CA1135404A - Magnetic antenna - Google Patents

Magnetic antenna


Publication number
CA1135404A CA000290317A CA290317A CA1135404A CA 1135404 A CA1135404 A CA 1135404A CA 000290317 A CA000290317 A CA 000290317A CA 290317 A CA290317 A CA 290317A CA 1135404 A CA1135404 A CA 1135404A
Prior art keywords
antenna according
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French (fr)
Eugene A. Albright
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  • Details Of Aerials (AREA)



Antennas exhibiting substantially improved operating characteristics, both as transmitting antennas and a receiving antennas, are fabricated by encasing an elongated electrical conductor inside a permanently magnetized magnetically hard dielectric material. Such antenna has relatively high power capabilities, minimum size and substantially eliminates the "skin effect" self-cancellation phenomenon ordinarily encountered in antenna structures.



Thi~ invention relates to improved electrical circuit components and more part~cularly to antennas including such components.

Antennas for use in conjunction with various types of radio frequency transmitters and receivers are well known. The variety of shapes and electrical configurations of antennas is almost limitless. These range from end-fed antennas, which are substantially linear conductive rods of various lengths having specific relationships to the wavelengths of the frequency of the signa]s transmitted from or received by such antennas, to complex arrays of components. Helical antennas, as well as composite antennas involving combinations of various antenna shapes and configurations, e.g., complex lens antennas, multi-p~ tuned antennas, dipoles and the like are well known. The partlcular configuration which is employed for any specific purpose is selected in order to function properly with respect to -the frequencies which are involved and the radiation patterns desired.

Irrespective of the type of antenna or antenna con-figuration which is employed~ all antennas, both transmitting and receiving antennas or those used for both functions, are subject to limitations in the power gain of any given antenna due to what is known as "skin effect". This phenomenon is one of non-uniform current distribution over the cross section of an alternating current conductor. At high frequencies, the current for a conductor is carried only by a thin surface layer of the conductor~ the thickness of the layer decreasing with ,~

~nc~easin~ fre~uency. The re~ult of this phenomenon is a self-induced counter-electro~ot~ve force ~n the conductor which re-sults in considerable cancellation of the received energy and increased effective resistence.

Thus, the gain or power of the antenna~ whether it is a transmitting antenna or a receiving antenna, is reduced from the theoretical ideal which it could exhibit if "skin effect"
was not present. This means, for a receiving antenna, the cap-acity of the antenna to respond to weak signals is substantial-ly impaired. The signal to noise ratio is lowered; and for any given receiver, i-t is necessary to employ subs-tantially greater gain in the RF stages than would otherwise be necessary for the same reception capabilities if the undersirable effects of "skin effect" were not present. Similar disadvantages result with respect to transmitting antennas, the power of which is substantially impaired by the increased effective resistance produced by skin effect. Thus, for any given transmitted power, the power of the output amplifying sta~es mus-t be considèrably higher -than would otherwise be required if "skin effect" phen-omenon was not present. As stated above, as the frequency of the carrier signal increases, the deleterious effects of skin effect increase proportionately.

As is well known, communications systems in a wide variety of different forms, e.g., AM radio, FM radio~ tele-vision, two-way FM communications, e.g., used in citizens' band (CB) radios, police and fire communications networks and the like are in widespread-use throughout the world. These J ~ 2 .: , communica-tions s~stems utilize the tran$mission and reception of electromagnetic radio frequency waves which are radiated through space from a transm~tting antenna at the origina-ting source or station to a receiving antenna at the point of utili-zation. The radio frequency waves extend in frequency from a relatively low 10 kilohertz up into frequencies of hundreds of megahertz. Different portions of this spec-trum are divided into different frequency bands allocated to various systems of transmission. The moving electromagnetic radio frequency waves which are radiated through space are created at the transmi-tting s-tation by coupling the transmitter output to an antenna which has a configuration particularly adapted to the frequency of the transmissionand the use or application of the signal in the particular system with which the transmitter and antenna is em-ployed. At -the receiving end, a receiver which is used in con-junction with the transmitted signal to receive and convert it to a usable form, such as audio or visual, has an antenna which in-tercepts the moving electromagne-tic waves and converts them to electrical signals which are processed by the receiver.

