CA1205905A - Digital clocking and detection system for a digital storage system - Google Patents

Digital clocking and detection system for a digital storage system


Publication number
CA1205905A CA000432172A CA432172A CA1205905A CA 1205905 A CA1205905 A CA 1205905A CA 000432172 A CA000432172 A CA 000432172A CA 432172 A CA432172 A CA 432172A CA 1205905 A CA1205905 A CA 1205905A
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clock pulses
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French (fr)
Donald F. Mccarthy
Richard W. Van Pelt
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Storage Technology Corp
Original Assignee
Storage Technology Corp
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Application filed by Storage Technology Corp filed Critical Storage Technology Corp
Priority to CA000432172A priority Critical patent/CA1205905A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1205905A publication Critical patent/CA1205905A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Signal Processing For Digital Recording And Reproducing (AREA)
  • Stabilization Of Oscillater, Synchronisation, Frequency Synthesizers (AREA)



A data clocking and detection system for a digital data storage system includes a common controlled oscillator for the multiple tracks. A phase detector for each track includes a counter and decoding circuitry producing outputs representing the time occurence of transitions in the data with respect to bit cells defined by multiple clock pulses for each bit cell. Phase errors are used to control the frequency of the VCO, and large phase errors are used to add or subtract a count from the phase counter in each phase detector.



This invention relates to data clocking and detection for digital da~a storage systems such as tape drives and more par-~icularly, to an improved digital data clocking and detection system.
When stored digi~al data is played back ~rom a data storag~
system~ such as a magnetic tape or disk system, it is necessary to de~ermine bo~h the frequency and the phase of the transitions in the played back signals. In magne~ic tape storage the data is typically stored in nine tracks which contain ~ransitions representi ones and zeroes making up digital data words. ~ separate clock track i5 not normally recorded~ From the played back data itself, the proper clocking must be determi~ed in order to d*f i ne the limits of the bit cells in ~ach ~rack.
Since the speed of the magnetic medium upon which he data is recorded may vary slightly, the $requency of the clock pulses d~finin~ the edges o the bit cells which are read from the medium must be varied to match these changes in speed. It is common practice ~o pr~vide a voltage controlled oscillator ~V.C~O.) which tracks the detected transitions in order ~o provide clock pulses having a frequency which varies as the velocity of the magnetic medium changes. Providing proper clo~king by itself is no~ sufficiPnt~ the pha~e o~ the dete~ted transitions with respect to the clock pulses must also be detPcted. The two types of commonl~
used magnetic tape recording systems are ANSI Standard phase en-coded (P~) and ANSI Standard GCR recording. In PE recording there is a}ways a transition in the middle of a bit cell and sometimes there is a transition at the edge o~ a bi~ cell. In GCR recording, ~ !

if a bit cell has a transition ~t is in the middle, not at the edge of the bi~ cellO Not all GCR bit cells have transitions. In order to properly determine whether the recorded bit is a one or zero, ~t is necessary for the data detection circuitry to have phase in~ormation which defines whether or not a transition occurs in a given bit cellO
Most prior art PE and GC~ tape subsystems ha~e used analoy phase locked loops and analog da~a detection circuits for each track. U.S. Paten~ No. 4,109,236-~esenfelder shows a digi-tal circuit for clocking and detection. IBM Technical Dislcosure Bulletln ent~tled ~DIGITAL PHASE ER~O~ DET~CT~U by L. Taber, Vol. 23, No. 11, April, 1981 shows a digital phase detector.
In the prior art a phase ~ocked loop and associated`
circui~ry are provided for each data track. This is expensive because it re~uires a controlled oscillator for each track. There is another problem associated with this approach which is particu-larly prevalent in high density recording such as is currently practiced ~ith GCR. In such recording a string of bit cells fre-~uently occurs with no transitions. Because of the high density, and the nature of the medium, the transitions at the edge of this string are often shifted so that the transitions appear as a pha~e error. This incorrectly ~hifts the frequency of the controlled oscillator in an attempt to compensa~e or the apparent phase error in ~his track.
It is an object of ~he present invention to provide a digital data clocking and detection system in which a common controlled oscillator ~s used to provide the clock pulses for all tracks thereby effecting a cost reduction.

