CA1188082A - Pipe-locking formation method and apparatus - Google Patents

Pipe-locking formation method and apparatus


Publication number
CA1188082A CA000434070A CA434070A CA1188082A CA 1188082 A CA1188082 A CA 1188082A CA 000434070 A CA000434070 A CA 000434070A CA 434070 A CA434070 A CA 434070A CA 1188082 A CA1188082 A CA 1188082A
Prior art keywords
female die
male punch
bed frame
Prior art date
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Other languages
French (fr)
John Gibb
Jozsef Horvath
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Victaulic Company of Canada Ltd
Original Assignee
Victaulic Company of Canada Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Publication date
Application filed by Victaulic Company of Canada Ltd filed Critical Victaulic Company of Canada Ltd
Priority to CA000434070A priority Critical patent/CA1188082A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1188082A publication Critical patent/CA1188082A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • B21D17/00Forming single grooves in sheet metal or tubular or hollow articles
    • B21D17/02Forming single grooves in sheet metal or tubular or hollow articles by pressing


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Shaping Metal By Deep-Drawing, Or The Like (AREA)


A method and an apparatus for forming arcuate radially-extending locking projections on the ends of pipes is disclosed, in which the pipe end is marked about its external circumference into spaced forming zones, and the projections are then formed employing one of the zone markings as an index of the location of a second zone marking spaced therefrom, the apparatus including an elevatable pipe support and a forming head provided with male and female die members, the male die member being operable by a power source and being located within the bore of the pipe.



