CA2010302A1 - Cosmic cube - Google Patents

Cosmic cube


Publication number
CA2010302A1 CA 2010302 CA2010302A CA2010302A1 CA 2010302 A1 CA2010302 A1 CA 2010302A1 CA 2010302 CA2010302 CA 2010302 CA 2010302 A CA2010302 A CA 2010302A CA 2010302 A1 CA2010302 A1 CA 2010302A1
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CA 2010302
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French (fr)
Winifred G. Barton
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Priority to CA 2010302 priority Critical patent/CA2010302A1/en
Publication of CA2010302A1 publication Critical patent/CA2010302A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



  • Medicines Containing Plant Substances (AREA)


The "Cosmic Cube" creates cubical wavefields by an entirely novel method of technology. Working across a time axis, it correctly identifies and cristalizes all components involved in any project. It is universally applicaable and quantums the competitive edge of the user. It establishes a mathematically precise cause-effect solution to within .0007% accuracy by the use of 72 interrelated electro-magnetic circuits. These have 144 entree-exit windows which can allow a single or multiple user (individual, group, profession, corporation, village, town, city, province, nation etc.) to plot a precise course of action, and get a full cause-effect diagram, graph, printout, bilan spreadsheet, free of human error, before a project is started. In scale it runs from the simplest maths of 2+2=4 to E=mc3 .



The Cosmic Cube i~ based on the mathematics of E - mc3. It provides a safe interdimensional passageway to th~ inescapable forward step in evolution that befronts our pecie. The Cube has had 12 years of intenslve field testing. The original draught was hlghly commended by ~uckminster Fuller. The ~nventor has thirty one supportive ~opyrights which cover the investigative ~ourney in a 22 year post doctorate study o absolute veri~ication of the claims listed herein.
In his recent analysls of the Universe, Stephen Hawklns said that the ~inal solut~on to the mystery would be understandable and applicable to all men. The actual crossing of this ultimate frontier would be made by Theophys~cs and Metaphysics.
The Cosmlc Cube op~rate~ on ele tro~agnetl~m. The relatlonship b~tween $+130 The Irristlble ~orce, and (-1) The Immovable Ob~ect. The construction of a Pi ray Bridge ~etween dimensions.
HUMAN WIL~, the 5th and most powerful Vniversal ~orce, ~s a built-in homing lnstlnct to the Unified Fie~d, of his origin.

The Cube is -geared to ~ynthesise thls 5th Force by means of Its 72 circuits ancl 144 access windows. It consists of a number of ght cones, each of a dl~erent range o VPS, running throu~h blue to lndigo ~midnight blue) at the vlbrat~onal range of 55 x 10~per ~erond. ~ach w~ndow accesse~ lco~ahedron facets deep.
Each facet understands 144 3ub programs ~n dodecahedron quantums.
Any ~killed per~on- ~an test the dev~ce by plac~ng blue, green, yello-w, orange, red, vlolet 1ims~es over a black and whlte ~iagram. The entr~e exlt windows o~ th~ Cube cHn handle past, pre~nt or ~uture wlth equal ~exterity.