~ ~2~5~(~5 It is also an object o~ this invention to provide a digital data clocking detection system which reduces the sensi-tivity to the high density packing problem described ~bove.
It is also an object of the present invention to provide aigital data and phase detection circuitry which replaces the analog circuitry normally associ~ted with th~se functions.
It is an object of the present invent1~n to compensate for large errors in phase by changing the count in the phase counter associated with that track, whereas smaller phase errors are compensated by controlling the frequency of th~ controlled oscillator. In this manner, phase devlatlons, ~uch as caused by skewO are compensated for in each individual tra~.
It is an object of the pr~sent invention ko provide data and phase de~ecting circuitry in which dropou~ recovery is enhanced.

, In accordance with the present invention, a data clocking and detection system ~or a digital data storage 5~stem includes a common controll~d oscillator producing he clock pulses applied to the phase detectors for all of the multipl~ tracks. The phase detector for each track includes a binary counter which counts multiple, 1~ nominally in the exampl~, clock pulses for each bit cell. The phase error of the transition in the played back data is determined with respect to the count in the counter. If the transition occurs in a range of coun~s just prior to or just after the center of the bit cell, counts 4-7 and 8-11 in the example, a correction output representing the magnitude of the phase error is applied to he common controlled oscillator.

s If the magnitude is greater, falling in the ranges of counts 0-3 and 11-15 in the example, a correction is applied to the oscillator as described abov~ and, in addition, a phase correc tion is made by changing the count in the digital counter. For exampl~, when the data transition falls in the count range 0-3, a ~ount is subtracted rom the counter and if it occurs in the range of 11-15 a count is added to the counter. In this way, the counters for the various tracks are adjusted differently, one with respect to ~he other in order to accommodate skew between the ~racks.
In accordance with another ~s~ec~ of the invention, ~he correction output which is appli.~d to ~on~rol the common controlled oscillator has a pulse wid~h proportional to the .magnitude of the phase error. Alternatively, the correction signal may be a fixed width pulse indicating only the polarity of the phase error. ~n either case, the correction inforn~a~ion from all tracks àre combined and applied to correct the 05cil-lator.
In accordance with the invention the controlled oscillator ~ircuitry provided for each track in the prior art is replaced ~y a single oscillatorO This effects a cost savings and it al50 reduoes the problem o~ erroneou~ correction o the controlled oscillator ~VCOI saused by bit crowding. By separately correGtin~ the individual counters in each phase dete~tor, and commonly correc~ing the VCO, the data clocking and detection system ~5 o the present invention provides good tracking of transient varia-ions in dat~ frequency (media velocity) a~d also provides good tracking of longer term phase changes, such as caused by tape and head skew~


The foregoiny and other objects, features and advantag~s of the invention will be better unaerstood frsm the following more detailed description and appended claim~.

SHORT DESCRIPTION OF T~E DR~WING5 _ _ _ . _ ~ig. 1 depicts the prior ~rt use of a separate VCO f~r each track of the storage system;
Fig. 2 depicts the data clocking and detec~ion system of the present inven~ion;
Fig. 3 depicts the phase detector of th~ present invention~
Fig~ 4 depicts the data de~ector of the present invention;
Fig. 5A - 5H and SA-6G show wave form~ and more parti-cularly: .
FigO 5A depicts the GCR data;
Fig. SB is the most significant bit of the phase counterS
Fig. SC shows the correction up signal, ~ig. SD shows the correction down signal;
Fig. 5E shows the output o the da~a integration counter;
~ig. 5F shows th~ NRZ data for one track;
Fig. 5G shows the clock which is synchronized with the data;
~ig. SH ~hows a phase ~rror poin~er;
Fig. 6A shows the clock output of the VCO;
Fig. 6R shows GCR data or one track;
Fig. 6C shows the most significant bit of the phase counter for that track;

Fig. 6D depicts the phase count ~or that trac~;
Fig~ 6E depicts GC~ data or ano~her tra~k~
Fig. 6F shows the most ~ignificant bit of the phase counter for the other track; ~n~ .
Fig. 6G depicts the phase count for the other track.

