CA1237853A - Fluidized patient support system - Google Patents

Fluidized patient support system


Publication number
CA1237853A CA000481460A CA481460A CA1237853A CA 1237853 A CA1237853 A CA 1237853A CA 000481460 A CA000481460 A CA 000481460A CA 481460 A CA481460 A CA 481460A CA 1237853 A CA1237853 A CA 1237853A
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support system
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French (fr)
Vernon L. Goodwin
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Support Systems International Inc
Original Assignee
Support Systems International Inc
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Application filed by Support Systems International Inc filed Critical Support Systems International Inc
Priority to CA000481460A priority Critical patent/CA1237853A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1237853A publication Critical patent/CA1237853A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Orthopedics, Nursing, And Contraception (AREA)


An improved fluidizable patient support system including an oval tank, a perforated plate received in the tank atop a plurality of spacers, a diffuser board located atop the perforated plate and sealed around its edge, a mass of granular material received atop the diffuser board, a flexible sheet removably secured around upper edges of the tank by snap fitting elements, a wheeled support pedestal for the tank which has a fluid pressure generator therewithin. Pivotal steps and side rails may be associated with the pedestal and tank respectively. A support frame may also be secured to the tank, extending thereabove to receive treatment apparatus.



Back~round of the Invention m is invention relates to an lmproved fluldlzed patlent support system that 13 of partlcular advantage to burn patients9 as well as other patients who are lmmobllized for extended recuperative periods.
Hlstorically> hospital beds for patlents have ln general been conventional where, though ad~ustable as to helght and attltude~
a mattress-sprlngs arrangement has been provided for receivlng the patlent thereon coveredg of courseJ wlth approprlate bed clothing.
Partlcular problems have developed in use of the conventlonal hospital beds where the patlents, due to prolonged contact with the support surface ln generally immobile condltlon, have developed decubltus ulcers or bed sores, as a result of pressure polnts produced between the support surface and certain portlons of the patlent's body.
Additlonally, in the case of burn patlents where the severity of the ln~ury or wound is such that the patlent ls affected over a signiflcant portlon of hls body, conventlonal beds pre~ent problems not only wlth the healing process due to contact between raw areas Or the human body and the support, but al80 due to rlulds exudlng from the patlent's body. In like fashlon, other types Or in~urles and reasons for conflnement have presented problems wlth the conventional hospltal bed.
In order to obviate some Or the problems lnherent wlth the conventlonal hospltal bed, fluldlzed patlent support ~tructures have been developed as exe~pllfled ln the Hargest et al. U.S. patent 3,428,973, in which a tank 18 provlded, partlally fllled with a mass of granular materlal whlch 1~ received atop a dlffuser surface and ls covered with a loose fltting flexible patlent contact sheet or surface. Fluids such as air, ls forced through the diffuser and fluldlzes the granular material, preferably ceramlc spheres~ wlth adequate force that a patlent recelved on the flexlble sheet 18 ~378~i3 suspended on the fluidized bed. In thls fashlon, very gentle forces are imparted to the body portlons of the patlent, whereby the incidence Or development Or decubltus ulcerq 18 reduced and whereby an lndlvidual experlencing trauma, such as produced by severe burns may rest comfortably. In s~nilar fashion, a further fluidlzed patient support structure ls dlsclosed in the Hargest U.S. Patent 3,866,606 whlch YtrUctUre has the æame baslc elernents of that mentioned above with the addltion of control means to cycllcly fluldlze the granular materlal, also preferably ceramic spheres, for flotation of the patient, whereby ln a non-fluldlzed state, the patlent settles into the mass of granular n~terlal whlch ~ecomes a rigid body contoured structure against which the patlent's body may be placed ln tractlon.
In llke fashlon, the cycllc effect of fluidizlng-rlgldlfying the mass of granular material per~it~ varlatlon in patlent attitude, agaln towards the reductlon of the lncldence of development o~ decubltus ulcers.
Whlle the two fluidized support ~tructures described above are successful for thelr lntended purpose, the present lnvention represents lmprovement thereover. Particularly the present inventlon represents improved structural and operatlonal reatures leadlng to lmproved moblllty, less welght, more cornpactne~ to the unit and the llke.
Summary of the Invention It is an obJect of the present lnventlon to provlde an improved fluidlzed patlent support system.
Yet another obJect of the present lnventlon 19 to provlde a fluldlzed patlent support system that is flexlble in deslg~l characterlstlcs, ls light, relatlvely lnexpenslve~ and easy to malntain free Or contaminatlon.
Stlll further, another obJect of the present invention ls to provide an improved fluidlzed patlent support system, which is more cornpact and more rnoblle than prlor art structure~.

