CA1185528A - Pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of cardio-vascular diseases - Google Patents

Pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of cardio-vascular diseases


Publication number
CA1185528A CA000412930A CA412930A CA1185528A CA 1185528 A CA1185528 A CA 1185528A CA 000412930 A CA000412930 A CA 000412930A CA 412930 A CA412930 A CA 412930A CA 1185528 A CA1185528 A CA 1185528A
Prior art keywords
pharmaceutical composition
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
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Other languages
French (fr)
Ivars Y. Kalvinsh
Maris M. Veveris
Alexei V. Vinogradov
Inna I. Makarova
Anatoly S. Birman
Oleg N. Akifiev
Georgy V. Barmotin
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Vtoroi Moskovsky Gosudarstvenny Meditsinsky Institut Imeni Ni Pirogova
Original Assignee
Vtoroi Moskovsky Gosudarstvenny Meditsinsky Institut Imeni Ni Pirogova
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Vtoroi Moskovsky Gosudarstvenny Meditsinsky Institut Imeni Ni Pirogova, INSTITUT ORGANICHESKOGO SINTEZA AKADEMII NAUK LATVIISKOI SSR filed Critical Vtoroi Moskovsky Gosudarstvenny Meditsinsky Institut Imeni Ni Pirogova
Priority to CA000412930A priority Critical patent/CA1185528A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1185528A publication Critical patent/CA1185528A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Acyclic And Carbocyclic Compounds In Medicinal Compositions (AREA)
  • Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)



A b s t r a c t A pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of cardio-vascular diseases comprising an active principle, viz. 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) propionate dehydrate of the following formula:


Field of th~ Invention ~ he pre~e~t i~e~tio~ relates to medicine and, more particularly~ to a novel pharmaceutical compositio~ for the treatme~t of c~rdio-vascular ~ sease ~uch a~ c~rdiac in~ufficiency at valvular ~e~ects~ m~ocarditises, cardio sclero~is, i~chemic heart disea~e, rhythm di~orders (arrh~thmia) of diff~rent genesis.

Background of the Invention At pre~ent the principal selec~i~e cardiotonic pha~a-ceutical preparations are cardiac ~l~co~ides~ ~he~ cover preparation~ of digitalis, as well ~ chni8, ~tropha~thus ~nd may lily (cf. M~Yu~Mashkov~ky~ Ph~rmaceutical Pr~p~rs~
tion~, M., Meditsina Phblishing ~ous~ 1977)o ~ a~ic disadvantage of gl~coside~ i~ their low therapeu tical indcx. Overdosage o~ the pr~paratio~s c~u~a~ seriou~
complic~ion~: acute brad~cardia~ pol~to~e extra~y~tole~
bigemi~y~ trigsmin~ deceleration of atriova~tricular condition 9 ~tricul~r ~lutter ~nd dia~kolic c~rdiac arrestO
A~ e~se~tial di~ad~tage r~ide~ o in the ab~ence of a di~ti~ct correlation bet~en the pr~paratio~ concen-tr~tio~ i~ blood and the e~fect obtainedO ~uxthermore~ gl~
cosides frequentl~ caus~ irritatio~ of mucous ~embrane of ; the ~tomach a~fect vomiting center re~ulting i~ dy~peptic di~turb~ce~
~ ler~e group of preparatio~ for the treat~e~t o~


cardio~va~cular di~eal3es is constitu~ed b~sr anti~rrhythmic prep~rations~ Orle of the mo8t widel;sr emplo~ed among them i8 novocainamide which is ~;ucce~3sfully Rdmini~tered at ~ariou~ kinds oî rh;stthm di~;turbances i~cludi~g e~ tra~ystole.
~Iowe~er, ~ven thi~ pre ?aration can cause ~ide effects ; ge ~eral w~akne~s; headache, nau~ea, vomiti~g, iD.somnia, dys-peptic phenome~ d, at the i~travenou~ mod~ GI adminis-tr~tio~,, possibt e dovelopment of ~ c~rdiogenic ~hock., Eurthermor~ ~ due to possible inhibitio~ of m~oc~rdial con-tr~ctibilit~r and reduction of arterial pre~s~re in the c~se of m~ocardial i~fsrction the preparation ~houl~ be admini~tered with ~reat cautionO
A ~imilar di~ad~a~ e is ixlher~nt in hig~ly e;~fi-cie~t preparation3 Aimalin a~d Et~moæin ~eth~l ester of
2-carbamic acid 10-(3-mor~hol;srlpropiongl)phenothiazino ~;ydrochlorid~) which al~o lower contr~ctile properties of m,yoc~rdium ~hus cau~i~g reductio~ of arteri~l pre~aure snd complicati~g their admi~istratio~ ak c~rdiog~nic ~hoc~
~nd h~rpote~ion~
,~-Adre~oblocker~ (Ideral, Benzodixin9 O~renolol) al~o h~ve ~ ~umber of negati~e ~ide effect~O ~hese compo-u~d~ ~re highl~ toxic (LD50. ~ Inderal i~ 30~50 m~ g for whit~ mice), provide a negative illotropic ~ffect; they are contrsi~dicated at ~ome heart dish~e~ ~uch ~8 ~inus br~d;yc~rdi~9 atrioventricul~x bloc~, cardiac insufficien-cy, bron~hi~l a~t~:ma ~ diabete~ mellitu~ and the like,.
~ o cut ~hort attac~c~ of bre~st pang use i6 ~uccess full;sr made of org~nic ~itrst~ amo~; which nitro~lycerin - ; 3 , .

, .... . . . . .

