CA1222783A - Inflatable target apparatus - Google Patents

Inflatable target apparatus


Publication number
CA1222783A CA000445588A CA445588A CA1222783A CA 1222783 A CA1222783 A CA 1222783A CA 000445588 A CA000445588 A CA 000445588A CA 445588 A CA445588 A CA 445588A CA 1222783 A CA1222783 A CA 1222783A
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French (fr)
Lindsay C. Knight
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Australasian Training Aids Pty Ltd
Original Assignee
Australasian Training Aids Pty Ltd
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Application filed by Australasian Training Aids Pty Ltd filed Critical Australasian Training Aids Pty Ltd
Priority to CA000445588A priority Critical patent/CA1222783A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1222783A publication Critical patent/CA1222783A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Toys (AREA)



Disclosed is a target apparatus for realistically simulating battlefield conditions comprising an inflatable target capable of receiving repeated fire without deflating. The target is movable, by means of a trolley, along a predetermined path and can be rapidly inflated by means of a source of pressurized air and maintained in an inflated condition. At least one transducer is positioned within the target to detect the passage of a projec-tile through the target. An externally positioned projectile position detection apparatus may also be provided.


i 278~

The present lnvention relate~ to target apparatus and more particularly to target apparatu~
suitable for use in ~raining per~onnel, such a~
military pQrsonnel, in the at of the marksmanshlp.

Back~round of the Invention Var~ous target~ and target systems for ~imulating battlefield condition~ are known ln the art. Bowyer et 21~ in ~.5. Patent No~ 4,261,579 discloses a target ~y~tem havlng a plurali~y of up/down target~ ~nd a projectile position measurement ~y~tem. Gillam et al, in ~.S. Patent ~o. 3,233,904 di~close~ an automatic target apparatu~ where a ri~d target member may be ~haped to simulate an lnfantry man or ~he like with the target position being manlpulable from a remote po3ition, ~night, ~n U~S.
Patent No~ 3,323,800 di~close~ a remote target controlling apparatus wi~h hit counting telemetry and in ~.S. Patent No. 3~682,478 discloses a thin~ self-supporting ductile plastic target. In U~S. Patent Re.30,013, Rnlght di~closes a moving tar~e~ and target range u~ing a target trolley. In ~.S. Patent No.
4J136,873 Bowyer disclose3 a target made of polyethy-lene material~.- In U.S. Patent No. 4,313,182 Rnight et al disclose~ target equipment with a target ~n the form of a tank and in ~.S. Patent No. 4,330,129 Meredlth a portable, foldable target apparatus having a planar target member.

~' ~2227B3 While all of these devlces are useful f~r the purposes disclo~ed therein a need still exists for an ine~pensive, reusable target apparatu~ which can be used in train$ng for producing a life-llke simulation of battle condition~.


An object of the presen~ invention is to provide a target apparatus that can be utilized to realistically ~imulate battlefield condition~.
It i~ a further object of the present invention to provlde an inflatable target capable of receiving repeated-fire withou~ deflating.
It is a still further objec~ of the present invention to prov~de a target capable of movement along a predetermined pathT
Ac~ording to the present invention there is provided a target apparatu~ comprising a bag formed of flexible material, means for introducing compressed air or gas to the interior of said bag to cause the bag to be inflated and a projectile detection arrange-ment for detecting a projectile fired at the target, ~he projectile detec~ion arrangement comprising at lea~t one transducer respon~ive to an airborne, pressure wave generated by the projec~ile. As used 25 herein, the term ~pre~sure wave~ i~ in~ended to mean either a pre~ure wave generated by a subsonic projectile or a shock wave generated by a supersonic projectileO

~2~8 Preerably the transducer arrangemen~
comprise~ at lea~t one ~ran~ducer located within the ba~ when ~he bag i~ inflated, the ~ransducer bein~
respon~ive to a pre~ure wav~ generated within the ~n~lated bag by a pro~ectile passing through the bag.
The transducer i~ preferably respon~ive to a pressure wave of at least a predeterm~ned minimum amplitude and/or duration, although preferably a plurality of tran~ducer~ are provided the bag, a~ least one being respon ive to a pre~ure wave of a predetermined minimum amplitude and/or duratlon and a second being respon~ive to a pressure wave of a greater amplitude and/or duration. Thuq, in a preferred embodiment, a plurality of transducer~ are provided each responsive to pre~ure waves o~ different amplitude~ and/or duration~.
~ dvantageou~ly the transducer arrangement further inc~ude~ an array of at least three transducers located on the exterior of ~he bag, each transducer being adapted to detect a pres~ure wave generated by a projectile fired at the bag which either passe~
throu~h th~ bag or a region adjacent the bag. The transducer3 are as~ociated with timing and calculating means for deter~ining the relative instant of arrival of a pre~ure wave a~ ~ach transdu~er and to calcu-late~ from the det2rmined instants, ~nformation concerning the trajectory of the projec~ile.
Preferably the ~ran~ducer array compri~e~ at least three transducer~ located adja~ent one side of the ~arget, and three additional tran~ducers located ad~acent the oppo~ite ~ide of the target.

