CA2122364A1 - Method of producing aluminum from aluminous raw material - Google Patents

Method of producing aluminum from aluminous raw material


Publication number
CA2122364A1 CA002122364A CA2122364A CA2122364A1 CA 2122364 A1 CA2122364 A1 CA 2122364A1 CA 002122364 A CA002122364 A CA 002122364A CA 2122364 A CA2122364 A CA 2122364A CA 2122364 A1 CA2122364 A1 CA 2122364A1
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raw material
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French (fr)
Alexei A. Marakushev
Valentin G. Moiseenko
Vyacheslav S. Rimkevich
Juri N. Malovitsky
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
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Priority to CA002122364A priority Critical patent/CA2122364A1/en
Priority to PCT/RU1992/000149 priority patent/WO1994003653A1/en
Priority to EP19920917708 priority patent/EP0611837A4/en
Publication of CA2122364A1 publication Critical patent/CA2122364A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • C25C3/00Electrolytic production, recovery or refining of metals by electrolysis of melts
    • C25C3/06Electrolytic production, recovery or refining of metals by electrolysis of melts of aluminium
    • C25C3/18Electrolytes


  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis (AREA)
  • Electrochemistry (AREA)
  • Materials Engineering (AREA)
  • Metallurgy (AREA)
  • Organic Chemistry (AREA)
  • Electrolytic Production Of Metals (AREA)


The proposed method provides for one-stage treatment of an alumina-containing raw-material with a mixture of alkali metal salts of a fluorine-containing oxygen-free acid and hydrochloric acid taken at the ratio of respectively, from 5:1 to 1:7.5 parts by weight. The mixture of the salts is introduced at the quantity of 40-85 % of the total weight, and treatment is carried out at a temperature of 850-1100 ·C up to obtaining a reactional mass consisting of non-mixing fluoride-silicate and chloride-aluminate alkaline melts. The chloride-aluminate alkaline melt is separated from the obtained mass and introduced to the melt of alkali metal chlorides, and the obtained mass is subjected to electrolysis up to obtaining the desired product. The invention may be used in the fields of technology connected with the obtaining and use of aluminium.


AL~6r~ous R~W M~TERIAL
~e ¢h:~ie~l ~ie ld The present in~e~ion relates to the field of norl-5 ferrou~ metallurgsT a~d in partiGular deals with a methodof producing alumi:num ~rom aluminous raw material.
BaGk~sround Art ~ t present~ the main ores for production o~ alumin~m are high-grade low-silicon bau~:ites from which alumina 10 i~ extraGted by the Bayer method, with subsequent reduc-tion o~ alumirlum by electrolysis o~ cryolite-alumino~s :~ melts., In spite of a number of impro~ements, this method of producing aluminum by electrolysis of Gryolite-alumi-nous melts remains energy intensive and doesn~t ¢orres-pond to modern requirements of environmen~al prot~ction.
~he pr~blem of the source o~ raw materials of the alumina ~ and al~mi~um industry becomes pressing in a number of ; ~ countries with a de~eloped alulainum production irldustry and po~sessing restricted resources of bau~itic ore~ or without su~h resource~ at all. ~ great rlumber of in~res-tigat~ions irl these ~countries is aimed ~t providing le~s e~r~;y i~ten~ive metho ds o:~ pro du~ing aluminum among whi~h the most promising is a widely know~ ~hlorination o~ .al~ or~s and~ electrolyti¢ re~uction o~ the ob-.tained ~al~m~um ~hloride .
luminum is t~ird in abundance in the Earth' s cru~t mong all the eleme~ts and first amo~læ metal~ (GoV~VOit~
kevich, O.~.Besso~lo~ "~imichesl~aya evolutsia zemli~ 9 : ~ ; 30 Moscow~"Nedral' Publishing House,1986,p.127) and in the main aluminum form~ with oxygen a compl~ anio~ ~Al04)5 in a. quaternary ~oordînation and ~orms alumo-oxygen tet-rahedrons approaching in size silicon-oxygen te-trahedrons (sio4)4 . Connected wi-th this is mainly paragenetic inter-~: 35 relation o~ aluminum with silicon in the Earth's crust and wide occure.n~e of aluminou~ ores - ~aolin clays, disthene-sillimanite-andalusite slates, etc. .In case of .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . ... , .. .... . .. .. . .... ... ~ ... . ... . .. . . .

