CA1155803A - Ball point pen writing instrument - Google Patents

Ball point pen writing instrument


Publication number
CA1155803A CA000375144A CA375144A CA1155803A CA 1155803 A CA1155803 A CA 1155803A CA 000375144 A CA000375144 A CA 000375144A CA 375144 A CA375144 A CA 375144A CA 1155803 A CA1155803 A CA 1155803A
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writing instrument
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French (fr)
Kuo L. Tsai
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Cathay Pen Corp
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Cathay Pen Corp
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Application filed by Cathay Pen Corp filed Critical Cathay Pen Corp
Priority to CA000375144A priority Critical patent/CA1155803A/en
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Publication of CA1155803A publication Critical patent/CA1155803A/en
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  • Pens And Brushes (AREA)




A ball point pen writing instrument comprising a capable of simply filling-in aqueous ink solution and fitted with a ball point pen to be used as an ordinary writing instrument; when the ink is exhausted it can be refilled for use in the same manner as an ordinary fountain pen.


~1SS8~3 Back~rou~ld of the~Invent~.on The present invention relates to a ball point pen writing instrument, and more particularl.y to a ball polnt pen writing instrument simply using common aqueous ink as its writing mediumO
Although the conventional ball point pen has the advantages of convenience, handy, inexpensive etcO however, it still has several disadvantages practical application sùch as, easy leaking, frequent build-up of a ma~s of ink at the pen point during writing, making the written words very hard to identify, and staining on paper and on arms by the ink; frequently a phenomenon of non-continuous flow of ink during writing in Winter time; the words written with it easy to diffuse and blur after a pe~iod of time 1~ unable to make important documents for a long~term keeping.
In view of these disadvantages of conventional ball point pens mentioned above, all the important documents or .matters oL great concern rely on the fountain pens as writing instruments, because the words written with a fountain pen are clear, remain not blurout very long, and have no pheno-menon of discontinuous ink~s flow. However, there are still di~advantage~ such as, unable to write in any optional direc-t:ion, pen point easy to split and difficult to duplicate, ~harpne~s of its pen point easy to damage the writing paper, ?5 ~he capillary in.k volume from the pen point not always in the ideal conditions when writing in some soft papers easy 1 15~8~3 to diffu~e, and~ its high cost for making pen point and not lon~ lasting tooO
On the market of various writing instruments, there are some kind of sigrlature pens using rolling ball as writing pen point such as, "Sheaffer", "Ball Pentel", etc. have bee~
introduced~ As these instruments possess the advantagesofboth ball point pens and fountain pens to a certain extent, which-is capable to fulfill the requirements of the market demand, and becomes the favorites of the market of writing instrument for quite some time. The space behind of ink guiding fibers,which can achieve the writing purpose by means of a special quick-drying semi-oily ink with good osmotic property,conveyed by said core rod with'its capillary tube effect~ After the ink is exhausted the general users cannot refill by themselves, 1~ and/or if the cap is not closed tightly or the pen is laid down for a longer time, the writing medium will be dried out. If 'the semi-oily ink is switched to the simply aqueous ink for an ordinary fountain pens, the passage of said core rod of ink-guiding fibers will be soon blocked and the pen ~an not be used again. It is regretful to state that the signature pen with ball point has not em'bodied fully the advantages of both ball point pens and fountain pens.
Therefore, it is understood that the conventional writ-in~ instruments still have many unavoidable disadvantages.
Some improvements are obviously needO

Summary of the Invention Hence, the primary object of the present invention is to effect improvements on the vario~us disadvantagesof conventional ball point pens, fountai.n p Ts and signature ball point pens, and provide further a novel ball point writing instrument capa-ble of utilizing the ordinary aqueous ink for general fountain pens and fitted with a ball point in possession of both advan-tages of fountain pens and ball point pensO
Another object of the pre6ent invention is to provide a ball point writing instrument, in which, the end of a ink-guid-ing capillary guides near the ball point is shaped as a slim tip, and a considerable space is reserved between the inner walls of pen holder, making space entirely usable for storing ink so as to keep the ink stock to a maximom extent, thus, regardlessof how long the writing instrument, according to the present invention, is laid down or how much the ambient tempe-rature fluctuates, the ball point can be used successfully to write smoothly.
Still another object of the pre~ent invention is to provide a ball point writing instrument, wherein a ~pace is re~erved at the portion above a pen point in the pen holder, and extended :into the body of the capillary tubes ink-guiding member so as to equalize of the inside and outside pressures of the pen holder, thus , regardles~ of rise or fall of the atmospheric pressure the pen point according to the present 1 1558~3 invent:ion can be~very long lastin~ to the ~mooth wri-ting.

