CA1304251C - Asphalt surface renewal method and apparatus - Google Patents

Asphalt surface renewal method and apparatus


Publication number
CA1304251C CA000587123A CA587123A CA1304251C CA 1304251 C CA1304251 C CA 1304251C CA 000587123 A CA000587123 A CA 000587123A CA 587123 A CA587123 A CA 587123A CA 1304251 C CA1304251 C CA 1304251C
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French (fr)
Adam F. Butch
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Priority to CA000587123A priority Critical patent/CA1304251C/en
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Publication of CA1304251C publication Critical patent/CA1304251C/en
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Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current



A method and apparatus for renewing the surface of asphaltic paving at low cost and for immediate reuse. The asphalt surface is heated to about 300 - 500°F. The surface is broken to a depth of about two inches and the lower material thoroughly mixed in situ with the broken surface material.
After mixing, the material is further heated to fuse the heated mixture into a homogeneous surface. The surface is screeded for leveling and compacted by a road roller. A road machine is disclosed having a steam manifold for heating the asphalt, transversely reciprocating breaker bars having teeth adjusted to the depth desired, toothed mixing cylinders for mixing the broken material, and a second steam manifold for reheating the mixed material. Reciprocating screed bars on the road machine level the mixed and heated material. Final compacting may be done with a conventional road roller.


J ' ~ 2s~


1. ~iæl~! of the In~rantlon..
ll Thi~ in~ nti~n genesally rel~te~ to rew~king o~ Rhalt road ~~ces ~nd more pArl~lculArly to Z~ me'chod ~rld ~p~ArAtu~
~ol: ren~wln~ th~ ~Ur:~ACe of ~oph~Lltlc paving a'c low eol3t ~or lmm~dlate reu~a.
2~ De~c~lp~lon o th~ Prlor Art.

~ h~ u~ o~ ~oph~lt f~r palring ~ h~ghw~y~, parklng ~re~s ~nd th~ liJee 1~ wlde~pr~A~ ~in~ thl~ m~t~rl~l pro~lde~ an e~~tlve and reLatlvel~ low ~o~t ~urf~a~c However, ~oh ~ur~ace~ have a limited life1;lm~ du~ to problem~ ~rom hQa~
generated ~y ~ra~ia and weath~ar$ng. ~r ex~L~ler the top ~US~RC~ 0~ ~rl ~ll3p~Alt p~vem~nt m~y be~4me highly oxidl~ed or ~olmerized due t~ ~he~ h~t ~ources. t~hen thlo occur~, th~ .
normA~ re~ilien~y o~ ~che ~8~ e~ially a~f~ct~r ~ollo~ed ~y ~r~ak1n~ an~ brel~k1ng of the surfa~3. Thi~ lo~
pxo~u~e~ hol~ ~nd lrre~ul~rl~e~ In thfa pav~d su~f~ce Rn~
event~ily lead~ tc~ ~ requiremen~ ~or r~p~Ying or r~s~r3cing ~f th~ ~ur ac~. ~t ~ kno~n tcJ ~re~k up d~mag~d a~ph~l~ pavlllg ~rfac~, t~n~p~t th~ ma~lal ~o ~ pl~ or reproc~qlng ~nd ~ddiny of n~w a~phalt, ~nd thereaft~r r~l~yln~ the aur~ac~.
. _ ,. ~ om~whzlt low~ ~o~t ~han .rep~ng wlth ~ll n~w ma~ceri~l, ~be ~o~.of ~uch m~thod i~ r~lAtively higI) And tim~ ~on~ ng, ~qulrin~ r~ YaL biE th~3 roa~y ~ er~tlc~
. ~

HOBB~ BELI~;SE ORLRIlDO~ FL P. ~4 ~ ~ 3~2~

In th~ prior ~rt, ~ number e~ method~ have been propos~
~nd u~l1ized to ~ene~v ~ph~ltic p~vlng ~urfaces wlthout th~
n~ces~ity of ~om~pletsly ~obullding ~r r~pl~ing ~he ~ur~ca~
Th~e known ~roces~e~ gene~lly in~lu~ ~he zldaitlon of new s~phalk or other ~lmll~r mat~r~ , re~uvenAtlng compounâ~, ~nd the llke. Al~o ~uch proce~ea inv~ pllclcing ~p o~ l:he broken ~phA1t lnto ~ ~h~mber or devic~ Por r~uven~tion and r~pl~Lng the material on a rew~k~d ~02d b~

I~ 190 known to r~w4rk the ~ph~Al'c in ~itu t howev~r, ~11 )cnown in sltu ~roce3~e~ lnvolve the ~ of new rQ~terial ~uch as ~ç~uv~n~tlng li~uid~, re~h a~phalt, lim~ r~k, and num~r~u~ oth~r m~te~

For example, N~ville in U.~. P~ent No. 3 . ~S, 280 te~che~
A ~ne~ fo~ t~e~ting a.n a~ph~lt pavemer~t by u~e of a l~quid reaonditionlng agent ~l~closlng ~ nrzlk~" ~evl~e to w~rk ~h~
~urac~ ~C? ob~aln pen~t~atlon of th~ reconditloniag ag~nt. Tho c~uac og~ th~ tlevllle patent i~ th~ u~e of hlghl$r p~netrA~iVe radlant energy ta m~ke th~ ~ph~lt hlghly re~eptlv~ tD the llquid r~ondl~lonlng ~gent.

1~ Paten~ NQ. ~I~2611~69 to 15~ ~ea~he~ a st~m he~tlng mean3 ~o~ ~e~uv~nAtion, th~ methc~d dl~10sed involvas ~coc)pin~
up out--lp a~halt, h~a~lng in a h~a~ chamb~ nd l:here~t~r ~i~ah~rgin~ l~he ~alv~g~d m~terial irl the ~!orm o:E ~1ud~e.
.' .;
~ p~t~nt to Ja~on, Sr., U,,S. ~. 3,~g7,~7~, u~ b~rn~r .... ~ ~.... .. , . ,.. ,., ., .,,.. ,.. ,~.. .
unit~ whlcll hav~ the del~t~riou~ e~fe~ o~ ~urth~r oxidlzing th~ ~ur~a~e ~sphAlt, ~ck~on ¢~nt~mplat~s a ~achln~ :IEor _ _ H013BY ~ ~EUSSE ORLI:~NDO~ FL P. 0'` '~
., .
9L3al~;~5 ~vening out ~i$~co~-tion~ 2Ind irre~ul~ritie~ planln~ of ~
oxidi~d ~nd brlttl~ p~tlon~ before re~ur:~Aelng7 w~lfyir~g the ~ur~ce prap~r~tory ~G ~e~uEfa~lns~ applylrlg ~ ~e~uv~natln~
agent aLnd n~w re~urfac~ng nulterial~ ~nd ~ompact~on.

R~nk et al, U.S. P~t~nt No. 3,732~0~3, ~l~clt~ pp~rAtu~
whlch p~0Ce83e~1 old asph~lt by mixlng ~ith llme, c~3ment, or emulsi~ a~ph~l~ to produ~e ~ new ~e ~or ~ new ~o~d ~urface .

