CA1188434A - Method of making foam plastic cushion or structural part and article of manufacture - Google Patents

Method of making foam plastic cushion or structural part and article of manufacture


Publication number
CA1188434A CA000462826A CA462826A CA1188434A CA 1188434 A CA1188434 A CA 1188434A CA 000462826 A CA000462826 A CA 000462826A CA 462826 A CA462826 A CA 462826A CA 1188434 A CA1188434 A CA 1188434A
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French (fr)
Stephen J. Casalou
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Casalou R A Inc
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Casalou R A Inc
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Application filed by Casalou R A Inc filed Critical Casalou R A Inc
Priority to CA000462826A priority Critical patent/CA1188434A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1188434A publication Critical patent/CA1188434A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Slide Fasteners, Snap Fasteners, And Hook Fasteners (AREA)


The method of making a foam plastic article with a plurality or fastening assemblies thereon comprising the stops of applying a moisture proof barrier sheet of plastic to a backing strip of porous material, applying a coating of pressure sensitive adhesive to the barrier sheet; applying a strip of hook or loop material having a backing to the adhesive coating, the backing strip, barrier sheet find adhesive coating extending laterally outward of the strip of hook or loop material, bonding the backing of the strip of hook or loop material to the barrier sheet, successively mounting upon the mold surface of a pair of mold bodies defining a mold cavity a plurality of spaced bonded backing and hook or loop assemblies, with the hook or loop material facing the mold surface, adhering peripheral portions of the hacking strip and adhesive coating to the mold surface for sealing the fastening assemblies thereon, and introducing molten plastic material and a foaming agent into the mold bodies filling the cavity and on cooling forming a molded foam plastic article, the plastic material of the article bonding to the backing strips and hook or loop assemblies. An article of manufacture produced by this method.


Heretofore, fastening devices herea~ter referred to as hook and lovp material have been employed for securing a cover such as a seat or backrest cover and in other areas to a molded foam plastic seat cushion or vehicle baclcrest. The difficulty encountered with use of such hook and loop material i5 that through use, the hook and loop material becomes separated from ~he plastic molded cushion or structural part.
Heretofore, molded vehicle door and body panels have been secured t0 to the body or the door of a vehicle using a preformed fastener sometimes referred to as a Christm~s tree fastener, and wherein once the panel has been secured in place9 it is extremely diffieult to separate the panel from the supporting member7 such as a car door to obtain access to the interior thereof.
Various efforts have heretofore been made to provide a means for effectively securing ~overing materials including plastie or other m~terials to the outer sur~ace of a molded foam plastic cushion seat or backrest for a vehicle and in other areas.
An important feature of the present invention is l:o provide an improved method of making a foam plastic cushion or structural part whieh has a 20 plurality of ~astening assemblies bonded thereon in a substantially permanent manner so as to receive thereover corresponding cooperative fastening assemblies spaced upon the interior of a cover member snugly applied to such molded plastic cushion for defining a vehicle seat or baclcrest or other products.
An important feature is to provide an improved method of rnaking a foam plastic cushion or structural part which has been molded within a mold cavity defined by a pair of cooperative mold bodies wherein a series of fastener assemblies have been initially applied to the mold suriace which include a pOlOUS backing material to l,vhich has been bonded a sheet of plastic defining a moi.sture proof film barrier9 and overlying said barrier sheet and bonded thereto is a strip of hook or loop rnaterial. The 30 fastener assemblies are mounted upon a mold surface within the mold cavity. The successive molding of a plastic article within the cavity causes outer portions of the molded article to be intimately bonded to the backing strips to which have been earlier bonded the hook or loop material. The finished molded article has uporl one surface thereof a plurality or hook or loop fasten-r assernblies mollnted thereon.