~ 5~ ~

has en~oyed mogt e~tensi~e application. ~he latter prepar~-tion i~proves to~us of coronar7 arterie~ ~nd ~djust~ re~is-ta~ce of perlpheral ~e~sel~, thug facilitati~g the heart's fu~ction of blood di~charge î~to aorta.
~ neg~tive propert~ of nitroglicerin is a short dura-tio~ of its effect and abilit~ of cau~ing 8trong cephalal-gia due to ch~nging tonu~ of skull ~eins~
Al~o known i8 a na~urally-occurring ~etabolite ~-but~robetain featuring ~ broad range of biolo~ical acti-vity including the effect on cardio-~ascu?ar sy~tem (~ature, 18~,3~8, ~959). HoweYer, ~-but~robet~in is rapidl~ metabo-li~ed in the orga~ism into carniti~e a~d, due to this ~act 9 i~ pos~e~se~ onl~ a short-time effect~

, . i It is an ob~ct of the present inve~tion to provide a novel pharmaceutical preparatio~ for the treatment o~ car~ I
dio~a~icular di~iea~e~i which would ~eature a low toxicity9 higher e~ficie~cy ~nd longer effect, and to eliminate ~ide . phenomena characteristic Or kno~n prep~rati~s i~tended ~or the ~re~tment of cardio-vascular d~sea~es. .
D~tailed De~cription Or the Invention ., . ~
~ he pha~maceutical co~po~itio~ according to the preA
sent i~rention i~ no~el snd hitherto unk~ow~ in the art~
~ hi~ object is accomplished by tha~ ~he novel pharmar ceutical composition for the treatment 9~ cardio ~a~cular di~ea~es comprising an acti~e pri~cipl~ and a pharmaceu~i-c~lly scceptabl0 dilue~t contain3 a6 ~he acti~e principl~, ~ 4 - :
1. :,....... .
. , :
. ~, ~, . . ........ .... . . .. .

accordi~g to the pre~3e~ inverLtion~ 3-(2~2~2~t~cimeth~1~;ydra-zinium) propio~te of the following formula:
(c~3)33~ C~2Cl~G~ ) ~2r In the ca~e of U8~ ; the m~dicated compound a~ injec-I;ions it co~ta~s the active principle i:n an amou~:Lt of 5 to 40~ b;y w~ight and, as th~3 pbarmace~atic~ll;r ~cceptable diluent ~ ~olYent di~tilled water ur ~ otonic solu~
ti~ O
Whell to be admini3tered a~ t~blets or capsule~, it contEIins the ~ctive principle in ~n amount of 00~ o 0,. 5 g per tablet or c~p~ule~, Special e~perime~tal studies have sho~ that the afî ect o~ the prep~sr~tion is ba~ed on its abilit;5r of dila tating coronar;sr ~rteries, thu3 accelerati:n~s a~imilation, b;y myoc~rdium9 of ener~-supplyi~g cub;tance~ a~d providing a pociti~ve e~fect on mitochondrial apparatu6 of m~oc~rdium cell which eventu~lly contribute~ to ~ pronounced de~relop~
ment of a po3itive inotro~ic ~fect of the cardiac mu~cle~, ~ he ph~ac~utical prep~ra~ion accordin~ to the pre~
~nt ~ention caII be u~eîul in the trea-~ent of ~uch di ~-~se~ a~ heart in~uf~icienc~r~ v~lcular de~ec t~ " m;yocarditi-~e~ 9 card~o~cl~ro~i'8, i~chemic :heart di~e~a q rh;~thm di~
~urbance~ o~ differe~t y;ene~isO In the~e casa~ it~ efîect i~ ~uperior to th~ therapeutic action of other pharmaceuti~
c~l preparation~ includin~;9 for exampl~, cardiac gl~co~de~, J~blocker~, Carb~crome~eO Especially pronou~ccd therapeu-tic xe~ult3 h~ve been ob~erved in ~e ca~e of chronical de-compen~3atio;n at rheu~aa~ic val~rul r defects 7 acu-~e circul~-, ~o:~y in~ufficiency at my~oc8rdi~1 in~arc-tio~O Also positi~re, though les~ pro~Lounced7 effect is obser~ed upon ~mini~tra~
tion of khe pharmaeeutic~l prepar~tion according to the preaent invention i~ ~hc case of paxo}c;y~mal tach~yoardia, fibrillation, ~V block, parox~m~O The preparatio~ accor din~ to the prese~t invention ha~; been tested in experiments on ~nimal~ ~nd in clinic~ on pa~i0n~3 with v~xious kinds of pathology~, ~ hus, the effect of the preparatio~ accordi~g to the pre~ent invelltion hs~ bee~ ~tudied relatiYe to vari~tion of ~he arrhy~hmogenic and lethal doses oî calcium chlorids.
thç experi~e~t was carried out o~ white mice of both ~exes w~ighing '19-~8 g which were narcotized by urethane a~d ECG w~
remetered in tran~thoracic lead. A ;~ ~olution of calcium chloride WhB ~dministered to tha te~t ~nimals into the tail ~rei~ at a co~st0~t rate (0u1 ml for 15 seco~ds). q!he ~verage do~e o~ c~lcium chloride cau~ing appearance of srrh~thmia and he~rt ~rre~ wa~ determined~ In the te~t group~ the ~tu~
die~ compoulld~ were ~dmini~tered 45, 60, '120~ '180 and 240 minutes befor~: the be~ ing of admini23tration of cslcium chlorid~ ~able 1 ) ~, It h~s been round t:h~t even ~ gle pre-limin~ry ~dmini~r~tio~ of the preparation based on 3-(2,2,2 t;rimethylh;~ zinium~-propionate intraperitoneall~ i~cresses ths arrh;~thmogenic and lethal dose~ of calcium chloride.
Though the prior art preparatiQ:~s :~o~oc~inamide and quini-d:Lne in ~ppropriate dose~ c~uses ~ more pronounced inor~ase oî the arrh;ythmogenic do~e oï calcium chloride, th~ preparfl-tion according to thc pre~ent inve~tion resul ts i~ a longer , ~