U . 8 . Pa~ent N~ . 1, g5~ ~ 4S2 to Monro~ 08e~ m~An~ for planlng an~ gradlng ~L~ph~ yp~ road ~urfac~ ~ftar h~ltlng ~n~ ~cari~ying. A ~nA~r d~ffi~ulty ~ith the llonroe ~ppro~ch 1 tha~c only th~ ~ur~¢e of th~ roA~w~y i~ broken u~ or ~c~if ied ~r~d ~he he~t~d m~eriQl i~ ~lmply s~ ed for l~veling.
Ther~or~, such ~n ~ o~ch doe~ l$t~1e m~re thAn ~mooth out ~tr~ lrr~gularl~L~ and do~ nothlrl~7 to actually r~new the sur~Ac~, In ~ ;. Patent N~. 3,989,401 ~eo Mo~r~ch, A~ rat~
d~3erlbed ~hich ~aA~lf ie~ ~h~ h~ed ~u~~ce o ~h~ ro~dway ~h$~h 1~ ~hen l~vetL~d ~y a 0~r~ed ~e~rlae. In thl~ p~t~nt, ~empe~a~ur~E~ oi~ 2400~F ~r~s r~qul~ed fo~ op~r~tlon of the paratu~. ~nfor~cun~tely, the~e l~gh t~mper~ture~ tend ~o ~u~ther d~gr~ the a~ph~ltl~ te~ . Other p~t~nts, auh ~a U.S. Pa~ent No. 4,1~ 25 ~nd No. 4,17a,~73, te~ch ~he renewlng o~ a~phalti~ ro~dw~y ~ur~A~e8 by br~Alclng up the old ~urace Elnd g~n~rally Inixing new ~ al~ w~h ~h~ ~la~ m~te~iLal~ ~ma .~...... ... . .
redl~Lbutinq th~ ~uppl~ nt~ t~ l o~er
~hu~, thl~ ~p~o~c:h ha~ th~ di~a~vantag~ o~ addltlonA~ *t o~

HOB~Y ~ELISSE ORLI~NDO~ FL P. 1~6 ~3~L2 fr~h mat~rl~l plu~ th~ requlr~ment ~OI~ ~lxin~ ~he n~w n~terials ~nd th~ materi~l~ to ~e reu~d ~

SUM~RY OF T~B IN~EUTIQl~ , I have d~te~:mine~ ~hat the ba~c ~oblam~ with ~phal'c paving surface~ ~t*m from the d~3terlor~ti~n ~f ~ ornall ~urfac~
thlclcne~3 o~ materiAl which becornes oxl~i~ed or p~lymerized ~u~
to weathering. When thi~ vccur~, th~ nclrmall~ r~llient material~ y b~gin to ~rack, f~rming lr~ ul~ti'cle~3 ~nd hol~
~hlch, through rlorm~l we~Lthe~ rlAtlon~ ~nd traf~ic conditlon~, c~use th~ ~urf~e ~ c~n~lnue to des~r~dç. I h~ve E1130 found th~t the norm~1 p~r~ent~ge of ~ur~Ace degrade~
m~te~ ui~e sm~11 com~r~a ~o ~h~ to~al aophalt u~ed ln the roadbed. A~ de~cr$bed above, aL number of ~tt~mpt~ h~ve been mA~ r~u~e th~ h~l~ by br~Alsing up the ~r~e, ~crapin~ aw2~y the ox1 dlzed ~pb~lt o~ mixing in fre~h mA~r~la, and ~$mil~r a~pr~hes, nor~e o~ h have ~e~n very su~ u1. A m~or probl~m wi~h prlo~ art ~ppro~he~ Ari~
~rom ~he u~e o~ ~1Ame type burn~r~ ~ produ~e he~t f~r ~oft~nln~ o~ the a~pl~A1t. ~he hlgh burner ~mp~rature6~ An~
high te~rAtu~e~ pro~u~d ~n th~ a~h~lt ~ntrlbuta to e.ddi~1onal ~xi~a~lon and polym~rlz~tion ol~ th~ ~sphAlt. I h ~et~rn~ ed th~ th~ very high tæmpe~ature~ ~omm~nly u~ed Are not nec~a~y ~n~l ~h~t lower t~mp~ra~uEe~ ox exA~nple~ not o~.tar ~00'1F~ ~r~ ~c~ory. . ~emp~rAtu~*~ Ln thlo s~ng~ may be gener~ted with ~eam ~rom a ~PAm bolle~. These lo~r tenperatux~ wlll ~u~icl~ntly so~ en ~he ~ur~ac!e of an asp~
p~v~en~ ~ p~mlt r~e~eneratlon, but will not produ~a additlon~l d~r~d~tion.

HOBI~Y ~ ~EUSSE OI~Li~ iO~ F~ p ~7 ~3~

My nov~l mel:hod ~f r~3uxf~çing ~sphalt l?a~ing include~ the followinq ~ItepB

¦ 1 ) The ro~dw~y BUr~aQ~ i~ he~e~l Above ~OO~Y and ¦ pre~er~bly ln the ~Ang~ of ~00 $~0F.

¦ 2 ) The surfa~e o~ th~ aqphal~ Eoken thrc~ugh l~y ¦ suit~bla m~An~ g~tlexally to ~ ~epth o~ about two lnch~ rhi~
¦ ~tep produ~e~ 4roken piece~ o~ ~phAlt which ~re lr~ th~
¦ m~terial'~ oxig1nAl re~lllent conditlon ~ln~e th~ deg~Aded ¦ ~uxE~ce portion~ q~dom exc~ed a thlckn~a6 of AbC)-lt 1/4 inch.

¦ 31 ~oothed c~llnd~r~ pick ~p ~h~ bro~c~n ~h~lLtl~
¦ matqrial ~n~, th~ough ~ mixlng actlon, tho~4ughly mix the ~
¦ volume o4 ~eg~aded t~p ~ur~G~ m~ter~l in ~l~u wlth th* f~eah ¦ low~r portlor~3 o ~he ro~dway.

¦ 4 ) A~ter th~ mixln~ a~tlon pro~uco~ by the toothed ~yllnder~, th~ m~rlAl 1~ ~4ub~ectod t~ ad~itlonal h~in~ ~o ¦ p~rmlt eu~n~ o~ the helated m~ture int~ A bomogeneou2l ~urfa~e.

. ~ re~d bo~rd~ then are utili2ed ~o l~vel th~ rem~e~
¦ ~nd ~ehe~d ~ur~ace~

6 ) P1nR11Y~ ~ corlventional ~oa~ roller Colr~p~G~ tha ~mooth mix~d ~nd rehezlt~ mat4rl~l1 into a ren~wed r~ nt roAdway sur~ee. A~ m~y no~ ~ unde~oQd~ th~ ll an~unt of .. ~ ...... ,,.. .....
d~gr~ded ~u~f~2 m~t~rial~ i~ thoroughly n~lxed ~1~h Lc~we~ ~r~h ma~ o orm ~ part o~ the binde~ or lnert ~rtlon~ o~ ~he HOB~Y ~ELISSE ORLRIlDO~ FL P. ~!~


a~ph~ltO A ~r~h~ fully re~illent asphalt ~ur~c~ 16 then ~ posed to th~ vehicular ts~~i~. Due to the ~ela~lvely low tem~er~tuxe~ use~, ~he road~ay ~an be pla~ed ir u~e very q~lckly a~er ~e~u~f~cing.

