CA2005777A1 - Information display device - Google Patents

Information display device


Publication number
CA2005777A1 CA002005777A CA2005777A CA2005777A1 CA 2005777 A1 CA2005777 A1 CA 2005777A1 CA 002005777 A CA002005777 A CA 002005777A CA 2005777 A CA2005777 A CA 2005777A CA 2005777 A1 CA2005777 A1 CA 2005777A1
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Other languages
French (fr)
William L. Conti
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
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Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Publication of CA2005777A1 publication Critical patent/CA2005777A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • G09F13/00Illuminated signs; Luminous advertising
    • G09F13/04Signs, boards or panels, illuminated from behind the insignia
    • G09F13/00Illuminated signs; Luminous advertising
    • G09F13/04Signs, boards or panels, illuminated from behind the insignia
    • G09F13/0418Constructional details
    • G09F13/0454Slidable panels or parts


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Theoretical Computer Science (AREA)
  • Illuminated Signs And Luminous Advertising (AREA)
  • Medicines Containing Antibodies Or Antigens For Use As Internal Diagnostic Agents (AREA)


A rectangular housing having an open front face bordered by track grooves which slidably receive a plurality of self-diffusing, and laterally interlocked panels. A source of illumination mounted inside of the housing is controlled by a photoelectric cell exposed to ambient light through one of the panels abutting a removable end wall of the housing. An internal arcuate reflector directs illumination from the source onto the panels and a light transmissive bottom wall of the housing while reflective coatings on the end walls prevent illumination fade out at the end panels. Also, a one-piece transparent housing of an information display device, has a supporting lens wall on which a display panel is held by a frame. A source of illumination mounted inside of the housing is controlled by a photoelectric cell projecting into a bubble formation on the supporting wall of the housing, exposed to the ambient light through aligned openings in the display panel and the frame in the plane of the indicia bearing surface of the display panel. Illumination from the source reflected from a back panel secured to the housing, illuminates the display panel and is transmitted by portions of the housing projecting through window openings in the frame.


o5~ t7 ~o~Q~

~ he pre~en'c inv~nt~on ~.~lat~ t~ lllumLnated informa~ion di~play d~vlce~ em~odying cartAln improv~m~nt~ to the display apparatus d~alo~ed in my pri~r U~. Paten~ A~pl~ca~ion Serla~ No.
~81,~39, ~ d ~ep~,e~b~r 30, ~g85, now U.8. Pa~nt No~ 4,7~5,080.
Xlluminat~d lnormatlon di~;p~ay d~3vi~e~ having a changeabls panel a~2m~1y wl~h an in~nal ~ource o~ illumlnation ~u~ontat~ally a~: ivated and de~ iyated by a photo~lectrla cell, ar~ g~ne~lly ~nown in th~ a~ one t.yp~ o~ such illumina~ed lnforma~ion dl~play dQvice, ~ ligh~ t~an~mi~ln~ ~ron'c w~ndow o~
~ housing, b~ar~ng indlc~ , sucn A~ t~rs ~nd num~er~ or other char~ct~r~ illumlnaLted h~ A liçlht ~ourao r~arwardly ~paced th~refrom wlthin th~ hou~ g. ~h~ hou~ing i~ prc~vided wi~h ~racX
msan~ borde~ring a ~xon~ opening su;:h thA~ s~p~rate dlsplay p~nels may be re~ai r.o~ ther6ain . ~aor~ng ~o my prior U . ~ . Patent No .
4, 765, 0~0, a~o~m~ntioned, a p~o~o~l~ctria cell i~ mounted on on~
o~ ~h~ panal~ ~o control ~q.tiva~ion; o~ the æour~Q o~ ht 'cr~n~mi~:tlng lllu~ina~ion throu~h. th~ ron'c p~næl~ a~ well as a bottom wall o~ ~h~ hou~lng.
Th~ ln~i~ia dl~}~lay pan~l~ ar~ ahan~eabl~ a~ di~closed by way o ~x~mpl~a in t~. Pat~nt No~. 733,800, 4,a5~,4s7 and 4, 373, 284 'co Beugl~r, Lordier an~l &Yane, re~pe¢~vel~. A¢~rding ~o th~ Lordi~r and Cr~ne Pa~en~ h~ ~ron~ ~a~ i8 r~e~rme~ ~y a ' '.''" ' 2~6~r~ 7t;J
~acking pan~l of un~ ~rm thiakne~ or whlCh replacsable indlcla bearing disFlay pla~ arQ mc~un~e~ ~y groo~e traaX6 oelrrled by ~h~
b~oking pan~ Th~ pan~ mad~. o~ ligh~ 'crzn~mitting material or of tran~ uolsnt ma~erlal ~or llgh~dlf~u6~ng purposes~
According to ~h~ Lordior and B~u~ler p~ents; ~he ~l~play pan~l~
ha~e lat~ral in~a~oc~cing o~e r~c~e~ Tne ~ront ~aG~ c103~d in the Beugl~r paten~ de` o~ op~qu~3 int~rlo~king di~play plates having hole~ ~ormed ther~in through which ~rlght i~ tran~mi t~ed to ~orm th~ indicia di~play~. ..
Xt i8 An ob~act of ~ .pr~s~n~ v~ntlon tc~ provide an lmproved illUmirla~Qd in:Corma~i~n ~isplay~ devic~3 em~odying the advantA~aY o~ afor0m~n~ion~ type~ o~ ~.n~orma~lon di~play devices in a less ¢os~cly manne~ . a~d o~ bsin~ more easily repair~d and m~lntelined.