This invention relates to a method of applying arcuate radially-extending lockinv projections on the ends of pipes formed from a formable meta~, such as carbon steel or stainless steel, and to apparatus specifically emp~oved in the performance of the method.
~7hile not limited thereto, the present flpplication finds particlllar application in the forrnation of such locking projections on tile r ends of otherwise plflin-ended pipe which is to be assembled into a pipeline assembly by the use of so-called "quick-connect" couplings.
Such couplings usually comprise arcuate coupling member halves having radially extendin~ bolt pads at their ends. The respective coupling member halves are positioned around the adjacent ends of a pair of pipes in bridging relationship therewith, and are clamped to each other by bolts or the like. The clarnping member halves include an internal channel for the reception of an annular gasket member which has been pre-positioned over the pipe ends in bridging relationship therewith, or, for the reception of a gasket member segment which is located and secured within the channel of each of the coupling member halves, and which is brought into bridging and sealing engagement with the pipe ends upon flssem~ly of the coupling onto the pipe ends. The clamping member halves include a pair of internal grooves or channels for interlocking enagement with the projections on the pipe ends, such interlocking engagement preventing separation of the pipes under the action of pressure or vibration, and effectively limiting the amount of axial and angular displacement of the pipes relative to each other and the coupling.
The invention finds particular application in pipeline assemblies forme<l from thin-walled stainless steel pipe, such as is commonly employed in the food processing, chemical, wood pulp and paper manufacturing indllstl ies, ~hich the fluids to be conveyed are under pressure, and axial separation of the pipe ends must be inhibited under all normally expected processing conditions. Attempts at employing plain-ended pipes and an appropriately configured coupling rnember have not been entirely successful, in that .slippage of the pipe or the pipe ends relatively to the coupling member can occur under conditions of mechanical vibration, or pulsation ~8~3Z
-2 -or overpressure of thc conveyed fluids, or, a combination of such conditions.
~hile provision on the coupling clamping members of incissor type teeth provides some improvement in performance, it has been found that on relatively thin walled pipes such devices have limited performance in terms of restraining the pipes against separation due to pressure thrust, mechanical vibration and other forces that can occur in a piping system. In addition, the risk arises of damAging the pipe walls through buckling under the teeth or puncturing of the pipe walls. Consequently, and particlllarly where thin walled pipes are utilized, it is found desirable to provide a positive interlockbetween the respective pipe ends and the coupling member in order that separation of the pipe ends cannot occur up to the maximum pressures nor mallv associated with such thin \~alled pipes.
A` known form of positive interlock, as is disclosed, for example, in United ~tates Patent Serial No. ~,0~1,132, Johnson, issued May 19, 1936, involves the formation of the pipe ends with radially outwardly extending arcuate projections which are received within grooves at the respective axial ends of the coupling member, the arcuate projections cooperating ~with the walls of the grooves to provide a positive interlock between the pipe ends and the coupling and to inhibit axial displacement or angulflr displacement of the pipe ends relatively to the coupling and to each other.
While such an arrangement is admirable in those conditions where the pipeline assembly can be pre-planned and the respective pipes cut to determined length and formed at their ends with the required arcuately extending projections at the point of manufacture of the pipes, problems arise in those conditions where the pipeline assernbly must be adapted at the point of assembly to hitherto unknown or ~lncomtemplated conditions and which preclude the use of completely formed and finished plpes.
It is the object of this invention to pro~ide a rnethod and an apparatus for forming the reqllired arcuate radially-extended locking projections on the pipe ends at the actual point of assembly of the pipes into a pipelinc asserr)bly, thus permitting the ready fabrication of a pipeline assemhlies from standard stocl< lengths of pipe, or from non 'standard lengths of pipe cut from standard stock lengths of pipe ~8~ 2 By forming tl)e arcuate locking projections on to the pipes at the point of assembly rather than at the point of manufacture, the in-transit handling of the pipes is greatly facilitated, and, the problem of in-transit damage of the arcuate locking projections is eliminated in its entirety.
