CA2000295A1 - Lifting spreader frame - Google Patents
Lifting spreader frameInfo
- Publication number
- CA2000295A1 CA2000295A1 CA 2000295 CA2000295A CA2000295A1 CA 2000295 A1 CA2000295 A1 CA 2000295A1 CA 2000295 CA2000295 CA 2000295 CA 2000295 A CA2000295 A CA 2000295A CA 2000295 A1 CA2000295 A1 CA 2000295A1
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- Prior art keywords
- lifting spreader
- elongate members
- spreader frame
- straps
- frame according
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- B66C1/00—Load-engaging elements or devices attached to lifting or lowering gear of cranes or adapted for connection therewith for transmitting lifting forces to articles or groups of articles
- B66C1/10—Load-engaging elements or devices attached to lifting or lowering gear of cranes or adapted for connection therewith for transmitting lifting forces to articles or groups of articles by mechanical means
- B66C1/22—Rigid members, e.g. L-shaped members, with parts engaging the under surface of the loads; Crane hooks
- Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
- Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
- Basic Packing Technique (AREA)
- Load-Engaging Elements For Cranes (AREA)
A lifting spreader frame for use in the handling of unitised bundles of goods according to USLM (Unit Strap Lifting Method) practice. The lifting spreader frame comprises a frame, and a plurality of elongate members. The elongate members are each transversely movable to an operative position by passing under respective straps upstanding from and embracing an article or bundle of articles under the frame. The lifting spreader frame further comprises means to prevent the straps from slipping off the elongate members when the latter are in their operative positions and fluid actuators associated with each elongate member. The fluid actuators retract the elongate members from their operative positions to permit release of the straps.
A lifting spreader frame for use in the handling of unitised bundles of goods according to USLM (Unit Strap Lifting Method) practice. The lifting spreader frame comprises a frame, and a plurality of elongate members. The elongate members are each transversely movable to an operative position by passing under respective straps upstanding from and embracing an article or bundle of articles under the frame. The lifting spreader frame further comprises means to prevent the straps from slipping off the elongate members when the latter are in their operative positions and fluid actuators associated with each elongate member. The fluid actuators retract the elongate members from their operative positions to permit release of the straps.
- 2~ '~.95 ; 1 ' I,IFTING SPRE:ADER FRAt~ ~ ;
This invention relates to a lifting sprea~er frame :- :~
which has general application in materials handling but is ~ -~
especially useful in the handling of unitis~ bunUe~ of goods according to U8LM (Unit 8trap Lifting M~tho~
USLM units, which may comprise, for esample, a series of 5 to 7 X 2 or 1 ~ 2 arrays of bundles of::
products such as metal ingots or electrode plates, are ~-bound by peaked straps known as M-strapæ, and are lifted on or off ships or other carriers by means of spreader frames with multiple depending hooks of special construction. A widely used hook is the Cranston hoo~
which mu~t be manually engaged with a peak of an M ~trap, is designed to ensure that inadvertent disengagement -:
z~ 2,qs cannot occur aJ th- unit la c-rrl-d by th- tram~, but la mochanically rol-a~-d from a ~tr-p by uitable pn-um-tlc or mechanical actu-tor Whil- th- r-l-aa- ~t-r h-ndllng iJ thuJ Jubatanti-lly utom-tlc, th- inltlal ngag-~ nt to comm nc- handling r-quir-- t-am ot ~t-~-dor-~ or oth-r op-rator~ to`mov- in from th- id-- to guic~ly ng-g- 11 of th- hookJ with th- ~ultlpl- M--tr-p- of th- W LM unlt It is a broad objecti~e of the invention to r-duce ~uch dependance upon manual labour nd p-r~it t l-aJt ~emi-automatic ngagemont of hoo~- of pr-ad-r fram-with the Jtrap~ of a unit of bundl-~
The invention nt-il~ th- inlti-l r--li~-tion th-t tho ob~-cti~- c-n b- b tt-t ~ t by otl-nt-ting th- bundl-~~o that the ~-Jtrap~ in lon9itudin-1 r-th r than trans~erso plane~ ~ith r-~pect to th ~pr-ad r framo Tbe invontion accordingly provid-- a lifting preader fr-me co~pri~ing a frame;
a plurality of olongat- m-mker~ -ch trans~-r~
mo~able to an operati~o po~ition by p-a-ing under respective straps upst~nding from and ombracing an article or bundle of articl-~ un~ r the fr _ ;
means preventing ~ tr-p- fro ~lipping off ~
elongate members ~h-n th latter r- in t~ ir op-r~ti~e position~; and means to retract ~aid elongate member~ from thd r operative position~ to permit release of tbe straps According to a conveniently constructed embodiment, the frame includes two longitudinal pairs of opposed plates defining respective channel~ to recei~e the upstanding straps The longate members, typically pin~
or tines, are then supported by ono of the pl-te~ and e~tend across the channel to engage the otber plate in their operative po~ition~ The olongate ~embers aro :
~,, ~ , .,. , .. ,, ~ .. -. , . - .