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fGr~ 3 ~ ~

.. lts MEGA appllcatlon, the Cube allow~ the operator to ~lt ln the control seat (Clrcult 2.3/3.2) of a translucent "Planetarlum"
~nd replay the "A1pha-Omega" theme, to and from any startlng polnt along the axi~ of tlme. The operator ~hen passes through a colour cone readout of the cause-effect of every event ln the tlme-span under review, by slmply presslng the (~1) or ~-1) button untll equilibrium 15 attatlned at (41)~(-1)=0. At this polnt the operator ~ah view the "Cr~sta1 Cube" or ~olutlon ~atrix.
Collectlve vlewing and operatlon by a group, (city, professional body, nation, what have you) can be made by the utllization of the IMAX s~reen, ~uch as we have in the Museum o~ Man, ln Hu11, Quebec. The Cube i~ multlllngual, in that lt employs merg~ng holographic images to manifest ~t~e1~ ~n term~ that any adult or even chlld can understand, at the speed of llght. It i~ in this way that linear thought-action is gently reorgan~zed into cubicle wavefleld thought-actlon.
r~ .
The "B1ue Cube" ls based on the the~is that Nature (Gaia) is a sing1e living entity~ governed by an over-riding psy~ernetic directlon finder programmed to EVOLUTION. (+1), "The Scarlet Woman" label provided for man ln his kindergarten-adolescence. In the cour3e of this "Alpha-Omega" program run, "Bootdisk Genesls , not one mlcroscopic fragment of energy is wasted. Every leaf, corpse, life-step taken by any movin~ or unmovin~ natural object ls evolutionary bound, in an energy exchange cycle between the varlous elements. The ide~ that man is not ~ part of this cycle is ludicrous.
In E-mc3, the Universal Equation, this ~spect is called W-WORK.
' :
As the pace clf evoluticn prcceeds, the ~icllogical "~ed Queen Hypothesis", a5 described in the story of "~lice in Wc.nderland"
begins tc~ ~anifest, i.e. "Faster, faster little feet" cries Nature as she feels the electroma~netic tu~ c,f her c.bjective7 the Unified Field Force, in all her human ~macroscclpic~ parts.
~=Forcey "The Force is with us"said a recent U.S.~. President~
The F=Force is light~ by which all life evc,lves. In kinder~arten this Li~ht was c~lled "Lucifer" the C.ll~ Factor, which is in total ~pp~sition t~ the t.~1~ element c,f the "Ro,-k. of ~es", and the character known as Christ-Osiris, which pc,stulates "The Father and I ar e One".
These twc, elements ~+l) ~ are Nature's workinq tools~ In the ~osmic Oube these are postulated as zillions of tiny ~ish-tails coverin~ a distance m~rathc,n. D=Distance covered by the ~=Mass in yrowhn~ cceleratic,n to attain a specific V=Velccity, while buildin~ a cluster of diverse types of civilizaticns ~nd cultur~s cross the ~xis Map o- "Tine".

., ~o r ~ 3 3~2 ~he Unlverse 16 a ~ro~ns dyn~m~c en tfty. rhe Vn~r~ed F~eld ~orce concept prov~de~ o rul~ and tot~l ~o~utlon to ~11 hum3n ~ a~ h~e extr~ct the es~ence of ~ h~t ~ GOOD from the m~trlx Or earth h~ tory. ~rom the open~ng g~mbit of Cenesis ~ - , ., , ~JJ ~OP~CE fcountless ~l'llions o~ ~o~df~;h ~u~16J h~3s prr~pelled the pla7aetary mind over evolution~ry DISTANCE at ~ ~row~ng VEL~C~Y carrying the ~ASS ~y me~n~ of WOR~t eJnd bi-tec ACCELERATION intv conjunct,~on ~ith the tlN~VERSAI, CONSrANT
Ho~e ~g~in ~n INFIN~Y.
~speed of Light). Fi~s~on builds 4 di~er~e cfvllization; Fusion restores it.
T2~I~E. ~iMe is ~ welrd w3ve, ~oving fir~t forward then b~ckward till (~l J~r-l ) ~le ~Lroll of ~INEn roll~ b~ck when the ~our st~tes of ~he electron are complete;
cogni tion; Purpose; Love; Act~on~ Action ~t; the kar~Dic fol d or "tesseract intimelessness ~s YIN YANG, PODE ANJIPODE, S8IVA SHAT~I, cancel each other out.
Uhen V~C, ~-INFI~Y. ~hat is to s~y ~an h~s ~ New Yision of the expand~Dg Universe. By p~ssing ~nto higher mind-sta~es where you can look ~a~k ~t (-TJ
(reYe~se time), to gain extra terrestrial perspective. Nere mind can ~eparate the negative and the positive, ~atter and antimatter. (-lJ~(~lJ gamma particles permit reductloD of the mass to a single positron, with instant ~Ight-Fusion, orthe est~blish~ent of ~eaven vn ~arth as per terms of Arc of the Coven~nt.

