CA2012782A1 - Method and apparatus for reducing the danger of vapour flash in oil, water and gas separators - Google Patents

Method and apparatus for reducing the danger of vapour flash in oil, water and gas separators


Publication number
CA2012782A1 CA 2012782 CA2012782A CA2012782A1 CA 2012782 A1 CA2012782 A1 CA 2012782A1 CA 2012782 CA2012782 CA 2012782 CA 2012782 A CA2012782 A CA 2012782A CA 2012782 A1 CA2012782 A1 CA 2012782A1
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CA 2012782
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French (fr)
Norman D. Jackson
James Olafson
Thomas P. Jackson
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Batt Industries Ltd
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A method and apparatus for reducing the danger of vapour flash in Oil, Water and Gas Separators. The method consists of the following described steps. Place a secondary pressure vessel having an inlet, an outlet, gas separation means and gas venting means, inside of a heated primary pressure vessel having an inlet, means for separation of oil and water, a water outlet, an oil outlet and means for venting gases. The outlet of the secondary vessel is connected to the inlet of the primary vessel. Flow oil well production, containing gas together with an emulsion of oil and water, through the secondary vessel at pressures of between 10 and 60 pounds, thereby substantially degasifying the resulting oil and water emulsion which flows through the outlet of the secondary vessel into the inlet of the primary vessel. Separate the oil and water in the primary vessel at substantially atmospheric pressure, such that any gases remaining in the oil are released into the primary vessel for venting through the gas venting means to an external flare.


~0~ 27~2 Trit' presen t lnVen t. ion reld ~:e!~ c3 0 i 1, Wa-ter and Gas Separdtors.

In the pe-troleum industry, oil wells produce gas together with an elllUl~iOrl of water and oil. Separators are used -to firstly, separate the yas, arld secorldly, separate the oil and water comporlerlts of -the emulsion.

Irlitially these separa-toLs were operl vesse:ls divided into zones. The yas was discharged to the atmosp~lere. T~le water would se-t-tle out and be withdrawrl from the bottom of the vess~l. The petroleum would float on the water and be withdrawrl from the top of t~le 15 vessel. These separators were consideIed inefficien-t as the gravita-tional settlirly procedures were 810w resulting in reduced flow rates.

Separa-tors presen-tly irl use are pressure vessels 20 whic}l are maintained at between 25 and 35 pounds of pressure. Hea-t is applied to accelera-te the separa-tion of the water and the oil. As gas separa-tes from the emulsion, the gas is vented -to a flare, where it is burned. As the oil is separated it iS pumped iLltO
25 storage tarlks. The flow rate is maintairled thro-ugh -the pressure in the pressure vessel. Throuyh prolonged use it has been determirled -that treating the emul~iorl under pressure al50 has disadvarlta0esO When the emulsion is treated under pressure some gas unavoidably remairls ir 30 the oil. When oil is pumped from the separator, where it is under 25 -to 35 pounds pIessure, to a storage -tank, at atmospheric pre~sure, gas is released in what is termed a "vapour flash". This "vapouI flash" poses a potential danger to the enviror~merlt and to the health 35 and safety of workers 20127~2 SUMMARY OF THE IN ENTION
What is a method of elimirlatirly the darlyer posed by "vapour fla~h" ln Oil, Water and Gas Separators.

Accord.iny to one aspect of tsle present invention -tslere is providec~ a metslod of reducirlg the danyer of vapour flash in Oil, Water and Gas Separators. The method is comprised of the following described steps.
Place a secondary pressure vessel having an iniet, an 10 outle-t, gas separation means and gas ventiIly means, inside of a sleated primary pressure vessel having an inlet, means for se~araLiosl of oil and water, a wa-ter outlet, an oil outlet and means for ventiny gases. The outle-t of the secondary vessel is conrlected to tsle inlet 15 of the primaLy vessel. Flow oil well production, contairlirlg gas toyether ~itsl an emulsion of oil and water, through the secorldary vessel at pressures of between 10 and 60 pounds, tslereby substantially degasifying the resultirlg oil and water emulsion which 20 flows througsl tsle ou-tlet of the secondary vessel into tsle inlet of the primary vessel. Separate the oil and water in tsle primary vessel at sub~-tarl-tially atmospheric pressure, such that any yases remaîning in the oil are released in-to the primary vessel for ventirly -througsl the 25 gas venting means to an external flare.