~227l33 The bag may advantageously be infl~ted by fans 9 an air pump or the like adapted to direct air into the bagc The fans may comprise a relatively high s~eed fan, for rapid inflation of the bag, and a S relatively low speed fan, for maintaining the bag in an inflated condition. Conveniently the fans have associated filters to filter the air dire~ted into the bag. Preferably the fans are of the rever~ible flow type, to enable the bag to be rapidly deflated by the exhaustlon of air from within the bag. In thls way the target apparatu~ can be made to appear and di~appear when vie~ed from the firing point.
Al~ernatively the bag can be inflated by a source Oe compressed air or other gas.
Preferably means are providea to enable the bag, when inflated, to have a predetermined heat signature. ~hi~ mean~ may comprise a heater associated with the fan or other means to inflate the bag ~o the bag i3 inflated with heated airO Certain portion~ of the wall o~ the bag are preferably thinner than other portion~, the thin~er portions tran~mitting more heat than the thicker are~. Alternatively heat emitting patches can be mounted on the bag. The heat emitting patches may comprise a patch of electrically resistive but conductive material and a meanR for applying a voltage acro~s the patch. Each patch may preferably be formed of a plastic-type material with graphite particles ar the like incorporated therein.
Conveniently the bag i~ mounted on a ~rolley, the trolley being movable along a rail and provided with mean~ by which it can be propelled along ~222~

the rail in either direction~ The propelling means may comprise an ln~ernal combustion engine, hydraulic or compress~d air device~, towing wires, or ele~trical devlces, ei~her bat~ery powered or provided w$th 5 sliding pick-up means ~ooperating with a bu~ bar system mounted on or ad~acent to the rail ~o supply electric power to the trolley. In a preferred embodi-ment the trolley is provided with a llnear motor, the stator of the linear motor being mounted on or formed 10 integrally with the rail, and the trolley may be provided with a sliding pick-up mean~, cooperating with a bu~ bar sy~tem mounted on or adjacent the rail to supply electric power to the trolley. MeanY may be provided for relaying information to and~or from the 15 trolley, ~uch as a radio-link, or a bu f bar arrange- f ment cooperating with contacts present on the trolley.-Advantageously the rail comprises a rectangular member, and the trolley has wheel, to engage an upper ~urface o~ the re~tan~ular member, and 20 jockey wheels which engage either the two opposed ~ide ~urface~ of, or the lower corner~ of, the rectangular member. The rectangular member may advanta~eou~ly be a hollow tubular member.
Conveniently the inflatable bag mounted on 25 the.trolley provides a representation of a military target ~uch a8 an infantry man.
Preferably, two trolleys are provided which a~e interconnected by means of a rigid platform-like itructure, the inflatable bag beinq mounted on the 30 ~latform and providing a repre~ntation of a military target ~uch a~ a tank.
2~7~33 Preferably mean~ are provlded on the trolley or on the rigid platform struoture to retain the bag in po~ition on the trolley or platform ~tructure.
This retaining mean~ may comprise a series of clamp~
or the like wh~ch clamp the inflated bag in po~ition around the periphery of the trolley or platform struc~
ture, thu~ forming an enclosure comprisin~ the rigid ba e of the trolley or platform ~tructure and the flexible bag, said en~lo3ure being impervious to the flow of air.
~ referably mean~ are provided to control the condition of the ba~ during inflat~on and deflation.
Thi3 control mean~ ma~ compri~e a series of cords attached to the bag at several point~ and connected to a wlnching arrangement 3uch that a~ the bag ls inflated the cords are released and as the bag is deflated the cord3 are winched in, thereby containing the bag material within the periphery of the trolley or platform structure~
Alternatively, a framework may be provided on ea~h trolley to retain the inflated bag in po~ition on the trolley, the framework or the like can be moved from a collapsed condition to an elevated condition~-~he ~ramework, in 'che elevated condition, surrounding the inflated ba~.
The framework may compr ~se a plurality of inverted "~" ~ha~ed members each pivotally connected to the trolley, and means to move the members from a 3ub~tantially horizontal position ~o a substantially vertical po~ition. The moving mean~ may ~ompri~e a link member linking together the inver~ed ~ shaped member~, and a driving ram for ~aid link member.

~2:;22783 i ~

In order that the invention may be more readily understood, and so that further features thereof may be appreciated, the invention will now be described by way of e~ample wlth reference to the accompanying drawings in which:
Flgure 1 is a perspec~ive view of one embodiment of the invention F~gure lA is a diagrammatic view of the tran~ducer array of Figure l;
Flgure lB i~ a diagrammatic view of another embodiment of a pressure tran~du~er;
Figure 2 is an end elevational view of part of the ~pparatuq ~hown in Figure l;
Figure 3 i~ a per~pective view of the platform illu~trated in Figure 1, illustratlng a first - embudiment of a bag retaining device with control cords and a winching arrangement;
Figure 3A i9 a diagrammatic view of the platform illustrated in Figure 1J with the in1atable bag~ omitted/ illustrating a second embodiment of a ba~ retaining device, Figure 4 is a diagrammatic side elevational view of a target constitutea by the inflated bag~
carried on the trollies of Figure 1 showing heat emitting patches secured thereto; and Figure 5 i~ a per~pective view of another ~arget in accordance with the invention.


