CA1253749A - Combination anchor line adapted for passage over fairlead sheaves and chain wheels - Google Patents

Combination anchor line adapted for passage over fairlead sheaves and chain wheels


Publication number
CA1253749A CA000483080A CA483080A CA1253749A CA 1253749 A CA1253749 A CA 1253749A CA 000483080 A CA000483080 A CA 000483080A CA 483080 A CA483080 A CA 483080A CA 1253749 A CA1253749 A CA 1253749A
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French (fr)
Martin Murray
Geoffrey Taylor
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
John T Hepburn Ltd
Original Assignee
John T Hepburn Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by John T Hepburn Ltd filed Critical John T Hepburn Ltd
Priority to CA000483080A priority Critical patent/CA1253749A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1253749A publication Critical patent/CA1253749A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • B63B21/00Tying-up; Shifting, towing, or pushing equipment; Anchoring
    • B63B21/22Handling or lashing of anchors


  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Ocean & Marine Engineering (AREA)
  • Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)



In an anchoring system suitable for a semisubmersible drill platform or other ocean-going vessel, in which the anchor line consists of a length of wire rope and a length of chain cable, the anchor line is smoothly conveyed over system fairlead sheaves and chain wheels. The junction between wire rope and chain cable includes a conventional socketed rope connector which permits rope pivotting at the rope-cable junction. One or more collars are attached to links of the chain cable, and carry a multiplicity of outwardly directed projection. These projections are so arranged as to engage the rims of the flanges of the anchoring system fairlead sheaves and chain wheels, suspending the junction form the flange rims during transition of the junction over the sheave-like structures, and permitting the socketed rope connector to pivot freely. this arrangement eliminates excessive rope bending, allows use of a pocketed fairleaders, and permits the construction of a practical non-disconnect mooring system.


S374~3 F ELc-~-QE-T~-!E ~ JJrLI~ I.C!~
The in~ent.iqn r!31i3t.~ generr~ J t:, oIl~rl~irli3~ n ;3nc:tl:lrinll s~!l ten-l~; slIiti3tl1e for rnoclring se~rli .utlnlersitlle drill pl3tt~0rms 3rld clther ocei~n-clclincI ~essel~; in cdeep wi~ter-;. I~l:re spel:ific:i311!J the in~entiI~rl t.o the con~.e~i3nc.e of 3n hor liner ccn-;i-;!~ of f ire rop~ 3nd c:i-I~ in 0i3t~1 c~ er- e.hei~e-lik.e ..truct.urec;r suoh i3s Fi3irlei3d she.~e.s i3nd o h~Iirl wheels .~ithcll.~t. e~rces~ .e rope tIendincl ilni to th3 pro~ isiorI c,t i3 pr3c:t.iri31 nI-ln-ciiscc~nRect. ccm~ini3ticIn ~n horing s!lst.em.
~AC:k~ U~ OF1HE I~ E~IT10~i The i~d~i3rlti3ges of emplcI~ing i3 c:clmtlin3tion i3not-lc~ring lin~
I or,sist.inl of i3 lower length ot I hi3in 0i3ble i3nd ~n upper length of .~ire rope i3re wel l rec ogni re.d. I n pi~rti c:ul 3r ~etter arlc t-Iori rlg o hiari3I teri sti o s c 3n tlc chie~.~ed i3t o erti3irl w~te.r depths th3n is pcssibl~. thrIlugh use of ~ ire. rope or c;hi3in 310ne and an o~eri311 c:i3pi3tdlit~ of moorincJ in deep~r ~i3ters o i3n be otltiained. Use of oomtdn3tion i3nchoring line~ ho~ .err introduoecl protIlems not enoountereli ith pri~:lr slJstems in~ol~inI~ either .it-e t-ope or c:h~in atlle exclusi~ely.
~ pi3rticul-.3r protllem rel~te~ to t.he. con~e~no~ oF the iunotion of t~-~e ~Jire r ope i3nli ch~in c:~le o~ r stle~e-lik;e structures. ~t is c1ei3rly iesirat~le t.o hi3ul in i3nci p~y out the i3nchoi- line from the deck oF i3n i3nohoreli struoture~ usinc~ ~ Y~ino h ~ncl windli~ss appt~opri~ttell;l mollnt.ed on th~
~tructure. HO~Ye~eI-~ SIIeh r~peri3ti:,n norm.311y rer~uires the ~Tire rope-c.hi~in 03~1e )unl tion t:~ be cen~.eyeci o~.~et- i3 f3irlei3ci ~he~e Wit.ilOUt Unrille tlen~ing of the ~Y i re t-ope ~t the j unc ti on.
The pro~lem ot ocln~.~eyincl a ocltll~in~tion i3nl h~ring lin~ o~er ~
fi3irle3rI shei3~.~e ~ 3s i3ddressed in U.S. pi3tent number ~ 7~ .. hio n isslIed L25;~

t,:~ dtke l:lr~ tn~e~ r~"~ t~ rllent lie51~r~ "l atl~ ri t~
~,~c;t ~ i n ~ Y~ l r3 ~:;pel: i ,3'~ i rf~ lt~ l, i3t, 1 e ~ FIf.!~ t~:lt- je~ ~e ~; to C l~t'l','fJI,J
the illnC:tiOn tiPt:/,'eerl ','~it-Fi t-CSpe atlC~ C:hi3it'l 0i3tll~ e-r a speçii31 fairlt-!r3li s~l~Si3~t-~ Ttlfs fi3i~-lei3c' ~h~S,3Ye tlrS~ri ,3 rl~pe Cit-OCI~fS f~lt-trled i~ c, hl.itl, i3n intf!t-rlS,edii3te ~qt-OI~.'e at~ lit thti '~/'irfi rope groo~ e~ which l::on~Jel,s 0~5"3itl linke, with alterni3te links sei3t.i~S,!~, in the wirfe rope qr,:l,~ e/ a,tld arl nutfrr~ r.t rclcS~.~e defitled t,y intet~illt~ Sllt t'acec; of the shei3~.~e fli3~ ec:, ~ liCFI Set-'~'eC; to c on~.~çy th~e conneçtor The ecr,neetl~r i~; forl-fleci with i3rl en'h3rJeli pi3rt. ripheriei31 en,i) and the out.ermc~rjt yrol:l~e ef the f~irlei3d shei3~e hi3e. i3 e~S.nfcr~SiS~ing ~hi3p~S cO thi3i ,iurinq tri3n~ition from wirfS. ropfS tc, chi in 0i3~le theS
tontiectclr pi~.~CIts freel!l in the outer l~rl~o~,~e under tne inflliet-lce ot' t.he wirfS;
rope Thi~ arrarlqemfnt. reclucei rope ~encdinq, tS.ut. hac; the noSta~S.le disad~,~i3nti3cJe that. a ~,~ery large and cunltler~ome fi3irlead is requit-eli Al-;os, ~since the system de~critSed in the ~ p~3tent jr, a liisccSt-lnfict sl,ritem, in which the rope jr; r~ir;ccS.nnected frot-ll thei ehain ei3ble dllrinl~ hal.llin~ anci pi3!lin~q out~ the protllem of coFl~eyin~l the .;peciisl connectclr con~enient.l!J o~,~et--l witicilass, chiain wheel is tlOt addrfS.S~;ed.