A further feature OI the present invention is to provide a method of making a foam plastic cushion or structural part which includes the steps of applying a coating of pressure sensitive adhesive to the moisture proof barrier sheet and thereafter applying a strip of hook or loop material having a backing to the coating.
Peripheral portions of the strip OI backing material and barrier sheet and adhesive coating extend laterally outward of the Stl'ip of hook and loop material. Thereafter bonding the backing of the strip of hook and loop material to the barrier sheet and suecessively mounting upon a mold surface of a pair of mold bodies defining a mold cavity a plurality of spaced bonded backing material and hook and loop assemblies 10 wherein the hook and loop material faces the mold surface. Peripheral portions OI the strip of backing material barrier sheet and adhesive coating are adhered to the mold surface for sealing the assemblies thereon and fsr exeluding plastic from the hook and loop material. A further step includes introducing plastic material with a foaming agent into the mold bodies filling the cavity to form when cooled, a molded foam plastic cushion or structural part wherein the plastic material of the part is bonded to the strips of porous backing material.
In the present method7 the strip of porous backing material may be oî
non-woven plastie, woven plastic or knitted material.
A further feature includes the eoating of the pressure sensitive 20 adhesive material onto the moisture proof barrier sheet by rolling, spraying or spreading.
The bonding of the strip of hook or loop material to the barrier sheet may be by adhesive, ultra-sonic welding, dielectric bonding or by sewing, likewise the bonding of the barrier sheet to the strip of backing material.
A further feature of the present method includes in the bonc]ing of the molded plastic article to the strips of backing material wherein portions of the foam plastic material of the molded part migrate and are dispersed within and substantially throughout the porous backing material for an intimate bond I:hereto.
A further feature is to provide an article o~ manufacture by the 30 foregoing method in the nature of a molded foam plastic cushion body having upon one surface thereof a plurality of spaced fastener assemblies bonded thereto wherein each fastener assembly includes a porous backing strip. A Stlip of hook or loop material t~

having a backing is mounted upon and bonded to the hacking strip~ the other side Or the strip of backing material being intimately bonded to the cushion body with portions of the body extending into and dispersed throughout the interior of the strip of backing material.
Accorcling to the invention, there is provided the method of making a foam plastic article with a plurality o~ fas~ening assemblies thereon comprising the steps of securin~ a moisture proof bflrrier sheet of plastic material to a strip of porous backing material, applying a coating of pressure sensitive adhesive to said barrier sheet, applying a strip of hook or loop fastener material having a backing to tlle adhesive coating on said barrier sheet, peripheral portions of said strip of backing material, barrier sheet and adhesive coating extending laterally outward of said strip of hook or loop material, bonding the backing of said strip of hook or loop material to said barrier sheet, successively mounting upon a mold surface of fl pair of mold bodies defining a mold cavity a plurality of spaced bonded backing and hook or loop assemblies9 with the hook or loop material facing the mold surface, and introclueing molten plastic material and a foaming agent into said mold bodies filling said cavity and on cooling forming a molded foam plastic article therein, the plastic material oF
said article bonding to said strips of porous backing material and hook or loop assemblies.
Further according to the invention, there is provided an article of manufacture comprising a molded foam plastic article having on onc side thereof a plurality o-f spaced fastener assemblies bonded thereto, each iastener assembly including a backing strip seleeted from the group consisting o~ nvn-woven porousplastic material, woven plastic material and knitted material, a plastic moisture proof barrier sheet secured over one side of said backing strip, a strip of hook or loop material having a backing mounted upon said barrier shee-t~ means bonding the backing of said strip of hook and loop material to said barrier sheet, the other side Oe said backing strip being intimately bonded to said plast;c article with portions of plastic material making up said article extending into and dispersed throughout the interior of 30 said backing strip.
These and other objects and features will be seen from the follow;ng Specification and claims in conj~mction with the appended drawing.


Figure 1 is a schematic block diagram illustrating the steps of the present process for making a foam plastic cushion or structural foam plastic part.
Fi~ure 2 is a front perspective Yiew of the molded plastic part with a plurality of fastener assemblies bonded thereto~
Figure 3 is a plan view on an enlarged scale of the fastener assembly shown in Figure 2.
Figure 4 is a side elevational view thereof.
Figure 5 is a fragmentary side elevational view of a vehicle seat and backrest which includes a molded foam plastic part upon which are bonded a plurality 10 of spaced fastener assemblies adapted for cooperative assembly with corresponding fasteners upon a cover for said seat and backrest.
Figure 6 is a fragmentary seetioneà view of a vehicle door panel as an article of manufacture in accordance with the present method to which have been bonded a plurality of spaced fastener assemblies.
It will be Imderstood that the above drawing illustrates merely the steps of the present process RS well as the artiele of manufacture produced thereby, and that other steps and articles are eontemplated within the scope of the claims hereafter set forth.
Referring to the drawing in Figure 1 there is shown a bloclc diagr~m 20 11 illustrative of the steps of the present method. Initially there is provided an elongated sheet 13 of porous backing material which may be made of plastic~ non-woven or knitted and for illustration may have ;nitial width of 80 inches.
In the second block of the diagram, the sheet 13 of backing material has secured thereto a plastic moisture proof barrier sheet 14, and thereover is applied a coating or layer 17 of a pressure sensitive adhesive. This coating may be applied by rolling on, by spraying or by spreading thereon using a suitable instrument.
A~ter the adhesive layer 17 has been applied to the barrier sheet 14, sheet 13 is Cllt along the lines 15 to provide a plurality of strips 19 of backing material and moisture barrier sheets which are cut into suitable lengths or shapes hereafter 30 referred to as a strip of backing material. Said strip of backing material i~ preferably of a porous non-woven plastic such RS polypropylene, but eould be made of other plastic material and could be of a Icnitted or woven construction~