According to arlo-ther aspec-t of the inverl-t.iorl tslere is provided an Oil, Water, and Ga~ Separa-toI WsliCsl is 30 comprised of a primary pressure vessel hclvisl9 a top, a bottom, a first end and an second end. Tsle lonyitudirlal of -the primary vessel ex-terlds subs-tan-tially horizontally. A bafrle extends substantially ver-tically from tsle bo-t-tom of -the primary vessel intermediate the ~127~2 ~ d a~ rl~ ~r~ U~ lclt ~le primary ves~el is divided into a first sectiorl and a second sect:iorl. Liquid~ in t~le firs-t sectioll mu~-t flow over the baffle to ent:er tne second sectiorl. The primary vessel ha~ a fluid inlet in -the fir~t sectiorl, a liquid outlet adjacent the bottom of the first sectiorl whereby water is drained, a liquid outlet adjacen-t the bo-t-tom of the secorld section whereby oil is drained, and a gas ou-tlet adjacent the top of one of -the sectiorls whereby 10 ~as i9 vented to an external flare~ Mearls is provided for heatirly the firs-t sectiorl of the primary vessel. A
secondary pressure vessel iY mourlted within the first section of the primary vessel. The secondary ve~sel has a fluid inlet whereby productiorl from an oil well can be 15 received from an ex-terrlal source, gas separation mean6, a gas outlet whereby gas is vented to an external rlare, and a f luid outlet which is connec-ted to -the fluid inlet of the primary vessel.

The Applicants determined tha-t, con-trary -to conventional thinkirlg, the entire separa-tor unit rleed not be maintairled under pressure. Placing a secondary pressure vessel within the primary vessel enables them to separa-te the oil and water at substantially 25 atmospheric pressure. The Applicarlt recommends that approximately 4 o~. of pressure be maintairled to prevent air from entering the separator. Treatment at substarltially atmospheric pressure eliminates the danger of vapour flash.
The Applicarlt~ ~escIibe~ method alld apparatus alYo makes the separation of oil and wa-ter more efficient.
The higher the pressure in the primary vessel -the more heat must be applied to proJIlote separatiorl of -the oil 35 and water. By operatirlg -the primary vessel a-t 23~127~2 '`;Ub:;larlt.ial ;y dtmO~;yller'iC: pl''eSSllre, tile ApE~licanls re~uire less ~ledl .

Tlle Applica~lts decic:~it)ed met~lod arla apparatus also provides advasltayes irl relatiorl to safety and envirorlmerltal ~ro-tec:-ior~ the yas ven-tirlg in conventiorlal sepaLatorY becomes plugged the pre~sure in -the separator wil~ build until the yas must be released direc-tly into the atmosphere throuyh a safety release 10 valve or there will be an explosior1. The Applicants have yas ventirlg means connected to a flare in both tne primary vessel and the secondary vessel vir-tually eliminating the of releasing gas directly irl-to the atmosphere. If a separator ruptures it preseI1-ts an 15 immediate and grave environmental hazard~ Wi-th -the Applicant's method -the vessel under pressure, the secondary vessel, is completely contained within the primary vessel should a rupture occur.

The Appl.icants described method and apparatus also provide6 more versa-tili-ty for po-ten-tial use in tHe field. The Applicarlts can have oil withdrawn from their primary vessel for haulir1cJ by a tank -tr-uck, without ha~ard. Oil can also be pumped directly from a -tank 25 truck irlto the primary v~ssel, as the pump from -the -tank truck must merely overcome atmospheric pressure. Of course, -the need for a varie-ty of accessory equipment, such as "gas boots" previously required for safety reasons has been elimina-ted.
These alld other features of -the inverltiorl wlll become more apparent from -the followiny descrip-tion in which reference is made -to the appended dIawirlgs, 35 whereir1:

20127~2 FIGURE 1 i~; d .ic:~lem~l.i(. reçJrf.~ierltatiwrl of a preferred embo~liment oi the in~erltiorl.

T~le preferred e~nbudime}lt, generally designated by reference numeral 10, is an Oil, Water and Gas Separator for use irl the petroleum indu~-try. T~le Applicants determirled that, contrary to corlverl-tional thi-lkirlg, the entire separator ur~i-t need not be maintained under 10 pressure. They placed a ~econdary pressure vessel 12 within a primary ve~sel 14. This enabled them to separate the oil and water at ~ubstantially atmosprleric pressure arld provided a number of di~tirlc-t advarltayes.
The prefer~ed embodiment will now be clescribed Wit~
15 refererlce to FIGURE 1.

