CA1175084A - Towing attachment support for vehicles and in particular motorcars - Google Patents

Towing attachment support for vehicles and in particular motorcars


Publication number
CA1175084A CA000364008A CA364008A CA1175084A CA 1175084 A CA1175084 A CA 1175084A CA 000364008 A CA000364008 A CA 000364008A CA 364008 A CA364008 A CA 364008A CA 1175084 A CA1175084 A CA 1175084A
Prior art keywords
attachment support
supporting body
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French (fr)
Gabriel Allain
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
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Application filed by TUNESI SA filed Critical TUNESI SA
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1175084A publication Critical patent/CA1175084A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • B60D1/00Traction couplings; Hitches; Draw-gear; Towing devices
    • B60D1/24Traction couplings; Hitches; Draw-gear; Towing devices characterised by arrangements for particular functions
    • B60D1/30Traction couplings; Hitches; Draw-gear; Towing devices characterised by arrangements for particular functions for sway control, e.g. stabilising or anti-fishtail devices; Sway alarm means
    • B60D1/34Traction couplings; Hitches; Draw-gear; Towing devices characterised by arrangements for particular functions for sway control, e.g. stabilising or anti-fishtail devices; Sway alarm means involving springs
    • B60D1/00Traction couplings; Hitches; Draw-gear; Towing devices
    • B60D1/48Traction couplings; Hitches; Draw-gear; Towing devices characterised by the mounting
    • B60D1/50Traction couplings; Hitches; Draw-gear; Towing devices characterised by the mounting resiliently mounted


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Transportation (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Vehicle Body Suspensions (AREA)
  • Motor Or Generator Cooling System (AREA)
  • Motor Or Generator Frames (AREA)
  • Insulation, Fastening Of Motor, Generator Windings (AREA)
  • Body Structure For Vehicles (AREA)
  • Agricultural Machines (AREA)




Inventor: ALLAIN Gabriel Applicant: Société Anonyme TUNESI

The invention relates to a towing attachment support comprising :
- an adaptation body mounted on a towing vehicle so as to be at the most in line with that part of the vehicle directed towards the vehicle to be towed, - a supporting body, associated to an element joining it with a complementary part of a vehicle to be towed and forming a dampened lever mounted on the adaptation body by two elastically deformable connecting points.
The invention finds an application in the constitution of a towing attachment on a private motorcar.



The present invention relates to -towing attachment supports to be adapted on vehicles, and in particular motorcars, to allow the connection with the complem-entary part of a towed vehicle such as a trailer.
To ensure the above function, it is currently known to use rigid structures, rigidly fitted on the body, the chassis or the shell of a towing vehicle, SQ as to present on the outside of the vehicle or out of its overall dimensions, a joining system on which can be adapted a complementary counterpart provided on the vehicle to be towed. In general, the means used to make the connection between the complementary parts form a single point articulation system, of the swivel, knuckle, hook, or cardan type for example.
As a results of this single connecting point, there occurs during -the towing, a concentration of the forces under load, giving rise to a resulting torque which is applied to the anchoring or connecting points between -the rigid ~tructure of the towing attachment system and the towing vehicle.
Said resulting torque however, is not constant in intensity ancl direction since it results ~rom variations in the alternated forces due to altera-tions in the towing conditions and occ~ring between the towing vehicle and the towed vehicle, in the towin$ direction but also in the vertical plane traversing said direction.
The effect of these alternated forces is that they wear down the structure and anchoring points to the extent of leading to premature breaking which can cause accidents hhen they occur when a vehicle ls towed.
Another effect of these alternated forces to be noted is a constant change of the driving conditions due to the variation of the load applied to the single connecting point. Such load variations considerably impair driving, making it of-ten dangerous and always tiring, since 7~

the dri.ver has to permanently compensate for induced phe.nomena such as the variation of the stability with a li~htening of the steering, the variation and reversing of the load distribution of the towing vehicle, etc~.
It i5 precisely the object of the invention to eliminate these disadvanta~es of the currently known towing attachment systems by proposing a new support especially desi~ned to absorb the alternate stres-ses arising during the towing, so as to reduc~ the strains applied to the anchorins points between -the towing vehicle and -the coupling device, and also to impro~e noticeably the driving conditions forthe towing vehicle~
Another object of the invention is to obtain the trans-~er of the point of application of the stresses towards the front part of the towing vehicle, in order to reduce the lever-arm existing between the rear axle and the poi~-t of application of the pulling forces~
This arrangement af*ords the possibility of reducing in corresponding proportion the pulling torque applied and, as a result, to confer better driving characteristics by giving a greater stability and a better distribution of the load on the towing vehicle.
Another object of the invention is to arrange that said characteristic of reducing the lever-arm or overhang is obtain0d in the case of single a~d e~enof combined towing attachments with a stabilizing system by vertical and lateral load distribution effect.
Another object of the in~ention is t~
confer to the towing attachment device or support, an extra characteristic of instant disconnection, which is practical and easy to perform, so that in addition, it is possible to elimi.nate on demand that part of the attachrr~ent support which normally extends beyond the overall di~ensions o~ the towing vehicleO Said characteristic is especially appreciated when the towing vehicle is used on its own~
since it eliminates t.he risks of bodily injury or material ~L~'7S~

