CA1305948C - Method of and apparatus for making and dispensing carbonated water with a double diaphragm pneumatic water pump - Google Patents

Method of and apparatus for making and dispensing carbonated water with a double diaphragm pneumatic water pump


Publication number
CA1305948C CA000552491A CA552491A CA1305948C CA 1305948 C CA1305948 C CA 1305948C CA 000552491 A CA000552491 A CA 000552491A CA 552491 A CA552491 A CA 552491A CA 1305948 C CA1305948 C CA 1305948C
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French (fr)
John R. Mcmillin
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Cornelius Co
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Cornelius Co
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Application filed by Cornelius Co filed Critical Cornelius Co
Priority to CA000552491A priority Critical patent/CA1305948C/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1305948C publication Critical patent/CA1305948C/en
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  • Reciprocating Pumps (AREA)


A method of and apparatus for making and dispensing carbonated water with a double diaphragm continuous delivery pneumatic liquid pump had s water pressure regulator on a water inlet line to the pump, a water fill line to a carbonator, a propellant exhaust line from the pump to the carbonator, a carbon dioxide line to the carbonator, and a gas pressure regulator for controlling the storage pressure in the carbonator and the exhaust back pressure in the pump propellent outlet, the exhaust back pressure in kept higher than the water pressure at the pump preventing diaphragm inversion; the method has the steps of dropping water pressure into the pump to below carbonation pressure, and maintaining the carbonation pressure on the pump diaphragm preventing inversion.
A method of and apparatus for boosting water pressure using the aforesaid pump wherein the pump boosted water pressure at its maximum is equal to a pneumatic propellent pressure minus a propellent exhaust back pressure plus a water supply pressure, wherein structure connected to the pump exhaust and the pump water outlet maintains a water inlet pressure less than the exhaust back pressure preventing diaphragm inversion in the pump.


Thl~ lnventlon ~ert~ln~ to a method of ~nd apparatu~ for ma~ln~ and tl~p~n~lng a~rbonatod wat~r wlth a double dlaphra~m contlnuou~ dol lvery pneumatlcally pow~red wat~r pump, whereln ~ pre~ure ln excee~ of a r~duced water ~upply pro~uro, 1~ k~pt upon the d~aphra~m~ preventlng dl~phr~m lnve~lon.
~ hl~ lnventlon al~o p~rta1n~ to a method of ~nd apparAtu~ for booetlno w~ter pr~ure wlth a doubl~
dl~phra~m pneumatlo pump whor-ln a p~opellent oxh~u~t ~ back preo~ure on the dl~phragm~ 1~ kopt hlghor than a wat-r ~upply pr~ure for prev~ntlng dlaphra~m lnv~r~lon .

~ h- mo~t r~1~VAnt ~rlor rt 1~ doo~-ntod ln J.R.McMlllln ot Al U.~. p-t-nt 4,30~,736 of D-comber ~, 19~1. Thl~ pat~nt document~ a oompl-t- ~o~t drlnk bev-r~c~l~ dl~pen~lng ~y~tem of th- po~t-mlx typ~ havln~
pneumatlc ~Yrup pump~ and a doubl~ pl~ton aontlnuou~
d-llverY pn-umat~c w~tor pump for delLvorln~ ~lt~-r t~p or un-pre~urlz~d wat-r to a c~rbonator vo~ol. Th~
doubl- pl~ton pump ln thl~ dl~p-n~-r 1~ the ~poalfla ~ub~ot matter of J.R. MoM~llln et 1, V.S. pat-nt 4, 354, ~06 an~ thl8 pump ha~ a aontrol VAlY~ whlah 1~ th~
poolic ~ub~-ct mattor of G.A. Tr~ay, U.~. pat-nt .



4, 3 lO, 025 . R~fe~ence may b~ had to tlleae pat-nt~ for an exten~1v~ hl~tory of the prier art loadlng up to ~ho devaloPmont o the pnoumatlcallY powera~le dio~an~n~
~y~tem of 4,304,736. Thl~ dlspen~or and lt~ co~pon~ntry havo b~en tremondou~ly ~ucce~ul and re~r~ent the world's flr6t ~xten~lvelY ~ucae~ful ~o~t dr1n~c d~penoer uslng ~yrup ln ba~l-in-box ~BI8) packaglng.
Th1s dl~pen3er 1~ ln sxten~lv~ u~ ln th~ U . g ., Au~tr~lla, Spaln, Italy, and el~ewher~ nd lt produae~
and dlepenaes a high qual t ty ~oft drlnk b~vora~a.
The problem~ that h~ve dev~lop~d wlt~ tho dis~on~-r aocordln~ to U.S. ~atent ~,30~,736 ha~e to do wlth relatlvoly hl~h co~t, complexlty, ga~ uea~e, large ~lzo, and m~lntenanco. ~he~o prob~em~ manl~t the~olv~ prlmarlly ln the doubl- pl~ton ~ pump.
Th~ double pl~ton pump r~qulre~ ton~, pl~ton rlnu~, ~h~t ~e~ ta$nle~- ~tool cyllnder~, dl~arete 1nboart ~nd out~oard cYl~nder head~, ~nd qulte liroe tl6 rod~ to hold lt to~ether. lt 1~ ~ulte complex an~ ha~ a great many proal~lon and expen~1v~ part~. An extra ~uantlty of propel lent ~a~ con~umod to overcom~ the ~rlctlon~l lo~e~ lnourred by th~ pl~ton rln~ he pump 1~
qulte l~roe wlth ~l l lt~ dl~crete part~ and largo tle ro~ nd lt tal~e~ up ~ lot of ~pao- lnelde of th-dlopenser. The double pl~ton p-~mp re~llre~ a falr amount of relat1vely ~ophl~tloated mAlntenanoe wlth ~.