~ ~ 212236~
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providing technolo~ mined economically, co~lntries lead-i:~g in aluminum production woxll~ be depende:llt upo~ import o~ bauxite~ and chloride method of electrolysis will allow to reduce e:~ergg co~sumptio~ ~or aluminum production by 5 35~5%.
Al~o knowIl in the art is a method of producing alu-minum (U~ ,4,108,7L~1) from ~ ~lec~rol;~e o~ the followi:ng compo~ition, % by mass 60-87 AlC13, 14-30 NaCl, 5-10 KCl, 0.1~3 .0 mag~esium or calcium chloride. ~he method o~ pro-10 ducing alumin~m ~rom ~uch an elect;rolyte stipulates condu~-tion of electrolysis at ~n anode current d~nsity o~ ~.5-200 Q./dm2, a Gathode current d~nsity of 0~5-200 A/dm ~d a ;~: o~ an el~trolytic ~ell of about 2 .7~ 4 V.~fter : electrolysis th~re is formed a spong~ precipitate co~t~ining 15~ from ~o to 60% by mass of aluminum and slag o~ a complex composition. Alumin~m is separa~ed from the slag by mel-ting the precipitate to give an aluminum phase and a ~: phase of a molten slag.
Disad~antages of this method consist in the follow-20 ing.
U~ed in this method is a scarce reactive - puri-~ied and dehydrated aluminum chloride~
2. Use is made of a hygroscopic substance AlCl3 found in the open air in ~he form of ~lC13~6H20 (.alwminum chloride hex~h~drate - ACH) and,therefore, at reduced ~; temperatures of electrolysis in the electrol;yti~ cell i~
the composition of a~precipitate formed are 40-70% by ~; ; : mass of arL u~desirable b~-product (aluminum oxid~). .
3. A proGess of separation of aluminum from the phase of a molten si~g i~ condu~ted not in a sta~dard electroly-ti~ cell but on . speGial equipmen~ which in fa~t requires additional material and energy expenditures.
Also known in the art is a method o~ prod~¢ing alu-minum from ~uminous raw material, in¢luding treatment of thi~ raw material, separation of aluminum ¢hloride ~rom the reaction mass, introduction of aluminum chloride into a melt of chlorides of alkali metals and subsequent elec-.

_ 3 _txolysis of the formed mass to give the end product -aluminum (GB,A~2,135,66~).
In this method th~re i~ used as aluminous raw matoerial kaolin ~lay comprising, ~ by mass:
moisture 22~0 ~l20~, total 35.0 (dry basis) Al23, aeeessible 32.2 ~e203~ total 1.15 (dry ba~is) Fe20~, accessible 1.o8.
Treatm~t of this raw material is conducted in several stages. Firstly, the raw material i5 dried and : dehydrate~9 and then9it is repeatedly treated with 20-2~o b~ mass of hydrochlori~ acid at a temperature o~ 60-110C to give, a~ter settling and ~iltering, a pregnant liquor Gontaining up to 17.7~o by mass ~lCl3 and up to 0~46~o b~ ma~ of ir~n~ ~h~ removal o~ alumlnum ma~es up 92%
o~ the lni~lal ma~ of the raw material.
Gaseous Ghlorine is blown through the pregna~t liquor to ¢onverse all Fe2~~ i~to Fe3+, and iron is ~ithdraw~ from ~0 the~liquor making u~e o~ organie liqui~ io~-ex~hanger ( a mixture of decyl al~ohol, kerosine, se~ondary ox terti~ry high-molecular amine). Purified liquor is sub-~: je¢ted to evaporation and crystallization to gi~re lC13~ 6H20 - aluminum chloride hexahydrate. (~CE) whi~h 25 i~ ~al~ined at 450-1,000C,~preferabl~ at 600~750C, to pro~uce a~i~e alumina possessing a high re~cti~rity"
high Gonte:~t of re~;idual ehlorine arLd ~a lo~.~o~ten~ of residual hydrogen, The obtained produe~ hlorinated b~ ~
re~gel~ gaseous C12 at~a pressure of from 0~01 to 105 MPa, 30 pre~erably ~rom 0.1 to 0.5 MPa, a3~d at a ~mperature o~
: :~rom 500C to 950C9 preIerably 550-750C" i~ the pre sence o~ g~eous and solid reducta~ts.
As a result of this multistage treatment, a~hyd-rous but hygrosGopiG aluminum chloride is introduced 35 into a melt containi~g Ghlorides of GalCiUm or magrLesium~
sodium or 7 ithium.
~ he obtained mass of the following composi~ion, % b~ mass:

~ 2122~6~ ~

AlC13 2-15 NaC12 or MgCl2 15-17 NaCl or ~iCl 15-8~
is subjected to ele¢trolysis in a mo~o- or bi-pol~r eleG-trolyti¢ Gell at a temperature of 700C, ~urrent densityo~ 0.5~ m2 with electrode spa¢ing o~ about 1.5 cm.
At the cathode, aluminum i~ deposited and it is siphoned out of the cell ~or washi~g; at the no~-~onsumable ~arbon a~ode5 chlorine is discharged and it is colle~ted with ¢ell of~-~asesO
This known method of produ~ing aluminum from alumi-nous raw material has the following disadvantages~
~ The method stipulates a multistage treatment : with the use of special acid-resisting equipment capable to withstand a pressure of up to 1.5 ~a and temperatures o~ up ~o 950G, as well as the use of ~uch noxio~s sub-~` stance~ as hydrochloriG acid, gaseous chlorine 7 et~., 2~, To withdraw iron from the pregnant liquor, u~eis made of s~aree gaseous ehlorine a:~d organi~ liquid 20 ion ex¢hanger (a mixture of de~yl ~l~ohol, kerosine, se~ondary or tertiary high-mole~ular amine~
3~ Alumi~um ~hloride produced a~eoxding to this m~thod i~ hygroseopi~; there~oregit i~ u~suitable for storag~ and transportatio~ and reguire~ immediate use 25 irl the el~trol~tic process~ For ~hi~ reaso~,alumin~m hloride produetio~ m~st be dispo~ed alo~gside ele~tro- :
l;srti c b~th~ O
4.~hydrou~ d ;yet hygros~opi~ aluminum ~hloride in the proeess o~ dissolving i:~ the ~lectrolyti~ melt 30 ~hanges ~omposition of the latter leading to an increa~e , i of ~urrent utilization fa~tor and, aGcordingly, to in~reased energy consumption in the proees~ for aluminum produGtion. Liberation of gaseou hlorine at the ~node also promotes changing of the eleGtrolyti¢ melt compo-~5 sition.
Disclosure of the Invention The present inve~tion is based on the problem to provide a method of producing aluminum from aluminous 21~23~i4 raw material by way of simpli~ying the te~nology.
This problem i~ ~ol~ed by that in a m~thod inG-luding treatme~t of this raw material, separation ~rom the obtai~ed reaetion mass of a produ~t ~ontaining 5 aluminum ¢hloride, its introduction into a melt o~
alkali metals ~hlorides, and then electrolysis o~ the obtained ma~s to produce the end produ~t, in which, according to the invention, treatment of the aluminous raw material is per~ormed in a sin~le stage with a mix-ture o~ alkali metals salts of fluorine-containin~ oxy-gen-free a~d hydrochlorie acids taken, respeGtively, in a xatio of from 5:1 to 1:7.5 parts by mass, in doing so th~ aforesaid mixture o~ salts i~ introduced in amount of 40-85% of the total mass and the pro¢ess o~ treatment is conducted at a temperature o~ 850-1,100C till ~orma~
tion of the reaction mass consisting .of immis~ible ~luo-ride-silicate and ~hloride-alumina~e alkaline melts, as a ~rodu~t ¢ontaining aluminum chloride ~rom this reaction ma~ separated i~ chloride-aluminate alkaline m~lt, and ele~trol~is is condu~ted at a temperature o~ 720-800Co In doing so, as aluminous raw material it i~ desir-able to use di~the~e-sillimanite-andalusite concentrate or ~uo~ide-silicate melt.
: It is recommended to cond~t the pro¢ess of ~reati~g alu~inous raw material with a mixture of alkali metals salt~ of fluorine-containing oxygen-~ree and h~droch70ric acid~ at a temperature of 870-950C, ~ he method of the present inve~tion allows to pro-du~e aluminum ~rom aluminous raw material a~cording to a simplified technolog~ as it stipulates a single-stage treatment of aluminous ra~ material ~o obtain a product ~ontaining aluminum chloride without employme~t of a special a~id resisting equipment.
I~ the process of treatment, iron is concen~rated in the ~luoride-silicate melt and effecti~e purifi~ation o the ¢hloride-aluminate alk~line melt takes pla~e whi ch doesn ~t require employmen~ of a special equip~ent ~, 2:1223~1 and additional ~onsumption o~ s¢ar~e components.
~he product produ~ed by the method o~ the prese:llt inve~ion arLd ~ontairling aluminum chloride ( chloride-aluminate alkaline mel~) is not h;ygros~opi~ this ~ol~-ne~tion7it ~arl be stored and transported WhiCh allo~ o obviate the need to locate production of the produet com-prising aluminum chloride ,in the vicinity of electrolyti~
baths .
Chloride-alumina~e alkaline melts approa~h in ~omposi-tion electrolytic melt of alkali metals chlorides; therefore, ~:, their direct introduction changes electrolyte ¢omposition at a mi~imum. The la~ter results in a high ~urrent u~iliza~
~: tion ~actor and5 correspondingl~, in redu¢ed energy ~onsump-tion i~ the pro~eSs of aluminum productio~. Minimal ~hange 15' of the electrolyte compositîon is also ~nhanced by the rea~-;~ tion of ¢hloride with sodium a~d potaSsium o~{ides and in~on-siderable discharge of` chlorine gas into th~ atmosphere.
Besides, instead o~ noxious gaseous and liquid subs-tance~ (:h;ydro¢hloriG aeid, chlorine gas, etc), the method of the ir~vention in¢orporates the use o~ more safe solid lkali metals salts o~ fluorinè-containing oxygen-free a:~d hydrochloric a~ids . ~hiS fact also, allows ~o simpli:f~y signi-iean~l~ equipment :Eor the pro~eSS of treatment of alu~i-OU3 raw: material .: :
~he method~ of th~ srention is realized as foliowsO
Aluminous raw~material is subje~ted to treatment with a mixture o~ alkaii metals salts of fluorine-containing. ox~- -,~; gen-free and h~drochloric aGids.
o do this, using . standard equipment, aluminous 30 material is added with a mi~{ture of alkali metals salts of.
fluorine-co~taining oxygen-free a~d hydroçhloriG a~id~
:: taken in a ratio of ~rom 5:1 to 1:7.5 parts by m~ss, res-peetively, and the aforesaid mi:~ture of salts is taken in amount of 40 85% of the total mass; the pro~ess of trea~-ment being ~onducted in an ele~tric f~arn~e at 770-1 ,100C3 ~: . preferabl~ at 870-950C, U:lltil aLL i~ni~cible fluo-ride-silicate (I) melt and chloride-aluminate alkaline (II) melt containing 9~ ,~ by mass of aluminum chloride are .


