CA1262170A - Multi-level fuser lamp - Google Patents

Multi-level fuser lamp


Publication number
CA1262170A CA000514121A CA514121A CA1262170A CA 1262170 A CA1262170 A CA 1262170A CA 000514121 A CA000514121 A CA 000514121A CA 514121 A CA514121 A CA 514121A CA 1262170 A CA1262170 A CA 1262170A
Prior art keywords
contact means
end portion
sealed end
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
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French (fr)
Steven L. Meade
Lawrence M. Rice
Merle E. Morris
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Osram Sylvania Inc
Original Assignee
GTE Products Corp
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Publication date
Application filed by GTE Products Corp filed Critical GTE Products Corp
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1262170A publication Critical patent/CA1262170A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • G03G15/00Apparatus for electrographic processes using a charge pattern
    • G03G15/20Apparatus for electrographic processes using a charge pattern for fixing, e.g. by using heat
    • G03G15/2003Apparatus for electrographic processes using a charge pattern for fixing, e.g. by using heat using heat
    • H01K9/00Lamps having two or more incandescent bodies separately heated


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Resistance Heating (AREA)
  • Circuit Arrangement For Electric Light Sources In General (AREA)



A tubular incandescent lamp for use in heating applications where multiple levels of infrared energy are available from one source while providing for compactness in size and ease in manufacturing. The primary use for such a lamp is in the fusing system of a photocopy machine where speed in attaining the desired operating temperature greatly determines the machine's rating. In one embodiment of the lamp, quartz envelope is provided with dual chambers extending longitudinally therethrough. A filament extends longitudinally through each of the chambers and is hermetically sealed within press-sealed ends at the opposed ends of the lamp. The filaments are capable of being selectively or simultaneously activated.




The present invention relates in general to tubular incandescent lamps, and pertains, more particularlyl to such lamps as applied in heating or photoreproduction processes.

A photocopy machine typically employs two different types of lamps, one being referred to as an exposure lamp and the other as a fusing lamp. The exposure lamp is purely for light emitting purposes during the exposure phase of operation~ The fusing lamp on the other hand is primaxily for heating purposes to "set" the toner employed in the photocopy machine. In accordance with the present invention, the principles thereof are applied primarily in connection with a fusing lamp, but may also be applied to other general heating purposes.


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Fusing lamps are typically of single filament construction and have a length corresponding to the ma~imum size (length) of paper that is to be reproduced. One infrared lamp, in particular, has utilized two filaments disposed and electrically connected in parallel within a quartz envelope in order to allow substantially higher operating wattages to be achieved by simultaneously energizing both filaments (see U.S.
Pat. No. 3,443,144 to Robert Freeze). According to Freeze, the use of parallel filaments provides higher heat density per unit area of envelope wall. The lamp in Freeze, as described, does not provide for selective activation of the filaments (i.e., dual level fusing), to adjust for different incremental wattage output requirements. Finally, the Freeze lamp provides a series of spacers disposed along the length of the filaments to prevent them from sagging against the guartz envelope, but does not isolate the filaments from each other to prevent shorting.
In some photocopier applications it would be desirable to have different levels of energy available for fi~ing the toner (i.e., fusing) onto the copy of the original document. A high le~el of energy is desirable at the time of starting to make the first copy, as at that point the fusinq system is cold.
Typically, some time is required to bring the fusing system up to operating temperature and may limit the speed in which the first copy is supplied, which is one measurement criteria used in photocopying machine evaluation. In U.S. Pat. No 4,442,374 to Morris et al, a dual length filament incandescent lamp is provided that allows for two different lengths of fusing usually at a prescribed amount of energy per length in order to set toner on short paper and long paper equally, i.e., energy per square centimeter of paper would be the same for both short and lons paper. This then will result in two levels of total lamp energy, but one level of fusing energy per length of paper.

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It is believed, therefore, t~at a tubular incandescent lamp provid~ng ~ul~iple levels o~ ~nergy fo~ heati~g ap21ications whlle pro~oting co~pactness and ~anu~actur~ng ea~e would con6titute a 6ignifica~t adva~cement in the art.