OFIes norl-dic.;connert. sy~ttim WiJs;tili itl u.rS. pigtent tlUm~set-3,91~ whioh i~suPd tcl Petty et i31 on Oetcl~er 14,1~5 in which the junction ~etween wire rl~pe and chain c,stile i~ con~eyed o~er tloth a fairlei3d~he,3~e ancl a windliass ohi3in wheel The i3nohoring s!~ te~rl in~.~ol~es i3 .~indli3ss ha~ing a ohi3in wheel with i3 circumfererltii31 qroo~.~e for con~e~in~
'f~'it-e rOpl~J b winoh wllietl hi3uls in blld pi3y~ out the ~ ir~ l-Ope o~er the ehain wheel, and a ~hea~e positioned withirl b ohi3in locker ,3 sut't'ioient di~ti3ncetlelow the winch tlli3t ,3cc:epti3tl1e fleet ,3nl~1e~ ,3re mainti3itled at-ld in arl orientbtion th,3t pet-rmite the ohi3in to tle deposited inside lhe locker withclut ~;253'7'4 die.encl~ging th~w i3n~ 0ring lirlw frl:ltrl th~ ini.~3ril;r e.tle,3~ i3. -r,'-le prCIt~ fl 0~
'ir~3 rope tlendinl3 dllring tri3~ oYer tilt:' s!l~twrn ti3irle~31i Cwhbi3~q i~nli thl3 wirllila~ci c~ in ~f,lhwel lil-l rlot. i3ppei3r to Ihi3~.~e beel1 sirlecwifio~lllJ adcires~eli in ti'1i3t pi3tent/ bllt o.uc:h a w~lr;it.erfl is belie~ed t.~ e tle. implementwli I~Jwin~ i3 ~ ire rop~w-chi~in owtll~P oorlrlwct-or hi3~,~in!-, i3 I,iml~31-n~ol.,rltPw,i sooket. i3rl,i i3 pi3rt-spheriwi31 shell, j3c; dQc;c ritied in ll ~ pi3twnt nurntler :~,Y77/ l ~ l tQ
O ~ J rd rG i" !1 ~; rO !~i r~
rlther non-clisoonnect systems hi3Yi~ ~,een prllpo~eli/ for exi3mple in Ll ~.~ pi3twr!t nurn~er ~ 5/~ fhieh iwwSUeli to Eiliem orl Oet.otier 1~ 7 11~.. p,3tent numtier 4,07~7~C~ hicwh iwwsued to k~rogcwti3d et i31 on I li3reh 1 4J
1~713 i3nd 11.5 pi3tent rlumtier 4J47~ F2,0 1 whic:h i ;-.ueci to Fowter wt i31 on Oc:totier 1 c~ 4. Although ~3 nurmtier of non-dis,.onnec:t sywt.wmW hi3~Je ',~een propclc;4d, non-liiwonnc!cwt syC;t.etrl; ili~Y~e rlot l3e ye.t t~een i3~.0iwpted t~
~wwwel O~ffnwrS~ de.~pite thwe simpler op~P.ri3t.ion int-ler4nt in ;uc.h e.y ;tems. A
princip~l proi~lrwrn to ~e one. of finc,irll-, ~, c.~tisf,r;otory w~l of ,-:on~eyin g i3 ootn~inutior, i3nchor line o~,~er the she~P~-like. struc ture~ present in sllch ~ci~ystern ;, pi3rtiel,1,3rly chi.~in whe~lc;.
It is one oi~jei-;t of the~ pt-e.sent in~.~e.rnticn trl prcl~id~P., in ~, L~ini3ti~n ~,nehcri,ng slJst4m~ ire rope-ch.,~in c:~t~le e.onnP~ctiQn ~Yhic.h c:~,n ~e con~enient.l~ eon~,~eye.d o~,~er c;~e~,~e-lik~P. ~trueture~ whether pecketei., e2r smoot.h without undlle ~en~ing ot thc~ ir~ ro,cIe.
It is ,3nother o~ieet o~ the present in~ention to prcI~.~id~ i3 pri3c:ticdl non-disc.onnec:t i3nrhoring com~in;3tion system.
3 EF ~ lAF~ OF T HE I ~ 'ENT I CIhl In one i3;pect, the in~,~ent.ion pro~,~ide; i3 c.omt,in~tion i3nc.hor line.
comprisirI9 J,ire rope, ch~in 0i3ble, ~nd ,oonnection me~ne. ~,Yhieh define. i~


jllrll.til~n tl~t ~r~r~ opr~ i~t~l,i C:t1i3i~ 3tlle i3di3clt4~i f,~r l l:lrl~ 3~ r~ rl~r:r i3 ~tlr3i3~r~-l i k:r~ ~t~-UC:t~ .t~ i3 ~ l ei31i - h~ t~ Ntl~!e l . I~JI.I~t c.hei3~e-lihe tur~.C~i norm311y hi3~e i3 pi3ir ot oirl urrlferentii31 tli3nl:iecj tletween wtlil h t.hri i3nr:hor line j~ c:on~. ei;ir d ei3, h fli3nr~ie hi3~linq i3 fli3nge rim.
Tt-le oonner tion mei3n.-s inc:lucie rope reti3ining mei3rl~ ~t-lic:h rrit.3in i3n enci of the ~ire rc,pe 3nri ~hir:tl perrnit uni~rer~i31 pi~ o~.tirl~a ot t.he rope enli 3t tt-le junc.tion. The r.onner:til-ln mei3ns alc;o inclurie ..uspen.Ciicln rrlei3rls whil h ;er~e t.o eiu~penr~ the rl:lpe-ci3tlle iuncticln from tt~e fli3n~Fe rimC: during :on~blii3nce of the junc.t.ion o~.~er lhe shei3~e-lik;e struleture. The su~;pension mei3ns include ~ mult.iplicitlJ ot projections climensione.Fi i3nri i3rri3ngei t:l en!~i3ge the fli3nFe rimsi. The term uni~.~ers311ll pi~ot.ting 3C; I.l~ied in thiCi ~;pecifici3tion is intendeci t.o clenote i3 t~ipe of c onnec.t.ion or mn~ern~nt hi3~/ingi the
riegrees l~f fre.edom of mcl~erl-lent. itl 1~ bi311 jOitlt or tlrle decirees of freedclm r,~
mcl~.ement normi311~l existin~l tlet.v~een tw o r.h~in linl~s vhen irlterli~ ecl.
Such i3 r onnection en~ure; thi3t the rclpe encl ci3n pi~ot in the gener~l pli~ne of the shei3~!e-lik;e struc.ture r~.3rdlee.s whi3t. orierlt.3tion the junctiorl i3ssume when suspended frorn the fli3n~e rims.