' : ' ., .
Th~ ~rc~n'c ir~v~nt,i~r.. pro~id~. rOr ~n illuminated informa~ion di~pl~y app~a~u~ o~ 'Ch~ ~ypa haying an ~longat~d ho~in~ ~orm~d by top, bottom, ~ront and er,~ walla ~nd an op~n ~ac~, T~ac~c g~oo~e~ a~ ~o~me~ ~n opposing ~dge o~ th~ ~op and ~ron'c wall~ ~o~ slidably re~e.iving ~ rality o p~nel~ to ~ nterlocX with the ~4p and rr~n~ wal~ ha pan~l~ them~lv~
ar~ laterslly lnt~rlo~JcQd wl~ C:~rtain o~. th~ p~nels ha~inç
indicia-b~rin~ gh'c tr~n~mittl~g po:e~tion~.
.. . .

Z~ i'7~7'7 . .
Th~ pre~nt invention pr~ ld~ ~or an ~lluminat~d information di~lay d~vi~e h~ving ~ com~let~ly l:rasl~p~r~n~ o~
piec~ hou~ ng m~d~ o~ a h~t . rQ3i~tan'c ma'c~rl~l and lncludln~
f ront, sld3 and en~ wali6 . ~ho hou~ing i~ r~ ived within an extern~l frame having ~ids and ~nd w~ll op~ning~ through whioh non-planar wal} porkion~ o~ the h~u3ir.g pro~ot to transml~ light the~efrom. A sel~-di~u~ng, lnd~cia-~3e~ring ~i~play panel ~ 5 r~tained bQtw~n th~ frame and ~, pl~n~r ~uppor~in~ sur~a¢~ o~ an in'cernally ri~be~d ~xont we~ll o~ ~h~ hau~inq ~or ~xp~ure ~h~o~gh a iront window opl3nin~ o~ th~ Pr~m~. .
P.n illuminatlon light ~c~ur~ mo~nt~d wi~in ~he housing i ~ controllod ~y a photol3lectrlo c~ll or ambient l iç~ht s~n~or ~or selectlv~ly aativ~l:ing and d~ac:tivatin the light ~ou~ce. The 1 i~h~; ~rom the ~ouro~ 1~ omltt~d and rsf leat~d rro~ an arcuat~
re~lec~or or ~ b~ack p2lrle~ c~ insl ~n i:llum~ n~lon ~h~mber wi~hin the hou~ir,g to illum~,natQ ~he di~play panel ~nd t~c~nsmit light from the non-planar wall portlon3 o~ th~ transparent hou~lng proje~ting from th~ ~rame opening~. Brigh~ ~po'c illum~:na~ n o~ th~ indicia is e~ec~iv~ly ~voide~ l~y op1:ical, l~gh~ di~u~lng ~rra~ion~ ~ormed on the di~ y pan~3l and ~he ~ nt wall oi~ th~ hou~ng. The rQflec~iv~ ~ack pan~ mounts th~ l~ght ~ourc:~ and the pho~o-Qleatric a~ll, which ox~nd~ in~o a pro~ec:tive bubbla-lik~
~orma~ion on t~3 hou~ng ~ron~ wall, pro~tln~ in~o aligned --3~

~ OU~j âJ 7 7 ',' . ', opening~ in ~he ~relm~ ~nd ths t~ ?1A~ . pan~l ~o a~ to expose 'che photo-eleatr~ ~ cell ~o amblen~ ligh~ ¢ond~ tion~ ln o~tant~ ally ooplanar relation to th~ indi~ a baarlng ~ur~a~ o~ the dl~pl~y pan~l and yet ~ee~ling tha s~n r: w.lthln th~ illumination cham~r to prev~n~ i~A ~xpo~ur~ to ~che ex~rn~l ~2n~ n~n~nt. Thq! r~leo~or oon~iguration an~ pc~itional relation~h~ ~o th~ dl~play panel~, ~he ligh~ e4ur~ And ~ou~in~ w~ su~h ~hat ~he t~mp~rature build-up withln ~he ~ou~ing i~ reduc:~d to l~v~l~ whi~h will tolerate 11813 0~ pl~otlc m~terlals ~or tha bot~om and ~ront wall~ and highs3r h~at ~ ting llght ~Qurces qu~h a~ incande~cent lamp bulb~. .
Th~ ~ togeth~r with o~ha~ 0~ ct~ ~nd advantages which wlll be~o~ ubE~uently app~X~nt r~ in th~ detail~ o con~truet~on and op~r~tior~ ~s mc?re ~ully h~r~nal~er de~cribed And clalmed, r~er~nc~ b~ing had to th@ a~ampanying ~r wlng6 ~orrning a part h~reof, wherein liXe. , re~er to llk~ p~rt~

~ or a gu~th~ un~r3t~ndln~ o~ thY na~ure ~nd ob~ect of the pres~nt inv~nt~on, r6~r~c- ~hou~.d ~e had ~o ~he ~ollowing d~t~ d d~ri}?tion takon in conjunc'clon wi~h the ac:comp~ny~ ng drawin~3~, in whl¢h l~ par~ ~r~ ç~iven llk~ r~ ronc:e numerals.