The ~ucce~sful ~c~omplibhm~nt o~ th~ a~osre ~ep~ i~ mad~
pos~ibl~ by a nov~l ro~dway ms~hine in accorda~ wlth the inv~nti~:an. Although th~ VArioU~ o~era~lc)n~ d~rib~ CBn be ~c~mpll3h~d wi~h ~ number o~ kn~ chAnl~l a~sng~3ment~ ~ ~n ~ner~ ~a~rlng, low ~ chin~ may ~ncorl?orA~ ~n ~long~t~d l:ru~c b~d havln~ a cab and drivln~ engine at the fo~w~rd eT~d.
The erlg~ne 19 praferably a dl~el ~ype, At khe ~vrwQrd ~nd ol~
the m~hlne, I ~$~t p~ovide an ~chau~t m~niold whioh dlr~ct~
the ho~ exh~u~ rom thç3 truck ~ng1ne to prnh~t tile asph~lt.
N~tXt, ~I prop~ne burna 1~ provlded for bu~n1ng o~f the oll ~!ilm whl~h ~7111 not mix with the a~ph~lt~ The buxner 1~ ~ontrolled ~ n inten~ity for ~he fcrw~r~ v~loci~y o~ th~ b~n~ ~o a~ 'co prevent any addltlonAl oxidat~oll fro~ t~lcing plAc~ hough lt use~ul h~t ~o the as~h~t. Followlng the burner i~ a ~te~m manl old. ~rh~ ~team m~nl~oïd i8 ~i~ed ~I:o ~over A de~ir~
areR o a ~oadw~y, for ex~m~ls, .from 10 to 15 fe~t ln w~dth.
The marlifvld 1~ ~u~rounded ~ 21 ~lexl~l~ pl~tlc or ~imilJ.x ~kirt w~s~eh ~erv~ to m~niml ~ le~k~y~ o~ th~ ~k~Am. In ~p~elt:1C~ h~8 mAnlfold i~ lqw~ d ~o ~:he point where the ~neirclin~ ~kir~ ~usts con~t~ the ro~d~ray ~ur~ace. A stQam ~oller mount~d on ~he ch~s~ of the vehi~l~ provide~ the de~ir~ m to the rnhnlold e~t pr~ure~ whic:h will produc~
th~ d~sired a~hal~c temp~raturea in the 400F rær~e to a de~th .... . ... . , . .. .. .......... .......... .... . . .
o~ 2 - 3 ln~h~ a Th~ chine will ~ ren along. one lane o~!
a roadwAy at a rat~ ~uiEf lcien~ ~o pro~u~o the de~lre~l he~ting .


A~ wlll be under~tood, the 3t~i!1m tQlnp~r~ture re~uir~d ~ill b~
function of th~ ~ate whlch ~he m~ch:Ln~ 1~ drlven down the . ~o~dw~y .

Next, a ~et :7 bre41s~ r~ ia pro~lde~ ~nd dlspo~ed imm~iat~ly behind the ~t~am manlfold. The br~ak~r b~r3 ~e~ip~o~ate later~lly ~c:~o~ the r~adl~d ~g the ~pp~r~'cu~ ~v-~orw~r~. The~ br~3~kar bar~ h~ve ~ ~e~le~ o~ ~own~rArdlly deper~dillg t~th and ~:~e hydrauli~lly contr~ a to ~a~u~t th~
de~ Qt ~rhi~h the teeth ~re ~ermi~d to pl3n~t~a~ th~ AOphAlt:
~ur~Ace. Gene~ally, a ~ n¢e of a~u~ t~o inch~ h~ be~n found ~uf lclent . A~ th~ breaker bA~ ~e~lprocate l~ter~lly and th~ mA¢hln~ move0 ~orw~d, th~ a~phalt IElU~f'ZlC~Q lt~ Ari~!lea ~nd ~oken up ln~o rel~tlvely smAll piec~

. It ~houla be noted a~ ~:hl~ p~lnt th~t th~ breaker ~ 3 perform th~ ~un~lon of bre~kln~ up ~he ~often~d A~phal~, but mAin~inlng e~entially th~ ~m~ 0t~tl1qa~ion . ~h~Lt ~ ~, the degr~aed mA~eri2l ~ ~he ~urf aca ~s~ntially remain~ ~t th~
sllr~ qh$1~ tho fr~h, ~e~ilient ~sphalt lower ir~ the ~d tena~ to ~em~ln ~t theL~ l~vel.

i ~ ~h~r~3for~s, I ollo~ ~h~ b~eak~r ~ rlth ~ ~e~ o m~xlng cyli n~e~3 . ~h~ clng ~ylln~ y b~ ~rm~ rom ~ pair o~
1A~ ylinder3 ~xt~n~ln~ the ~ld~h o thi3 m~hln~ cha~
~a~h ~ylinder h~ in~erl~ck1 ng rows o~ de~ndent te~th . The cylind~r a~s3m~1ie~ m~y be ~ais~d and l~w~r~d, de~enaent upon ~h~ d~p~h 'co ~h~h th~ a~phalt h~ been ~rok~n. Thu~, the .,~ ...... ,. . ~
d~p~d~nlt te~h w111. nqrln~lly b~ . ~d~u~t~d ~o ~x~n~ ~o ~hq daPpe~ po~n~ o~ th~ br~ak~r bar a~ttln~. Th~oe ~ylind~r~

HO~BY ~EUSSE ORLR~ 8r FL F'. i0 1~04~51 rot~t~ A~ 21 rell!ltlvely lo~ rat*, ~uch ~ ne t~ two rpm, as th~
~pparatu~ moves along the ~oAdway with the optlmurfl ~te detQ~mlned by th~ heat avail~bl~ ~n~ ~h~ fo~ard ~p~ o~ the machlne. Th~ te~th o~ ~he mixing ~yllll~le~ plck llp th~ broken ~phAl~ ~ie~es and thoroughly mlx the m~erl~ u~h th~ the Rm~ mount~ from the degr~d~a t~p ~u~ace matarlAl ar~3 lntlmR~ely m:l~ed ~ith ~le ~reater volume o~ fre~h~r, l~dex materlal~ he machin~ pro~re~e~ along th~ road~7~y, ~he mlxed materl~ de~o~i~ed to the ~e~F o~ thel mlxing ~yllnder~ ~

JU0~ to ~he re~r c~f th~ mlxing cylln~e~s, ~ p~ovide A
9~cond ~team n~nlfolfl ~lml1ar to th~ ~orwArd ~t~m n~nifold havi~ urro~n~lng ~klrt for mnlml~ing th~ h~t lo~a. ~e~m from ~hig rn~nlfol~ dlrecteâ onto ~he mLxad a3ph~1tic m~terial to brlng 'che tamperAtU;t~e ~ack to the optimum ~ e in the r~ng~ o 300 - 5~0~Fo I~anediat~ly behind the ~eaor~d ~t~Am m~nifold l~ An exhaust tnAni~ which lltl1~ zes hot exh~u~t q~e~ ~ro~Q 2 ~a~ond ~ngine u3~d ~o dri~ the b~eal~er b~r~ an~l mls~ln~ cyllnd~r~. To ~he re~r o~ thi~ manl~ol~l 18 ll 1!~ of l~t~rally ~eqlp~oc~lng sq~e~fl ba~:s whi~h ~r~ Ad~U~t~b1e ~nd ~6~r~tæ ~ mookh and ~l~t~en tha mlxe~ asph~1t ~onq~ntlonal .

