CA2005312A1 - Security and alarm system - Google Patents

Security and alarm system


Publication number
CA2005312A1 CA 2005312 CA2005312A CA2005312A1 CA 2005312 A1 CA2005312 A1 CA 2005312A1 CA 2005312 CA2005312 CA 2005312 CA 2005312 A CA2005312 A CA 2005312A CA 2005312 A1 CA2005312 A1 CA 2005312A1
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Application number
CA 2005312
Other languages
French (fr)
John Donovan
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
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Priority claimed from GB888829030A external-priority patent/GB8829030D0/en
Priority claimed from GB898911247A external-priority patent/GB8911247D0/en
Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Publication of CA2005312A1 publication Critical patent/CA2005312A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • G08B27/00Alarm systems in which the alarm condition is signalled from a central station to a plurality of substations
    • G08B27/003Signalling to neighbouring houses


  • Business, Economics & Management (AREA)
  • Emergency Management (AREA)
  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Alarm Systems (AREA)
  • Burglar Alarm Systems (AREA)



A security and alarm network system for separate and spaced premises or locations in which each premises or location is linked to each other premier or location by radio signal transmitting and receiving means controlled by a programmed computer adapted to be rendered active by inputting of predetermined code, sensor means in each premises or location being operatively linked to the respective microcomputer and being adapted to be activated by unauthorised intrusion, fire or other aggressive action, and the activated microcomputer being programmed to cause transmission of a radio alarm signal to the microcomputers in the other premises or locations where an audible and/or visual indication is given by the respective microcomputer.


1C 1~)5~ IH~ .LS~ Jt,.L ~ 1 l kl~ P.3/14 Z~53~L2 SECURIl`Y AND ALARM 5YSTEM

Thi~ invention relate~ ~o a security and alarm systefn espe~;ally b-lt not exclu~i~.3ly for use in ~omestic p~emises.
E~urglar or intruder alarm sys tems are gene~ally electrlcally ~peI~ated and compris~ one or more datectox~ device~ adapted, wh~n actuated by an intruder, to set off a loud al~rm bell, ~iren or sitnilar whlch can be h~ar~ not only in the pr~misas lntruded btlt ~l~o fo~ a corlsidera~le surroundin~ ~.istance. Generally. as ~ result of th~
14udness of the alarm bell, the int~uder escapes b~fo~e he or she can be apprehended and oftsn thq breal~ is foilecl as a result of the burglar alarm system.
A supplementary or alternativ~ system for protection a~ain~t bur~l~ries is the well-known "~OME W.~.TCH" scheme where distinctlve si~ns are placed at ~tratsgic lc~catlon5 ln a naighbourhood ~n~
indlvldual hous~s ~lso carry the di~tinctive sign. ~n this sch~me groups of nei~hbours watch for unusual ~ncidents which may inv~lve pot~ntlal bur~3;lars ~nd report ~u~h lnciden~s to ~ coordin~tor who ~dvi$e$ the pollce who, in turn, ~nv~lgate the incidont.
The presBnt invention mak~s u9e 0~ a9peCt8 of ~th the aforcs~i~ systems.
A major aspe ::t of the .present invention ~ th~ linking o~
adjoining or ad3acent do~est~c premises with a secu~ty and alarm system which ~ ls ln one premises thc presence of an intrudor in anothe~ pr~mises without wa~ning th~ i~truder. As a rcsult,th~ polics can b~ s~mmonadJ without the intrud~r's knowled~e, and the intrud~r apprehe~ld~d.
Th~ is effected, accordir~g to tha pre9ent inventlon, by lo~ating one or more det~ctor device3 in v~e prsmises, locatlng alarm means ~
a second p~emises, and linkin~ the de~eetor devloe~s) ~ alar~ ~eans electrically.
The ~rrangement ls su~h that actuation of a detecto~ davic~ by an intrudeI~ sets off the alarm m~ans, without. th~ lntru~er'~
knowle~ge, permitting, as aforesaid, summoning of th~ police and apprehension of the intruder.
The e~uipment necess~ry for operatlon of the sy~tem is a~ l~a~t one detector de~iee, for axa~ple ~ p~essure pad, to be fitt~d ~t a '`:' -`~