damage whieh can often be due to the projeetion so~etimes scarcely discernable, of that part normally serving for attachment to the colnplementary portion of a vehiele to be towed.
-Yet another objeet of the invention resides in the faet that owing to the design of the attachment support, the adaptation of any joining device on a single support is also feasible as well as the connection ~ith a stabilizing device by vertieal and lateral distribution of the loads.
A further objeet of the invention is to allow, by the very way it is constituted, all possi-bilities of adaptation on the bodyh~or~, the chassis or any other structural element of a tolYing vehicle~
in relation to the characteristics or possibilities offered by the design of said vehicle.
According to the invention, the attachment support for a vehicle, such as a ~otorcar~ is eharacterized in that it comprises :
- an adaptation body mounted on a towing vehicle so as to be at the most in line with that part of the vehiele direeted to~Yards the ve]liele to be towed, - a supporting body, assoeiated to an element joining it with a complelllentary part of a vehicle to be tolYed and fortning a dampened lever mounted on the adaptation body by two elastically deformable eonneeting points~
i The invention will be better understood on reading tlle following deseription with referenee to the aeeompanying drawings in whieh:
- Figure 1 is an elevational eross-seetion with broken away parts of the attaehment deviee aeeordlng to the invention.
- Figure 2 is a eross-seetional view along II-II of Figure 1.
- Figure 3 is a partly eross-seetional '75~

plan view, along III-III of Figure 1.
- Figure 4 is a part ele~ation showing, on a smaller scale, a ~ariant embocliment of the invention.
- Figure 5 is a diagram showing one advantage of the invention~
- Figure G is a plan view illustra-ting another embodiment of the object of the inven-tion.
In the embodiment of the invention illustrated in Figures 1 to 3, the attachment support comprises first of all a body 1 to be adapted on the structure 2, shown in dashed and dotted line, of a towing ~ehicle, and in particular a motor vehicle V. The structure
2 may be the body of the vehicle, or the bodywork, the chassis, the shell, the rear scuttle or other element o~
the vehicle V on which the body 1 is fitted in any appropriate manner, whether permanently or removably, such as with bolts for example.
The adaptation body 1 is preferably constituted by two parallel side plates 3 whiçh can be made integral with a cross-piece not shown or with two arm portions shaped so as to allow their adaptation on appropri-ate anchoring points Or a given type of vehicle. 5aid side plates 3 can be rectilinear, as illustrated in the fisl~es, or they canhave the shape 3a,shown in dotted line~ when the plane containing the anchoring points is situated substantially above the outermost lowest part of the st~ucture 2 of the vehicle.
Whatever their shape, the side plates 3 are kept paralleltogether and are rigidly çonnected at least by the means fastening them to the said anchoring points, hut also by at least a crosspiece 4 fixed b~ welding for example, and set back with respect to two outermost bearings 5 provided co-axially in the end portions of the said side plates 3. ~hatever the case, the side plates 3 are initially designed to be fitted and disposed on the tow-~ L'7~

ing vehicle 2 so that the common axis of the bearings 5 is horizontal.
According to a variant embodiment illustrated in dashed and ~tted lines in ~igure 1, the body 1 can take the form of a tubular type casing 11 which would be cut so as to define two parallel extreme wings, equivalent to the side plates 3 anddefining in their end portions the bearins~s 5. In this kind of embodiment, the crosspiece 4 can be eliminated or it can be maintained in both cases for reasons which will now be seen.
The to~Ying attachment support further cotnprises a supporting body 6 shaped 50 as to fit bet~een the opposed :inside faces of the parallel wi.ngs or side plates 3 in that part of said latter which is situated between the bearings 5 and the crosspiece 4. According to the invention, two elastically deformable points 7 and 8 ensure the connection between the supporting body 6 and the adaptation body 1. The point 7 is constituted as a pivot and calls on the use of a spindle 9 which is caused to go through an elastically deformable packinS 10 situated in a housing 11 provided in the supporting body 6. Said packin~
10 is preferably tubular in shRpe so as to form a sort of bearing capable of withstanding elastic deform-ations of radial direction by relative displacement of the spindle 9 with ~espect to the seometrical axis of the pack-ing lO. The end portions of the spindle 9 constitute cylindrical bearings designed to cooperate with the bearings 5. .The spindle 9 is axially immobilized - by stop means 12 of any suitable shape In particular and by way of example, said stop means 12 can be const~tuted, one by a head directly formed by the spindle 9 and, the other, for example, by a nut associated to a braking device.
The point 8 is constituted by an elastically deformable boxing constituted by a cylindrical pivot pin 13 formed by the supporting bx~ 6 to extend accord-.~. ,;

