CA1310895C - Weather-resistant windproof lined sweater - Google Patents

Weather-resistant windproof lined sweater


Publication number
CA1310895C CA000579368A CA579368A CA1310895C CA 1310895 C CA1310895 C CA 1310895C CA 000579368 A CA000579368 A CA 000579368A CA 579368 A CA579368 A CA 579368A CA 1310895 C CA1310895 C CA 1310895C
Prior art keywords
outer layer
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Expired - Lifetime
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Other languages
French (fr)
Jean Norvell
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
WL Gore and Associates Inc
Original Assignee
WL Gore and Associates Inc
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Publication date
Application filed by WL Gore and Associates Inc filed Critical WL Gore and Associates Inc
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1310895C publication Critical patent/CA1310895C/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current



    • A41D27/00Details of garments or of their making
    • A41D27/02Linings


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Textile Engineering (AREA)
  • Professional, Industrial, Or Sporting Protective Garments (AREA)


ABSTRACT OF THE INVENTION A weather-resistant windproof lined garment having a stretchable liquid waterproof, water-vapor-transmitting liner. The garment provides protection for active outdoor wear for golf, walking, tennis, hiking, soccer, and the like.


~L 3 ~

Th~ present lnventlon rel~t~s ~ner~lly to weath~r reslstant llned garment ~aterlal~, 1n partlcular to weather-reslst~nk wlndproo~ 11nad sweaters and undergarments, and to a method for maklng them.


Th~r~ is a need for very llghtw~lght weather-rssl~t~nt garm~nts useful for less seYere or less demal~ding wear such as lat~ or early season outdoor sportlng evQnts or a~hletlc partlclpatlon, such as gol~, walktns~ hlking, football, socc~r, baseba~l, o~ l:he llke for sp~ctator sport ~ttQndance.
The llmltcd glYe or str~tch of wov~n t~xtlle mattr~als causcs ~arm~nts utll1zlng th~m ~15 a p~rt of a lamln~t~, or as on~ o~ th~ l~yars, to h~ve llmlts to comtortablQ n~vement. For example, 1f a ~arer bands the arms a~
the elbows or t~sts th~ ~pper torso ln gol~ swing, ~ woven t~xtlle wltl hug the body contours to 91VQ som~ degree of pulllng d~sconn1'ort, wh1ch m~y lmpede free moYem~nt. Garments ~h1ch offer the 1east relstance to body movements are the most comfortable. Com~ort ~nd ~t are key attr1butes from ~: 20 a wearers standpolnt and are aehlev~d by reduc~ng the restra1nt lmpos~d on the body by th~ garment and by lncr~a~long th~ g1ve or stt~tch s~ the fa~rlc.
~, ~

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; .

One o~ the ways known pr~sently to h~ndle the prohlem o~
weath~r~r~slstanc~ ha~ ~sn to U5Q wov~n t~xtll~ cloth comblna~lon~ wlth watQrproo~ membranes of po~ou~ hy~rophoblc pl~st1c~ wh1~h m~y also Porm composltes wlth hydrophlllc mat~rials such that ths comblnatton or compos1te 5 w~ll not pas~ l~quld w~t~r, but w~ll tran~lt water v~por ~t a rat~ to ke~p the lnterlor of a yarment ut11~zing such a ma~er~al dry. ~x~mplary o~
materlals and g~rments ut111z1n~ ~his method ~or weath~r reslstancQ are thoss ~ashloned from GORE-TEX~ membr~ne and GORE-fEX~ lam1nate prep~red a~cording to U.S. Patents 4,1g4,041; 4,443,5Sli 3,953.~66; ~nd 4,187,3gO.
lO SuCh mater1als used ln garm~nts render them w~ndproo~ as w~ll, ~C~`

The present ~nvqntlon prov~des ~ str~tchabl~ ~ather-1^est~tant~
wlndproo~ llne~ galm~n~ mat~rlal. It can com,~r~s~ a s~t~r, shlrt, llght Jack~t, or t~Gusars. or thQ l~k~. Th~ out~r laye~ o~ the 11n~d ~arm~nt ~5 materlal ~5 an exp~n~able knlttd or wov~n t~xt11~ ~abr1c. The str~tchabl~
lnn~r layer of the lln~d gar~ent 1~ ma~ ~rom a porous hydrophob~e polymer layer vh1~h has ~e~r- coat~d w1th a hydroph11~c lay~r, whlCh ~S ~n tUI~n bonded to ~n ~l~stom~r~c t~xt11~ la,yer, such as ~ ~,oand~x layer. The tnner and out~r lay~rs ~r0 attach~d by s~wlng or othel m~an~ at th~ borders o~ th~
~0 g~rment.