Brief Description o the Drawirlgs The above and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will be more apparent from the following conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein:
Fig. 1 i~s a longitudinal cross-section view of one embodiment according to the present invention;
Fig. 2A is a front perspective view of one embodlment of the capillary ink guide of the present invention;
Fi~. 2B is a rear perspective view of Fig~,2A;
Fi~. 2C is a front perspective vlew of second embodi-ment of the capillary ink gulde of the present invention;
Fig. 2D is a front perspective view of third embodi-ment of the capillary ink guide of the present invention;
Fig. 3A is a longitudinal cross-section view of the ball point of the present invention;
Fig. 3B is a right side view of Fig~ 3A;
Figs. 3C and 3D are cross-section views of the other suitable forms of the ball point of the present invention;
Fi~. 4 is a perspective view of a pen point cover of the present invention.
-Detailed ~escription of the Drawings '~iior to proceeding the description of the present inven -tion,it should be noted that the similaror corresponding parts in various embodimerlt6 according -to the~ present invention are coded with same number ~or the convenience of cross referencq;
besid~_, the pen cap and the ink-storing de~ice to be u~ed in the presqnt invention are of conventional construction and its relevant description,s are therefore omi.tted.
As shown in the figures the ball point writing instru-ment according to -the present invention con,sists mainly of a ball point 10, a caplllary tubes ink-guiding member 20 closely contact with the rear end of said ball point 10, an anti-leak packirlg ~0 and an tube 50 overslipped at the rear end of said member 20, a ball point cover 40 support-ing the ball point 10 and connected to the front end of A pen holder 30, the pen holder 30 compc,sed of a front half section 31 and a rear half section 3}, and an adapter 32 fitted between the packing ~0 and the ink-storing tube 50 and joining the front half section 31 and the rear half section 33 togetherO The rnost important members according to the present invention includ~ the ball point 10 and the capillary tubes ink-guiding member 20 as shown ln 2 and 3.

The ball point 10 of the present i.nvention comprises a pen-point housing 12, a rolling ball 11 fitted in the pointed end of ~aid housing 12, and a capillary pen core 13 inserted :i.nto s.aid housing 12. -[t should be emphasized that said capi-ll.ary tubes pen core 13 and said pen-po:Lnt housing 12 are held ,~5 by the two lateral faces of a body 131, the cross section o~ said perl core 13 may ~e forrncd in-to a tri-angular or a cro~-sllaped body as shown in Figs 3C and 3D;
a cons-~?erable space 120-120 is reserved between the inner walls of said pen core 13 and said housing 12 a~ ~hown in Fig. 3B, and the front end of said pen core 13 shown in Figo 3A is diminished into a slim ink-guiding tip 1~0; there is a slight contacting or a gap of miniature space between the tip 130 of said pen core 13 and the rolling ball 11u The effect of contacting Ol' not in contacting will determine the fineness of letters or words written, for example, if it is desired to write fine and small words, both with miniature gap should be chosenO
In additionO the space 120A reserved between the slim tip 130 of the front half of said capillary tube pen core 13 and the housir~g 1~ is much larger than the space 120 in order to enable said 120A to s-tore a l~rge amount of ink, making the writing i,nstrument according to the present invention capabl~ of writing smoothly, even it is being laid down for a period of time~ Si,nce, the large amount of ink stored in ~ fiaid space 1~0A is ,sufficient to rewet and dissolve the ink residue, forrned by oxidation and deposition at the ball point due to laying-down too :Long. Therefore, the writing instru-ment of the present inve~ntion can be used under any circums-tan(l-,s and hal the feature of sustainlng a smooth writing from khe b~ginrling to the erld, a fac-t never reali, by using the conv6nl.ional b~l]. polnt pens, fountain penæ and signature pensO This new development with technical breakthrough re~sults in a very satisfactory writing effect.

