CA1187149A - Twist type electrical receptacle - Google Patents

Twist type electrical receptacle


Publication number
CA1187149A CA000411177A CA411177A CA1187149A CA 1187149 A CA1187149 A CA 1187149A CA 000411177 A CA000411177 A CA 000411177A CA 411177 A CA411177 A CA 411177A CA 1187149 A CA1187149 A CA 1187149A
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French (fr)
Walter R. Blake
Jerry R. Plemmons
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
General Electric Co
Original Assignee
General Electric Co
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Application filed by General Electric Co filed Critical General Electric Co
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1187149A publication Critical patent/CA1187149A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Details Of Connecting Devices For Male And Female Coupling (AREA)



A twist type receptacle for an electrical connect-or having a one-piece body and wherein the terminals are self-captivating. The terminals comprise curved twin-blade female contacts for accommodating the blades of the plug and have barbs which initially ride over ledges in the walls of the passages into which they are inserted.
Upon passing over the ledges the barbs spring radially outward behind them thereby captivating the terminals.





The invention relates to an improved twist-type receptacle for an electrical conn&ctor which i~ fab~i~
cated as a one-piece member and wherein the terminals axe self-captivating. It is particularly adapted to 5 receive ~ photoelec~ric controlle.r in a lighting lumi-naire .

Electrical connectors which are locked by twistirlg are well-known in the art and axe commonly used to pre-vent accidental separation of the plu~ from the recep-~acle. In order that components made by dierent manu~
factur2rs be interchangeable, the configuration and spacing of male and female contacts in such connectors is largely dictat2d by standards adopted by National Electrical Manuacturers Association (NEMA)o Notwith-standing such standardization, there remains substantial 'i ~ scope or improvement in khe design o the parts to ; achieve greater reliability, to facilitate manufacture, and or ease and convenienee in a~sembly. - 1, In linear type connectors, that i5 in connectors wherein the plug i5 mexely pushed into the receptacle and is not ~hexeaft r twis~ed in order to lock i~, ~he U54 0~ self~ aptivating terminals is well-known. ~ow-ever wi~h twist~ype conne~tors in which the contac~
are subject to both linear insertion and then rotation, , ~
- 2 - LD 8465 it has not up ~o the present been possible to use self-captivating terminals. A~ a result, the insulating body of the receptacle has generally ~een made of several pieces, for instance a body piece ha~ing cavities in which the ~erminals are inserted, and a cover which is then fastened to the body in order to lock the terminals in the caviti~s. This has meant more complicated as-semblies and has increased the cost of manufacture.
The object of the invention is ~o provide a twist~
type receptacle for an electrical connector of which the -.
body consists of a single piece of insulating matexial which is readily formed and wherein the terminals are sel~-captivatedO .-In accordance with the invention, the receptacle is .
f~bricated as a one-piece memher having several through apertures or passages the walls of which are pxovided with ledge~. The terminals comprising contacts for en-gaging those of the plug in its push in and twist motion.;
are provided with rearwardly directed resilient ears or barbs which lock the terminals in place by engaying the ledges.
In a preferred embodiment the receptacle has three - through passages the walls of which are provided with ledges. The terminals comprise curved twin-blade female contacts fox ac~ommodating the blades of the plug and .
have barbs which initially ride over the ledges when the terminals are inserted into t~e passages. Upon passing over the ledges in the longitudinal direction of terminal inser~ion, the baxbs spring laterally outward ~ehind the ledges thereby captivating the terminals. Over-insertion of the terminals in the forward direction i5 prevented by means of web portions which are integrally formed in con~unction with the passages. In this manner the ter-minal~ cannot be removed either in the forward or rear-- - - - . . , . ._ _ = _ _ _.__.. _. _.. _.. _ _._._.. _.. __.. _... . ,._ .. ,.. _ .__.___ ward directons. Keying tabs may be provided upon the terminals in order to facilitate assembly.
FIG. 1 is an exploded view in perspective .~howing a female receptacle embodying the inv~ntion and a mating male plug.
~ IG. 2 is a perspective view of a self-captivating ~erminal used in the receptacle.
FIG. 3 is a frasmentary sectionalized perspective view showing the terminal captivated in one of the pas-sages through the recep~acle.
For purposes of illustration, a two-part electrical connector 1 is shown in FIG. 1 comprising complementary male plug 2 and ~emale receptacle 3 facing.each other in exploded relationship. The male plug ` includes a base member 4 ~ insulating material such as nylon surmou~ted by a cylindrical housing 5. The base member has three male contact blades or prongs 6, 7 and 8 extending down from the face thereof in a standard Nema configur~tion.
Where plug 2 corresponds to a photoelectrlc contrcller, the housing 5 encloses suitable photoelectric control components i~ electrical circuitry with the contact mem-bers~ Alternatively the contact members may be connected 25 to conductors of a cable or may be merely short-circuited toge~her where plug 2 is a shor~ing plug and ~he photo-electric sontrol is dispensed with~ `
The receptacle 3 in which the invention is directly embodied is a one~piece me~ber of insulating ma~erial, ;30 preferably one which is non tracking and thus non-shorting.
The face portion 10 of the receptacle contains spaced .-arcuate slots 12, 13 and 14 which lead into passageways within the body portion 11 housing the terminals having female contacts which accomm~date the mating blades 6, 7 F~
. , .. , .. ,.. , ,.. _.. _.. _.. . ,,, .. , ,, _--,---- _ ` -- ,_, , ,, ,,,, , __,,,_ , ,.,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,.. ,, ,, ,__ ... t ~