3~;)59~8 ~erlodlc repla~ement of pl~t~n rlng~ ~nd ~al~, tlohtenlno andtor replac~m~nt of the ~any prop-llont ~
lln~, and lubrlc~tlon. Tho wron~ typo of lub~laatlon wlll effectlvely cont~mlnate th- water and cau~
d~carbonatlon ~nd foamlno upon dl~pen~ln~. If th-pl~ton rln~ a~, blown by w~t~r 1~ al~o exh~u-t~d bY
the control valve andthe v~lv~ m~y tend to fr~az- up a~
the prop~llent ga~ pr~s~ur- and temperatur- drop~ ~nd th- water l~akage 18 exhausted.
Much lntere~t na~ b~en focu~-d upon th~
d-v-lopm~nt of ~ double dl~phra~m contlnuou~ to1lvory ~yrup pu~p to r~placo th~ ~ln~o actlon dlaphra~ Yrup pump ln th~ dl~pen~-r of U.S. p~tent ~,30~,736.
~p-clfla ~xampl- of a commerclA11y ~uco-~ful doubl~
tl~phra~m Yrup ~u0p 1~ documented ln W. 8 . C~edle, U . 9 .
p~tont 4,436,~93 o~ Marah 13, 198~. Th- r-ad~
r-forF-d to tho ~xt~n-lv- altod Fefer-nc~ t of 4,436,493 for ~urthor xampl-~ of prlor pump~ ~nd componentry. FunatlonallY ~lmllar doubl- dlaphra~m trade- m a~ks A pump~ ~r~ Avallab~e undor tho ~ MaCann, ~ellofram, Flo~-t, ~hu~lo, Wllden, Rupp, ~TT, and othe~. Anoth-~pump of th~ typ~ l~ ln W. R . ~ohol lo, U, 8 . ~atont ~,123,~0~. Th~ pump of Credle 30,~93 ha~ a co~t whlch l~ about 1/2 of th- oo~t o~ the pump o~ MaMlllln t al ~, 35~, 806 . 8erlou~ ffort~ havo b~en m-do to trY
and m-k- th- ar~dl- pump work ln tho dl~p-n~-r of ::

_ 3 _ /

~3~ S9~

4,304,736 but all effort~ to d~te hava fall~d.
The rea~on for the fallur~e i~ that th~
dlaphr~ms f~ll and wear and bur~t from ~nv~lon of tha diaphr~m~ due to the unpr~dlctable pr~80ure of th~
wAter supply~ ~he double ~l~ton water pump wlll draw water under partlal ~ncuum, or po~ltlvoly .tak~ ~nd dl~place pra~urS2et w~ter. It mak~ no dlfference whether th~ water ~upply 19 pr~urlzed or not becau~
th~ plston rlng~ oeal both way~ peolfloally und~r pre~sure or va~uum and to elthar ~llde of ~h- rlng~. ~he double dlaphra~m pump ha~ never beon ~ble to do thl~ and lt mu~t be con~ ruated to pull undsr vacuu~ onlY. In a double cyllnder pump, on~ ~lde 1~ beln~ pres~uFlzed WhllB the oth~r sld~ xh~u~tlng. ~he pump dlaphra~m~
ar~ norm~lly bLa~0d toward the llquld ~lde by th~
prs~ur~ on th~l ga8 ~t~ or by the partlAl vaauum on tho llquld ~ldo. Durln~ the exhauBt cyualo, thl~ propellent pr-~ur~ 18 removea ~rom the dl~hragm and the d~ aphraorn s~ bla~d by thl8 partLal vacuum on th~ llq~ld ~ldo. In the power or pumpln~ cycle, the dlaphra~m 1~ bla~ed lnto the llquld by the propellent ~r~ure.
How~v-r, lf ~n automatlc pre~s~urlzed ~ourae o~
waAter ~Uch A~ a munlalpal wate~ llne or an automatlo ~ f~
~]f~ well ~ystem 18 connected to Sh~ pump, upon th- ootart of tho exhau~t nd reflll aycl~ tl~e dlaphra~m la foraed lnto th~ gA~ chamb-r bY the water pre~oure and ~nvor~lon of the diaphragm takes place. When the pumping cycle again starts, the diaphragm is blown back into the syrup chamber by the propellent pressure and reversion of the diaphragm takes place. The normal configuration of the diaphragm during propellent pressurization and pumping is inverted due to source water pressure.

Needless to say, continued inversion, reversion, inversion, reversion and so on of the diaphragm leads to its early and premature failure. All sorts of bizarre events occur upon perforation of the diaphragm. Water is free to get into the gas system, and gas, such as C02, can be fed into the water lines and start copper sulfate production. The beverage dispenser is also put out of order.
It is necessary to boost water pressure in order to carbonate the water. An ambient temperature carbonator requires about 100 PSIG water pressure and a cold carbonator requires about 30 PSIG water pressure for attaining the industry standard of 4.5 volumes of carbonation.

The existing booster systems are primarily electric and utilize a motor driven pump of some type. The most extensively commercialized water booster pump is a carbon sliding valve pump made by Procon and powered by an electric motor under the control of a X.`


13059 ~8 relaY~ The~e ~re expenalve, but ar~ acc~pt~d ~nd exten~lvely u~ed. ~lec~rlc vlb~ator w~tor pumpo ~e u~ed ln v~ry low volume dl0~0n~r~. Some ~l~pen~era have dropped the ~a~ pre~uro ln eh~ oarbonator to let wa~or ln. Booth, Ina. h~ ma~ ~o~ o~ the~o ~x~plee, The onlY succe~sful ~neumatlc wAt~r pr~ur~ boos~e~ ha~
b~en the doubl~ plston pump o~ J.~. ~eMlll~n et al, 4,304,736. No party has boen ~ucca00ful ln boo3t~n~
wàter pres~ure wlth a dlaphra~m pump. A low co~t ~l~hly ~ollabl~ and ~lmple pneumatlc wator p~o~uro ~003te~
would be very usable ~n 1~ cool~d beve~a~e a~ulp~-nt, at ~p6clal e~rent~ whore eleetrlclty 1~ not av~ ble and for manY oth~r pr~ently unrocogn~zed uaee.