While thc formation of the arcuate projections on the pipes at the point of assembly of the pipes would appear, superficially, to be a b relatively simple matter, the finished forrrl and relative position of the arcuate projections is in fact a matter requiring substantial accuracy, for r example, if the projections are too close to the pipe ends then the coupling ~il] not be in the correct relative position so that the ~asket may overhang the pipe ends and leakage will occur, alternately, if the projections are skewed to the longitudinal uxis of the pipe, difficulty will be encountered Ea in assembling the couplin~ with possible malfunction and leakage occuring.
Also, for proper performance of the coupling it is desirable that the projections lie in the sarne plane, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipes. Further, many of the pipes include a longitudinal seam. In such irlstances, the arcuate projections must be set off from the seam line.
~dditionally, distortion of the pipe from its truly circular condition must be minimi%ed~ and axial or radial displacement or distortion of the pipe ends should be avoided, or incomplete seating of the gasket can occur and the compressive stressing of the gasket throughout its circumference will not be constant, such conditions militating against satisfactory sealing of the pipe ends at the coupling OBJECT OF T~E INVE~TION
It is an object of this invention to provide a method and an apparatus specifically for use in that n~ethod, whereby either standard lengths of pipe or cut lengths of pipe, including seamed pipe, can be accurately formed at the assembly site with the required arcuate projections in the absence of any significant radial or axial distortion of thc pipe ends such ns ~lould irnpair the sealing and locating capabilities of the coupling.
According to one feature of the invention, there is provided a mc~hod of forrning pipe ends with radially extending arcuate projections, which includes the steps of dividing the external cicumference of the pipe into spaced forrning zones positioned respectively on each side of the ]ongi~lldinal weld or seam in instances where the pipe is of welded j., _4_ construction, mar!~ing said zones on the exterior surface of the pipe, locating the pipe against axial or ]ateral displacement, employing a first said zone marking as an index of the locntion of a second zone spaced from said first zone, appiving clamping pressure to the material of said pipe within second 7.0ne to hold said materia] against axial pull--back of the pipe materialfrom the ends, effecting the formation of one said radial extending arcuate projection from within said pipe at said zone while maintaining said clamping pressure, releasing both the clam~ing and forming pressure and sequentiall~ repeating the operation at each other said zones.
According to another feature of the invention, there is provided an flppnratus for carrying out ~he method of the invention, the apparatus including an axially straight bed frame on which a pipe support member is slideably mounted for movement to a determined position, the pipe support member being lockable to the bed frame when in a selected position longitudinally thereof. At one end of the bed rame there is rigidly secured thereto a forming head including a stop member for engagement by and accurate positioning of a pipe end, and a female die member fixedly supported in the forming head in a determined position spaced forwardly from said stop member and intermediate the stop member and the pipe support member. A male punch member is movably supported within the forming head for vertical movement towards and away from the female die member, such movement being generated by the action of a suitable r~otive force. The ~!orking portion of the male puncil member extends from behind the stop member and forwardly thereof into alignment with the female die member, such that the male punch member is contained within the ends of a pipe supported on the female die.
Preferably, the male punch member is provided with a retractable clamping shoe which forms the dual function of clamping a pipe end against the surface of the female die upon advance of the male punch member, and, stripping of the pipe -from the male punch mernber upon retraction of this member.
The pipe support member is mounted on its associated guide mcmbers for pivoting movelnent in a horizontal plnne, and, is adjustable in height in order to bring a pipe which is generall~ supported by the pipe SlJpport member and the female die into an orientation in which its longitudinnl axis i~ ~xlrallel to the bed of the apparatus and at 90 to the Z