_ ~ _ and 8 of the plug. These terminals have conductors at-tached to them which, in the case of a photoelectriG con-troller, are connect2d into the lamp circuit of the lu-minaire~
The invention is predicated on the design of the ter~inals as shown at 15 in FIG. 2, in con junction with that of the acc:o~nodating passage or chamber 16 in the receptacle body as shown in FXG~ 3. Terminal 15 is a one-piece strut:ture blanked out of sprîng metal stock, for instance phosphor bronze or alternatively spring s~eel plated to increase its electrical conductivity and resistanc2 to corrosion. The terminal is generally channel-shaped in its mid-portion with a front wall 17 and side walls 18. The side walls extend upwardly into converging portion~ 19, parallel portions 20 and di~erging portions 21. The vertical portions 20 constitute the female contact portions which are penetra~ed by one of the male conta~t members 6 to 8. A wire attaching means takes the form of a crimping lu~ portion 22 which extends 20 down from the ~ront wall 17 and is crimped about a con-ductor 2 3 .
As seen in FIG. 1, each of the male contact members is essentially an L-shaped blade of arcuate cross sec~ion and includes a vertical leg portion 24 terminated by a horizontal lug portion 25. The lug portion projects forwardly in the direction of twist or rotation of the plug relative to the receptacle, such being clockwise as illustxated. The contact members 6 to 8 are of sufficient len~th nd thickness to extend through the slots 12 to 14 in the receptacle and to be resilien~ly received be-tween the pairs of ~ertiçal contact portions 20 of the terminals. The curving slots 1.2, 13 and 14 in the re-ceptacle face have an arcuate length such that after full insertion of thP contact members, the plug 2 may be 35 twisted (clockwise) relative ~o ~he recep~acle 11 and ., .. ., .. . .. .. . _ . . ... _ .. .. , .. ....... _ ...... . . ........ ... .. ...... ......... . . ... ....


the lug portions 25 of khe male contact members 6, 7 and 8 will engage the underside 26 of the face or web l0 of the receptacle. This locks the parts together ~o they cannot be pulled apart.
When the plug is initially pushed down into the re-ceptacle, the lug portions 25 slide down between the vertical portions 20 of the te~minals, and then as the plu~ is twisted the vertical leg portions 24 of the con-tact members move in a~ indicated by curved arrow 27 in FIG. 2. When the plug is fully home ~about 20 twist), the hole 28 in the male contact members i~ engaged by dimple 29 in the outer or convex female cont2ct and this provides a minor locking effect preventing untwisting of the part~ except by deliberate application o~ force.
Arcuate slots 13 and l4 are identical, but slot 12 is slightly longer in ordex to accommodate male contact member 6 which is lo~ger axially and has a greater ~r-cuate length than the others, thereby providing for a polarized receptacle~
In accordance wi~h the invention, terminal 15 is ; pxovided with a laterally projecting rearwardly dire~ted barb or resilient ear 31 in at least one and preferably both of its sidewalls 18. Correspondingly, the passage ox chamber 16 into which the terminal i5 inserted is pro-vided with a ledge 32 for each barb extending ~rom the bottom of body ll up to the rest location of the barb when the terminal is in place. The terminals are in-sexted into the passages l~ in the body from the und~r-side and the barbs initially ri~e over the ledges. Upon passing the ledges in the direction of ~erminal insertion ~upward), the barbs spring laterally outwaxd behind the ledges, thereby captivating the terminals. Over-insertion of the terminals in the forward direction i5 prevented : by the web portions 26 which are integxally fo~ed in the face of the re~eptacl~ at the same time as the passages ....... ,.... _.. =. . ~ ~_ _.. __ _, _ _ . __ , __ _ _,,, ., ,,.,.. ,. ,.. , , , . _., .


16 are molded in the body. The transverse 510ts 33 in the face of the receptacle and into which the arcuate slots extend are necessary because the die member for molding the ledges 32 within the passages 16 must be inserted and withdrawn from above. A keying tab 34 pro~
jects from the front wall 17 of the terminal and rides in a slot 35 formed in the wall of cavity 16. It assures proper orientation according to pian when a terminal 15 with at~ached wire 23 is inserted into one of the passages 16. Also the tab makes the terminal more stable in its cavity. Once captivated in the passage, a texminal can only be removed by using a special tool to squeeze back ~he barbs 31.
The invention thus provides a reliable twist-locX~
ing type receptacle particularly suitable for accommodating a photoelectric controller. The flange 36 surrounding the face 10 has holes 37 in it for convenience in fastening the receptacle to a panel. Such flanye may be omitted where the receptacle is used as part of an electrical con-nector only. The assembly of the terminals having pre-attached wires to the receptacle is readily done without requiring use of any special tools and a more flexible approach to assembly procedures is made possible.
The preferred embodiment of the invention which 25 has been illustrated and described in detail is intended by way of example only and various changes and modifica-tions may be made therein without departing from the scope or spirit of the invention.