~75¢~4 ing to a direction perpendicular to the geometrical axis of the housing 11. In the illustrated exa;nple, the pin 13 is in ali~nment with the general axis of the supporting body 6. The pin 13 is designed to cooperate with an elastic packing 14 held in place inside the cross-piece 4 in the case wllere the adjustable body 1 is constituted by two side plates 3.
Il~en the body 1 is constituted by a tubular casing, the packing 14 can be held in place directly by the said casing or by an intelmediate member~
SUC}I as an added crosspiece. The packing 14 is constituted by a cylindrica,l enclosure s~ro~lding concentrically the pin 13.
It follows from the foregoing that the supporting body 6 is mounted in the adaptation body in the manner of a lever capable of pivoting on the spindle 9, such a lever being held angularly by a deforrnable connecting point which represents some sort of a means to limit and to dampen the pivoting amplitude formed by the connection between the pin 13 and the packing 14.
It should also be noted that because of the constructive arrangement, the suppor-ting body 6 has a possibility of relative moven1ent by radial crushing of the packins 10.
The supporting body 6 is associated to a joining body 15 which can be constituted as sho-~ in the drawing, by a s-anneck 16 extended by a sphere or knuclcle 17. It is ho~ever obvious that different means can be used to ensure the comlectio~ and attach~ent with a conplementary counterpart of a towed vehicle and for exa~ple, t]-at it is possible for the joining body 15 to be provided with a knuckle~ a hook~ a card~l~ a fork~ etc.
According to the invention~the joining body 15 extends from the supporting body opposite the pin 13 so as to project outwardly of the structure 2 of the 7 ~.~L'75~

towins vehicle. Preferably alsot the joining l~ody 15 is situated on the same axis as the pin 13.
I~ one preferred embodiment, the joining body 15 is constituted by an independent piece which extends from a sole plate 18 designed to be secured by any suitable means, for e~mple bolts l9, to an assembly plate 20 formed by the end of the supporting body 6 opposite the pin 13 with respect to the spindle 9. According to a preferred construction metnod also, the plate 20 is designed to extend, substantially per-pendicularly, when the support is adapted on a towing vehicle, so that the fastening members 19 are in - tension. In such a case; it is advantageous if the supporting body 6 is mounted on the adaptation body l and if said latter is fixed on the structure of the towing vehicle, so that the plate 20 is at the most level ~ith the outermost structure of the vehicle 2. T~tus, it is possiblel whenever required, to remove the joining body 15, so that the attachment support has no part projecting beyond the overall dimensions of the vehicle. The easy and instantaneous relnoval of this member, which normally projects from conventional constructions, eliln;nates the risks of bodily injury or material darnage.
Figure 4 shows that it is possible to produce the supporting body 6 in such a way that thc plate 20 extends horizontally to rcceive and maintain a joining member 15 by means of fastening elenlents such as bolts l9, which are then in shearO
Besides the aforesaid advantage of removability of the projecting part, the attaclment support according to the invention is provided with a pivot 7 which, being associated to the boxing 8, produces a supple and dampened adaptation and assembly of the said body with respect to the adap{-ati~ body l. As a result, when a vehicle is on tow, the alternated forces applied in the tot~ing direction but also in the vertical plane ~, .~.


traverSing said direction are at least partl~ absorbed by the elastic deformation of the packings 1~ and 14 whose function is to cut down the highest values and therefore to eliminate the extreme jolts normally trans~
mitted by a rigid attachlllel-t to the anchoring points on the tOwiIlg vehicle. There follo~s a reduction of the wear imposed on the anchoring members and as a result, a reduction of the risks of breakage.
A cutting down of the highest values of the alternated forces also permits to improve the driving conditions for the driver of the towing vehicle and so to reduce the strain derived therefrqm.
Another aspect of the invetltion resides in the fact that the special structure and the connection provided between the supporting body 6 and the adaptation body 1 make it possible to move the point of application of the alternated forces, from the connection P between the comlected complementary elements of the to~ing vehicle V and of the towed vehicle R, to the pivot 7, i.e.
in the direction of the axle F of the towing vehicle.
There results a corresponding reduction of the lever-arm and therefore an improved stability of the towing vehicle ~hich offers thus safest and less s trenuous driving conditions.
This advantage is also reached when the attachment device according to the invention is used in connection with a stabilizing or load-distributing device D, the object of which is, as shown in the example schematized in Figure 5, to transfer part of the load from the joining point to the rear axlP. To this effect, and according to an embodiment of the inVen-tion, the plate 20 is designed to comprise two lugs 21 extending sideways from tlte supporting body 6 and provided h-ith holes 22 for the passage and positioning of the m~ers 19 hhich can also be used to ens-~e the assembly of a load .
' S~