1237~53 Still another obJect of the present invention ls to provlde an improved dlfruser arrangement for fluldization of the granular materials.
Another ob~ect of the present lnvention 18 to provlde an improved mean~ for securement of the flexlble sheet materlal to the tank.
Yet another ob~ect of the pre~ent inventlon i8 to provlde a patient support sy~tem that permits lmproved patlent treatment therein.
Generally speaklng the improved patient support system of the present lnventlon comprlses an open ended contalner mean~ havlng a bottom wall and ~lde walls; support means for sald container means; a perforated support plate recelved within sald container means; a plurality of spacer means received withln sald container mean~ and being located between sald bottom wall and sald perforated plate, said spacer means deflning a threaded openlng thereln, the space between sald perforated plate and sald bottom wall deflnlng a plenum chamber;
a fluid diffuser means recelved atop said perforated plate, said dirfuser means belng pervlous to passage of ~luid therethrough, sald dlffuser means, porous plate, spacers, and bottom wall being associated; sealing means received about said dif`ruser means around outer edges of same; a mass Or granular materiai received within said contalner means atop sald dlffuser means; flexlble sheet means removably secured around sald contalner means and loosely resldlng atop said granular materlal ~hen said granular materlal is in a nonfluidlzed state and being ralseable ~rhen ~ald granular materl~l ls ln a fluldlzed state, sald flexlble sheet belng pervlous to fluld and lmpervlous to passage Or said granular materlal, and means for generatlng adequate fluld pressure ln said plenurn chamber that fluld passes through sald dlffuser means and fluldizes said granular materlal beneath said sheet means adequate to ~upport a patlent thereon.

1~ :1237853 In one preferred embodiment, the lmproved patient support system accordlng to teachings Or the present inventlon comprlses an open end contalner means that 19 oval in shape and which is supported by a pedestal in which controls, fluld pressure generatlng means and the llke are recelved, and on whlch foldable steps or the llke are mounted. Unique side rail~ may also be secured to the slde~ of the oval contalner. The bottom wall of the container is provlded with a plurality Or openings for securement of a perforated plate and diffuser board thereto. Likewlse, a frame structure 18 secureable to an underslde of the container and to ~ldewalls of same, extending upwardly above the container to recelve necessary medical apparatu~
for use in treatment of a patlent. Preferably, the diffuser board, perforated plate, spacers for the plate, and frame structure are secured to the contalner bottom wall. A mass Or granular materlal, preferably ceramic spheres, i3 recelved wlthln said container atop the diffuser board. A flexlble sheet is recelved thereover and removeably secured at upper edges Or the contalner sldewalls completely therearound by way ~f a flexlble rim cover that snap flts lnto an upper portlon of the ~lde wall with an edge Or the sheet received therebetween. The flexible sheet 18 loosely received atop the granular materlal, and once the granular material is rluidlzed the sheet materlal moves upwardly in balloon fashlon. A patlent lylng on the sheet materlal ls supported by the fluldlzed materlal wlthout the lntroduction of pressure points on the patient's body.
More specirically, the rluldized patient support system Or the present lnventlon comprises an oval tank having an open end into whlch a simllarly shaped perforated support plate 18 placed, the plate having a plurallty of openlngs therein that effect the poroslty of same. Also, a number of the holes are spaced ln a predetermined fashlon to correspond to llke positioned holes in the bottom wall of the tank. Spacer means are provided between the bottom wall and the porous plate. In one embodiment, the spacers are adapted to partlally reslde withln the holes ln the tank wall at one end and the ~;~37~S3 plate at the other end with an enlarged medial section unit supports the plate above the bott~n wall to deflne the plenun chamber. Each spacer derlnes a central opening therethrough that is threaded at least at opposite outer ends. The dlffuser board, whlch perferably ha~ hydrophoblc characteristics, rests atop the perrorated plate and is likewlse provided wlth a plurality of holes that correspond positionally to the holes in the support plate. Bolts or other connectors may thus be provided rrom one or opposite ends of the spacer means to unlfy the plate and diffuser board to the tank. A
rnas~ of granular rr~terlal, preferably ceramlc spheres, ls loaded into the tank, atop the dirfuser board with the flexible sheet located thereabove. Fluid pre~sure generator rneans are provlded to lntroduce a pressurlzed fluid lnto the plenurn chamber, whlch dlf~uses through the dlffuser board, and dependlng upon the pressure of same, flow of same and porosity of the dlffuser board, fluldizes the granular rnaterial to a predetermined helght. The fluld, preferably air, rnay be heated or otherwlse pre-treated for therapeutlc value or patient cornfort.
The flexlble sheet means that i8 recelved atop the tar~
should not be taut and 19 prererably rernovably secured to a contoured rim located atop sidewalls of the tar~ by a snap fitting, contoured cap. While the sheet 18 held wlth adequate rorce that the welght of the patlent wlll not pull same from within the contoured rim, the snap cap rnay be easily disengaged ~r~n the rim ror reraoval Or the sheet for cleaning, replacement or the like.
Brief Description Or the Figures Flgure 1 is an isometric view Or an irnproved patient support system according to the present lnventlon Figure ~ ls a top plan vlew o~ a tank for patient support system accordin~ to the present invention.
Figure 3 is a slde elevational view of a patlent support system according to the present invention shown without an upper support frame.

