CA1326663C - High strength fibers from chitin derivatives - Google Patents

High strength fibers from chitin derivatives


Publication number
CA1326663C CA000616225A CA616225A CA1326663C CA 1326663 C CA1326663 C CA 1326663C CA 000616225 A CA000616225 A CA 000616225A CA 616225 A CA616225 A CA 616225A CA 1326663 C CA1326663 C CA 1326663C
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Expired - Fee Related
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French (fr)
George Vincent De Lucca
Hollis Smith Kezar, Iii
John Philip O'brien
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Original Assignee
EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Priority claimed from US06/942,442 external-priority patent/US4857403A/en
Application filed by EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co filed Critical EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co
Priority to CA000616225A priority Critical patent/CA1326663C/en
Priority to CA000616643A priority patent/CA1335200C/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1326663C publication Critical patent/CA1326663C/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Fee Related legal-status Critical Current



  • Artificial Filaments (AREA)
  • Materials For Medical Uses (AREA)



High tenacity chitin acetate/formate and chitosan acetate/formate fibers and the process for making such fibers are disclosed.


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Technical ield This inven~ion relates ~ high streng~ fibers ~om ehitin deriva~es and the process ~or mal~ng ~ose ISbers.

Chitin ~poly-N-acetyl-D-glucosmine~ is a polysaccha~ide widely dist~ibllted in na~ure and is a major component of the cell wall of various ~ungi as well as the shell of ;nseets and crus~aceans. Chitin has been extracted and purified ~om its va~ious sour~es and has been formed into potentially useful .article~ such as fibers ~or medical sutures. Chi~n-bas~d fibers ha~ing bo~
high tens.ile streng~ and high modulus of elas~ci~y prepared di~ectly without post fib~r treatment would be highly desirable.
Previous work to provide high strength chitin fibers has included the afte~-treatment of wet-spun çhitin fibers in a second coagulation bath as described in U.S. Pa~ent Nos. 4,431,601 or by drawillg ~e fiber as described in Japanese patent Pubo (Kokai) No. 5~-214,513 (K. Inoue et al, published 1983 D~ember 13).
Methods to produce chitosan (poly-D-gucosamine) and chitin ace~ate (poly-N-acet~ O-acetyl D-glucosamine) are Icnown and methods for spinning , chi~san ~d chi~n scetate into fibers are described in Japanese Patent Pubs.
(Kokai) No. 5~106901 ~. Yoney~ma t al, published 1980 August 25) and No. 53-126063, (Y. ToguIa e~ al, published 1978 November 02) respectively. : -.
,In the polys~ccharide art, optically anisotropic spinning solutions from c~llulose and cellulose acetate have been disclosed. An object in ~e cellulose art was ~o provide a concen~a~ed solution of highly polymerized cellulose triacetate as well as a large degr~ of acetate substitutions in order to producegh streng~ fibers as described in U.S. Patent No. 4,464,323. ~ ~ .

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It has now been discovered that by forming a fiber from the mixed derivative ~f chi~in or shitosan : :
acetate/formate that ~ignificantly higher tenacity can be obtained. Higher tenacity ehitin acetate f~ber~ are ~btainable by low~ring the degree of sub~titutlon. This is completely unexpected in light of U.S. Patent No~ 4,464,323~
Chitin acetate/formate ~nd chitosan acetate/~ormate polymers have now been disrovered. Chitin ~ce~ate/formate and chitosan acetate/formate polymers can be ~pun into fibers having tenacities at least 4 ~/den and moduli ~t least 100 g/den. The te~acities can be reaehed directly for the as- pun ~ber ~nd are prefer~bly ~t least 5.5 g/den ~or the chitin acetate/formate ~iber and at le~st 6 g/den for the chitosan acetate/formate ~iber. The ~oduli for chitin ~cet~te/ormate ~nd for ch~to~an ~cetate/f~rmate i~ preferably 150 g/den. The proc2ss f~r making chitosan acetate/formate polymer ~uitable for preparinq ~iber having as-spun tenacities greater than 4 g/den comprises the steps of adding formic acidt acetic ~nhydride ~nd ~cetic acid ~o chitosan.
Chitin aZeetat~ iber having a tenacity of at least 4 ~/den~ aZnd ~ ~odulus of ~t least lO0 ~/den and a ~5 degree o ~Zcetylati~n of le~s than 2.2 has ~l~o been d~covered.
~ Zurified chitin is deriYatized t~ prcvide chitin acetage, chitin ~Z-et~te/formate, and chitosan acetat~/formate. These chitin deriv~tives can be ~xtruded 3~ from ~ptaeally ani ~t~pi~ Zs~lutions throu~h an ~ir gap and into a eoagul~Zting bath to for~ high streng~h fibers.
Fibers ~ade from the ~eetate~formate derivatives or low degree o~ substitution chitin increased ~ :
stre~gth ~hen compared to no~-deriv~ized chitin fibers or ~ .
high degree of su~itution chi~in Zacet~te~