The barrier sheet 14 of Figure 4, may be of a polyester, polyethylene~
polypropylene, cr the like.
Onto the strip 19 of backirlg materifll and mo;sture proof sheet, on whi~h there is an outer layer of pressure sensitive adhesive 17, there is applied centrally thereo~ an elongated strip of hook or loop rnate~ial 21, which in the illustrative embodiment includes a plurality of hooks 25, further shown in Fig~lre 4.
As a further step the strip of hook or loop material 2l is bonded as at 23 to the barrier sheet 14. Sllch bonding may include the use of adhesilre, ultra-sonic welding9 dielectric bonding or sewing.
The result achieved is an assembly of a porous backing strip 19 and a barrier sheet to which has been secured and bonded the strip of hook or loop material 21. Peripheral portions of the strip 19 and the film barrier surrounding the strip of hook or loop material 21 extend outwflrdly of the strip of hook or loop material.
As a further step and upon the separation of a pair of conventional mold mem~ers 27 and 29 which define a mold cavity 31, there are appliec3 to the mold surface of the mold member 27 a plurality of laterally and longitudinally spaced fastener assemblies 26 shown in Figure 1 in the fifth block of the diagram. Each of these assemblies include an elongated strip 19 of baclcing material and moisture barrier upon which has been attached a strip of hook or loop material 21 bonded thereto at 23.
These assemblies 26 are applied to the surface 31 of the mold eavity in such fashion that peripheral portions of the Stl'ip of backin~ material 19 outwardly of the strip of hooks or loop material are adhered to sE~id molding surface. This is îor the purpose of adhering the fastener assemblies 2~ in a spaced apart relationship upon the mold body 27 prior to the molding step.
The peripheral port;ons of the pressure sensitive adhesive layer t7 upon -the barrier sheet 14 ei~fectively secure the fastener assernblies 26 to the mold body 27 throughout 360. At the same time they are adapted to exclude any plastic material from enterin~ the hook or loop material.
When the mold members 27 and 29 have been brought together and 30 suitably clamped, in the manner well known in the art, with respect to the parting line 33, ~igure 1, a molten plastic material is introduced by injection or otherwise thro73gh an opening or sprue 35 within the mold member 29 to form when cooled~ the rnoldecl plastic part 43 o~ any predetermined shape as deeined by the mold members.

As is conventional and well known in the art~ a suitable foarning agent is employed, such as nitrogen gas which is normally introduced under pressure into the interior of the mold cavity simultaneously with the introduction of the moIten plastic 39 into the sprue or other inlet 35 within mold member 29, until the mold cavity has been filled with the foamed plastic material to define the molded article 43.
One illustration of the foarn plastic employed is polyurethflne though other foamable plastics may be employed for this purpose in order to mold the required molded foam plastic cushion or structural part.
In the moldin~ step, the foam plastic material defining the molded 10 artiele 43 e2ctends to and bonds with the corresponding plurality of fastener assemblies 26 with portions of the foam plastic material entering into, migrating within and dispersing throughout substantial portions of the strip of backing material 17 upon the side thereof opposite from the side which mounts the strip of hook or loop material.
Said foam material extends to the plastic barrier sheet 14.
The result is that the molded article 43 shown in Figure 2 upon removal from the rnold members 27 and 29, when separated, includes a plurality of fastener assemblies 26 bonded thereto as at 49.
While in the illustrative embodiment, Figures 1 and 3, the hook or loop material 21 is designated as hooks 25, Figure 4, the fastener material could be a 20 plurality of loops.
The present invention contemplates the method by which the plurality of fastener assemblies 26 including the strip of hook and loop material are intimately bonded to and form an integral part of the molded article 43, Figure 2, by the series of method steps illustrated schematically in Figure 1.
Figure S is merely illustrative OI one form of use of the present molded foam plastic cushion or structural part such as the vehicle seat assembly 51 which includes the foam plastic molded seat 53 in the nature of a cushion and a corresponding foanl molded plastic backrest 55. In accorclance with the present method; the molded articles have upon their outer faces the plurality of spaced 30 fastener assemblies 26.
Seat cover 57, which may be of plastic, fiber or cloth material includes a plurality of hook or loop fasteners 59 suitably secured thereto and jlLYtaposed in substantial registry with respect to the corresponding faslener assemblies 26 upon the seat and backrest. Fasteners 59 may underlie all of the cover 57. -7-3~

