enterprises a3 well i~nd imprcves eficiency in manual packing work.
In such packing Qs~ist instrument, ~ baGe for supporting ~3aid holding fr;~me compri~e3 ~ support column ~nd a base member, said support column can be made expansib1e in order to ad~ust the height of the holding frame to ~ height good for packing work.
(2) Further, in - p~cking as3ist instrument h~ving e support column for supporting a first holding frame ~nd a secondary support column fcr supporting a second holding frame, ~ plur~lity of holding frames allow more than two pccking works run par~llel for packing, for example, more than two sets of ~rticles which differ in 3ize or type, resulting in substantia1 i. ~,L~.v t in efficiency.
Further, a b~g made of a !~ynthetic resin film, with it3 bottcm up in advance, i9 put on said holding frame suppcrted virtu~lly hcrizontal, the articles to be packed Qre from over tho bag forccd toward the holding frame, which articles are inserted into the bag meantime said b~g is reversed, whereby even articlcs h~ving ~mooth surf~Lce ~md apt to adhere to the film of the belg c~n smocthly be inserted intc the bag and p~cked efficiently.
In such packing aE)sist instrument, by providing the m~in support column with ~ plurality of eng~ging means for supporting the ~iecondary suppcrt column to be connected and dil3connected, the height of the second holding frame can conveniently be adjusted to a height gccd for the workers who carry out the packing work.
Further, in the l;aid respective pzwking as~3ist instrument, the outer peripheral of the holding frame is prcvided with an lower outer peripherlll surface in ~oarAlle1 with an axis ~nd a inclined surface extending in continu~tion with ~id lcwer outer peripheri-l 2 1 79~5 1 .
surfaca, the inner peripher~l ~urfclce i~ provided with ~ curved convex surf~ce, a c~vity i9 formed thereunder resulting in the e~6e of putting the p~cking }~g on its holding fr~me, ~s well ~ quite smooth turning of the p~cking b~g during the p~cking work, ~nd better 31iding between the pz~cking b~g ~nd its holding fr~me, ~nd sub3tanti211 im~ v t in ths effect of pncking work.
Further, type or m~nner of packing can v~ry by providing the holding frame in circulnr or ov~l ring-sh~pe or cylindric~l sh~pe for suitable p~cking according to the typo, form or 3h~pe, or nllture of the ~rticles to be p~cked.
Further, n gu~rd element c~n be provided between the holding frame ~nd support column to guide the p~cking b~g inserted with ~rticles right downw~rd without inclin~tion after p~3sing through the holding fr2Lme so ~s to ensure smooth pass~ge and scltisfactory p~cking of the ~rticles.
Further, a r~ldi~lly expansible through hole of the holding fr~me ~llows use thereof ~d~pted for the size or volume of the ~rticles to be packed.
Furthermore, a p~rti~l bre k in the holding frame permits to rele~so the Articles together with the b~g ~w~y through sAid bre~k for pAcking without c~using dam~ge to the ~rticles, e.g., f lowers .
Further, in 3aid p~cking assist instrument, ~I b~se comprise~ n plur~lity of b~e fr~mes for lap ~oint. ~hey c~n ezlsily be c~rried to workpl~lces ~nd conveniently stored when not in use .
~ n such p~cking ~Lsist instrument, ~ plur~lity of b~se frames in identic~l sh~pe will help sAve production cost.
Further, two bclse fr~mes superposed and e~ch provided with 2 ~ 79~ ~
~I hole to m~ke ~ common through hole for lnserting ~ support columù
ensures combination of R~id two b~se fr~mes ~nd st~bility in use of the knockdown instrument.
( 3 ) In a p~cking assist instrument equipped with ~ ~c~le for weighing the weight born by the holding fr~me, weighing ~nd insertion of the ~rticles to be p~cked c~n be done ~t a time 80 thut the efficiency o~ the entire p~cking work is greatly improved.
Further, in said p~cking ~ssist instrument, ~ b~g mado of a synthetic resin film, with its bottom up in adv~nce, is put on s~id holding fr~me, the ~rticles to })e p~cked ~re ~rom over the b~g forced toward said holding fr~me, which r rticles ~re inserted into the bag me~ntime 8 id b~g is reversed, with p~cking donc without rel~tive movement between the b~g ~nd the ~rtLcles, whereby even ~rticle3 h.~ving smooth surface ~md ~pt to ~&ere to the film of the b~g or ~rticles which ~Ire weak ~nd subject to bend ccm smoothly be inserted into the b~g ~nd packed ef~iciently.