The v~rlou~ mech~nlc~l devi~ u~t de~c;~ibQ~I dre controllalb1~ ~rom the aAb o~ the ma~h~ne and ~y be driv~n ~om th2 prime m~ver thIough ~ ~uit~ble power 'cake~off ~ or ~l~ern~tl~r21y~ ~i d~e~ ngirie m~y b~ nwllnted OA the ~eAr of the ch~s~i3 for op~rhtlng '~:he va:c~iou~ hanlo~l ~evic~ A
hy~lrAul~q ElyEIt~m may b~ c~upl~l to ~l~e die~1 en~ne ~or HO~BY ~ ~EUSS~ ORLRNDO~ FL F. 11 .' I
I il 3~42S~

c~ont~olllng the ~e~h snd ~ettf ng~ o~ the v~rious d~viee~ . To protrld~ A min~mum operAtlng ce)~t ~ox t:he m~hin~ of t~
~nventlon, I utlli2e m~t o~ the nor~lly wAat~d h~t frohl th~
dle~l engines an~ ~t~m bolle~ to p3ri~0rm u~eul w~rk~ ~r example, th~ manli~ol~ att~hed to tho drlvlng engin~ ~xhAuot manlold permits direct~n$ o~ the hot ~xh~u~t gAs onto th~
pavement surf~c:e imrn~lAtely ~head of the ~te~m m~nifola ~rlo~ .
to any other oper~tion~ O ~hu~ re~ov~rlng othe~wise lot3'e he~t .
Where ~ sep~rated d~s~l ~ngln~ ~ utili~ o~ oper~tinS~ 'çhe ~yst~m, ~he m~nlfold ~xtenâlng ~aro~ th~3 wlath o~ the ~h~o~ ~
i8 conn~ct~ ~o ~h~ engin~ exh~uot ~nd disp~e~ dl~tely ~o the ~ear of the scr~ed bAr~ and pr~ e~ addition~l h~At A8 mention~d ~bove ~hu~ ~ wa~te he~t ~!rom thl~ engln~ 18 d~ rec:ted onto $h~ ~cr~ded Qsph~lt to n~ntAln it3 temp~ratu~e for rolling~ I al~o conn~a~c the ~lu~ g~ ~tack from the ste~m ~iler to th~ t~o exh~ust ga~ mani~old~ to utlY ~e the heat f~om th~ combu~ion gAseæ.

tely following the ma~hlrle a~ lt move~ ng ~he ro~dwRy i~ ~ ~on-~ntlonal ~OAd rolle~r or ~he like to comprea~
~nd qn~oth th~ newly ~u~a~t road~7~y.

Du~ to the r~ y low te~perat~re~ o~ the ~ur~ce a~teY rollinq, lt may be r~cognl sed tb~t th~ ro~lw~y ~r pa-r~a ~urf~e ma~r be quic)cly put b G~S lnto ~ervi~ h~re.~or~, my app~rAtUg pe~mlt~ re urfaclng of p~rklng lo~8, roaa~, And th~
li~e ~ithu~ removlng ~:he are~s ro~n ~e~vi~3 for extended peaiod~ of ~ a~ hA~ be~n n~e~Ary ~n ~e prlor ~r~.

HO~BY 1~ BEUSSE ORLRl`i~O~ FL ~.10 1 9L3~
¦ It 1~, therefore, ~ prlllclp~l ~b~e~t o~ my lnv~ntivn to ¦ provlde ~n lm~ov~d methotl foi: rençwin~7 the ~urfacç of a~ph~lt ¦ ~oadway~ and ~he like without the neae~ y of break~ng up the ¦ ~ph~lt, tran~pc1 ~cln~ to a proc:e~ng plRnt, addlng n~
¦ ~nat~rial~ ~nd, in effect, rf3surf~cinq the ro~dw~y.
o ~nc: th~r ob~ of my lnv~ntlon to p~ovlde ~pp~r~us ~hioh may be driverl do~n an ~ph~l~ top~ed road~ay which ~
hes~ ~nd l:~e~k uç~ de~a~led ~ur~A~e mAteri~l ~nd fr~h m~teri~l below the surfAce ~ tbo~ou~hly nlix i~ e~h material and the degr4d~d mat~rlal ~n the ro~d~ nd ~re~ th~ mi~ed ma~e~ al ~co ~orm ~ r~h 5UrfAC~ whlch mAy b~ nedla~ely ~olled and put b~ck intc~ u~e I~ 1~ yet ~nother ob~ct of ~ny in~ntlon to .pro~lde a m~th4d and appar~tu~ for rea~fa~ln~ a~ph~Rltl~ p~ving ~ur~ac~8 wlthout requirement of new m~terL~l~ to pro~rt~e A gr~tly l ~xt~d~d ro~dwAy ~ fA~e ll~e ~1: a VR~y low c:~8t 4 r I
l ~t i~ ~tlll ~noth~r ob~t o~ ny invention ~o provlde a ¦ meth~d ana ~ppArAtu~ ~or br~kin~ u~ and r~h~bili~cAtln~ ~n ~sphal~ ~oad 8~f~c:~ throu~h the u~e of ~elAtlv~ly low t~mper~tur~s to pr~ten~ ~!u~ehe~ degrad~t~bn of ~he a~phalt au~ing th~ op~ra~icn.
., . .
.~ The~e and o~her ~d1Jant~g~o And t~b~e~ of n~ invent~on wlll )~eeome ap~aren~ f~om the ~ollow~ng c'l~talled de~ript~on o~
the prq!~rr~d embodim~nt wh~n r~ad wl~h re~rd to th~ ~r~wlngs.
................ ,........ ............ - '' , ''''~.