a~tiarxh;ythmic effect alt a ~ub~3t~ntially lower toxicitg (Tsble 2).
~ he snti~rrh~thmic activity w~ ~ atudied in experi-ments on whit~ ratfi of both ~;e~es with ~ ma~ of 190 to 2~0 g ~arcotized b;y ureth~ne; for the~e ani~als :E:CG wa~
r~corded. I~to th~ f emoral v~in OI the rat~ aconitine wa~
irltroduc~d ~t a con~tan~ rate a~d it~ arrh;ythmogenic and lethal doses were determined 13lo~g with their variation under the protective effect of t}le preparation ~ccording to the present in~rentio~. It ha~ been rou~d that the pre-p~ration ha~ ~ pronounced protective ePfect ~l~o at the peror~l mode of ~dmini~tr~tion t~able ~0 ~ hus~ proph~lactic peroxal ~dministration of the pre-paration at the dail~ dose of 25 mg/kg during one wee~ ~ub-~tantiall~ increa~e~ ~he arrhythmoKenic and leth~l dos~s Or ~conitlne (by ~8.7 and 27.6% re~pecti~el~ Jected 1~
hour~ ~fter the last ~dmini~tr~tion of the preparation of the in~e~tionO At a moro la~ting admi~i~tr~tion protective proper~ies of the prep~ratio~ ~re ~ronounced even more clearly ~ble 3)~
~ he ef~ect of the prepar~t~on a¢co~ding to the pre-~ent in~ention on the ~ri~tion o~ the arrh~thmogenic do~e o~ Strophanthin G wa~ studie~ in experiments on rab-bit~ of both se~e~ wi~h a maa3 of 0~3 to 0~6 kg admini~te-red with Stro~ha~thin G i~ the do~e of 60 ~g~g into the marginal ~uric~l~r ~in and, after e~er~ 5-10 minutes, at do~e o~ 5~10 ~g~kg till the appearance of ~ ~table ~ent-ricular extras~6toleO I~ the test ~roup~ 20-30 minute~ be-, - 7 -.. .. . . . . ... . . ... . .... . .

~ f~3 fore administration of the glycoside a solution of 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) propionate was propholactically ad-ministered intravenously, the ECG was recorded in II standard lead.
It was found that in the dose of 10 mg/kg the pre-paration increased the arrhythmogenic dose of Strophanthin G from 67+9 to 90-15 ug/kg (Table 4). At a further in-crease of the dose of the preparation to the present inven-tion its protective effect was increased too.

Variation of arrthythmogenic and lethan doses of CaCl~with time after administration of the studied phar-maceutical compositions in experiments on mice.
Table 1 N Pharmaceutical Preventive Ti~e, minu-tes _ _ os composition dose, mg/kg intraperi- 45 60 toneal adminis- arrhy- arrhy-tration thmo- lethal thmo- let-genic gonic hal Doses of CaCl ~ 2~

~- __ _ In~ection form of 1091.5 101.7 103.4 122.2 the preparation o~
~he invention, 40~
solution of 3-(2,2, 2 2-trimethylhydrazi-nium)propionate in 30 106.7 122.8 0.3% solution of NaCl
3 Novocainamide 10 114.16 120.8 125.16 143 .. . .. .. . ..... . . . ~ . ....... . .
4 Quinidine 3 128.9 147.7 104.5 117.8 120.84 138.54 119.~8 12~.2 , _ , ., . .. . . .. .


Table 1 (contd.) Control - 85 100.9 Nos. Time, minutes S

arrhyth- lethal arrhyth- lethal arrhyth- lethal mogenic mogenic mogenic __ Doses of CaC12 mg/kg _ 2 111.9 130 110.1 116 117.5 130.2 121.9 128 .
86.85 104.5 3 93.16 114.9 . _ 87.47 103.65 ~ 94.5 117.6 88.7 115.8 .

Table 2 Acute toxicity of pharmaceutical compositions in experiments on white mice at intravenous administration.

Pharmaceutical compo~ition LD50, mg/kg Injection orm of the preparation of this invention, 40~ solution of 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) propionate in distilled water 4,430(3,164.3-6.202) -.~,~.

Table 2 (contd.) Novocainamide 112 (97.39-128.8) Quinidine 58 (58.6-78.88) - 9a -, ~able 3 ~tisrrhythmogenic ~ckivit~ of the preparation according to the pre~ent in~en~ion ~t it~ repeated admini~tration in experime~t~ on rat~0 Do~e of the harmaceutical Aconitine dose ~ariation, compo~ition ~mg/kg) admi ni~t~red perorally and Administr~tion for contsining~ g:
1 wee~ 2 week~

3~(2,2 2-trlmethylhydr~ rh~t~ Lethal mogeYi~ hal zinium~propion~te 0.400û

Silica with pux~ty grade of 99u~ ~nd particle ~ize of 5-20 ~m 0.0340 potato ~t~rch 0.05B6 Meth~lcellulose 000024 M~gne~ium ~tearate 0.0050 ~8~7 i 270~ ~2.,26 2~.7 100 , 5506 16.2 3406 9.7 ., , , ~ 10 -.
`:~ . ., ~ble 4 Vari~tion of the arrhythmogenic dose of ~troph~nthin G under the action of the pharmac~utica1 prepar~tion of the pre~0nt in~ention Prepara Arrh~thmo Duratio~
Ph~rmaceutic~l tion do~e~ genic dose of arrhy-compo~ition mg/~g in- of Strop- thmi~, travenou~- hanthing mi~utas olution of the 10 90~15 '12~6 prep~ratioll ~coording ~ 25 ~lOG~'10 8~5 to the pre~e~t inven- 50 ~106~12 15 tion containing 3-~ ~, 2, 2-trimethylhydra-zin:L~m)propion~te ~he sctive principle - - 67~9 20+10 q~o i~veutigate the thex~peutic aff ect o~ the prepara~
tion ~ccording to the pre~ent i~ventiorl relatlve to th~
Stroph~nthin arrh;~hmia 9 another serie of expeximents W~18 c~rried outO Stroph~nth~ was intr~e~ou~ dmini~
re~ to rabbits o~ both ~e~e~ with a ma~ o~ 3~0 to 3.8 kg i~ the ~sener~l do~e o~ 80~ug/k~ wbich cauaed arrh;ythmia within 40-60 mi~utes~ ~he te~t preparation was i~atravenou~
tered at the ~c~ground of ~rrh~rthmi~ i~ th~ teat g~o~p O
It w~ found that ~he prep~ratio~ b~ed o~ 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydr~zinium)propion~te in a ~o~e of 1 ~o 3 ~ ~g _, 11 -- ' ~' ' .