distributing device D, and in particular, prestressing side arms.
Figure 3 shows that the pivot 7 can be additionally associated to one or more amplitude and pivoting dampers 23 acting by friction. Such a damper can, for example, be constituted between the side-plates 3 and the corresponding sides of the supporting body 6, by two friction plates 24 and 25 applied relatively one ', against the other for each side, for example, by tightening ' 10 'the spindle 9.
,, ~ igure 1 sho-~ in dotted and dashed lines that the end portions 9a of the spindle 9 l~ay be eccentric with respect to the middle segment, so that, by rotation after positioning, it is possible to subject the packing 10 toa prestressing which eliminates any play from assembling, as this collld give rise to undesirable alternate slammings. ~, ' , Figure 6 illustrates another variant 20 embodiment wherein tlle joining body 15a extends from the '~' supporting body 6, whilst being integral with the latter. 1, , In such a case the assernbly,plate 20 i5 ~ormed ~eneath the joininS body 15 to allow, via the lugs 21, the fitting in of the lateral pre-stressing members of a stabi-lizer and/or of a load distributor.
It is possible to produce the joining body 15a to have an independent initial shape and, if required, to ens~-e a connection with the supporting body 6, for example, by welding at assembly time~ the attach-ment support appropriate to a specific type of towingvehicle. This for example permits to give the joining body 15a the appropriate angular orientation l~ith respect to the geometrical axis joining the tenon 13 and t21e axis of the spindle 9r ~S The invention is not limited to the embod;ments described hereinabove, but on the contrary ~, ~'75~

covers any modification that may be made thereto without departing from its scopeO

Claims (10)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property of privilege is claimed, are defined as follows:
1. A motor vehicle attachment support comprising an adaptation body mounted on the towing vehicle and a supporting body having associated therewith a joining member provided with a part complementary to a part of the vehicle to be towed to provide a pulling axis, said adaptation body being rigidly mounted on the towing vehicle and disposed substantially in alignment with said part of the vehicle to be towed, respective first and second elastically deformable pivotal couplings each directly connecting said supporting body to said adaptation body, said first coupling having a pivot axis extending horizontally perpendicular to said pulling axis, said second coupling having a pivot axis extending parallel to the pulling axis and perpendicular to and intersecting the first coupling pivot axis.
2. An attachment support as in claim 1 in which said first coupling comprises a spindle, bearings in said adaptation body for receiving the ends of said spindle, a housing in the supporting body for receiving said spindle and an elastically deformable cylindrical packing in said housing engaged by said spindle.
3. An attachment support as in claim 1 in which said first coupling comprises a spindle and elastically deformable packing engaged by said spindle said spindle having a central eccentric portion for prestressing the packing.
4. An attachment support as in claim 3 including frictional amplitude damping means comprising plates interposed between opposed faces of the adaptation and supporting bodies.
5. An attachment support as in claim 1 or 2 in which the second coupling comprises a pivot pin extending from the supporting body in a direction away from said joining member, a housing in said adaptation body, and elastically deformable packing in said housing, said packing receiving said pivot pin.
6. An attachment support as in claim 1 in which said supporting body forms a plate and defines two lugs, said joining member extending from said plate.
7. An attachment support as in claim 1 or 2 in which the ajoining member is integral with the supporting body.
8. An attachment support as in claim 1 or 2 or 6 in which said supporting body forms an assembly plate, said attachment support including means for removably mounting said joining member on said plate.
9. An attachment support as in claim 1 or 2 in which said adaptation body comprises two side plates and a cross-piece connecting said side plates and means for connection with a towing vehicle, said side plates defining bearings for said first pivot, said second coupling comprising a housing in said crosspiece and elastic packing in said housing for receiving said second pivot.
10. An attachment support as in claim 1 or 2 in which said adaptation body comprises a casing forming two parallel wings and means for connection with the towing vehicle, said wings defining bearings for said first pivot, said second coupling comprising elastic packing retained by said casing.
CA000364008A 1979-11-07 1980-11-05 Towing attachment support for vehicles and in particular motorcars Expired CA1175084A (en)

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CA000364008A Expired CA1175084A (en) 1979-11-07 1980-11-05 Towing attachment support for vehicles and in particular motorcars

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Families Citing this family (2)

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US5248515A (en) * 1992-02-04 1993-09-28 Gerber Products Company Processing method using entire peeled vegetable in a fruit juice/vegetable puree beverage

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