_4_ .

~0S'7~77 Fl~e 1 1~ a ~ror~t Vi2~ p~e~errad ~ml~odim~nt o~ ~h~
ap~?aratu~ o~ th~ pr~n~ invantion.
Fi~ur~ 2 1~ a toF vt ~w o~ ~h~ apparat~ of FigurQ 3 is ~n ~nlargo~ t~n~vers~ s~o~ion ~ w t~ken along ~ l ~.n~ 3-~ o~ Flg . 2 . : .
Flgur~ 4 i~ ~n ~nlar~ed ~ar~ l 6~e~ion viaw taicen ~long 1 ine ~ -~ af Fig . 1.
Fi~ure 5 ~ a ~ar~ial psr~ctiv~ w o~ a por~ion of the di~pl1y wall as~ml: 1 y o~ th~ appara~u~ of the pre~ent invent ion .
Figure 6 1~ op ~ec~lon ~l~w take~n ~lon~ ~e~lon llne 6-6 in Fi~. 1.
Figur~ 7 i ~r. end vie~ o~ th~ appara~u~ shown ln Fig~.
l ~nd 2.
Figure 8 15 an enlarged ~eotlon v10w ta3cen along 6~ct~0n l ine 8-~ in ~i~ . 7 .
Fi ~ur~ an ~nlArged partial ~a~lon talcen along .
l ine 9-g in F1~. 1. .
F~ure lO is ~ ~ront viaw o~ ~ pr~orred embodi~nen~ of the app~ra~u6 o~ ~he p~e~n~ ~n~:ention.
F~gur~ n enla~ged parklal ~c'cion view taken ~ub~tantially through a plane indl~te~ by sec~on line ~1~11 in Figur~ lo.

;~Q~'-7'~7 , Fi ~ura 12 i~ an ~nlarg~ tr~n6Y~3r~e s~otioJl vi~w t~lcen th~ough a ~lanQ in~ t~d by a~tion llll~ 12-12 ln Flgur~ 10.
Figu~ 13 1l3 ~ p~r~ tl~n v l QW ~ken ~ub~'cantl~lly along ~ 3atlon lin6~ 13-13 in Flvuro lb.
Flg~lr~ 14 i~ a r~ar eIa~ratlon v~ew o the appArAtu~ own n Figur~ 10 .
Flgur~ 15 13 ~n enla~g~d parti~ Gtio~ view taken ~ub~tantially thxough ~ plano l~idl~ed by ~ection line 15-15 in Figure 11.

Fig~s, 1, a ~nd 3 ~ llu~r~ a pr~f~rr~d ambodim~nt of th~ preaent lnv~ntlon de3~nat~ gene~rally by th~a r~ renc~ numeral 1~. App~r~tu~ 10 aomprl~ An ~on~ad r~ angular hou3ing 12 havin~ a ~op wall 14 ~n~ back wa~ preforably made o~ al~l~lnum.
A sep~ate pi~e o~ axl:ruded, tranl3parent pla~-ic material 1~03:m8 a bottoTn wAll ~0 ~nd a p~rti~l ~ront w~ll por~ion 19 at right arlgl~ thsrel:o. ~rhe hou~ing ~2 1~3 thu~ for:ned wi~h an open r~&tangular ~ac~ rra~ed by ~h~ ~ro~ sdge~ of top wall 1~ and the ~ont wall port$on 19~ Th~ longltudin~:l end~ o~ th~ houslng are clo6ed by r@mo~abl~ ~nd wall oov~r~ 18 pro~rlded with a plurallty of v~rtl¢~lly 3p~:ed, louv~r~d v~hts 23 ~5 ~hown in Flg~. 7 ~nd 8.
~ bug ~r~Qn ~5 havlng v~tlca~ 3p~aed, horizontAl alot~ ~6 jt7~