2~ C~2~5 pr-ferably biaised to th- oporativ- po~ition ao that th-retracting meono act~ gainst thls bi-o Sh- r-traetlon meanJ pr-ferably compri~-~ on- or two etuator~ aeting ~ia a eommon tran~mi~ion on mor- th-n on- of th- long-t-memb-r~
Th- inv-ntion will now b- furth-r d-oerib-d by ~ay of e~ample only ~ith referenee to th- aeeompanying drawin~s in whieh FI¢URE 1 i~ a perspeetive vi~w of a lifting Jpreader frame aeeor~ing to the lnvention:
FIGUR~ 2 i~ a fragmentary ero~ -etion on the line 2-2 on Fiqure 1 ~howing th- opr--d-r frame low-red onto a USLM unit and ~u~t after elo~ure of the tin - und-r th-straps of the unit; and FIGuaEs 3 nd 4 re purely ~eh matie diogram~
depieting the spread-r bout to lift a unit of bunU -~
The illu~trate~ ~pr-ader fram- 10 inelu~-~ a g-nerally r-etangular fra~e 12 ~hieh inelud-~ two longitudinally e-tending p-ir~ of oppo~-d C--eetion ~t~
beams 1~ 15 spaeed to ~efine lon9itudinal ehann-lio 16 and connected by o pair of overlaid open bo~ ~ection ties 17 ~ --A plurality of spring-loaded pin~ or tin ~ 18 pro~-et aeross eaeh ehanneI 16 at po-ition~ eorr-~pon~ing to the pea~s of the M ~itrap~i 6 ~ poioed about the bundloo of a unit to be handled Only a mall number of tin-Ji ar-aetually shown in Figure 1 there may in reality be typically ten to fourteen along each ehannel As already -~
mentioned and as depicted in Figures 3 and 4 the bundles 5 are arranged with the M straps 6 lying in planes which e~tend longitudinally of the unit (-nd frame) rather than ~-transversely of the unit a~ is the conventional practice Frame 12 is suspended in the usual manner by eables 11 from a common liftinq anehor 13 Cablesi 11 are ~ecured in apertured ears lla at eaeh end of tie~ 17 .':~,; ' ' ' .
2i~( {~ tj Each tine 1~ i5 ~lid~bly mounted ln respectlvo palr~
of bushes 20 on the outside faces of be~mJ 14, 15 with respsct to channel 16. M~tchin9 apertures 22 are formod in the beam webs and a helical compression s~ring 28, di~posed about the tin~ between a stop 21 ~nd a flange 2 on the tine, bi~ses ths tine to ~ts operat~ve position e~ten~ing across channel 16 and through both bushes (Figure 2). This structure ensures that the tine when loade~ rem~ins in a double shear ~onfiguratlon.
Two alternative mechanisms ,~re depicted in Figure~ 1 and 2 for retracting tine 18. Vsu~lly, onl~ one of th~se mechanisms will be provide~ but both ~y be. The fir~t alternati~e i~ a simple pneumatic actu~tor ~0 with a se~led chamber 42 to which ~ir m~y be ~dmitted vi~ conduit 44 to a~t on flange 24 and push it b~c~ ~gainst spring 28. The ~econd alternative i8 ~ mecb~nical arrangement 40' i~ which ~ rotatable ~pur gear ~6 meshes w~th a rack 48 on ~n ~tension of tine 18 to there~y retract the tine 18.