1 123'7~53 Figure 4 is an end elevational view of the patlent support sy~tem as ~hown in Figure 3.
Figure 5 is a slde exploded view Or components Or the patient support system according to the present inventlon.
Figure 6 is a partlal plan view Or a preferred support porou~ plate accordlng to the present lnvention.
Flgure 7 is a partial plan view of a diffuser board according to the present invention~
Figure 8 18 a partlal slde elevational view of the tank of a patient support system partially lllustrating detall~ Or a slde rail mounting and locklng system.
Figure 9 i8 an end view of the side rall mountlng and locking system Or Flgure 8, talcen along a line IX-IX.
Flgure 10 i9 a horizontal cross sectional view Or the slde rall mountlng and locking system as illustrated ln Figure 8, taken alor~ a line X-X~
Flgure 11 is a side vlew Or a locklng pin for a side rail mounting and locking system accordlng to the present inventlon.
Figure 12 is an end view Or a locking cylinder for a slde rail mounting and loclcing system according to the present invention when viewed from a left side as depioted in Figllre 8.
Figure 13 is an opposite end view of the locking cylinder as illustrated in Figure 12.
Figure 14 ls a partial vertical cross sectional view Or a tank ror a patient support system illu~trating sheet attachment means and relatlonship of the preferred support porous plate and the difruser board.
Figure 15 is a partlal vertical cross sectlonal view of a tank for a patlent support sy~tem lllustrating a further embodiment of a sheet retalner means.
Flgure 16 is a partlal vertical cro~ sectlonal view through the bottom wall, spacer means, support plate and dlffuser board lllustratlng a further embodiment of same.

123~353 Figure 17 1~ an elevational view of a locklng ~sembly ror securing the frame to an underæide of the tank~
Description of the Preferred Embodiments Maklng reference to the Figure~, preferred embodiments of the present inventlon will now be described in detail. In Flgures 1 through 5, a patient support ~tructure according to teaching~ Or the present inventlon, i~ shown whereln the structure generally indicated a~ 10 lncludes an open ended tank generally 15 that is de~ined by vertical side walls 11 that generally deflne an oval shape and a corre~ponding shaped bottom wall 13. Tank 15 i8 supported by a pedestal 16 which may be provided with wheels or other rollable support~ 18. A rlexible sheet material 20 i~ recèived within tank 15 and is supported by a fluldized bed Or granular material 60 (see Figure 5) and on which a patient directly resldes, or when non-fluidized, the granular material itselr (~ee Flgure 1). A patlent lying ~top æheet 20 will generally settle to a certaln depth within the fluidized bed of granular material, with rlexlble ~heet 20 conformir~ to the patient's body due to the ract that in those immediately adJacent areas where body contact 19 not made, the fluidized bed extends to a hlgher elevation than beneath the body Or the patient. As such the patient is less prone to develop decubitus ulcerfl during prolonged perlods of conflnement, and ln general experlences more comfort than ln a conventlonal bed.
Tank 15 by virtue of lts oval shape both reduces the quantity Or ceramic spheres necessary for providlng the rluldlzed support and arrords a more rnaneuverable ~ystem. Though prior art structures have included wheel support, the devices have not been truly mobile, and ln fact, certain of the prior devlces have utlllzed sprlng arrangement~ in conJunction with wheels whlch were compre~sed when granular materials were placed lnto the contalner and rendered the wheels lnoperative~ Overall weight and physlcal dimensions of support ~tructure 10 are thus quite lmportant lr a truly moblle unlt i~ contemplated. Structures according to the present invention may be :1237853 n~nufactured in a truly moblle n~de as indicated by the roller~ or wheels 18 located beneath the tar~ even in the presence of the granular material. In this fashlon, the structure i8 portable, may be rolled frcm one locatlon to another, such as fran a patlent's rocm to an operative sulte where a patlent may be tran3ferred fron an operatlng table dlrectly to the fluldlzed support structure and returned to the patient's room. Slnce rnoblllty of system 10 i8 important, the dlmenslons and shape of ~ame are likewlse important to permlt ready maneuverlr~ and passage of system 10 through doorways around other furniture and equlpment and the llkeO Accordingly, system 10 has been 80 de~igned that all appurtenance~ to same remain wlthln a maxlmum width of tank 15 as will be further discussed herei~after.
Whi:Le the tank or contalner 15 may be manufactured of any sultable materiaL that will adequately support the patlent and the weight of the system 10, a llghtweight structural materials, such as aluminum, relnforced f`lberglass sheets, foamed core polymerlc sheets, or the like may be utilized to further reduce welght of the overall structure.
Pedestal 16 a~ lllustrated in the Figures is generally rectangular ln overaLl ~hape, and as described in more detail hereinarter 18 secured to an underside of tank 15. Pedestal 16 pref`erably houses all sy~tems and controls for operations Or system 10, such as a fluid pressure generatlng means 62 and fluid conditioning means 64 lllustrated in phanton ln Figure 5. Such sultable systems and controls are al~o generally set ~orth in the aforesid U.S. patents to Hargest et al. and ~argest the descrlptlon Or whlch 19 lncorporated by reference hereln. m e systems and controls, per se for ~luid handllng do not, however, represent novel features of the present lnventlonO Generally such controls include air pumping means, a fluld heat exchanger and the guages, swltches, etc for use ln monltorlng an operatlon Or ~ame.