In conventional antennas, both transmitting and re-ceiving, the antenna itself is what may be termed a "passive"
component in the system. At the transmitting end, the alter-nating current signal creates electromagnetic radiation when it is applied to the antenna. At the receiver, the moving elec-tro-magnetic wave is intercepted bythe conductive antenna and re-sul-ts in the generation of a corresponding alternating current electrical signal in the conductor which then is applied to the RF amplifier and processing stages of the receiver. These ~ .

conventional antennas are electrical de~ices only~ The trans-mitter generates an electri~cally polari`zed electromagnetic wave and the receiver responds to the electrical components and re-sonates with the corresponding electrical polarization of the electromagnetic wave. Because of the 'tskin effect" mentioned above, a-t higher frequencies -the thickness of the layer of the conductor in the antenna which actually carries the current be-comes increasingly thinner and results in an increasing counter electromotive force. This, in turn, results in increased ef-la fective resistance in the antenna and correspondingly greater self-cancellation. Thus, at higher frequencies, the power of an antenna, either a transmitting antenna or a receiving an-tenna, is substantially lessened by "skin effect".

In order to provide sufficient power, either for transmission or reception, for conventional antennas in any given situation, it often is necessary to have extremely large antenna structures or antenna towers to attain the desired operating characteristics of the transmitter or receiver. Such structures are costly to build; and because of the substantial space they require or the substantial height to which they must reach, result in expensive, cumbersome and unattractive in-stallations. For example, bulky rooftop television receiver antennas are commonly employed in order to provide some measure of reasonable reception for television receivers used in homes.
Similarly, two-way radio antennas 7 e.g., used for ham radio operators, CB radio base stations, and the like require large unsightly installations if any reasonable range is to be at-tained from the radio system using the antenna. In addition, 3a ~ ' ' ;' ~3t5~
mob~le antennas used by polIce cars and CB installations in automc~les and trucks, Por max~mum e~ectiveness over a reasonable range,requ~re a relatively long t'whipt' antenna structure~ :

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It is desirable to provide transmitting and/or receiving antennas in a variety of configurations which have relatively high power capabilities, minimum size, and which minimize the "skin-effect" self-cancellation phenomenon ordinarily encountered in antenna structures.
Accordingly, it is an object of a broad aspect of this invention to provide an improved electrical circuit component.
It i's an object of another aspect of this invention to provide an improved antenna structure including such component.
It is an object of an additional aspect of this invention to pro-vide an improved magnetic antenna.
It is an object of yet another aspect of this invention to pro-vide an improved magnetic antenna structure utilizing a permanently magnetized dielectric material.
By one broad aspect of this invention, an electrical circuit component is provided including in combination, an electrical conductor encased inside a permanently magnetized, magnetically hard, dielectric ~aterial, wherebyskin effect is minimized.
By a variant thereof, the permanently magnetized ma~erial comprise~s a solid suspension of ferrite powder in a dielectric resin.
By a variation thereof, the ferrite powder is selected from the class of magnetically hard materials comprising isotropic and anisotropic barrium ferrites and cobalt ferrites.
By another variant of this inYention, the electric circuit com-ponent is an antenna and the conductor is an elongated electrical conductor embedded in permanently magnetized magnetically hard dielectric material.

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By a variant thereof, the dielectric material comprises a dielectric resin having a colloidal dispersion of powdered ferrite therein and the elongated electrical conductor is embedded in the dielectric material.
~ By a variation thereof, the dielectric material comprises glass fibres impregnated with a resin binder mixed with a magnetic ferrite in a ratio of from 5 percent to 90 percent ferrite to resin.
By another variant, the elongated electrical conductor is potted in the permanently magnetized dielectric material and the dielectric material comprises an intimiate mixture of a resin binder and Eerrite powder.
By a variation thereof, the ferrite powder is selected from a class comprising barium ferrite and cobalt ferrite.
By another variant, the elongated electrical conductor comprises a helical coil embedded in a glass fibre dielectric impregnated with a resin binder having a colloidal suspension of powdered magnetic ferrites in it.
By a variation thereof, the ratio of the powdered ferrite to resin ranges from 1:20 to 9:10.
By another aspect of this invention, a composite antenna is provided including in combination a spiral electrical conductor having a first end and a second end embedded in a permanently magnetized dielectric material;
a second elongated electrical conductor having a first end and a second end, embedded in a permanently magnetized dielectric material and extending substan-tially perpendicularly from the spiral; and utilization circuit means coupled with the first ends of said spiral conductor and said second conductor.