~ig~ 1 shows the prior art dhta clocking and detection systems for detec~ing data played from a plurality of tracks, two lQ tracks being shown in FigD 1. Typically, magnetic tape drive .systems record data in nine tra~ks ~n a PE or GCR format~ Trans-it~ons in the played back data are detected by edge detectors 11~
Phase detectors 12 deSect the phase of the transitions with respeot to clocX pulse~ which define the bit cells in which the transitions occur. A controlled oscillator ~VCO) 13 produces these clock pulses. The outputs of the phase detector~ 12 are applied to filte~
14 which produce a voltage which controls oscillators 13. The clo~k pulses are used in ~he detection of data by data detectors 15 which produce a nonreturn to ~ero output together with a clock which defines the bit c~lls of the dataO
In accordance with the present invention shown in Fig. 2, a common con~rolled oscillator 16 produces clock pulses for the phase detector~ 18 for all nine tracks. The played back tracks of data are applied to edge detectors 20 which detect the transi~
tions representing data, If these ~ransitions occur, they ~hould occur in the middle of the bit cells. These transitions and the clock pulses from the VCO 16 ar~ applied to the phase detector 18 which produces a correction output r~presenting the phase error s of the transition with respec~ to the clock pulses defining the bit cell~ If the transition occurs early, before the center of the bit cell, ~ CORRECTION UP outpu~ is produced, if the transition occurs la~e~ after the middle of the bit cell, a CORR~CTION DOWN
output is produced. The sorrection outputs of the phase detectors are combined in the OR gates 22 a~d 24. All nine of ~he correction up signals are combined $n OR gate 22 to produce a signal which is filtered in ~ er 26, and applied to VCO 16 to ~ncrease the frequer, All nine of the CORRECTION DOW2~ outputs are combined in OR ga~ce 24, the ou~put of which is fil~ered in filter 26 ~o produce a voltage which is applied to VCO 16 to decrease the frequency of the clock pulses.
These clock pulses, together with played back data, are applied to diyital data detect circuits 30 which produce outputs representing played back data in non-return to zero form, together with clock pulses synchronized with the played back data. The digital data detectors of ~he present invention also produce phase pointers which are bits accompanying ~he data and which identify suspect data. These phase pointers indicat~
data represented by transitions occurring extremely early ~r late in the ~it cell. These phase pointers are used in error corr~c ion circuitry com~only associa~ed with magnetic tape storage systems.
The VCO 16 of the present ~nvention produces a prescribed number of clock pulses for each bit cell. In the example there are nominally 16 clock pulses, designated 0-15, for each bit cell, as is depicted in Fig. 6~.
Fig. 3 shows the phase detector circuit 18 which is replicated for each of the nine tracks. It includes a digital phase counter 32 which counts clock pulses from the YC~. Counter
2~sg~5 32 normally rolls over and restarts from zero upon counting the 16 clock pulses which define a bi-t cell.
The played back data from the associated tract is applied to the transition detector 34 which produces pulses at the detected transitions. Decoding logic including window generator 36 and AND gates 38 - 44 produce COP.RECTION
UP and CORRECTION DO~N signals, and SHORT and LONG signals.
These signals are produced in accordance with the time range in which the transition occurs with respect to the center of the bit cel'. Referring again to Fig. 6A, a SHORT pulse is produced i~ the transition occurs during an extreme low range corresponding with counts 0-3. A CORRECTION UP signal is produced if the transi-tion occurs during a range corresponding with counts 0-7; a CORRECTION DOWN output is 15 produced if the transition occurs during a range corresponding with counts 8-~5; and a LONG pulse i5 produced if the transition occurs duriny an extreme high range corresponding with counts 12~150 Referring back to Fig. 3, the SHORT pulse is 20 produced by AND gate 44 which responds to an output of window circuit 36 which is up during counts 0-3. The CORRECTION UP output is produced by AND ga-te 42 which responds to a window which is up during counts 0-7; AND ga-te 40 produces the CORRECTION DOWN signal in response to the 25 window which is up during counts 8-15; and AND gate 38 produces the LONG signal in response to the window which is .

~ -8-. ~ ' ~2~

up during counts 12-15.
In order to produce CORR~CTION UP and CORRECTION
DOWN signals having a width proportional to the phase error, the outputs of AND gates 40 and 42 are applied to pulse width logic 46 and 48, respectively. Logic 46 and 48 produce pulses having widths proportional to the -time between the transition and the center ~_ 7 ` /

~ ~ -8a-_ . _ _ _ .. _ ___ _ _ _ _~.~ _ __ _ .".. __ _.~".. __.. . . _ __.__ _ _ ' ~r ~ .