5~2 required location in the premises to be prot~c~ed, an ~lectrical cable ~onnecting the de~ector device to an electrical powet~ source, for ex~mple elec~ricity mains, in another premises, and, ir~ circuit~ with the electric cable and, withl.n the other premises, an alarm, preIerably a bell or buzz~r.
The ~etector de~ice:3 may be i~ additior~ to, or inst~ad of pressure pad~, presence or movement detectors or any othe~ suita~le form of detector device, or ~ombinatlons of any of the~e. . -The m~ins electricity s~pply i5 p~eferably reduoed, b~ a transformer, to 12 volt thus rendering the system electrlcally safe.
~ he alarm me~ns may in additio;l to bein~ audible also b~ visual, for ex~mple a lamp, possibl~r flashing. ..
The electri~al cable is preferably removabl~r plugged ir~to the detector d~vice.
The ~lectrical cable may include an on/off switch which would be located. in the prelnises being protected.
The electrical supply may be battery, a 1~ volt battery~ ~or example, or a battery may be provlded as a standby in case of electrlc~l power failure.
~ he system ma~ b~ wholly portable 50 that the loc~tion~ of th~
detector d~ric~ and alarm m~ans can be e~slly and ~eadily ~xcihan~,~d between adjoining or ad,~acent premi~es.
~ h~ secl~rity and alarm system a;:oo~ding to ths pr~sent in~ntior i~ referred to by the Applicant as "Nl;~GHBOUR LINK".
An embodiment of thQ pre~ent inver~tion will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:-Fig. 1 illustrates a row of houses wlth ad~acent or adjoininghouse~ link~d by the security and alarm system:
Fi~. ~ ls a diagram~tic illustr7.1:ion of the s~urity and alarm systeln; and Figs. 3 to 5 ~e block dia~ams of ~ p~eferr~d radio t~ansmis~lon s~curity and alarm systeln acc:ordin~ to the pr~sent invention~
Re~errlng to Figs. 1 an~ 2 of the drawin~s and in partic:ul~r ~ig.
2 th~re is di~gr~mmaticall~r illustrat&d two adj~cent houses A ~nd ~.
In hou~e A there is disposed ~t least or~ pressure pad 10 although fu~ther pressurR pads such a~ l~A m~ybe fitt~d.
The pressure pad lO is llnked ~y an electric ~:~ble ll to the "~ . . ., .. . ~ . . . . . ... .. .. . . . ... . . . . . .

1b~ rlH~ L~ wt~ 12 P. 5/14 2~3~)53~

~djace~t house B.
The electrical ca~le is deta~hably connected to the pressure pad 1~ at 12 and ths cable incorporate~ in house A at 13 an on/off switc~
The cable 11 within house B is connected by an electrical plu~
1~ to the electricity mains.
The cable 11 incorporates ~ transformer 15 whereby the mains volta~e 15 reduce~ to twelve volts thus rsndering the syst~m electrically safe, especi~lly in house ~ where the cable 11 may require ~ ~ :
to be plugged into and out o~ the pressure p~ 10 at 12, The cabl~ 11 in house B also has ~onnecte~ thereto an ~udible .~`.; ~:
~larm 1$ in tha form of a bell or buzzer or similar.
17 indlcates a twelve volt battery whlch ~ay be used as ~n :;
alternative to the electri~ity mains supply or, ~ore likely, as ~ `-.~ .:
standby in casa there ls a failure of electricit~ supply.
The systems operates in ~he following man~er. -`. .-The owner of premises A int~nds to leavc hls premises A empty . .
and he a~ks the owner of premise~ B to "plug hi~n ln".
If an intruder enters precnlses A and actuates the pr~ssurs pad 10 th~ owner of pr~mise~ ~3 will become ~ware of thls by the ~oundin~
of the bell o~ buz~er 16. The owner of pre~nlses B ~an then immecllately te:Lephone the police w~o C~n come and catch the intru~r :
in premises A ln the act of burglary. . `
The system may be ~ p~rmanent one between premlses A and B, in ~rhich cass therc i~ likely to ~ reverse syst~m between premises B
and A.
The sy~tem may of cou~se be wholly portable so that it c~n bc ~et up to protect either premises A or premises B.
~ Ig. 1 ll1ustratss a number of houses interlln}te~ by the security and alarm system ~f the pre~ent inve~t~on there bein~ indicated at 18.
an intruder in premise~ A with the buzzer or bell 16 sounding i~
premiscs Et.
As aforssaicl, houses op~rating this linkin~ secu~lty and alarn~
system will h~ a s~icksr or similar prominently displayed ~n a door or wlndow indic~ting that th~y are part of the "NEIGHSOI~R LI~dK" ~ -scheme ~d, æubja~t to police and local ~uthority approval~ such signs may be placad at strataS~ intervals on lamps posts and o~her ~tructures in a partlc:ular neighbourhood.

