CA1244260A - Consistometer - Google Patents



Publication number
CA1244260A CA000486970A CA486970A CA1244260A CA 1244260 A CA1244260 A CA 1244260A CA 000486970 A CA000486970 A CA 000486970A CA 486970 A CA486970 A CA 486970A CA 1244260 A CA1244260 A CA 1244260A
Prior art keywords
movable mass
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
Other languages
French (fr)
Henry Arciszewski
Bin Y. Chiang
Linda A. Porzio
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Nabisco Brands Inc
Intercontinental Great Brands LLC
Original Assignee
Nabisco Brands Inc
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
Filing date
Publication date
Application filed by Nabisco Brands Inc filed Critical Nabisco Brands Inc
Priority to CA000486970A priority Critical patent/CA1244260A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1244260A publication Critical patent/CA1244260A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Food-Manufacturing Devices (AREA)


An improved consistometer has a vertically-movable rod for imparting a precisely-measurable amount of energy on initial impact to a dough sample.
Slmultaneouslyl a precise measurement of vertical drop is obtained from a cooperating dial displacement indicator. The dial indicator has a vertical arm which is displaced by a horizontal disk fixed to the rod. A
collar retains the rod in a first position; removal of the collar permits the rod to drop. After initial impact, further displacement of the rod is measured over a fixed time interval. Comparison of displacement of various dough samples thus indicates their relative consistencies. The rod has interchangeable penetrating rod end elements, to accommodate various types of dough.



Thls lnventlon relates to consistometers for measuring the conslstency of a dough sample, and particularly to a consistometer havlng an lmproved constructlon for precisely measuring vertlcal displacement of a rod lnto a dough sample. Also, thls lnventlon relates to consistometers having lnterchangeable penetrating rod ends.
Thls Invention may also be adapted ~for use as a conslstometer for measurlng any of a variety of edible food products, lncluding but not llmited to breads~, pas~rieS, fillings, cookles, crackers, laminated food~
products, or any other edlbIe goods which have a measurable consistency.
In the conventlonal conslstometers, a welght Is released agalnst a dough or food sample. The dough or food sample is respective;y penetrated to broken. The prior art testers commonly use gauges to measure~
displacement~ the gauge usually being dlrectly connected to a testlng arm~which moves into the dough or food sample. Such consistometers do not have co~nveniently lnterchangeable penetrating rod ends. Moreover, such .

prlor art conslstometers do not have a readily varlable welght attached to the vertlcally displaced penetratlng rod end which could be used to adapt the conslstometer for varylng doughs or varylng materlals to be tested.
Also, slnce the prlor art consistometer~ that rely on a dlal lndlcator for preclse measurements have lncluded lt wlth the dropplng rod assembly, the welght of the rod cannot be measured lndependently Or the dlal lndlcator.
Thls ls undeslrable, ln that a conslstometer ldeally should be usable with any Or a variety of food products or doughs, and ln order to provide the most slgnlficant measurements the weight of a falilng mass used to penetrate the dough or food product sample must be variable, and should be susceptible of preclse measurement wlthout oomplete dlsassemb~ly of the conslstometer. Furthermore, the rod should ~be separately removable from th~e con~lstometer wlthout~
disturblng the dlal lndlcator so that the rod assembly~
may be perlodlcally cleaned and lnspected wlthout contactlng the dlal lndlcator. Such contaot~or~bumplng of the dial lndlcator ln a di~assembly operatlon mlght , or~dlnarlly damage lt~ or cause a prevlous calibratlon to ~ -~

become lnaccurate. Al~o, dlal lndlcators are easlly ::: :
suspectlble to belng broken or otherwlse damaged by lmpacts such as mlght occur i~ the dlal ~indlcator were :

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removed from its support stand.
Other prior art devices, whlch do not use dial lndlcators, have simpler operation and ~tructure but are not as precise as those devlces using a dial indlcator.
In such devices, marks have been placed along one movlng part and the gross movement ls detectable by relatlve movement of the marks against a second, fixed part.
Whlle belng convenlent to use, these devices sufrer from a lack of accuracy. Furthermore, ln these devlces, obJectlve ~measurements are very dlf`ficult to obtaln slnce the polnt Or vlew of the observer and the aculty of the observer's vlsion are influencing factors ln the measurement whlch ls ultlmately recorded by the observer.
The prior art oonsletometers employ release mechanisms of varying types. However, the prior art release mechanlsms either rely upon complex llnkages or~
else are clumsy and awkward to use with one hand lf~an observer ls using the other hand to operate; a stopwatch ; 20 or timer. Thus, ease of operatlon i8 an important quality in a consistometer, as ls rellabllity and accuracy.
Attempts have been made in the~ prlor art to overcome the disadvantages associated wlth the prlor art consistometers. Typical of the prlor art attempts to ~ 3 ~


solve the above-noted problems as30ciated wlth consl~tometers 1~ the type dlsclosed by Claus in ~.S.
Patent No. 2,347,082 and Bloom in U.S. Patent No.
2,119,699. Other lnventors have made varylng attempts to solve the above-ldentlfied problems, and those effects are also discu~sed below.
U.S. Patent No. 1,458,130 dlscloses a process and apparatus for classlfylng food products, wherein a C-shaped support portlon havlng a ~orked upper arm slldably retalns a cylinder having a varlable weight (a shot-bearing cup) attached to the top. The welght i8 supported upon a horizontal dlsk. The ~lldable cylinder has lnterchangeable strlking members attached to the bottom thereof, a striking member being retained in , place by a setscrew,~ A baklng sample ~s elevated sllghtly above the lower portlon o~E the C-~haped suppor~
memb~er by a palr of~ralls whlch are pa~rallel~to~but offset from, the elongated strlklng member. In~test~lng the samples, the total welght of the rod assembly 2~ (lncluding the upper sho~t-bearlng cup an~d the lower ~str~lklng member) is measured, and the rod assembly ls~
allowed to ~all a predetermlned dlstance ~o as to break the baked good sample~ If, howe~er9 the baked good ~` sample does not break, more welght ls ;added to the~
~hot-bearlng cup and the proces~ is repeated. However, ~4~