~ 5~in the mfl~orit~ o te~ts ~lread~ within 1-2 minute~ ~fter the intravenous admini~tr~tion ~emporaril~ arre~ted ventri-cul~r tachy~rrhythmia cau6ed by Stropha~thin G in r~bbit~O
Chsnges in the comp~ex QGS~ were also reduced; after the ~dmini~tr~tio~ of th~ prep~ration in the dose of 5 mg/kg the regular SynUS8l rh~thm w~s ret~ined ~or 12~5 minu~e~
o~ the average, whereafter arrhythmia wa~ gradually renewed, but it could be again elimin~ted b~ a repeat~d administra-tion o~ the prep~ration in a dose of 2-5 mg/kgO In such case~ the ~inusal rhythm was retained for 15 to 30 minute~
and in the ma~ority of tests srrhythmia wa~ ~ever renewed.
Furthermor~, a~ ~periment wa~ carried out o~ narcotized guinea pigs with a ma~ of 600-7~0 g to which Stroph~nthin -~ w~s admi~istered into ~he f~moral vein in the total do~e o~f 500 ug~kg.
~ he prep~ratio~ based o~ 3-~2,2,2-trimethylhy~xa~onium)-propion~te was intr~enousl~ ~dministered against the back-ground o~ arrhythmia in the te~t group. It was ~ound that ~
alread~ wi~hi~ 2-3 minutes a~ter the intr~venou9 adminiBtr~- i tion the teBt prepara~ion temporarily ~rr~ted the ventri-cular ~rrh~thmia caused b~ Stroph~nthin ~ e the gr~ph~.
~he ch~nges in the co~plex QRST were reduced ~nd the atxial fibrillation di~appesred which wes demo~tr~ted b~ the appe-~r~nce of the ~pt. ripple. I~ ~ome ca~e~ at a timel~ ~dmini-~tration of t~e prep~r~tion in a dose of 2-~ ~g~kg it wa~
po~sible to al~o eliminate the atrio-ven~ricul~r bloc~
c~u~ed b~ Strophanthin Kv ~he graph illustrate~ the recordi~g o~ ECG of a guinea p~,g, ~he ~fect of compound I on Stroph~nthi~ arrhynthmia i~ ~;uinea pig~.
A ~ ECG of a gUi3D ea pig in IX standard lesd and time mark of 1 8eCOnl~lo :B - r~cording cont:inued.
1 ~ ~t~rting ~:CG
2 ~ ECG 3 minut~s a~ter administr~tion of S1;rophan~hiIl X
in the do~;e of 0. 5 m~ g 3 - ECG ~ minute~3 after admini~tratio~ o~ the preparat;ion in the do~e oï 2 " 0 mg/kg 4 - recording of :3CG b;~r 8 minutea ls~t~r
5 -ECG 3 minutes after a~ tr~tion of the prepa~ation i~
the do~e of 5 mg/kg (18 minute~ af ter the begin~ing of t~e experimeilt )
6 :E:CG p~tter:~ 15 mi~ute~ af~er admini~tratio~ o~ the preparation in the do~e of 5 mg/k~
7 ~ ECG p~ttern 5 minutes after ~ repeated ~dminis~ration of t~c preparation in t~e dose of ~ mg/kg
8 - :ECG patter~ 5 minutes ~ter the repe~ted a~mini~tra tio~ of the p~ep~rat~on in th~ do~e of 5 mg~kg.
~urthermor~ 9 th~ prep~r~tion accordin~; to ~he present invention wa~ t~ted Ior a ~peci~ic anti~rr~thmic &nd anti-~ngi~l erfe~t~. ~or t~e purpo~e o~ compari~on also 1;ested were prior ~rt ~ntiarrhythmic prepar~tio~s ~ guinidine, novocain~mide 7 lidocain a~d a know~ antianginal agent -c~rbo.cromene~ ~he ef~ect of the no~rel ph~r~aceutical com-position ~ccording to the presen~ i~vention was studied ol~ c~r~ w~i~shing 20973~.6 kg; the pr~p~ration wa~ u6ed as ::.

~t . ,. :, ~ . ,i `

~ ~5~
a ~ agueous ~ol~tion corlt~ini~g 3-(2, 2, 2-tri~ethylh;ydra-zinium)propionate for th~ de~ermirla~ion of the thre~hold value of electric ~ibrilla tion of au:ricle ~nd ventricle~.
At arti~icial resp ~atio~ a.~ter openin~; of thor~x ~d perie~rdium needle-like eleotrode~ were applied to the right auricula and ~pex of the left ~entricle. The irritation w~ effected b~ ~iquaxe pul~es of 1 m. sO, 15 st/so ~he cur-rent pa~sing through the he~rt w~8 graduall~ increased till fibrillation~ ~ppe~red which were ev~luated b~ ECG and arterial preesure on a ph;srsiograph s~r~ilable from ~arco Bio S;yskems Co., The studied compo~md~ wer~ adminiætered intravenouslyO ~he results thus obtained are 8~10W~1 in ~ble 5 hereinbelow. It was found th~t the ph~rmaceutical composition sccording to the preserlt i~ventioll in a do~e of from 6 to 15 mg/kg upon intra venous admini~tr~tion incre~ed by 40~55% the threshold of alcctricaî ~ibrillation o~ suricle and ventricle~3 novoca-inamid~ provided the ~EIme ~ffect in ~ dose of 40-55 m~/~cg.
Quinidine ~nd lidocain, though exerting their effect at lower do~e~, had ~ ~ubst~ti~ r highsr toxicity.
For the compari~on of prep~r~tion~ 7 a~ the criterion o~ the r~n~e o~ t~erapeutic eff ect, there w~e used the ratio o~ the h~lf-leth~l do~e to the half effective dose ~D5of ;E:D5~) which was r~ferred to a~ the ~nti~rrh;ythmic ind~x~.
Th¢ ~llti33~;~thmic index of the pharmaceutical compo~ition ~ccord~ng t~ the preeent inven~ion in the Iorm o~ ~ '10% 60-lution containin~;, as the a~-ti~e p~inoiple~ 3 ~2~2~2~tri-meth~lhydr~inium~propionste ~443) for this paxticular t~pe of ~rrh~thmia w~ subsk~nti~lly higher than the ~ntiarrhyth-- 14 ~