:': '-' : ~' :''' Y lb: lt' I IH~ LLl~k 11, ~; Id61 ~S4 i l4;~ P . 6/14 ; 2~Q~ Z
. . .

The ~dvantages of ~he s~rstem accordlng to the present invention are that the alarm is ~iven away from the intruded premîses 50 that the intrucler can more readily be oaught: the cost of pur~haslng, installing, running ~nd maintainin~ the s~t~tem is rel~tively low: And lnstallation of the system is e~Lsy and qulclc.
It is envisaged that there rnay be circum~tances wh2re it i8 ~esired or prefer~ed for the alarm also to sound ~nd/or be visible in the intruded premi~es.
It will b~ manifest that even though the system is plu~ed into a neighbour's domestlc electri~al suppl~, no eleotr~city is being used, unless the security and alarm system is activated.
Th~ cable 11 may incorporate a circult brea~clng sy~tem such that if the intruder ~ecame aware of the ~;ystem and ::ut the ~abla 11 thls would cause operation o~ the bell or buzzer 16 in the oth~r premises, i.e. the system is what one mlght te;rnn "fail-safe".
The ~stem made be employed in a si~gle premlses with the bell or buz2er 16 being located for example in a bedroom with the p~essu3~e pads lO tlOA) in downstairs rooms of the premises.
The syst~m rnay be adapted ~o assist elderly person~ in that the pressur~ pad lû and buzz~r 16 may be replaced l~y intercommuni~ation units, or alternatively the system may be employed ~ t~?e form de~cribed ~ith re~ersncs to Flg. 2, pr~ssure pads being pro~i~e~
str~t~ic locations within premises housing an elderly per~on so that .
lf ther~ i~ an accident the elderly person by pressin~ the .p~e~ e . . :~
p~ can warn his br her neighbo~r.
Re~erences her~in and ln the clalms to microeomput~r are to ba : .
read to include any suitable fo~m of eo~puter or microcomputer.
~ n alternati~e ~nd pref~ad syste~ to the hard wired system descri~d a~ove is a ra~io communication system whlch will ob~iate ~irlng betwesn p~ope~ties ~nd wross ~treets.
Re~e~ence is made to Figs. 3 to 5.
In each premises to be protected thera is l~stalled ~ main.
control and si~nalli~g unit 20 adapted to d~tect by ~ppropriA~e sensors contained in one or mor~ detector sub-uni~s ~1 problems ~ch, for exampla, as intrusion, fire, tha presence of smoke or a medi~al help call.
The detector su~-unit o~ units 21 is or are locat~d, wh~re ~.. :. - .: : -- , . - . . . . -,;.:i .. . , ., , " . . .................. . . . . . . . . .
, . ." : : -: " . : . ~ ., ., . ; : . - - - . , ' . .: - .


appropriate, within the pr~mises.
In Fig. 4 there is shown a detector sub-unit 21 cont~ining a pa~sive detecto~ 2~. i,e. an intruder sensor su~h, for example, a~ a pressu~e pad~ or a movement sensor, a smolce sensol~ 23 and a p~r~onal alarm control 24.
These sensors Z2 to 24 are corlnected to the main c4ntrol ar~d ~ignalling unit by hard wire transmisslon link 25 ~n~/or a ra~io transmission link Z6.
Other alarm systems ~7, for example a convantio~al buI~$1ar slarm system, ~ay be operatively eoupled to transmisslon links 25 and/or 26.
The maln control and sign~lllng unit Z0 comp~ises ~
mlcrocomputer 28 wlth associated control keyboard 2~. The tran3mission l;nks Z5 and Z6 a~e r~spectively conn~ctQd to the micropI~oceSsor ~8 via a hard wire er~try port 30 and a radio signal receiver 31 which can also recelve signals from othe~ cont~ol and ~i~nalllng units 20 disposed in ~theI~ prsmises~ Thus a is created.
Also connscted tc tha microcompute~ 28 is a Vi5U~ display 32, for ~xample an L~:D, ~nd an audible ~larm 33, for exampl~ ~ bu~zer or 4ell.
The microcomputer 28 i5 powered fr~m malnR elsctricity supply with a back-up battery supply, both gen~r~lly indi~ated at 34.
The microcomputer ~$ also h~s connected theYeto ~ pas~ivc (lnt~uder~ ~nsor 3S and is co~rlected to a radio transmltte~ 36 for signallin~ to other main control ancl signalling unlts ~0 in other premises.
These m~in units Z0 are self-contained so that they ~an b~
moved ~o di~fe~ent locations in the premises in which ~hey are inst~ d snd sre also rendered tamper-proof.
I: u* to posslble radio transmission llmitations (maximum transmltting pc)wer stipulatlon) ea~h main unlt 20 may a~t as e~ ~lay ~tation to "pass on" the signal to locations beyond th~3 r0,z~ga of the location under attack. This 15 achieved by a netwo~king a~rangement contained in the operation~.l computer program for these m~,in units 20.
Networks may ovarlap, particula2~1y in dens~ly populated, u~ban ar~a. To ensure non-~n~erfe~ence. fro~n are~, to area, each n~work will tran~mit a unlque code, within the ~ransmitted data~ to be ~ecogni~ed' ... ....