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no dial lndicator is used for measuring dlsplacement, nor are rod-shaped, alternate plungers used as strlklng members. Furthermore, the upper disk portlon of the vertically travellng rod ls not used to measure vertical travel.
The U.S. Patent 2,119,699 discloses a consistency tester havlng a dlal pressure indicator attached to the uppermost end of a cylinder, the lower end of the cylinder having a slldable plston mounted thereln whlch lo is attached at lts lowermost extremlty to a special head used to penetrate a food product sample. Glycerin ls retalned ln the otherwlse hollow portion of the upper :
end of the cyllnder so as to transmit force Or the movable rod to the pressure gauge. The speclal heads are interchangeable, and the vertically ~movable rod has a shoulder thereon for llmltlng downward travel through the hollow cyllnder. In operatlon, the conslstency tester is pushed lnto a~dou~h~sample untll th~e speclal head has completely penetrated the dough sample. From thls point on a constant pressure readlng wlll be obtalned, a~nd th~ls reading may be compared wlth~ other dough samples~ However, a C-shaped support stQnd ls~not shown nor is a horlzontal dl~k used to dlsplace an instrument arm to provide a mea~ure of vertlcal ::
dlsplacement of a rod. Furthermore, no dial indlc~ator Z6~ ,-for lndlcatlng vertlcal travel is shown.
The U.S. Patent 2,347,082 dlscloses a method and apparatus for testing dough, having a vertlcally adJustable dlal lndlcator mounted to an upstandlng support rod which ls attached flxedly to a bottom table support. A rounded dough contacting element ls vertically centered beneath the dial lndlcator. Three vertlcally ad~ustable support arms are also attached to the rod between the dial lndlcator support arm and the lower table portlon, the uppermost and the lowermost arms used to constraln~ the vertlcal movment of a rod ~hlch passes through openlngs ln each of the arms. The rod is attached a~t is uppermost portlon to the dlal indlcator and at lts lowermost portlon to the dough `~ ~contactln~ head. A third arm between the two ~: :
constrainlng arms has~a hanged Jolnt therein. The extremity of the Jolnted~ arm contacts a vertically hanging, ad~usta~le support arm whlch can be pivoted out of supportlng engagement of the extremlty. The pivotlng ;20 support arm contact~ a pin fixed to the vertlcally movable rod 90 that dl6engagement of the support arm permits the rod to fall downward from an accurately predetermined ~dlstance. The dl~al lndlcator measures vert1cal dlsplacement of the rod. Upon release Or the load on the douKh specimen~ a stopwatch i8 started to . . ~

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that the amount of compresslon can be read at definite tlme intervals and recorded to lndlcate any varlatlon ln the tlme compresslon readlng. In a second embodiment a counterwelght ls used to accurately balance the welght of the speclmen engaglng member so that only a selected amount of welght 1~ applled to the dough sample regardless of the posltion of the testing apparatus.
However, a C-shaped support member having a dial vertlcal travel lndlcator at an upper extremlty thereof with a vertlcal travel indicatlng rod adapted to contact at an upper end of the dial a portlon of a vertically movable rod ls not shown. Further, lnterchangeable dough contacting elements are not shown, nor is a setscrew shown to engage the rod to llmit vertlcal downward travel of the rod to limit vertlcal downward travel.
The U.S. Patent 2,975,631 shows a softness gauge for bakery products whereln a hollow, cylindrlcal support element recelves a rod member wlth a welght attached to lts top, and a dough contactlng element at its bottom. A portlon Or the rod within the cyllnder is exposed so that a callbration mark ls vlsible thereon, and correspondlng mark~ are present on the~portion o~
the cyllnder closely adJacent the exposed portlon Or the rod so that relatlve travel of the rod and cylinder may 6~ -- ;

be readlly measured. In uqe, a dough sample is placed dlrectly under the rod, the welght released, and vertlcal travel downwards measured. However, no dlal indlcator for indlcatng vertical relatlve movement ls shown, no C-shaped ~upport ls shown havlng a dlal indlcator attached to lts upper extremlty for contacting an upper portlon of a vertlcally movable rod wblch has a setscrew for adJustlng a predetermlned distance~of fall for the rod. Further, no lnterchangeable dough contactlng elements are shown.
The U.S. Patent 3,~750,467 discloses ~a device to measure compressibility of soft materiaIs. Here, an :
overall C-shaped ~tand has three rods. A mlddle rod has calibrating lndlcia thereon and~ha~ at its top a~support rlng for attachlng to the uppermost extremlty of the top :: : :: :
support. On elther~side are~ two rods whlch are~
constralned to move along a vertlcally~flxed axls. The~
rods are fixedly~attached~ at ~their lower extremi~tles to~
a dough contactlng element~.~; In use, the~ rlng~ ls disconn~ected rrOm the uppermost support member, ~and~
vertlcal travel~ln a downward dlrectlon~of~the assembly~
agalnst a dough~sample~ i9: measured~by observatl~on Or the~
relative dlsplacement of the lndlcla upon the~lndlcla~
bearing rod relatlve to a flxed plate. HoweverJ~no~dlal indlcator ls shown for meaquring vertical dl3placement ' :~ :

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of a fixed ~rod member. Further, no lnterchangeable dough contacting elements are shown, nor 1~ a dial lndlcator shown whlch is attached to an extremity of an upper C-shaped support member.
The French patent 903,602 shows a flxed support plaform for a movable rod. The rod has a callbratlng mark thereon and is placed centrally wlth~n apertures in support member. A vertical scale is placed closely adJacent to the calibratlng mark. In use, the support member is placed upon a dough sample and the weight is released. Vertical downward travel of the welght into the dough sample is then recorded by comparing the relative beginning and endlng levels of the rod.
However, no C-shaped support member ls shown havlng a vertical travel lndicatlng dial lndlcator thereon at an upper extremlty thereor, nor ls there shown a rod mounted ~or vertlcal travel wlthin the upper C~shaped member such that lts upper portlon bear~ a horlzontal surface for contact with an operatively attached rod of the dial lndlcator for lndlcating relative movement therebetween. Further, no interchangeable dough contactlng elements are shown.
The French patent 1,206,824 shows a more complex device rOr indlcating traYel Or a rod withln a support member. However, no C-shaped support member is shown _g_ lZ'~ 6~

which supports a dial indicator to an upper arm, nor ls contact shown of a rod with a horizontal surface of a vertlcally movable member~ Further, no interchangeable dough contacting elements are shown.
Russian patent 506,804 discloses a complex conslstency measuring devlce for use with soft food products. An indenter is motor-driven lnto a tested sample and a dynamometer measures the consistency whlle a potentiometer measures the electrlcal reslstance so as to indicate food quality. However, no C-shaped support member is shown for supportlng at lts ~upper arm's extremity a dial lndicator having a rod operatlvely attached thereto for contactlng a horlzontal ~upper surface of a vertlcally movable member for contacting a dough sample. ~ Further, no interchangeable dough oontactlng elements a~re~shown.