mic index of quinidine (26)~ lidoc~in (1~) and novoc~insmi-de (2.3)~ Th~ comparative study o~ th~ antiarrh~thmic aciti vit~ of ph~rmaceutical prep~ration8 using acotine model of arrh~thmia w~ effected in experiment~ on white r~ts 190-240 g. The test prepsrations wer~ ad~inistered in traperito~eally ~0-40 minute~ before ~dministration of aco-nit.ineO ~he results are shown in ~able 5 hereinbelow.
For this ~odel o~ ~rrhythmia the ph~rmaceutical prepa-ration according to the pre6ent inventio~ show~ a sub~tan-ti~lly higher activity as compared to ~he known ~ntiarrhythmic prepMration~O ~hus; the anti~rrhythmic index for the pharma-ceutical preparation according to the pre~ent invention was 3~, whil~ for gui~idi~e and.novocai~amide ~hese ~alues were 16 ~nd 2.5 respectivel~J A~ the third model of arrh~thmia the~
re was u~ed ~trophanthin arrh~thmia in guinea pigs. ~o guine~
pig~ with a ma~ of 420 to 7~0 g Strophanthin-K wa9 admini~
~exed in the do~e of 450 ~/kg. In the oontrol ~roup this dose o~ Strophanthin caused ~ppe~r~nce of arrhythmia a~ i de~th o~ th~ anim~].s wit~i~ 1Z~20 minutes~ ~g~in~t the background of arr~ythmia the test prepsrations were adminis~
t~red intr~ve~ousl~ ~h~ result~ thus obt~in~d are sho~n in ~ble 5 hereinb~low. ~he test~ h~ve ~hown ~hst the intra~e~ou~ 1.
~dministr~tion of the pharm~ceuticsl Gomposition ~ccording '.
to the pre~ent inventio~ and novoc~n~mide cut~ ~hort the .:
Strophanthin-induced arrhythmia in guine~ plg5 for 5-20 minu te~ in 6 experime~ts out o~ 8, wherea~ the administratio~
o~ lidoc~n ~nd qu nidi~e cause~ improvement, accordlng to ECG data, rOr only 0.5-3 mi~ute~ in 4 out of 7 and in 4 out o~ 8 ~im~l~ re~ecti~el~. ~5 .

~ ha stud~ of the preparation according to the pre~ent invention for arterial pre~sure.g breathing and hemody~amic effects of ~orepinephrine~ neoepinephrine, no~oepinephrine 9 ~cet~lchcline and histamine wa~ carried out i~ e~periments on cats with a mass of 2~8 to 4.0 kg n~rcotized by chlor~se.
~here were then recorded the ~nimalsl arteri~l pressure~ res piration ~nd ~CG on a phy~iograph pro~uGed ~ rco Bio-Sy~-tem~ Co.
~nti~rrh~thmic ~cti~ity and aeute toxicity of the te~t ph~rmac0utic~l compo~ition~
~able 5 ~D 0 mg/kg ~ ~D5J~D50/
~0~ Ph~rmaceutical compo~ition Electric irri- Aconitine ar- i~
t~tion of cat 1 8 ~hgthmia in he~rt r~t~ ' .__________ ~_____~__~___ _ 4 10% ~queous solution of the ph~rm~ceutical pre~ 5 2 p~r8tion of this i~ven tion for i~jections containin~ 3-~2,2 2-tri meth~lhydr6~inium~pro-pion~te as the active principle 10~3.5 ~433J ~205~2.5/354 3 Quinidine 2~6tO.5 ~26~4.3~006 ~16J

4 Novocai~mide 46.0~60~ J2/ 45.0~5.0~2~5J

5 L1docai~ 3.o 0~3 J~3~


' ~abl e 5 ~contO) }:Dso mg~k~ D50/~D5o~ Acute to~i-~o~ ci~
Strophanthin ~rrh~th~ white mice mi~ in guinea pigsnous admi-nistration, I,D50 m~/k~

2 7.8~2~3 /568/ ~943 (3,164~3~69202) 3 2 0 3~0 ~ 4 ,~30~ 68 (5~"6-7~.88) ., i.
7 ~ 2/ ( 97 ~ 9~128 . 8 ) ;
f 3 . 8~0 . 5 /11/ 40 ~3~.3;4~) ' ~
~t was fou~d that in doses of,0.5 to 2.0 m~3/kg the f~
prep~r~tion ~dministered intrave~ousl~ did ~ot re~ult i~
~ny essential ch~nge of arterial pre~sure, pul~e ~reguency and respir~tion. ~hs above-~peci~ied do~e~ of the prepera tlo~ neither chsnged the leYel of~ respon~es to biogenio ami~
nes. At higher dose~ of the preparation (15-25 mg/kg~ there w~ observed ~ ~hort-time reduction of arteri~l pres~ure by 5-20 mm ~g which in some c~;es wa~ changed to a more l~tinK (5-12 minutes) i:~crease of ~rterial pressure by 5-10 mm Hg as compared tv the initial valueu ~t the same t~me ther2 wa6 ob~erved a short time increase of the res- ;