For handling typical USLM units, there will be seven pairs of M-~traps arranged longitudinally of the unit and thus fourteen tines 18 along each ~hannel 16. The tines 18 may b~ lin~ed for simNltaneous retr~ction and release ~ith~r by a so~mon pn~umatic circuit to conduits 44 or r~sp~ctiv~ longitudinal rods 50 for rotati~g gears 46 in uni~on. Rods 50 may have crank hanales 52 at one os both ends. Retraction of the tines 18 is desirable on two occasions: when initially engaging a unit with the spreader frame 10 and when the unit is to be disengaged from the frame 10 after handling. In the former case, retraction of the tines 18 allows the peaks of the M-straps to be received in channel 16 whils the spreader frame 10 1~ gently lowered onto the unit. On deacti~ation o~ the pneumatic acutator~ 40 or longitudinal rods SO, , . ..
~;., - '.' .- :.
. . ~ .
- 5 ~
t~nes lB are ~riven by springs 2B acro~ the channel 16 under the M-straps 6 (Figures 2, 3 and ~). When the spreader frame 10 iJ then lifted by a g~ntry crano or other like equipment, the tin~s 18 will on9a9e and llft the ~tr~p pea~s ~nd thereby uniformly and aafely lift tho entire unit. The position of the straps 6 during lifting is indicated in Figure 4 by broken lines 6'.
The channels 16 are arranged to be ~omewhat wider than the M-straps to permit ~ reasonable degree of tolerance in the positioning of the spreader frame 10 abo~e the U6LM units.
., .
This invention relates to a lifting sprea~er frame :- :~
which has general application in materials handling but is ~ -~
especially useful in the handling of unitis~ bunUe~ of goods according to U8LM (Unit 8trap Lifting M~tho~
USLM units, which may comprise, for esample, a series of 5 to 7 X 2 or 1 ~ 2 arrays of bundles of::
products such as metal ingots or electrode plates, are ~-bound by peaked straps known as M-strapæ, and are lifted on or off ships or other carriers by means of spreader frames with multiple depending hooks of special construction. A widely used hook is the Cranston hoo~
which mu~t be manually engaged with a peak of an M ~trap, is designed to ensure that inadvertent disengagement -:
z~ 2,qs cannot occur aJ th- unit la c-rrl-d by th- tram~, but la mochanically rol-a~-d from a ~tr-p by uitable pn-um-tlc or mechanical actu-tor Whil- th- r-l-aa- ~t-r h-ndllng iJ thuJ Jubatanti-lly utom-tlc, th- inltlal ngag-~ nt to comm nc- handling r-quir-- t-am ot ~t-~-dor-~ or oth-r op-rator~ to`mov- in from th- id-- to guic~ly ng-g- 11 of th- hookJ with th- ~ultlpl- M--tr-p- of th- W LM unlt It is a broad objecti~e of the invention to r-duce ~uch dependance upon manual labour nd p-r~it t l-aJt ~emi-automatic ngagemont of hoo~- of pr-ad-r fram-with the Jtrap~ of a unit of bundl-~
The invention nt-il~ th- inlti-l r--li~-tion th-t tho ob~-cti~- c-n b- b tt-t ~ t by otl-nt-ting th- bundl-~~o that the ~-Jtrap~ in lon9itudin-1 r-th r than trans~erso plane~ ~ith r-~pect to th ~pr-ad r framo Tbe invontion accordingly provid-- a lifting preader fr-me co~pri~ing a frame;
a plurality of olongat- m-mker~ -ch trans~-r~
mo~able to an operati~o po~ition by p-a-ing under respective straps upst~nding from and ombracing an article or bundle of articl-~ un~ r the fr _ ;
means preventing ~ tr-p- fro ~lipping off ~
elongate members ~h-n th latter r- in t~ ir op-r~ti~e position~; and means to retract ~aid elongate member~ from thd r operative position~ to permit release of tbe straps According to a conveniently constructed embodiment, the frame includes two longitudinal pairs of opposed plates defining respective channel~ to recei~e the upstanding straps The longate members, typically pin~
or tines, are then supported by ono of the pl-te~ and e~tend across the channel to engage the otber plate in their operative po~ition~ The olongate ~embers aro :
~,, ~ , .,. , .. ,, ~ .. -. , . - .