Claims (9)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. An electrical receptacle adapted to receive a complementary plug of the twist-lock type having a plu-rality of male contacts extending therefrom each shaped as a blade of arcuate cross section and provided at the end with a lug portion along the leading edge, said receptacle comprising a one-piece member formed of insulating material and comprising a face portion and a body portion, a plurality of curved slots in the face portion for receiving said male blade contacts and corresponding pas-sages through the body portion extending from the slots each accommodating a terminal, said terminals each comprising a female contact por-tion for engaging a male blade of the plug and at least one laterally projecting rewardly directed resilient barb, said passages each having at least one wall provided with a ledge extending from the bottom of the body up to the rest location of the barb when the terminal is in place, said terminals each having means for attaching a wire thereto and being insertable into a passage from the un-derside of the body with the barb riding over the ledge and then springing out laterally behind the ledge to captivate the terminal.
2. A receptacle as in claim 1 wherein the termi-nals each comprise side walls extending into curved twin blades serving as female contact portions between which the male blades penetrate, and each side wall has a rearwardly directed re-silient barb for captivating the terminal.
3. A receptacle as in claim 1 wherein the terminals are spring metal stock each with a generally channel-shaped mid-portion having front wall and side walls, the side walls extending into converging portions, parallel portions and diverging portions, the parallel portions serving as the female contact portions which are penetrated by the male contacts and being curved to allow arcuate movement of the male contacts when the plug is twisted, each side wall having a rearwardly directed barb which rides over a cooperating ledge in the passage and then springs out laterally behind the ledge to captivate the terminal.
4. A receptacle as in claim 3 wherein each terminal has a keying tab projecting laterally from the front wall and riding in a slot formed in the wall of the passage.
5. A receptacle as in claim 4 intended for a photoelectric controller and comprising 3 terminals and passages therefor and wherein the face portion of said one-piece member has an annular flange for fastening to a panel.
6. An electrical receptacle adapted to receive a complementary plug of the twist-lock type having a plurality of male contacts extending therefrom each shaped as a blade of arcuate cross section and provided at the end with a plug portion along the leading edge, said receptacle comprising a one-piece member formed of insulating material and comprising a top face portion and a body portion, a plurality of curved slots in the face portion for receiving said male blade contacts and corresponding passages through the body portion extending from the slots each accommodating a terminal, said passages each having at least one wall provided with a ledge extending from the bottom of the body portion up to the rest location of a barb in the terminal when the terminal is in place, said terminals being of thin resilient metal stock formed to a generally channel-shaped mid-portion having a front wall and side walls, the side walls extending upwardly into converging portions, parallel portions and diverging portions, the parallel portions serving as female contact portions which are penetrated by the male contacts and being curved to allow arcuate movement of the male contacts when the plug is twisted, at least one side wall having a downwardly directed barb which cooperates with the rides over said ledge in the passage and then springs out laterally behind the ledge to captivate the terminal, said barb being formed by slitting and bending outwardly a portion of one of the side walls, said portion being farthest removed from the front wall, said terminals each having means for attaching a wire thereto and being insertable into a passage from the underside of the body portion.
7. A receptacle as in claim 6 wherein each terminal has a keying tab porjecting laterally from the front wall and riding in a slot formed in the wall of the passage.
8. A receptacle as in claim 6 intended for a photoelectric controller and comprising three terminals and passages therefor and wherein the face portion of said one-piece member has an annular flange for fastening to a panel.
9. A receptacle as in claim 6 wherein the passages are provided with said ledges in two opposite walls and the terminals have said downwardly directed barbs in both side walls for cooperation with said ledges.
CA000411177A 1981-09-11 1982-09-10 Twist type electrical receptacle Expired CA1187149A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US30148181A 1981-09-11 1981-09-11
US301,481 1981-09-11

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1187149A true CA1187149A (en) 1985-05-14



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA000411177A Expired CA1187149A (en) 1981-09-11 1982-09-10 Twist type electrical receptacle

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CA (1) CA1187149A (en)

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP2567430B1 (en) 2010-05-06 2018-07-04 Southern Electric Contracting Limited Improvements in and relating to electrical connectors
CN114221180A (en) * 2020-09-03 2022-03-22 比亚迪股份有限公司 High voltage connector

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP2567430B1 (en) 2010-05-06 2018-07-04 Southern Electric Contracting Limited Improvements in and relating to electrical connectors
CN114221180A (en) * 2020-09-03 2022-03-22 比亚迪股份有限公司 High voltage connector

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