As shown ln Figures 1, 3 and 4 support system 10 may also include patlent slde ralls generally 90 on one or both sldes Or tank 15 which mHy be ral3ed or lowered~ and which will be de~crlbed in speclric detall hereinafter. An overhead support frame generally 50 may also be lncluded for recelving such medical apparatus as might be employed in treatment Or a patlent. Support frame 50 generally lncludes lnverted U shaped members at opposite ends of tank 15, whlch lnclude vertical legs 54 and one or more horlzontal members 56 connecting same. At a lower end, vertlcal legs 54 turn inwardly, deflnlng horlzontal sectlons 55 that extend along an underslde of tank 15 to a point ad~acent pedestal 16 where they make a further turn of approximately 90 degrees in a directlon toward the opposite leg portlon 55 deflnl~g leg locking sections 55', and are received in a clamp 51 secured to bottom wall 13 of tank 15 as may be seen ln Flgure 17. Clamp 51 lncludes a base 52 secured to bottom wall 15 that defines a V shaped section 52 thereln and to which is hingedly secured a cover 53 that deflne~ a matching V shaped sectlon 53'. Connector bolts 57 or the like secure cover 53 to base 52 wlth V shaped sectlons 52' and 53' belng slzed to secure leg sectlon~ 55' therewlthln. As such, frame 50 may be easlly attached to or removed fran tank 15 as deslred. Gne or more horizontal ~upport bars 58 may extend longitudlnally along tank 15, belng secured adJacent opposite ends to cros~ members 56. Spacer support arms 59 are also provided whlch are secured to slde walls ll of tank 15 and termlnate ln a blfurcated sections 59' that are received about vertlcal legs 54.
One or more steps 25 may also be plvotally secured to .
pedestal 16 at plvot polnts 26 whereby steps 25 may be lowered as shown ln Figure 1 to facilltate more ready access to a patlent, or raised as shown on the right side of Flgure 4 to reduce overall wldth of system 10 for movement. As seen ln Figure 4, sldewalls 16' of pedestal 16 taper inwardly, permlttlng steps 25 ln the raised posltlon to plvot in excess of 90 degrees and t~us reduce the llkellhood of a step falllng to a down posltlon durlng mOveJnent Or the system.