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, -3-Chitin, when i~olated in high molecular weight form, is soluble ~t low concentration in only a limited number of specialized ~olvent cystems. In order to e~hance the solubility of chitin-based polymers, it is desir~ble to place organic substi~uents on the ~r~e ~mine or hydroxy groups of chitin or chitosan~ ~hese substituents perform two functions. First~ they pro~ide organic pendant groups to facilit~te dissolution ;n organic olvent systems, e.9. trichloroacetic acid/methylene chloride. Second, the presence of ~uch substituents disrupts the crystalline, strongly hydrogen-bonded ~tructure of native chitin, which itself constitute~ a ~ignificant barrier tc di~solution. Mixed ~ubst$tuent d~rivatives uch as ac~ate/for~ate are 1~ especially ~ttractive an ~iding the dis~olution ~nd spinning processe~ in that their fib~r-formin~ ability and ~iscosity ~re very well ~uited ~or ~pinning at concentra~ions exceeding 10 wt. % and would therefore be attractive for commercial ~cale ~anufacture. In addition, it is o~ser~ed that the loss of molecular weight as evidenced ~y ~ decrease in sol~tion viscosity with time is qreatly reduced with the mixed substituent derivatives.
Chitin referc to poly-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine wherein the degree of N-acetyl 5ubstitution is from 0.75-1Ø Though chitin i~ found naturally with the C5-C6 bond in the D-configuration, the chemistry de~ined herein ::-would be just ~s applica~le to ~n L-form and is not - ::
intended to ~e limited to the D-form.
Chitin derivativ~ are referred to herein in the ~ollowing m~nner: ehitin ~cetate refer to poly-~-~cetyl-0-~etyl-D-glucosamine wherein the 0-~cetyl group can be ~ubstituted at the C3 and es positio~ of the monomer ~o ~ :
varying degree, with a degree of 0-acetylation ranging -~
from about 0.05 to 2.0; ch;tin acetate/~ormate refers to ~:
poly~-N-~cetyl-0-~cetyl-N-formyl-0-ormyl-D-glu~o amine wherein the 0-~ce yl and 0-formyl ~ubstitution occurs at "

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the C3 and C6 ring-position of the monomer in a random distribution within the polymer to a varying degree~ with a degree of acetylation ranging from about 0005 to 2.0 and a degree of formylation r~nging from about 0 to 1.95 and wherein the N-acetyl ~ubstitution is a degree ~f ~, acetylation ranging from about 0.75 to laO wherein the N-formyl ~ubstitution is a degree of formylation ranging from abDut 0 to 0.25 and wherein the total degree of f~rmylation i~ greater than 0.05. ~hi~osan is obtained by de-N-~cetylation of ohitin and refers to poly D-glucosamine; ~nd zhitosan ~cetate/formate refers topoly-~-formyl-N-hcçtyl-0-acetyl-0 formyl~-yluco6amine wher~ln the 0-acetyl ~nd 0-ormyl sub~titution occurs ~t the C3 and C6 position of the monomer ~n a random ~5 distribution within the polymer to ~ varying degree, with : a degree of acetylat;on ran~ing from about 0 to 2.0, preferably 0.05 to 2.0, and a degree of formylation ranging from about 0 to 2.0 ~nd wherein the N-acetyl ubstitution i~ a degree of acetylation ranging from about 0 to 0.75, the N-formyl 6ubstitutisn is a degree of formylation r~nging from abou~ 0 to loO ~nd wherein the total degree of acetylation is greater than 0.05 and the total degree of formylation is greater than O.OS. ~he tot~l degree o formyl and ~cetyl group substitution onto :
the above-described chitin d~rivatives is determined by the types and concentration of r~actants and catalysts us~d foz the preparation of eaçh polymer. ~ .
In th~ preparation of fiber~, opti~ally -.~
~nicotropic 601utio~s of each chitin derivative were ~:.
30 prepared and then extruded through a spin~eret into a :~
coagul~tion bath to form fibers which were then wound onto bobbins .
The ~ni~otropic 6pinning solutions were prepared by dissolving ~he chitin derivative in~o ~olvent . 35 comprising trichloroacetic acid/methylene chloride. The ~olutions were ~udged to be ~nisotropic if, when :