-; It is accordingly one ob~ect of the present lnvention to provide an~impro~ve~d consistometer which~is~
reliable, accurate, req~ulres no~extraordinary equlpment in ~the fabrlcatlon thereor, and~ that ls formed readily avallable materials that can be manuraatur;ed~by~
persons skilled ln the mechanlcal arts.
Another obJect of the present lnv~ention is to 10~

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provide an lmproved consistometer having a vertically dropplng rod wlth a penetratlng rod end, and whlch together are supported by a C-shaped stand.
A further ob~ect of the present inventlon i~ to provide an lmproved conslstometer which can be operated by one hand when necessary, lncludlng a pull chaln for removal of a predetermlned-wldth spaclng member.
A still further obJect of the present lnvention ls to provlde an lmproved conslstometer whlch lncludes a C-shaped support stand, a vertlcally dropplng rod, interchangeable penetratlng rod ends, a dlal lndlcator whlch is not dlrectly connected to the vertlcally ; dropping rod, and a horizontal dlsk atop the ver~tically dropping rod whlch actuates an arm of the dial indlcator.
A still further ob~ect of the present lnvention is to provlde an lmproved Gonsl~tometer for~ measu~ring~
consistency of~ a dough sample of predetermined thlckness, includlng an assoclated devlce havlng two spaced bars between whlch a dough sample ls placed, and havlng a rolling pln and a cookie sheet, so that a~
plurallty of uniform dough samples may be produced and tested, and the results of the measurements may be compared.
Another ob~ect of the present inventlon is to :


provide an improvecl consistometer having a C-shaped support stand, a horizontally disposed middle guide bar for stabil-izing and guidiny a penetrating rod end of a vertically mov-able rod, a manually removable spacer and support element for initiating falling of the rod, a dial indicator having an arm in contact with a horizontal disk attached to the rod so that falling of the rod is indicated by the dial indicator.
A still further object of the present .invention is to provide an improved consistometer having a C-shaped support stand, a vertically displaceable rod having interchangeable penetrator rod ends, a spacer member for precisely position~
ing the vertically displaceable rod which can be manually removed by a pulling action, and a dough sample of a pxede-termined thiclcness which is prepared by being rolled by a rolling pin between two Elat~spacer bars~upon a conventional cookie sheet, so that a plurality of dough samples taken Erom a plurality of batches may all be rolled to a uniform thick-ness and then measured under the penetrating rod ends of the consistometer.
The present invention is therefore directed to a consistometer for measuring the consistency of a deformable sample, comprising: a support having a vertical post supporting a horizontal arm in spaced relation from a base ~ adapted to support a specimen for testing; a movable mass adapted to be guided in a downward direction under the force of gravity by an aperture ln said horizontal arm, said mov-able mass slidably received within said aperture; a means for indicating displacement on said horizontal support having an arm extending upwardly to contact a portion of said movable mass; a horizon~al support carried by said vertical post and disposed between said base and said horizontal support, said horizontal support having an aperture therein to receive and guide said movable mass; and a removable spacer element to S support said movable mass in a predetermined spaced relation to said support which is supported by said horizontal arm when holding said movable mass and selectively disengagable so as to release said movable mass during testing; whereby disengagement of said means for retaining said movable mass causes said movable mass to drop vertically under the force of gravity against a deformable specimen placed thereunder, so that said means for indicating can indicate depth of penetration of the deformable specimen by said movable mass.
The improved consistometer of the present invention 15 comprises a C-shaped support stand having a dial indicator ~ :
mounted at the upper end of the stand adjacent the f:urthest edge of the C-shape. A vertical bore is :
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formed ln the upperrnost arm of the C-shaped stand, and ls adapted to permit slldlng passage of a cyllndrlcal rod therethrough.
A lower portlon of the rod has a tap drllled thereln for recelving a threaded fastener member of alternate penetratlng rod ends so that varylng dlameters of rod ends may be used. A horlzontal cyllndrlcal dlsk havlng a bore therethrough ls flxed at a looatlon near the upper end of the rod. The horlzontal disk ls adapted to contact and dlsplace a vertical arm of the dlal lndicator so that dIsplacement o~ the vertlcal arm of the dlal lndlcator may be measured.
Intermedlate the top of the C-shaped support stand and the horlzontal dlsk fixed to the rod ls a detachable ; collar. The collar lS formed in the shape oE a generally seml-cyllndrlcal sleeve havlng one side ~ubstantlally removed so that from a top view the :: `
detachable collar ltself appears to comprlse a C-shape.

A chaln 18 attached both to the detachable co~llar and to the C-shaped support stand so that upon sudden force exerted agalnst the chain the detachable collar will be ~erked free and the horlzontal dlsk wlll no longer be supported. Thus, the welght of the rod and the horlzontal disX causes the rod and dlsk a~sembly to~all aga1nst a dough sample.

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. , The dough sample ls placed upon the lower end Orthe C-shaped support stand directly beneath the penetratlng rod end. Upon release o~ the rod assembly, the penetratlng rod end ralls agalnst the dough sample, and the impact causes lmmedlate deformatlon Or the dough sample. A timer monltors the passage of tlme, while the dlal lndlcator monltors the preclse dlstance traveled lnto the dough by the penetratlng rod end. Penetratlon of the rod assembly into the dough sample ls monitored over a perlod of tlme untll a speclfled penetratlon or a speclfled time has elapsed. No full penetratlon of the dough sample is made. Thus, the softness of varlous doughs may be directly measured. For example, various batches Or dough having dlfrerent chemlcal composltlons may be measured for softness and a conslstent measure Or softness obtalned ln ail cases. Furthermo~e, the ef~ect~
Or time upon varlous dough samples ls also measurable,~
slnce allowlng dough to stand for a long period Or tlme will generally toughen the dough and make lt less soft.
In this way, conslstency of a plurality Or dlfferent samples of dough can be measured.
The horizontal dlsk member may~be readlly attached to t~he rod or detached from lt by means Or a palr Or setscrews whlch are screwed through a collar flxedly attached to She horizontal dlsk member. Thus, the 1 ~ .