It is, therefore. a primary ob~ect of thiG inven~ion to enhance t~e tubular incandescent lamp art and particularly t~at art invo~ving lamps having more than o~e ~ilament.
It is another object of this invention to provide a~
improved incande~cent lamp wherein the lamp is readily adapted for use in application~ requiring multiple levels of energy for heati~g.
Still another object of the invention i6 So provide an improved incandescent la~p.which is compact, ca~ be produced ~oth at a lower co~t and on a mass production basis.
Xn accordance with one aspect of thi~ invention, there is provided a tungste~-~alogen incandescent la~p ,compri6ing a tubular quart~ e~elope having fir~t and second press sealed end portions, a pair of coiled tungsten ~ilaments extendi~g longitudinally through the interior of the tubular envelope and a fill gas mixture di~posed within the envelope. The la~p further include~ fir~t contact mean~ as~ociated with the f irfit pres~ ~eale~ end portion and electrically coupled to a ~ir~t end o~ each of the filaments, second contact ~eans as60ciated ~ith ths second press sealed end portion and electrically coupl~d to a second end of one of the filaments, the ~ilament being energized upon application o~ a predetermined voltage across the fir~t and ~econd contact mean~. and third contact means associated with the ~econd pre~ sealed end portion and ~30 electrically coupled to an unattached second end of one of the :~2~

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filament~, t~e filament being ene~gi~ed upon ~ppllcation of predeter~i~ed ~oltage across the ~irst and third cont~ct ~eans. Pinally. the lamp al60 includes means for electrically isolati~g ~ach of ~he filament~, the electrically i~olating ~ean~ diEp~6ed within and extendin~ lo~gitudinally through the interior of the envelope.


FIG. 1 is a 6ide view, partly in ~ection, illu6~ating one embodiment of the in~tant invention and ~urthermore illustrating the electrical ~witching control a~ociated with t~e lamp; and PIGS. 2A-~C illu~rate several view~ of another embodiment of the instane inven~ion.


For a better under~tanding of the present invention, together with other and further objects, advantage~ and capabiliti~s thereof, reference i~ made to the following disclosure a~d appended Claims in connection ~it~ t~e above-de~crib~d drawing~.
~ith particular attention to ~IG. 1. a lamp 10 i~
illu~trated which comprises a tubular envelope 12 of vitreou6 material ~aving ~irst and second press-~ealed end portions 14 and 16. re~pectively. ~nds 14 and 16 are located at the oppo6ed end~ of envelope 12 and are formed by utilizing presfiing operations and apparatus known in ~he art. Envelope 12 should preferably be made of a material having a high melt~ng point~ such as ~used ~ilica or quartz.