t ~ ~n ob~ct of th- pre~ent ln~entlon to provlde a n~w and lmproved m~thod of ~aklna and dl~pensln~ carbonated water wh~r-ln ~ doubl~ dl~PhrAsM
llqu~d pump 1~ utlllzed for pumpln~ wAter wlthout dlaphragm lnver~lon It 1~ an ob~ect of the ~ro~nt lnv-n~lon to provlde a new and improv~d ap~arAtuo for m~kln~ and dl~pen~1n~ carbonat~d w~ter wlth ~ doub~- dl~p~rAqm pneumatlcally power~d yu~p th~t wlll ~unct~on wlthout d~aphragm lnv~r~lon It 1~ an ob~eet of the pr-~ont lnv-ntlon to prov~de a now ~nd lmproved m~thod of and/or appar~tu~
~or boo~tln~ wat~r pr~ur~ hav1ng new ~topo and ~tructur- ~or pr-ventln~ dlAphra~m ~nver~lon ln tho pnoumatla pump A m0thod of pneumatlcal 1Y maklng ~nd dl~pon~ln~
c-rbonat~d wat~r h~ the ~tep~ of conn~ctln~ a doubl~
tl~PhrAsm contlnuou~ dellvery ll~qld pu~p to An automatlc bulX w~ter ~ourae, r-~ulatln~ a c~rbon~tlon pr~o~ur- ln carbon~tor, provldln~ to thO pump a prop~l~ont aa~ pre~uro wh~ch 1~ nlflaAntlY hlgh~r than th- oarbon~tlon pr~ur~, Pumpln~ w~tor to the aarbonator wlth tho propellont ~re~ur-, b~a~lno up ~-d ~3(~S9'~8 propellent ~as ln an outlet of th~ pump and ~alntain~ng an exhau6t back pre~eur~ ln the pump and on ~h~
dl~phrAgms, d~oppln~ w~t~r ~our~e pre~ur~ to A w~ter ~upplY pres~ure ~t the pump llquld lnlat wlth th~ wator supplY pr~ure bein~ le~ thAn the exha~t back pre~sUre, and preventln~ d~aphra~m lnver~lon ln th- pu~
~y ke~p~n~ a ~as pre~sur~ on th~ dl~phr~am whlch 1 alwaY~ hlghar th~n the w~t~r ~pply pr-~ure.
Apparatu~ for makln~ and d~ap~n~ln~ carbonatsd wAtor wlth a double d1aphragm oontlnuou~ dollverY pu~p, havln~ n c~rbonatlon pre~ure, A wator f~l1 lln~ fro~
gas A the pump to the carbon~tor, A ~o~ollent ~w~ lln~ to the pump at a pre~ure ~l~nlflcantly hlgher than tho aarbonatlon pre~6ure, ~truotur~ on a u~ed p~opell~nt exhau4t of the pump for backlna up an exhau~t ba~k pr-~ure lnto the pump ~nd on to thealaphra~, And a re~ulator ln the water lln4 ~ot to provldo a wat-r pplY pre~ur~ lnto the pump llquld lnlet wlththe wat-r ~upplY pre~ure belng le~s th~n th~ propell~nt ~xhHuet bao~ pr~sura.
A method of boo~tlng water pr~ur- wlth a dou~l-dlaphragm oontlnou~ dellverY pnoumat~c pump ha~ th-to ~4c 1, ~top~ o~ provldlng pro~ellent ~ lternatlv~ too aah d~aphra~m of tho pump, boo~tlng wate~ pres~uro to c~oee to the propellont pr~u~e, exhau~tlng u~ed propellont ga- ana b~cklng up the exh~u~ted ~a~ at an oxhau~t gas 13~5~ ~8 pressure, reducing bulk water source pressure to a water supply inlet pressure which is less than ~he exhaust back pressure, maintaining the exhaust back pressure alternatively upon the diaphragm which is not subjected to the propellant pressure and preventing diaphragm inversion in the pump by keeping a gas pressure upon the diaphragm which is always higher than the water supply pressure.

Apparatus for boosting water pressure with a double diaphragm continuous delivery pneumatic pump has structure for supplying water to a liquid inlet of the pump at a pre-determined water supply pressure, structure for providing propellant gas at a propellant pressure to the pump, and structure in the propellant exhaust of the pump for backing up an exhaust pressure which is higher than the supply pressure, for preventing diaphragm inversion in the pump.

Thus, according to one aspect of the present invention there is provided a method comprising the steps of connecting a double diaphragm continuous delivery prleumatically powerable liquid pump to a pressurized source of liquid; providing pressured propellant gas alternately to each diaphragm of the pump, said propellant gas being at a propellant pressure which is substantially higher than the liquid source pressure; pumping the liquid through and from the pump under the propellant pressure; exhausting used propellant gas from the pump and ~3~
backing up the exhausted gas at an exhaust back pressure which is higher than the liquid source pressure; maintaining the exhaust pressure alternately upon that diaphragm which is not being exposed to the propellant pressure during refill of the pump; and preventing inversion of the diaphragm by always keeping on the diaphragm a gas pressure which is higher than the supply pressure to which the diaphragm is exposed during refilling.

According to a further aspect of the present invention there is provided an apparatus for pumping liquids, comprising a two diaphragm pneumatically powerable continuous delivery liquid pump, each diaphragm thereof having associated therewith a liquid inlet, a liquid outlet, a propellant gas inlet and a propellant gas outlet, a pressurized source of liquid, the pressurized source fluidly connected to each fluid inlet by fluid connecting conduit means, the conduit means having pressure regulating means for providing the liquid at each liquid inlet at a pre-determined maximum liquid supply pressure, a pressurized source of propellant gas, the pressurized source connected to each gas inlet by a first gas connecting conduit means and the gas connecting means having gas pressure regulating means for maintaining the propellant gas at a pre-determined propellant pressure above the maximum liquid supply pressure, and exhaust regulating means connected to each gas outlet for maintaining an exhaust pressure that is always greater than the liquid supply pressure.

- 9a -, ' ~3~ oS~ ~
Many other advantages, features and additional objects of the present invention will become manifest to these versed in the art upon making reference to the detailed description and accompanying drawings in which the preferred embodiment incorporating the principles of the present invention is set forth and shown by way of illustrative example.

- 9b -A

9~8 ~5FE~__9cRIPTTo~ Q~-THR D~A~

FIG. 1 i~ a ~luld ~ch~m~tlc of tho pro~rr~d ~mbodl~ent of the apparatu~ of the pra~ant lnventlon, wlth whlch the m~thod of th0 pr~nt lnvontion m~y b~
praatlced~ and F~G. 2 1~ an ~levatlonal s~otlon~d vl~w t~k~n throu~h one cyllnd~r of a dou~1e dlaphra~m pump ut~llzad ln the pr~ent ~nventlon.