~ eference will now be made in detail to the pre~ently preferred embodiments of the inventon~ which are illu~trated in the accompanying draw~ng~. Turning S firit to Figure 1 thereof an embodiment of a shootlng range utilizing apparatu~ in accordance wlth the invention i~ lllustrated wherein there i~ provided at lea~t one elongate track 1. The track i~ formed, for e~ample, of a steel tube having a ub~tantially square or re~tangular cro~ section7 which ~ manufac~ured within a fine manufacturing tolerance. The tube i~
supported above ground level by appropriate support mean~ 2, and the arrangement iR ~uch that a trolley 3 can run along the track~ It ~hould be understood that other ~rzck con~iguration~, ~uch a3 for example an ~IW
beam or a plurality of elongate member~ separated by webs can al80 be u~ed within the splirit of the inven- j tion~ i Re~erring ~o ~he track of Figure 1, secured 1, to one or both ~ide ed~e of the steel tube i3 a strip of a metal ~uch a~ aluminum 4, which forms the stator of a linear motor, which will presently be described.
Al~o mounted adjacent to one side of the track is a ~lid~ng connector bus bar ~ystem 5, which comprises ', 25 the ~tationary part of the bus ~ar ~ystem. I
R~ferring now to Figure 2, the trolley 3 is mounted for movement along the track. Preferably, the trolley ha~ a portion 6 e~tending acros~ the top of ~he track, and two portion~ 7, 8 extending downwardly on ei~her ~ide of the track~ Wheel~ 9 are provided ~;~22783 withln the trolley which are generally vertically mounted and which support the trolley on ~he top of the track lo Jockey wheel~ 10 may also be provided within the trolley, the ~ockey wheel~ being subs~an-tially horizontal and engaging ~he side walls of thetra~k 1. Other support wheel and jockey wheel configuration~.are known in the art and come within the ~cope of the invention. The trolley is provided with a linear motion 11 in each side 7, 8 of the trolley ad~acen~ the side of the ~rack. A~ best seen in Figure 1, a trolley support assembly 50 i9 provided at each end o the trolley so that four linear motors are provided in all. A~ mentioned above, the stator 4 for the linear motors is seGurely connected to the tubular track. The trolley i~ also provided with a sllding connector 40 that cooperate~ wi~h the fixed part 5 of the bu~ bar sy~tem provided adjacent to the track ~o that electrical power and variou~ control signal~ ~an readily be supplied to the trolley.
In the embodiment illustrated a trolleyo train is provided, comprising two trollies, 3, 3' that are inter~onnected by a rigid platform, 13, the plat-form being mounted in such a way that each trolley may pivot about a vertical axi3, 20 ~nd 20' respectively, wit~ respect to ~he platform.
Mounted on each end of ~h~ pla~form i5 a sour~e 12 of pressurized gas. In the embodiment of Figure 1 a high speed fan and an a~sociated motor ~or driving the high 3peea fan compri~e the sour~e 12.