plane of the stop mernber and forming head. Additionall~, the pipe support ,~
member preferably includes universally pivoted members which, in addition to facilitating rotation of the pipe to permit the successive radially extending ,~
arcuate members to be formed, also facilitates axial movement of the pipe in order that the pipe end may be readily introduced into the forming head and removed therefrom subsequent to the formation of the respective arcuate projections.
The invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:
Figure 1 is a side elevation of the apparatus according to the present invention;
Figure 2 is a plan view thereof;
Figure 3 is a cross-section thereof taken on the line 3-3 of Figure 1;
Figure 4 is a vertical cross-section taken through a forming head of the appnratus, line 4-4 of Figure 5; -~
Figure 5 is a front elevation of the forming head of Figure 4 taken on the line 5-5 of Figure 4;
Figure 6 is a plan view of the forming head;
Figure 7 is an enlarged partial view of Figure 5 showing the die and punch assembly in greater detail, and is also a view taken through the line 7-7 of Figure 3;
Figure 8 is a vertical section taken ;-on the line 8-8 of Figure 7;
Figure 9 is an under side plan view of the male punch assembly and combined clamping member - strioper llead of Figures 7 and 8;
Figure 10 is a fragmentary cross-.


section elevation of the pipe support member of the apparatus;
Figures 11 and 12 are respectively a front elevation and plan view of a gauge to be used in combination with the apparatus of the invention and Figures 13 and 14 are respectively an end elevation and side elevation of the gauge of Figures 11 and 12 when applied to the end of a pipe.
Referring now to Figure 1 to 3 of the drawings, there is shown an apparatus according to the present invention, the apparatus including an axially straight bed 12, which is supported by legs 14 having load distributing ground-engaging pads 16. As more clearly shown in Figure
3, the bed 12 can conveniently be comprised of two spaced beams 12a of C-shaped transverse cross-section, the arms of the respective beams facing each other, the respective beams 12a ~eing interconnected at convenient points to further improve their dimensional stability.
Supported on the bed 12 and slideable longitudi-nally thereof is a plate 24 which is clampable to the bed 12, by clamping bolts 20. The clamping bolts 20 each have an enlarged head which engages the under side of the upper 2~ arms of the beams, and a shank which extends upwardly between th~ upper arms of the beams, and throu~h a hole in the plate 24, the bolts being located in position by appropriate nuts~ When the bolts are released, they act AS guide members permitting the plate 24 to be slid 3Q axially of the bed 12 to a required determined posî~ion longitudinally of the bed 12, the shanks of the bolts sliding within the space between the spaced upper arms of ~ the beams 12a/ and acting to guide the plate 24 in its ; movement longitudinally of the bed 12. The plate 24 . , z -6a-normally will be positioned a distance from the operative face of a forming head, indicated generally at 22, which is one-half the length of the particular len~th of pipe to be worked upon in the forming head.
The plate 24 supports a vertical post 26, the post 26 in turn supporting a pipe support member 28. As is later described with reference to Figure 10, the pipe support member 28 is mounted via the post 26 for pivoting movement in a horizontal plane, and to raise or lower the pipe in order to accommodate pipes of diferent diameters, and, to accurately position a pipe of a particular diameter in correct elevation relative to the female die 620 In Figures 1 to 3, a pipe 3~ is shown supported by the pipe support member 28 for the purposes of clarity of illustration. It will be i7 -understood that the pipe 30 is the workpiece to be worked upon, and, that the pipe 30 itself forms no part of the apparatus.
The pipe forming head 22 preferably is a unitary sub-assembly, which, for purposes of convenience in transporting the apparatus from one site to ~nother, preferably is detachably attached to the bed 12 by any convenient means which will ensurc a rigid and immovab]e connection between the bed 12 ~nd the forrning head 22. Similarly~ for the purposes of ease of transportation, the pipe suppor~ member 28 and its associated components are removable from the bed 12. Y
Referring now to Figures 4~ 5 and 6, which illustrate the forming head in detail, the forming head 22 includes a main frame comprised of a horizontal base member 32 which supports a pair of spaced vertical members 34. The vertical members may be formed unitarily with the horizonal member 32 as a unitary casting, or, they may be plates welded or otherwise secured thereto. At the upper ends, the spaced vertical members are interconnected by a horizontal platform S2, which, similarly may be formed integrally with the horizontal member 32 and~spaced vertical members 34 as a unitary casting, or, be welded or otherwise secured thereto in any convenient manner.
Secured to the respcctive spaced vertical members 34, by means not shown, are a pair of vertically arranged and parallel aligned guides 40, which, in conjunction with face plate 42c, guide and support a carriage 42 for vertical reciprocating movement between the spaced vertical mem~ers 34. The face plate 42c is removably attached to the carriage 42.
The pipe forming head 22 has an abutment plate 44 secured to the face thereof facing the pipe support assembly 28, which is secured to the vertical members 34 by any convenient means such as by screws 46.
At its upper end, the carriage includes a forwardly extending boss 42a which underlies the platform 52, and, which is connected to the plunger 47 of a hydraulic piston and cylinder arrangement 48. The plunger 47 of the piston and cylinder arrangement extends downwardly through an aperture in the platform 52 to the boss 42a. The plunger 47 being interconnccted by a bolt 50.
The piston and cylinder arrallgement 48 is fastened to the platform 52, one means being by threaded connection.
The piston and cylinder arrangement, which preferably is hydraulically operated, can be of the one-way acting type, the piston of the arrangement being returned by spring 54, which may be contained within the piston and cylinder arrangement/ or, be external thereto for the spring rate to be adjustable. The cylinder is provided with a suitable inlet connection 56 permitting the cylinder -to be connected to a supply of hydraulic fluid under pressure, the supply and the valving arrangement thereof forming no part of the present invention.
At its lower end, the carriage 42 is provided with a forwardly extending boss 42b which extends through an aperture 44a in the plate 44, the clearance being required in that the boss 42b travels within the plate aperture 44a.
Attached to the under face of the lower boss 42b is a male punch assembly 58, the male punch assembly being secured to the lower boss 42b in any convenient manner, such as by bolts which are not shown. The male punch assembly has a punch 58a which cooperates with a female die member 62 which is rigidly attachPd to the horizontal mem-ber 32b by means of bolts which are not shown. Preferably, and as shown, the female die member is located on a key 32a in the horizontal base member 32b in order to locate it relative to the punch assembly 58.
The female die member 62 is arcuate and substant-ially semicircular in elevation, the radius of the inner periphery of the female die member being the same as that of the exterior periphery of the pipe 30. Internally of its inner periphery, the female die member 62 is grooved, as indicated at 62b, the axial width of the groove representing the width of the radially extending arcuate projections 30a to be formed in the pipe 30. The groove 62b is continuous throughout the entire inner periphery of the female die, thus permitting the groove to accommodate more than one formed arcuate projection and permitting eotation of the pipe about its longitudinal axis subsequent '~
,~.. . .