.L~ liL~ ltl~c~ C~ llLI;~ . lJtl~ Ll~ 3/14 only by the network concerned and not by any ~ear or overl~pping network.
The location or premises under attack i# i~entified. on each main unit 20 in the network, b~ means of ~ seven se~ment nu~erical di~play for example. In addltion when a main ~nit 20 "accepts" ~cancels) an ~l~rm the location of the acceptin~ maln unit 20 may also b~ ~isplayed.
Each m~in unit ~0 may be abl~ to create zones of ~u~ units.
this will facllitate e~sy f~ult location and also allow protQ~tiOn of only cert~in areas.
I~nauthorised u~e of the system may be prevent~d by us~ of P.I.N.
(Personal ~d~n~ification Numbsrs~ or othsr ~odes ~ntsred into the microcomputer 2~ via the control keyboar~s 29.
When an intruder entry is m~de lnto ~ pxote~&d pr~ ises or area thereof the unit sensing that entry, wh~ch can be main unlt ~ or sub-unlt 21, will immediately inorm any other m~in unit$ 2G withln transmittin~ range, via th~ microcomputer 28 a~d tha transmi~er 3~.
An authoI~ised person enterlng a protectecl premise~ or ar~a wlll înform his main unit 20, by ent~lng his PIN or other code into tha micro~omputer ~0 via th~ control keyboard 2~. l`his actlon will inform the microcomputer ~8 that entr~ ls authorised and the n~ oComputer ~ will automatlcally issue a cancsll~tion codo. The mlcroconnputer ~8, via the trsnsmitter 36, will no~r inform all oth~r maln u~lt5 20 wlthin range, and others by the networl~ rel~y, ~nd the lnitl~l e~try si~nal wil~ ~e seen a~ authorise~ and therefor~ c~celled.
If, ~fter a prearranged delay, the "llstsning" main units ~0 hav~
not receivsd a cancellatlon si~nal they interpret tha ~ntry ~g an unauthorlsed entry and will immediàtely raise an e~la~m ~ h~ ~larn 33 and will iderltify ths probl~m main unit 20 vla the dlsplay 32.
Pcrso~s at "listenin~" main units 20 away from th~ p~obleln main unlt 20, will ha~e be~n made ~w~Lre of problem via the alarm 33 snd the displAy 32. Anyone at these distinct lo~tlons ~an now accept the responsibility to take action with regard to tha problen~, for o~campls lnforming the police. An ent~y on the cotltrol keyboard 29 of th~ir main unit 20 w;ll, via the miGrocomputer ~8 and t~ansmittar 36, in~orm all main units 20 in the netwo~k ar~d will cancel the alarm.
Any main unit ~0 in an ~rsa, whether armed or not, will ~ct as a rQlay/pass on ~t;stien.

:,.: , , . . . . : . .

i~ L~ Y lt~ ~L'I I~IH~ e ~Li~ 161 ~ P.g/14 Z~ 3~2 In ~ummary1 therefo~, each microcomputer 28 i5 powered by pow~r supplSr or, in the event of pow,~r failu~e, batt~y back-up, both designated ~t 34.
I~formation enters the microcomputer ~8 v.i~ the ~ontrol keybo~rc~ 2g. The microcomputer 28 also receives lnformation from sensor 35 or fro~n an external force via the receiver 31 or the hard, 1 - :
wir~ entry port 30.
The n~icrocomputer 28 ~ommunicates with other main unlts 20 of ! ~
ths nQtwork via the t~ansmitter ~6. ::
Inormation is passed to the operators of ~ach main unit 20.
visually via the display 32, or audi~ly via the alarm 33, or both.
To set up the network a num~.r of main units 20, arc instBiled at s~parate premises or locatic)ns ancl ars checksd for communication.
Each main unlt 20 may have connected thereto one or mor~ sub-unit~
~l and/or other ~ensing systems Z7.
Wh~n a premise~ or location is to be ~racated ~he authoriscd tlSer will "~rmi' their n~in ùnlt 20 by ent¢rlng their Personal Id~ntlfic~tio~ :
Number ~PIN) using the ~on~rol keyboard 2~. Correct ~ntr~ o~ th~
number w~ll be indicated gnd a delay will be ln~ti~ated, to all~w the ~:
pr~tected premi~Qs to be vacated. Aft~r this ~e~lay the main unlt ~0 is ~rmed, the maln unit 20 pr~t~ctlng its area with any sub units 21 :
protecting th~lr area. ~ ::
The slgnal sent b~r thq armed m~in unit ~O ls pas~ed on~ via the networl~ to a number of "listening" main unlts 2~, thus ~voidin~ the problem o~ an alarm only ~eing sounded in empty premlses~ ~ny ~
ralsed will eontinue to be raised, via the ala~n 33 or the display 32. . "
or both, untll it i~ ~cce!pted by an outside "listening" main mit 20 or cancelleci on the i~truded/affe~ted main uIlit 20 by the ente~in~ on the ~:
cor~trol keyboard 29 df an a~lth~ris~3d ~IN.
~, :,.