The priMary components of Oil, Water, and Gaa Separator 10 ar the pri~ary pressure vessel 14 and secondary pres~ure vessel 12 previously referred to.
20 Primary pressure vessel 14 has a top 16, a bot-to~n 18, a first end 20 and an second end 22. The longitl1diIlal axi~ ~not ~hown) of primary vessel 14 ex-tends substantially horizoxltally. A baffle 24 e~tends su-ostantially vertically from bottom 18 of primary 25 vessel 14 intermediate first end 20 and second erlcl 22.
Baffle 24 divides primary vessel into a first section 26 and a second section 28. Li~uids irl first sectiorl 26 mu~t flow over baffle 24 to enter second section 28.
Primary vessel 14 has a plurality of irllet~ and outlet~.
30 A fluid inlet 30 is positiorled in firs-t sectiorl 26. A
water outlet 31 is poYitiorled adjacerlt bottom 18 of first section 26. An oil ou-tlet 32 is po~itioned adjacerlt bottom 18 of secorld sectiorl 28. A gas ou-tlet 34 is positioned adjacent top 16 of section 26. A
35 heatirlg pipe 36 extends into first section 26 of primary 20~2~

vessel 14. The }leat to heatirly pipe 36 is generclted by an exterrlal burrler 38 which is vented through exhaust stack 40. Seconda}y pres~llre vessel 12 is moun-ted withirl first sec-tion 26 of prilllary vessel 14. Secondary vessel 12 hcls a plurality of inlets arld ou-lets. A
fluid inlet 42 i5 connected to a remo-te source (not 9hOW}I). A ga~ outle-t 44 is provided for venti}lg gas -to an external flare (not shownj. A Eluid outlet 46 is provided which i5 con}lected -to fluid inlet 30 of primary 10 vessel 14. Gas separation means 48 is provided withir secondary vessel 12. Althouyh rlo-t illustrated, gas separation means 48 consists vf a de~iector plate, and a demister pad -to promo-te coalescerlce of liquids.
Attached to first erld 20 of primary vessel 14 is a 15 housing 50 containirly all necessary controls, gauges and meters. A safety relief valve 52 is provided on primary vessel 14 -to guard agains-t pressure buildup in -the event that gas outlets 34 or 44 are inoperative.

The preferred me-thod will now be described Wi th reference to Oil, Water, and Gas Separator 10 as illus-trated in FIGURE 1. Flow oil well produc-tion, containing yas together with an emulsion of oil and water, -through a fully contairled secvndary vessel a-t 25 pressures of between 10 and 60 pounds. This serves to substantially deyasifyiny the resultiny oil and water emulsion which flows through the outlet of the secondary vessel into the inlet oE -t~le primary vessel. In Oil, Water, and Gas Separa-tor 10 oil well productioll enters 30 secondary vessel 12 through inle-t 42. Gas is separatr-d by gas separatio}l means 48 arld vented out of gas outlet 44 -to a remo-tely located flare (no-t s}lowrl). T~le resulting emulsion of water and oil flows from ou-tlet 46 oE secondary vessel 12 in-to irllet 30 of primary vessel 35 1~.

~127~2 Sepasdte the oil and water in t~le primary vessel at ~ubs-tantially atmQspheric pressure, such that any gases remaini~lg ill the oil are released iIltO the primary vessel for ventirlg through the gas venting mearls to an ex-terrlal rlare. In Oil, Wa-ter, and Ga~ Separator 10 -the emulsion of oil and water flowing in-to primary vessel 14 enters firs-t: section 2fi. First sectioII 26 is heated by heatirly pipe 36. The heatirlg of tne emulsion promotes and accelerates -t~le separa-tion of -the wa-ter and -the oil.
10 The oil floats upon -the wa-ter. As first sec-tiorl 26 begins -to fill, oil begirls -to spill over baffle 24 in-to second sec-tion 28. Water is drained from primary vessel 14 -through water outle-t 31, provi~ed for the drainage of liquids from first section 26. Oil is drained from 1~ primary vessel 14 through oil outle-t 32, provided for the drainage of liquids from second section 28. As emulsion flows from secorldary vessel 12 which is urlder pressure, to primary -tank 14 which is at substantially atmospheric pressure gas is released. Gas continues -to 20 be released as the emulsiorl as is heated by heating pipe 36 in first section 26. Such yas migrates to top 18 of primary vessel 14, where it is vented thro-ugh ga~ outle-t 34 to an external flare. The Applicant prefers to operate primary vessel 14 a-t approxima-tely 4 oz. of 25 pressure to ~void having external air enter pressure vessel 14.