~2378~i3 Further, when step~ 25 are ralsed, as may be seen ln Figure 4, same reside totally wlthin the maxirnwn wldth D Or tank 15 to ensure passage Or system 10 through doorways, etc. In fact, as mentloned herelnbefore, and a~ can be viewed on Flgure 4, when 3ide ralls 90 are lowered and steps 25 ralsed, nothlr4~ on system 10 extends beyond the outer edges Or tank 15.
Maklng speclrlc reference~ to Flgures 5, 6, 7, 14, further details o~ one embodiment Or the patlent support system 10 of the present lnventlon will now be descrlbed ln detall. A perforated support plate 30 i~ located withln the conflnes of slde walls ll, generally followlng the lnslde oval shape Or tank 15. Plate 30 resldes above a plurallty Or spacer means 40 which support plate 30 above bottom tar~c wall 13, wlth the space therebetween deflnlng a plenum chamber 35. As lndlcated speclfically ln Flgure 6, support element 30 ls preferably a perrorated plate that permits the passage Or alr therethrough and possesses adequate strength to support the remaining materlals thereabove. A plurallty Or mountlng holes 32 are spaced about the surface Or plate 30 ln predetermined arrangement along wlth a bead draln openlng 33.
A dlEruser board 36 is recelvable atop per~orated plate 30 and ls secured with plate 30 to bottom wall 13 of tank 15 ln a fashlon to be descrlbed. Accordingly, dlrruser board 36 is shaped similarly to plate 30 though sllghtly smaller and iB provided with mountlr openlngs 37 and a bead draln openlng 38 located ln predetermined arrangement thereacross. Maklng partlcular reference to Flgure 14, lt can be seen that spacer means 40 are located between perforated plate 30 and bottom wall 13 Or tank 15 to deflne plenum chamber 35.
Mountlng openlngs 14 are spaced about bottom wall 13, correspondlng to openlng8 32 Or plate 30 and openlngs 37 Or dlfru~er board 36. In one embodlment, spacers 40 include a body portlon 41 wlth reduced size plug sectlons 42 at oppo~ite ends of same whlch cooperate to define shoulders 43 adJacent thereto. A threfl~ed bore openlng 44 extends at least partlally through spacers 40, frcm opposite ends of same, and lZ37h53 preferably entlrely therethrough. Plug sectlons 42 are sized to be recelvable ln openlngs 14' o~ bottom wall 13 and openlngs 32 Or perforated plate 30 ~lth shoulders 43 a~uttlng 8ame. A lcwer bolt or connector 45 extend~ upwardly rrom beneath tank 15, though bottom wall openlng~ 14' and 19 threadably recelved ln threaded openlng 44. While not shown, lower bolt 45 may be employed to secure other apparatus such as the support frame clamps 60 to the underslde of tank 15. An upper bolt or connector 46 extends downwardly through openlngs 37 of dlffu~er board 36 and i8 threadably recelved ln central openlng 44 of spacers 40. In thls fashlon plate 30 and dlrruser board 36 can be properly and securely mounted wlthln tar~ 15.
Also as shown ln Flgure 14, a seallng means 48 18 located at bottom wall openlngs 14', while a further sealing means 49 ls recelved about the outer perlphery Or dlrruser board 36 agalnst an ln~lde surrace Or slde walls ll. Plenum chamber 35 18 thus efrectlvely sealed, forclng ~luld to pass upwardly through dlr~user board 36. Whlle plate 30 and dlrruser board 36 are illustrated a planar elements, lt 18 wlthln the pur~iew ar the present lnventlon that contoured elements may be employed as descrlbed in commonly asaigned U.S. Patent 4,483,029.
For example diffuser board 36 may vary according to the dlctates Or patlent actlvity and weight, whereby ln those areas where a greater welght per unit area i8 expected to occur, the contour Or the dirruser element permlts a greater depth Or granulsr materlal thereabove. Conversely, ln those areas perlpheral to the support structure as well as areas where llght patlent contact will be experlenced, a lesser depth Or granular msterlal m~y be provlded above~
the dlrruser plate Such reduces the amount ar granular materlal re~uired~ agaln further reduclng the overall weight Or system 10.
Further dlrruser board 36 whlch may be a pressed board of a particular poroslty is pre~erably hydrophoblc such that contamlnation by body rlUldS 18 les~ened. A hydrophoblc naterlal such as the commonly ~;~37~353 available rluorocarbons may be ~prayed onto the dlffuser board 36 to impart hydrophobiclty thereto.
A further embodiment of the perforated plate in diffuser board arrangement ls illustrated in Flgure 16. Spacers 140 are provided wlth a body portlon 141 that has an end plug section 142 ror recelpt in mountlng openlngs 132 of perforated plate 130 only. A
reslllent washer 147 sllghtly larger than spacer 140 ls located adJacent bottom wall 113, and when bolt 145 ls secured within openlngs 144 of spacer 140, washer 147 seals opening 114 ln wall 13. Note also that the dlffu3er board openlng 137 1B not countersunk and a washer 148 19 located between bolt head 146' and diffuser board 136.
A quantlty of granular material 60, prererably ceramic beads or spheres , ls recelved atop diffuser board 36, and beneath sheet 20. In an lnaotive, non-fluldlzed state the granular materlals 60 are concentrated on board 36 and a patlent resldlng thereon will mold ltself wlthin She mass. Generally the total quantlty of granular material amounts to somewhere in a range of from about 1200 to about 1600 pounds. One can thus readlly ascertain the contlnous concern over welght of such a patlent support system. Further, from time to tlme lt becomes neces3ary to remove granular material 60 from tank 15, to resterlllze same or replace same wlth new material. Draln openlngs 33 and and 38 ln plate 30 and dlrfuser board 36 respectlvely are provlded for such removal. In normal use a plug (not shown) closes openlng 38 ln dlffuser board 36 to prevent loss Or granular materlal therethrough. A draln chute or the llke 17 may be placed ln communlcation wlth openlng 33 Or plate 30 ~or bead removal, and extend through bottom wall 13 (see Flgure 3) for bead removal. A cap 17' ls threaded to chute 17 to clo~e same when not ln use.
A fluld pressure generatlng means generally 62 13 schematlcally lllustrated ln phanton ln Figure 5. Pressure generatlng means 62 ls preferably located wlthln pedestal 16 and i8 ln communlcation wlth plenum chamber 35. As further indlcated, a fluld condltioning means 64 may also be assoclated wlth pressure generatlng 1237~53 means 62 to heat, cool, and otherwise precondltion the fluld entering plenum chamber 35. When fluid pre~ure generating means 62 i5 actuated, fluld pressure ls produced withln plenum chamber 35, adequate to pas3 through plate 30 and diffuser board 36 to fluidize granular materlal 60 sufficlently to support a patlent thereon. Such patlent support i3 provlded without introduclng any pressure points on the patient'~ body that could lead to the development of decubitu~
ulcersO In a non-fluidized state, the granular material assumes such rlgldlty that once the patlent's body settles lnto same, the patient can be placed ln traction agalnst the granular material mass.
Wlth pressure generatlng means 62 and fluld condttionlng mean~ 64 located within pedestal 16, lt ls only necessary to provide electrical connector means 66 to fluid pre~sure generatlng means 62 to electrically actuate same for generatlon Or fluld pressure. In fact, fluid pre3sure generating means 62 may be battery operated, whereby, a totally self-contalned fluidized patient support system 10 would be provided. Insofar as fluid pressure generating means 62 ls concerned, any sultable apparatus capable Or generatlng adequate fluid pressure wlthln plenum chamber 35 18 acceptable~ Wlth a generally constant fluid pressure within plenum chamber 35, the fluid escapes plenum chamber 35 via diffu~er plate 36, and acts on the granular material 60 to suspend material 60 above the dl~fuser board 36, at a particular level.
As mentioned above, lt 18 likewlRe wlthln the scope Or the pre.sent inventlon to provlde means for intermittent or cycllc actuatlon Or fluid pressure generatlng means 62. Generally ~peaklng, the ~ystem would then be capable of lntermittently actuating fluid pressure generating mean~ 62 at predetermlned intervals to fluidize the granular materlal 60 and thus suspend the patient atop same.
During deactuated intervals, the patient will settle wlthln the granular material wlth the patlent body deflning a body contour therewithin. Such permlts, as mentloned above, tractlon to be lmparted to the patlent agalnst the rigidity of the granular material ~237~5J