Thi arr~nlaement. has a num~er of note . orth~ adllrarltalaes. The jUI~etiOn can be rei3clill~ c:onveyed c.l~er i3 pocketed or ~mooth fi3irleaci shei3~e th~reby permitting a vessel owner the option ot intn his anc:horin~ system iS pooketed fi3irlei3d shclulcd he ~ ishJ for exi3mpler to moor for e.~ tended periods clf time on chi3in cable. The iwnotil~n ei3n be ccln~.~e~ecl in ~ imili3r mi3nner oS/er both i3 fi3ir~eisd ~nd tile o hi3in wheel normi311y i3ssol:ii3tecl ~rith i3 ~-~incdlassr and ~cc:orcding~y i3 nOn~CiiCrl'Onrlel-t moclrin~
~yertem 0i3l1 be ol~rl~.~eniently pro~ided. Additioni311yr inc:e tt-le t-ope-l i3ble junoticln is swspended frclm the ~lan~e rim~i of the f~irlead or ch~in Yheel 537~

r.3ther illi~tl in i~l c~lr~ e defin~cd tlet. ~,~e.erl .;urt'i3l;e.s clt' the fl3rlcie.;
t'clt-l::ee. t~ dirlc~l lo c;epi3t~ te t~le t''h3~ e~i 3t-e 3~Joide~ h:li3ds heing rei3c:t.ecl ri3~ 311ll intl:l t.he c;hei3~,~e fli3nries.
The. tet-m "pclc:h~et.r!~ 3c; u.cied in thi~ C;prleitiei3ticln i; itl1.rlFIded t.c~
,iqnclte i3 shei3~.~c~ .e. :ltruc:ture.l inc:ludinJ ~l~t.h f3irlei3l:i ~hea~,~qs i3nli win~ 3c;e rhi3jn 'ffheelS, adi3pteci to Con~l~el;i etl.3irl lirlk;s. Aecc,t-ciit-,cillJ~ t'or the purpq~c;eC;
of thi~ spec:ifie.3tic,n, the tqrlt-l may ~e rqc~iarciqci 3~ clesrt-ipl.i~.~e c,f thrJ t.~pe Clt ehi3itl ~;heel t-efert-ed tcl as i3 "~,ildc:i3t" l3rlci clt' the type. of c:lli3i~ heel t-rJf qrt-r~.d t ,~ j3c~ aypc lJ
Th~ in~.~e.ntil~n will tle ~etter uncie.rstrlclli .~fith reference to ,iri3win~ie. illustratin~ i3 pretferr~ci emtlcldiment irm;fhioh:
t i q. 1 i ci .3 perciper ti ~r~ ~i e f~ i l l ucJtri3ti nr;i a ~;emi ~u'clFtlerc i tll e irill pli3tfortn;
fi,g. ~ is i~ fracimented sicle ele~i~ticlnisl ~.~iew of a le~ of thq semiciu~mersi~le illue.tri3tinJ cotnponetlts ot' ~n i3nehorit-lrJ ;ystem em~cldyin~a the inverltion;
fiJ. 3 is a fri3gmentecl elQ~ ticlrli31 ~ie~i~ deti3ilirlJ winc:he~: i3ncd other i3nc:hclrin~ citem c~mponente. illu;.t.ri3ted in t'i~
fi~as. 4 3ncl 5 i3r~ ~ri3~mented side ~le~Ji~tioni31 ~ie~f.~ ~hcl~.~;in~
~fire rO,C~ eh3itl 1~i3bl4 junl~.t.ierl ~ein~ c;on~qyqcl cl~.~er syetem c:hisin .~heel in 1tet-rli3ti~.~e ot-ie.nt~tion~;;
fi~ and 7 ~are crclss-sel::tioni31 l~lieSf~: irl a hori2clntal pl~an~
conti3inin~l the rotistioni31 i3XiS ot' the c.h~in whQel illu:st.ristinla hrlw 3clet'lectc,r pliste i~ useli to ene~ r~ thi3t the ~5~ire rope-ch~irl cs~le jlln~ tion jc ~.oncitr~itlQd to i3e~urllQ a p~rticuli3r orie.ntist.ion when c.on~.~Q~d O~JQt- the ohigin r~
,~,;Z~3 _, '1"~ t 11~ ; i3 11 li, f j~jc B~ -;tt-~t~ Ir~ s fllrF~ rlg i3i1 ;31tf!~-tli3ti~e ~ffit-~
rclpe~ohi3in ci3tl1e jutlctic~ i3nd i3re ~ ie ele~,~i3tioni-~ls ~ jf!~f~ ot the i31terni3t.i~e ~UnetiCIn b~incl C:OII~ yed rl~'C~ 3 1'hi3ill '~r'~r'tleSl ~iFI crcl'-'s-CeCtic~ni.
i~etersnce jc; m3cirJ ts fic; 1 ~ hil::tl illustri3tec; i3 semisubmer3it~1e rlrill ri~:; 10 "~hir.h hi3s two ;JnchorincJ C.ysterl-s emb,:,dyit-t.he preseFIt. in~.~entil:ln i3t e3sh rornet~ The prinoipi3l c:omponents of clne sl~ri i3n~hot-in~i systenl! ;;rneri-~lly inclioi3tecl t,y the reference numer~ ! i3re illust.l-i3teri in fjyc; ~ anri ~. The i3nc:horillc~l s~stetn 1~ inclucdec; 3 ~,~Y'indli3$C;
mounted on the dec~ 1 of the 3etfli wtln-lerc;itlle iq and i3 tri30tion w irloil 1 l~oci3t~ t the tlott.rlm Or i3 le~c ;~l~J Or thr~ s~misllbmar.sitlle 1~. The wineil i3nd ~in,ilsss ;er~.~e to h~ l in i3nl~ pi3y ,-,ut i3 comt,inistion i3nohoriny line 2~ ~fnich cc,nsicits ,:,f 3 lenl-;th qf ~flfire l-Ope ~4 connected kl 3 lenyth of ch3in c:3ble the oh3ill ci3ble ~ bein~; tern~in~ted ~ith J3n i3pproprii3te 3n,::hor The 3nohor line ~2 is yllicie,i to i3nd from the semisubmer~ible iO by 3 fi3irlei3~i she~e molJnted on t.he extel-ior of the semislJbmet-c;ible lec~; ~0 A oh3in loci~er ~0 is prc,~ iecl 3t the bottom of the le!3 ~C~ for ~tor.3ye c,t the eh3in ei3t~
~n~i a citora~e winch ~5~ ser~.~es t~a oclllect and stor~ wire rope haul~l~ in ~h~ tr~oti cJn '~f~.~i n~h l The ano~orinl~ ~ystem 1~ i~ ot the non-dic~;connect type ~urin~
retrie~ l of the 3nchor line ~ the tr~tion .~inl h 1~ is u~eci initi~lly to h3lJl in the ~f.~ire rope ~4 o~ er 3 p3th ,iefineci ~y the fi3irlei3cl sh4,3~,~e ~i! i3 win~li3ss ch3in wheel ~ hich h3s a circumferenti31 ~ ire rope qroo~.~ei i3nd ~ ~ieflector she~e ~ Clper~tion oF the tri3ctiotl winch l~i is discontil-llJcd wilen a ~ock;et ~cli~rusc;ed belo ~ i3ssooii3tecl ~,~ ith the s~

rCipq-~ablF! jliln~ti~:~t-l ~t~ ar=~ rl~l ot ~ ock~t. i3t-t F~l-:t~it~ tilt ~ t~ iCt the ~A,irs rnprJ :~4 i~. ntherwise ~3uided. Lirlk:s nf the~ ellain niJtJle ~f~ l ha'~
tlec,-."ne enl~,acled ~ith the pclc:kets of the ehaitl ~ eel 34. Aceclrliirlclly onl:e op~ri3tion ot' the tt-ac:tion ~inc:h 1~ hae. brerl disc~lnt.inuecl the ,~in~ 3-s-; 14 c:arl ~e nperateli to hi3l.l1 itl ti~,~ rhi3irl r 3tl1e intri thQ ch.3in lol~et- 30.