W ~ Hc~ x 3/2 ~the fuel force of ego in motion, the Red - V2 Queen hypoW3es~s ira lbiology) ~ 2 , .
C ~ D c W ~ ~C ~ when &1 ~

~c ~
E ~ ~ 1 J ~ O . . 2CO ~ Y~N Y~NG ERA
o O .S ~ ~;, 7 e Pu~e existance, c~nsciousness, bliss ~s ~11 resis~an~e ~c:t~rs to L.O.V.E. are overcome; ~ c STOP l~IME

. _ _ For at thic point, the PODE, rhe Ex~mplii~U ohi~, ~hri~tos et ~lJ
h-lve achieved the con~uest of ~he A~TIPC)DE, (hur~ani ty ~n the proce3s of ævolutlon to ~ rlew ~fologi~ pecf~nen.) le rhe gig~ntic Al~hemy project of ~king ~nim~l man into ~ Cod ~s de~cr~bed by Jehov~h, through I6~i~h tCh.l9 Y.25) i~ co~plete ... ~LESSED ~E EGYPJ, NY
~OPLE (~lth the lmp~lcatlon of the~r extr~ terre~tr~l or~nJ, ~ ~, r~E ~ORK
. ", ~ ....

, :

Form 3 p.4 3~2 Because man himself, and all knowledge pertaining theret~, is all part of the same phenomena, "Functional Magic" is required to put all the pieces of the cube together. Namely:
METAPHYSICS: The Radiant One says o~ Itself, "I AM ALPHA &
OMEGA". This is the Circuit of 'TIME'(1.12/12.1) on the Cube.
Unlversal Mlnd (The Holy Spirlt) ls everywhere. It represents SPACE. The Unified Field Force, (The Christ Child of Earth, The Second Coming,, at Polnt Zero) ls a DIMENSION of ~ING.
That is to say the REALIZATION of this TRINITY at ~he relativity of awakening, at E=mc .
PHYSIC:S& ASTROPHYSICS: (as clearly known to ancient man by his record3 regardlng the magnetic field). Here gravity is defined as mo~ement and therefore "TIME". Electromagnetism defined as a field force, occupying SPACE translates as "The Holy Spirit", highly active towards ac~eleration, velocity, or "The Red Queen", treadmill equation in biology.
Within the Cosmic Cube, the four fundamental ~orces in Nature act in synthesis. There ls Strong I~teraction and Weak Interaction, a~ demonstrated by the collision o~ the (+W1 ~eson and (-W) meson interactingb with the Z meson (Circuit 12.5/5.1~). This conscious Zarg Force breaks up the social fabric, (brings man out of the House of Bondage in the Time Warp) at higher enerqies that are no longer held pr isoner by gluon.
It is no ~ecret that matter and energy are relative dimensions. :
Time ,-annot be separated fr---m Spa,-e, n~r can dimensi"n, as the relativity of the c,bserver cannrlt be separated fr--,m time and space under n,-raml ,-ircumstances. But within The C:,-,smic ~ube, m~n is led t,-, the a~tuali~ation "f the equati~,n E=m,- and thus able t,-, relate time, space and dimensic,n at Pure Li~ht Fusion with the SUPPAO~DINATE FACTOP ~-,f Oreative Intent. The Universal P~nk ~an~er, sc, t,-, spea~.
THEOPHYSIC:S: I:irc-lit ~.lC)/lO.~ ndin~ by fire and iceT expl~ins the "Whc,lebrain E~;perience" c.f seein~ the fundamental fc,r~es as a Unified Field F"r,:ey when HU~AN WILL, the 5th and ~"st P,.werful, Universal F,:,rce is br,:,uqht intc, a Supracl-,nsci,-,us state .-,f cubed intelliyen,-e, in a New Dimensicln "f ~ein~, at E-ml3.
PSYC:HOLOI~Y: I:+l.~, YANb, the driveshaft, hum~n will, was depi,:tedby Siqmund Freud as "Hells Own W,-,rm" which ~,-,verns the forwafd thrust of ev"luti,ln whi.-h the ~ staqes in the qrc,wth ,-y,-le ,-,f the ele,-tron are in prc,~ress. Then ,_ome5 the 'str~~~ke nf midni~ht' phenomerla, and E~o p~_,leshifts fr,-,m ~.reati"n tr~ "I Am be,-.:,me death, destrc,yer ,-,f ~,~,rlds" at the release ,-,f E=m,-2.