to the formation of one or more projections.
As is more clearly illustrated in Figure 4, upon a forming stroke of carriage 42 and the male punch assembly 58, the punch 58a thereof will enter into the groove 62b of the female die member 62, and in so doing will displace radially ou~wardly a portion of the wall of the tube 30 to form a radially-extending arcuate pro~ection 30a in the periphery of the wall of the pipe 30.
~igure 4 illustrates the carriage when in a 10 retracted position and prior to the supply of hydraulic fluid under pressure to the piston and cylinder arrangement 48. It is in this position of the male punch assembly 58 that the pipe is inserted into the forming head, the pipe being positioned such that at least one point of its end 15 face contacts the abutment plate 44. This ensure~ that the formed radially extending arcuate projections 30a are positioned at an exact distance from the free end of the pipe 30.
Pre~erably, and in order to obtain an indication 20 that the forming operation has been completed, a pressure gauge ~4 is associated with th~ piston and cylinder arrangement 48, the gauge 64, during operation of the forming head exhibiting a rise in pressure at a constant rate as the carriage 42 is forced downwardly against the 25 bias of the springs 54, followed by a sudden increase in pressure as the male punch engages the inner wall of the pipe 30, the gauge then indicating a further gradual rise in pressure as the forming progresses. Once the forming operation has been completed and further downward movement 30 of the male punch assembly 58 is inhibited, the pressure gauge 64 will then show a sudden and sharp rise in pressure to the maximum line pressure, thus giving to the operator a clear indication that the forming operation has been successfully completed.