~ oth ~ire rope 3nd et-lain c atllFI are h~ led, tht-o~ ,h ,3 eh3it-l pipe 40 lyiny in the r,:~pe patil clet'inecl tly the f~,irlea,i .s.ilei3~e r!~ ,::hain ~heel :~4 and deflec:tor silei3~.~e ~. The chi3in pipe 4~ er~e~ to guicle t.he rhi3itl ei3tl1e :~, dl.lrincl hauling itl and paying nut/ ,3nd cdl~rit-ll~ retrie~/~al clf the r~ 3in e atlle ~61 the catlle simply depl-l~it.s from the tlottl:lm of the c:hiain pipe 4~ adji3c:ent.
the defleet.c~t- shea~r. ~ int.n the ehi3in lnc:k:er ;~0. Pi3yinl~, nlit l~f the an(:hclr line ~ is e~senti311y ri rC~'er~ l of the proce.-;s c,eseritlecd atlo~e.
The junction 4~ nf the wire rnpe ~14 and ~.hi3in c.atile ~, is illucitri3t.eli in !~rei3ter deti3il in the. ~ie~A~C; of ti~s. 4~ hel-e the juncticin is ~hr~ n l.cln~ y~li in ~,i3riciuC ,^lrient.stiotl.~ o~,er the winciliss.. r h3in wh~l 34.
From fi~s. ~, atld 7 it. ~.~ill be i3pparetlt that the r.hi3irl heel ~ has i3 pair Ct cirl umfrJrentii31 flstn~es 44/ 4~ Thqs~ tlsnc~,e~ 44/ 4~ hs~e ig pair of fl3nle-ims 4~ 50 nf e.uti~ti~ ltisll~ ilienticcl dii3mqter anc"-c~t.i~,tinr, cl:l-i3xialllJ
i3~01~t the ~hgi~ fhe~l rclt.~til~nsl .g. i.~ 5~. A, ir, umf4renti~ fire t^Op~
c~ro"~e 54 fclrrrled in the hlitl ,~f the c~ in ~heel ~4 permit~ c:cin~,~eyi,~c:e ci~
thr ~ir~ rl~pe. 14 ~ rld ei!~ht pi3irs of fl~t.t.en~cd whe.lcl.s/ onq whelp Cit eal.h pi3,ir loeatec, to either C:id~ of t.he wire rcpe grocl~e 54 ciefine ei~lht ~irl~llmterl~ntii311y-~:p, pockc!t.s. dimqnsionqli tcl con~y the ~ hain link~. c,f the c.~i3in c.i3~1e ~ ne ..u~h pair of ~Lfhelps 5~1 ',u is indil i3ted in fj~C~; ~, and 7.
Thq junl tion ~t~ inc.ludes a detacha~le eh3in linl{ tl~l ha~.~ing i3 .2~;3~

pi~if of oppclsin!~ erl~l pOI-tiOIl~:; 6~, f; :l i.illli i3 l,:lngit.u~ir~ Xi~ xtenliirlg tlet'.'~et3n the erlcl pl~ ticlrll; fl,', f.l4. A c:oll,~ fitteli i3bol.~t. the o~,ual lirlk f:~J
int~rme~iate l~f trle eppcl~;irl~cl lin~ ~nli pclrtiorl~; t.l,J, ~4. rfle eC~ ir ~;~ ei~rf-i~
;~ mult.iplieit~ ot prujectil:lflc; ~hich ser~,~e t.o cu~penli the 0~,~i31 ohi3irl lin~. 6 from the tl,3nge rims 54/ ~ liuring ol:ln~e~af-lce clf the junl,t.iclfl 4~ o~.~er the ohi3i n ,~,~heel ~;4 The 0~i31 link; enci ,c~c~rt.i on 6~ i; intef-link~ ith a suiti3~1e link ~ irl the chi3in ci3t,1e ~ acl,3pted to r4cei~t3 the li3r!~e cl~al lirllc, theretly iefiflirl~ a uf-li~,~erci,311ll pi~.~ottin~ rhi3in ci3tl1e eof-lnel:ticln A ,~ire rclpe encl i~ recei~ed an!i reti3inecl in ,3 con~.~ent.iclni31 e.c~t kete~ eonnec~tl:lr 74 h3~,~in~ a tli31~ ~6. The tli31e 7f~ i~; intef-lirlkecd the c~ al link enli pc"-tic"-, ~t theret,~
pro~,~iclincJ a uni~er~;,311y pi~lottinl~ conneetion t!etwe~n the .~ire rop~ ~n,i 7 an~i the 0'.',31 link encd pclrtion 64 Trle prrljeetic'fls ot the c011,3t- ~ af-e arri3nl~eli in t.~ et~ ~i3, C-iO/ each c:onsietincJ c~ projecticlns The projecticln~ ot t.he first ciet 7i ire lol i~ted c-7dji3cerlt. the c~i71 link encl portil~n El~' i7n,i ~re equally-spi3cecl ~ir~.umferef7tii711y in i3 ~qeneri311~ ircl.lli3r i7rri3n~qsmerlt reli3t.i~e to c7 pl.3ne tr~7ns~erse to the 0~71 link s loflJituclinal axis E,~. The secQnci of p~-oje~:ti,~ns ~0 i~ ~;in~ili3rl~ i3rri3n~ecl i7clji3~ent the other 0~,~i31 link erlcl portiQn ~14 AS ~flf~ e ~7ppi3r~nit fronl fi9S. 4-~J the pr,~jec:ticlns exten~ sufti, iet7t.1~l ri7di~711y from the 0~,~91 link s lc"lcgituclini71 sxis ~i t.hat"il~rin~q p~7~.si3Je clf the iunct.i~n 4~ cl~,~er the ehi3in f,heel :~4J i3 dismetf-ie~lly-QppQsin3 pi3ir Qt projPctii7ns ot esoh set 7~, ~iO enl~i-7Je'i the flsnle rim; 4~, 5~, sus.penciin~
the 0'~i31 c:hain link~ ancl c,tfler prl~je~ticlns rlei7r of the c:hi3ii7 ,~,rPIeel The prc,~ision of twcl s~tci c,f proje~t.iQns ~ ,0, ~"le set i3dj,~cent either o~ the o~.Ji71 link end portions ~,r~J ~4, ensure~ c:c7ntac.t ~ ith the fli3~ ae rims 4." 5~ 7t tw~ ,:ircumferenti~ spsl::eci-i3psrt posit.ions.