~ 5~
ponse to hist~mi~e (by 5-10~) and ch~nge in response to ~he ~dmini~tration of neoepinephxine (by 5-1~%) and ~ce~yl choline ~by 10-15%)q A ~ur~her i~cre~se Or the prep~r~tion dose did not c~use changes of blood pres~ure or respon6e to the admini~tration of biogenic amines.
~ here were also carried out comp~rative ~tudies of the ~ffect on coron~ry circulation exerted by the pharmaceuti-cal compo~ition according to the present invention and car-bocrD~ene~ ~he pharmaceutical compo6îtio~ according to the inventio~ i~ used in the form of a 20% in~ection solution contsini~g 3-~(2,2,2~trimeth;~1h~dr~zinium)propion~te a~ the ac-ti~e princip~e in a 0O~% ~olution of sodium chloride.
I~ ~cute experiment~ o~ narcotized ~ats with a mass of from 2.9 to 4.1 kg under the conditions of ~rtificial re~pi-r~tion ~rteri~l pressure w~ recorded in common carotide , arter7, centr~l venou~ pre~sure - in right ~uricle, volu~e rate o~ blood ~low in the ~scending aortic arch and volume rate of t~e coronar7 blood flow~ At the sa~e time there was recorded the content of oxyhemoglobin in venou~ coronar~
blood~ ~he compar~tive dat~ on the efficienc~ of the pharma-ceu~ie~l compo~ition according to the present invention ~nd that of carbocro~bne are ~own in ~a~le 6 hereinbelowu it i~ 8e~n from the ~ble, the ph~rmsceutical compo-8ition ~ccording to the presenk invention ~nd c~rbocromene i~ e~ui~alent dose3 i~crease9 over a long timel th~ volu~e rate of coronary blood flow at a low effect exerted on the ~rterial pre~sureO oth preparation~ do not change'or o~l~ :
~lightl~ rea~0 the c~rdi~c output. ~urthermore, ~he pre-'I ~
, ',`' , .' . ' par~tion acç~rding to the present in~ention, likewi~e c~rbocro-mene, lastingl~ increase ~aturation of venous blood of corona-r~ sinu~ with oxygen, w~ereag toxici~ of the preparation of thi~ invention'i~ b~ 12 ~ime~ le3~er th~n th~t of carbocrome ne. ~or thi~ rea~on, the therapeutical index of the novel pharm~ceutical compo~itio~ i8 by approximately 3 time~ hi~her (314 v~. 130)o ~ here were ~l~o carrie~ out the tests of ~llerge~ic ca p~city of the prep~ration accordin~ to the invention; the test results have ~ho~n that the prepar~tion does not cau~e irritation of ve~sel walls when aclministered intravenously;
neithex it cause~ aller~ic re~ponses both at i~travenou~ and pero~al modes of ~dministration e~ther upon ~ si~le or long-time (up to ~0 da~) admini~tra~io~ thereof~
~ e prepar~tion doses of up to 10,000 mg/kg in e~peri-ments on white rats administered perorall~ on ~n~ day of pregna~cy cau~ed no embr~otoxic or teratogenic effect6, ~he stud~ of the mut~genous ~ctivit~ of the preparatîon based o~ 3-(2,2,2~trimeth~lhydrazinium)propionata dih~dr~te on ~ruit flies and ~almonellae h~s ~hown that the preparation of the pre~ent invention doe~ not h~ve mutagenous acti~it~J
Pharmaceutic~l preparatio~ based on 3-(2~2~2~rimeth~l-h~r~zinium)propionate dih~dr~te are stable in ~tor~ge at ths tempex~ture o~ ~5C for flt le~8t two yearsO
~ he prepsration h~ been ~tudied o~ more than 65 pati-ents suffering from YariOUs patholoEy of the cardio-vascular sy~tems such a8 heart rbythm disturb~nce~ ~arrhythmia) of different etiology, i~chemic hesrt disea~e, ~tenocardia, athero~clerosi~0 : _ ~9 _ , qhough the indication~ for admini~tration of the prepax~tion were con~iderabi~ low, during clinical tests it wa~ ~dministexed ~ainly to patients with ischemic he~rt dise~se (IHD)o Given hereinafter are the results of ~n~lysis of the preparation a~icie~cy in 20 men and women ag0d from 25 to 50 ~ear~.
All the patients h~d typical s~enocardia (angin~ pec-toris) ~ttacks, two patients h~d pronounced p~tholog~ of coronary ~rt~ries revealed by coronarograph~ and in 5 pati~
ents - a l~rge-focu~ myocardi~l infarction in ~n~mnesis with p~thological 0 in ECG~ ~11 patient~ were peror~lly ~dminis~
tered with the prepax~tion i~ ~ dose of 20 to 40 mg of the :~
~ctive principla per k~ of the bodyweight which each pati-e~t was given during the dayti~e with meals for 4 wee~s altogether which was 4~-96 g on the a~er~ge per the treat-ment cour~e.
~ he fo~lowing hemodgnamic~ parameters were studied.
r~te of the heart's ~aat (R~B), electroc~rdiogram (~CG)~
~11 kinds of ~rterial pr~ssure with the curve recording on ~ Mechanocardiograph 063 ~Savitsky' 8 model), beat ejectio~
accordi~g to the Wrem~er-Ranke metho~t ~peed o~ pulse w~e prop~ation, ph~e an~lysis of the left ventricle sy~tole o~ ~n in~trument Mingogrsph M 341 a~ well ~ amplitude time parameter~ (volume rate of e~ection VRE, speed of pr~ure ~row~h (SPG)~ rste of heart rela~ion (R~R~).
Duri~g the investi~ation the patients suffering from I~D continued their acti~e way of life, all other medicated compounds were calcelled, except for ~itroglycerin tabl~t~
when required~

~able 6 ~emodynamic characteristic~ and acut~ toxicit~
of the p~armaceutical preparatio~ containing 3 (2,2,2-trimethylh~drazinium)propionate a~
the active principle and the preparation C~rbocromene~

Pharm~ceutical Dose~ Volume rate of arterial pre~sure, %
No~ preparat1on mg/kg Perce~t Increase . of incre~- duration~
. se - mi~utes 1 ___________ ~Z________ ~ 4 20% in~ection solu- 2 15 20 tion contai~ing 2 3-(2,2,2-trimethyl- 10 40 45 hydrazinium~propio-nate as the active25 55 7 principle in 0.9 fiolution of NaCl 3 C~rbocromene 0O5 30 35 - 21 ~