z -9a-As is illustrated in Figures 7 through 9, the male punch assembly 58 can be provided with a clamping member 66 which is movable relatively to the male punch assembly 58, and which is biased to an extended position by springs 68. The extended position of the clamping member 66 is limited by post bolts 70 having heads which abut the punch assembly 58 and having posts which are slideably received within bores in the male punch assembly 58, the ends of the posts being threaded into threaded bores in the clamping member 66.
In operation the clamping member 66 serves two purposes, the first being, on advance of the male punch assembly 5~ to engage the inner periphery of the pipe 30 and clamp it firmly against the inner periphery of the female die member 62~ This clamping force resists axial creep or deformation by the pulling of material from the free edge of the pipe and results in an improved appearance of the pipe end and an enhanced dimensional form of the arcuate projections 30a. Secondly, the clamping member 66 by virtue of the bias imposed thereon by the springs 68 acts in the function of a stripper mechanism as the male punch 58a is retracted, thus ensuring that the pipe be left in seated engagement with the female die member 62 so avoiding any lif ting action of the pipe caused by jamming between the punch 58a and the arcuate projections 30a.
Conveniently, both the female die members 62 and the male punch as~embly 58 are detachably attached to their respective supporting members by bolts, thus permitting ready removal of both of the assemblies for exchange with another pair of assemblies of different radius for use with a pipe of a corresponding diameter different to the one shown in the drawings.
Referring now to Figure 10, tbere is more clearly illustrated to the manner in which the pipe support member 28 is constructed and supported by the vertical post 26. The post 26 is tubular in forrn and internally threaded. The lower end of member 72 is male threaded at 72a, and is received within post 26, and allows for axial vertical adjustment via a plurality of pins 78, only one of which is shown. Such pins are secured to member 72. (~)n rnember 72 exists a cylindrical nut 74. A plurality of pins 76, only one is shown, are attached to the cylindrical nut 74 to allow for rotation of the cylindrical nut 7~ relative to the threaded portion 72a of member 72. The cylindrical nut 74 acts as a jam nut to secure post 72 re]ative to post 26 after a vertical position has been established.
Received within a bore 72b in the upper end of the cylindrical member 72 is a rotatable shaft 80, the rotatahle shaft being secured against removal from the bore by a threaded pion 82 having an end which is received within a groove 80a in the rotatable shaft 80. Cylindrical oil retaining anti friction bearings 84 are located within the bore 72b and rotatably support the shaft 80, and, a thrust bearing 86 is positioned in the bottom of the bore and provides the required support for the shaft 80 and the structures supported by the shaft.
As is more clearly illustrated in Figure 10, the pipe support member 28 is supported by the shaft 80 by means of a U-shaped yoke 88 which is welded or otherwise secured to the upper end of the shaft 80.
The arms of the yoke extend upwardly, and, are welded or otherwise secured to a right angled channel member 28a whose arms are arranged at an angle of 45~ to the hori~ontal. Carried by both arms of the channel member 28a are baUs 90 received within anti-friction housin~s 92, the anti-friction housing being rigidly attached to the respective arms of the channel member 28a with the balls contained therein freely rotatable universally in any direction. The balls 90 provide for both rotation of the pipe about its axis, and, movement of the pipe longitudinally of its axis witn equal facility.
By provid;ng plural sets of balls and anti-friction housings, the pipe support rnember 28 is adapted to receive and support pipes of ~idely varying outside diameters, as is indicated by the chain-dotted lines in Figure 10.
In addition to providing for rotary and axial movement of the supported pipes, the pipe support member 2g also provides for swinging of the pipe into and out of the ~orming head 22~ thus. greatly facilitating the handling of the pipe. Additionally, by virtue of the adjustable supporting posts, the pipe support member can be raised or lowered as necesary in order to bring a horizontRI tangent at the bottom of the end pipe into co~
planar relationship with a horizontal tangent at the botton of the female die, thus ensuring tllat the longitudinal axis of the pipe, without reg~rd to its diameter, is brought into position in which it is perpendicular to the face of the abutment plate 4~. In this way, inaccuracies in the positioning 1.5 of the formed arcuate radial projections 30a relative to the end face of the pipe are minimized to the greatest possible çxtent, or, are eliminated in their entirety.
Turning now to Figures 11 through 14, which illustrate a gauge 90 which has particular utility in the performance of the method of the present application, the gauge illustrated is formed from a flex~ble flat strip of metal or other suitable material having upturned ends 94a. In use, the gauge 94 is wrapped around a pipe of appropriate external diamter, and, the flanges 94a thereof are brought into parallel relationship with each other with the flanges 94a positioned on opposite ends of the weld seam 30a of the pipe, assuming, of course, that the pipe is a welded pipe.
The gauge may either be hand held, or, any convenient means may be used for holding the gauge in position during the rnarking of the pipe end to provide indications of the location of a plurality of forming zones equally spaced about the external circumference of the pipe. The 3 respective locations are determined by notches 94b forrned in one longitudinal edge of the gauge, the respective notches including a scribing or marking edge which extends transversely of the gauge, and which thus extends axially of the pipe when the gauge is applied to the pipe end.
Having correctly located the gauge close to the pipe end, a scribe or rnarker is then used îo rnark on the exterior periphery of the pipe the location of the respective forrning zones, as determined by the transversely extending edges o~ the notches 94b.