. -10 HOBEIY ~Y I~EU55E ORLRNDO~ F-L P. 13 ~ 5~

, _ , Figure 1 ir~ a si;J.e Vif~W of ~I typiC::!Ll t~ppArAtua for pra~ticing the method o~ my lnv~ntic~n ahowing A v~hlcle Ch~L0~
having A ~xlvlng ~3ngine, ~ ~team bo~l~r, ~na ~ ~y~t~nn op~rating 2ngine mc~unted th~reon wlth th6~ v~riou~ op~ratiY~ element~ u~ed for r~clalm~ n~ a~phAltic ~oAd ~rface~ in ac~;:Or~lAnCe with 'che method o my ~vention~

Figura ~ is a ~impli~led pl~n vlew sh~ring the ba~l~
ope~ative ~lement~ of my inven~lon ~hown in ~he ~IppAr~tus o Pigu~

Figur~ 3 i~ A parti~l vl~w of a b~k~ bar too~b sh~win~
the Rref err~ ~h~pe thQr~o~

~ igur~ 4 L~ ~ schemAti~ th~ ~ppA~atu~ O;e Figur~
~howing th~ m~nner in whlah ~h o~ ~he op~ e,t1t~e ~lement~ i~
~ontrolled in hs1ght ab~oe th~ d ~ur~ace ~y me~n~ o hydr~ulic ~yl1n~ç~

F1~ure 5 ~9 A ~qhetna~i~ diagrAm ~wing the u~ o~ ene~gy in pra~1c1ns the method o~ en~1On in whi¢h oth~rw~
~a~ta~ hea~ ~om ~he vehi~l~ d~ glr~e, rom ~h~ ~y~eem dt1ve ~ngill9~ and ~r~m th~ ~t~a~ ~oiler i~ gA~es l,a ef f~ ly Utill 2~;!1 î And , F1guxe 6 i~ R ~chemat1c dia~r~m o~ the d~ving ~nd control .. ~ .. , . ., .. ..... . . ... ...... ~
~ ay~t~m~ i~or opera~ing~ the v~rir~U~ ~evi~es ~f ~e ~pp~ratus ~n~

~or con~rolling th~ e~ And ~o~it1Ona.
: ,' .

' ll-HOB~Y ,~ BEUSSE OF~L~NDQ~ FL F 14 ~ 42~


a~y inven~Lon involveg the ~equer~ial oper~lon of ~ev~r~l elemonl:~, each of whlch perform A p~rticul~r ~per~ion in ~
de~ired ~querlce on an ~s~h~lt ~o~dwR~ or th~ llke. ~ ~ill 4e hpp~r~nt ~o tho~e oie ~kill in th~ ~t, there ~r~ A numb~r of me~:hAnl~Al Rr~ngemen~ whicll A~ 0Atl~ ory. ~owever, I
p~e~er to utlliz~ a ~ingle, ~lf-powered v~hicl~. A t:yp~aL
vehl~le Arrsn~ement i~ ~hown In ~lde vle~ ln F~g~re 1 in aome~h~t simpli~ied for~ tc~ illu~tra~ the aequence of th~se elqmenta wlth Fl~ure 2 ~hob1lng e~ bottom vi~ o~ the el~men~s.

App~ u~ 10 ln thl~ Q~empl~y v~r~i~n compr~ se~ ~ truck be~ 11 havlng a dle~el enginq 14 a~ its forw~rd ~nd And a cAb 12 for th~ operAtor. ~h~ variou~ element~ u~g~ to process th~
a~phalt d~pend from the chassi~ sh~wn. Th~ elemen~
wlll be d~aribed in the ~ueno~ ln whl ::h th~y perform ~heir oper~tlon~ upon an ~phal~ ~oad 5. Fir~t, ~n ~xhau~ ni~old 1~ 15 connec~ed to ~e exhau~ of di~s01 engln~ 14 ~n~ the hot exhaust g~ dir~ct~ from manl~old 1~ l:o the a~phalt .
~urP~. Whll~ khia h~t 1~ no~Ally in~u~ nt to gYeAtly ~ai~e th~ temperAtUre o~ th~ ~ph~l~ 5, it is h~t th~t would o'ch~rwl~ w~ed ~nd i8. here utili~ed. Imm~al~tely to the s~r oP th~ e~hAust mAnl~old 1~ urner ~1~ Burn~r 2~ d by a prop~n~ ~nk o~ ~lmil~r fuel ~ p~du~ A ~l~me In aoc~ordan~ç! wi~h my ln~en~lon, ~h~ ~lam~ d~usted to ~urn off tra~ oll ~llm ~rom ~he roAd~y ~urfac~ ~nd t~ add ~ddi~ionAl h~t to ~phalt 5, bu~ wlthout ~ur~he~ oxld~tioz~ t~ th~
. . .
. . ~ur~eO P'ol:lOwlng burner 21 la a ~t~Aln ~ lnl ICol~a 20 . M~n1fol~
20 irlclude~ a ~lexi};~le ~kirt portion 2~ . A8 ~ e cle~cribed HO~B`~' I BEUSSE ORLf:~NDO~ FL P. 15 ~3~

ln Inore detail h~relr~t~r, m~nl~ld 50 is aa~us'c~
erticzllly ~uah that sklrt 22 gu~t contacts the ~sph~lt ~ur~ace 5. ~klrt 2~ s~rve~ to confine th~ h~a~ ftom th~ ~t~Am m~nlf~ld to tll~ ar~a covered. A paak~e~ unlt ~8 h~vlng a bolle~
mount~d on 'che 2~e~r of ~ruck cha~ r~ may b~ ~ny ~u ~ t~bl~
packaged boller . Howev~r, ~: prefe~ t~ u~llize ~ Mod~l HP~T-1$-250-S-G boiler m~nufactu~ed by the Columbla Boll~r Compan~ ~ Pott~tQwn h~vlng a lS ho~epow~3~ ratlng. soile~ 2B
pr~~r~bly utllize~ en oll burner 27 for burning fuel ~11 whlch m~y be stored ln t~nk 34, ~lthough I.P g~s n~y be u~ed. Water ls ~t~red in tank 35. The slwunt o:~ ~teRm fadl to manl~1fl 50 i~ c~n'crol1ed such th~t the a~phal~ e heated ~o A
~em~e~Rture in the 3ao - sno~F r~r~ge ~or a del?th o~ 2 - 3 ~ncheu .

: To ~he ~e~ m~nlold 20, I provi~e A p~lr of reclproc~tlng breAker b~r~ ~hown genernlly ~t 4~ which comprl~
mount~ng ~t u~ture 41, b~ 2; ~nd ~ plur~1~ty o pyr~ldal ~hARe~ t~th 43 pr~ectlng ~m b~r~ 4Z. BreAk~r b~ro 40 ~Lr¢
Ad~u~t~bl~ v~rti~a1y and ~re ~dju~ted to penetr~te the ~urf~c~
o~ ~he ~s~hAl~ ~ deslred ~ep~h dep~n~lng upon the c~rld~ tion o th~ ro~dwAy. For exampl~, ~ depth of about ~ In~h~ h~ b~n ~ound to be ger~er~ly s~t~ sf~ tory, ~rh~ rec~procating bar~ 42 ~rve to ~re~k the ~oftened ~halt 1nto ~11 pl~ce~. To th~
reA~ of th~a br~ker bars 40, I provide ~ ~t of tooths~ mix~ ng ~ylinder~ 4~ hav~g py~m~ dAl sbAped te~h 45 pro~e~in~
ther~f rom. Mixir~g aylinde~ 44 ~e rc~atabl~ ~unted on ~unt 49 ~d AXe v~rtl~1y ad~u~tAb1e. P.~ mixlng cylln~r~ 44 ro~
in ~he ~lire~tlon ~ ~h~wn by ~he Arrows, ~h~ br~ken ~ph~
pioked up 4y ~h~ o'c~tion ~nd ~he ~o~rd mov~-nent o~ th~
',' ,' .i -13-';' ,.