~22t7~3 Each high speed ~an is mounted within a housing, 23 and 23' resPectivelyO which is provided at one end o~
the plat~orm, the hou~ing 23 being open to permit the ingre~ of air to the blades of the fan, and having an open upper exhau~ port 24, through which air i~
driven by the fan.
The to~ of the platform, which i~ substan-tially air impervioU~9 preferably extends over the side edges of ~he ~rolley and may extend over the forward and rearward end of the ~rolley. Mounted to the periphery of the platform is the open mount of an inverted bag 14 formed of a resilient plastic material or the like. The bag i5 mounted to the trolley in a generally air-tight manner so that it will be inflated bY operation of the ~ource 12, whereupon the bag will stand in an erec~ position above the platform. The lower most portion~ of the side walls of the bag are relatlvely thi~k in comparison to upper, progressively thinne~ portlons of the bag, ~hu~ providing these region~ of the side wall~ of t~e bag with a cer~ain degree of rigidity.
In one advantageou~ embodiment of the invention, the bag 14 i5 disposed on a platform 13 ~arried by two trolleys of a train of trolleys 3, 3'.
When viewed from the ~ide this embodiment may advantageou~ly be fas~ioned to resemble a tank profile a~ seen in Flgure 4. Thus, it will be appreciated that the bag 14, when inflated, may be utilized as a target for traininq personnel in the art o~
mark~man~hiP, It will be appreciated ~hat the target can be cau~ed to move along, by means o the linear motor~, and the arrangement i~ su~h that the target ~ 7~3 can run along the rail a~ any appropriate speed up to approximately 65 kilome~er~ per hour i~ either direc-tlon~ At least one trolley i~ provided with pick-up meanY 40 which cooperates with the bu~ bar 5 provided on ~he rail ~o en~ure that the power can be suppleid to the linea~ mo~orx and to ensure that appropriate control signal~ can be provided to ~he trolley and also to en~ure that appropriate signal~ can be taken from the trolley to a central proces~ing or control ~tation. These signal~ may, for example, be mains injected on the power line. In alternative embodi-ment~ a radlo link 31 may be provided between each trolley and a central control position, such a~ the ~P~ of Figure lB.
Since the trolley~ are intended to travel at substantial ~peed~, it Chould be appreciated that a bag con~tituting a target, may be ~ubjected to severe wind pre~ure particularly if the trolley i~ moviny against a head wind. In the infalted state the bag material i~ held generally rigid and taut due to the internal pressure in the bag. When de1ated, the bag lay~ flat on the trolley and i~ not ~ub~ected to wind loads. During inflation and deflation~ however, the wind loads are present and the bag material i~ not maintained in a taut condition. There w~ll be a ~endency, therefore, for the bag to billow about, pos~ibly re~ulting in damage.
To prevent ~uch damage occurring it is proposed to provide a series of cords 35 (see Figure
3) which are attached ~o ~he target ~ag at 37 in the center of the ba~ pass around the outside of the target bag, pa~ ~hrou~h eyelets 36 in the target bag ~ 7~3 and are wrapped onto a ~inch drum 37 mounted on the trolley~ or pla~form. Thus when it i5 de~ired to deflate the bag, the w~nch i~ operated to effectively shorten the cords by rotatlng the winch and thereby wrapping th~ cord~ around the win~h and consequently constraining the bag to deflate wlthin the periphery of the trolley or platform.
Alternat~vely, ln orde~ to prevent an inflated target ~rom be~ng blown rom lt~ desired position relative ~o the trolley, a framework (see Figure 3A) may be provided which compri~e3 inverted ~ shaped element~ 15 which are plvotally connected at ~he free end~ of ~he arm~ of the ~ and mounted on the trolley-train at the side of the platform 13.
The member~ ar~ all adapted to move in synchronism and may thus be interconne~ted by an elongate link member 16 which is a~tuated by an appropriate ram 17 under the control of a limit switch. ~hus, when it i~
intended ~o inflate the bag that constitute~ the target, the ram 17 i~ operated to move the inverted ~ 3haped member~ 15 ~o an upright position. The member~ then effec~ively deflning a cage~ which surround~ the volume of space that ~g to accommodate the lnflated bag. The bag then inflates and is trapped within ~he ~cage~.
It is to be noted that 31nce the trolley~
travel at relatively high ~peed~ it ls important that bo~h the trolleys and ~he rails be manufa~tured to wlthln flne manufacturing tolerance~ ~o that, as the trolley~ move around corners at a high ~peed the linear motor~ do not become separated from the aluminum striP~ to ~uch an ex~ent that the operation of the linear motor~ is adversely affected.

7~33 Referring again to Figure 1, in order to - determine whether any part~cular inflated bag 14 has heen penetrated by a projec~ile, at least one transducer 18 i~ provided within the inflated bag, preferably on the platf~rm 13. The tranqducer is responsive to a pressure wave generated in the air within the bag by a projectile fired at the bag actually passi~ through the bag. Thus, whenever the transducer receives a pressure wave, an output signal will be generated by the transducer, thi~ output signal belng indicative of a hit on the target. Such a transducer positioned within a three-dimensional target ~s further explained in U.S. Patent No.
4,349,729 to Knight, It i~ to be appreciated that a range as presently described may be utilized with many different type~ of ammunition being fired at the target simultaneously. It may be necessary to be able to determine, with reg~rd to each particular "hit" t;le precise type of ammunition utilized. Consequently it i5 proposed to utilize, within each bag, a plurality of transducers 18, each transducer having a separate and distinct threshold with regard to the amplitude and/or duration ~i.e~ ener~y) of the dete~ted pressure wave. Thu~, the ~ransducer that responds to the ~hortest and/or lowest caliber to be fired at the target will be detected. The transducer responsive to the pressure or shock wave of the next largest amplitude and/or duration will ensure that projectiles - 14 ~
~2~3 of the nex~ largest caliber size will be detected. Of course, when a projectile of this next large~t caliber ~ize passes through the targe~, both thi~ transudcer and the first described ~ransducer w~ll provde output S ~ignal3 ~ince each tran ducer will re~pond to any pre~3ure or shock wave that ha~ an energy greater than the threshold level of ~hat transducer. A~ will be appreciated by one of skill in the art, the transducers may be provided with threshold filter~ having threshold levels tallored to detect various caliber ammunition.
The u~e of a threshold filter in connection with su~h a transducer i~ known from the above-men~ioned U.S.
Paten~ NoO 4,349,729.
It i3 envi~aged that a plurality of transducer~ (or tran~ducer3 equipped with threshold filter~) may be prov~ded, the transducers effectively being ~tunedW to detect 7~62 mm projectiles, 30 mm projectilest 40 mm projectlles, 76 mm projectile~, 95 mm projectiles, 105 mm projectile~ and 120 mm projec~ile~. Of course further transducers may be provided "tuned~ to any particular projectile size.
It i~ important to note that i~ only a ~ingle transducer is utilized to provide an output signal for each cal~ber of ammunition, it may not be capable of detecting a pressure wave from a projectile of the appropriate caliber if that projectile penetrates the inflated bag that const1tutes the target at a position remote from the ~ransducer.
Consequently, it may be necessary to provide a plurality of groups of transducers on the platform supported by ~he trolley to ensure tha~, whenever a : project~le passes through an inflated target, an appropriate output signal is generated.
The transducers 18 are illustrated as defining a regular square array, but it ~hould be appreciated that many alternative configurations for the transducers such as hexagonal array or the like may be acceptable. It is only important that an appropriate signal be generated when a projectile passe~ through the inflated target.
Instead of using separate transducers, a single transducer may be used wlth means to measure the ampl~tude and/or duratlon of the output signals, the measured value~ being supplied to an appropriately programmed microprocessor or the like to provide an ind~catlon of the 3ize of the projectile. The trans-ducer may be similar to that disclo~ed by Phillip~ in .S. Patent No~ 4,359,6~9 or by Knight et al in ~.S.
Patent No. 4,~82,453.
In Figure lA, a transducer array 19 compr~sing transducers Dl through D9 are illu~trated.
Each of the transducers has an associated threshold detector T~l to T~9 respectively tuned to a specific caliber of ammunition.
In Figure lB, the array of transducers is replaced by a single transducer 18 having associated threshold device~ T~l to T~n, each tuned to detect a ~pecific caliber of ammunition.