~ - . . _--assembly may be readlly disassembled or adJusted for drop height. For example, for a thlck dough a Breater drop helght ls deslrable. In thl3 case, the setscrews would be loosened and the horlzontal dlsk assembly moved downward relatlve to the rod. When the detachable collar ls lnserted between the upper arm Or the C-shaped support stand and the lower end of the horizontal disk assemblyj the lower penetratlng rod end ls ralsed to a greater helght above the bottom arm of the C-shaped support stand thereby allowlng a thicker dough sample to ::
be lnserted beneath lt.
Further detalls ~and advantages Or the present Invent~lon appear from the followlng descrlption of a preferred embodiment shown ~ schematlcally ln the drawings.

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Flgure 1 show~ ~a;~side ~elevational ;vlew Or~ a~
conslstometer of~ the present lnventlon;
Flgure 2 shows d front elevat~lonal vlew of the~
consistometer o~ the present lnventlon;
Flgure 3 shows~a top elevatlonal vlew ~Or the detachable collar used in the conslstometer~of thè

`:: ~ ~ : : : : :
; present lnvention;

Figures 4a, 4b, 4c, and 4d ~how alternate :


penetrating rod ends usable with the consistometer of the present lnventlon;
Flgure 5 ls a front elevational view of the conslstometer of the present lnvention as the detachable collar ls belng inserted;~
Flgure 6 is a front elevational view of the top portion of the consistometer Or the present inventlon after the detachable collar has been removed;
Figure 7 is a perspective view of the apparatus used ln preparlng dough :samples for testing~ln the~
: consistometer of the present inYentlon.

: A conslstometer 18 shown ln a~side plan vlew ln f~igure l. As can be~ seen, the cons:lstometer l 1 : composed o~ a plate which~serves~;as base 2 of the stand, a vertical support~po;st 3~which is fixedly attached ~to the~base~plate~2, and~a horlzontal support arm 4 whlch~
ls flxedly att~ached at a top~portion of vertical suppo:rt :
: post 3. The attachments may be:made by any known means ~ 20 for example weldlng, use oE threaded fasteners,~epoxy~
lue, and the like.: :
: A dlal indicator 5 havlng a~vertical arm 7~1s attached to horlzontal support arm 4 by connecting~arm 18. The vertlcal arm 7~1s movable relative to the dial~

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indlcator 5 such that vertlcal dlsplacement of the vertlcal arm 7 relatlve to the dlal indicator 5 ls lndlcated on the face of the dial indlcator 5 by a pointer. The dial l~dlcator 5 lndlcates dlsplacements accurately to as llttle as one one-thousandth of an lnch. The dial lndlcator may be any known dlal displacement lndicator, and in a preferred embodlment a Teclock brand indicator is used. The vertical arm 7 of the dlal dlsplacement lndicator ~5 has an enlarged vertical arm tip 8 for contactlng another part of the apparatus which ls movable ~o as to ~dlspIace the vertical arm 7.
The horlzontal support arm 4 has~a bore 19 ~ormed therein generally near the~end o~ horizontal support arm 4 that is~rurthermost ~rom~vertlcal ~support post~3.~ The~
bor~e~l9~may be~ormed by ~slmp~ly drllllng~th;rou~gh and bor~lng~the materi~al of horizont~al~support~arm 4, or ~1n~a;~
preferred embodiment the bore~l9~is formed by;the~lnner~
surface ~oP a ~bushlng 32 ~which 18 in a preferred 20 ~ embodlment formed;~or~bro~nze. ~The bushlng ~32 Itse~1 ; would be flxed~;ln ~place ln a bore rormed~ in horizontal~
support~arm 4 ln the prererred embodl~ment.~ The bore l9 adapted to~ per~lt slidlng~passage ~ O r a~ rod l0 therethrough.
The rod 10 19 oylindrlcal and i9 sized~so~as to fit :



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snugly withln bore 19 wlthout signiflcant frlctional resistance to slidlng movement of rod 10 therethrough.
A horlzontal dlsk 9 ls flxedly attached to a sleeve 16. The sleeve 16 has a palr of bores formed thereln adapted to recelve setscrews 15 thereln. The horlzontal disk 9 and the sleeve 16 both have a passage therethrough adapted to recelve rod 10. As shown ln flgure 1, the horlzontal disk 9, whlch ls fixedly attached to sleeve 16, ls mounted upon rod 10 such that rod 10 passes through the hole formed ln horlzontal disk 9 and sleeve 16. In a preferred embodlment, the hol~e formed in horizontaI dlsk 9` and sleeve 16 is a cyllndrical bore whlch ls coaxial wlth both the disk 9 and sleeve 16. Also in the preferred embodlment, the bore pa~slng through dl-sk 9 and :sleeve~ 16 snugly recelves rod 10.: Setscrews 15 (shown in figure 2) are :
~: screwed~ Into sleeve 16~suoh~that they pass through the ~ :

thlckness of a wall ~o~ sleeve 16 and abut rod 10.~:

: ~ : Further tightening of ~etscrews 15 results ln ~very :

strong~frlctional oontact of sets~orews 15 with the rod 10, thereby retaining the dlsk 9 and lts a~soclated : ~ sleeve 16 flrmly against rod 10.

~ ; Rod 10 Is mounted ln bore 19, as shown in figure 1,~

::` : while the horizontal disk 9 and flxedly attached sleeve 16 are spaced above horlzontal support arm 4 by ~ 18- , :

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detachable collar 6. The detachable collar 6 has a diameter greater than that of bore 19, and ls open along one slde as shown in flgure 3. The sleeve 16 has a sllghtly larger dlameter than that of detachable collar 6, and is adapted to rest thereon. The contact surfaces between detachable collar 6 and support arm 4 are sufrlciently smooth that no slgniflcant reslstance ls encountered against slldlng motlon of the detachable collar 6 relatlve to horlzontal support arm 4. A1SOJ
the contact surfaces between sleeve 16 and detachable collar 6 are sufflciently smooth that no signlflcant rrlctlonal resistance~ls enoountered b~etween slldlng o~
detachable collar 6 agalnst sleeve 16. A ohain 12 ls attached to the detachable collar 6 by a screw~13. The chaln 12 ls in t~lrn rlxedly attached to vertical eupport pos~t 3 by a screw 33 whlch passes through a fastener~
washer 34 which is rixedly attached to chain 12. A
; slmllar~rastener or washer 14 is used wlth screw ~13 to attach the chaln to detachable`collar 6. The clialn 12 is sufrlclently~strong that lt may be ~erk~eù or yank~ed ~ ;
manually ln a sudden motlon with one~hand so as to sllde detachable collar 6 3uddenly away from horlzontal support arm 4 and sleeve 16 so as to allow rod lO to drop.
The rod lO ls surrlclently long that it passes : : : :