~ ;l 212236~

ob~ai~d,, In this Gase 9 as ~n alkali metal salt c)f . oxygen-fr~e :fluoroae~d, use ~a~ be made of, ~or e~ample, K2SiF6, ~a2Si:F69 Na3~1~6~ NaF, al:ld as aluminou~ raw materia~
5 use Gal:l be made of, in parti6ular, dehydrated kaolin con-~entr~te of the following composition, % by mass:
SiO2 5~ - 60 23 37 4~
~e203 0.5 - 1.2 ! TiO2 0.4 - o.8 N~20 0.1 - 0.3 K20 1.2 - 1.8, : ~ ~ or di~the:ne-sillimanite~a~dalusite co~centrate of the fol-lowin~ composition, ~ by mass:
~i2 36 - 42 ~l203 55 - 61 e20~; o.6 - 1.5 TiO2 01~4-- 1.2 :
Na20 0.2 - o.8 2() : K20 0.1 - 0~,6, a~ well a~ ~northosites" sy~erites, nephel'na syenites, m~eral part of coal ash a~d other aluminous raw material.
In case use i~ made o~ a mi~t~}re of alkali met~ls : æalts of- fluorine-~o:r~t~ ing oxygen-free a~d hydrochlori¢
~cids9 ra~io of ~hese saIts beI~g respecti~el~ more than ~: - 5:1:or less than 1:7.5; the a~oresaid pro~ess gi~es ~ homo-ge~eou~:melt.
the quantity of the mixture of alkali metals salts o~ ~luorin~-containing oxygen-~ree and h~dro~hlori~ aeids 30. i~ le~s than 40~0 or more than 85~o of the total reaction mass, the process also results in formation o~ a homoge-neou~ melt.
Condueting the pro~ess at a temperature below 850C
;~ glve~ a rea¢tion mass ~onsisting of lens-like or ball-lik~
inGlusions o~ fluoride~ ate melt in the chloride~alumi-nate alkaline melt or analogous in~lusions OI ~hloride-alumiilate alkali:lle melt in the fluoride-siliç~ate melt.Sueh ; ~
- 8 _ 212~6~

a m~ur~ i5 0~ limited utilîty for mechaniGal sepa-ration of the formed immis~ible melts.
Condu6ting the process at a temperature above 1,100C results in the fact that considerable amounts (more than 3.70~ oP the total reaction mass) .of fluo-rides o~ alkali metals and other volatile ~omponentæ
Besides, a need is generated for increasin~ ener-gy consumption to at~ain and maintain such high-tempe-ra~ure conditions.
Per~orming the process of the a~orementionedtreatm~nt of aluminous raw material wi~h a mixt~re of alkali metals salts of ~luorine~containing oxygen-free and hydrochloric acids at a temperature of 870-950C
is ~referable,and this results in ~ormation of a well-defined two-layer texture of immiscible melts: ~luoride-silicate melt (I~ and chloride-aluminate alkaline melt (II). Su~h texture is suitable for mechanical separation of immisGible melts:in the process of and a~ter treat-men-~ o~ aluminous raw material.
: ~ In doing so, the fluoride-silicate melt (I3 comp-rises, % by mass:
23 ~ ~ 17 32 SiO2 : 18 - 50 NaCl 1 - 3 K2SiF6 4 43 o 4 Na2SiF6 .~or NaF 0 - 21 ~a20 0 - 7, ~0 and chloride-aluminate alkaline melt (II~ comprise~, %
by mass:
AlCl3 9 - 40 ~aal 8 - 71 Kal 8 - 48 - 35 Na2siF6 0 . 5 - 3 NaF or K~ 5 - 32 Na 0 3 - 6.