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La~p 10 i~ o~ the tung6ten-halogen var1ety~ there~ore it ha~ a fill ga6 mixture containing an inert ga6 and a h~logen or halide. In the pre6ent i~vention, t~e lamp~ are filled at about o~e atmosphere Q~ argon (a~ the inert g~8 ) and ~ave about 200 miceogra~ of bromine (speci~ically methyl bromide). The precedi~g ill constituen~s 6hould serve only to illustrate wha~ the ~ompositio~al ma~e-up ~f a fill ga~ ture nor~ally con6i6t6 of and not ~erve to limit the pLesent invention. Lamp 10 furt~er include6 a pair of tun~6ten filaments, 18 and 20, which are dispo~ed wit~in envelope 12 and extend lo~gitudi~ally through t~e interior of t~e envelope.
Previou~ lampsO especially the lamp in the Freeze patent (U.S~ Pat. No. 3,443,144), have typically included ~eans ~or 6pacing or ~upporting the filament to prevent it ~rom touching the envelope wall. The drawback~ to utilizing the ~pacer xeans provided in Freeze involY~ the dif~iculty of inserti~g such a 6pacer within a ma~s produced lamp envelope and the in6u~icie~cy of electrical i601ation between filament6 to prevent po~6ible ~horting. Accordingly, the in~tant invention uniquely provides mean~ for electri~ally i601ating the filaments while promoting compactne~s a~d simplifying assembly of the la~p.
In accorda~ce with the teachi~g~ of the present inv~n~ion, filament~ 18 and 20, a~ illustrated in FIG. 1, are electrically i~olated from one another by i801ating mean6. compri~ing tvo tubes, 22 and 24. that are dispo~ed longitudinally within envelope 12. Filament~ 18 and 20 extend longitudinally through tubes 22 and 24, respectively. Tuba6 22 and 24 should be ~ade o~ electrically infiulative material that is transparent and has a high melting poin~, 6uch as quartz. Tu~es ~2 and 24 extend the length of the interior of anvelope 12 to about 1 milli~eter (mm) from pre6s sealed end portions 14 and 16. T~e filaments could conceivably be sufficiently electrically isolated by using one tube about one of the filaments. The filaments are also hermetically sealed within end portions 14 and 16.
Supporting filaments 18 and 20 at preselected points (about 25.4 mm apart) along the length thereof are a plurality of support members 26 (illustrated in FIG. 1), each comprising a coil element having one end wound about (and thus secured to) each of filaments 18 and 20 and the other end (of greater diameter) positively engaging the interior wall of tubes 22 and 24, respectively. In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1, filaments 18 and 20 possessed an overall length of about 350 mm. In addition, envelope 12 is T-5 quartz tube having an outer diameter of about 15 mm with a thickness of about 1 mm. Tubes 22 and 24 are T-2 quartz tubes having outer diameters of about 6 mm and thickness of about 1 mm.
To facilitate positioning of lamp 10 within the photocopier designed for utilizing same, ceramic bases or end caps 28 and 30 are preferably used. Accordingly, it is only necessary in the respective photocopier to provide some means for accepting this component. Understandably, such a means can be of relatively simple design. Ceramic bases 28 and 30 are also preferably of substantially cylindrical configuration and include a slot therein designed for having the flattened press-sealed end portions, 14 and 16, inserted therein.
Filaments 18 and 20 are energized by means of applying a predetermined voltage across contact means located within the press sealed end portions of lamp 10. Specifically, first contact means 32 is associated with end portion 14, while second contact means 34 and third contact means 36 are associated with end portion 16. First contact means 32 is comprised of a first lead-in conductor 32a, which extends externally from and internally within end portion 14, and a 1~;2~7~

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foil portion 32b disposed within portion 14 and electrically coupled to both conductor 32a and to a first end 18a and 20a of filaments 18 and 20, respectivel~. Second contact means 3~ is comprised of a second lead-in conductor 34a, which extends externally from and internally within end portion 16, and a foil portion 34b disposed within portion 16 and electrically coupled to both conductor 34b and to a second end 18b of filament 18. Finally, third contact means 36 is comprised of a third lead-in conductor 36a, extending externally from and internally within end portion 16, and a foil portion 36b disposed within end portion 16 and electrically coupled to both conductor 36a and to an unattached second end 20b of filament 20.
Lead-in conductor 32 is coupled to a lead wire A, which is in turn coupled to the common terminal of a power source 38.
Lead-in conductors 34 and 36 are coupled to lead wires B and C, respectively, while wires B and C are then coupled to a control switch 40 that is coupled to power source 38. Leads A, B and C
are stranded 16 AWG (AWG - American Wire Gauge) pol~tetrafluoroethylene insulated wire which is rated at 600V
and 200C. Lead wires B and C, through switch 40, are adapted to apply a voltage across filaments 18 and 20, individually or simultaneously. Filaments 18 and 20 may be of v~rying wattages, but the total wattage output of filaments 18 and 20 together must be greater than either individually. In one embodiment of the present invention, filament 18 is rated at about 375 watts (120V) and filament 20 is rated at about 1250 watts (120V); the overall wattage output possible in lamp 10 would thus be about 1625 watts The overall length of lamp 10 is about 420 mm.
Referring now to FIGS. 2A-2C, a lamp 50 is illustrated which is made in accordance with the teachings of the present invention. The elements of lamp 50 that are common with those .~a~.
,~, ,'~"