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entirely through bore 19 and below the lower surface Or horizontal support arm 4. The rod lO tapers to a somewhat smaller dlameter as lndlcated by taper 17, at a locatlon below the lower surface of horlzontal support arm 4. A mlddle gulde plate 30 extends generally -~, parallel to horlzontal support arm 4 and ls spaced therefrom along vertlcal support post 3; The middle guide plate 30 is ~ixedly attached to the vertlcal support post 3. A bore 35 is formed ln mlddle gulde plate 30 and ls adapted to snugly recelve a penetratlng rod end 21 in slldlng contact therewlth.
The penetratlng rod end 21 ls attached flxedly to :~ the lowermost end of tapered rod end ll by a threaded protruslon 36 whlch ls lntegral wlth penetratlng~ rod end 21. The lowermost portlon of rod lO ls deslgnated as tapped rod end ll. A tapQed hole 20 ls formed ln tapQèd rod end 11. The tapped :hole .20 has a generally cylindrlcal form and has its cylindrlcal axls oriented~
parallel with that~of rod ~lO, and ln a preferred embodlment the cyllndrlcal axis of tapped hole 20 is ~: c:o-linear with central cyllndrlcal axi~ of rod lO.
: Thus, penetratlng rod end 21 1~ screwed~lnto tapped hole ; : 2Q so as to become flxedly attached to rod 10 at tapped rod ll. Mlddle gulde plate 30 prevents wobbllng durlng operatlon of penetratlng rod end 21 due to clearance~

~ 20 : ~ ' ' ~L~4~26~

which may exlst ln bore 19, since some clearance, however small, must exlst ln order to prevent strong frlctlonal contact between bore 19 and rod 10.
The attachments between vertlcal support post 3 and base plate 2, as well as between horlzontal ~upport arm 4 and vertlcal support post 3, and between mlddle guide plate 30 and vertlcal support post 3, are made by any known attachlng means, lncludlng welding, epoxy glue, threaded fastener members, and the llke. Nonetheless, many variatlons of construction may be used, for example the entire support stand lncludlng base plate 2, vertlcal support post 3, horizontal support arm 4, and middle guide plate 30 may be formed from a single cast piece of materlal. The materlal may include, but ls not limited to, steel, plastic, bronze, lron~ copper, ceramlc material, or any other -known material havlng sufflclent strength to support the welght of rod lO and~
avoid breakage of base plate 2 durlng deformation of a dough sample 29.
~ In figure 2 ls shown a front elevational vlew Or ; the conslstometer of the present in~ventlon. As can be seen, the dlal indlcator 5 is mounted to the right-hand slde of horlzontal support arm 4 and ls ~therefore somewhat off-center of a plane of vertical symmetry Or~
the support stand. In the preferred embodiment, bole l9 -21- .



and bore 35 are centered along the vertical plane of symmetry Or the support stand. Nonetheless, the bores 19,35 may be located with thelr centers ln a common vertical plane that is not coincldental with the vertical plane of symmetry Or the support stand, wlthout departing from the present lnventlon. Furthermore, although rectangular prlsmatic solld elembnts are shown for the elements of the support stand, especlally base plate 2, vertical support post 3, horizontal support arm 4, and mlddle guide plate 30, any solid shape may be used for any Or the~above-mentioned elements without departing from the scope Or the present lnventlon.
Nonetheless, rectangular prlsmatlc eollds were chosen as the preferred embodiment Or the present lnventlon due to :
ease of assembly, ea~e Or~ machinlng where required, and~
the convenience and cost savlngs lnherent ln using plate ~ and bar shapes which are~conventlonal and which are ; readily available commercl~ally.
A~rlange 37 may be formed at the lowermost edge~o ~0 tapered rod end ll.~ However, the flange 37 is not~
necessary to the present inventlon and may be omltted if deslred, although soch is not the~preferred embodlment. ~ `
The dough sample 29 19 shown ln flgures l and 2 as ;~
lying flat and coplanar wlth the top surface of base~

plate 2. The dough sample 29 is placed upon base plate :

~ - ', ~ ' ~z'~çi~

2 such that a portlon Or the dough sample 29 lles dlrectly beneath penetrating rod end 21.
Detachable collar 6 is shown ln figure 3 ln a top elevatlonàl view. As can be seen, the detachable collar 6 is generally cyllndrical and has a cyllndrlcal pa~sage therethrough. A slde of the detachable collar 6 ls removed such that the lnner diameter of the openlng in detachable collar 6 is equal to the slze Or the rod 10.
Thus, removal of the detachable collar 6 from rod 10 wlll not be lmpeded by lnward curvature~of two ends 38,39 of the generally C-shaped detachable collar 6.
The locatlon of screw 13~and fastener washer 14 ls also shown ln flgure 3. ;
Alternate slzes of penetratlng rod ends 21 are shown ln ~lgures 4a, 4b, 4c, and 4d. As can~be~seen, threaded portions 36 all ~are the same slze in each Or these flgures, h~wever dlameter ~f the penetrating rod~
~end portions 2l yary~ For~example, a maln penetratlng ~ ~ ;
rod end 21 may have a~dlameter of 5/8 inch; alternate penetratlng rod ends 21 may have respective diameters of :
l/2 lnch~ 7/16 inch, 3/8 lnch, and l/4 lnch. The threadlng on treaded protruslon 36 in each of the respectlve flgures may be any ~deslreù threading. ~The~
length of each protruslon may typlcally be 7/16 inch.
The length Or penetratlng rod ends 21 excluslve Or ' ~ :