~L -.... ~ ~ ... ~

~ ~ ~2 ~Q~
In either of the~e embodiment~, a projectile which creates a pr~sure or shock wave of a certain energy will send a ~ignal ~o a mlcroprocessor or the like through an inpu~/output device 90, thu~ enabling a microproce~or 95 having an appropria~e RAM and ROM
to determine ~he cal~ber of the projectile.
It may al~o be desirable to be able to provide an output signal indicative of precisely where a bullet or projectile has impinged upon or pa~ed ad~acent the target constituted by the inflated bag.
For projectile po~ition detection, there are advantageously mounted, on each side of the trolley, a row of transducer~ 19, each of which provides an output ~ignal in response to detection of a pres~ure or ~hock wave generated by a projectile fired at the target, con~tltuted by the inflated bag. The~e output ~ignal~ are proce~ed in an appropriately programmed computer ~uch a~ the CPU 95 of Flgure lB or a tlming devlce 3uch a~ ~he device 30 of Figure 5, both of 20 whlch are;adapted to calcula~e, from the time delays between the ins~ants of generation of the output signal~ generated by ~he tran~ducer~ 19, information concerning the ~rajectorv of the projectile.
Apparatus of thi~ ~pe has been de~cribed, primarily w~th reference to permanently fixed range eguipment, in ~50 Patent No. 4,281~2~ .S. Patent No.
4,282,453 and in ~DS. Patent No. 4,357,531. It will readily be appreciated~ however, that the operative components of ~uch a ~y~em may be mounted on a trolley of the type herein de~cribed on appropriate outrigger~. of cour3e, it may be de3irable for the nece~ary computer to be located at a central point, L~