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and~iched between a microscope lide and ~over ~lip, they were birefr;~gent when viewed between crossed polari~er~.
Generally, chitin derivative~ were found to orm optically ani~otropic ~olutaons when dissolved at weight perceAts greater than 10% in a 60/40 ~w/w) ~richloroacetic acid/methylene chloride ~01Yent.
It is recognized that bsth the ~olecular wei9ht and pattern of ~ubst;tution of chitin polymers or chitin derivative polymers will probably determine their ~olubility in any particular ~olvent and also the concentrations at which optical anisotropy i~ oh~ervéd.
Al50, even though a 60f40 (w/w) ~richloroacetic acid/methylene chloride ~olvsn~ is used or ~ost of the work described herein, other olvents for chitin or its deriv~tives could be used.
The chitin derivative chitosan acetate/formate can be formed by reacting chitosan in the presence of ~cetic ~cid, formic ~cid ~nd acetic anhydride. The order ~ of ~ddition ~nd relative quantitie~ o these rsactant5 is ::~
; 20 important in determining the product obtained.
,~ When chitosan is dissolved first in an aqueous mixture of acetic and formic acids followed by the ~dditio~ of acetic anhydride, predominantly N-formyla~ion and O-formylation oceur, acc~mpanied by some O-acetyl ~5 ~ubstitution. Rather, if the ~:hi~osan is first dissolved in an ~queous 601ution of acetiic acid and acetic ~nhydrid2 ~ :
ollowed by the ~ddition of ~ormic acid, a mixture o~ .
N-acetylation, O-acetylation, N-formylati~n and O-formylation i~ obtained.
The ratio of acetic acid to formic acid in the ::
above ~olution~ will deter~ine the relative degree of ~ ~
~ubstitution obt~inedO In addition, the predominant N- -- .
substituted ~pecies is deter~ined by which corresponding ~id (acetic ~r for~ic~ is added first to the chito~an in 3~ the presenGe of ~ceti~ ~nhydride; the level of ~cetic :
anhydride being rate limiting.


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~ he chitin derivative, chitin acetate/f~rrnate, is formed by reacting formic ~cid and acetic anhydride with chitin in the presence of an acid catalyst.
Acetylation of chitin by acetic anhydride in the presence 5 of an acid catalyst occur~ rapidly. Therefore, to control - the level of formylation occurring on ~he chitin, the formie acid can be ~dded first to the chitin in the pre ence of an ~cid eatalyst and ~llowing sufficient ~ime for ~ormylation to occur before the ~ubsequent ~ddition of acetic anhydride. An ~cid catalyst u~eful in these re~tions i5 perchloric acid.
The coagul~tion bath used during fiber formation consisted of cold ~ethanol, whieh i~ a non-~olvent for ~hitin and its deri~ati~es. The coagulation bath was between 2~ and 30 inche~ in l~ngth.
Any suitable non ~olvent for chitin or it~ derivatives ~-eould be used in place of methanol for the purpose of ! coagulating the fiber ~pinning solution.
There are ~any parameters which can be 2~ varied in the spinning scheme ~nd one could readily adjust ~pinneret orifice diameters, leDngth of the air gap spacing, jet velocity, bath conditions, ratio of windup ~peeds to jet vel~city, ~s wel:l as other parameters in ::
order to optimize var~ous physic31 prop~rties o the fibers of thi~ invention.
The chitin derivative polymers produ~ed ~ccording ~o the p~esent inYen~ion are ~pun from ~-ani~otropic ~olution ~nd form high strength fibers.
Fiber~ prepared from chito~an acetate/form~te have tensile properties whioh typically fall between 4-8 g/d tenacity and 150-250 g/d initial modulus. It is expected that arti~l~s other than ~ibers, ~uch as cast or ~olded products, coulB be produced ~rom the polymers described ~ .
: herein and ~ay Dl~o demonstrate high ~trsngth prDperties. - .
~RIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWIN5 ~ig~ l is ~ ~chemati~ diagram ~f an apparatus ; f9r ~ir-gap spinning of ani~otropic ~olutions of chitin and chitin derivatives.
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Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram of a twin cell appara~us for ~ir-gap spinning of anisotropic ~olutions of chitin and chitosan derivatives.
Fig. 3 is a ~chematic diagram of a mixing plate used in conjunction with the appaxatus of ~ig. 2.
~n using the appa~atus of Fig. 1 ~n ~ni~o~rQpic ~olution of chîtin or a chitin derivative was placed in ~pin cell ~G). A pi~ton (D) actiYated by hydraulic press (F) and ass~ciated wi~h p1ston travel indicator (E) wa. :-~
po~itioned over ~he surface of ~he ~olution, excess ~ir expelled ftom the top of the cell and th2 eell ~ealed.
The spin cell w~s fi~d ~t the ~ottom with he following -:~
~creens ~A) ~or colution fil~ration: four o six 325-mesh screens. The filtered ~olution was then passed Anto a spinnere~ pack (B) containing two or three 325-~esh ficreens. Solutions were extruded through ~n 3ir gap ~t a controlled rate in~o a ~tatic ba~h (C) using a ~etering pump to ~upply pressure at piston (~ h~ iber was pas~ed around a pin (H), pulled through the bath, passed under a ~econd pin (I) ~nd wound onto a bobbin. ~he air gap between the spinneret face ~nd the coagulation bath ~-~
was typically 0.6 to 2.0 cm. The coagulation bath temperature was gener~lly held below 100C with specific value~ ~s giv~n in the ~xampl es . -In using the apparatus of Fiy. 2, filter plate ~J) i6 repli~ced by mixing plate ~R). Polymer dope is ~
plaeed in ~yli~der bore tT~ and then piston (D) and c~p ~. .
plate ~L) i~ itted to the spin cell (G~. A driver fluid (e~g. wat~r) ~ pumped ~nto the upper part of bore (T) through feed line ~). The piston (D~ i~ displaced by the :~
driver fluid, thereby pushing the polymer dope thr~ugh p~ssages ~ S) in ~ixing plate (~) and then ~hrsugh pass~ge ~K) in di tribution pl~te (M) in~o ~econd ~ylinder 35 bor~ ~U). Thi6 proce~s is then reversed by pu~ping fluid ~:
through feed line ~X~. ~he aforement;oned forward and :''' ' .'~