It will be apparerlt to one skilled in -the art tha-t -the method and apparatus described eli~ninate~ the 30 problem of vapour flash whic.h exists in Oil, Water, arld Gas Separators presently in use. It will also be apparent to one skilled in -the ar-t tha-t -the method and apparatus described provide a number of other advantages, many of wh:ich have beerl previously 20~27~2 c1e~;oribed~ It will firlally be aE)parerlt -to one sl~illed irl the ar-t that variatiorls may be made -to the preferred emboclimerl t wi -t~lou c dep~r t irlg f rom the ~pix i t ar~d scope Ol' the inverltion.

Claims (2)

1. An Oil, Water, and Gas Separator, comprising:
a. a primary pressure vessel having a top, a bottom, a first end and an second end, the longitudinal axis of the primary vessel extending substantially horizontally;
b. a baffle extending substantially vertically from the bottom of the primary vessel intermediate the first end and the second end, such that the primary vessel is divided into a first section and a second section, such that liquids in the first section must flow over the baffle to enter the second section, the primary vessel having a fluid inlet in the first section, a liquid outlet adjacent the bottom of the first section whereby water is drained, a liquid outlet adjacent the bottom of the second section whereby oil is drained, and a gas outlet adjacent the top of one of the sections, whereby gas is vented to an external flare;
c. means for heating the first section of the primary vessel; and d. a secondary pressure vessel mounted within the first section of the primary vessel, the secondary vessel having a fluid inlet whereby production from an oil well can be received from an external source, gas separation means, a gas outlet whereby gas is vented to an external flare, and a fluid outlet which is connected to the fluid inlet of the primary vessel.
2. A method of reducing the danger of vapour flash in Oil, Water and Gas Separators, comprising the steps of:
a. placing a secondary pressure vessel having an inlet, an outlet, gas separation means and gas venting means, inside of a heated primary pressure vessel having an inlet, means for separation of oil and water, a water outlet, an oil outlet and means for venting gases, the outlet of the secondary vessel being connected to the inlet of the primary vessel;
b. flowing oil well production, containing gas together with an emulsion of oil and water, through the secondary vessel at pressures of between 10 and 60 pounds, thereby substantially degasifying the resulting oil and water emulsion which flows through the outlet of the secondary vessel into the inlet of the primary vessel;
c. separating the oil and water in the primary vessel at substantially atmospheric pressure, such that any gases remaining in the oil are released into the primary vessel fox venting through the gas venting means to an external flare.
CA 2012782 1990-03-22 1990-03-22 Method and apparatus for reducing the danger of vapour flash in oil, water and gas separators Abandoned CA2012782A1 (en)

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CA 2012782 CA2012782A1 (en) 1990-03-22 1990-03-22 Method and apparatus for reducing the danger of vapour flash in oil, water and gas separators

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CA 2012782 CA2012782A1 (en) 1990-03-22 1990-03-22 Method and apparatus for reducing the danger of vapour flash in oil, water and gas separators

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CA2012782A1 true CA2012782A1 (en) 1991-09-22



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CA 2012782 Abandoned CA2012782A1 (en) 1990-03-22 1990-03-22 Method and apparatus for reducing the danger of vapour flash in oil, water and gas separators

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN105879430B (en) * 2014-09-24 2018-07-06 中石化洛阳工程有限公司 A kind of oil gas water separator
CN113289382A (en) * 2021-07-28 2021-08-24 山东鹤鹏技术有限公司 Petrochemical fluid distribution device based on simultaneous operation of multiple servo motors

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN105879430B (en) * 2014-09-24 2018-07-06 中石化洛阳工程有限公司 A kind of oil gas water separator
CN113289382A (en) * 2021-07-28 2021-08-24 山东鹤鹏技术有限公司 Petrochemical fluid distribution device based on simultaneous operation of multiple servo motors
CN113289382B (en) * 2021-07-28 2021-10-08 山东鹤鹏技术有限公司 Petrochemical fluid distribution device based on simultaneous operation of multiple servo motors

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