. _ .
`. 9 212~3~ll The obtained chloride-aluminate alkaline melt ~ II) is separ~ted ~:rom the reaction mass and introduced inlto a melt of alkali metals chlorides, after whi~h the ob-tained mass comprising components in the followi~g ratio, % by mass:
3 0~5 - 5.0 NaCl .45 0 ~ 75 0 gCl 20.0 - 45~0 NaF or KF 1 - 10.0 Na20 or K20 Q 0 is subjected to electrolysis in a graphite cell while the fluoride-silica~e melt (I) is directed for a multi-:stage treatmen~ using it as an aluminous raw material.
In doing so, alumi~um extraction makes up 88-93% of the mass thereof in the initial aluminous raw material.
Sili.ceous concentrate remained after repeated treatment may be used in various branches of industry ~ for produ¢-~:~tion o~ silicate materials, ~or manufacture o~ package glass, as an adsorbent ,for oil produGts a~d ~or other p~rpo~es)~ besid~s, it is ~ologic~lly safe produstO
~:E~ectrolysis is conducted in a graphite mono- or :~ .bi-polar electrolytic cell at a temperature o~ 720 -800t~C ~ preferably at` 740-780C), G~Lrrent density o~
005-3 A/sm with ele¢trode spa~ing o~ 0.5-1 cm till ~or-~:25 mati.on o~ the end product: - aluminum at the cathode.
In ~a~e of condu~ting electrolysis at a tempera-ture above 800C~ evaporation of the melt increas~s, anode corrodes at the air-melt boundar~-a~d, i~- ~oi~g 80 electrol~te is severely contaminated with graphite.
In Gase the temperature OI conducting electrolysis is below 720C, it is difficult to main~ain thermal balan¢e irl the cell due to considerable viscosity o~
the melt 7 its sti¢kir~g to the graphite anode, decreased are<~ o~ the active anode zone or complete s~tting of 35 the electrolytiG melt~
The obtained product - aluminum is removed from the cell, collected ~or casting and a~Lalyzed. :1~ this case, ~h~ degree of purity of alumi~m îs from 98.7-99~3%. The obtained alumi~um is direGted for ~urther utilization i~ various branches of industry.
Chlorine ga~ discharged at the anode reaets with 5 oxides of sodi~am and potassium,,60ncentration o~ whi~h is de¢reased practically to zero wh~re ,l~ doi~g ~o~ formed are ~odium and potassium ~hlorides whi~h are fed to the ele~trolytic eell~ Thus, minimum dis~harge o~ gas-eous ¢hlorine into t~e a~mosphere takes pla~e; this fa~t ensuring inconsiderable Ghanges in the electrolyte c3mposition and enhan~ing to m~intain stable electri¢
co~duetivity o~ the electrolyte.
For a better understanding of the pres~nt in~en-tion~ given below are the follo~ing examples not limiting the s¢ope of the invention.
Example 1 he method o~ the in~ention is realized as ~ollowæ.
n amou~t o~ 30 g o~ dehydrated ~aolin concent-ra~e ar~ treated with a mixtur~ of potassium Ghloride ~50 g) a~d ~ drite - ~2SiF6 (~0 g) in ~n ele~ric furna~e at `~ a temperature of 900C i~ the cour~e o~ 1.5 hour~ ~s a ~; res~l~ o~ meltin~ there are produced two i~mîsGible melt~
o~-a two-layer ~eYture: 44.75 g (45%) of fluorid~-sili¢ate melt (I) of the following compositio~ % by mass~
Al203 16.63 i2 45-~4 aCl 1.81 32.82 NaF 1.22 ~a20 1.68, and 54.69 g (55%) of chloride-aluminate alkaline melt (II) of ~he ~ollowing composition, ~0 by mass:
AlCl~ 22.13 N~Cl ~5 KCl 42.28 ~oti¢@: Tn all Examples data of the chemical analysis are calculated for 10C~o, '` . 212236ll .

Na2~i~6 0.94 KF 22.59 Na2~ 4.32, After meltin~weight lo~ses amount ~p to 0.56%
o~ the Initial reaction ma~s.
~he ob~ained chloride-al1~m;nate alkaline melt (II) is separated ~rom the reaction mass a~d t~e remained ~luoride-silicate melt (I) (~.75 g) is again directed ~or treatment as an i~itial aluminous raw material. Alu-minum extraction degree makes up 93% of it~ mass in the ini~ial dehydrated kaolin concentrate~
Chloride-aluminate alkaline melt (II~ ~s added ~1/4 part by mass) into a gxaphite ~ell filled (3~4 parts b~ m~s) with electrolytic melt of alkali metals ~hlv-rides9 NaCl to KCl ratio being egual to 2~5:1.
:: Initial composition of the ele~trolyte~ % by : mas~:
AlC13 5.,47 : NaCl 57,98 KCl 29 o 10 : ~a2SiF6 0 . 26 K20 1 . 68 ,, EX*raation o~ aluminum is performed at a te~pe~
~5 rature o~ 760a a~d current density of 1~5 A/~m2. ~ter4 hour~ o~ ele¢trolysis, 1/4 part of the electrolyte is discharged and a new portion of the melt II i~ added~
: ~inal composition of the electrolyte, % by mass:
AlC13 0.61 NaCl 61,76 KC1 31 .49 2siF6 o ~13 ~F 6 ., 01, The dis~harged melt is utilized again :or treat-35 ment of dehydrated kaolin concentrate.
As a result of electrolysis, ab the bottom of the graphite cell there is formed. a layer o~ aluminum w~ ch .