~', ~ 3 ~ 3 rever~e process is repeated several times to effect a mixing of the polymer dope. Component ~) acts to sense the position of cylinder (D).
After mixing i~ complete (about 30 cycles), 5 mixing plate (R) is repl~ced by ilter plate (J) and polymer dope is extruded from bore ~T) through passage (W), through filter pack (A) containing 2 Dutch ~will Weave 165 x BOO mesh screens, through passage (Y~ in ilter plate (J) and pas~2ge (2~ in spinneret ~ounting plate ~0) and out of spin cell (G) through ~pinneret tB).
The extruded dope is 5pun anto a hath and taken up ~6 described for Fig. 1~ Pressure of ~he polymer dope during ~pinning i~ ~easured by pressure tr~nsducçr (P).
Inherent viscosity (I.V.j is calculated using the formula:
Inherent vi~cosity ninh ' (ln ~r-l )/C where C is the poly~er concentration in grams of polymer per i deciliter of ~olvent. ~he relative vi~cosity ~ ) is determined by measuring the flow time in seconds using ~
~tandard viscometer of a solution o~ 0.5 g (except where indicated) of the polymer in 100 ml hexaflu~roisopropanol . at 30C and dividing by the flow time in seconds ~or the pure ~olve~t. The units uf inherent visc~sity are dl/g. :~
Jet Velocity (J.V.~ i~ the ~verage exit v~locity of the sp~nning solution from the ~pinneret c~pillary a~ ~alculated from the volume of ~olution pa~sing through an orifice per unit time and from the ~ ~ro~s-~e~tional area o~ the orifi~e ~nd is reported DS
'j 3~ ~eter~ per ~inute.
Filamer~t tensile properties were measured using recording ~tres~-&tr~in analyzer at 70DF ~21.1~C) and 65% relative humidi~y. ~uge length was 1.0 in (2.5~ cm), ~-~nd r~te of elong~ti~n was 10%/min. Results ~re r~ported 35 ~ T/~/M. Tena~ity T is break tenacity in g/deni, - -El~ngati~n ~E) i~ elongation-at-break expres~ed as the .

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-percentage by which initial length increased, and Modulus ~:
(M) is initial tensile modulus in g/den. Average tensile ~:~
properties for at least three filament ~amples are ::
reported. The te~t is further described in ASTM D2101~79 part 33, 1981.
Degree of Substitution (Ds) of acet~te or formate i~ determined by proton-NMR in the following manne r:
The spectra are determined in deuterated ~-trifluoracetic acid ~olvent and using etramethylsilane -:
(TMS) as a ~tandard. The D.S. is determined by ~ntegrating th~ are~ due to the protons o~ carbons Cl -through C6 of the glucosamine derivative (6.0 to 3.0 ppm) ~nd comparing it with the total area due to the methyl :-group protons t2.~ to 2~0 ppm~ using the ~110wing ~ormula~
D.S. - ~M/~G/7))/3 ~ :.
where: M w ~rea of ~ethyl group protons -G ~ area of the pr~tons on carbons Cl ~.
through C6 of the glu~osamine ;
derivat iVQ
~he formyl pr~tons are observed at ~bout 8.4 ppm for the amide and at about 8.2 ppm for the ester. The D.S. of :
formyl groups is deter~;ned in a similar fashion using the oll~wing ~ormula: :
D.~. - F/(G/73 : ~ where: ~ - area of ~ormyl protons G - ~rea of the protons on carbons C
: through C6 Of the glucosamine derivative -.
~o de~ermine the relative:amounts of ace~yl ~nd ~ormyl :.
) ~ont~nt in the mixed derivatives both formulas ~re used.
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;~ ~ 35 Chitin was i~olated rom ~hrimp shells and spun ~ ~ in~o fiber according to the following prooedure~