`' ' '. , Consequelltly 9 in accord?~nce with a preferred eml~odiment of this invention, an electrical circuit component comprises an electrical conductor embedded inside a permanent magnet made of dielectric material.
More specifically, a magnet antenna exhibiting substantially improved operating characteristics is fabricated by embedding a conductive wire for the antenna in a dielectric material formed of a resin with a colloidal suspension of magnetic ferrite particles in it and which is permanently magnetized.
In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is a perspective view of a preferred embodiment of one aspect of the invention;
Figure 2 is a cross-sectional view of the embodiment shown in Figure l;
Figure 3 is a perspective view of another embodiment of another aspect of the invention;



Figure 4 is a cross-sectional view of the embodiment of Figure 3;
Figures 5 and 6 illusttate another embodiment of a further aspect of the invention 5 Figure 7 shows still another embodiment of another aspect of the invention;
Figure 8 illustrates another embodiment of yet another aspect of the invention formed by a combination of the structures shown in Figures 3, 4 and 7;
Figures 9 through 12 illustrate various radiation patterns for the antenna of Figure 8;

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Figs~ 13A throu~h 15 i,llustrate other forms o~
antenna structure;

Fig. 16 ~s a partially cut~away view of an antenna structure us~ng a base member structure as illustrated in Figs.
13C, 14 and 15;

Figs. 17 and 18 show radiation patterns of the antenna of Fig. 16; and Fig. l9 is a graph showing standing wave ratios use-ful in explaining the operation of the antenna structure shown in Fig. 8.

In Figs~ 1 and 2, there is illustrated a new approach to electrical components, par-ticularly conductive elements used either as transmitting or receiving antennas. As shown in Figs.
1 and 2~ a helical conductive coi:l 20 is embedded or potted in a conventional dielectric potting compound, e.g., a resin bin-der (epoxy or thermosetting) to form what appears to be a con-ventional potted electrical component 21. The resin binder for the potted component 21~ however, when it is in its liquid state, has a quantity of iron powder or ferrite powder mixed in it to form a uniform colloidal suspension of ferrite particles in the liquid epoxy. The amount of ferrite may be varied from an amount approximately five percent by weight of the mixture to ninety percent by weight, depending upon the characteristics desired in the components produced~

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When the epoxy~ferrite for the component mixture 21 cures and becomes hard, ~-t then is subjected to a magnetizing field to impart a permanent magnet~zation to it as indicated by the "N'J and l'S" letters placed on the top and bottom, re-spec-tively, of the component shown in Figs. 1 and 2. When this is done, the use of the component shown in Figs. 1 and 2 as an an-tenna, either in a transmitting antenna or a receiving antenna, results in an antenna component which is an active generator or amplifier rather than the conventional passive lQ component normally used.

When the component is used as a part of a receiving antenna, the moving radio frequency electromagnetic energy passing over it is amplified through a principle believed by the inventor to be caused by changes in the magnetic field of the Rf wave interacting with the permanen-t magnet of -the mag-netic dielectric material 21 which then is coupled to the con-ductive coil 20 in the manner of a transformer. It further is believed that by using the changing magnetic energy of the RF
filed instead of the changing electrical energy, the deleter-ious skin effects normally associated with antenna components are either eliminated or substantially minimized. In any event, an antenna constructed in accordance with the structure shown in Figs. 1 and 2 generates energy at the same frequency and modulation as the passing RF energy but with much greater amplitude than is possible with the same conductive portion or coil 2a used alone without embedding it in a pelmanent magnet.

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~t also should ~e noted that -the co~l or conductor 20 is Ins~de t~e ma~net ~hICh i~ in colltrast to winding the co~l around magnet;c material, This is in direct contrast to winding the co;l around magne-tic material. This is in direct contrast to the construction o~ known ferrite antennas where the coil is wound around an unmagnetized ferrite core.

The material 21 may be formed of a large number of various types of thermosetting or epoxy resins, and the iron 1~ particles or ~owder also may be in a number of different forms.
~ermanent magnets made of such materials are conventional and are made in a number of di~ferent shapes for various appli-cations~ Use of magnets of this type, however, as an active circuit par-t of an antenna is not known to the inventor.

Pig~ 3 and 4 illust~a-te another antenna configur-ation utilizing the same principles shown in the structùre of Figs. l and 3. In the antenna structure of Figs. 3 and 4, the active conductive component of the antenna comprises a flat 2Q spiral antenna element 25 terminating in a pair of terminals 26 and 28, connected respectively -to the outer and inner ends of the spiral 25. The conductive spiral component of the antenna is potted or embedded in an epoxy/ferrite-powder mixture of the type described above in conjunction with Figs. l and 2. As in Figs. l and 2, the flat disk 27 resulting from the structure after it cures or hardens is subjected to a uniform magnetizing field to permanently magnetize it across its thickness, as shown in ~ig. 3.