Another important feature according to the present invention is the ink-guiding member 20, which includes a body having several pieces of numerous capillary tubes fins 23 and a ring-shaped groove 22 cut slightly near the front said body, the front and rearsmaller diameter portions 21,26 ex-tended forward and backward respectively, fromsaid body at the center of longitudinal lateral face and a longitudinal hole 28 perforated and extended from said rear smaller diameter portion into t;he middle of said body in which an ink-guiding core rod 29 is inserted ( see Fig~ 1 ). The front smaller diameter portion 21 is in close contact with the rear end 131 of said ball point pen 10, which provides two functiuns, namely i-t serves as a support point for the force of act.ion durir1g writing, and as a capillaxy tube guide groove for both the pen point and said body. In order to further smooth the guidance and feed of ink, at l.east one longitudinal capillary tubes grooves 24-, 25 are particularly cut on the outer surface of said member 20 and the front smaller dia-meter portion 21, said guide grooves 21+, 25 are fuxther commu-ni.cated with said ho1e 28 by cutting into t;he body through the m:i.dd].o E)ort-i.on therf)ofO It :i~3 preferable on the foremo~-t ;~ f3nd fa(o of the front .smal].er diameter portion 21 may fuxther 1 155~03 cut at least one diame~triccll capillary tubes guide ~rooves (as ~shown in Fig. 2C) so as to have them communicate with the guide grooves 2l~,25 mutually, but the depth of ~hem in the joining face should be not too deep only to achieve some capillary tube effect. Furthermore, one long longi-tudinal groove 27 is cut in the outer surface of sai~ body at the opposite side of the diameter of said two guide grooves 24, 25 from a slightly rear end of the body 20 throu~h the outer .surface of the entire length of the front smaller diameter portion 21, said groove 27 being connected with the air vents 1~1 in the pen cover 31 and jointly con-stituting a venting passage of the writing instrument of the present invention wlth the space in said pen cover 31 to facilitate the equalizing o:f pressure in the pen holder sur-rounding atmospheric pressure at all times and locations, and therefore, at any circumstances, ink will be never accumu].ated in the passage, making the writing ins-trument of the present invention has no influences on its excessive or defficient ink output due -to the fluctuations ~0 of the ambient pressure regard]ess of writing in fly-high ai.rplanes or dive-deep ;ubmarines~ This is one of the most prominent feature of application to ~ny different environments.

The applicant had discovered through many experiments that, owing to a lar@e amount of ink is stored in the inner ;pace 120, 120A of the pen point of the present invention, the 1 ~55~03 plural-i.ty of fi.~1s~ 23 cut on ~said body may be omi.tted, a.s shown in Fi~. 2C, on:Ly the lon~itudinal capi~.lary tubes guide ~rooves 24, 25 are reserved to also achieve~ a practically same effect ~ the construction mentiont?d abo~e. ~f nece~sary, at least more than one g:rooves may be further ad~ed onto the outer surface of said ink guiding member 20 ( not shown ) to enhance its capi].lary tube ink-g~uiding function. This paragraph ex-plains adequately the ink-guidin~ member 20 of the present invention dif~ering to the ink-storing capillary tube effect of ordinary fountain perls and thcrefore, it is feasible to consider as another embodiment of the ink-guiding member 20 (? f the invention.
It i~ to be understood that the capillary tube pen core 13 may be formed integrally with the foremo6t end of 1~ said l.nk-guiding rnem'ber 20, as shown in Fi~ 2~, in this manner, the capi].lary tube guide grooves 24, 25 may be also cxtended to t'he tip polnt of~ said pen core 130 It should be further emphasized that, in order to dis-play the functions of member 20 of the present i0 i.nventi.on to -the ex1;remes and to comple-tely prevent the ink frorn, the oute:r surf'ace of the rnember 20 should be preferably matched closely with the inner wall of the pen holder, ~md at the front end of the rear smaller dia-meter portlon 26 of sai.d member 20 a packing 60 is over-~lipped , rrlaking the adapte:r -$i' thread in the rear end of' the front g 1 ~L55803 half sectlon 3~ caab].e o r preverltirlg the ink in the storing tube '~0 from 1eak~ ;O In addition, the outer surface of ink-gu.i.ding member ~0 mat;ched closely with the inner walls of the pen holder wil.l further provide a very effective capillary tube effect for the writing instrument of this invention.
As shown in Figs. 1 and ~t, the pen point 10 is held tight by the f'ront end of the pen cover 40 which is threaded onto the front half section 31 of the pen holder 30.
A plurality of grooves L~1 are cut at the inner wall of the pen cover L~O so that more than one vents are cons-tituted be-tween said ~rooves 41 and the outer wall of the pen-point to equalize the air pref;sures of inside and out-side the pen holder, and they also serve as ~ suction holes of ink during refillO
It will be appreciated that t'he above description of the em'bodiments are illustrati-ve only and numerous modi-fications and variations may be made in light of the above teachings. It is therefore to be understood that within the scope of -the appended claims, the invention may be practiced than as specifi.cally described hereinO