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Isolation Df Chitin Shrimp shells obtained fr~m Gulf Citie~
Fisheries of Pascagoula, Miss. were placed in large container~ and soaked in aeetone for 5 to 7 days, after which the acetone was filtered off and the ~hells rinsed ~ with additional aoetone ~o remove as much pigment as possible. The hell~ were then air dried for 72 hours.
t ~he dried ~hells were ground into a flake using an Abbe cutter. The ground shells (500 ~) were deealcifi~d by treatment with ice oold 10% hydrochloric acid (4 to 6 1) . wath stirring for 20 ~inutes. The liquid was then removed - by filterang ~nd the ~hells rinsed wi~h water. This acid treatment was repeated and the dec~lciied shells were rinsed with water until neutral and allowed to air dry.
.: 15 ~he dry solid was suspended in 2.5 1 of 3% sodium hydroxide in a S 1 flask and heated at ~00C for 2 hours.
The uspension was then filtered and the remaining solid washed with w~ter. This causti~ treatment was repeated ~nd the ehitin obtained was washed with water until neutral. The chitin was then washed suecess~vely with ~ methanol and aceton0, air dried and lastly dried in a : v~cuum oven ~or about 12 hours at 120~C.
Chitin ~btained by the ~bove procedure w~s di~solYed at 24~C in ~ 60/40 ~w/w) triehloro~cetic -- -acid/methylene chl~ride ~ixture, to form a ~olution containing 13.5% ~olids. The ~olution was tested and ound to be ~ni~otrop;c.
The chitln ~olution above was ex~ruded into ~ibers u~ing the apparatur represented by Fig. 1 and described previously. The ~olution was extruded through 0.004" diameter holes of a lO~hole 6pinneret at a jet velocity ~f 15.2 ~min., passed ~hrough a 1.25 cm air gap, into a ooe methanol bath and wound onto bobbins at a rate of 15.5 M/min.
~;ber properties were measured a~ described ~bove and are reported in ~able ~.
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: ' ~ 3 ~ 3 RUN B
~hitin acetate with a high degree of substituti~n of acetyl groups was synthesized and ~pun into fiber by the following method: -Preparation of_ Chitin Acetate 200 ml of reagent grade ~ethylene chloride, 400 ml of reagent grade acetic anhydride, and 125 ml of glacial acetic acid were added to a 1 1 resin kettle ~ -equipped with a ~tirrer and nitro~en inlet. The mixture ~ -10 was cooled to about 0C in a methanol bath and 20 g of -:
chitin, prep~red as in Run A, were added. 6 ml of 70%
perchloric arid were then added lowly and the mixture wa~
~tirred ~bout 12 hours. After ~tirriny, the ~ixture was filtered ~n a ~ritted Buchner funnel ~nd exc~ss acetic ~-15 anhydride was removed by ~spira~ion. ~he solid was washed . .
thoroughly with aethanol, ~cetone, 10% ~odium bic~rbon~te, water, and las~ly acetone, after which the ~olvent was ~ removed ~y aspiration. The re~aining ~olid waC then air ,~ dried ~or about 12 hours to give 25 g of chitin acetate as ~ white ~olid. ~he inherent viscosity of the polymer was !~ 5.72 dl/g ~nd the degree of substitution was 2.g5.

Chitin ~cetate prepared by the ~bove procedure was ~pun as ln Run A u6ing the apparatus r~presented by .
~ 25 Fig. 2 with the different ~pinnning par2meters li~ted in .: T~ble 2. ~.
Fiber properties were measured as described -.
I ~bove and repor~ed in Table I.
'~ EXAMPL~ 1 3C Chitin acetate with a relatively low de~ree of ub~titution of ~cetyl groups on chitin was ~ynthesized -~
and 6p~n into fiber by the foll~wing methcd:
reparation o~ Chitin ~cetate 200 ml of reagent grade ~ethylene chloride, 35: 400 ~1 o~ reagent grade acetic anhydride, ~nd 1~5 ml of glacial acetic acid were added to a 1 1 re~in kettle , : . .