D~C~I PTI~N OF THJ5 P~15FD!IR~ Wl~l~

~ he preaent invsntion l~ partlau1ar~y uoefu1 when embodled ln An apparatu~ for maklng and ~l~p~n~ln~
carbonat~d wat0r a~ hown ln FI~ nd l-~enerally lndlaated by the numeral 10. The ap~aratus lO
l~ ~ pn~umatlaally poworod ~y~tom for m~kln~ ~nd dl~pen~lng a~rbonAt~d wat~r and of~ drln-k-, ~nd lt utlllz08 a doubl0 dlaphra~m aontlnuou~ d~llvery realproa~tln~ llquld pump 12 to pump wate~.
Tha appara~u~ 10 hA~ a w~t~r ~upply lln~ 14 havlng an lnlet conneoto~ 16 ~or b-ln~ oonnootod to an automat~o bul~ wator ~ourco wlth an unknown And unp~edlctabl- water pre~surel lt aould be hl~h, ¢ould be low and typlcally w111 varY conold~r~bly durlna a day.
TYplaal oxamplo~ o~ an automat~c wat~r oourc~ wlll bo munlalp~l water liyEtem~, prlvate well l-nd pu~np ~y~tom~, l~ra~ bulldln~ wAt~r ~y~tom~, and wAtor ~y~t~m~ ln 3(~59 48 ~actorle~, off~c~ tore~ and 80 forth. A relatl~-ly hl~h flow water pre~sure reuulator 18 1~ ln~talled ln the water ~upp~y llne 14 and 1~ px~ at a factory to provlde ~ predetermln~d water ~upply ~re~ura of 2S P~IF
(172 kPa) to a water lnl~t 20 of the pu~p 12. If ~ourc~
waSer pre3~ure 1~ hlgher than 25 PSIa, lt wlll b~
brought down to 25 PSI~ and ~f lt lr belo~ 25 PSI~, th~
lower pre~ure wlll be p~e~ad throu~h the r n ulator lB
and provlded at the water lnlot 20. A ~refe~red w~t~r pr~ure r~gulator 1~ avAllable from W~tt~ R-aulAtor Co ., LAwren~e , Ma~ carbon dloxldo bottle 22 pro~lde~ C02 ~a~ throu~h a ~a~ ~re~sur- re~ulator 2~.
Th~ output pre~ur- of th- regulator 2~ lo ~re~-t to 85 P~Ia (S~S kPa) ~nt thl~ 1~ the propollent pre~uFe ~up~ d to propellent ~ nlet 26 of the pump 12 vla a ~lr~t ~A~ llne 23. Th~ ~lr~t g-~ lln- 23 ha~ ~
conn~ctor 30 ~nabllng th- ~pp~ratu~ 10 to be oonnect~d to ~n xtern~1 g~ re~ul~tor 2~ moun~-d on a remoto C02 bottle 22 OF alt~rnatlv-ly the r~ulator 2~ may b-down~tream of the conneator 30 ~nd b~ ln the a~par~tu~
10 .
Th~ ~ump 12 ha~ lt~ wat~r o~ltlet 32 f luldly conn-cted to ~ o~rbonAtor v~ l 3~ by a wat-~ flll lln-36. Th- flll ~ lne 36 hA~ cheak valve~ 38 for pr-v~ntlng rover-~ flow, a norm~llY alo~ad wate~ flll valv0 ~0 for control o~ water flow therethrou~h, a he~t xohana- col~

1.~3~ 8 42 for coolln~ o~ water to about 32 ~ogr-o~ F ~0 degr~e~
C), ~nd a turbulntor 44 for YlOl~ntly Aglt~tlng and mlxln~ the cooled w~ter and ~02 aa~ flow. Th~
carbonator 3~ ha~ a leval aen~ln~ ccntrol 46 whlch 1 operatlvely connecte~ to the flll valvo ~0. Th~ aontrol 46 and flll valve 40 m~y be a floa~ and NC ~olenold valve, a f loat and a needle v~lvel or an ~loctrlcal level aen~or ~nd a ~olenold valv~, or ~omo other Gommonly used devlae. Another c~rbon dloxld~ ~ao lln~
48 through a dlscrete chook valv~- 50 ha~ A dl~orat3 pressure regulator 5Z wh~ch 1~ proaet at the ~actory to h~ve an output presaure of 30 P~ 9Z~O kPa). ~he regulAtor 52 i~ a s~lf r~ v~n~ davloe and 1~
downstream ln th~ ga~ llno 4R ~rom th~ che~ ~alvo 50 and any exce~slve preoRure beyond the ~st pro~ure of 30 PSIq ln the carbonator 34, for ex~mplo 3 psIa or ~r~at~r (20 kPa~ wlll be v~nted out of tho re~ul~to~ 52 ~o that the pre~uro ln the carbonator 3~ ept aS a nomlnal 5 ~ 3S kPa) greator than the re~ulat~d w~tor ~upply pre~Bure. The second car~on d~oxldo ~a~ llne preferablY connected to th~ flr~t carbon dloxlde ~a~
llne 2B between the connocto~ 3~ and the pump 12.
A C02 exhau~t ga~ llne 5~ h~vln~ ~ chocl~ valv- 56 for preventlnv reverse ~low, lead~ from ~ g~ exhau~t outlet 5B of th~ ~ump 12 to the w~t~r flll llne 36 ~n between th~ hoat exahan~er ~2 ant tho tu~bulato~ 44.