5~374 ~rh~ JllnGti~ liit~ t-i i~ ti3.~1lJ 1151l~t ~ ol.lter pr~.~ iphG.t-~ f t.h~
~h~ 4hl3r~ r-~ t.~lr~ al lil-l.L. ~ c;FI13~-ldeli fl-l:lrr~ tl-ll~ fl~ r-! ril-lls ~,4, ~io soC.l~eter~ l::ol-lneet~ 74 a.rlli ~,Yire r~F~3 end 7~1 ei3n pi~-lt.
sut,.~itanti~ treely t.heret~ r~lilrlin3tirl;l e ceC;C.i r- rl:lpe benliirll~. The ~unction 4~ is ~ue.-i thi3t a crc~p~.r t-.c-p-~-edticn of tne eolli3r ~i~ is not. i31.~T3~ls initii3lllJ o.~tain~c. one enli rhiincl displi3c:ec. fr:lm t.~-le fli3rl!~e rirn~
~partieuli3rly durinl.l pi3ying c~ tlut thie. i~ not. unriull.l eri.-.iei~l.
I.t Y~'ill t.e rr~aciily .3pparerlt. thi3t the colli3r ~ ei3n 3C;eume e~sentii311~ t.inree. Iiistinet~ rreli~t.i~l~ely sti3ble orienti3t.ions t.c, the tli3nge rirn; Cl~r 5G. Fic~l~;. 4 i3nli 5 illllstri3te tWCI su~h di ;tinrt orienti3tillrlC;
In t.he orienti~ticn ~f Fig. ~;J the 0.~i31 linl lies irl i3 ~.~ertil~al pli3ne 3nc. ac;
illustri3tei~ a.ij3eent e.ili3in lirlk:~ e.3n prcipr~rly seiat in the pclc:ket.s of the c:hi3in ~ heel 34. The .ire r-lpe end 7~ ciu~perllieli i3YYa~ fr lm the hu.~ ot the ~ehi3in ~Theel 34 arld r~nn~;equently freel~ pi ~ottincl. In th~ orient3tion of fiq.
4 the link 60 is ancllec. i3t ~0 .ieJrees to the gener.31 pli3ne :,f the eh~in wheel ~4. T.he link ~ f .3ni immrdii3.i.el~l tollowincl link roti3t.e ; their lcfnJitudinal i3.~;es to i3cro~rllf'~te the ~r.f declreee of rnti3ticln theFetf!~
permitting the i3dji3eent chain links to prclpel-ly ~eat in the poc:ket.~ of ther.~h~in wheel ~54. The ~.sme is t~-ue rlf the rem.sinin~ cli.~:tinet clrie~lt.i3tion.
IF the l~hain link~ i3re n~t orientecl for ~ync:hrclni~i3ti~fn ~Tith the poc:ketc: of the c:hi3in wi-leel ~4 when the wire rope-c.h3in ei3~1e jun:tion 4~ i~
su~penderi frl~m the fli3n3e rims. 4~ 50J the c.hi3in link~ ci3n ride tne top~ tthe ct-li3in whr.el whqlp~ an~ ill e.ync:hroni~e in due c~clur~e ciue to the difter~nee in the pitch dii3meter~i tletween the pc~c:lete. i3nd the ehi~in lin~.
To permit emclrJther ~nc:hroni~i3til:ln of the h~in link~ with the o h~in wheel 34~ mei3n~ mi~ tle prl~ ideli to permit the ~ ire rclpe when .reatecl in the c:hi3in `` ~LZ~3~

,~Y ,'~ l 's ~-clir~ c,~ 54 t~ t i3t t~ 3t.i ~ t c, t,~ Y,~-I,r-~l pC;. Tl~ ;3 ~ n~ 3 -c ~ ,r ~lei3~ c, C~i3~1 tle i ~l~t~ .cl ~ t.~e ,~ ,t":lf t ~ r hir~ -1 t "r c:oa;~:i,31 rclti3tilln wilh the~ C~ in Wi,t3el r~ ~:hi3ttJ ~tle t~earirlla efteoti~
de,'ininll, the tlcltton-, ot' thc.~ ire rllpe ~,rllc~ e ',4 Tlle t,e,3rirlc~l, eho,l,ld hi3~ e a hi iher c:oir.ftil ii-nt. Ilt trirticln thi3n tile tleari~n~2r-; C~t,ller~,~isi-! -;,l-, the c:hi3i,-l wheel ehi3ft F;~ so thi3t rlu,natnic; 1l~,3,ds i3risirlg c',llrin,!~, eron~Y~e!,i3,l0e of the ~ ir,3 ro,rle in the rclpe ~,ro,o~e 54 tenl, tc, t,e ~,orrle primarilll tly the ,~lore rcltluC;t ~earingc. i~,s.srocii3led w ith th,3 ehi,in wh,eel .-~ 3ft. AGel,rc,in,1,ly, a ,~nar,k mi3,~, ~e pli3c:eli on o"le o~ the chi3in Y,~,heel fli3nc,,~; 44, 4~, tc, inc.',ie,3te thi~,t por~itiqn of the. junc.t.icln ~ril relati~4 to the ehain wheel ~4J requirec!, tc, ensure imme,:,iate c-il~nchroni~iS~ticln ,::f the ohiain lin,ks with t,-he poc:ketci If the junc:ticln 4~1 ,ie,es not. i~,lic~,n with the rrli3r,'cer clurin,~ i3ncho,- line retrie~Y~alJ
~rakr~;; c:an t^,e a,rpliec', to, th,e chain whe,el ~4 i3ncl, the tri3c:tinn whlc:h lci uC.eli either to haul in or pay out t.h~ wil-e rl~pe 24 n~,~er the eirl::~ Sr ~earin~ until proper rel~ti~,~e i31iJnment. of the jllncticln 4'~ i3nd the marlf.~r oc:curs.