~her~in 1~ mad~ o~ a ~he~t o~ in~o~ion moide~ pla~é'Lc plaa~d on th~ in~æide ~urfa~aa of, the oov~r wa,ll as il~.u~t~at~d in Flg. 8. ~he in~àa ~r~a~ o~ th~ ~araf~n ~5 h~ ~ whit:e ~o~ting ~o that it may ~erve a~ a ~ tor and prev~nt.illumina~ion ~ade ou~c at ths end~
of tha ~ros~ fac~ o~ th~ hou~in~ Cov~r walla 1~ ~r~ r~movabl~
a~fixed ~o hou~ln~ 12 a~ ~he end ~dg~ of t~ aok and bottom wall~ 14, 1~ and ~o by ~h~ad*d ~ssr~w~ 7~ roc~vad w~ hln ~lor~g~ted fo~matlon~ 27 and 29 on ~h~ ln~ ur~c~ o~ p wall 14 ~nd bo~om wall 20 a6 ~hown ln Figs. 3 an~ g.
A~ m~r0 cl~arly ~o~n ln ~ig. 3, ~op ~ and fron~-w~ll po~ion 19 o~ th~ hcu~ng with oppo~ing ~roov~
o~ tra~k~ r~2~tiv~1y ~ormed by pa~ 1 spaa~d upp~r leg~ 32 ~nd 34 and, 1Owe~ lQg~ 36 and 3~ ~hlch ax~nd 'ChQ leng~h ~h~o 8uch qrooves af~ord guid~na~ ~nd ~uppo~ ~or a plux~ y o~ panel~
including ~n~i~ia ~ring p~ rs or di~pl~y E~an~31æ 3~
pr~er~bly ~a~ of trar~p~r~nt; P1~x1g1aEIs. I~ th~ pre~arr~d ~mbodim~n~, the P1~xl~ p~a~ ~qamber~ 30 hRv~ oE~aquo indioia coatings 40 ~orming numb~r~ ur~ ox d~slgn~ ~nd ~rartslu~Rn~c b~kground ¢oa~ng~ 4~. Plato m~ x~ 30 a~ ed ~o b~ slldably cetv~d trl the~ oppo3ing ~rack ~O~V138.'0i~ tho top alld ~ont walls 14 and ~, re~p~o~lv~ly, through which ~h~ wall~ ~r~ ln~erlo~X~d by pro~tion 44 on ~he ~ 3 34 an~ 3& g~ bly r~ ived in no~hes 4 6 ln tho p~n~l~ 3 o .

2e3 [)5~ 7 Ae ~hown in ~l~o. ~ ~h~ 5, ~ 48 a~ provid2d on ~aoh plat~ ~ember 30 ~or lat~rally ~;nter~ot:S~ing abutting plate member~ 30. Thu~, indlvi~ual pl~ mGm~er~ ar~ ~lida~ly r~a~ived in the wall ~roov~ oxn ~n opon~d longitudinal ~nd o l~h~ hou~ing upon r~moval oi~ a co~r wall ~. an~ b~g 6ar~n a5. The ln~Qrt4d pan~l6 30 Ar~ ther~y mov~a i~to lat~ra~y ~nterlo~cing r~lation~hip to ~aoh oth~ AB ~hown ~s~ Flg. 6 to exc:lu~ively fo~m ~ rlgid gron~c wall a~ mbly ~n~inte~lock ghe ~Op ~nd ~ron~ wa~l por~ion~ o~ th~ hou~lng, wl~hou~ any backlng ~n~l.
A~paratu~ ~o i~ al~o ~ovid~d wlth a eoura~ ~f illumination 50 mourlt~ thsr~i~. A~ b6~ æ~n in Fig. 6, th~
illumination soure-3 50 ~ mount~ n~o~1~rally o~ th4~ hou~in~ 12 and include~ onv~ntional ~cicket 5~ a~ap~d to ac:cept ~
oonv2n~c~n~1 lamp bulb 58 ~u~S~ a~ a 130-volt, 40 watt lnoand~c~nt bulb power~d 'chroug~ BO~ 56 w~.oh may b~ wir~d ~Co a aonvention~l house el~ctri~l pow~r ~oU~co o~ ~10 ~olt~, ~o~r ~xatnplo. To ~lir~c:t illuminatic;n g~nor~t~d in bull~ 5~ whon ligh~ souroe 50 16 ac~tivat~l, a cro~ c~t~ slly a~ue,~a refl6~otelx. 80, 3hown in Fi~s.
3 and ~ provid~ in hou~ng 12 . ~etw~ larap bul~ 58 ~nd baek wall 16 ln p~r~ially ~nol~ing re~ation ko l~mp bulb ~8. ~ormat~on o~ the ho~ g wa~l6 w~th internal re~lec~ urfa~, her~3to~0r~
b~ v~d ~o be manda~ory, ~ e~or~ unn~ce~ary. R~le~tor BO
is ~lidab~y in~r~ y m~an~ o~ upport ~2 ~n~o a channel ,~ .

--8-- .