~2~sg~5 of the bit cell. Logic 48 produces a pulse -that starts at -the data edge and stops in -the middle of the cell. Counter 45 counts how long after mid-cell a transition occurs. If this late transition occurs, logic 46 produces a pulse s proportional to the count in 45.
The CORRECTION UP and the CORRECTION DOWN signals are applied to the OR gates 22 and 24 (Fig. 2) to be combined with other CORRECTION UP and CORRECTION DOWN
signals to con-trol the VCO. In this manner, the frequency of the VCO is controlled by the phase errors.
For larger phase errors, counts are added to or subtracted from the phase counter 32. When AND gate 44 produces a ~HORT pulse, a count is subtracted from phase counter 32. When AND gate 38 produces a ~ONG pulse, a coun-t is added to the phase counter 32. This has the effe~t of advancing or retarding the ~hase detec-tor o~ one track with respect to ano-ther track. This is used to compensate for phase deviations that might be caused by such factors as head or tape skew.
2~ When the -transition occurs in a high or low extreme range of the bit cell, an indica-tion is produced that there is an error in this bit of information. AND gate 50 produces a phase pointer when this occurs.
Fig.4 shows the data detector which is replicated 2s for each of the nine tracks. Data and the output of phase c~unter 32 (Fig. 3) are applied to the four-bit data _ g _ ~ .-- .

~2~S9~5 integra-tion counter 52. Da-ta detect:ion circuit 54 produces an output indica-ting a high or low condition o~ the counter at the end of the bit cell. For GCR data, NRZ data circuit 56 compares the condi-tion at the end of the present bit cell with that of the last bit cell in flip flop 92 to produce an output representing the NRZ data.

f -9a-,., :~.,, g~
For PE dat~, the data cycl~ circuit 90 keeps track of the two halves of the PE data cell. NRZ dat~ circuit 56 then determines if the integrated data is high or low during the second half of the dat~
cell to produce the NRZ data output~ Clock circuit 58 produces a clock output synchronous with the N~Z data output for either data density.
The operation of the data c:locking and detec~ion system of the present i~vention can be better understood from Figs. 5A - 5H an~ 6A - 6G which depict examples of operation.
In Fig. SA the first transition 60 in the data u~¢u~s exactly in the middle of the bit cell as defined by ~he clock in Fig. 5B.
There is a perfect lock. The next transition 62 occurs late, ~fter the middle o the bit cell, but within the ~ime defined by count~ 8-11 of the phase counter. A ~ORRECTION DOWN signal, as shown in Fig. 5D, is produced. The next transition 64~ is very early. It should have occurred at the time 66 in the middle of the bit cell. A phase error pointer is produced as seen in Fig.
5H. The last tr~nsition S8 occurs early with respect to the middle of the bit cell 70. A CORREC~ION UP signal is produced as indicated in Fig. 5C. Fig. SE shows the output of the data integration counter 52 in detecting this data. N~Z data circuit 56 produces the output indicated in Fig.5F. Clock 58 produces the wave form shown in Fig~ 5G which is a clo~k synchronized with the data.
Fig. 5~ shows the error pointer produc2d by the AND gate.S0 to indicate the larg~ phase error occasioned by the transition 64.
Figs. 6A - 6G depict the condition of th2 phase detectors for two tracks wherein one track is skewed with respect to the other~ Fig. 6B shows the played back data for one track and Fig. 6C shows the most significant bit of the ~Z~S9QS
phase counter 32 for that track. Fig. 6~ shows played back GCR data for another track and Fig. ~F ~hows the most signi-ficant bit of the phase counter 32 for that krack. Figs. 6D
and ~G show the phase counts for the two tracks. Note that the transition 72 occurred so early that a count was deleted, or skipped, in the phase count by having the counter ~o from 14 to zero at 76, skipping a count of 15. For the other track, the transition ~4 occurred so late that a count was added, or duplic~ted in the phase count at 78 by repeating a count of 12.
The result is that the phase counters for the two tracks obtain increased phase skew, one with respect ~o the other.
While a particular embodiment of the invention has been shown and described, various modifications are within the true spirit and scope of the invention. The appended claims are J therefore, intended to cover all such modifications.

Claims (15)