-12 ~A 3 h ~
, equipped with a ~tirrer and nitrogen inlet. The mixture was cooled to about 0C in a methanol bath and 20 g of chitin, prepared as in Example 1, were added. 3 ~l of ~0%
perchloric acid were then added slowly and the mixture was 5 ~tirred about 12 hours. A~ter ~tirring, the mixt~re was ~ filtered on ~ fritted suchner unnel ~nd exce~s acetic anhydride was r~moved by aspiration. ~he ~olid was washed ::
thoroughly with methanol, acetone, 10% odium bicarbonate, water, and lastly acetone, after which all of the solvent was removed by aspiration for ~bout 12 hours to g~ve 25 9 ~f chitin acet~te as a white ~olid. The inherent viscosity of the polymer was 8.76 and the degree of ~ubstitution was 2.0 Sp~ .:
Chitin acetate prepared by the ab~e procedure was spun as in Run A using the apparatus represented by -~.
Fig. 2 w.ith the different spinnning parameter~ listed in Table 2.
Fiber properties were measured as described 20 ~bove and reported in Table I.
EXAMPLE: 2 Is~lation of Chitin ~et ~hrimp ~hell wasl:e l25 kg) was sorted manually to remove extraneous ~ubstances and boiled in 25 w~ter ~or 2 hour~ ~he shells were collected by ~acuum . :
filtration and plaeed into ohe~esecloth p~uches. Using one-hal of the batch at a time, the shells were then ~oiled in 2% NaOH ~50 l~ under a nitrogen atmosphere for 1 hour, collected, pressed out and washed once with water.
30 ~he ~hell~ were then boiled for 9 hours in 2~ NaOH (50 l) under nitrogen for a 6econd time, collected, pressed out, washed in water ~nd immersed i~ 50 l 10~ ace~ic aeid for -:
s 1 hour ~t ro~m temperature. The shells were collecte~ by ~iltration, washed twice more in water and pressed out.
35 They wer~ finally ~uspended in acetone (4 1), collected by : :

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, filtration, washed once m~re with clea~ acetone and allowed to air dry. The.yield was 1.2 kg dry chitin.
Preparation o Chitin ~cetate :
Chitin (SD g) prepared as described ~bove was :
_ 5 ground in two ~teps to pass khrou~h a 0.5 mm ~creen. ~he ~round chitin was placed in ~ Soxhlet extraetor ~nd extracted with acetone until the extract was ~lear. After :
air drying, the chitin powder was washed twice with .
methanol, pressed out a~d heated to 77C in 15~ methanolic - -~
potassium hydroxide for 1 hour under nitrogen. ~he powder was collerted by ~iltration, pressed out, washed once with ~-wa~er ~ollow~d by two w~shes in qlaeial ace~ic ~cad. : :
After the final wash, the powder was pres~ed out and ~uspended using ~thods described ~bove in cooled acetic ~5 anhydride ~500 ml~ and methylene chloride (500 ~13 cnnt~ining perchloric ~cid ~2 ~1) all at -22C. After 16 hours~ the temperature was raised to 13C and the ::~
r reac~nt~ allow~d to ~ir for ~n addi~ional 24 hours reaching a final temperature of lBC. The polymer was : .
collected by filtr~tion, pre~sed out and washed twice with methyl ~lcohol. The product was then washed once in 5%
sodium bic~rbonate, followed by twb washes in water and a final wash in aeetone. The product was dried in a vacuum :~
at 55~C. The yield was 57 g. D.S. - 1.4 bas~d on NMR
Spinning Chitin acetate prepared as described above was ~pun u~ing the method of Run A and the equipment described by Fisure 1. The ~pinning ~olvent was 60/40 w/w trichloroacetic acid/methylene chloride. Pertinent ~pinning para~eters appear in Table II. -:~
:: ~iber properties were ~ea~ured a described ~bove ~nd ~ppear in Table IO : :

ChitiQ ~c~tate/formate w~s prepared from chitin ~nd then ~pun into iber by the following ~ethod:

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Preparation of Chitin Acetate/Formate 200 ml of rea~ent grade methylene ~hloride and 255 ml of formic acid (~5-9B%) were added to a 1 1 resin kettle equipped with a stirrer and nitrvgen inlet and _ 5 cooled in a refrigerated bath to O~C. 280 ml of aeetic anhydride were added to the bath, allowed to cool to 0C, ~nd then 20 g of chitin prepared as in ~un ~ were added, followed by the slow addition of 6 ml of 70% perchloric acid. ~he mixture was etirred for abou~ 12 hours at 0C.
The ~uspension was washed th~ro~ghly wi~h ~ethanol, ~cetone, 10% sodium bicarbonate, water, and la~tly aeetone. Af ter removing the sblvent by aspiration, the ~olid was aid dried for about 12 hours and yielded 24 ~ of chitin acetate/formate as a white ~olid.
The inherent viseosity of the polymer was 11.4 dl/g and the degree o~ ~ubstitution was 2.~/0.5 (acetyl/formyl~.