Tabl a 6 (cont. ) Change of Change of Change of Ac~te toxicit;sr ~: arterial heart out- central for white mice os pressure, putg ~6 venou~ at intraperito-96 pres~ure 5 neal administ % . ratio~, ID
mg/~g 6 ~Z 8 ~ -5 ~~ +5 0 7 9 ~50 2 (~ '1.6+9,4~0) ~5 '10 -5 -8 - ~5 ~10 - 20 ~10 Q - ~5 +5 ~5 650 3 (500 ~ 845) ~5 +5 - 15 . 5 0 ~ +7 ~5 - 15 5 - 10 Ev~3n during the first week from the beginning of ad mini.~tration oî the ;pr~paration a considerable improv ement o~ th~ patient~ ' state of health was noted: retro3ter~al pain~, occurred les~ f'requentl~, dyspnea became less pxo-nouIlced, ~he rate of admini~tration of ~itrogl;s~cerin tablets per day wa~ sharpl;y reduced,, working capacit~ was incre~sed~ weakness in leg~ disappear~, heart inter-mis6ions became le~s frequentO
~ he eleGtrocardiographic investigations re~realed a slight decrea~ of the rate of the heart ' ~ beat, di~ppea-rance of auriculare snd ~rentricular ext:ras;y~toles3 rei;D-s~

Yer~ion of the T ripple ~nd inc~ease of it~ posi tiYe smp-litude. In the investigation o~ arterisl pressure there wa~ observed the growth of all ki~ds of ~P, especiall~
the value of hemodynamic imp~ct which pointed to the growth of kinetic energ~ of the hemod~amic flow. ~he ~rowth of the ~rterial pressure wa~ a~sociated mainly with the increase of beat ejection~ whPrea~ the tonus of vessels of ela~tic and mascular t~pe was not substantially ch~nged which was demol~trated by the values of the pro-pagation ~peed of the pulse w~ve~
In the phase analysis of the left ventricl2 duri~
the treatment the involution period ~ WAS definitel~ in-creesed the phase of expul~ion E wa~ reduced, the period of ten~ion PT shortened mainly due to a reduction of the period of isometric contraction (IC).
~or evaluation of contraction properties of myo~ -cardium ~eparately during its 8~5 tolic ~nd diastol~c pe-riod~ o~ its co~traction there were used amplitude~time ch~racteristics rate of heart e~ection (RH~), rate of pressure raise ~BP~) a~d rate o~ heart relaxation ~RER)~
~ he rate of heart ejection (~E) i~ determined by the fo~mula: B~6 , wherein BV - beat volume i~ ml~ E ~ time of the expul~ion phase in second~O
~ he value o~ RHE characterizes contraction proper tie~ of t~e myoc~rdium during the sy~tole period; incxease of this v~lue in the course of treatment b~ means of the prepar~tion according to the pre~ent invéntion demon~tra-~e~ improYement of inotropic p~operties of m~ocardium.
- ~3 ~

The rate of pre~sure xsi~e i8 determined by the for-mul~: RPR ~ wherein DP - diastolic pressure in mm, C

Hg, 5 - co~entional value of ~he final diastolic pressure in the aoxta, IC - isome~ric contraction. RPR characterized contracti~e prop~rties of the m~ocardium during the period of closed valves and it~ sbilit~ of rapidly surpassing the value of pre~sure in the aorta for ope~ing of the aortic valves.
The rate o~ beart relsxation (R~IR) characteri3es acti-vity of the m~ocardium at the moment of diastole and is determined b~ the foxmula: ~R = ~ , wherein SP -~tolic pressure in -the brachial artery in mm ~, 5 - conventional value of the final diastolic pressure in the aorta, D ~ duration of the diastolic period in secoIlds.
The re~ult~ of the inve~tig~tion are ~hown in ~able 7 hexein-below.
The antianginal and ~ntiarrh~thmic effects of the pre-paration accordin~ to the present invention were evaluated with the use of the ln~ectional pharmaceutical form oX the pr~psrstio~ administered intra~enously in an amou~t of 00 2 to 0.4 g based on the active principle~ In 8 cases of ste~ocardia attack in 5 patients -the prep~ration rapidly cut short retrosternal pain~ without an~ additional admi-nistrstion of nitrates, analgetics and narcotics. However, the analgetic effect was not alwa~s stable which necessits-ted a repeated administratio~ of the preparationO
The prep~ration efficiency in the case of extrasysto-lic srrh~thmia was studied on 7 patients~ ~he i~travenous , .


Variatio~ OI hemod;y~amic parameters in patients with I~ID under the e~fect of ~M~m~ of the pero~al form o~ the pharmaceu~ical compo~;ition containirlg 3- ( 2, 2, 2-trimet~;srlh;~rdra zinium)propi onate dihydrate a6 the zctive principle ~abl e 7 Psrameter during the b sf ore Nos Parameker treatment 1 st week 2nd wee~
_ __ _~_ __ __ 2 , ~ _ _ 4 2 beeat/m~s 72. 3~ 5 67 . 8+1 ,, 8 64. 3+'1 . 3 3 beat ~rolume, l/min 70 ~ 2~5 .. ~ 72 ~ 2~3 . 7 74 0 4+~ . 7 . ~ minute blood volume, 5.6+0.3 4.9~1.3 4.8~5.1 l/min 5 f inal ~ysto-mm/Hg 130 ,.4+2. 0 134. 6+1. 6 143 . 5~1 . 8 6 lateral systo- 11508+0.5 1'16.4~2.1 1~l809~1~7 7. ~vera~e d~na- .
mic pres6ure 89 . 7~1 . 2 90 ~. 6~0 ~ 7 91 . 2~10 2 a d stol c 68 . 2+0 . 6 69 . 9+1 . ~ 70 0 3~0 r 9
9 pulse pres~ 47.6~0.6 46.5~1.1 48.~1.6 hemod;ynsmic '1*,.6~1.2 18.2~1.. 0~ 24.6~0.7 11 i~volution 830~26 . 873f33 933_~42b '12 expulsion phase,milli~ 222~4 . 225+2 230~3 13 te:~lsion period, milliseeond~ '109-~4 .104+2 ~100~4 ^5 .