is removed from the.cell, analyzed (purity degree makes up 99.3%) and colle~ted for casting.
In the process of electrolysis, ~hlorine generated at the anode rea~ts with potassium oxide to give, as a result of this reaction, potassium chloride which is fed to the electrolytic cell~ Thus, practically eliminated is the discharge of gaseous chlorine into the atmosphere.
Example 2 ~he ~ethod o~ the invention is realized in a man-ner similar ~o that of Example 1. 15 g o~ disthene con-centrate are treated~with a mi~ture of sodium chloride ~ (75 g~ and hieratite - K2Si~&(10 g) in an electric fur-: nace at a te~perature of 950 C in the course o~ 1.5 hours.
As a result of me:lting, ~here ~r~ obtained two immi~ible melts of a two-layer tex~ure: 19.88 g (20~o) of fluoride-sili-Gate melt (I) of the following composition, % by mass:
Ql203 31.17 SiO2 42.02 NaCl 2.~1 ~2~iF6 4.16 NaF ~ 20.34, d 79.50 g (80~0):0f.~hloride-aluminate alkaline melt : (II) of the following composition, % b~ mass:
lC13 :~ . 10~3~
25~ NaCl ~ 71.14 KCl ~ ; 7.91 Na SiF6 0056 : :Na~ : 6~10 : ~a20 3.94.
A~ter melti~g, weight losses amount up to 0~62~o : o~ the initial rea~tion mass~
he obtained chloride-aluminate alkaline melt II) is separ~ted from the reaGtio~ mass and th~ remained ~ fluoride-silicate melt (I) ~19.88 g) is again direGted ~or :;: 35 trea*ment as an initial aluminous raw material. ExtraG-~ tion degree of aluminum makes up 90~0 of its mass in the :: initial disthene concentrateO

: 21~23ti~
- 13 - ~

Chloride-aluminate alkaline melt (II) is intro-duced (50~ by mass) i~to a graphite cell ~illea (50~0 b~ mass) with electrolytic melt of c~lkali metals chlo-rides, NaCl to KCl ratio being equal to 1.5:1.
I~itial composition of the electrolyte, ~ by mass:
~1~13 5.20 NaCl 65.89 KCl 23.85 :~ ~ 10 Na~SiF6 0~34 ~a~ 2.86 Na20 1.86.
Extraction of aluminu~ is perfo~med at a tempera-~ure of 720~ and current density of 3 4tcm2. After 4 hour~ of electrolysis, 50% of the electrolyte are remo~ed a~d a new portion o-~ the melt II is introduced.
Final composition o~ the elec~rolyte, % by mass:
lC13 0.53 NaCl 71.52 ~0 ECl 2~.59 2si~6 0.13 :Na~ 3.23.
The removed melt is utilized again for treatment : : o~ disthene concen~rateO
~s a result o~ electrolysis, at the bottom of he graphite ~ell the~e is ~rmed a layer o~ aluminum v~ieh i scharged ~rom the cell, c~nal~zed (purity degree makes:up 98.9%) and collected *or casting.
Chlorine ~generated in the process o~ electrolysis reacts with sodium oxide wh~ thc la~t~r i~ trarl~fo~m~d i~to sodium chloride whiGh is fed to the eleGtrolytic cell. In this case, practically eliminated is the di~¢harge o gaseous chlorine into the atmosphere.
Example 3 The method of the invention is realized in a man-ner similar to that o~ Example 1. In this case~ 60 g of dehydrated kaolin concentrate are treated with a . 1 _ 14 - 2l22~6~

mixture o~ potassium chloride (20 g) and eryolite -Na3AlF6 (20 g) in a~ electric ~urnace at a temperature o~ 1,100C in the course of 1 hour, As a result of melting,there ~r~ .Q~i~ed.~wo immi~-cible melts o~ a ~wo-layer texture: 81.86 g, ~85%) o~
fluoride-sili~ate melt (I) of the following composi-: tion, % by mass:
Al~03 31.62 SiO2 36.23 NaCl 3.~9 : K2siF6 23.00 :~ Na20 ~ 5.76, a~d 14.44 g (15%) of c~Ioride-aluminate alkaline melt (II) of the following composition, ~, by mass:
: AlC13 40.13 aCl 12.34 KCl ; 26.73 Na2Si~6 ~ : 2.99 :: KF 11.51 ZO I~a20 6.30.
t~r melting~,~weight losses amount up to ~ .70yO
of the initial reaction mass.
he obtained Ghloride-aluminate alkaline melt (II) îs separat~e~d~from the ~rea~tion mass and the remained 2 5 ~luoride-silicate~ melt (I) (81 .86 g) is again dire~ted or treatment as~a~ initial aluminous raw material.
~ ~ , x~ra~tion degree~of aluminum makes up 92% o~ it~ mass :ln the i~itial kaolin eo~centrate.
Chloride-aluminate alkali~e melt (II) (12.5% by ma~s) is introduced into a graphite cell filled (87,5%
by mass) with electrolytic melt of alkali metals chlo-~ .
rides, NaCl to KCl ratio being equal to 3:1.
I~itial composition of the electrolyte, % bymass:
~: ~ 35 AlCl3 5 . 06 ; NaCl 6~ . 92 ::