in the non-fluldized state and likewise permits pressure varlation on the patient to les~en further the lncldence of development of decubitus ulcers.
Granular mlterlals sultable for use ln the improved patient support ~tructure of the present lnventlon ma~y be any sultable granular materlal that will become fluidized upon recelpt of the desired fluid pressure. Such materials include, but are not limited to~ sandJ glass beads, cera~nlc spheres, and the like.
Sheet or covering 20 that 18 employed in con~unction wlth patient support system lO should be porous in nature to perrnlt the pas~age Or air or other fluid therethrough while lmpervlous to the passage Or granular materials. In order to conrine granular materlal 60 wlthln tank 15, sheet 20 must be afflxed about the perlphery ar sarne. Making particular reference to Figures 14 and 15, preferred sheet fixation means are illustrated. In Flgure 14, slde wall 11 is illustrated havlng an outwardly turned llp 12 around an upper end Or same. An upper rim generally 70 ls secured to llp 12 by a bolt 71 or the llke. Rim 70 is a blfurcated member havlng a base 72 and opposite up~tandlng legs 74 and 78. Outer leg 74 derines a detent 75 therealong with an outwardly proJecting tlp 76. Leg 74 further has a lower sectlon 77 that extends downwardly below base 72. Inner leg 78 Or rlm 70 extends upwardly rran base 72, termlnatlng at outwardly proJecting tip 79 which derlnes a shoulder 79' therebeneath.
A rlm cover 80 1B provlded around an upper surface Or tank 15, matlng wlth rlm 70 in snap flttlng relatlonshlp. Rlm cover 80 lncludes a body 81 havlng a smooth rounded outer surrace 82 that derlnes the uppermost surrace Or tank 15. A central protruBlon 83 extends from an underslde of cover body 81 and ls resldable wlthln the U shape sectlon of rlm 70 deflned by legs 74, 78 and base 72, and lncludes a tapered tlp 83' that resldes beneath shoulder 79' Or leg tlp 79. Rlm cover body 81 further lnclude an lnner extenslon 84 that 18 re31dable about leg tlp 79 and an outer extenslon 85 that is 1237~353 snap-fittlngly receivable about outer leg tip 76 by protruslon 85' that resides within detent 75.
Rim cover 80 i~ preferably an extruded polymerlc rubber element of unitary construction, and as seen ln Figure 14, 19 employed ln sections of deslred length to finish the upper surface Or tank slde walls 11 while securing cover ~heet 20 thereto. A rubber having a durometer of from about 60 to about 70 18 preferred whereby adequate flexibility is achieved while permlttlng a patlent to be slld thereover. A lower durometer hardness hinders slldlng of the patlent across the cover. Particularly, sheet 20 is provlded wlth a bead 21 around the periphery of same that 18 provided by an elongated element located wlthin a hemmed edge of sheet 20. Bead 21 is preferably provlded by an elastlclzed cord of a predetermined size with respect to the relative dimensions Or cover 80 to rim 70 to be securely held therebetween. An edg~ of sheet 20 with bead 21 i9 thus placed withln the U shaped section of rim 70, and rim cover 80 snap fltted thereover to removeably secure sheet 20 therewlthin. As illu3trated, the outer edge of sheet 20 wlth bead 21 18 collected in the U shaped section against leg 78, belng held thereby by central protrusion 83 of rim cover body 81. Note al80 that tapered tlp 83' of central protruslon 83 traps a portlon of sheet 20 beneath shoulder 79' of inner leg 78.
A cavlty 81' wlthln rim ¢over body 81 a~fords adequate collapslbillty to rim cover 80 to permlt ~ame to be lnstalled over sheet 20. If desired, cavity 81 may be partially fllled wlth a llquld or other materlal to improve the locklng relatlonshlp of rlm cover 80 to rlm 70, and ln fact can be closed an pressurlzed for improved hldlng power.
Flgure 15 lllustrates a further embodiment of a patlent support system in whlch slde walls 111 do not lnclude an outwardly turned llp. Instead a rlm generally 170 18 provlded of llke deslgn as rlm 70 o~ Figure 14 wlth the exceptlon that lnner leg 178 lncludes a lower extenslon 178' that extends below base 172 ln simllar fashlon to lower extenslon 177 of outer leg 174. Extenslon 178' 1~ welded to ~;~37~353 ~lde walls lll at 111' and a f`urther support member l90 18 secured beneath rim 170.
~ king reference to Flgures 8 through 13, slde rall~
generally 90 may be removably rnounted to slde walls 11 Or tank 15 and when mounted are plvotably moveable rrom a down to an up position where the rails may be locked in place. Rail~ 90 lnclude vertical legs 92 wlth horlzontal members 94 served therebetween. Vertical legs 92 are bent along the length Or same to extend around rim 70 and cover 80 ln the ral~ed posltlon and to reslde wlthln the maximum wldth D Or tank 15 when in the lowered posltlon (see Flgure 4). Vertlcal legs 92 further have an lnturned pivot leg sectlon 93 at a lower end wlth an enlarged terminal end 94 and further deflne a lock pin receiving openlng 95 therealong. A mo~rltlng bracket 96 18 secured to slde wall 11 lnternally of each vertlcal leg 92 and lncludes a tubular lock chanel 97 and a U shaped lower end 99 that recelves a plvot leg 93 thereln. Tubular chanel 97 iæ generally cylindrlcal ln ~hape wlth a plate 98 located at lnner end Or same whlch deflnes a non-clrcular openlng 98' therethrough. A locklng pln 100 18 recelvable ln lock channel 97 wlth a coll sprlng 110 recelved therearound ad~acent ~houlder 109. A forward end Or locklng pln 100 has a beveled surface 102 thereat while a rear end 103 of pln 100 has a non-clrcular cross sectlon, that generally matches the shape Or opening 98~ Or end plate 98 with a notched area 104 dt an end of same. A rlng 105 or the llke may be recelved at the lnner end 103 to facllitate manual manlpulatlon Or plns 100, and to hold same in channel 97.
Wlth slde ralls 90 freely recelved ln U-shaped ends 99 Or mountlng bracket 96, enlarged plvot leg ends 94 preclude lateral dlsengagement of' rall 90 rrom mountlng bracket 96. Upward pivotal movement Or rall 90 about bracket 96 wlll brlng vertlcal legs 92 lnto contact wlth the beveled surface 102 of the locklng pins 100, forcing plns 100 lnwardly Or channels 97 agalnst the blas Or sprlngs 110 untll pins 100 meet wlth lock pln openlngs 95 at which polnt plns 100 move wlthln openlng~ 95 to lock rail 90 in the ralsed posltlon. To lawer 1237~353 rail 90~ plns 100 are pulled lnwardly out Or locking openlngs 95.
With forward ends 102 out of openlng3 95 and non~circular sections 104 of pins 100 out~ide of channels 97, a slight rotation of pins 100 will misalign same with end plate opening 98'thus securlng pins 100 ln an inactive posltion. Rail 90 can then be lowered at wlll.
Alternatively, notch 104 can be brought lnto contact wlth end plate 98 to hold pin 100 out of lock pln receiving openlng 95 wlthout rotatlon.
Having described the present inventlon ln detall, lt ls obvlous that one skilled ln the art wlll be able to make varlatlons and modifications thereto wlthout departlng from the scope Or the invention. Accordlngly, the scope of the present lnventlon should be determlned only by the claims appended hereto.