5~7~7t7 forma'c~on B4 ~ormQd ~n th~ in~ of top w~ 4 o~ housin~ 12 and i~ thereby pos~tioned to reflect and dlr~ct lllumln~tioll onto th~
di pl~y pan~l~ or platR 30 ~nd t~e botto~ wE~ll ao. To pre~ent overheating withln thc illum~r~a4 lon chamb~3r ~orm~ in ~he hou~ ng 12, the en~ ~over wall3 18 ~r~e provid~ .wi~'ch ~he louve~ alr ven'c~
23 pro~ected by 'che ~n~ re~le~tiv~ bug ~cr~3n 25 a~ h~r~in1:~e~0r2 de~crib~ h~ bo~ om wAll 20 i8. ligh~ tran~mi~.v~ 80 that llght r~flect~d by r~f~cstc~r 80 snd emlt~ad ~rom th.e li~ht oeourc~ ~0 will ~m~rge from th~ bottom of tl~le ho~sln~. .
App~ra~-u~ 10 1A al~c! pro~ Qd with m~n~ 70 ~or 6elect~vely ~ct~va~ng ~nd deact~va~-in~ l~ght 60ur'cel 50 at predet~rmined r~a~ce~ o~ ambi~n~ ~ight. . In th~ p~erred embo~im~n~, ~h~ maan~ 70 inalud~ a photo~ rio ~11 72 whlch is mounte~ in ~n ap~turæ ~rov~d~ in an ~nd p~nel 30 ' O:e ~h~ front w~ll as~em~ly ~o ~2 at th~ pho~oel~tric o~ aontinuou~ly expo~ed to ambiant ligh~ ~nd~on~. Pho~oslea~ric ~el~ 72 would connec~d in ~he ~onv~ntional e~esc~ricai mann~r ~o l~ght ~our~e 50 via soek~ 56 ~nd preg~t ~o a~ivate llgh~ uour~e 50 wh~n th~
ambi~nt ligh~ re!l~ch~ a qer~in minimum ~ h~ne~ and to deactiv~te light ~ource 50 wh6~n ~h~ ~m~ien~ on~ition r~a~he~
a c~rtain maxlmum bri~htne~. ' In thi~ w~y, ~pp~r~tu~ 10 i3 au~omatiGally illu~linA~ a~- du~and th~ illumination t~rminated at ~unri~3 whan ~h~ l~dlc:~a ~1~play6ld on parlel~ 30 may b~ r~ad .

Z11~0~777 withc~u~ t~e a~ anc:e o~ lnt~rnal illumin~tion.
~ aforem~n~ion~d, apparEItu~ ~ O . ha~ a ~wo way llght tran~mi~lx~v~ bo~tom wall 20 ~o ~hat ~x~rn~l light may p~ lr,to ~he illumination chunber ~o i~ovide~ an! a~dl~i~nal sourc~ of illuminat~onO Wlth appa~a~u~ 10 in~all~ on ~he front porch o~
a home and 1 ~ht ~our~o 50 acti~ateld, not only would indi~ on plates ~o ~ vi~ibl~ ~o ~ vi~we~ ~ut an ~dd~t~onal sour~s of light provid~d through bottom wall ~0 would provl;d~. ~he Yi~w~r with an additlonal m~rgin of a~ ty ~or cllmbirl~ ~ th~ po~ch and the li~c2.
Ae ehown ln Fig~. 3, 4 and 5, ~h. o~ tha pan~l~ 30 ls made o~ a transp~rent m~t~ri~l, ~ith an ~x'c~ l pl~na~ ~ur~ce ~n which the~ indioia ::o~in~ 40 ~nd 42 ar~ plac:ed. ~h~ oppo~
internal ~ur~ace o~ ~ach p~nel 1~ ~nteg:E~lly g~orm~d with optlsal me~an3 ~or dl~i~u~lng llç~ht. A~cordins~ to ~he.o~o~llm~nt shown, the op~ioal mean~ con~ o~ anS~u~arly r~ e~ ~urfac~ portion~
converglslg ~rom he ex~Qrnsl pl~ml2~ sur~aoe~ o~ th~ di~pl~y pan~l~
30 t~ward ~ha li~ht ~our~e 50. Th~ dl~u~ing ~ur~a¢e por~lon~ o the pan213 ar~ pro~ ed with ~i;~itl~ or pyra~ al pro~ectlos~æ 60 ~or unl~orm li~ r~le~tion purps~ u~, ~a~h pan~l ~0 i5 ~el~-di~fu6ir,g b~aau~ o~ the ril3bea ~onv~lng Ecur~a~ por~ns ther~on which optiç~lly ac~s to ~ usa llgh~ from l~mp bulb ~8 ~nd th~r~by p~ev~nt developm~nt o~. any brigh~ ~o~ ~U~ng ln~:rnal illumination o~ ~he ind~t:ia ~ç~lng display~d.on the pan~l 30.