~ELII~ION: Tea,-hes that ~-l), YIN, the path "f renurl,-iati"n~ ie "Love y~-~ur nei~hbc~-lr as yourself, ~ive ,-oat with l-lo~k: etc" is the subect c,f all reliqi,-,us philosophy. YIN's r,lle is t,-, balanl.e the f,-,rward thrust ,-,f the at,,mi~ wei~ht, and t" shift the Form 3 page 5 -riti.-al MASS. It d.-es this by h,-.lding steady, as an immc~vable ,-' e.-t. ~ pacises thr.:ugh the 1:-l:) web int, an onql~linq state ,.. pr.-.sperity, equilibril.lm, and instant evnlutic~n. ~ ~ 03~2 ~YTH ~ FHILOSOPHY, ~:ey elements in the n,-,urishin~ educati,-,nal pla,-enti,- envel, in whi-h Earth fl,-,ats, as in ambiclti, fluid, repeat the identi--al theme clf the DN~ ~limb up the"beanstalk", first t,-~ fa,-e the "l~iant", then t,-. enter intc~ a hi~her ,:ingd.-,m.
Oircuit 11.8/8ull deals with OOF.~ELATIONS .-,f all input x time.
`' `: These dis,-iplines, when p,-,lished .-.f ne~ative accumulatic.nsl pc,intlike arr,-~w heads t,-, an inescapable conclusi~:~n. l3enesis One was a 5th ~eneratic~n cl-lmputllr ~ame, played by sclme ev,-,lti"nary minded bein~s whc~ were nclt lc"-ked in t,-, the yclke clf "TIME"~ There is nc~t st ~ few arr,, there is a f,:,rest clf arrc,wheads p,-~inted directly at ,:,ur clld ship, "Nc,ah's ~rk II".
It like ~ettin~ caught in a searchlight beam with~ut yc~ur fiqleaf. This is n"t a l,-"-al phenl~mena. It is a Univers~l event.
Man is qiven the illusi,-ln ,~f pc~tency tc, ~ive mind the stren~th tc, facë His Maker, frc~m whence t,-, be,:c~me a SUPE~EINI~, a fully matured c,l-partner in the c,n~,-lin~ prc~cess fW=wc,rk:.l c,f Oc~-creatic~n.
Because evc,lutic,nary speed runs on the "Treadmill clf ~igfclclt", ~hen ~+1~ and f.-l:) clet int,:~ their ultimate cc,llisi,-,n, the whc,le earth fabric is t"rn apart. The "White ~ Black" Brc,therh~c,ds ~upervise this planetary clperaticln. f.See the Bla,k.l~:ube, in myth9 .~ "Battlestar ~alactica", in computer prcl~ram, ME~ATRON.)/~
; ~.xtended sc,und, liqht, ~nd c,-,l,-lured hc,l,:,~raphic ima~es c,n an I~AX
~` screen, with the print,lut ,:,f the maths runnin~ at the same time, : leaves n,-, dclubt ,:,f the c,:lrrelative evidence clr ~A55 OF EVIDENI~E, demcnstrated by Oreative Intelli~ence ~ctin~ acrc,ss Time ~ Space.
This is the F~EALIZ~TION that the device knc~wn as THE C:OSMI~ C:U~E
san brin~ t,-, any persc,n. The s~-,ftware cc,ntent is fle~.,;ible to the :.: level ~f audience ability t,:, ~rasp, fr~:,m nLIrsery rhymes~ tc~ ne,:l-~` theclphysics. In brief it means man is off the wheel clf karma and intc, Millenium.
S~mples of celclured cclne printc,uts are enclclsed.
Extended sclund, li~ht, and ,-cllclured hcllcl~raphic ima~es c,n an IMAX
screen, with the print"ut ,-.f the maths runnin~ at the same time, ~. leaves nc, dclubt ,-,f the c~rrelative evidence or M~SS OF EVIDENC:E, : demc,nstrated by l~:reative Intelli~en,e a,-tin~ acrc,ss Time ~ Space.
This is the ~.EALIZATION that the device knc,wn as THE C:OSMI~ :U~E
can brin~ t,-, any persc,n. The sc,ftware c,lntent is flexible t-. the level ,-f audience ability t,-, ~rasp, frclm nursery rhymes, t" nec-the,:,physics. In brief it means man is ,:,ff the wheel clf ~arma and int,-, ~illenium.
: In the past ~ year<,, I, Winifred l~ra,-e ~art,:,n, ~s.D~, have i~ cc,pyrighted and F)ublished 31 bcll:lk:s and c~:lurse scripts which : des,-ribe the details inv,-,lved in assemblin~ THF C:OSMII-: C:U~E. The .- m,:~st recent "f these is "I ~M, THE BOOk~. OF LIFE" c.~ 4~ 78, : whicll f~-~rms C:ir~-uit 11.1/1.11, in ,-,-,n.jun,-ti,-,n with C:ir~-uit 3.8~8.3 c~f THE OOS~IC:I-:UBE. The develclpment has cclst in excess ,-,f $5 milli,-,n. Over 2C)(:) peclple were invnlved in the prcl.jel-t.