ECl 23.03 N~2SiF6 0.3 EE 1.4~
K20 1.22.
Extra~tion o~ alumi~um is performed at a temperature of 800C and Gurre~t de~sity of 0.5 A/cm2. ~fter 4 hours o~ ele~trolysis, 1/8 part of the electrolyti~ melt is removed,and a new portion of the melt II is introduced.
Dis~harged melt is utilized again ~or treatme~t of dehydrated kaoli~ concentrate.
Final ~omposi:tion of the electrolyte 9 % by mass:
~lC13 0.58 NaCl 72.70 KCl 24.82 'l5 ~a2SiF6 0.13 KF 1.774 ~ ~s a result of electrolysis, at the bottom of the : ~ graphite cell ~here i$ ~ormed a layer of aluminum~ h ~s ~: dischar~ed from the cell~ analyzed (purity degree make~
up 99.1~) and collected for casting.
Chlorine discharged at the anode reacts with potas-: sium oæide, conce~tration of which reduces from 1.22% to zero9 in this ¢asegpotassium chloride is formed,a~d it is :l~ed to the electrolytiG cell~, Thus, minimal discharge of ga~eou~ ~hlori~e into the.atmosphere takes place.: Example 4 ~ . The method o~ the invention is realized in a man-:~ ner similar to that of Example 1, but in thiæ Gase~40 g o~ disthene conce~rate are treated with a mIxture of sodium chloride (10 g) and hieratite - K2Si~6 (50 ~) i~
an electric furna e at a temperature of 800C in the course o~ 2 hours.
As a result of melting, ther~ are obtained two immi~-cible melts o~ a -two-layer texture: 84.50 g (85~) o~
fluori~e-silicate melt (I) of the ollowing composition, % by mass:
: Al2o3 27.23 - ~ ` 21223G4 Si~2 17 . 75 NaCl o,69 K2SiF6 43~12~
Na2Si:F6 11 . 05, and 14.91 g (15%) of chloride-alumi~ate al~aline melt (II) of the ollowing composition9 % by mass:
~1~13 32.11 MaCl 9 3,9 KCl 17.58 l~a2SiF6 2.78 ~ 31 . 79 Na20 6.35.
~ fter melting, weight losses amount up to 0059% of the initial reaction mass.
~he obt~ined chloride-aluminate alkaline melt (II) is ~eparated ~rom the reaction mass and the rema~ned ~lu~-ride-silicate melt (I) (84~50 g) is agai~ directed ~or treatment as an i~itial a1umi~ous raw materialc Extrac-; tiOll degree of aluminum makes up 8~% of its mass in the 20 i~tial. disthene conGentra~e.
~ Chloride-aluminate alkaline melt (II) ~1/6 part by ;:~ mass) is Int~oduGed i~to a graphite cell filled (5/6 part ~; ~ by mass):wi~h electrolytic melt of alkali metal~ ~hlorides, NaCl to ECl ratio being equal to 5:10 ; ; : 25 Initial Gomposition of the electrolyte, ~ by mass:
lC13 5.3~
~: : NaCl 65.59 Cl 23.70 ~a2Si~6 0.38 ~0 NaF 3~95 ~a20 1~05-: Extra~tion of aluminum is performed at a temperature o~ '740C and current density of 2 A/cm2. ~ter 4 hours of electrolysis 3 1/6 part o~ the electrol~te is remo~ed and a new portion of the melt (II) is introdu~ed~
~inal composition o~ the electrolyte, % by mass:

- 17 - 2l22~64 NaCl 70 3~
KCl 24~58 Na2SiF6 0.13 NaF 4037.
DisGharged melt is utilized again for treatment o~ disthene concentrate.
As a result of ele¢trolysis, at the bottom of the graphite cell there is ~ormed a layer of aluminum, ~Jhi¢h i5 di~charged ~rom the cell, analyzed (purity degree makes up 98.7%) and collected ~or casting.
In the process o~ electrolysis, ~hlorine genera~ed at the a~ode reacts vtith sodium oxide. ~s a result of this process~ sodium chloride is formed a~d i~ is fed to the electrolytic cell.~hus, practically eliminated is discharge of gaseous chlorine into the atmosphere.
E~ample 5 -~ The method of the in~entio~ is realized in a ~an-ner similar to that of Example 19 but in this ca~e, 15 g o~ dehydrated kaolin conce~trate are treated with a miY-:20 ture of potassium ehloride (65 g) and villiaumi~e - NaF
(20 g) in ~n electric ~urnace at a temperature o~ 870C
I~ the course of 2 hours.
: As a result of melting,~he~e ære ob~ained bwo immis-cible melts of à two-layer texture: 19~90 g (20~) of ~luoride-~ilicate melt (I) o~ the ~ollowing ~omposition, % by mass:
~l203 16.75 SiV2 39 e8~
NaCl 1.24 : ~0 K2~i~6 3-99 KF 3-~5 Na20 7.~2 5 and 79.59 g (80~o) 0~ chloride-aluminate alkaline melt (II) o~ the following composition, % by mass:
AlCl3 8.97 NaCl 16.42 KCl 47069 ~ 212236~
, ~ 18 _ N ~iF 45 KF 20.13 Na20 6,34.
A~ter melting, weight losses amount up to 0.51%
of the initial rea~*io~ massO
The obtained chloride-aluminate alkaline melt ~II) is separat~d from the reaction mass and the remai~ed ~luoride~silicate mel~ ~I) (19.90 g) is agai~ ~irected for treatment as an initial aluminous raw matexial.
Extraction degree of aluminum makes u~ 92% of its mass in the i~itial dehydrated kaolin co~centrate .
Ghloride -aluminat e alkaline melt (II) (55% b~ mass) : is introduced i~to a graphite cell filled ~45% by mass) with ele~trol~srtic melt o~ alkali me-tals ~hlorides ~ ~aal to KCl rat~o being equal to 1.5:1.
I~itial ~omposition o~ the electrol~teg ~0 b~ mass:
AlC~ 4~94 ~aal 41.67 KCl 38~9 ~a2Si~6 ~21 10.27 .
~2 4.01 . Extraction of aluminum is performed at a tempera-~; tu~e o~ 780C and Gurre~t de~si~y o~ m2~ B~ter 4 ~our~ oX electrolysis, 55% o~ the ele~troly~e ~e xemo~ed and a new portio~ of the melt II i~ IntroduGed.
FInal Gomposi~ion of t~e eleGtrolgte, % by mass:
lC13 0.53 NaCl 45078 . 30 . ~Cl 42.88 : ~ ~a2si~6 o.o8 . ~F : 10073~
Dis~harged melt is again utilized for treatme~t : of dehydrated kaolin eo~Gentrate~
~ a resul~ of electrolysis, a~ the bottom o~ the graphite ~ell th~re ls formed a lay~r o~ alumî~um~which i~
removed ~rom the cell, analyzed (purity degree makes J
,,. ,~ - r 21223~