-10- ' o~t7~7 Flg~r~ lo, ll ~n~ l~ illu~Ak~ a pr~i~3rr~d em~odl~n~nt of ~h~ pr~nl; invan~lon d~ignatod g~n~r~lly ~y xe~rQn~e n~n~ral llO. ~par~tu~ llO oomprl~e~ an ~long~te~; on~-pl~ae hou~in~ 112 made o~ ~ hRat~r~i3~mt ~at~ri;~l ~uoh as ~ ~oli~ p~ly~arbonate plastic t~at i~ ~ran3par~n~ or llght transm~ hr~ughout. The houslng i~ pro~/idod with a ~ror.~ ~upportin~ w~ll portion 114 and enclo eB Rn 111umin~ion ohamb~r c:lo~ed ~y a r~ l~at~ 3, opa~Iue back panel 116. ~ ~para~e ~rame g3~r~1~y re~err~d ~o by referenae num~ral 120, m~de o~ ~ p:rei~ably whi~ transluc~t plastic material, 18 fft: ~d ~ternally onto the hou~n~. Th~ f~m~
l~o has a ~ront window opening lZ~ expo~lng ~n. indic~ia bearing ~urfaae 124 of a r~ctangulelr di~3play len~ pAn~ 5 mada o~ a tran~parsnt or light tran~mi~siv~ me~teri~ dl~pl~y pan~l 126 i~ ~etained b~w~n th~ ~r~sne 120 and ~-he ~l~na~ oupportlng ~ur~ac~
1~7 o~ wall por~ion 114 o~ ~che h~u~ing, ~nd~ ormed w~ th light di~fu6ing ribs or ~erratlon~ a proj~c:t~ng ~arwardly ther~rom in perp~ndicular ox o~ relation ~o .an~ ~pa~zed ~rom ligh~
dif fu~in~ ~ibs 12~ proj~cting .~roIa w~ or~ion 114 into ~h~
illumination ~ham~r A~ shown in Fiquro~ 12 and 13. ~on-planar wall por~lon~ 130 and ~,32 o~ the~ hou31ng lla projos:t ~hro~gh ~de and end w~ll window op~rlin~. in ~he ~ama 120 in an~ular ~urroun~in~ relation ~o ~ d.isp~ay p~n~ 6 to ~ran mlt light ~rom a ~ource of ~llumlna~ion I34 whic~h ~ ~ounted within ~h~

7~7~7 .

illumlnatlorl ~3ham~e~r by tha back pan~ LG.: 'rhr~aded wr~w~ ~ 36 ~acurs th~ bac:lc panQl 1~1 6 to h~ hou~inq 1;~ m~r~ cloa~ly ~3n ~n ~igur~ 11 and 1~. The ~r~ws ~36 ~hu~ ~xt~3nd th~ough hol~ ln ~ormation~ 138 pr~otinSl rrom thQ hou~ng. lnto arcua~ rlscep~acl2s ~ormed on a p~iE)heral r~ain~r E;or~cion 142 o~ ~he baak pan~l 116.
A6 mo~ clear:Ly s~en in Flgu~es 11 ~n~ 12, th2 ~ouro~ o~
illumination 134 i~ moun~e~ w~hin ~he ~ llumin~tion ohamber o~
houslng 112 by mean~ o~ A br~c~ce~ 144 ~acur~ ~o t:hs bac:lc psne~
11~. Th~ gour~ Or illumination 134 inc:lud~ a con~ntional ~o~ t 156 carri~d by tho brac:k~t 44 ~dapted to AO~ept a conven~onal lamp bulb 158. Th~ ~oak~t 1~6 i~ ~onn~ed ~o an electriaal pow~r ~our~ by m~n~ of a tran~orma~r 145 al6c~ ~nounte~d on bac~k pan~l 116 and wiring 146 ~xt~nding through an op~ning l~B in the~ baok panol.
~h~ openlng 148 1~ ~urroundod by ar~u~ts ~3n~ 150 which pre~rent overh~atlng w~thin th~ illumin~'cion c:hamba2~ o~ th~ hou~ng 1~2 clos~d by ~h~ ba~k ~nel.
~ he aleo~ri~l wirlng 14~ i~ al~o connea~ed to a conventlonal phol;~ c~ric ~ll type o~ h~ ~nsing devic~ 15~
~or selecti~t~ly w~Y~ing and dsact:ivatin~ ~he liç~ht ~ourcl~ 134 at predet~ranins~ 8ta~g o~ am~l~nt ligh~. Th~ ~n~ing devlcla 15~
i~ mounted on th~ bao3t pan~ ~ a brhclc~t 154 ~a~ing a tubular ~orma~ion 157 ~hrou~h whloh ~h~ wl~in~ ~4~ axt~nd~ to ~h~3 ~en~ng devie~. Thu~3, the l~h~ E~ouras ~.34 is ~.c:ti~ a~ when ambient light " ' , '.
-lZ-i j~a~l; a ~ t ~