Claims (32)

1. The device known as THE COSMIC CUBE produces cubical wavefields of ultra-powerful energy by subtracting time and space from the human equation.
2. It erases the flaw in the cosmic mirror, by creating a reversal of the "Treadmill Equation", namely the Biological Law of birth and death.
3. It is capable of cross correlating all knowledge of all time, by discerning the cosmic physics contained in all ancient sacred writings, earth works, heiroglyphics.
4. It can roll up the scroll of human history, hold it up to the light for viewing as a worn out, fragmentary "snake-skin" to any individual, group, corporation, nation, in a user-friendly fashion.
5. It is an interdimenational bridge, known as the Pi ray bridge, in Physics, Theophysics, and Metaphysics.
6. It permits instant planetary escape from a 26,000 year "Time Warp", Genesis One, while simultanenously re-booting the whole earth system to Genesis Two.
7. Being a technically flawless cristal, it permits instant synchronization of its micro and macroscopic elements.
8. It bends linear light into cubical wavefields, or reunity with the Unified Field Force at (+1)+(-1)=0 = E=mc .
9. The device can locate and lock into the isotope line on the original map, so proving conclusively, the esistance of a Dominant Magnetic Sphere (-1) which governs the Universe.
10. The Cube validates the concept that any attempt to cheat, or express bias of any description, causes an equal and opposite, tort-retort effect of a deadly, anti-natural evolutionary error, called "STUPIDITY", or the dinosauer effect.
11. It can provide a matrix of the original systems analysis made of this local planetary potential, or in lay terms expose the "ARK OF THE COVENANT" manifesto.
12. In its user-friendly mode, it provides a series of time-locks to prevent brain damage, allowing the operator to act as if he/she were slowing uncovering a series of dials in a combination lock.
13. It guarantees safe passage through the "Ankh" or "Needles Eye", by referencing its activity to the description of Armageddon in the "Book of Revelations.