up 99.2%) ~nd collested for casti~
Chlor~ne genLerated i:ll the process o~ ele~trolysi~
reacts with pota~;sium oxide to trans~orm the latter to potassium ~hloride whi~h is ~ed to the ele~trolyti~ ~ell.
5 In this case, pra~ti:Gally elimirlated i~; th~ ha3~g~ ~f ~;aseous chlori~e into the atmospherel, Industri;al Applicability ~ he i~lventio~ Garl ~ d a~?plication in various : bra~lches o~ industr~ dealing with productio~. and ~tili-~: '10 zatio~ of aluminum.

~ ~ .

,~ ' .




, :

~ ~ . ,.. . .. ....... ., .,. ., ., .. .. , ~ . , j .. .. , .. ; ".. .... ...... ..... ... . . .. . .. . . . . ... .... . .. ... .... .

Claims (4)

1. A method of producing aluminum from aluminous raw material, including treatment of this raw material, separa-tion of a product containing aluminum chloride from the obtained reaction mass, introduction of this product into a melt of alkali metals chlorides and subsequent electro-lysis of the formed mass until formation of the end product, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that the treatment of alumi-nous raw material is conducted at a single stage by way of introduction thereto of a mixture of alkali metals salts of fluorine-containing oxygen-free and hydrochloric acids taken in a ratio of from 5:1 to 1:7.5 parts by mass, res-pectively, in doing so, the aforesaid mixture of salts is introduced in amount of 40-85% of the total mass and the process of treatment is conducted at a temperature of 850-1,100°C until formation of a reaction mass consisting of immiscible fluoride-silicate and chloride-aluminate alkaline melts; as a product containing aluminum chloride separated from this reaction mass is chloride-aluminate alkaline melt, the electrolysis being conducted at a tem-perature of 720-800°C.
2. A method of producing aluminum according to Claim 1, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that as an aluminous raw material use is made of disthene-sillimanite-andalu-site concentrate.
3. A method of producing aluminum according to Claim 1, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that as an aluminous raw material use is made of fluoride-silicate melt.
4. A method of producing aluminum according to Claim 1, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that the process of treatment of aluminous raw material with a mixture of alkali metals salts of fluorine-containing oxygen-free and hydro-chloric acids is conducted at a temperature of 870-950°C.
CA002122364A 1992-08-04 1992-08-04 Method of producing aluminum from aluminous raw material Abandoned CA2122364A1 (en)

Priority Applications (3)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA002122364A CA2122364A1 (en) 1992-08-04 1992-08-04 Method of producing aluminum from aluminous raw material
PCT/RU1992/000149 WO1994003653A1 (en) 1992-08-04 1992-08-04 Method for obtaining aluminium from alumina-containing raw material
EP19920917708 EP0611837A4 (en) 1992-08-04 1992-08-04 Method for obtaining aluminium from alumina-containing raw material.

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA002122364A CA2122364A1 (en) 1992-08-04 1992-08-04 Method of producing aluminum from aluminous raw material
PCT/RU1992/000149 WO1994003653A1 (en) 1992-08-04 1992-08-04 Method for obtaining aluminium from alumina-containing raw material

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA2122364A1 true CA2122364A1 (en) 1994-02-17



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA002122364A Abandoned CA2122364A1 (en) 1992-08-04 1992-08-04 Method of producing aluminum from aluminous raw material

Country Status (3)

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EP (1) EP0611837A4 (en)
CA (1) CA2122364A1 (en)
WO (1) WO1994003653A1 (en)

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EP0611837A4 (en) 1994-10-12
WO1994003653A1 (en) 1994-02-17
EP0611837A1 (en) 1994-08-24

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