An alt.ernat.i~ pc,ssit,lr~ orientaticln of the l,l~llar ~c; relati~.~e t,:, the flanc~le rims 4CjJ 5~ jS illustri3ted in fi~cl. 6. In that clrient.,3tionJ twc, Ptr~]~rt1OrIr;; ~j4J Irj~U not in riii3metrie~ CIPPOSjn9 reli3tion~;hipJ bl.~t r~jrrum~errentii31l~ ~ip~reecl ~ de,~reesJ are shrlwn en~jsclin~ t.he tl,3nJe rim~. 4~i~ 5CI The jllnc.ticln 4;/13OCOrd;nC~I1Y ~ feeP~; thrOll;1tl ;3 r;~re;3te;~ r~3C;;USJ
,Yhioh is undeeiirs~le it' clearance ~etween the c:hain wheel ~ ,3nd other corl-lponent~ of the tr~etion ~finl::h i~ criti,e~l. Al~qJ ~.~er~; su~sti3nt.ii31 ~prr~i3clin,~ forc.e~ are applied tcl the flan~e3 44J 4r:, ArI 3n~1ed def1ec.tor,c~lste ~ ccordinc~ 3t.tached to t.t~e frame ot' the ~ incllss., l4J ,3nd lie~ in the higher r~dius psth of the junc:tion 4~?J osusin~ the jl.lrlcticltl 4~ tcl ret,3te into an orietlt.i3tion suc.h ~s illu~:tri3teli irl fi~q. 5J ~efllre ~ec~min~q firrnly .Z~;37~3 3,a~l~ Wi ti l ttl~ c~ 3i ~ hq~ 1. All ~l t~:!t-l1.3t i ~ f lJI- ~i ,3.~ i rlla ~.hl3 .c, prl~pe~-ly clri~t ~ til~. t'li3~ flcj j.; t,n i~ fl t,'-le ~-cl~
~ilii ch~ pclekatC clff ei3nt.rl3 t~hi3t i~s, C~;pi3ce,~ c:lcls~r to c,ne ,~f the fl;~n~i3c Ael orditlglllJ liuring frl:lm ~Yire r~pe tl~ ,::hi3in c,3tl1e o~,~e.r t.he ehi3irl rs~heel, the 0~,~i31 link ~0 i3nd pr,:lj~c:t.ions tenci to strih~e one clf tile fl~nge rirnC
fir~cit"ni3mely~ the. rim l~t the. fli3nge elclset- to th~! rope ~roo~,~e! there~y, forl:ing the juneti~n 4~ t~ sei3t properly tlet,~Srebn thb t'l~ngec;. This rrletllo~
of ~ii3sin~ ei3rl ~lso ~e used in respect of the f,3irlei3ci ~hei3ve :2~.
F~irlei3d e.hei3~.~e ~; hi3s sutisti3ntii311l~ the si3me con.~;trlleticln ~JS
t.he. c,~1i3in wheel ~. Açrc,rliin~ly, thq ri:lpe ci3tlle junctic"~ s eonve~le~iove.r the fi3irlei3cl sh~ e ~ in ~sl~sti3ntii311y the si3mq mi3t-lner i3s h,3~ tleen de.s.c:ri~ed in respiS.ct ,:,f th~ ohi3ill wheel ~. It sholllli tle noted th,3t ch~ir lir,k s.ynohrclni~i3ticin is not p~rticuli3t-l-J l~.ritir:i31, i3S the f.3irlei3d shei3S,~q ~
only p~rtii311y wri3pped tly tt-le anc:hor line 2~ i3nd is free-S~Yheeli~ ri3ther than clriS,~en. Tci ensllre proper orienti3tic,n of the colli3r ~ ,3nd the projections on the fairlead fli3ng~ t-i~ns, tlle wir~ rope larcioS''e of the ti3irlei3cl 3nd wi'lelps oi3rl t"q off~et reli3tive to the fli3rll~e; tor i3 ~itriotly l~entr31 ,posit.ion t,etS~,~een the fi3irle3,i fli3ncles, i3s pre~Svieuc;ly de~c:ritied. It Y~ill tle i3pp~r~nt th~t the oon~truI~tion c,f tho junI~tiorl 4~ oh thi3t not ~nly c~n i3 ocln~.~enient non~cliscorlIlect s.ystem tle proS~~icIecl/ tlut i3 fi30ility for moorin~ on ohl3in i310neJ tly rnqi3n~ of i3 pocket.ed fi3irle.3d shqi3S~~e is al~o ocIt,3inqci The ~unc:ticln ~2 ci3n ~e U~b~ in a ~i3ribtll ot applic:ations. In p.3rticuli3rJ the fi3irle,3d shei3S.~e neeIi not. ~e. pock.eted. It is sufficierIt f~r exatnpleJ if the f,3irlead s~lea~b has i3n irInet- wire rope !~roo~eJ i3ncl a t!ro,3der c~lroove surroundinl the wire rope cgt-oove whirh 0i3n c:onSS~e.y rhainljnke", perhaps with i3lt~rtll3tive links supported in .he wire rope ~c!rclcl~e hlso, the 3L2~i~7 1 .;
;3nC:tlnr 1 jnQ f~f~ .h it~ ~peciti ~llncticlrl flff e ~n be lJ'.~f'li in a l.'~ C:CItlt'lf,.','C:t.
~y~tt~ tl-a~ itil:ln l:lf ttlt-~ -lc:tio~l ~f~ t~ the fili~-lt3~ tlf3i3~e tlf3in~
eriticial in ~ ch circlJmstiance~; Ont-! i3cl~i3rlt.i~gfj cl~tiaine~i in lJ~'irl,~ ~llC:t'l i3rl i~n~h~ line ~f' irl cnnnecticln ~ith i3 cii~;corlrlect ~ysten-l i that i3 pccketeli f ai rl e 31i ~:hei3~e c an t3e a - nmrnoli~teli Fig~ str3te i3n ;31terirli3ti~e ~a!l nf fnrmincl the rtlpe--c~1,3 llnctinn nf tt-le ianctll-3rlinte ff~. Mllre specifi~ l'lly firjs ~Stlll~Yr~ ~ucces~i~f~e ~t~ge~ in the -nn~.~ey~nce clf ~ rl3pe-ci3ble junc:til:lrl ~.-f~f c~,~er the l~hi3in wheel ~f4, ~ Jring pi3ying OlJt of the i3nchorin!~ line ffff.
TrlP. junction clo is fllrmeli ~IJ rope--stle )-onnection rnei3n~
incll.~ciing ia .r3cketteci rclpe cc!nne~Str3l- rJfff ~hictl ret.ains the ~ire rnpf3 en:l ~'ff.