When the ~ump ~2 1~ operatlng, u~od propellent C0~ ~nd aool~d pumped water ar- concurr~ntly run throuch th~
turbulator ~ for carbonatlon o~ the w~t~r, snd the u~ed p~opellent C02 1~ agaln u~ed for carbon~tlon of th~
water. A carbon~ted water dl~pen~ln~ llne 60 l~ad~ froln the carbonator 3~ to a dl~p~n~lng val~e 62, whlch 1 alao connected to ~ ~upplY of ~ f1r~t b~vera~- ~Yru~ 6 whloh may be a cola.
A fl~t water dl~penolna llno 66 l~ taX~n of~ of the water 3upply 11no 1~ ln botweon the w~t-r pr~uFe ro~ulator 1~ and the pump 12 ~o that flat wat~r l~
alwaY~ under a 25 PSIG ll72 kP~) oon~tant pr-~ur-. The flat wator llne 66 ha~ a heat oxohAn~- aoll 6~ wh~oh 1~
B ln a common heat_~f~ ~not ~hown) wlth the oth-r he~t oxchan~e ~2, and 1~ oonnootod to a ~oaond dl~pon~1n~
v~lv- 70 whlah l~ al~o conneote~ to a ~-cond ~ourc~ of b-v-ra~e ~Ylrup 72. Th- con~tant ~nd pre-~etermlnod ~ter pre~ur- ln th- flat w~t-r llne 66 make~ lt vo~Y
ea~Y to ~ccur~toly control the wat-r flow ~ato durln~
dl-pen~ln~ of a ~saondary flat or low aarbonatlon bev-r~ge .
The pump ~2, a~ prevlou~lY mo~tlon-d, 1~ a double ~laphraom typo pneum~tlaally power-d roolprocatln~ pump 12, havlng a ¢entral aonneotln~ rod ~0, a palr o~
p1~ton~ 82, and tl~phragm 8~. A~ ~hown ln d-tall ln F~. 2, the 11~ld or pumplnu chamber ~6 1~ on the outer 1 3~ 5 9'~
end and th~ ~a~ or propellont cha~ber ~8 1~ on t~lnn-r end. Mo~t of tho double dla~h~a~m pump~ ar~ bullt thla way, but the Shurf lo pump and a few oth~r~ ar~ r~v~r0~d and have th~ llquld ahsmb~rs ln th~ mlddl~ and the ~rop~llent chamb~F~ on the out~ld~, Elth~r wlll worl~ ln thl~ a~pAratus 10 and ln thl~ mothod.
The reabon that th~o doubl~ dLaphra~ pu~p~ ha~e never worked a~ a water ~ump 1~ ~raphl~ally d~plct~d ln F~a. 2. Lower ~lds R ~hows ~he norm~l po~ltlon o~ tho dlaphragm 84 whereln th~ propellent preq~ure for~oe and alwaY~ bla~e~ the d~a~hra~m B4 lnto the llqu~d cha0b~.
Durlno pro~urlzatlon of the propell~nt ch~mb~ B8, the dlaphragm 84 1~ ~lwaY~ ln lt~ normal po~lton a~ ~hown on ~ld~ R. Durln~ flllln~ of th~ llquld ahamb~r 86, th-chamber B6 1~ normally at a partlal vaauum a~ lt ~ucks ~yrup or other llqu~d ~nd thl~ parSlal vaouum koop~ ehe dlaphra~m pro~erly ~o~ltlonod ~ ~ho~n ln ~ld- R.
Howover, 1~ the pump 12 h~ be-n aonnect~ to ~ouroe of pro6~urlzed wat-r, whsn ths propoll~nt ¢h~bor B8 ha~ been opened to atmo~phere vla the pum~ oontrol valve and thall~uld ch~mber ha~ b~n under the 30uro~
wator pre~ure, the ~ourae wator pre~ur~ 3 h~ lnverted the dlaphra~m 84 ant foraed lt Lnto the propell~nt ohamber B8 a~ 1~ grA~hlcally deplat~d ln ~ldo I o~ JI~.
2 whereln th~ dl~phr~m 84 1~ ~hown ln a ~tat- of lnvor~lon. Thl~ lnver~L4n/rever~lon~lnv~r~on/r-v~r~lon ~ 9'~

occurs every cycle and tha dlaphragm~ ~ ha~e fa~l~t extremely faRt, wlth a gre~t me~ a~ a eon~bq~-nc-.
In the operatlon of the app~r~tu~ lO and ln tha practlce of the method of the pro~on~ invantlon, th~
~ource water ~re~ur~ l~ re~ulat-d downward to ~ pr~-det~rmlned r~gul~ted pr~su~e ~25 PS~ or l72 kP~) whlch l~ below tho ca~bonator ~tora~ pr~ure ~30 P81Q or 206 XPa). Th~ ~arbon dloxlde axhau~t of ths watez pUEp 12 18 ~ent lnto the c~rbon tor 3~ and thQr~ ~ an exhau~t back pre~sure whlch l~ alway~ hl~her th~n ~he r~ulat~d water ~upply pre~ur0 and therefor~ both dlaphra~m~
are alway~ under ~ prop~l lent p~ea~ure wh~ch l~ yr-a~
than the water ~UDply pre~ur~. Spocl~cally, whon pumpln~, the dl~phra~m ~4 l~ under 85 Ps~G (585 kPa~
propollent pr0ssure ~nd whsn r-fllllng the d~aphra~m 8 10 under 3~ PSIG (206 kPa) exh~u~t b~cX pr~ur-, Thl~
lo what prov~nt~ the dl~phraom~ 0~ from lnv-rtln~ and thl~ 1~ wh~t now enabl~s the u~ of th-~e ~elatlv~lY low ao~t and hl~hly efflcl~nt rellable double dlapllra~m ~ump~ 12 a~ w~t~r pump~ ln c~rbonated water Y~temo~
Thl~ ~pparatu~ 10 and method u~e 1~ aarbon dloxlde ~a~
than the parlor ~ystem o~ U.8. patent 4,304,736 becau~e the dlaphrA~m~ B~ aro e~entlally froe of ~rlctlon and th~ fr!otlon lo~e~ o~ pl-ton rln~ do not hav~ to b-ov~rcome. ~h~ propoll-n~ pre~ur- 5n th~ ~a~ llne 28 1~
~l~nlflcantly l~ than tho ~ro~ollent pre~ur- ne~d~d 1 3~
bY the devlce of U.S. pAtent ~,304,736 And the~efora tha structure of the pump 12 may bo ~m~llo~ ~nd 1~ cortly.
If the con~umptlon and uca~o of C02 b~co~
unde~lrable or ob~ectlonable, the appar~tu~ ~0 can be pow~red by compr~ d a~r with alt~rnatlv~ pneuma~lc llne~. ~he ~aB lln~ 48 wlll now be dl~rat~ly connected to C0~ and havo a r~gulatad 30 PS~G ~ 206 kP~) o~tput ~nd prePerablY be connee~d lnto the flll lln~ 36 up~t~e~m of tne tuxbulator 44, The p~opallent a~ no 28 wlll be connected to A ~ource of compr~s~d Al~ ~not ~hown) and bo provlded wlth compras~d alr At the ~am- BS P~Iq.
An alternatlv- propellent exhaust llno 90 wll1 conneated to ~ pre~aur- rell0f valve 92 which vent~ ~o atmo~pher- At a pre~ou~e of 30 P~ (206 kP~) ~hlch 1 alw~Y~ greater than tho rogul-ted water ~upplY pre~uro, ~o th~t an exhau~t ~aok pre~uro l~ malntalne~ ln th-prop~llont ahamb-r 8~ durlng f~llln~ of the pum~ uld chambor~ 8~, ~ he compro~e~d alr ox~au~t bacX pr-c~u~e whlah 1~
~ected by the rolle~ v~lve 92 may bo hlaher or low-r than the oarbonatlon ~re~aure ln the car~onator v-rsel 34, but the water r6~ulator 18 alway~ provldoc ~ w~t~r pplY pros~ure lnto the pump 12 and upon the dlaphra~
~4 whlch lB le~ than th~ prop-llont xhau-t bAak pre~ure so th~t th~ hl~her exh~u~t ~a~ baok pre~s~re on tho dla~hr~m~ prevents dlaphrA~m ~nvo~lon durln~