Flgllre ~ shows the llned garmQnt ~at~r1al o~ th@ lnYenl:lon ln th~ form of an upper body gar~n~.

~ 3 ~

Fl~ura 2 dep~cts ~ cross-sect10n of the lay~r~d 11ned garment utlll~ed ln thls lnv~ntton.
F1gure 3 d~splays th~ lln~d ~arment ~ the lnvent~on ln th~ ~orm of a lower b~dy garment.

The lnventlon ~ now d~scr1b~d w1th re~f~rcnce to the PlgurQs ln order to be~ter de11n~at~ the prefer~ed embodtm~nts. Fl~ur~ 1 show~ th~
wQath~r-r2s~stant w1ndp~oo~ llned garment mat~r1al o~ th~ lnventlon 1n wh~ch the outer stret.,hable knltted f1be~ l~y~r l ~s u~ually a ~ynthet1c o~
10 natural ~1ber knl~ or woven fabl^1c, pref~ra~ly a s~dter. The 1nler st1etch~1e lay~r ~ a~d~ ~n mak1ng th~ garment wa~m 1n cool to cold weath~r~ Example~ of t~xt11es u~e~ ~or the outer layer 1 lnclud~ nylon o~
polyest~r warp llm1t or a bland of both ol a knl~ ~aschel or trlcot knlt.
It ~an b~ wool.
~eca~se layer ~ has lnsul~tlve propertl~s th~t a1d ln mak~ng th~ garm~nt warm and ls wlndproo~, lay~r 1 need n~t b~ v~ry th~ck. The two l~ygrs 1 and are attache~ by s~w1ng at th~ ~dg~ Junctlon~ at ~s ~ny pollnt~ as Are ne~ded or d~s1r~ such ~ wr~t, n~ck, ~ st~ ~nd ~ront closure edges.
Flsuro 2 d1sp~ys a cross-s~ct10n of the stretchable two-l~yer Ina~er~al o~
20 the 1nv~ntlon~ wh~r~ th~ outer str~tehable lay~r 1 1s ~eplrat~d by an a1r ~ap fl~om th~ str~tch~ lnn~r llner layer 2.
~ ay~r ~ 1s made up fr~m a l~yer of porous hydrophob~e polymer 4, pref~r~b~y the porous ex~anded polytetra~luor~ethylen0 ~EPTFE~ membr~n~
d~scrlbed tn U.S. pa~ents 3.9~3.S66, 3,g6~153, 4,~9~,Z~7, ~nd 4,1~7.390, ~5 coat~d w{th a hydrophil~c layer ~ of a pvlyureth~ne as tau~ht by ~orQ and , ~