1304?sl appara~u0 10 ~ thorollghly mlx the rela'civ~ly fr~h lvwe~
portlon~ o~ ~phal~ with the ~ma~l amount. of degraded ~urf~
m~t~rl~l prev~ou~ly bYoJcen up by th~ bre~k~r b~r~ ~0. As ~y be now undere~ood, the port~on oi~ the A~ph~lt ~vemené 5 tv th~
rear oi~ rotAtins~ inS1 cyllrlder~ 44 ~ill have pr~do~in~t~ly fx~ah aRp~)Al~ i~rom the 4elow the aurf~c~ port1on~ ~nd the s~all mount of degr~ded ~nd o~sidiz~ mAt~ri~ om ~h~ ori~lnal ~urfac~ wlll be mixe~ ln ~1~u w~ch ~he fre~her mat~rial b I nder, Ju~ o the rear of cylinder~ 44, I prov ide ~ ~econd or rear ~t~m m~nifold 29, iden~ical ln con~tru~tion to ~ron~
mRni~1d ao previou~ly d~rlbea. Maniold 24 i~ ~a ~eAm from ~oiler 25 through ~t~Am ~lpe 32~ Manlfold ~4 also ut$112~ ~ iElexible ~kirt 26 ~or maint~nln~ the he~'c direat~a to the asphalt. The purpo~e of manlfol~l 24 i~ ~co add heat ~o th~ mix~d ~r~8~ asp~ t,o ~ompen~t~ for tha~ lo~t durirlg the I:~eaking up proce~. N~xt, to ~he ~e~r i~ ~ound scre~d bar~ ~B
in moun~ ~l7 . A~ be~t ~en 1R Flqu~e 2, scre~3d bar~ 4a reclproc~t~ lAterAlly ~nd, a3 ~pp~r~tu~ 10 move~ f~rw~x~, produ~e~ ~ ~mooth ~ur~c~ from the l~ok~rl and ~ot~ne~ ~phalt.
' , . I On the re~ o~ tru~k ~h~ is 11, ~ provl~e 21 ~e~ond ~le~el engine 16 ~or d~i~ing the n~vLnq part~ of the app~ratu3 10. It wlll be ur~der~too~, Cl~ ~our~e, ~h~t a pow~r t~ke-o~ frc~m th~
.~ vehl~ glne 14 can be u~d a~ ~n ~lk~rn~ve s~ur~e of p~wer ~or ~he moving p~t~ o~ ~he apparatll~ 10. ;tUBt to the ~r o~
scre~d~ 4~ po8e an exh~u~t m~nl~old to ~e~iv~ thæ ho'c .....................
~xh~u~ g~ fr~m die~el ~nglne 16 ~ add sXt~A h~t t~ the ~r~ed s3ur~c~. It 1~ ~ontempl~ted th~t, a~ onv~ntlonA~, ; ' .-14-HO~BY 2v E,ELISSE ORLQNDO~ FL P 17 ~
I ~ 3~L25~

¦ A road roll~r wl 11 follow ~pp~r~tu~ 10 i~ diat~1~ and will ¦ ~mooth th~ ~o~tened a~ph~l~ lnto ~4 flni~hed ro~dwsy ~ur~a~
. I
¦ R~errin~ p~rticul~rly to ~igure 2, ~ bottom ~ r o~ ~h~3 I ap~a~atus lO 1~ ~hown~ A~ m~y be no'ced, ~3xhau~t m~nlfold 18 ¦ ln~l~d~ a chambe~ h~ving ~ ~rle~ o~ down~r~ly dl~e~ted opening~ ~or dl~ecting th~ ~xhA~ 8e~ th~ p~vemen~
¦ ~urfaoe. N~xt, burner 2~ n~ay b~ a ~ubul~r burne~ with ¦ multlplicity of ~urne~ hole3 ~ ~ho~n. ~te~m m~nl~old~ 20 ~n~
24 m~y b0 f~med from A box~ tIucture h~ving ~ perforated bottom plate wlth the ~eam i~uln~ ~rc1m the p~rl~o~ation~ to I th~ pave~ent ~ur~ac~. The mounting struc~u~e for the ¦ r~lprocA~ing breaker b~rs Aupport tha br~aker baI~ ~4~emblie~
I ln 910t~ a~ ~ ndlc~ted to permi'c th~ ~re~ker b~r~ to reclpLoc~te ¦ laterAlly R~ lndic~tad by the arrows. Mlxin~ cylinder~ 44 ~r~
~een ~ n Pigur~ ? to have th~ ceeth 45 in a ~tAgg~ed patterr~ to I prov~d~ tho~uyh Inixlng of the bro)c~n u~ a~phalt. Scre~d bAr~
¦ 48 recip~ocate later~lly ln vertlcal ~ ln th~ unt 47 1 the di~e~tion~ ~hown by the a~ows~ Rear exhau~t m~nifold 3 ls identi~al wlth m~nif~ld 1~, . I
I Ao may now b~ r~co~ni$ed, I~y in~entlon re~u~re~ a drlv~ng ¦ m~n~ l:o rot~t~ ixlng yll~ld~r~ 44 ~nd to r~clprot:s~t~ ~rea3c~3r bArs 42 ~nd ~qreed b~r3 48. Pie~el ~ngine 16 nla~ oupled to ¦ ~he~e ~lemen~s by nny ~u~Able And ~ell kno~ n~an~ pr~e~:nbly l through vari~ble ~r~nsml3~ion~ ~uch tb~t the x~e o~ teD~n~
¦ zlnd ra~e of rot~tion can ~e ~d~u~t~d ~o~ ~ptimum o~eratl~n~ o~
I the appar~tlla lO.
''''- ""'' " ' "'~ ' ''I '" ' '" . ., I -lS-~ I

1 ~3~1LZ~;~
. I
In ~igure 3, A par~ l vlew of Jl bre~Ak~r b~r 42 i~ sho~nindic2~ g th* preferred ~hape fo~ teek~ 43. The p~ram~d~l ah~e provid~ ad~au~te ~treng~h ~or tlle toc~h to ml~lmlze bxeaka~e.