threaded protrusion 36 may typlcally be 4-3/16 lnches.
The overall height of the conslstotneter of the present lnvention may be about l foot and the length of base plate 2 may be ln the range o~ about 7 inches. It is contemplated that the wldths o~ base plate 2, vertical ~upport post 3, and horlzontal support arm ll~ be Or the order o~ 2-3 inches. However~ it ls wlthin the scope of the present lnventlon that any relative dlmensions be used, wlthout departing from the scope of the present inventlon.
Figure 5 show~ the relatlve positlon o~ detachable collar 6 to rod lO. In thl~ posltion, the rod 10 ls held in posltion whlle the detachable collar 6 ls ~slid lnto place beneath it. The welght of rod lO Is then released agalnst detachable collar~ 6 so that the welght :
of rod lO rests upon th~ de~achable :collar 6.
The relatlve posltlons of rod lO and horlzontal ; support arm 4 are shown in ~igure 6 after removal of~
de~tachable collar 6.; ~In thls ~ figure, rod lO ha~s ~;
descended to a polnt where ~lt ls stlll above the top surface Or horlzontal support arm 4 but rurther movement ls slgnlficantly retarded by dough sample 29 beneath~
penetrating rod end 21. The mlddle portion of the~
conslstometer l ls broken away in figure 6~so that only the top portion of horlzontal support arm 4,~and~the :



bottom portion of penetratlng rod end 21 and dough sample 29 are shown.
A cookie sheet 24 i8 shown in figure 7, Prismatlc rectangular bars 22,23 are spaced in parallel relationshlp across the interior portion 25 of the cookie sheet 24. A dough sample would be rolled between prismatlc rectangular bar~ 22,23 by a rolling pin 26 havlng handles 27,28. The thlckness of each of rectangular prismatlc bars 22,23 determines the thicknes~ to which a dough sample 29 can be rolled~ In~
a preferred embodlment, the cookie sheet 24 is formed of alumlnum and may optlonally have a Teflon coatlng if deslred. Nonetheless, any materlal for the cookiè sheet 24 may be used, and any shape of cookl~e sheet 24 may be used. The rectangular prismatlc bars 22,23 may also be of any materlal, includlng~wood, lronj steel, plastic, ; or the llka~ so~long as they are strong enough to~
withstand breaking or ~ubstantial deformatlon dur;ing the~
~rolllng operatlon by roller 26.
In operation, the cons~lstometer Or the present lnvention is placed on any flat horlzontal surrac~e as desirad. A dough sample 29 1~ rolled between rectangular prismatic bars 22,23 on the coo~le~sheet 24.
. ~
A roller 26 rolls the dough sample 29 flat. The rlst dough sample 29 ls then transported, usually 25~



immedlately, to the top of base plate 2 where it i8 rested. A central portion of dough sample 29 rests directly beneath penetrating rod end 21 of rod 10.
An operator may then ready a stopwatch or other timer, not shown, in operatlon for the subsequent test.
At the start of the test, the timer 18 actuated simultaneously with the sudden removal of detachable collar 6. Rod 10 falls until penetratlng end 21 impacts agalnst the dough sampIe 29. The dial lndlcator 5 ls then read and the measurement noted of the distance vertical arm 7 has traveled downward, After a substantial amount of tlme has elapsed, for example five minutes to flfteen minutes, a~ second reading is then taken of the dlal indicator 5 ~to show .further deformation of the dough sample 29. The initlal dial lndicator 5 readlng fol:lowing lnitial lmpact of the penetrating rod end 21 agalns~t the dough sample 29 may~
then be subtracted from the flnal readlng at the end of the predetermlned perlod of tlme to obtaln the dlstance ~traveled by the penetrating rod end 21 into the dough sample 29. Thls would yleld a signiflcant measure of the softness of the dough sample 29. : : :
The partlcular dlameter of the penetratin& rod:end 21 ls selectable as suggested ln flgures 4a-4d~ Thls prevents excesslve penetration of the dough sample 29 ln .

; : ` ` ' `


the case of an especially soft dough, inasmuch as the penetration of rod end 21 ls approximately lnversely related to the dlameter of penetratlng rod end 21.
Therefore, lf excesslve penetratlon occurs during a test of a dough sample, the penetratlng rod end 21 ls replaced wlth a larger dlameter penetratlng rod end 21.
Thus, the pressure applied per unit area o~ t~he dough sample 29 ls dlmlnlshed and penetratlon correspondlngly reduced.
Excessive penetratlon of the penetratlng rod end 21 into the dough sample 29~1s ~t~o be avolded ln that false readings occur when penetratlng rod end 21 penetrates too closely to base plate 2:. That is, the hardness of bsse plate 2 would aotually become a part o~ the .
measurement of the~sortnes~s of the dough sample 29 were~
exoesslve~penetratl~on to occur.
; Although a~ cyllndrlc`al ~rod 10 ls :shown, and~
cyl~indrloal bores 19,35 are shown:,~:rod 10 could have~any arbltrary cross-sectional shap~e~provlded ~borss l9~an~d 35 ~:20 also: had correspondlng cross-sectlonal~shapes. For : exampl~s, a star-shapsd rod may bs uséd,~or a reotsneulsr~
sne. ~Furthermore, although cylindrlcal psne~tratlng~rod~
snùs~2~1 ars shown, any cross-ssctionsl shaps~may~bs u9sd : for the penetrating rod ends 21J for example the rod end 21 may be star-shaped, square,~rectangular,~rhomboldal,:

:: :: : :

~ 27- ~ ~



crescent-shaped, ellipsoidal, and the like may be used.
Also, although a threaded protrusion 36 ls shown cooperating ~ith a tapped hole 20, any detachable ~astenlng means may be employed to connect rod end 11 with penetratlng rod end 21, such as a snap fastenlng, a horlzontally orlented dovetall Joint, clamp arms~ an outer sleeve enclosing both rod end 11 and penetratlng rod end 21, and the llke. Furthermore, rod end ll and penetratlng rod end 21 may be selectively permanently attached as by welding, epoxy glue, or the like, although thls is not the preferred embodlment.
Furthermore, although a dough sample 29 ls to be tested, any artlcle whlch i9 deformable may be so tested, lncluding ple filllng, cookie dough, any type of putty, cement, mortar9 plaster, ~elly, or the llke may be u~ed.