A fire~t n~i31 ch.3in linlf ~f4 jc; interlinkPIi Yith the tliale l~fc~ rlf the ;~cketeli cnnne,:tcr ffff, permit.tin~ uni~ersi31 pi~.~nttin~ cf the sIJcketed ccnnectnr Sff ncl ~ire rcpe erlli ~'fl i3t thf' jl.jnCtjr3rl '?f~ A c~lin~irici31 colli3r I~ is i3tti3ched tc the ch~in linl; CJ4 intermcliii~te cppcsin~ en,:i pcrtions of the ch~in linl 1~4 i3nli Ci3rrieC; i3 first. set IOC:~ cf ~ prIljectiolls cirieIlteli in i3 Cirl'Uli3r ~rran,~er,lent in i3 pli3ne tr~ns~erse to the lcngituliini31 ~is of the ,-hi3in link;
C14. A ~econli 0~.~i31 chi3in link l 0~ int~rlink~ wi th th~ ohi3in link ~4 i3nd i3 thirci chi3in link 1f.~ tC '~YhiCh i~; i3tt~3che~i i3 coll3r 1~6 ci3rryincy i3 seconli set cf six prcjecticns 10u As with the jllnetion 4~ the sets 100 lO~i of prc,jec:ticns sue~penci the ~uncticln cl~ frorm the rim~ 4~ of the ch;3in wheel fli3nr~es 44 4~1 It will ~e 3pp~rent in ficl ù th3t the scc!~Ind set 10~ c~
projecticlns is 3~ially ~liqneci ~it~l the tirst set ot prnjectil~ns 11~0 tc ensure thi3t tlcth sets of prcljecticns ci3n siml~lti3nec~ sl~ e!ngi3c~e the fli3ncle rims ~lsc~ it shclllr~ ~e nilted thi3t t.he prl~ jecticnC 1~ i3re pcsit.iclneli tc one ~ilie cf the oclll~r ~1 ;3dji3cent the ~i31e I~ the socketeIi rcpe ccnnectcr 1~2 ~;2 5374 I ~
t l e~ 3~-lc e If.~ tti ~f~ lf t,`~rJ l i rl~ Jf~- tt-le j ~f l l lf~f~l f ~ f ti lf~ 3 i tl ~r ~d ~ftecti~elll p~ irlf~ i3 lclrlc~ler lel~llflr ~3r~ll tl:lr pi~ottinl~ r ~ i3i~ t~f ~ .31 li~k g4t.f~ lf~s t~ C;.~ ea p~-clperf:l~-ie~lti3til:1,r~ tillf~. ;hf!i3~fj fli-.ltll~f.-; 44 4f~. Tne sec:ond C;et of pro~f otiorlr. i3re ~;in~lil3~ d di.~pla ecd frl:lm the c:ent.rf qf the link 104 t-r s.i~rlili3r purposf s.
1~ ~rf~ Iltf-!f~ t~ 3t t.hf~ linkc; ~4 1 ~J4 i3~-f~ 1:lYi3l i3~-ld sifdniti:i3ntly lorlger thi3n the other ehi3irl linl;~ of the c:h~ in ci3tile r~t; i3s i3re the ch;3in link l~ l i3nd a c.hi3in link lCI~i immelii~telld interlinkincl the of ~ 3red c:h~3in link 104 l~ith the regul~3r links :,f the chr3in -r3tlle ~. Thl encJth. t of the ~ i3ri ouC. c h 3i n l i nks 3re scl sel ec:ted tni3t t.he regul i3r ehdi n ei3tile lin,kr~ teni tc sei~t prclperly in the pockets of the c:hlr-3irl wheel ~4 i3s the jurlc:tilln ~f.~ is ron~.~e~QIi sl~spenr~QIi tt-om the tli3ncle rims 4CjJ 5f~1~ 3C;
illuc;t.t-i3ted in fi~ 11. The junetil:ln 1~0 ci3n cnc~ i3gr3irl ~e corl~eyec, the ehi3in wheel :34 in r~ ~i3riety of clri~nti3tions~ onl!J orle ~;uc:,h clri~nt~tion tieinl~ illustri3tei in firls. 8-11.
The ju,nc:til:ln ~0 is oon~eyed o~er the ohdin ~heel ~4 in sll~sti3ntii311~ the ~dme mi3nne,~- i3s the jurleticin 4-1 Hcl~ e~er~ the i3diitioni31 flexii~ility or free~orrl of piYot.tinl~ rnc~ rnent pro~. idecl ,~ll mo~nting t.he first i3nd ~c;ecclnd set~ of pr~ieotions 100 10~ ~n sepi3r~te ohi3it~ k; ~4 104 interlinke~ .~,it~ n intermediat.e link 11.l~ ensures t.h~t tloth sets of pl-Dj4et.ions ~.i3n simult~neously sei3t i3gi3inst the fli3n~e rim; p~irtic:uli3rly during pi3ying ollt. Ao, ordin~ly the junction 9~ tend; to rem~iin eloser to the ~.h~in ~he41~4.
The junetion ~ e.3n tie tdi3e.e.d ~ mei3ns of ~ 3n~1ed detTel.tor pli3te or tly the rope qro~ e ~nd whelp; l~ff-centre tor prope.r ;eiiting i3~i3inst the fl~n~e rims of the ohi3in wheel.

``` :a. ;2S37~

It ~ ill be ,3ppre,::i,3teli th~t. emt,c,dirrll3nl.i clf th~
f3nticln ~ tleell ciecicritl~3d i3nli ~.i1i3t ~ r~ lJ tl~3 milli~3 t ',Yithl~Ut. ~p~rtit~ rl~m the ~pirit of th~3 itl'~alltil:ln ~ thC! C,l:op~ 'lf t~-le ppendeli rli~jm~

Claims (17)

1. A combination non-disconnect anchoring for a floating structure, comprising:
an anchor;
an anchor line a wire rope and chain cable connected to the anchor;
a chain locker formed in the floating structure for storing the chain cable;
a windlass for hauling in and paying out the chain cable into and from the chain locker, the windlass having a chain wheel adapted to convey both wire rope and chain cable, the chain wheel having a pair of circumferential flanges between which the anchor line is conveyed the chain wheel flanges defining a pair of flange rims;
a winch mounted on the floating structure for hauling in and paying out the wire rope over the windlass chain wheel;
a fairlead sheave for guiding the anchor line to and from the floating structure, the fairlead sheave having a pair of circumferential flanges between which the anchor line is conveyed, the fairlead sheave flanges defining a pair of flange rims;
connection means for connecting the wire rope and the chain cable to form a rope-cable junction, the connection means including suspension means for suspending the junction from the flange rims of the fairlead sheave and the flange rims of the chain wheel during conveyance of the junction respectively over the fairlead sheave and the chain wheel, the suspension means having a multiplicity of projections dimensioned and arranged for engagement with the flange rims of both the fairlead sheave and the chain wheel, the connection means including rope retaining means for retaining an end of the wire rope, the rope retaining means permitting universal pivotting of the wire rope end at the junction;
whereby, during conveyance of the junction over the fairlead sheave and the chain wheel. the junction is suspended from the fairlead sheave flange rims or from the chain wheel flange rims and the rope retaining means pivot substantially feely, therby preventing excessive bending of the rope end.
2. An anchoring system as claimed in claim 1 in which the fairlead sheave is formed with a multiplicity of pockets shaped to convey the chain links of the chain cable.
3. An anchoring system as claimed in claim in which the connection means comprise:
a connection member having a pair of opposing end portions and a longitudinal axis extending between the opposing end portions;
chain cable connection means for forming a universally pivotting connection between the chain cable and one of the connection member end portions;
the rope retaining means forming a universally pivotting connection between the other connection member end portion and the wire rope end;
the multiplicity of projection including (a) a first set of projection attached to the connection member adjacent the one connection member end portion, the projections of the first set being circumferentially spaced apart in a generally circular arrangement in a plane transverse to the longitudinal axis, and (b) a second set of projections attached to the connection member adjacent the other junction member end portion, the projection of the second set being circumferentially spaced apart in a generally circular arrangement in a plane transverse to the longitudinal axis.