I Chitin acetate/formate prepared by the above procedure was spun the same as in Run A using the apparatus represented by FigO 2 with the different spinnning pa~ameters li~ted in Table II~
~iber properties were measured ~s described a~ove and report~d in Table I.
EXAMPLE 4 . -. Chitosan acetate/for~late was prepared from chitosan which it~elf was prepared from chitin and then :~
the 6hitosan ~cetate/formate was spun into ~ibers, per the :~
followin~ procedures:
Preparation of Chitosan Shrimp ~hells were washed in aeetone ~nd ground into a flake as des~ribed in Run A. The washed and cut : ~hell~ ~310 ~) were then treated with ioe cold 9%
hydro~hlorie a~id ~2 1 water, 1 1 ice chips~ 1 1 37~ HCl~ :
: 35 in a lar~e container ~or 20 minutes. The ~olution was filtered and the re~aininy solid rinsed with water. This ' ~14- .
:, ' -. , acid treatment was repeated, af~er which the solid was washed with water un~il neutral and then washed wi~h acetone and finally air dried. The resulting solid was treated with 2 1 of S0% odium hydroxide at 100C for 2 hours. The suspension was filtered and the remaining - ~olid was rinsed wi~h water. ~his caustic treatment was repeated a second time and ~he ~olid was collected by filtrat7On, washed until neutral with water, and then -.
washed wi~h meth~nol and acetone and allowed to air dry.
This procedure yielded B6 9 of chitosan ~s a white ~olid.
The inherent viscosity of the chitos~n was 11.3 dl/g in 50% agueous acetic acid.
Preparation of Chitosan Acetate/Formate 750 ml o 95-9B~ formic acid and 40 g of :~
lS chitosan prepared above were added in a 4 1 resin kettle. -~
The mixture wa~ stirred under ni~rogen in a r~frigerated bath at 0C for 1~5 ho~rs until ~11 the polymer was di~solved.
. 250 ~1 o~ glacial acetic acid were then added a~d the mixture stirred until a homogeneous ~olution was obtained. The mixture was stirred an additi~nal 30 min- !
550 ml of reagent grade ~cetic ~nhydride were added and then the mixture was stirred for about 12 hour~ at 0C.
The resulting gel wa~ broken up ~nd ~oaked in methanol ~5 (6 liters) for ~ ~ew hour~ to precipltate the polymer~
The polymer wa6 ~iltered and the ~olid gel chopped in ~ ::
blender. The pr~cipitated polymer was washed thoroughly wîth m~thanol ~everal times, and then with ~cetone. The :-~olid was aspir~ted to remove ~xce~s ~olvent and then allowed to air dry overnight. The yield was 53 9 of chitosan ace~te/for~ate ~s ~ white ~olid.
The inherent visco~ity of the polymer was 10.8 dl/g ~nd the degree of ~u~stitution was 0.4/2.3 :.
cetylfformyl). -Chitosan ~cetate/formate prepared by the above procedure was ~pun ~s in Run A u~in~ the ~pparatus ~.
.-, ~'; '.
' ~


represented by Fig. 2 with the different ~pinnnin~
parameter~ listed in Table II.
Fiber properties were measured as described above and reported in Table I.
^~ Chitos~n acetate/formate wa~ prepar~d according to the ge~eral procedur~ in Ex~mple 4 with the ch~nges noted below.
750 g of 95-98~ formic acid and 40 g sf chitosan . 10 were ~ixed in a 4 1 resin kettle at ODC. O~ce the ~hitosan was well dispersed 500 ml of acetic anhydride were added and the reactio~ allowed to ~tir for 95 hours ~t 0C. At that time the polymer was essentlally ~Dmpl0tely in ~olution and was ikiolate~ by precipitati~n into cold ~ethyl alc~hol ~6 liters ~ 0CI. The white product was collected by vacuum filtration, then w~shed -~-twice with water, followed by another wash in methyl ~lcohol and a final wash in acetone. The product was all~wed to ~ir dry yielding a white fibrous ~olid.
~}~ 2 .
Chitssan acetate/~ormate prepared by the above .pr~cedure w~s spun using the method of Exampl~ 1 ~nd the equipment described by ~igure 1. The spinning solvent was 49:51 w/w trichloroacetic acid/~ethylene chloride. Other pertin~nt Rpinning parameters appear in T~ble II.
Fiber properties were measur2d as described ~ : above and app~ar in Table I.

: ~ 30 -.

:: :
,: .