Also, although a partlcular palr of bars 22~23~and a ~; ~ partlcular cookle sheet 24 is used to pro~vide~unlrormly :
~ thlck dough samples, any method of provldlng unlformly :
thlck dough samples may~be used includlng a palr of spaced~ro}lers, presslng between two flat surfaces, extrudlng, or the lIke, wlthout departlng from the scope of the present inventlon.
Although a horlzontal disk 9 is shown for dlsplaclng vertical arm 7 to lndlcate displacement, any shape may be used for the disk 9, e.g., a slngle arm rnay -28- .

be used fastened to the rod lOo Also, a square, elllpsoidal, or even a pretzel shaped member could be used lnstead of disk 9. The only requirements are that the member replacing the disk 9 be sufficlently rigid so as to di.splace arm 7 to the extent rod 10 drops, that the member replaclng the disk 9 have a 3ultable welght, and that the member replacing the di3k 9 be fixed to rod 10 for movememt therewith.
The lmproved conslstometer of the present inventlon : lO ls capable of achleving the above-enumerated advantages and obJects and while preferred embodiments of the ~resent lnventlon have been dlsclosed, lt wlll be understood that lt ls not llmlted thereto but may be~
otherwlse~ embodled wlthin the scope of the followlng clalms.~ :

~: ~


~: :
:~ :
~: :

~ .

' : .

Claims (30)

1. A consistometer for measuring the consistency of a deformable sample, comprising:
a support having a vertical post supporting a horizontal arm in spaced relation from a base adapted to support a specimen for testing;
a movable mass adapted to be guided in a downward direction under the force of gravity by an aperture in said horizontal arm, said movable mass slidably received within said aperture;
a means for indicating displacement on said horizontal support having an arm extending upwardly to contact a portion of said movable mass;
a horizontal support carried by said vertical post and disposed between said base and said horizontal support, said horizontal support having an aperture therein to receive and guide said movable mass;
and a removable spacer element to support said movable mass in a predetermined spaced relation to said support which is supported by said horizontal arm when holding said movable mass and selectively disengagable so as to release said movable mass during testing;
whereby disengagement of said means for retaining said movable mass causes said movable mass to drop vertically under the force of gravity against a deformable specimen placed thereunder, so that said means for indicating can :
indicate depth of penetration of the deformable specimen by said movable mass.
2. A consistometer as claimed in claim 1, wherein said movable mass comprises a selectively interchangable penetrat-ing rod end, whereby a particular penetrating rod end may be selected for a particular specimen to be tested without disassembly of other portions of the support or the movable mass.
3. A consistometer as claimed in claim 2, wherein said movable mass further comprises a rod having a diameter adapted to be received within said aperture of said horizontal support;
said movable mass having a horizontally extending body for contacting a portion of said dial indicator attached thereto;
whereby downward movement of said movable mass causes said means for contacting to urge said portion o-E said means for indicating such that displacement of said movable mass is indicated by said means for indicating.
4. A consistometer as claimed in claim 3, wherein said horizontally extending body is attached to said rod at a location above said horizontal arm.
5. A consistometer as claimed in claim 4, wherein said horizontally extending body further comprises a lower portion having at least one threaded bore therethrough for receiving a setscrew so that the horizontally extending body is attachable at any selected position on the movable mass, whereby samples of varying thickness can be accommodated.
6. A consistometer as claimed in claim 5, wherein said movable mass comprising an elongated article having along at least a portion of its length a uniform cross-section;

said aperture on said horizontal support having a cross-section which is slightly larger than the cross-section of said portion of said elongated article;
said aperture on said horizontal support being adapted to slidably receive a portion of said elongated article having said uniform cross-section;
whereby said aperture guides said elongated article in a substantially straight line.
7. A consistometer as claimed in claim 6, wherein said movable mass comprises an end which is adapted to receive a penetrating rod end.
8. A consistometer as claimed in claim 7, wherein said end has a tapped hole therein;
said penetrating rod end having a threaded projection adapted to be received in said tapped hole;
whereby a selected penetrating rod end is detachably fixed to said end.
9. A consistometer as claimed in claim 7, wherein said end and said penetrating rod end are connected together by a means for attaching;
whereby a selected penetrating rod end is detachably fixed to said end.
10. A consistometer as claimed in claim 7, wherein a plurality of penetrating rod ends are provided;
each penetrating end having a predetermined cross-sectional area and length;
whereby a penetrating rod end may be selected so that an appropriate cross-sectional area or length is available for use with a particular sample.
11. A consistometer as claimed in claim 6, wherein said sample comprises dough for use in edible food products.
12. A consistometer as claimed in claim 6, wherein said horizontal support has an aperture extending therethrough which is located in alignment with said aperture formed in said horizontal support;
whereby said horizontal arm provides additional guidance for said movable mass.
13. A consistometer as claimed in claim 1, wherein said means for indicating displacement further comprises a dial indicator which is indicative of displacement of said arm contacting a portion of said movable mass;
whereby an accurate determination of displacement of said movable mass can be quantified.
14. A consistometer as claimed in claim 13, wherein said dial indicator further comprises a means for gearing so that a relatively small displacement of said arm results in a relatively large movement of said dial.
15. A consistometer as claimed in claim 6, wherein said uniform cross-section of said portion of said elongated article is circular;
said cross-section of said aperture being circular and slightly larger than the cross-section of said portion of said elongated article.
16. A consistometer as claimed in claim 6, wherein said cross-section of said portion of said elongated article has a non-circular cross-section;
said cross-section of said aperture having a substan-tially similar non-circular cross-section which is slightly larger than the cross-section of said portion of said elongated article.
17. A consistometer as claimed in claim 6, wherein said horizontal support arm comprises a prismatic solid having a rectangular cross-section in any vertical plane.
18. A consistometer as claimed in claim 6, wherein said support is metal.
19. A consistometer as claimed in claim 6, wherein said movable mass is metal.
20. A consistometer as claimed in claim 1, wherein said movable mass comprises an elongated article having along at least a portion of its length a uniform cross-section;
said aperture on said horizontal support having a cross-section which is slightly larger than the cross-section of said portion of said elongated article;
said aperture on said horizontal support being adapted to slidably receive a portion of said elongated article having said uniform cross-section;
whereby said aperture guides said elongated article in a substantially straight line; and wherein said removable spacer element has an indentation therein adapted to abut said elongated article;
said removable spacer element having a lower surface adapted to slidably rest upon an upper surface of said horizontal arm;
said removable spacer element having an upper surface adapted to slidably support a horizontally extending portion of said movable mass;