4. An anchoring system as claimed in claim 3 in which the connection member is an oval chain link;
the suspension means comprises a cylindrical structure fitted about the oval chain link and bearing the multiplicity of projections;
a chain link of the chain cable is interlinked with the oval chain link, thereby forming a universally pivotting connection; and, the rope retaining means comprise a socketted wire rope connector having a bale, the bale being interlinked with the oval chain link, therby forming a universally pivotting connection.
5. An anchoring system as claimed in claim 1 in which the connection means comprise:
a first chain link having a pair opposing end portions;
a second chain link interlinked with the first link;
a third chain link interlinked with the second chain link;
the rope retaining means forming a universally connection between one end portion of the first chain link and the wire rope end;
the multiplicity of projection including a first set of projection attached to the first link member intermediate of the opposing end portions of the first link, the projections of the first set being circumferentially spaced apart in a generally circular arrangement in a plane transverse to the longitudinal axis of the first chain link, and a second set of projections attached to the third chain link intermediate of the opposing end portions of the third link, the projections of the second set being circumferentially spaced apart in a generally circular arrangement in a plane transverse to the longitudinal axis, whereby, during conveyance of the junction over the either of the fairlead sheave and the chain wheel, the first and third links are suspended from the flange rims of the fairlead and the chain wheel respectively.
6. An anchoring system as claimed in claim 1 in which the suspension means comprise:
a collar attached to the first chain link and carrying the first set of projections; and, a collar attached to the third chain link and carrying the second set of projections.
7. An anchoring system as claimed in claim 1 comprising biasing means for biasing the suspension means to assume only preselected orientations when engaging the flange rims of the fairlead sheave and the chain wheel.
8. An anchoring system as claimed in claim 7 in which the fairlead sheave has a rope groove positioned off-centre relative to the fairlead sheave flanges, and in which the chain wheel has a rope groove and chain pockets positioned off-centre relative to the chain wheel flanges.
9. An anchor line, including a length of wire rope, a length of chain cable and connection means forming a junction between the wire rope and chain cable, in combination with a sheave-like structure, such as a fairlead sheave or chain wheel, which has a pair of circumferential flanges between which the anchor line is conveyed, the flanges defining a pair of flange rims, the connection means comprising:
rope retaining means for retaining an end of the wire rope, the rope retaining means permitting universal pivotting of the wire rope and at the junction;
suspension means for suspending the junction from the flange rims during conveyance of the junction over sheave-like structure, the suspension means having a multiplicity of projections dimensioned and arranged for engagement with the flanges rims;
whereby, during conveyance of the junction over the sheave-like structure, the junction is suspended from the flange rims thereby permitting the wire rope end to pivot freely.
10. The combination of claim 9 in which the sheave-like structure is formed with a multiplicity of pockets shaped to convey the chain links of the chain cable.
11. the combination of claim 9 in which the connection means comprise:
a connection member having a pair of opposing end portions and a longitudinal axis extending between the opposing end portions;
chain cable connection means for forming a universally pivotting connection between the chain cable and one of the connection member end portions;
the rope retaining means forming a universally pivotting connection between the other connection member end portion and the wire rope end;
the multiplicity of projection including (a) a first set of projections attached to the connection member adjacent the one connection member end portion, the projections of the first set being circumferentially spaced apart in a generally circular arrangement in a plane transverse to the longitudinal axis, and (b) a second set of projections attached to the connection member adjacent the other junction member end portion, the projections of the second set being circumferentially spaced apart in a generally circular arrangement in a plane transverse to the longitudinal axis.
12. The combination of claim 11 in which:
the connection member is an oval chain link;
the suspension means comprise a cylindrical structure fitted about the oval chain link and bearing the multiplicity of projections;
a chain link of the chain is interlinked with the oval chain link, thereby forming a universally pivoting connection, and, the rope retaining means comprise a socketted wire rope connector having a bale, the bale being interlinked with the oval chain link, thereby forming a universally pivotting connection.
13. The combination of claim 9 in which the connection means comprise:
a first chain link having a pair of opposing end portions;
a second chain link interlinked with the first link;
a third chain link interlinked with the second chain link;
the rope retaining means forming a universally pivotting connection between one end portion of the first chain link and the wire rope and;
the multiplicity of projection including a first set of projections attached to the first link member intermediate of the opposing end portions of the first link, the projections of the first set being circumferentially spaced apart in a generally circular arrangement in a plane transverse to the longitudinal axis of the first chain link, and a second set of projections attached to the third chain link intermediate of the opposing end portions of the third link, the projections of the second set being circumferentially spaced apart in a generally circular arrangement in a plane transverse to the longitudinal axis, whereby, during conveyance of the junction over the either of the fairlead sheave and the chain wheel, the first and third links are suspended from the flange rims of the fairlead and the chain wheel respectively.
14. The combination of claim 9 in which the suspension means comprise:
a collar attached to the first chain link and carrying the first set of projections; and, a collar attached to the third chain link and carrying the second set of projections.
15. The combination of claim 9 comprising biasing means for engaging the flange rims
16. The combination of claim 15 in which the sheave-like structure has a rope groove positioned off-centre relative to the sheave flanges whereby the suspension means are biased to assume only preselected orientations when engaging the flange rims.
17. The combination of claim 10 in which the sheave-like structure has a rope groove, and the rope groove and pockets are positioned off-centre relative to the sheave flanges whereby the suspension means are biased to assume only preselected orientations when engaging the sheave flanges.
CA000483080A 1985-06-03 1985-06-03 Combination anchor line adapted for passage over fairlead sheaves and chain wheels Expired CA1253749A (en)

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CA000483080A CA1253749A (en) 1985-06-03 1985-06-03 Combination anchor line adapted for passage over fairlead sheaves and chain wheels

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CA000483080A CA1253749A (en) 1985-06-03 1985-06-03 Combination anchor line adapted for passage over fairlead sheaves and chain wheels

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CA000483080A Expired CA1253749A (en) 1985-06-03 1985-06-03 Combination anchor line adapted for passage over fairlead sheaves and chain wheels

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Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2013170259A1 (en) * 2012-05-11 2013-11-14 Bardex Corporation Mooring chain connecting link
US10759628B2 (en) 2016-02-12 2020-09-01 Bardex Corporation Link coupler, chainwheel, and assembly thereof for coupling and moving chains of different sizes
CN113914801A (en) * 2021-10-19 2022-01-11 中国石油化工股份有限公司 Logging steel wire rope feeder

Cited By (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2013170259A1 (en) * 2012-05-11 2013-11-14 Bardex Corporation Mooring chain connecting link
US9127747B2 (en) 2012-05-11 2015-09-08 Bardex Corporation Mooring chain connecting link
EP2847491A4 (en) * 2012-05-11 2016-06-01 Bardex Corp LINK LINK FOR MOORING CHAINS
US10759628B2 (en) 2016-02-12 2020-09-01 Bardex Corporation Link coupler, chainwheel, and assembly thereof for coupling and moving chains of different sizes
CN113914801A (en) * 2021-10-19 2022-01-11 中国石油化工股份有限公司 Logging steel wire rope feeder

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