2~ C~2~5 pr-ferably biaised to th- oporativ- po~ition ao that th-retracting meono act~ gainst thls bi-o Sh- r-traetlon meanJ pr-ferably compri~-~ on- or two etuator~ aeting ~ia a eommon tran~mi~ion on mor- th-n on- of th- long-t-memb-r~
Th- inv-ntion will now b- furth-r d-oerib-d by ~ay of e~ample only ~ith referenee to th- aeeompanying drawin~s in whieh FI¢URE 1 i~ a perspeetive vi~w of a lifting Jpreader frame aeeor~ing to the lnvention:
FIGUR~ 2 i~ a fragmentary ero~ -etion on the line 2-2 on Fiqure 1 ~howing th- opr--d-r frame low-red onto a USLM unit and ~u~t after elo~ure of the tin - und-r th-straps of the unit; and FIGuaEs 3 nd 4 re purely ~eh matie diogram~
depieting the spread-r bout to lift a unit of bunU -~
The illu~trate~ ~pr-ader fram- 10 inelu~-~ a g-nerally r-etangular fra~e 12 ~hieh inelud-~ two longitudinally e-tending p-ir~ of oppo~-d C--eetion ~t~
beams 1~ 15 spaeed to ~efine lon9itudinal ehann-lio 16 and connected by o pair of overlaid open bo~ ~ection ties 17 ~ --A plurality of spring-loaded pin~ or tin ~ 18 pro~-et aeross eaeh ehanneI 16 at po-ition~ eorr-~pon~ing to the pea~s of the M ~itrap~i 6 ~ poioed about the bundloo of a unit to be handled Only a mall number of tin-Ji ar-aetually shown in Figure 1 there may in reality be typically ten to fourteen along each ehannel As already -~
mentioned and as depicted in Figures 3 and 4 the bundles 5 are arranged with the M straps 6 lying in planes which e~tend longitudinally of the unit (-nd frame) rather than ~-transversely of the unit a~ is the conventional practice Frame 12 is suspended in the usual manner by eables 11 from a common liftinq anehor 13 Cablesi 11 are ~ecured in apertured ears lla at eaeh end of tie~ 17 .':~,; ' ' ' .
2i~( {~ tj Each tine 1~ i5 ~lid~bly mounted ln respectlvo palr~
of bushes 20 on the outside faces of be~mJ 14, 15 with respsct to channel 16. M~tchin9 apertures 22 are formod in the beam webs and a helical compression s~ring 28, di~posed about the tin~ between a stop 21 ~nd a flange 2 on the tine, bi~ses ths tine to ~ts operat~ve position e~ten~ing across channel 16 and through both bushes (Figure 2). This structure ensures that the tine when loade~ rem~ins in a double shear ~onfiguratlon.
Two alternative mechanisms ,~re depicted in Figure~ 1 and 2 for retracting tine 18. Vsu~lly, onl~ one of th~se mechanisms will be provide~ but both ~y be. The fir~t alternati~e i~ a simple pneumatic actu~tor ~0 with a se~led chamber 42 to which ~ir m~y be ~dmitted vi~ conduit 44 to a~t on flange 24 and push it b~c~ ~gainst spring 28. The ~econd alternative i8 ~ mecb~nical arrangement 40' i~ which ~ rotatable ~pur gear ~6 meshes w~th a rack 48 on ~n ~tension of tine 18 to there~y retract the tine 18.