whereby said removable spacer element stably supports said movable mass in spaced relation to said horizontal arm.
21. A consistometer as claimed in claim 20, wherein said spacer element has a semi-cylindrical outer surface;
said spacer element has a semi-cylindrical inner surface coaxial with said outer surface;
said removable spacer element being adapted to support said movable mass in spaced relation to said horizontal arm in a stable position.
22. A consistometer as claimed in claim 20, wherein said cross-section of said portion of said elongated article is circular;
said inner surface of said removable spacer element being slightly larger than said cross-section of said portion of sai elongated article;
whereby said removable spacer snugly receives said portion of said elongated article.
23. A consistometer as claimed in claim 6, wherein said support is formed of plastic.
24. A consistometer as claimed in claim 6, in combination with a device for rolling samples to a uniform thickness;
said device further comprising a pair of substantially identical bars having generally parallel upper and lower surfaces;
a sheet for support said bars; and a rolling pin;
whereby a sample placed between said spacer bars may be rolled by the pin so that the thickness of the bars deter-mines the thickness of the sample after it is rolled.
25. A device as claimed in claim 24, wherein said sheet is Teflon-coated and said sample is a dough sample.
26. A consistometer as claimed in claim 25, further compris-ing a means for timing which is adapted to the manually actuated;
whereby an observer may record the time at which a displacement reading taken, so that a measure of consistency over varying of periods of time may be determined.
27. A consistometer for measuring the consistency of a deformable sample, comprising:
a support having a means for guiding;
a movable mass adapted to be guided in a downward direction under the force of gravity by said means for guiding;
a means for indicating displacement having a displaceable arm contacting a portion of said movable mass;
and a removable spacer element to support said moveable mass in a predetermined spaced relation to said support, said removable spacer element being selectively disengageable from said support so as to release said movable mass;
whereby disengagement of said removable spacer element from said support causes said movable mass to drop vertically under the force of gravity against a deformable specimen placed thereunder, so that, said means for indicating can indicate depth of penetration into the deformable specimen by said moveable mass;
said support including a vertical post supporting a horizontal arm in spaced relation from a base, whereby the specimen can rest upon said base beneath said movable mass for testing;
said means for guiding including an aperture formed in said horizontal arm which extends completely therethrough, said movable mass being adapted to be received within said aperture, whereby said movable mass remains substantially vertically oriented during testing;
said movable mass including a rod having a diameter adapted to be received within said aperture;
said rod having a means for contacting a portion of said displaceable arm attached thereto;
whereby downward movement of said movable mass causes said means for contacting to urge said displaceable arm of said means for indicataing displacement such that displacement of said movable mass is indicated by said means for indicating displacement;
said means for contacting including generally horizontally extending body which is attached to a portion of said rod;
said horizontally extending body being attached to said rod at a location above said horizontal arm;
said movable mass comprising an elongated article;

said removeable spacer element has an indentation therein adapted to about said elongated article;
said removable spacer element having a lower surface adapted to slidably rest upon an upper surface of said horizontal arm;
said removable spacer element having an upper surface adapted to slidably support a horizontally extending portion of said moveble mass;
whereby said removable spacer element stably supports said movable mass in spaced relation to said horizontal arm.
28. A consistometer for measuring the consistency of a deformable sample, comprising:
a support having a means for guiding;
a movable mass adapted to be guided in a downward direction under the force of gravity by said means for guiding;
a means for indicating displacement having a displaceable arm contacting a portion of said movable mass, and a removable spacer element to support said movable mass in a predetermined spaced relation to said support, said removable spacer element being selectively disengageable from said support so as to release said movable mass;
whereby disengagement of said removable spacer element from said support causes said movable mass to drop vertically under the force of gravity against a deformable specimen placed thereunder, so that said means for indicating can indicate depth of penetration into the deformable specimen by said movable mass;

said support including a vertical post supporting a horizontal arm in spaced relation from a base, whereby the specimen can rest upon said base beneath said moveable mass for testing;

said means for guiding including an aperture formed in said horizontal arm which extends completely therethrough, said movable mass being adapted to be received within said aperture, whereby said movable mass remains substantially vertically oriented during testing;
said movable mass including a rod having a diameter adapted to be received within said aperture;
said rod having a means for contacting a portion of said displaceable arm attached thereto;
whereby downward movement of said movable mass causes said means for contacting to urge said displaceable arm of said means for indicating displacement such that displacement of said movable mass is indicated by said means for indicating displacement;
said means for contacting including a generally horizontally extending body which is attached to a portion of said rod;
said horizontally extending body being attached to said rod at a location above said horizontal arm;
said horizontally extending body further comprising:
a lower portion having at least one threaded bore therethrough for receiving a setscrew so that the horizontally extending body is attachable at any selected position on the rod, whereby samples of varying thickness can be accomodated;

said movable mass comprising an elongated articles having along at least a portion of its length a uniform cross-section;
said aperture having a cross-section which is slightly larger than the cross-section of said portion of said elongated article that has the uniform cross-section;
said aperture being adapted to slidably receive the portion of said elongated article having said uniform cross-section;
whereby said aperture guides said elongated article in a substantially straight line;
said removable spacer element having an indentation therein adapted to abut said elongated article;
said removable spacer element having a lower surface adapted to slidably rest upon an upper surface of said horizontal arm;
said removable spacer element having an upper surface adapted to slidably support a horizontally extending portion of said movable mass;
whereby said removable spacer element stably supports said movable mass in spaced relation to said horizontal arm.
29. A consistometer as claimed in claim 28, wherein said spacer element has a semi-cylindrical outer surface said spacer element has a semi-cylindrical inner:
surface coaxial with said outer surface;
said removable spacer element being adapted to support said movable mass in spaced relation to said horizontal arm in a stable position.
30. A consistometer as claimed in claim 28 above, wherein said cross-section of said portion of said elongated article that is of uniform cross-section is circular;
said inner surface of said removable spacer element being defined by a radius that is slightly larger than the radius of the circle defined by said cross-section of said portion of said elongated article that is of uniform cross-section;
whereby said removable spacer snugly receives said portion of said elongated article that is of uniform cross-section.
CA000486970A 1985-07-17 1985-07-17 Consistometer Expired CA1244260A (en)

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CA000486970A CA1244260A (en) 1985-07-17 1985-07-17 Consistometer

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CA000486970A CA1244260A (en) 1985-07-17 1985-07-17 Consistometer

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CA1244260A true CA1244260A (en) 1988-11-08



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CA000486970A Expired CA1244260A (en) 1985-07-17 1985-07-17 Consistometer

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