and thus it i~ envi~aged that the information concerning the time of arrival of the pressure wave at each tran~ducer 19 will be ~ransferred to a computer either by mean~ of mains injeotion through the power line or by means of an appropriate radio link ~uch a~
antenna 31 of Figure lo From the foregoing de~cription it will be appreciated that when the inflatable bag 14 of a target apparatu~ in accordance with the invention i~
inflated, the comple~e target will have the visual appearance of a tank or other military target. In order to facilitate night tranining, and training in connection with the use of heat sensitive sight~, it i~ advantageou~ to provide means on the target to generate a heat signature. Such a heat signature may be generated by providing each fan 12 with a heater 25 adapted to heat the air being introduced into the bag.
In thi~ way, the bag, when lnflated, is relatively warm and thu~ the inflated bag can readily be Yiewed through hea~ SeQsitive sights. Whenever a projectile pas~e~ through 3uch a bag hot air escapes from the bag, and again thi~ can readily be seen on heat ~ensitive ~ight~O
It ~hould be appreciated that while the heat ~igna~ure outlined above provide~ one way in whi~h trainins can be given in the use of heat sensitive slght~, the resulting training may be rather unreali~ti~ ~nce, in real life, a military ~arget ~uch a~ tank doe~ not provide an even heat image~
Rather, there are certain areas that, in use, are much hotter than others. For e~ample, in a normal tank the ~ 83 racks, the drive wheels, and the æone immediately surroundiny the exahus~ rom the engine of the tank tend ~o be hot in use.~ It i8 therefore preferable to provide a corre~ponding simula~ed effect by manufac-turing the inflatable bag of a mater~al tha~ has thinzone~ where the ~arget being simulated tend~ to become hot in u5e~ and thick zones where the target being simulated ~oes not tend to become hot in use.
Alternatively, it may be preferred to provide heat emi~ting pa~ches or zoneg 20 on ~he inflatable bag as illusrated in Figure 4. 5uch emitting patches or zones may comprise appropriately shaped sheet~ of a conductive plastics material, such as polyethylene incorporating gra~hlte or some other ~imilar arran~e-ment, each su~h s~eet being provided with electrodes28 along two opposed edge~ thereof, and a voltage source v, su~h a~ a connec~ion to the aforementioned bu~-bar ~ys~em, for applying a voltage across the electrode3. Advantageously the voltage to each patch ~ i9 controllable by a rheostat 29 or ~he llke so that the amount ~f current flowing through each conductive sheet may be adjusted, and ~onse~uently the temperatuxe of the sheets may be adjusted to simulate the temperature ~rofile of an ac~ual tank or the like.
In Figure 4, ~atches 20 of the type described above are represented by the hatched areas and are mounted on an inflatable bag ~arget of the type de~cribed above in ~he region~ of the target which~ in a real ~arget9 would be hot--that i~ to say the reyion~ in the example of a tank, corresponding to the wheels and the tracks and to ~he exhau~t outlet. With the use of such patches~ when the ~arget ~;~2~33 is vlewed through a heat sensitive sight the image of the target i8 virtually identical with the ~mage of a real target, and thu~ very reallstic training may be ~rovided~
Where a target apparatu~ of the type described above i~ to be utilized on a training range that ~imulates ~ theater of war, it is desirable that the bag~ may be fully inflated from a totally deflated condition in a very short period o time, so that a trolley can advance with th~ bag defla~ed, unobserved b~ ~rainee marksman within the range, and then, when the trolleys are in the de~ired positions~ the bags may be rapidly inflated~ thus prov~ding a visual representation of the rapid appearance of tanks. In more advanced range~ the trolleys utilized may carry targets resembling ~frlendly~ tank~ and targets re~embling ~enemyU tank~ and the mark~man within the training area will fir~t have to identify any particular target be~ore firing at the target.
It i~ to be appreciated that the rapid inflation of any particular bag that constitutes a target is a de~irable feature and consequently it i~
preferred to utili2e fans that operate at a high speedD ~o ensure that the bag can be inflated rapidly.
It i~ of co~r~e, possible to ut~lize one or more high speed fan~ for rapid inflation of the target and an additional low speed fan which can be utilizea to maintain the target in an inflated condition once the target ha~ been inflated. This will minimi2e the power con~umption and may prove to be beneficial, - 20 ~ 27~3 particularly where the fans are bat~ery operated.
Preferably the fans are provided with appropriate filter~ to ensure that only pure air i~ directed o the interior of any paxtlcular bag.
Whlle the invention ha~ been described with reerence to the use of fans it i3 to be appreciated that other sources of air or gas may be utilized on ~uch as cylinder~ of compre~sed air or gas, or even a ~entral compressor and associated supply lines and valve~O Such an expedient may be adopted particularly where inflatable bag targets of the type generally described above are not mounted on a trolley, but are mounted on a permanen~ or semi-permanent ba~e.
If nece~sary, when battery operated, a fan may be pul~ed ~o provide optimum performance.
Whil~ th~ invention has been described above primarily with regard to relatively large target~
mounted on trolley~ which re3emble tanks or the like, it ls to be appreciated that the invention may be applied to o~her targets such a~, for example, a relatively small inflatable target 21 having the shape and configuration of an infantry man as shown in Figure 5. When such a target is utili2ed, a bag having the shape and appearance of an infantry man can 25 rapidly be inflated, ~hu~ providing a visual simulation of an enemy infantry man emer~ing from a concealed poslt~on. One or more tran~ducers 22 will be provided within the inflatable bag adjacent the base theLeof, the transducers serving to detect projectiles passing - 21~
~ 7~3 through ~he lnflatable bag target. In ~uch an embodi-ment tw~ fang 23, 24 may be provided, one being a high speed Ean for rapid inflation of the target, and the second being a relatively low ~peed fan, primarily to maintain the ~arget in an inflated condition after it has been penetrated by one or more projectiles.
In this embodiment of the inven~lon al80 a ~luxality of tran~ucer3 19, analogou-~ to the transducer~ 19 of Figure 1, are provided in position~
adjacent the ex~erior of the target to provide lnformation concerning the po~ition of a bullet or other projectile fired At the target. Again, the arrangement~ of transducers and information processor~
utilized may be as described in the above-mentioned ~.SO Patent No~. 4~,281,241, 4,282,453 or 4,357,531.
It i~ to be appreclated that when s-uch array~ of tran~du~er~ are utilized, together with an appropriate timing and calculatinq device 30~ it i~ po~3ible to determlne not only the po~ition of bullet3 that actually hit the ~arge~, bu~ also the position of bullets that, while pa~ing in the general vicin~ty of the target, do not actually hi~ the targetr It will be appreciated that the above de~cribed apparatu~ may be utilized to fabricate a very realist~c and life-like training range, offering training facill~ies dur~ng the day and at night, and also specifically offering training facilities in connection with the u~e of heat sensitive weapon ~ights.
It should also be appreciated that due to the action of the fans, air pumps or other sources of pressurized air, targets according to the present inven-tion will remain inflated even after sustaining one or more direct hits fxom projectiles. However, if pene-trated by a great number of small projectiles or a large projectile such as an artillary shell, the target - 22 - ~2~ 3 is easily repairable by applying a patchover any shell hole or the like utilizing an appropriate shaped section of bag material and a suitable glue. Thus, the target is repeatedly repairable unless severly damaged.
S The foregoing description of the preferred embodi-ments of the invention have been presented for purposes of illustration and description. They are not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the preci~e forms disclosed, and obviously many modifications and variations are possible in light of the above teachings.
It is intended that the scope of the invention be defined by the claims appended hereto.