CYl lnder f 111 ln~ .
The b~rera~ app~r~tu~ 10 and m~thod contaln new and lmproved method of an app~r~tua ~or boo~tino~
water pre~ure. Th~ llne source w~ter pre~sure (Pl) la drop~d or reduce~ to a water ~upply pr~sur~ ~Pw~) whlch 1~ alway~ le0~ than a propollant xhauJt back pre~u~e (Pe~. Th~ pneumatlc propell~nt pr~.u~o (Pp~
ln ~ropellent g~a llne 2B wlll uou~lly bs hlgher than the wat~r ~our~ee pr~ure and highe~ th~n the water ~upply pr~Ure (Pw~). Th~ pum~ outpu~ or boo~ted w~tsr pres~ure (Pwb) wlll at lt~ m~ximum approach th-propel lent pres~ure . ~hl~ new a~paratu~ lo and m-thod ~ucntlon ~caord~n~ ~o the al~orlthlm Pwb mAx ~ ~p - Pe + Pw~
whereln tho rogulator 52 or rellef valve 92 alw~y~ keep th~ ~xhau-t ga~ b~ak pre~uro ( Pe ) are~t-r thnn th~
wAt~r ~up~ly pre~ur- IPw-) from the wat-r pre~u~
re~ulator 1~ for pr-v~ntlng lnvorslan ol the pump dlaphra~m 84 durlng fllllng of the llquld ohamber a6.
Tne ~oo~ted pre~ure (Pw~) w111 ~all ~ome a~ the flow lncrea~e~ but upon clo~lng of the 111 vale 40, ~whleh can b~ ~n outl~t v~lv~), th~ boo-t-d pr-~ur- wlll re~ch lts maxlmum valve ln A ~tatla oondltlon . ~he llne ~ouro~ w~t~r pro~u~o ~Pl) 1~ ~eduoed or droppod by th-wator r~gulator 18 So the le0~r ~upply pro~ur~ ~Pw~.
Pw~ and Pe Ar~ pr~farably pre~t flx oon~tant 1 3~

valve~ wlth Pws beln~ le~a than ~ carbonatlon ~aturatlon preseure ~lvln~ 4.5 ~elumo~ of carbonatlon at ~0 ds~r~-~F ~3 degroes C), lf and wh~n ~h~ boo~ter A~aratue and method are u~ed ln a carbonated wate~ aYats~.
Thls 1~ a brea~th~ough enAbl~ng the u~a~e of low co~t and hl~h s~flc~ency and rallablllt~ doubl~
dlaphr~g~ pneumatlc pump~ ~ wat~r pump~ ~n carbonatlon ~t~m. Thl~ enable~ roplac~ment of pl~ton tYp~pump~ o~
electrlc motor dr~v~n pump~ wlth ~ le~e~ ao~t ~nd mor~
efflclent d~aph~agm pu~p. The pumpln~ capaclty ha~ alæo bqen ~l~nlflcantly lncreased ~uæ to th~ effoctlv- and offlclent appllcat~on of pn~umatlc pow-r. ~h~ tYp~ o~
an apparatus 10 ~nd m~thod o~n now ~- u~-d wlth lc~
coolln~ where electr~clty 1~ not avallAbl~.
~ hls new boo~ter ~ystem enabl~ low co~t replacement of Prooon type or other eleatrlo water pump~
and enab1e~ the manufaatu~e of l~or ao~t and hl~hsr rellablllty ¢ar~onatlon ~y~t~m~.
Although othor advantage~ ~aY b~ ~ound and reallzed, and varlou~ and mlnor modlfl~atlon~ ~u~o~t~d by tho~e ver~ed ln the art, b~ lt undor~tood that I
wl~h to embody wlthln the ~cop~ o tho p~t~nt warranted h-r~on, ~ uc~ embotlment- a~ roa~onAbly ~nd ~ro~rly com~ wlthln the ~aope of my aontrlbutlon to the art.


Claims (33)