Claims (19)

1. A packing assist instrument comprising;
a holding frame having a through hole for allowing articles to be packed to pass through, each of said frame being shaped in such a manner that a packing bag for packing said articles is put on said frame with the bottom of the bag facing an opening of said through hole, and a stand for supporting said holding frame with an opening thereof positioned virtually upright and horizontally.
2. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 1, wherein said stand is provided with a support column, the top end of which being attached with said holding frame, and a base member for supporting the bottom end of said support column.
3. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 2, wherein said support column is extensible.
4. A packing assist instrument comprising;
a first and second holding frames respectively having a through hole for permitting articles to be packed to pass through, each of said frame being shaped in such a manner that a packing bag for packing said articles is put on said frame with the bottom of the bag facing an opening of said through hole, a main support column, the top end of which being attached with said first holding frame, a base member for supporting the bottom end of said main support column and positioning an opening of said first holding frame virtually upright and horizontally, a secondary support column, the bottom end of which being supported by said main support column or base member, the top end .

of which being attached with said second holding frame, said secondary support column positioning an opening of said second holding frame virtually upright and horizontally.
5. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 4, wherein said first and second holding frames differ in their sizes.
6. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 4, wherein said main support column is provided with engaging means for engaging the bottom of said secondary support column to be connected and disconnected.
7. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 6, wherein a plurality of sets of said engaging means are provided and variably positioned in axial or peripheral directions of said main support column.
8. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 1 or 4, wherein said packing bag holding frame is provided with a lower outer peripheral surface extending on parallel with the axial direction of said packing bag holding frame and a inclined surface which is an upper outer peripheral surface extending in continuation with the said the lower outer peripheral surface, said inclined surface slantwise extending toward the axis of the packing bag holding frame, and the upper inner peripheral surface is forming of a curved convex surface in downward direction extending from a upper edge of said inclined surface.
9. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 8, wherein the inner peripheral surface of said holding frame extending from a lower edge of said curved convex surface to the bottom end of said holding frame is radially outwardly depressed.
10. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 8, wherein said inclined surface is inclined 30 to 45 degrees relative to the axis of said holding frame, the boundary between said inclined surface and said lower outer peripheral surface and the lower edge of said curved convex surface are positioned over nearly half the height between the bottom and top ends of said holding frame.
11. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 1 or 4, wherein said packing bag holding frame is circular or oval ring-shaped, or circular or oval cylindrically shaped.
12. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 1 or 4, wherein, between said holding frame and said support column, a guard element is provided for preventing the bag put on said holding frame from being inclined toward the axis of said holding frame.
13. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 1 or 4, wherein said packing bag holding frame is made of en expansible material so that the size of the through hole of said holding frame can vary.
14. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 13, wherein said packing bag holding frame is made of a metallic or plastic flexible conduit.
15. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 1 or 4, wherein said packing bag holding frame has a break in part thereof.
16. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 15, wherein said break extends ranging from one eighth to one fourth of the entire inner circumference of said holding frame.
17. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 1 or 4, wherein said base member is formed by lapping a first and second base frames, said support column is supported by said base member with the base end of said column being inserted into a through hole formed in a portion where said first and second base frames are superposed as the base frames are lapped.
18. A packing assist instrument as defined in claim 17, wherein said first and second base frames are identical in shape with each other.
19. A packing assist instrument having a through hole for permitting articles to be packed to pass through, and provided with a scale for measuring the weight of the articles to be packed, which articles being carried by said packing bag put on an opening of said through hole with the bottom of the bag facing an opening of said through hole.
CA002179451A 1995-06-20 1996-06-19 Packing assist instrument Abandoned CA2179451A1 (en)

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