The marking of the pipe for the forminy zones to be spaced on opposite sides of the weld seam 30b ens~res that the weld seam shall not accidently be positioned within a forming zone, but instead shall be positioned between an ad~acent pair of ~orming zones. It is here commented that the ductility of the metal forming the pipe varies at the weld seam, and, that any attemp~ to form the pipe with a radially extending arcuate projection which extended through the weld seam could result in fracturinc3 of the weld seam or perforation thereof by cracking or partial splitting of the weld seam, conditions which must be avoided in that the arcuate projections are positioned beyond the ends of the sealing gasket. The positioning of the zones circumferentially of drawn pipe is, of course, immaterial in that there is no weld seam to be contended with.
Having ensured that the end of the pipe is sufficiently square for the intended end purpose, and having marked the posi-tions of the respective forming zones, the pipe is then placed on the pipe support member 28, this operation being facilitated in that the pipe support member 28 can be swung in a horizontal plane, thus eliminating the necessity of initially placing the pipe in the required position relative to the forming head 22.
Having placed the pipe in the pipe support member, the pi~e and the pipe support member 28 can then be rotated until the end of the pipe is in alignment with the opening in the female die.
By then axially sliding the pipe on the pipe support member ~8, the end of the pipe to be formed can be brought into abutment with either the female die 62 or the abutment plate 44.
It can then be determined whether the pipe support member 28 and thus the supported pipe must be raised or lowered in order that the lower outside edge of the pipe is coincidental with the tan-gent through the bottom of the radial opening in the die. The adjustment of the vertical position of the pipe support member 2~ is effected by applying rotational force to the pins 78~ which in turn causes rotation of member 72, the threads 72a in co-operation with the internal threads of post 26 cause the pipe support arrangement 28 to be raised or lowered dependin~ upon the direction of rotation and the direction of the screwed thread.
The arrangement is secured in a given position against further rotation by rotating the nut 74 via the pins 76 until it abuts r the top of the post 26. The pipe, so supported, can now be rotated without further affecting the height of its longitudinal axis.
Having accurately positioned tl-e location of the longitudinal axis of the tube in a vertical plane, the pipe is then slid into the female die member 62 and into race contact with the abutment plate ~4, assuinK, of course, that it was not initially in engagement with the abutment plate 44. At this point, the longitudinal axis of the pipe will be parallel to the bed of the machine and thence at 90 to the abutment plate 44.
The pipe is then rotated about its longitudinal axis to bring any one of the previously applied m arks on its periphery hereof into registration with an alignment mark or index mark on the forming head 22. Hflving done this, the punch assembly 58 is then moved downwardly, thus moving the punch 58a and the clamping member 66 into engagement with the inner surface of the pipe wall. The pipe is thus clamped in position, and, the formation of a radially extending arcuate projection 30a proceeds by the displacement of the metal beneath the punch 58a into the grooved forming channel ~2b of the female die member 62.
Upon retraction of the male punch assembly 58, the clamping member 66 acts to strip the pipe from the punch 58a, and, hold the pipe in seR~ed engagernent with the female die member 62 until such time as the post bolts 70 abut on the punch assembly 58 and prevent further downward movement of the clamping member 66. At this point, the clamping member ~6 moves upwardly and out of engagement with the pipe.
The pipe is then rotated about its longitudinal axis to bring the ne~t marking on the circumferenc`e of the pipe into alignment with the alignment mark on the forming head 22, during which time the formed projection 30a rides within the groove or channel 62b, this having the additional aclvantage of preventing unintentional movement of the pipe relative to the female die member 62 and ensuring that subsequent arcuate projections lie in the same plane perpendicular to the pipe longitudinal axis.
The male punch member is then again operated to form the next radially extending arcuate projection 30a, and, this sequence is repeated until all of the arcuate projections 30a are formed.
As will be appreciated, the method of the present application provides that neither the inciex mark on the forming head 22 or marking for the zone on the pipe to be formed needs to be positioned within the actual ~one of formation, at wh;ch point it would be extremely difficult to observe. Instead, the index on the forming head 22 is located in a position in which it is readily viewable by a workman and generally without regard to which side of the apparatus is employed as the work station by the worl~man.
Various modifications may be made in the specific structure of the apparatus without departing from the scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims. For e~ample, in substitution for the hydraulic piston and cylinder arrangement 48, any other convenient source of pressing force could be employed, including mechanical and electro-mechanical devices, such as a manual source comprised by a cam follower cnrried by the carriage 42 and which cooperates with a rotary cam carried by the platform 36, the cam having associated therewith a lever which is ~D
mamlally operable by the workman to rotate the cam. Alternatively, the rotary cam could be one which is driven through an appropriate gear r reduction chain from an electric or other motor.
With respect to the vertical lift mechanism for the pipe support member 28, clearly, other structures such as cam-operated lifts or hydraulically operated lifts could be employed where convenient, the major requirements in the apparatus being that the pipe 30 shall be positionable with its longitudinal axis truly perpendicular to the face of the abutment r~
plate 44 and correctly positioned in height relative to the female die member 62, and, that the male punch assembly 58 move in a plane which is truly parallel to the plane of the abutment plate 44 and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe.