reach~ r~a~n mlnimum brlqhtn~ an~ d~tivat~d wh~n the ambien~ llght ¢on~ltion ~eac:h~ ~ c~rta~n ma~x~m~lm brightne~ ln ~
manner g~n~rAlly we~l 3cnown in th~ ar1:. ~n t~ way, appar~u~ 110 is au~omatlcally lllum~n~t~d A~C dU~ nd, ~ho illumln~lon t~rmin~tQd ~ unri13~ wh41s~ th~ inâic:la 1~9 ~ pl~yed on ~ur~c~ ~4 of the display p~n~ 12 6 may ~ r~d witho~t .~he a~ tanG~ oi~
nternal lllumln~t~on. . . . : .
With ~ps.~atus 1~ alled, an~ llght ~ourc~ 134 aotlv~'cod, n~t only wo~ld ln~ 59 on p~n~l 126 be vi~ible to a vi~wor bu~ addi~ion~l illuminatlon io tratn~ tte~ th~ough wall port~on~ 1~0 and ~3~ of ~h4 houuing pro~at~ng ~hrough w~ndow opening6 ln th~3 fr~lm~ ~Zo. ~h~ t:ean~p~r2nt hou~ng ~12 i~
furthermore provi~d w~th prot~c~iv~ m~3an~ in ~h~ ~orrn of a ral~ed bubbl~ por~lon 160 lo::at~2d ~d~Ae~nt one: longl~udi2~ nd o~ tho $ron~c wall portlon 114 ~o rQa~lv~ and pro'c~otively ~nclo~e tho 6~n~ing d~vic~ nd th~re~y s~al thQ illumlnation ¢h~mb~r ~rom the ex~rnal envlronm~nt a~ mor~ rly ~ n in ~lgur~ 13. An enlargad lons~i~udin~ d portion l6~ o~ th~ fr.~me~ l~o ~ ly hold~
the di~play p~nel 12~ wi~h ~n openinç~ th~r~in in alignm~nt with the opening 16~ in th~ ~ramo to rec~ive the protec~iv~ ~ub~lo portio~-160 and expo~e the ~ nal end 1~6 o~ ~h~ ~ensing d~vioe ~o amblen~ lighk aond~tion~ su~tan~ially ~n l~opl~nar r01atlo~ 'co ~ho indicia b~arinq ~ur~a~ 12~ o~ ~h~ dio~lay p~n~l~

2q305'7~7 A~ aforem~ntionod, ~h~ play panel 126 i~ m~de ~ a tran~parent m~t~ l, w~ th th~ in~icia 1~ plao~ o~ lt~ ext~rnal planar ~ur ac~ 12~. Thæ oppo~i~e intQ~nAl ~e o~ ~h~ pan~l la6 ls lnt~r~ly ~ormed wlth tl~ ligh~ di~u231ng ~rrattons or ~ib~
128 of ~ee~ ~om ~e lis~h~ dl~u6in5l ~lb~ o~i th~ ~pporting wall por~ion Or ~h~ houE~in~ ~or m~xi~num optici~l di~u~ion o~ llgh~ ~rom lamp bulb 158 ~nd th~rellby ~or~ e~otiv~ly p~@v~nt d~elopm~n~ o~
bright ~pot~ dur~ nq ln~xn~ umination o~ the indini~ bæ~rlng panel .
I~ will ~e~ appar~nt ~rom th~ ~or~going d~#~cription th~t the app~ratu~ llO mEIy b~ readily a~3embl~d a~ a un~ ~ by ~n~p ~it be~w~n the hou~ing 112, the ~rame 120 and th~ pl~y len~ panel 12~. Su~h components c~ the unit may bo ~¢orAtlv~ly va~iod in~ividually ~n~ r in comblna~ion with ~e~p~ct ~o ~ ctior~ o~
colors, m~er~al~ and ~stru::~ura~ d9sign within ~he s~opa of thl ~nven~ion. In view o~ th4 heat resll3t~nt prop~rty o~ hou~ing ll~
a~ afore~nen~ion~d, great~r flexib~l~'ey in th~ ~el~at~on o~ ~nat~rial grade ~or ~corative purpo~ by ~y o~ ~xample may b~ allow d ~r ~rame 120 be~au~e o~ 8l ap ~i~ a~em~ on~o ~he ext~rnal ~urface~ o~ th~ hou~in~. ~
Th~ ~or~going 18 con~ids~e~ a~ ill.u~tr~tlv~ orlly o ~he principle~ o~ ~he Inv~ntion~ Further æln~ ~u~rou~ ~odi~ication~

7~0r~ 7 and chang~ will r~ ocour to those skili~ ln th~ axt, lt i~
not de~lrQ~ ~o llml~ th~ ln~Qn~ion to th~ ~xa¢~ c:onstruction ~nd opera~.lun ~hown an~ cri~d, And, ~cc:or~in~ly, all ~u~tabl~
modi~ioations ~nd ~a~uiv~ nt~ may 1~ r~ort~d ~o, ~alling wl'chln th~ ~o~pe o~ th~ inv~ntlon.

Claims (13)