Claims (6)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. A ball point pen writing instrument comprising a pen holding means having a front portion and a rear portion, a pen cover fitted at the front end of said front portion of said holding means, a ball point pen nested in front of said cover, a capillary ink-guiding member positioned in close with the rear end of said ball point pen having a larger diameter body and a front and rear smaller diameter portion, an ink-storing means inserted at the rear end of the rear smaller diameter portion of said ink-guiding member, a sealing means overslipped at the rear end of said rear smaller diameter portion in front of said ink-storing means, a plurality of ink-suction holes provided between the inner well of said pen cover and the outer surface of said ball point pen, said ball point pen comprising a pen point housing, a rolling ball held by the pointer end of said pen point housing, and a capillary pen core partly stop-held by the rear end of inner wall of said pen point housing, a considerable space being reserved between said capillary pen core and the inner wall of said pen point housing to be used to store a large amount of simple aqueous ink which comes from the ink-storing means mentioned above through the capillary ink-guiding member, when the rolling ball is in the manner of being written and turning, said simple aqueous ink is conveyed on to the ball point through the guide and drawing by said capillary pen core.
2. A writing instrument as claimed in claim 1, wherein said capillary ink-guiding member further comprises a larger diameter body having a plurality of ring-shaped capillary tube guide grooves on its outer circumference, a longitudinal hole being perforated and extended from said rear smaller diameter portion into the middle of said body, and a capillary tube core rod inserted into said hole, on the outer circumference of said ink-guiding member at least one capillary tubes guide grooves are cut from the rear end of said body to the front smaller diameter portion, and while said guide grooves pass through the middle of body, its depth reaching the hole men-tioned and being communicated therewith, and its cutting length extending further to the fore end face of the front smaller diameter portion, said fore end face in close contact with said ink-guiding pen core at the rear end of said pen point whereby producing a capillary tube effect and serving as a support point of the force for said pen points action.
3. A writing instrument as claimed in claim 1, wherein at the front end of the body of said ink-guiding member a ring-shaped groove is cut in connection with said long groove cut in the longitudinal direction passing from the slight rear portion of said body to the foremost ent of the front smaller diameter portion, said long groove being communicated with the inner space of the pen cover and opening to outside through said plurality ink-suction holes on the inner wall of said pen cover to serve as an air passage for equalizing of the inside and the outside air pressures of the pen holder.
4. A writing instrument as claimed in claim 1, wherein said pen cover with said pen point is capable of removal from said pen holding means.
5. A writing instrument as claimed in claim 1, wherein said pen point is capable of removal from said pen cover.
6. A writing instrument as claimed in claim 1, wherein said capillary pen core held in said pen point housing is integrally formed with the foremost end of said capillary ink-guiding member.
CA000375144A 1981-04-09 1981-04-09 Ball point pen writing instrument Expired CA1155803A (en)

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CA000375144A CA1155803A (en) 1981-04-09 1981-04-09 Ball point pen writing instrument

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CA000375144A CA1155803A (en) 1981-04-09 1981-04-09 Ball point pen writing instrument

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