Claims (55)

1. A target apparatus comprising a bag formed of flexible material, means for inflating said bag, and a projectile means disposed within said bag for detecting a projectile hit on the inflated bag, the projectile detection means comprising a transducer arrangement responsive to an airborne pressure wave generated when a projectile passes through the inflated bag, said transducer arrangement being operable to discriminate between projectile hits and misses and to discriminate between pressure wave energy levels, above a minimum threshold level, created by projectiles of different caliber.
2. An apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein the transducer arrangement comprises a single transducer.
3. An apparatus according to Claim 2, wherein the transducer means is non-responsive to a pressure wave below a predetermined energy.
4. An apparatus according to Claim 2 or 3, wherein a plurality of transducer arrangements are provided within said bag.
5. An apparatus according to Claim 4, wherein each transducer arrangement comprises a plurality of transducers, at least one of said transducers being responsive to a pressure wave of a first predetermined energy and at least a second and said transducers being responsive to a pressure wave of a second greater energy.
6. An apparatus according to Claim 5, wherein a plurality of transducers are provided, each responsive to pressure waves of different energy.
7. An apparatus according to Claim 1 or 2 or 3, wherein said transducer arrangement further includes an array of at least three transducers located exterior of the bag, each of said at least three transducers being operable to detect a pressure wave generated by a projectile fired at the bag and either passing through the bag or through a region adjacent the bag, said at least three transducers having associated timing and calculating means operable to determine relative instants of arrival of the pressure wave at each of said at least three transducers and to calculate, from the determined instants, the trajectory of the projectile.
8. An apparatus according to Claim 7, wherein said transducer array comprises at least three transducers located adjacent one side of the target, and three further transducers located adjacent the opposite side of the target.
9. An apparatus according to Claim 7, wherein the said means for inflating the bag comprises fan means for directing air into the bag.
10. An apparatus according to Claim 9, wherein said fan means comprises at least one relatively high speed fan, for rapid inflation of the bag, and at least one relatively low speed fan, for maintaining the bag in an in flated condition.
11. An apparatus according to Claim 9, wherein the fan means is of the reversible flow type.
12. An apparatus according to Claim 7, wherein the said means for inflating the bag comprises a source of compressed air.
13. An apparatus according to Claim 7, including means for providing said bag, when inflated, with a predetermined heat signature.
14. An apparatus according to Claim 13, wherein said means comprises heat emitting patches mounted on the bag.
15. An apparatus according to Claim 13, wherein said means for providing a heat signature further comprises a heater associated with the means to inflate the bag with heated air and wherein said bag has walls, predetermined portions of said walls being thinner than other portions to transmit more heat therethrough.
16. An apparatus according to Claim 7, further including a trolley and a rial, wherein the bag is mounted on the trolley, the trolley being movable along the rail, and a propulsion means for moving the trolley means along the rail in either direction.
17. An apparatus according to Claim 16, wherein the trolley is provided with a linear motion having a stator operatively associated with the rail.
18. An apparatus according to Claim 17, wherein said rail comprises a rectangular member having an upper surface and opposing side surfaces, said trolley further comprises wheels for engaging the upper surface, and jockey wheels for engaging the two opposed side surfaces.
19. An apparatus according to Claim 16, wherein the inflatable bag mounted on the trolley further comprises a representation of a military target.
20. An apparatus according to Claim 16, further comprising two trolleys and a rigid platform connecting said trolleys, said inflatable bag being mounted on the platform and providing a representation of a military target.
21. An apparatus according to Claim 16, further including means for retaining the inflated bag in a fixed position on the trolley, said means comprising a collapsible framework that can be moved to an elevated condition, said framework in the elevated condition surrounding said inflated bag.
22. An apparatus according to Claim 16, further including means for controlling the bag during inflation and deflation comprising a winch and a series of cords attached to the bag and the winch.
23. An apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said transducer arrangement comprises a plurality of transducers, at least one of said transducers being responsive to a pressure wave of a first predetermined energy and at least a second of said transducers being responsive to a pressure wave of a second greater energy.
24. An apparatus according to Claim 23, wherein a plurality of transducers are provided, each responsive to pressure waves of different energy.
25. An apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein the said means for inflating the bag comprises fan means for directing air into the bag.
26. An apparatus according to Claim 25, wherein the fan means is of the reversible flow type.
27. An apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein the said means for inflating the bag comprises a source of compressed air.
28. An apparatus according to Claim 1, including means for providing said bag, when inflated, with a predetermined heat signature.
29. An apparatus according to Claim 28, wherein said means for providing a heat signature further comprises a heater associated with the means to inflate the bag with heated air and wherein said bag has walls, predetermined portions of said walls being thinner than other portions to transmit more heat therethrough.