For handling typical USLM units, there will be seven pairs of M-~traps arranged longitudinally of the unit and thus fourteen tines 18 along each ~hannel 16. The tines 18 may b~ lin~ed for simNltaneous retr~ction and release ~ith~r by a so~mon pn~umatic circuit to conduits 44 or r~sp~ctiv~ longitudinal rods 50 for rotati~g gears 46 in uni~on. Rods 50 may have crank hanales 52 at one os both ends. Retraction of the tines 18 is desirable on two occasions: when initially engaging a unit with the spreader frame 10 and when the unit is to be disengaged from the frame 10 after handling. In the former case, retraction of the tines 18 allows the peaks of the M-straps to be received in channel 16 whils the spreader frame 10 1~ gently lowered onto the unit. On deacti~ation o~ the pneumatic acutator~ 40 or longitudinal rods SO, , . ..
~;., - '.' .- :.
. . ~ .
- 5 ~
t~nes lB are ~riven by springs 2B acro~ the channel 16 under the M-straps 6 (Figures 2, 3 and ~). When the spreader frame 10 iJ then lifted by a g~ntry crano or other like equipment, the tin~s 18 will on9a9e and llft the ~tr~p pea~s ~nd thereby uniformly and aafely lift tho entire unit. The position of the straps 6 during lifting is indicated in Figure 4 by broken lines 6'.
The channels 16 are arranged to be ~omewhat wider than the M-straps to permit ~ reasonable degree of tolerance in the positioning of the spreader frame 10 abo~e the U6LM units.
., .
Claims (10)
1. Lifting spreader frame comprising:
a frame;
a plurality of elongate members each transversely movable to an operative position by passing under respective straps upstanding from and embracing an article or bundle of articles under the frame;
means preventing said straps from slipping off said elongate members when the latter are in their operative positions; and means to retract said elongate members from their operative positions to permit release of the straps.
a frame;
a plurality of elongate members each transversely movable to an operative position by passing under respective straps upstanding from and embracing an article or bundle of articles under the frame;
means preventing said straps from slipping off said elongate members when the latter are in their operative positions; and means to retract said elongate members from their operative positions to permit release of the straps.
2 . Lifting spreader frame according to claim 1 wherein the frame comprises two longitudinal pairs of opposed plates defining respective channels to receive the upstanding straps.
3. Lifting spreader frame according to claim 2 wherein the elongate members are pins or tines.
4. Lifting spreader from according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the elongate members are supported by one of the plates and extend across the associated channel to engage the other plate in their operative position.
5. Lifting spreader frame according to anyone of the preceding claims further comprising biasing means whereby the elongate members are biased to the operative position so that the retracting means acts against the bias.
6. Lifting spreader frame according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the retracting means comprises fluid actuators, one associated with each elongate member.
7. Lifting spreader frame according to claim 6 wherein a hydraulic circuit links each hydraulic actuator to enable simultaneous retraction of the elongate members.
8. Lifting spreader frame according to any one of claims 1 to 5 wherein the retracting means comprises a gear and rack assembly associated with each elongate member.
9. Lifting spreader frame according to claim 8 wherein the gears are connected by respective longitudinal rods for rotating the gears in unison.
10. Lifting spreader frame substantially as hereinbefore described with reference to the accompanying drawings.
Applications Claiming Priority (2)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
AUPJ0966/88 | 1988-10-13 | ||
AUPJ096688 | 1988-10-13 |
Publications (1)
Publication Number | Publication Date |
CA2000295A1 true CA2000295A1 (en) | 1990-04-13 |
Family Applications (1)
Application Number | Title | Priority Date | Filing Date |
CA 2000295 Abandoned CA2000295A1 (en) | 1988-10-13 | 1989-10-06 | Lifting spreader frame |
Country Status (2)
Country | Link |
CA (1) | CA2000295A1 (en) |
WO (1) | WO1990003942A1 (en) |
Families Citing this family (1)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
JP7327037B2 (en) * | 2019-09-20 | 2023-08-16 | コベルコ建機株式会社 | Lifting device for working machine, holding device and method for lifting structural member |
Family Cites Families (1)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
BE789237A (en) * | 1971-10-01 | 1973-03-26 | Towmotor Corp | Extendable attachment for handling containers from above. |
- 1989-10-06 CA CA 2000295 patent/CA2000295A1/en not_active Abandoned
- 1989-10-11 WO PCT/AU1989/000439 patent/WO1990003942A1/en unknown
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Publication number | Publication date |
WO1990003942A1 (en) | 1990-04-19 |
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