' ~ ': ' .
:, . ' ' :

Claims (11)

1. A security and alarm system for separate premises or locations, the system comprising, in each premises or location, a main control and signalling unit comprising a microcomputer adapted to receive an input signal for an operatively-associated sensor and/or a radio signal receiver and to transmit to one or more other remotely-ted main control and signalling units via a radio signal transmitter, the microcomputer being controlled by a predetermined code adapted to be input to the microcomputer by an operator and being programmed to transmit via the radio signal transmitter to the other remotely-located main control and signalling unit or units any sensor input, or to receive via the radio signal receive any radio signal transmitted from an aforesaid remotely-located main unit and to provide a visual and/or audible indication of such radio signal.
2. A system as claimed in claim 1 in which the microcomputer is provided with a control keyboard for entry of the operator code.
3. A system as claimed in claim 1 or 2 powered from the electricity mains and provided with a battery back-up.
4. A system as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 3 comprising one or more sub-units of one or more sensors for disposition in preselected area of the premises or location, the or each sub-unit being operatively connected to the main control and signalling unit.
5. A system as claimed in claim 4, in which the or each sub-unit is connected to the main control and signalling unit by a hard wire link and/or a radio transmission/receiver link.
6. A security and alarm network system for separate and spaced premises or locations in which each premises or location is linked to each other premises or location by radio signal transmitting and receiving means controlled by a programmed computer adapted to be rendered active by inputting of predetermined code, sensor means in each premises or location being operatively linked to the respective microcomputer and being adapted to be activated by unauthorised intrusion, fire or other aggressive action, and the activated microcomputer being programmed to cause transmission of a radio alarm signal to the microcomputers in the other premise or locations where an audible and/or visual indication is given by the respective microcomputer.
7. A security and alarm network connecting spaced premises or locations by microcomputer-controlled radio links, the microcomputer in each premises or location being adapted to receive input from a sensor within the respective premises or location and to signal the other microcomputers via radio transmission and/or to receive radio alarm signals from one or more other microcomputers and to give an audible/visual indication thereof.
8. A security and safety system connecting adjacent premises or locations comprising detecting or sensing means and alarm means in each premises or location, means electrically connecting the detecting and sensing means of one premises or location with the alarm means of at least one other premises or location, whereby activation of the detecting or sensing means causes operation of the alarm means in one or more other premises or locations.
9. A system as claimed in claim 8, in which the electrical connection is made by cabling or hard wire.
10. A system as claimed in claim 8 or 9 in which the detecting and sensing means comprises one or more selected from pressure pads, movement detectors, smoke detectors, inter alia.
11. A system as claimed in any one of claims 8 to 10 in which the alarm means is audible and/or visual.
CA 2005312 1988-12-13 1989-12-12 Security and alarm system Abandoned CA2005312A1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
GB8829030 1988-12-13
GB888829030A GB8829030D0 (en) 1988-12-13 1988-12-13 Security and alarm system
GB8911247 1989-05-17
GB898911247A GB8911247D0 (en) 1989-05-17 1989-05-17 Neighbour link

Publications (1)

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CA2005312A1 true CA2005312A1 (en) 1990-06-13



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA 2005312 Abandoned CA2005312A1 (en) 1988-12-13 1989-12-12 Security and alarm system

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AU (1) AU4747090A (en)
CA (1) CA2005312A1 (en)
WO (1) WO1990007170A1 (en)

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AU4747090A (en) 1990-07-10
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