The seat cover 57 anchored as at 63 by a suitable fastener extends over the upper portion of the seat with corresponding hook or loop assemblies 59 in registry with the bonded hook or loop assemblies 26. With the cover drawn tightly over the seat, it is held thereon by the plurality of hook or loop fastener assemblies 59 in cooperative interlocking registry with the corresponding hook or loop assemblies 26 which have been bonded to the molded plastic seat 53. In the case of the backrest cover 61 anchorecl at 63 said cover overlies and is suitably secured to the molded plastie foarn rubber cushion backrest $5 by the plurality of spaced cooperating hook or loop assemblies 59. These may be a ful] sheet.
Figllre 6 is illustrative of an article of manufacture namely, a molded door panel 65 of the struetural foam type 65 which has bonded thereto in accordance with the present method, a plurality of spaced fastener assemblies 26 whieh are intimately bonded to one surface of the molded panel 650 The molded panel is removably secured to a portion o~ the vehicle body such as the door 67, which has thereon a plurality of correspondingly spaced fastener assemblies 69 which include a plurality of hooks or loops adapted for cooperative registry with the molded fastener assemblies 26 on panel 65. Therefore as an improvement over the prior art, the molded panel may be manually separated from the door 67 merely by stripping in the manner well known for the separation o-f 20 cooperating hooks and loops between a pair OI members connected together. Here again, the primMry objective is the method by which the fastener assemblies 28 are bonded to the molded panel 65 thus proYiding a means for conveniently securing the panel to the door or other body part of the vehicle. The present method of making a foam plastic cushion or structural foam plastic part having thereon a plurality of fastener assemblies comprises the following steps:
Bonding or securing a sheet of plastic moisture proof material to a strip 19 of a porous backing material whi~h may be non-woven plastic or a woven plastic or a knitted material. Applying a coating of pressure sensitive adhesive 17 to said plastic sheet. ~ollowing cutting of the sheet of backing material into a plurality 30 of narrow strips such as shown at 19, Figure l of a predetermined length and shape, there is applied to said backing strip and barrier sheet 14 a strip of hook or loop material 21 having a backing. Said hook and loop backing engages the adhesive layer.


Peripheral portions of the str;p of backing material7 barrier sheet 14 and pressure sensitive coating extend laterally outward of the strip of hook or loop material, Figures 1 and 3. While the pressure sensitive layer 17 may temporarilyadhere the strip of fastener material to the baelcing 19, a further step includes the bonding of the backing of the strip of hook or loop material to the strip of backing material. This bonding may be achieved by the use of adhesive, by ultra-sonic welding, dielectric bonding or sewing.
As a further step, there is mounted upon the mold surface 31 of a pair of mold members 27, 29 defining a mold cavity, a plurality of spQced bonded backing strip and hook or loop assemblies 26 as shown in Figure t with the hook or loop material facing the mold surface 31 of one of the mold members 27.
The peripheral extending portions of the backing strip film barrier and coating of adhesive outwardly of the strip of fastening material are adhered to the mold surface for sealing the fastener assemblies thereon and for excluding plastic material from the hook or loop material. A final step includes introducing molten plastic material into the mold bodies filling the cavity to form a molded foam plastic cushion or structural foam part wherein the plastic material of the part is intimately bonded to the fastener assemblies and particularly to the strips of porous backing material upon which the hook or loop assemblies have been bonded.
A fter suitable eooling~ the mold members are separated and the molded article is ejected from the mold to provide the article of manufacture shown in Eiigure 2.
The molded foam plastic cushion are structural parts and may be of any predetermined shape or configuration. Likewise the number of and the shape of the fastener assemblies 26 which are bonded thereto may be of any desired shape~