Allen ln U.S. 4,134,041. Th~ llqu1d water-reststant water-vapor transmlttln~ layer 4 can bQ a hydrophob1c p~lyur~th~n~, o~ 2 porous polyole~n. Thls llqu1d w~ter rssist~ng wat~r vapor transmltt~n~ ~ompos1te iS f~rther ~onded t~ a woven or knttt~d elastomer1c ~ext~l~ laysr ~. The co~tnatlsn o~ laye~ ~ and ~ ar~ shown ln the above pat~nts to be waterproo~ to llquld wat2r, ~es1st the surface act1Y~ agents ~n perspiratlon, but sttll perm~t the evaporation of persplratlon by transmls~ton o~ water vapor through ~he eombtnatton. Thls comblnatton ~
layers 4 ~nd ~ can be made stretchable accord1ng to Wprd~n, et al, tn U.S.
1~ Patent 4,44~,511, by stretchlng the ~o~pos~ta and then relax1ng 1t.Th1s - stretehable mat2rlal ls th~n bonded to a lay~r ~ ~ polyurethan~ rubb~r, def~ned as spandex ~n th~ art~ tn the ~orm of a woven o~ kn1ttad spandax texttle mate~lal. A well-~nown exam~l~ o~ spandex ts ths trad~mark Ly~ra~
spande~ manu~actured by . I. D~pont da Nemours ~nd Company. ~hen taken all to~ethe~, the compl~ta wtndp~oo~ layer~d mat~r1al o~ th~ lnv~ntlon, outer text1le layer~nd lnn~r comblndt1on o~ hydrophobl~ polymer~hydtoph11t~
polym0r/~pand~x text11~, tend to ~tratch to~Qther a~ a u~1t. 1.e. move tog~the~ mechanlcally ~ a un~t. Th~ layars 4 ~nd ~ ln cQmbln~tlon w~th spand~x ~ ~s pref~rabty unlted ~th la~er 1 lnto a garmant ln such a mann~r 2~ tha~ ~h~ d1r~ct10n o~ h1gh~st ~tr~tchab1tl~y o~ l~ye~s ~ ~nd ~ lles around; the clrcumf~r~nc~ o~ th~ g~m~nt, 1.~, across the ba~, arms, and around the elbsw~ ~o as to tak~ maxtmum advantage of th~ favorab1e properttes o~
th~ matert~ls o~ manufaeture. F~gu~ 3 descr1b~s a low~ b~dy ~armen~ ~.

. .


hu~ seen that th1s lnY~ntlon pro~/ld~s l~ghtw~lght st~etchable, garment m~terl~ls wh~h can b~ worn und~r com~ort~bl~ elo~hln~ ln cooler w~a~h~r ~or outdoor act1vltles ~ ~ season-extendtn~ g~rment ~om~lnatlon or ean be a sw~ter. The garment may be rev~s~d ol turne~ tnslds out to 5 protect agalnst a sudden d~wnpsur o~ raln to kee~ th~ wearer dl~y. I~
be s~n by thosQ ~k~11ed ~n the art that varlolls m~ter1~1s n~y be ~ub~t1~uted for those axemp~if1~d ~bov~ and that oth~r Y~r1atlons ~nd ~odlf1catlons m~y be made ln the m~thod~ ut111~ed in mak1ng th~ g~rm~nts without depart1n~ from th~ ~p~lt o~ the 1nv~ntion, the s~op~ ol? ~llhlch ls 1~ dellne~tQd by the append@d cl~lms~

Claims (8)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1, A weather-resistant, windproof, lined garment, said garment comprising:
(a) an outer layer comprising a stretchable knit or woven textile and (b) an inner stretchable liner layer comprising a porous liquid water resistant, water vapor transmitting polymer composed of porous expanded polytetrafluoroethylene that is coated on one side with a hydrophilic polymer and is attached on the other side to an elastomeric textile layer, said inner stretchable liner layer positioned in the garment such that the side containing the hydrophobic polymer coating is adjacent the outer layer.
2. A garment of claim 1 wherein the outer layer comprises a knitted textile.
3. A garment of claim 2 wherein said elastomeric textile layer comprises an elastomeric polyurethane.
4. A garment of claim 3 wherein said elastomeric textile layer is manufactured from a blend of an elastomeric polyurethane with a second textile.
5. A garment of claim 4 wherein said second textile is comprised of polyamide fiber.
6. A garment of claim 1 wherein said stretchable liner is aligned within said garment such that the direction of maximum stretchability is around the circumference of said garment.
7. A garment of claim 1 wherein the outer layer is wool.
8. A garment of claim 1 wherein the outer layer is a synthetic stretchable knit.
CA000579368A 1987-10-21 1988-10-05 Weather-resistant windproof lined sweater Expired - Lifetime CA1310895C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US111,955 1980-01-14
US11195587A 1987-10-21 1987-10-21

Publications (1)

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CA1310895C true CA1310895C (en) 1992-12-01



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA000579368A Expired - Lifetime CA1310895C (en) 1987-10-21 1988-10-05 Weather-resistant windproof lined sweater

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CA (1) CA1310895C (en)

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AU1750488A (en) 1989-04-27

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