rr~ing now t~ Figure 4, a sch~natl~ d~gram i~ ~hown illu~t~gting ~he m~tho~ o~ ve~l:tical ~d~lsstment~ of th0 ~arlou ~l~m~ntR . Although the ver~ l ad ju~tm~nt~ n~ay b~ m~de utlll~ng me~h~ni~al ~nean~ au~h ~ d ~ w~ raEer to u~e ~ hydrauli~ t~m Rnd to operat~ the ve~l:icfil c~ntrola th~ough the use o~ a plur~llty o~ hyd~ lic cylin~er~. A~ m~y 1~e noted ~rom Piqure 4 ~ e~h ~lement hAs lt~ own indepen~en~: hydr~ullc cylind~r~. For example, exhaust m~nlieold 18 io contrc~lled by two hyd~ulic ~ylinder~ 53 wi~h only one ~hown for slmpllcity I~ wlll be und~r~to~d that the r~mainde~ of the Ql~m~nt~
lnclude addi~lonal ~ydrauli~ cyt ~n~er~ not ~h~wn, ~urner 2~ i~
oper~ted 4y a ~et ol~ hyd~aullc ~ylin~e~ 50 and 2team man~old 20 i~ op~r~ted by a set o~ hy~rAuli~ ~yllndQro 52. ~ ilar~y, br~aker ~ 42 a~ e v~r~ically aentrolled ~ a ~t of hydrauli~
~ylind~r~ 54, mlxing cylin~lel~ 44 by ~ set o~ hyd~aulis y~in~aer~ 56 and sl~am Is~nifc~ld 2~. by d Bet oi~ hy~lraulic cylind~ 58 ~ ~cr~ed b~rs 48 ar~3 con~olled by A ~et of cont~Qllad b~ a ~et oF hyd~atali~ cylind~ 61.

Figure 5 ~ho~ ch~m~ti~ r~m of th~ dl~ributlon vf heat in my inventi~n to the paY~m~nt belnç~ rew~rk~d. Front ~xhRu~t m~nil~ol~ 1~ ~y be not~d to fed by ~n~ine exh~ t g~se~
~rom v~h~ driv~ gine ~ And ~l~o from t:he b~ r ~lue gR~R~ f~m ~t~m ~q via flu~ 29. ~imilarly~ xear HORBY ~ I EUSSE ORLI~NDO~ FL P. 19 ~
l ~3~ 412~
I .", , ~xh~u~t mani~old 3~ u~llize~ engln~ exhAust g~e~ from the ~ystem drive englrle 16 And al~o boll~r ~lue gase~ from fluq 2~, TherePor~, ln ~ordance with my lnv~ntlorl, all of the normally w~3ted energ~ la ~pplled ~o the p~Y~ment and perfonna u~eful work th~reon . ~t~m ~rom, ~team ~llq~ 2g 1~ fe~ to bo~h for~rd ste~m nn*nlol~ 20 ~nd r63~r ~tel~m m~nif~ld 24 vla ~ontrol ~al~e~ ~3 and 6~. ~uln~r ~ ed pr~p~n~ or slmll~r fuel ~rom uel tRnk 31 ~ia control v~lve b7.

It i~ nece~a~r~ in the op~ra~ion o my ~nv~ntion to properly ~d~u~t th~ varlou~ el~ment~ to lproduce the mo~t ef~ nt oper~tion. ~or ~xAmpl~, the ~rlou~ m~nifold~ Ana the 4urner mu~t b~ contxolled to rai~ th~ temperature oiE th~
~phalt tt~ ~I v~lu~ not to ~x~e~d 500F 50 els to nc)t ~u~th~r th~ A~phalt due to oxid~tion t Th6! verti~l po~ition ~f the v~rious elem~nts wlll l:her~fore ~epend upon th~ ~orw~ra ~p~ed of th8 app~rAtU3 10 a~ ll A~ ~he amount o~ fuel f~ to ~he burn~r 21 ~nd the ~ n~ And qu~lity of the staam ~e~ to the ~e~m m~nl~old~ 20 and 2~ h re~p~ to the b~aak~r h~r~ 42, the mixing cylinde~4 4~, ~nd the ~r~e~ bAr~ 48, th~
operatin~ ~p~d of the~e ~l~m~nt~ mual~ also be sontr~ d to pro~uc~ tbe opt~mum ~e~ulta ~ In Flgu~e 6, ~ a~l~em~:lc d1A~r~m o~ the pr~e~ed c~nt~ol ay~tem of th~ inven~lon io ah;ow-~. Th~
~y~tem drive ~ngin~ ts corln~c~d ~o drive thre~ ~arl~bl~ sp~d ge~r ~xe~ 68, 70, ~nd 7~ An~ hydr~u11c pump 74. ~earb4~c ~8 ~urrll~hed p~w~r to the re~ipr~atlng ~ive 6~ ~or b~ker bars 42.. varlable ~pe~d t~Anam~ion 70 pro~ es powar to ~
rotary cha~ d~ive 64 whi~h op~x~es mixlng cyl~nder~ 44, 4n~ ;
vari~bl~ ~peed drive 72 ~per~te~ the re~ipr~tlng drlve ~6 ~or ~r~ad bar~ 44~ A plur~lity ~f h~lght ~ont~ol~ Bl-9~


iL3~ 1L
provided W~ th e~ch con~rol ha~ing A ~ever31ng valv~ And ~ flow valve. A~ wlll be noted, ~ provlâe 2 ~epara~e c~ntrol or the hydraulic cylinder~ on ~he l~t sids of the srehicle and th~
~i~bt ~i~e o~ the vehlcle. ~hi~ permit~ th~ ad~u3tm~rlt of th~
elements to compen~Ate ~or ~ny ~lop~ of l;he pavem~nl~. For ~xhmple, control ~1 ~ontr~l~ the hei~ht o~ the left ~lde of breaker bar~ ~2 ~bove the l?av~ment while control~ 82 c~ontrolo the hel~ht of ~h~ siqht ~id~ o~ b~ealcer bar~ 4~ . Thus t yreat flexibility 1~ glven to the oper~'co~ to Ad~us~ f~r any ir~egul~ritie~ in the pavement. ~ydraullc fluid 1~ dr~wn fro~
re~ervolr 76 by p~Jmp ~4 vl~ ~llter 7~ to the height con~ol3 91-96 wi~h line BO p~ovidlng ~ ~eturn llne to re~e~voir 76.

A~ may no~ b~ ~cognized, I ha~ di~clo~ed a m~tho~ ~nd ~ppar~tu~ fo~ re~uri~Acing asphalt pavement~s, parking l~t~ and 'che like qulckly ~nd economically, u~lng f~e~h A~phAlt f~om belob~ the p~v~ment surface~ m~xed ~ith brok~n up sur~
mat~rial whlch may be oxidi ~d . ~lthough I h~ shown pref~rr~d embo~iment of th~ a~?pAYatu~ of ~y 1nv~r~tlon, ~t wlll be obviou~ to tho~e o~ ordinary 3klll ln 'che art to ~dify ;rq,r ~mbodlmen~ without ~ep~r~lng ~om th~s ~plrilt and ~cape o:~ th~
in~!sntlon .

... ,.. ,,........ . . ~.