1. A method of pneumatically making and dispensing carbonated water comprising the steps of:
a) connecting a double diaphragm continuous delivery pneumatic liquid pump to an automatic bulk water source;
b) regulating a carbonation pressure within carbonator vessle;
c) providing a propellent gas pressure to the liquid pump, said propellent pressure being significantly higher than the carbonation pressure;
d) pumping water to the carbonator vessel with the propellent pressure;
e) backing up used propellent gas in a pump exhaust and maintaining a gas back pressure in the pump exhaust and upon the diaphragms of the pump;
f) dropping the water source pressure to a water supply pressure at the pump liquid inlet, said water supply pressure being less than the exhaust back pressure; and g) preventing diaphragm inversion in the pump by always keeping a gas pressure on the diaphragm which is higher than the water supply pressure.
2. A method according to claim 1, wherein the pump is connected to an automatic bulk water source having variable and unpredictable pressure.
3. A method according to claim 1, including the further steps of cooling the water between the pump and the carbonator vessel, and regulating the supply water pressure to 25 PSIG or less and the carbonator vessel carbon dioxide pressure to 30 PSIG or more.
4. A method according to any of claims 1, 2 or 3, in which a carbonator storage pressure is at least 5 PSIG greater than the regulated water supply pressure.
5. A method according to claim 1, in which the propellent gas is carbon dioxide.
6. A method according to claim 5, in which the used propellent carbon dioxide gas is exhausted into the carbonator vessle.
7. A method according to any of claims 1, 5 or 6, including the further step of dispensing non-carbonated water taken out of the pressure regulated water supply upstream of the pump.
8. A method of pneumatically making and dispensing carbonated water, comprising the steps of:
a) connecting a double diaphragm continuous delivery liquid pump to an automatic bulk water source at whatever pressure the source may be at;
b) dropping the source pressure to a predetermined supply pressure and providing only the supply pressure to a liquid inlet of the plump;
c) pressurizing a carbonator vessel with carbon dioxide gas at a storage pressure which is higher than the supply pressure;
d) providing propellent gas to the pump at a propellent pressure which is greater than either the supply or storage pressure and which is relatively constant regardless of the source pressure;
e) filling the carbonator vessel by boosting the water pressure in the pump and in a fill line to the carbonator to a filling pressure which is higher than the storage pressure and which is approaching the propellent pressure, and opening a fill valve to the carbonator to allow a filling flow; and f) preventing inversion of the diaphragm in the pump by always 1) keeping the propellent pressure on one of the diaphragms, and 2) keeping the storage pressure on the second diaphragm, so that both diaphragm always has pressure thereon which always exceeds the water water pressure.
9. The method of claim 8, including the step of dispensing flat water at the dropped pressure, before the pressure on the flat water is boosted.
10. The method of either of claims 8 or 9, in which the propellent gas is carbon dioxide, and including the further steps of exhausting all used propellent carbon dioxide gas to the carbonator, and keeping the gas pressure on the diaphragms higher by backing up the carbonator storage pressure into the pump and against the diaphragms.
11. Pneumatically powerable apparatus for making and dispensing carbonated water, comprising:
a) a carbonator vessel having a water inlet, a water level control and a water outlet connected to a dispensing valve;
b) continuous delivery pneumatically powerable double diaphragm type liquid pump having a liquid outlet connected by a water fill line to the carbonator water inlet, and a liquid supply inlet connected to a water supply line;
c) a water pressure regulator in the water supply line, said pressure regulator having an output pressure set at a per-determined water supply pressure;
d) a carbonator fill valve in the water fill line, said fill valve being operatively connected to the level control for control thereby;
e) a first carbon dioxide gas line fluidly connected into the carbonator vessel, said first line having a first gas pressure regulator set at a pre-determined storage pressure which is higher than the water supply pressure;
f) a second carbon dioxide gas line connected to a propellent inlet of the pump, said second line being connectible to means for supplying carbon dioxide gas at a regulated propellent pressure higher than the storage pressure;
and g) means for maintaining a gas pressure higher than the water supply pressure on the pump diaphragm at all times during exhaust of used propellent gas from the pump.
12. The apparatus of claim 11, including a flat water line leading from the water supply line to a second dispensing valve, said flat water line being connected into the supply line in between the pump and the water pressure regulator.
13. The apparatus of claim 12, including a discrete heat exchanger in and for the flat water line, and a discrete heat exchanger in the water fill line, said exchangers being in a common heat sink.
14. The apparatus of any of claims 11, 12 or 13, in which said gas line has its inlet end fluidly connected into the second gas line.
15. Pneumatically powerable apparatus for making and dispensing carbonated water, comprising:
a) a carbonator vessel having a water inlet, a water level control, and a water outlet connected to a dispensing valve;
b) a continuous delivery pneumatically powerable double diaphragm type liquid pump having a liquid outlet connected by a water fill line to the carbonator water inlet, and a liquid supply inlet connected to a water supply line having means for being connected to an automatic bulk water source;
c) means in the water supply line for reducing an undetermined water source pressure down to a pre-determined water supply pressure to and for the pump liquid inlet;