~able 7 (cont.) ~ __ 4 5 14 as~nchxon.
contraction 56+2 55~4 54~2 i~ometric contraction, millisec. 53~2 49~3 46~4 16 diastol~, milIiseconds 499~14 543~21 603~21 17 volume of heart ejection, ml~sec 315~15 320+23 322~13 18 rate of pres~
sure raise, mm Hg/sec 1,188~30 1,326+45. 1~473~130 19 rate of heart relax~tion, mm Hg/sec 250~9 238~10 229~8 Note: certainty of difference p c 0.010 , -- 2b -- ' .


~able 7 (contO) Parameter during the treatment ~os ~
3rd week 4th week _ 2 60.1+176~ 62.2+1.4 3 ~0~6+405 8400~.4 4 4.~+307 5.2+3~5 ~45.0~2.4~ ~50.6~2~7 6 120.1+1.4~ 125.6~007 7 92~0~1.8 92.2~1.0 8 7203+1.4 72.0~1~8¢
9 47.8+1.4 53.6+102 ~0 24.9~.5~ 25.~+0.7 ~1 1000+42~ 965~21 ~2 232~4 ~35~3 13 99~3~ 88*2 14 56~4 55~3 43+2 33~2 16 669~14~ 642~14 ~7 374+14~ 357+17 18 1,581~54~ 2,030+68 19 209~8 226~12 ~ote: ~cartainty of differe~ce P - 0.01 ~ 2?-administration o~ the prep~ration (1 ml of a L~~ solu-tion) arrested the rhythm disorder ~or 5-20 minutes.
~ herefore, the pharmaceutical preparation based on 3-(2,2,2-trimeth~lh~dr~zinium)propionate in patients with verified ischemic disease provides the inotropic effect on the myocardium, remo~es retrosternal pains and rhythm disorders ~uch as extrasystole.
Consequently, the ph~rmaceutical preparation according to the present invention fea-tures a special scope of activit~; it m~nifests itself a~ a ~asodilative prepa-ration relative to coronary arteries, facilitates imprQVe~
ment of the myocardial metabolism and posse6ses a clearly pronounced and stable positi~e inotropic ef~ect.
~ he pharmaceutical preparation ac~ording to the pre-sent invention is preferabl~ administered in the form of injectio~ solutions, tablets~ capsules, powders. It is in-dicated at the rate of 10 to ~0 m~kg of the bodyweight as tablets or cap~ules per da~ simultaneously with taking meals, or i~ the form of 10-40% injection solution~ ~he preparaticn of the present invention relates to low-toxic ~ubsta~ces ~ist B or even les~ strict).
Pharmaceutical forms o~ thc preparation for peroral administration are stable for two years at room temperatu-re and are to be stored in a dry~ ht-protected place Injection solutions should be stored for ~ot more than 2 years at a temperature of not more than +5C.
~ he active principle according to the, vizo 3-(2,2,2-trimetylhydrazinium)propionate is ....

~ a ~s~

prepared b~ a~y conven~ional me~hod; for ex~mple, a solutiono~ methyl-3-(272~2~trimeth~lh~drazi~iu~pr~pion~te chloride in .
water is passed through a co1umn with an îon exchange resin Amberli te IRA-400 /Registered ~rade Mark/. The solvent is re-moved and the residue is cr~stallized from eth~nol~ ~here are thus obtai~ed 140 g (85~) of 3-(2~2,2-trimethylh~draziniu~) propionate in the form of colourless c~stals with the M.p.
of 254-256C. ~MR spectrum ( ~ , ppm): 6.79 sin~let, (CH3)3~+; 6.89 triplet~ CH~; 7.77, triplet, CH2.
~ ound, %: C 39.56, ~ 10-10, ~ 15.36; C6H1~02~2~2~20 Calculated, %: C 39.56; H 9.89, N 15~30.
3 - ( 2 7 2~2 trimethyl~ydrasinium)propionate dih~drate comprises ~ htl~ h~groscopic white substances well solub-le in water, hot ethanol and methanol, insoluble in non-polar solvents, having a weak specific odour. When stored in closed ware at room temperature, it is stable fox at 2 ~ear~. ~pon heati~g above 40C the product loses crystsl-lization water and slowl~ decomposes.

-- 29 -~

Claims (4)

1. A pharmaceutical composition possessing antiarrhyth-mic and antianginal activity comprising an active principle, viz. 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium)propionate dihydrate of the following formula:

and a pharmaceutically acceptable diluent.
2. A pharmaceutical composition according to Claim 1 for injections, wherein the active principle is present in an amount of from 5 to 40% by weight.
3. A pharmaceutical composition according to Claim 1 for injections, wherein a the pharmaceutically acceptable diluent use is made of a solvent - distilled water or an isotonic solution.
4. Pharmaceutical composition according to Claim 1 in the form of tablets or capsules wherein the active principle is contained in an amount of from 0.1 to 0.5 g per tablet or capsule.
CA000412930A 1982-10-06 1982-10-06 Pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of cardio-vascular diseases Expired CA1185528A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000412930A CA1185528A (en) 1982-10-06 1982-10-06 Pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of cardio-vascular diseases

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000412930A CA1185528A (en) 1982-10-06 1982-10-06 Pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of cardio-vascular diseases

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1185528A true CA1185528A (en) 1985-04-16



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA000412930A Expired CA1185528A (en) 1982-10-06 1982-10-06 Pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of cardio-vascular diseases

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CA (1) CA1185528A (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
RU2467748C1 (en) * 2011-08-08 2012-11-27 Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет" 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) propionate derivative - 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) potassium propionate glycinate exhibiting endothelioprotective activity

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
RU2467748C1 (en) * 2011-08-08 2012-11-27 Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет" 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) propionate derivative - 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) potassium propionate glycinate exhibiting endothelioprotective activity

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