30. An apparatus according to Claim 28, wherein said means comprises heat emitting patches mounted on the bag.
31. An apparatus according to Claim 30, wherein each heat emitting patch comprise a patch of electrically resistive but conductive material, and means for applying a voltage across said material.
32. An apparatus according to Claim 31, wherein said material comprises a plastics material having graphite particles therein.
33. An apparatus according to Claim 1, further including a trolley and a rail, wherein the bag is mounted on the trolley, the trolley being movable along the rail, and a propulsion means for moving the trolley means along the rail in either direction.
34. An apparatus according to Claim 33, wherein the rail has an associated bus-bar system operatively associated with the rail for supplying electric power to the trolley, having a sliding pick-up means for operatively engaging said bus-bar system.
35. An apparatus according to Claim 34, wherein said trolley further comprises data transmission means for relaying information.
36. An apparatus according to Claim 35, wherein the data transmission means comprises a radio-link.
37. An apparatus according to Claim 35, wherein the data transmission means includes said bus bar and said pick-up means on said trolley for operatively engaging said bus bar.
38. An apparatus according to Claim 33, wherein the trolley is provided with a linear motion having a stator operatively associated with the rail.
39. An apparatus according to Claim 38 or 34, wherein said rail comprises a rectangular member having an upper surface and opposing side surfaces, said trolley further comprises wheels for engaging the upper surface, and jockey wheels for engaging the two opposed side surfaces.
40. An apparatus according to Claim 39, wherein said rectangular member is a hollow tubular member.
41. An apparatus according to Claim 33 or 35, wherein the inflatable bag mounted on the trolley further comprises a representation of a military target.
42. An apparatus according to Claim 33 or 35, further comprising two trolleys and a rigid platform connecting said trolleys said inflatable bag being mounted on the platform and providing a representation of a military target.
43. An apparatus according to Claim 42, wherein said bag provides a representation of a tank.
44. An apparatus according to Claim 42, further including means for retaining the inflated bag in a fixed position on the trolley, said means comprising a collapsible framework that can be moved to an elevated condition, said framework in the elevated condition surrounding said inflated bag.
45. An apparatus according to Claim 42, further including means for controlling the bag during inflation and deflation comprising a winch and a seris of cords attached to the bag and the winch.
46. An apparatus according to Claim 45, wherein said winch is attached to said platform.
47. An apparatus according to Claim 45, wherein said winch is attached to said trolley.
48. An apparatus according to Claim 33 or 35 Further including means for retaining the inflated bag in a fixed position on the trolley, said means comprising a collapsible framework that can be moved to an elevated condition, said framework in the elevated condition surrounding said inflated bag.
49. An apparatus according to Claim 48, wherein said framework comprises a plurality of inverted "U" shaped members each pivotally connected to the trolley, and means to move said members from a substantially horizontal position to a substantially vertical position.
50. An apparatus according to Claim 49, wherein said moving means comprises a link member linking together said inverted "U" shaped members, and a driving ram for said link member.
51. An apparatus according to Claim 33 or 35, further including means for controlling the bag during inflation and deflation comprising a winch and a series of cords attached to the bag and the winch.
52. An apparatus according to Claim 51, wherein said winch is attached to said platform.
53. An apparatus according to Claim 51, wherein said winch is attached to said trolley.
54. A target apparatus comprising a bag formed of flexible material, fan means for directing air into the bag to inflate the bag, said fan means comprising at least one relatively high speed fan, for rapid inflation of the bag, and at least one relatively low speed fan, for maintaining the bag in an inflated condition, and a projectile detection means for detecting a projectile hit on the inflated bag, the projectile detection means comprising a transducer arrangement responsive to an airborne pressure wave generated when a projectile passes through the inflated bag.
55. An apparatus according to Claim 54, further including filters associated with said fan means to filter the air being directed into the bag.
CA000445588A 1984-01-19 1984-01-19 Inflatable target apparatus Expired CA1222783A (en)

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CA000445588A CA1222783A (en) 1984-01-19 1984-01-19 Inflatable target apparatus

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CA000445588A CA1222783A (en) 1984-01-19 1984-01-19 Inflatable target apparatus

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CA000445588A Expired CA1222783A (en) 1984-01-19 1984-01-19 Inflatable target apparatus

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN108955399A (en) * 2017-05-19 2018-12-07 上海亿湾特训练设备科技有限公司 Inflatable live-fire training target and live-fire training method
CN115451756A (en) * 2022-10-27 2022-12-09 山东方能毅装备科技有限公司 Automatic control device for land target

Cited By (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN108955399A (en) * 2017-05-19 2018-12-07 上海亿湾特训练设备科技有限公司 Inflatable live-fire training target and live-fire training method
CN108955399B (en) * 2017-05-19 2023-12-22 上海格阅特科技有限公司 Inflatable live-ball training target and live-ball training method
CN115451756A (en) * 2022-10-27 2022-12-09 山东方能毅装备科技有限公司 Automatic control device for land target
CN115451756B (en) * 2022-10-27 2023-08-04 山东方能毅装备科技有限公司 Automatic control device for land-based landmark target

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