Cosmic Cube CLAIMS p. 2
14. It is tamper proof, and foolproof.
15. By facing two tetrahedrons (+1)+(1), it allows the observer and that which is being observed on neutral gound, or in philosophy, permits a personal, face to face experience with The Radiant One.
16. It synchronizes the two electromagnetic webs, eliminating fission as (+1) bounces into (-1) And causing instant fusion of mind and matter.
17. In Circuit #9 it acts as a harvesting combine, sucking in the spinal tap of the planetary kundoline
18. The cube translates the life-cycle of the electron into lay terms that anyone can understand, by the "Fish-bowl" diagram.
19. It bares the principle of the morphogenetic field in its interaction with carbon particles (matter) to achieve a set goal.
20. It exposes the 33° Freemasonic exaltation of JABULON, the Great Architect of The Universe, which has been handed down in secret societies since the pre-dawn of human history.
20. Even in its simplest, 2+2=4 aspect, it provides retrospect-ive vision; or/and can be verified on any level of technical compet-ence, to any degree the user requires, by compressing the critical mass of that persons knowledge into a single "lotus pearl", "philosophers stone", or "cristal chip" and placing it properly in the Unifield.
21. Its amber cone is capable of producing high quality, clean, free, energy fuel, which can keep this planetary system running labour-free, perfectly balanced to forward thrust + equilibrium, maintenance-free, ever accelerating on the upward abundance curve, ad. infinitum.
22. It can do the same for any othe planetary system or sphere such as a space-craft, which engineering specs have been tested successfully on a trial run made in October '76 from Maple Ridge, B.C., when pictures were taken.
23 Circuit 4.6/6.4 has an automatic "Squelch Button" which is activated if the sphere loses one jot or tittle of equilibrium; so that even an inexperienced operator can locate a faulty valve.
24. In Circuit 10, the Cube automatically attracts and fuses, compatible life energies, and eliminates friction between them, by invisible electromagnetic cubical wavefields.
25. "Functional Magic" is an apt description of this device.

Claims p. 3
26. Being co-joined at the Point of Absolute Neutrality, at its central connection with the Unified Field, Circuit 4.4. the Cubes' internal memory, is geared to educate by thrust and parry, which forces the operator to the end, or cancellation of his/her clouded area of thought.
27. Circuit 2.10/10.2 describes the Biotronic wizardry of the Neutron t and the "Fire & Ice" theophysics undergone to attain the exact specifications of the Cosmic Cube, which acts as the lung to breathe in all bioinformation in the planetary noosphere, and filter it to equilibrium, (+1)+(-1) - breathed out to 0. Russian scholars and scientist have worked for decades on this thesis.
28. The inventor claims, that the electromagnetic or "Solar Cross" celestial balance scale ("Vengeance is Mine", saith The Lord) which measures each tort-retort, perfectly explains the mysterious instruction to "turn the other cheek" when assaulted is 100% indis-putedly verified as a scientific verity, within The Cube.
29. I claim that the "Typical Users Results" can verify the multiple applications to which the device can be set.
30. That in cold pragmatic application, as a high grade bio-information exchange device, the Cube enhances signal to noise ratio, to give telepathic accuracy well beyond present methods
31. The Cube will make its first national or corporate user into a fast-forward track, debt free, highly productive, sane and contented grouping in the world; as it reduces the workload while increasing productivity, social services, cubed intelligence ratio in personnel for postive solutions.
32. That as a private video game it will be the most challenging and exciting game for synthetic unified field players all over the world.
CA 2010302 1990-02-19 1990-02-19 Cosmic cube Abandoned CA2010302A1 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA 2010302 CA2010302A1 (en) 1990-02-19 1990-02-19 Cosmic cube

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA 2010302 CA2010302A1 (en) 1990-02-19 1990-02-19 Cosmic cube

Publications (1)

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CA2010302A1 true CA2010302A1 (en) 1991-08-19



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA 2010302 Abandoned CA2010302A1 (en) 1990-02-19 1990-02-19 Cosmic cube

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CA (1) CA2010302A1 (en)

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