1. An illuminated information display comprising a housing having an elongated top wall, an elongated bottom wall and end walls connected to opposite longitudinal ends of the top and bottom walls to form at least one open face, track formations on said walls bordering the open face, a plurality of laterally inter-locked plate members received in said track formations between the end walls, some of said plate members having indicia display portions thereon, a light source within the housing, optical means mounted on the plate members within the housing for diffusing illumination from the source and light responsive means mounted in one of the plate members abutting one of said end walls for activating and deactivating said light source, said bottom wall being light transmissive, and internal reflecting means mounted on the end walls and in partially enclosing relation to the light source for restrictively directing illumination onto the plate members and the bottom wall.
2. The display as defined in claim 1, wherein said optical means comprises a pair of ribbed surface portions extending in converging relation from the indicia display portion of the plate member toward the light source.
3. An illuminated information display comprising a rectangular housing having an elongated top wall, an elongated bottom wall and end walls connected to opposite longitudinal ends of the top and bottom walls to form an open face, track formations on the walls bordering the open face, a plurality of laterally interlocked plate members received in said track formations between the end walls, said plate members having indicia display portions thereon, a light source within the housing, light reflecting means within the housing directing light from the source for illumination of the indicia display portions of the plate members and optical means integral with each of the plate members for diffusing the illumination from the light source transmitted to the indicia display portions including a pair of ribbed surface portions extending in converging relation from the indicia display portion of the plate member toward the light source.
4. An illuminated information display comprising a housing having an open face, a self-diffusing panel assembly closing said open face and having opaque and light transmitting portions thereon forming indicia, a source of illumination mounted within the housing, track means formed in the housing for receiving the panel assembly therein in closing relation to the open face of the housing, internally reflective wall means removably mounted on the housing for providing internal access to the housing and preventing illumination fadeout on the panel assembly adjacent thereto and means mounted in the self-diffusing panel between the internally reflective wall means and the indicia for controlling the source of the light in response to changes in ambient light conditions.
5. An illuminated information display comprising a housing having at least two walls framing an open face, a continuous panel assembly closing said open face and having opaque and light transmitting portions thereon forming indicia, a source of illumination mounted within the housing, track means integrally the housing for receiving the panel assembly therein in closing relation to the open face of the housing, removable wall means mounted on the housing and providing access to the track means for selectively changing the panel assembly, optical means integrally formed on the panel assembly for diffusing illumination from the source of illumination to the light transmitting portions and internally reflective surfaces means mounted on the removable wall means for preventing illumination fads at opposite ends of the panel assembly.
6. An illuminated information display comprising a housing having an open face, a continuous panel assembly closing said open face and having opaque and light transmitting portions forming indicia thereon, a source of illumination mounted within the housing, a pair of spaced tracks formed in the housing and receiving the panel assembly therein in rigidified closing relation to the open face of the housing and light reflecting means within the housing for directing the illumination toward the open face, said housing having a light transmissive section on which one of the tracks if formed and including a bottom wall substantially perpendicular to the panel assembly, said light reflective means including a reflector mounted in partially enclosing relation to the source form which the illumination is restrictively directed onto the panel assembly and the light transmissive section including the bottom wall.
7. An illuminated information display comprising a light transmissive housing having a supporting wall portion and enclosing an illumination chamber, a display panel positioned on said planar wall portion of the housing externally of the illumination chamber, a light reflecting panel secured to the housing and closing the illumination chamber therein, a light source within the illumination chamber, said display panel having means for diffusing light from the source, light sensing means mounted by the reflecting panel and projecting through the display panel for activating and deactivating said light source, and frame means mounted on the housing for retaining the display panel on the supporting wall portion externally exposed to ambient light conditions.
8. The display device as defined in claim 7 wherein said light diffusing means comprises parallel spaced ribs respectively formed on the display panel and the supporting wall portion and projecting therefrom toward the light source, the ribs on the supporting wall portion being offset from the ribs on the panel to maximize light diffusion.
9. The display device as defined in claim 7 wherein said housing includes side and end wall portions projecting through window openings in the frame means and protective means projecting from said supporting wall portion of the housing in enclosing relation to the light sensing means for exposure thereof to the ambient light conditions externally at said supporting wall portion of the housing while sealing the light sensing means therein,
10. In an illuminated display device having an indicia bearing panel, a source of illumination and ambient light sensing means for controlling energization of said source to illuminate the indicia bearing panel, the improvement comprising a one-piece heat resistant housing having a light transmissive supporting wall on which the indicia bearing panel is operatively positioned and light transmissive non-plant portions interconnected with the supporting wall to enclose an illumination chamber, frame means supported on the housing for retaining the indicia bearing panel operatively positioned on the supporting wall, said frame means having window openings through which said non-planar portions of the housing project and reflective means secured to the housing for directing illumination from the source to the indicia bearing panel and the non-planar portions of the housing projecting from the window openings in the frame means.
11. The improvement as defined in claim 10 including protective means integrally formed on the supporting wall in enclosing relation to the light sensing means for sealing the illumination chamber, said frame means and the indicia bearing panel having aligned opening through which said protective means extends to expose the light sensing means to external ambient light conditions in substantially coplanar relation to the indicia bearing panel.
12. In an illuminated display device having an indicia bearing panel, a source of illumination and ambient light sensing means for controlling energization of said source to illuminate the indicia bearing panel, the improvement comprising a light transmissive housing having a supporting wall on which the indicia bearing panel is operatively positioned. frame means supported on the housing for retaining the indicia bearing panel operatively positioned on the supporting wall and protective means formed on the supporting wall of the housing and projecting therefrom in enclosing relation to the light sensing means for exposure to ambient light conditions in substantially coplanar relation to the indicia bearing panel,
13. The improvement as defined in claim 12 wherein said frame means and the indicia bearing panel have aligned openings through which the protective means projects to expose the light sensing means to the ambient light conditions while sealing the housing from the external environment.
CA002005777A 1988-12-16 1989-12-18 Information display device Abandoned CA2005777A1 (en)

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