Claims (32)

That which is claimed is:
1. An improved patient support system comprising:

a) an open end container means having a bottom wall and side walls;
b) a support means for said container means;

c) a perforated plate received within said container means; said plate defining a plurality of mounting openings therein;

d) a plurality of spacer means received within said container and being located between said perforated plate and said bottom wall of said container means, whereby a plenum chamber is defined between said plate and said bottom wall; spacer means being located beneath each mounting opening in said plate and secured to said plate thereat;

e) a fluid diffuser means received atop said perforated plate and secured thereto, said diffuser means being generally uniformly pervious to passage of fluid under pressure therethrough;

f) sealing means received between the outer periphery of said diffuser means and an inside of said sidewalls of said container means;

g) a mass of granular material received within said container atop said diffuser means;

h) flexible sheet means located atop said granular material and being removably secured completely around edges of same at an upper end of said side walls, said sheet means being pervious to passage of fluid therethrough while being impervious to the passage of granular material; and i) means to generate fluid pressure in said plenum chamber adequate to diffuse through said diffuser means and fluidize said granular material sufficient to support a patient thereon.
2. A support system as defined in Claim 1 wherein said container means is oval in shape and said support means therefor has rollable support means secured thereto.
3. A support system as defined in Claim 1 wherein said container means is an oval shaped tank and wherein said bottom wall defines a plurality of openings thereacross corresponding positionally to said mounting openings in said plate, wherein said diffuser means in a board, said board defining a plurality of mounting openings corresponding positionally to said mounting openings in said plate and wherein said spacer means defines a threaded opening at least inwardly from opposite ends of same, and further comprising connector means that secure said diffuser board, plate, spacer means and bottom wall together.
4. A support system as defined in Claim 3 wherein said spacer means includes a body having a plug end section that is smaller than said body and is receivable within said mounting openings of said plate and said threaded opening extends totally through said spacer means.
5. A support system as defined in Claim 11 wherein said spacer means includes a further plug end section at an opposite end of same that is receivable in said bottom wall openings.
6. A support system as defined in Claim 4 wherein a resilient sealing washer is located around said bottom wall openings between said bottom wall and said spacer means.
7. A support system as defined in Claim 5 wherein sealing means are provided in said bottom wall openings.
8. A support system as defined in Claim 1 wherein said sheet means is removably clamped around said container means.
9. A support system as defined in Claim 1 wherein said support means for said container means is pedestal having walls therearound, wherein said fluid pressure generating means is received within said pedestal, and wherein said pedestal has wheels secured thereto.
10. A support system as defined in Claim 9 wherein walls of said pedestal extending along the length of said container means taper inwardly from a lower to an upper end of same, and wherein said tapered walls have steps pivotally secured to a lower end of same.
11. A support system as defined in Claim 9 wherein said pedestal has at least one step pivotally secured thereto.
12. A support system as defined in Claim 11 wherein said container means has side rails mounted on side walls of same, said side rails being pivotal from a down, non-restrictive position to a raised patient restrictive position and being selectively lockable in the raised position.
13. A support system as defined in Claim 12 comprising further a support frame removably secureable to said container means, said frame including elements that extend below said container means and clamp means secured to said bottom wall to removably secure said frame elements thereto.
14. A support system as defined in Claim 13 wherein said frame includes inverted U shaped sections at opposite ends of said container means, said U shaped sections including spaced apart vertical legs connected by a top horizontal member, said legs turning inwardly to define horizontal leg sections below said container means, said clamp means including hinge connected jaw sections that receive said horizontal leg sections therebetween, and wherein lateral support means are secured to side walls of said container means and are received about said vertical legs at an outer end of same.
15. A support system as defined in Claim 1 wherein said diffuser board is hydrophobic in nature.
16. A support system as defined in Claim 15 wherein the diffuser board is particle board and which has been sprayed with a hydrophobic coating.
17. An improved patient support system comprising:

a) an open ended tank having a bottom wall and side walls, an upper end of said side walls defining a rim having walls that define a recess therein;

b) fluid diffuser means located within said tank, above said bottom wall c) fluidizable granular material located atop said diffuser means;

d) fluid pressure generator means for generating adequate fluid pressure below said diffuser means that said fluid passes through said diffuser means and fluidizes said granular materials thereabove;

e) flexible sheet means received above said granular material, said sheet means being pervious to fluid and impervious to said granular material, edges of said sheet means being received within said recess of said rim of said side wall; and f) a resilient rim cover mateably and removably receivable by said rim to secure said edge of said sheet means within said recess adequate to permit said sheet means to support a patient thereon when said granular material 18 in a fluidized and a non-fluidized state, said rim cover having a smooth upper contour.
18. A support system as defined in Claim 17 wherein said sheet means has a bead adjacent outer edges of same, said bead being received within said recess and held therein by said rim cover.
19. A support system as defined in Claim 18 wherein said bead 18 an elasticized elongated element.
20. A support system as defined in Claim 17 wherein said rim is a generally U shaped element that is secured to said side wall and includes a base having legs extending upwardly therefrom, an inner leg defining an upper tip having a shoulder portion therebeneath, and wherein said cover is a unitary resilient element, said element having a central protrusion that is receivable within said legs, a portion of said protrusion being residable below said shoulder with said sheet means passing therebetween with the bead and extreme edge of same being located therebeneath.
21. A support system as defined in Claim 17 wherein said cover further defines sections that pass about at least an outer and upper portion of said legs above said base.
22. A support system as defined in Claim 17 wherein said cover is an extruded polymeric element having a durometer hardness in a range of from about 60 to about 70.
23. A support system as defined in Claim 17 wherein said tank is oval in shape.
24. A support system as defined in Claim 17 wherein said tank is received on a wheeled support means therefor, said fluid pressure generator means being located within said support means.
25. A support system as defined in Claim 24 wherein said diffuser means is a diffuser board, said board being supported by plate a perforated plate and spacer means received between said perforated plate and said bottom wall, said diffuser board, perforated plate and spacers being secured to said bottom wall.
26. A support system as defined in Claim 25 wherein said diffuser board, perforated plate, spacer means, and bottom wall define positionally corresponding openings therein and wherein connector elements are provided to unite same.
27. A support system as defined in Claim 20 wherein said side walls define a lip at an upper end of same, said rim element being secured thereto.
28. A support system as defined in Claim 20 wherein said inner leg of said U shaped element includes a portion that extends down below said base, said downwardly extending leg portion being secured to an upper end of said side wall.
29. A support system as defined in Claim 24 comprising further at least one step pivotally associated with said support means for said tank;
30. A support system as defined in Claim 24 comprising further rails pivotally mounted on longitudinal side walls of said tank, said rails residing inside an outer edge of said cover when in the down position.
31. A support system as defined in Claim 24 comprising further a skeletal frame secured to said tank and extending above same.
32. An improved mobile patient support system comprising:

a) an oval tank having a bottm wall, sidewalls, and an open top, said sidewalls having an upper rim that extends laterally outwardly therefrom to a maximum dimension that is less than the width of a passageway through which said system is designed to be used;

b) an oval shaped support element received within said tank above said bottom wall;

c) an oval shaped fluid diffuser means located atop said oval support element;

d) sealing means received between an outer periphery of said diffuser means and an inside of said sidewalls adjacent thereto;

e) a mass or granular material received within said tank atop said diffuser means;

f) a flexible sheet removably secured completely around its edges at said sidewall rims, said sheet draping loosely into said tank atop said granular material when said granular material is in a non-fluidized state;

g) wheeled support housing means received beneath said tank and being secured thereto;

h) fluid pressure generating means received within said housing means and being in communication with the space inside said tank beneath said oval shaped support elements, and being actuatable for generating fluid pressure therein adequate to diffuse through said diffuser means and fluidize said granular material thereabove sufficient to support a patient thereon;

i) at least one step pivotably associated with said housing means for movement between a down extended position where it will support medical personnel and an up position where it resides beneath said tank and within said maximum width dimension; and j) at least one side rail assembly pivotally secured to at least one of said tank sidewalls and being located below said tank in the down position and moveable to a locked raised position where it restricts patient movement from said system, whereby during movment of said system, no appurtenance to same extends laterally beyond the maximum width dimension of said tank, fostering maneuverability and mobility of same.
CA000481460A 1985-05-14 1985-05-14 Fluidized patient support system Expired CA1237853A (en)

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CA000481460A CA1237853A (en) 1985-05-14 1985-05-14 Fluidized patient support system

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CA000481460A CA1237853A (en) 1985-05-14 1985-05-14 Fluidized patient support system

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