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of lamp 10 have been ~i~il~rly nu~bered and a d~tailed description of these element~ i~ not believed necessary here ( ee FIG 2A). La~p 50 has an envelope 52 vhich contains ~erein i~olating means 54, ~hich isolates filament 18 fr fila~ent 20. that extends lo~gitudinally ~herethrough.
i~olating ~ean6 54 co~prises an insulati~e divider which form6 at lea~t t~o chamber~ hin envelope 52 (~ee FI~. 2B). In lamp 50, divider 54 i~ structu~ally a part oP envelope 52 and extends to press sealed end por~ion~ 14 and 16 Sas partially illu8trated in FXG. 2C). A8 illu8trated in FIGS. 2A and 2B, divider 54 i~ 6ubstantially planar in configuration and forms dual cham~ers within envelope 52 which are sealed a~ end portion6 14 and 16.
In la~p 50, envelope 52 and divider 54 are formed fro~
quartz and may be formed in a single manufaceuring ~tep by forming a quartz tube ~i~h dual bore~ or chamber~. A~ 6een in FIGS. 2B and 2C, the quartz tube (or envelope 52~ ~ay ~ave an elliptical shape with ~wo dome-~haped chambers wi~hin. In -thi6 embodiment of lamp 50 (~ee FIG. 2B~, the tube has a diameter "D" of about 15 ~m (millimeter6), ~ith an inner diameter "d". of about 13 mm. Divider S4 has a length ~L~ of abcu~. 11 ~m and the diameter of eac~ c~amber is about 6 mm.
Divider 54 of lamp 50 need not be a part of envelope 52, but need simply be an insert that provide~ a 6i~ilar function as de~cribed earli@r. Accordingly, the in~tant invention uniquely provides ~eans for i~olating the filament~ while promoting compactnes~ and ~i~plifying assembly of the lamp.
~ amp ~0 i~ similar to lamp 10 with re~pec~ to filament lengths and wattages, fill ga~ mixture, overall lamp length, lead wire cDnnections and lamp-circuit connection. Lamp~ 10 and 50 are lamps which provide infrared heating primarily for photocopier machine application~ but are not li~ited to ~uch 23,754 - 9 - PATENT

application6. T~ese l~ps provide ~ultiple leYel6 o~ ~usi~g energy per ~quare cQnt~e~ee of paper eegardlQs~ of the design length, depending on the deman~s arising ~ro~ ehe particular application, without unneces6arily co~plicat~ng the production of such a la~p. Presently, the filament lengt~ may be designed at a fixed length as needed for the particular application, but ~eans are provided for varying the amount of energy per ~quare centimeter of paper by burning either filament separately or ~i~ultaneously to provide at least three level~ o~ fusing . 10 energy total and per ~quare centimeter of paper.
Infrared lamp~ ~ade in accordance to the teachings o~ the present invention ~ill ~igni~icantly improve a photocopy machine fu~i~g ~ystem' 5 ~peed in achieving start-up temperatures. For example, using the wattages already descri~ed earlier for lamps 10 and 50, at start-up 1625 watts of energy (both filament~ energized) is supplied to the fusing system. Shortly thereafter (about 1 or 2 photocopies later) the energy needed would 6hift to 1250 watts (one filament) and then perhaps to 375 waets (alternate filament), 6till supplying enouqh energy to fix t~e toner properly to ~he paper.
Depending on the fu~ing sy~tem, the higher ~attage filament may be used ~or fusi~g and switching could be controlled by a thermo~tat that could ~witch between filaments of differe~t wattages as needed.
~hile t~ere have been shown and described what are at present co~sidered the preferred embodiments of t~e inve~tion, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that various chan~es and modifica~ions may be made ~herein ~i~hout departing ~rom the scope of ~he invention as defined by the appended clai~

Claims (13)