, ~ - ::~:
. .
. .
. ~ :
' ~ ' ' ::, -17- ~3~


A Chitin 1.0/0.015.7 1.3gpd~2.6%/107gpd B Chitin 2.9/0~0 7.0 2.~gpd/7.3%~0gpd Acetate 1 ~hitin 2.0/0.0 4.5 4.3ypd/4.5~/169gpd Acetate 2 Chitin 1.4 5.4 5.9gpd/~.4%/206gpd Acetate 3 Chitin 2.0/0.3 5.1 5.9gpd/6.8%/162gpd Acetate/~vrmate 4 Chitosan 0.4/1.4lg.1 7.0~pd/6.8%/194gpd Acetate/Formate Chitosan 0.3/1.521.4 6.2gpd~.8%/185gpd Acet~te/Formate :-D.S. ~ degree of sl~bstitution, tlhese fiber v~lues can differ from those ~ -of the starting polymer because ~ome partial deesterification may oecur during conversion to fibers DPF ~ denier per filament Ex. - Example or run designatio:n :: '" ', :
: .

. .
' ', ';
: . .
~ . .
~ , . . ..
: ~ :
: ~ -17-,~
- :-: .

SPINNING P~MET~5 Parameters Run A Run ~ 2 Ex. 3 ~x. 4 Ex. 5 Solids 13 . 5% 15% 15% 15% 15% 17% 15%

N~. c f ~oles 10 1 1 5 1 1 20 Dia. of ~oles 0.0102 0.0076 0.0076 0.0076 0.0076 0.0127 0.0076 ~ ~n) ,- ~ ,;
Jet Velocity 15.2 29.9 16.6 1.5 20.0 12.û 3.4 - .
(M~Snin) - ~ -A~r G~p (an) ?o25 1~4 1~ 3 1~4 1.0 1.9 ;~
(:oagulation ~ath 0 1 8 16 -20 5 Temp. ( C) -Wind-up Rate 15.5 24 40 21.3 17 9.9 6.8 - :::.


.., .,, : ~:

.: . :
~, : .

Th~s~applica~ion is a division o~ Canadian application serial no. 554,034 fll~e~d~ De;cember 10, 1987.

. . ~ -


1. Poly-N-formyl-N-acetyl-O-acetyl-O-formyl-D-glucosamine wherein the O-acetyl and O-formyl substitution occurs at the C3 and C6 position of the monomer in a random distribution within the polymer to a varying degree, with a degree of acetylation ranging from about 0 to 2.0, and a degree of formylation ranging from about 0 to 2.0 and wherein the degree of acetylation of the N-acetyl substitutes ranges from about 0 to 0.75, the degree of formylation of the N-formyl substitution ranges from about 0 to 1.0 and wherein the total degree of acetylation is greater than 0.05 and the total degree of formylation is greater than 0.05.

2. The polymer of Claim 1 wherein the degree of O-acetylation is 0.1 - 0.5 and having a degree of N-acetylation less than 0.2, a degree of N-formylation of 0.2 - 1.0 and a degree of O-formylation of 0.5 - 1.5.

3. A fiber of the polymer of Claim 1.

4. The fiber of Claim 3 having a degree of O-acetylation greater than 0.05.

5. The fiber of Claim 4 having a tenacity of at least 4 g/den and a modulus of at least 100 g/den.

6. The fiber of Claim 5 wherein the tenacity is for the as-spun fiber.

7. The fiber of Claim 6 wherein the as-spun tenacity is at least 6 g/den and the as-spun modulus is at least 150 g/den.

8. A process for making a chitosan acetate/formate polymer comprising the steps of adding formic acid acetic anhydride and acetic acid to chitosan.

9. The process of Claim 8 further comprising spinning the polymer into a fiber whereby the fiber has as-spun tenacity of greater than 4 g/den.
CA000616225A 1986-12-16 1991-11-06 High strength fibers from chitin derivatives Expired - Fee Related CA1326663C (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000616225A CA1326663C (en) 1986-12-16 1991-11-06 High strength fibers from chitin derivatives
CA000616643A CA1335200C (en) 1986-12-16 1993-06-04 High strength fibers from chitin derivatives

Applications Claiming Priority (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US942,442 1986-12-16
US06/942,442 US4857403A (en) 1986-12-16 1986-12-16 High strength fibers from chitin derivatives
CA000554034A CA1294958C (en) 1986-12-16 1987-12-10 High strength fibers from chitin derivatives
CA000616225A CA1326663C (en) 1986-12-16 1991-11-06 High strength fibers from chitin derivatives

Related Parent Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA000554034A Division CA1294958C (en) 1986-12-16 1987-12-10 High strength fibers from chitin derivatives

Related Child Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA000616643A Division CA1335200C (en) 1986-12-16 1993-06-04 High strength fibers from chitin derivatives

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1326663C true CA1326663C (en) 1994-02-01



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA000616225A Expired - Fee Related CA1326663C (en) 1986-12-16 1991-11-06 High strength fibers from chitin derivatives

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CA (1) CA1326663C (en)

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