d) means in the water fill line and connected to the carbonator level control for control of water flow from the pump to the carbonator;
and e) a carbon dioxide gas system having 1) a first gas line fluidly connected into the carbonator vessel, said line having therin means for regulating a carbon dioxide supply pressure in the carbonator vessel at a pressure which is higher than the water supply pressure;
2) a second gas line connected to a propellent inlet of the pump, said second line being connectible to means for supplying carbon dioxide gas at a regulated pressure substantially higher than the storage pressure, and 3) an exhaust gas line fluidly connected from a gas exhaust of the pump to the carbonator vessel.
16. A pneumatically powerable apparatus for making and dispensing carbonated water, comprising:
a) a water supply line connectible to an automatic bulk water source at an undetermined water pressure;
b) means in said supply line for reducing the source water pressure to less than a pre-determined carbonation pressure;
c) a double diaphragm type liquid pump having a liquid inlet fluidly connected to said pressure reducing means and a liquid outlet connected to a carbonator vessel;
d) a compressed gas propellent line connected to a propellent inlet of the pump, said propellent line having means for supplying propellent gas at a pressure higher than carbonation pressure; and e) means for applying the carbonation pressure upon the diaphragms of the pump, so that both diaphragms are always under a gas pressure which is greater than the water supply pressure, for preventing inversion of the diaphragms.
17. A method of boosting water pressure and supplying quantities of water at the boosted pressure, comprising the steps of:
a) connecting a double diaphragm continuous delivery pneumatically powerable liquid pump to an automatic bulk water source;
b) providing pressurized propellent gas alternately to each diaphragm of the pump, said propelled gas being at a propellent pressure which is substantially higher than the water source pressure;
c) boosting the water pressure to closs to the propellent pressure by pumping the water through and from the pump under the propellent pressure;
d) exhausting used propellent gas from the pump and backing up the exhausted gas at an exhaust back pressure which is higher than the water source pressure;
e) maintaining the exhaust pressure alternately upon that diaphragm which is not being exposed to the propellent pressure during refill of the pump; and f) preventing inversion of the diaphragm by always keeping on the diaphragm a gas pressure which is higher than the supply pressure to which the diaphragm is exposed during refilling.
18. The method of claim 17, a) including the steps of pumping the water into a carbonator;
b) maintaining the exhaust back pressure at the carbonator pressure; and c) reducing the water source pressure to a water supply pressure into the pump which is less than the carbonator pressure.
19. A method of boosting water pressure and supplying quantities of water at the boosted pressure with n double diaphragm continuous delivery pneumatically powered liquid pump, commprising the steps of:
providing and controlling the ...
water supply pressure (Pws).
water boosted pressure (Pwb), pneumatic propellent pressure (Pp), and the propellent exhaust back pressure (Pe), according to the algorithm Pwbmax = Pp - Pe + Pws, by maintaining Pe greater than Pws with control means connected to a propellent gas exhaust from the pump and to a water supply line into the pump, for controlling the valves of Pe and Pws respectively, and thereby preventing inversion of the diaphragms in the pump while reciprocating the diaphragms in the pump and pumping water at up to Pwbmax.
20. A method according to claim 19, including the further steps of connecting the pump water inlet to an automatic bulk water source having a line pressure of P1, where P1 is greater than Pws, and including the further step of reducing P1 to Pws.
21. A method according to claim 20, wherein Pws is less than the carbonation saturation pressure of carbonated water having 4.5 volume of carbon dioxide at 40 degrees F.
22. A method according to any of claims 19, 20 or 21, in which Pws and Pe are pre-determined nod and preset constants. .
23. Apparatus for boosting water pressure and continuously pumping water at the boosted pressure, comprising a) a double diaphragm pneumatically powerable continuous delivery liquid pump having a liquid inlet, a liquid outlet, a propellent gas inlet and a propellent gas outlet;
b) means for providing water to the liquid inlet at a pre-determined maximum water supply pressure.
c) means for backing up used propellent gas in the gas outlet at a pre-determined minimum exhaust back pressure, said exhaust back pressure being higher than said water supply pressure; and d) means for providing propellent gas into the gas inlet at a propel lent pressure which is significantly higher than the exhaust back pressure.
24. Apparatus according to claim 23, in which said water providing means is a water pressure regulator having a constant output pressure, said regulator being connected to an automatic bulk water source.
25. Apparatus according to either of claims 23 or 24, in which said backing upmeans comprises a vessel for containing previously boosted water, said pump liquid outlet being connectedto said vessel.
26. A pneumatically powered water pressure boosting apparatus a) operatively defined by the algorithm Pwbmax = Pp - Pe + Pws wherein:
Pwb = boosted water pressure, out of the pump;
Pp = pneumatic propellent pressure into the pump;
Pe = propellent exhaust back pressure at the pump;
Pws = water supply pressure at the pump;
and having b) a double diaphragm continuous delivery pneumatically powered liquid pump having a liquid inlet connectible to the water supply pressure, a liquid outlet for water at the boosted pressure, a gas inlet connectible to the propellent pressure, and a gas outlet subjectable to said exhaust back pressure;
c) means connected to said gas outlet and said liquid inlet for maintaining Pe greater than Pws.
27. The apparatus of claim 26, wherein said means comprises a) a water pressure regulator connected to the liquid inlet for regulating Pws, and b) a gas pressure regulator fluidly connected to the gas outlet, for regulating Pe.
28. The apparatus of claim 27, including and connected into the water supply between the pump and the water pressure regulator, for discrete draw of water at Pws.
29. The apparatus of any of claim 26, 27 or 28, in which the liquid outlet is fluidly connected to at least part of said means.
30. An apparatus for pumping liquids, comprising:
a) a two diaphragm pneumatically powerable continuous delivery liquid pump, each diaphragm thereof having associated therewith a liquid inlet, a liquid outlet, a propellant gas inlet and a propellant gas outlet, b) a pressurized source of liquid, the pressurized source fluidly connected to each fluid inlet by fluid connecting conduit means, the conduit means having pressure regulating means for providing the liquid at each liquid inlet at a pre-determined maximum liquid supply pressure, c) a pressurized source of propellant gas, the pressurized source connected to each gas inlet by a first gas connecting conduit means and the gas connecting means having gas pressure regulating means for maintaining the propellant gas at a pre-determined propellant pressure above the maximum liquid supply pressure, and d) exhaust regulating means connected to each gas outlet for maintaining an exhaust pressure that is always greater than the liquid supply pressure.
31. The apparatus as defined in claim 30, wherein the propellant gas is carbon dioxide, and the pressurized source of fluid comprises a carbonator, and the carbonator having a liquid inlet fluidly connected to a supply of water and a fluid outlet connected to the fluid connecting conduit means, and the carbonator connected to the propellant gas source by a second gas conduit means, the propellant gas providing pressure to the carbonator through the second gas
32 conduit means for pressurizing the water held therein for pressurized delivery of the water to the carbonator liquid outlet, and the second gas conduit means including pressure regulating means for providing a pre-determined storage pressure to the carbonator greater than the maximum liquid supply pressure.

32. A method of pumping liquids, comprising the steps of:
a) connecting a double diaphragm continuous delivery pneumatically powerable liquid pump to a pressurized source of liquid;
b) providing pressurized propellant gas alternately to each diaphragm of the pump, said propellant gas being at a propellant pressure which is substantially higher than the liquid source pressure;
c) pumping the liquid through and from the pump under the propellant pressure;
d) exhausting used propellant gas from the pump and backing up the exhausted gas at an exhaust back pressure which is higher than the liquid source pressure;
e) maintaining the exhaust pressure alternately upon that diaphragm which is not being exposed to the propellant pressure during refill of the pump; and f) preventing inversion of the diaphragm by always keeping on the diaphragm a gas pressure which is higher than the supply pressure to which the diaphragm is exposed during refilling.
CA000552491A 1987-11-23 1987-11-23 Method of and apparatus for making and dispensing carbonated water with a double diaphragm pneumatic water pump Expired - Fee Related CA1305948C (en)

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CA000552491A CA1305948C (en) 1987-11-23 1987-11-23 Method of and apparatus for making and dispensing carbonated water with a double diaphragm pneumatic water pump

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CA000552491A CA1305948C (en) 1987-11-23 1987-11-23 Method of and apparatus for making and dispensing carbonated water with a double diaphragm pneumatic water pump

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CA000552491A Expired - Fee Related CA1305948C (en) 1987-11-23 1987-11-23 Method of and apparatus for making and dispensing carbonated water with a double diaphragm pneumatic water pump

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN107555389A (en) * 2017-08-29 2018-01-09 鼎纳科技有限公司 Air pressure liquid draining device

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN107555389A (en) * 2017-08-29 2018-01-09 鼎纳科技有限公司 Air pressure liquid draining device
CN107555389B (en) * 2017-08-29 2024-03-15 鼎纳科技有限公司 Pneumatic liquid discharge device

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