Claims (7)

1. Apparatus including an axially straight bed frame, a pipe support member selectively positionable longitudi-nally of said bed frame, members for locking said pipe support member in a selected position longitudinally of said bed frame, and a forming head rigidly attached to said bed frame at one end thereof, the forming head including a stop member for engagement by and the accurate axial positioning of a pipe end, a support member having a female die member fixedly supported on said bed frame in determined position with said female die member spaced from said stop member and intermediate said stop member and said pipe support member, a male punch member movably supported on said support member for movement towards and away from said female die member, said female die member and said male punch member extending arcuately and in axial alignment with each other in a plane transverse to said bed frame, and a source of motive power mounted on said support member and connected to move said male punch member between a retracted position spaced from said female die member and an advanced position in operative cooperation with said female die member and for supplying pressing force to said male punch member.
2. The apparatus according to claim 1, in which said pipe support member includes a vertical post carried by said guide members, member for adjusting the height of said post, and, a pipe support carried by said post and supported by said post for pivoting movement in a horizontal plane.
3. Apparatus according to claim 2, in which said pipe support is of V-shaped transverse cross-section, each internal side face of said support having universally pivoted members associated therewith facilitating rotational and axial movement of a pipe supported thereby.
4. The apparatus according to claim 1, in which said female die member includes an arcuate surface for the support of a pipe end, and an arcuate die groove which is open at its ends to permit the escape of a formed arcuate projection upon rotation of said pipe end about the longitudinal axis thereof.
5. The apparatus of claim 1, in which said male punch member is supported for movement between said retracted and advanced positions by guides positioned at that side of said stop member which is remote from said female die member, said male punch member extending from said guide members into vertically spaced alignment with said female die member for it to be positioned internally of the end of a pipe.
6. The apparatus of claim 5, in which said male punch member includes a retractable clamping shoe carried by said male punch member and which is resiliently biased towards said female die member, said retractable clamping shoe being dually operative to clamp a pipe end in intimate contact with said female die member upon advance of said male punch member and to strip said pipe from said male punch member upon retraction of said male punch member.
7. The apparatus of claim 1, in which said source of motive power is a fluid operated piston and cylinder, having a mechanical spring means for return movement of said piston.
CA000434070A 1983-08-08 1983-08-08 Pipe-locking formation method and apparatus Expired CA1188082A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000434070A CA1188082A (en) 1983-08-08 1983-08-08 Pipe-locking formation method and apparatus

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CA000434070A CA1188082A (en) 1983-08-08 1983-08-08 Pipe-locking formation method and apparatus

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CA1188082A true CA1188082A (en) 1985-06-04



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CA000434070A Expired CA1188082A (en) 1983-08-08 1983-08-08 Pipe-locking formation method and apparatus

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