Claims (12)

1. A method of renewing an asphalt pavement having a thin degraded surface portion over an underlying thick undegraded portion comprising the steps of:
heating the surface of the asphalt pavement to a temperature in the range of 300-500 degrees F;
breaking the thin degraded surface portion of the heated asphalt;

breaking the underlying undegraded portion to a depth of about two inches;
mixing the broken degraded surface portions with the broken undegraded portions from below such degraded surface portion in situ;
reheating the mixed portions of degraded and undegraded asphalt material to fuse the mixture into a homogeneous mass;
leveling the mixed and reheated mass by screeding; and compacting the smoothed, mixed, and reheated material.
2. A method as defined in claim 1 in which the heating step and the reheating step include the steps of:
supplying heat to the surface and mixed asphalt material with steam heat.
3. A method as defined in claim 2 which further includes:
supplying heat to the surface and mixed asphalt material from an engine exhaust.
4. An apparatus for traversing, renewing and resurfacing as asphalt pavement in situ having a thin degraded surface portion over an underlying thick undegraded portion without adding new materials comprising:
a wheeled chassis;
an engine mounted on said chassis for driving said apparatus along the asphalt pavement;

P.22 a steam boiler mounted on said chassis;
first steam manifold connected to receive steam from said steam boiler, said first steam manifold depending from said chassis and vertically adjustable, said steam manifold serving to raise the temperature of said asphalt pavement to a temperature within the range of 300-500 degrees F;
an exhaust manifold dependent from said chassis and disposed forward of said first steam manifold, said exhaust manifold connected to the exhaust of said driving engine, said exhaust manifold for utilizing exhaust heat for preheating the asphalt surface;
asphalt breaking means disposed immediately rearward from said first steam manifold and having toothed breaker bars depending from said chassis, said breaker bars reciprocating in a direction transverse to said chassis and adjustable vertically, said breaking means adapted to break up said degraded portion of said asphalt pavement and breaking said undegraded portion of said asphalt pavement to a depth of about two inches after heating of said surface by said first steam manifold, thereby producing broken portions of degraded and undegraded asphalt;
at least one rotating cylinder disposed immediately rearward from said breaking means depending from said chassis and adjustable vertically, the surface of said cylinder having a multiplicity of toothed projections therefrom for producing an in situ mixture of said degraded and undegraded broken portion;

P.25 second steam manifold connected to receive steam from said steam boiler, said second manifold depending from said chassis immediately rearward from said rotating cylinder and vertically adjustable to reheat the broken and mixed asphalt material to a temperature within the range of 300-500 degrees F; and transversely reciprocating screed bars disposed immediately rearward from said second steam manifold an dependent from said chassis and vertically adjustable, said screed bars adjusted to level the reheated and mixed asphalt to thereby produce a fresh, level asphalt surface.
5. Apparatus for traversing; renewing and resurfacing in situ an asphalt pavement having a thin degraded surface portion over an underlying thick undegraded portion without requiring the addition of new materials comprising:
steam generation and heating means for heating said asphalt pavement to a temperature in the range of 300-500 degrees F;
asphalt breaking means for breaking said degraded portion of said asphalt pavement and further breaking said undegraded portion of said asphalt pavement to a depth of about two inches thereby producing broken portions of degraded and undegraded asphalt;
mixing means for producing an in situ mixture of said degraded and undegraded broken portions;

P.26 reheating means for reheating said mixture of degraded and undegraded broken portions thereby fusing said mixture into a homogeneous mass; and screeding means for leveling said homogeneous mass.
6. The apparatus as defined in claim 5 which further comprises:
a wheeled chassis having said steam generation means, said breaking means, said heating means, said screeding means, and said compacting means mounted thereon; and driving means coupled to said chassis for moving said apparatus along said pavement.
7. The apparatus as defined in claim 6 in which said steam generation means includes;
a steam boiler mounted on said chassis; and first steam manifold connected to receive steam from said steam boiler, said first steam manifold depending form said chassis and vertically adjustable, said steam manifold serving to raise the temperature of said asphalt pavement to a temperature within the range of 300-500 degrees F.

P. 27
8. The apparatus as defined in claim 6 in which said asphalt breaking means includes toothed breaker bars depending from said chassis, said breaker bars reciprocating in a direction transverse to said chassis and adjustable vertically to break up the asphalt surface to said depth after heating of said surface by said first steam manifold.
9. The apparatus as defined in claim 6 in which said mixing means includes at least one rotation cylinder depending from said chassis and adjustable vertically, the surface of said cylinder having a multiplicity of toothed projections therefrom.
10. The apparatus as defined in claim 7 in which said reheating means includes second steam manifold connected to receive steam from said steam boiler, said second manifold depending from said chassis and vertically adjustable to reheat the broken and mixed asphalt material up to the range of 300-500 degrees F.
11. The apparatus as defined in claim 6 in which said screeding means includes transversely reciprocating screed bars dependent from said chassis and vertically adjustable, said screed bars adjusted to level the reheated and mixed asphalt to thereby produce a fresh, level asphalt surface.

12. The apparatus as defined in claim 6 which further comprises:
a gas burner means disposed forward of steam generation means on said chassis for burning off oil from said asphalt pavement, the intensity of said burner controlled relative to the forward speed of said chassis to prevent oxidation of said asphalt pavement surface.
CA000587123A 1988-12-28 1988-12-28 Asphalt surface renewal method and apparatus Expired - Lifetime CA1304251C (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000587123A CA1304251C (en) 1988-12-28 1988-12-28 Asphalt surface renewal method and apparatus

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000587123A CA1304251C (en) 1988-12-28 1988-12-28 Asphalt surface renewal method and apparatus

Publications (1)

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CA1304251C true CA1304251C (en) 1992-06-30



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CA000587123A Expired - Lifetime CA1304251C (en) 1988-12-28 1988-12-28 Asphalt surface renewal method and apparatus

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CA (1) CA1304251C (en)

Cited By (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US8556536B2 (en) 2009-01-02 2013-10-15 Heatwurx, Inc. Asphalt repair system and method
US8562247B2 (en) 2009-01-02 2013-10-22 Heatwurx, Inc. Asphalt repair system and method
USD700633S1 (en) 2013-07-26 2014-03-04 Heatwurx, Inc. Asphalt repair device
US8801325B1 (en) 2013-02-26 2014-08-12 Heatwurx, Inc. System and method for controlling an asphalt repair apparatus
US9416499B2 (en) 2009-12-31 2016-08-16 Heatwurx, Inc. System and method for sensing and managing pothole location and pothole characteristics

Cited By (7)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US8556536B2 (en) 2009-01-02 2013-10-15 Heatwurx, Inc. Asphalt repair system and method
US8562247B2 (en) 2009-01-02 2013-10-22 Heatwurx, Inc. Asphalt repair system and method
US8714871B2 (en) 2009-01-02 2014-05-06 Heatwurx, Inc. Asphalt repair system and method
US9022686B2 (en) 2009-12-31 2015-05-05 Heatwurx, Inc. System and method for controlling an asphalt repair apparatus
US9416499B2 (en) 2009-12-31 2016-08-16 Heatwurx, Inc. System and method for sensing and managing pothole location and pothole characteristics
US8801325B1 (en) 2013-02-26 2014-08-12 Heatwurx, Inc. System and method for controlling an asphalt repair apparatus
USD700633S1 (en) 2013-07-26 2014-03-04 Heatwurx, Inc. Asphalt repair device

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