1. A data clocking and detection system for a digital data storage system in which digital data represented by transitions within successive bit cells are stored and played back in multiple tracks comprising:
a phase detector for each of said multiple tracks, each phase detector producing a correction output representing the phase error of the transitions in the associated track with re-spect to clock pulses which define said bit cells;
a data detector for each of said multiple tracks, each data detector being responsive to the played back transitions and to said clock pulses to produce signals representing said digi-tal data;
a common controlled oscillator for said multiple tracks producing clock pulses applied to the phase detector and data detector for each of said multiple tracks; and means for combining the correction outputs of said phase detectors to produce a control signal applied to said con-trolled oscillator to change the frequency of said clock pulses in accordance with the phase error of the transitions in said multiple tracks with respect to said bit cells.
2. The clocking and detection system recited in claim 1 wherein said controlled oscillator produces a prescribed number of clock pulses for each bit cell, each phase detector comprising:
a digital phase counter for counting said clock pulses said counter being normally rolled over upon counting the prescribed number of clock pulses for a bit cell.
3. The clocking and detection system recited in claim 2 wherein said phase detector produces a correction up output when the transition in said played back data occurs in one half of the count of said clock pulses and produces a correction down output when the transition occurs in the other half of said count.
4. The data clocking and detection system recited in claim 3 further comprising:
means connected to the outputs of said phase counter producing short/long signals for large phase errors of said transitions, said short/long signals being applied to said counter to subtract/add counts to said phase counter.
5. The data clocking and detection system recited in claim 3 further comprising:
decoding logic connected to the binary outputs of said phase counter, decoding logic producing a short pulse when the transition in said data occours when the count in said counter is in an extreme low range prior to the middle of said bit cell, said decoding logic producing a long pulse when the transition in said data occurs when the count in said counter is in an extreme high range after the middle of said bit cell, said short pulse being applied to said counter to subtract from said phase count, said long pulse being applied to said phase counter to add to said phase count.
6. The data clocking and detection system recited in claim 3 further comprising:
phase correction logic connected to the binary outputs of said preset counter, said phase correction logic producing a correction up output when the transition in said data occurs when the count in said counter is in a low range prior to the middle of said bit cell, said phase correction logic producing a correction down output when the transition in said data occurs when the count in said counter is in a high range after the middle of said bit cell.
7. The data clocking and detection system recited in claim 1 wherein said means for combining comprises:
an OR gate, the correction outputs from the data detectors being applied to said OR gate; and a filter, the output of said OR gate being applied to said filter, the output of said filter being applied to control said controlled oscillator.
8. The data clocking and detection system recited in claim 1 wherein said phase detector produces a correction down output which is a pulse having a width proportional to the phase error of said transitions.
9. The data clocking and detection system recited in claim 1 wherein said data detector includes an integration counter, said clock pulses being applied to said counter and said played back transitions being applied to said counter to produce a digital signal representing said data.
10. The data clocking and detection system recited in claim 1 further comprising:
transition error detection circuitry responsive to the transitions in said data and to the binary counts in said phase counter to produce an error pointer signal when the transition in said data occurs when the count in said counter is in a low range or in a high range indicating large phase errors.
11. A data clocking and detection system for a digital data storage system in which digital data represented by transitions within successive bit cells are stored on and played back from a reproducible media comprising:
a phase detector producing a correction output having a pulse width representing the magnitude of the phase error of the transitions with respect to clock pulses which define said bit cells; and a controlled oscillator producing clock pulses applied to said phase detector, the correction output of said phase detector being applied to said controlled oscillator to control the frequency of said oscillator in accordance with the magnitude of said phase error as represented by the width of said correction output pulses.
12. The data clocking and detecting system recited in 11 wherein said phase detector includes:
a digital counter for counting a plurality of clock pulses during the time duration of each bit cell, and decoding logic connected to the binary outputs of said counter and producing said correction output having a width proportional to the number of counts by which said transitions differ from the middle of the bit cells.
13. A data clocking and detection system for a digital data storage system in which digital data represented by transitions within successive bit cells are stored on and played back from a reproducible medium comprising:
a digital counter counting a plurality of clock pulses for each of said bit cells;
a phase detector responsive to the outputs of said counter and producing outputs representing the phase error of the transitions with respect to clock pulses which define said bit cells;
a controlled oscillator producing said clock pulses;
and logic means connected to said phase detector for controlling said oscillator in response to phase errors and for subtracting/adding counts to said phase counter when said phase error is relatively large.
14. The data clocking and detection system recited in claim 11 wherein said controlled oscillator is a common oscillator for multiple tracks of data played back from said reproducible media, and wherein a phase detector is provided for each track.
15. The data clocking and detection system recited in claim 14, said system further comprising:
means for combining the correction outputs of said phase detectors to produce a control signal applied to said control oscillator to change the frequency of said clock pulses in accordance with the phase error of the transitions in said multiple tracks with respect to said bit cells.
CA000432172A 1983-07-11 1983-07-11 Digital clocking and detection system for a digital storage system Expired CA1205905A (en)

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CA000432172A CA1205905A (en) 1983-07-11 1983-07-11 Digital clocking and detection system for a digital storage system

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CA000432172A CA1205905A (en) 1983-07-11 1983-07-11 Digital clocking and detection system for a digital storage system

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CA000432172A Expired CA1205905A (en) 1983-07-11 1983-07-11 Digital clocking and detection system for a digital storage system

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