Claims (10)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive privilege or property is claimed, are defined as follows:
1. The method of making a foam plastic article with a plurality of fastening assemblies thereon comprising the steps of:
securing a moisture proof barrier sheet of plastic material to a strip of porous backing material;
applying a coating of pressure sensitive adhesive to said barrier sheet;
applying a strip of hook or loop fastener material having a backing to the adhesive coating on said barrier sheet;
peripheral portions of said strip of backing material, barrier sheet and adhesive coating extending laterally outward of said strip of hook or loop material, bonding the backing of said strip of hook or loop material to said barrier sheet;
successively mounting upon a mold surface of a pair of mold bodies defining a mold cavity a plurality of spaced bonded backing and hook or loop assemblies, with the hook or loop material facing the mold surface;
and introducing molten plastic material and a foaming agent into said mold bodies filling said cavity and on cooling forming a molded foam plastic article therein, the plastic material of said article bonding to said strips of porous backing material and hook or loop assemblies.
2. In the method of claim 1, the foam plastic material of said molded article migrating and dispersing within and throughout said backing material.
3. In the method of claim 1, said foam plastic article being a vehicle seat.
4. In the method of claim 1, said foam plastic article being a vehicle seat backrest.
5. In the method of claim 1, said foam plastic article being a vehicle door panel.
6. The method of making a foam plastic article with a plurality of fastening assemblies thereon comprising the steps of:
securing a moisture proof barrier sheet of plastic material to a strip of non-woven plastic backing material;

applying a coating of pressure sensitive adhesive to said barrier sheet;
applying a strip of hook or loop fastener material having a backing to the coating on said barrier sheet;
extending peripheral portions of said strip of backing material, barrier sheet and adhesive coating laterally outward of said strip of hook or loop material;
bonding the backing of said strip of hook or loop material to said barrier sheet and strip of backing material;
successively mouting upon a mold surface of a pair of mold bodies defining a mold cavity a plurality of spaced bonded backing and hook or loop assemblies, with the hook or loop material facing the mold surface;
adhering peripheral portions of said strip of backing material, barrier sheet and adhesive coating to the mold surface for sealing said assemblies thereon and excluding plastic material from said hook or loop material;
and introducing molten plastic material and a foaming agent into said mold bodies filling said cavity and on cooling forming a molded plastic article therein, the plastic material of said article bonding to said strips of backing material and hook or loop assemblies.
7. An article of manufacture comprising a molded foam plastic article having on one side thereof a plurality of spaced fastener assemblies bonded thereto, each fastener assembly including a backing strip selected from the group consisting of non-woven porous plastic material, woven plastic material and knitted material;
a plastic moisture proof barrier sheet secured over one side of said backing strip;
a strip of hook or loop material having a backing mounted upon said barrier sheet;
means bonding the backing of said strip of hook and loop material to said barrier sheet;
the other side of said backing strip being intimately bonded to said plastic article with portions of plastic material making up said article extending into and dispersed throughout the interior of said backing strip.
8. In the article of manufacture of claim 7, a layer of pressure sensitive adhesive adhered upon one side of said barrier sheet;
said strip of hook or loop material being mounted upon said adhesive layer.
9. In the article of manufacture of claim 7, said dispersed molded plastic extending through said strip of backing to said moisture proof barrier sheet.
10. In the article of manufacture of claim 7, said barrier sheet being selected from the group consisting of polyester, polyethylene and polypropylene.
CA000462826A 1984-09-10 1984-09-10 Method of making foam plastic cushion or structural part and article of manufacture Expired CA1188434A (en)

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CA000462826A CA1188434A (en) 1984-09-10 1984-09-10 Method of making foam plastic cushion or structural part and article of manufacture

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000462826A CA1188434A (en) 1984-09-10 1984-09-10 Method of making foam plastic cushion or structural part and article of manufacture

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CA1188434A true CA1188434A (en) 1985-06-04



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CA000462826A Expired CA1188434A (en) 1984-09-10 1984-09-10 Method of making foam plastic cushion or structural part and article of manufacture

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