What is claimed is:
1. A tungsten-halogen, incandescent heating lamp for use in a photocopier, said lamp comprising;
a tubular quartz envelope having first and second press sealed end portions;
first and second coiled tungsten filaments extending longitudinally through the interior of said tubular envelope;
a fill gas mixture disposed within said envelope;
first contact means associated with said first press sealed end portion and electrically coupled to a first end of each of said first and second filaments;
second contact means associated with said second press sealed end portion and electrically coupled to a second end of said first filament, said first filament being energized upon application of a predetermined voltage across said first and second contact means to provide a first level of heating energy from said lamp along a given length of said lamp;
third contact means associated with said second press sealed end portion and electrically coupled to a second end of said second filament, said second filament being energized upon application of a predetermined voltage across said first and third contact means to provide a second level of heating energy from said lamp along said same given length of said lamp, said second level of heating energy different from said first level of said heating energy; and means for electrically isolating said first and second filaments, said isolating means disposed within and extending longitudinally through the interior of said envelope, said lamp providing a third level of heating energy from said lamp along said same given length of said lamp substantially equal to the total of said first and second levels of heating energy upon simultaneous application of a predetermined voltage across said first and second contact means and across said first and third contact means, said lamp thereby providing three different levels of heating energy along said same given length of said lamp and per square centimeter of paper heated by said lamp within said photocopier, said isolating means comprised of electrically insulative material and including at least one quartz tube disposed within said coiled tungsten filaments therein.
2. The lamp according to claim 1 wherein said isolating means includes two quartz tubes disposed longitudinally within said envelope, each of said tubes having one of said filaments extending longitudinally therethrough.
3. The lamp according to claim 1 wherein said first contact means is comprised of a first lead-in conductor extending externally from and internally within said first press sealed end portion and a foil portion disposed within said first press sealed end portion and electrically coupled to said first lead-in conductor and to said first end of each of said filaments.
4. The lamp according to claim 3 wherein said second contact means is comprised of a second lead-in conductor extending externally from and internally within said second press sealed end portion and a foil portion disposed within said second press sealed end portion and electrically coupled to said second lead-in conductor and to said second end of said first filament.
5. The lamp according to claim 4 wherein said third contact means is comprised of a third lead-in conductor extending externally from and internally within said second press sealed end portion and a foil portion disposed within said second press sealed end portion and electrically coupled to said third lead-in conductor and to said second end of said second filament.
6. The lamp according to claim 1 wherein said lamp is used to set the toner on said paper used in said photocopier.
7. A tungsten-halogen, incandescent heating lamp for use in a photocopier, said lamp comprising:
a tubular quartz envelope having first and second press sealed end portions;
first and second coiled tungsten filaments extending longitudinally through the interior of said tubular envelope;
a fill gas mixture disposed within said envelope;
first contact means associated with said first press sealed end portion and electrically coupled to a first end of each of said first and second filaments;
second contact means associated with said second press sealed end portion and electrically coupled to a second end of said first filament, said first filament being energized upon application of a predetermined voltage across said first and second contact means to provide a first level of heating energy from said lamp along a given length of said lamp;
third contact means associated with said second press sealed end portion and electrically coupled to a second end of said second filament, said second filament being energized upon application of a predetermined voltage across said first and third contact means to provide a second level of heating energy from said lamp along said same given length of said lamp, said second level of heating energy different from said first level of said heating energy; and means for electrically isolating said first and second filaments, said isolating means disposed within and extending longitudinally through the interior of said envelope, said lamp providing a third level of heating energy from said lamp along said same given length of said lamp substantially equal to the total of said first and second levels of heating energy upon simultaneous application of a predetermined voltage across said first and second contact means and across said first and third contact means, said lamp thereby providing three different levels of heating energy along said same given length of said lamp and per square centimeter of paper heated by said lamp within said photocopier, said isolating means comprised of electrically insulative material and including an insulative divider forming a structural part of said envelope and extending longitudinally through said envelope to form at least two chambers within said envelope such that each of said coiled filaments is located within a respective one of said chambers.
8. The lamp according to claim 7 wherein said divider is substantially planar in configuration, said chambers formed by said divider and said envelope being sealed at said sealed end portions.
9. The lamp according to claim 7 wherein said divider is comprised of quartz.
10. The lamp according to claim 7 wherein said first contact means is comprised of a first lead-in conductor extending externally from and internally within said first press sealed end portion and a foil portion disposed within said first press sealed end portion and electrically coupled to said first lead-in conductor and to said first end of each of said filaments.
11. The lamp according to claim 10 wherein said second contact means is comprised of a second lead-in conductor extending externally from and internally within said second press sealed end portion and a foil portion disposed within said second press sealed end portion and electrically coupled to said second lead-in conductor and to said second end of said first filament.
12. The lamp according to claim 11 wherein said third contact means is comprised of a third lead-in conductor extending externally from and internally within said second press sealed end portion and a foil portion disposed within said second press sealed end portion and electrically coupled to said third lead-in conductor and to said second end of said second filament.
13. The lamp according to claim 7 wherein said lamp is used to set the toner on said paper used in said photocopier.
CA000514121A 1985-08-15 1986-07-18 Multi-level fuser lamp Expired CA1262170A (en)

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