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An antenna as shown in ,Figs,~ 3 and 4 may be used as an AM radio receiving antenna~ Without placing the coil 25 in the center of a permanent magnet, the power output of the an-tenna is quite low. The same coil, potted in a suitable epoxy or thermosetting resin having suspended ferrites in it and then permanently magnetized, however, produces a substantial in-crease in the signal power from the antenna. An active gener-ator or amplifier i5 obtained with the structure of Figs. 3 and 4 which combines a permanent magnet with the embedded coil 25.

Various ratios of ferrite powder, preferably barium ferrite or cobalt ferrite, have been used to construct the an-tenna of Figs. 3 and 4. The ratio of barium or cobalt ferrite powder to the resin used in actual antenna structures has been varied from a ra-tio of approximately twenty percent of the fer-rite powder by weigh-t to ninety percent. Throughou-t this en-tire range, substantially increased power output was obtained as opposed to conventional antennas which do not use the di-electric magnet principle illustrated in Figs. 1 through 4.

The optimum percentages for a given antenna structure have not yet been determined, but the antenna structures which have been built clearly show that the combination of the di-electric permanent magnet and the antenna coil generates energy at the same frequency and modulation as a comparable antenna coil without the permanent magnet, but at a substantially greater amplitude than the conventional antenna~ As stated previously, it is believed that this is caused by the inter-action of electromagnetic waves with the permanent magnet in a ~&-,r ~3~

manner similar -to a -trans~ormer coupling, resulting in a sig-nificant measured ~ncrease in the power of the antenna.

An antenna ~or the ~M ~requency band was bui~-t in accordance with the structure shown in ~igs~ 3 and 4 by winding approximately 30 feet of wire 25 into a very loose coil of 7 a /

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: ,, , ,. , . :. . ~ ,. ~ , , approximately 12 inches diameter. A mixture of 40~ barium ferrite powder to 60~ resin was used to fill a mold approximatqly 1 inch thick. The wire coil or spiral 25 was then placed in the center of the mold, which placea the coil 25 in the center of the magnetic material after it hardened. Following hardening of the material, it W2S permanently magnetized, as shown in Figure 3.
The gain of this antenna was measure to be 500% to 700% of the gain of a standard ferrite antenna used as a built-in antenna in a ~uality FM tuner. With the built-in ferrite antenna, the tuner was capable of receiving only 5 stations in full stereo (antenna voltage over 10 microvolts). With no change in the location of the receiver, but using the antenna described above, the receiver received 14 stations in full stereo. The antenna of Figs 3 and 4 produced a gain which is nearly as good as large conventional roof-mounted antennas.
Referring now to Figs. 5 and 6, there is illustrated a modification of a standard whip antenna 30, the power of which is increased by applying the principles of this invention to it.
The antenna 30 may be any conventional whip antenna of the type ordinarily used in mobile communications. Sometimes the conductive rod of such an antenna is coveredwith fiberglass to reduce the effects of corrosion and the like In most cases, however, the .. .~ . , metal antenna rod 30 is compeltely exposed. As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, the antenna rod 30 may be covered with a conventional FIBERGLAS gauze ttrade mark for glass fibres impregnated with a resin of Owens Corning Fiberglas Corporation) or cloth 31 which then is impregnated with a conventional bi~der to which is added a colloidal suspension of a ferrite powder (preferably barium ferrite or cobalt ferrite). When this resin/ferrite mixture is applied to the FIBERGLAS cloth 31, it hardens to impregnate the cloth 31 with a layer of ferromagnetic resin 32 indicated in Fig. 5.


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The manner of application of the resin/ferrite mixture may be in accordance with conventional techniques, e.g., by spraying, dipping, potting or the like. If desired, as shown in Fig. 6, more than one layer may be placed around the antenna 30. In Fig. 6, an additional FIBERGLAS cloth layer 33 and an outer or additional resin/ferrite layer 34 is illustrated. When this is done to an otherwise conventional antenna; and the resultant structure is permanently magnetized across the axis of the conductive whip 30, as illustrated in Fig. 6, the power of the antenna, both for transmission and for reception, is signif-icantly increased several dbs. This is true even where the amount of ferrite powder in the resin binder 32 is as low as five percent of the total weight of the resin/ferrite mixture.
When an antenna structure of this type is made, the length of the whip 30 must be reduced from that which is used in the conventional antenna. In an actual modification of a standard base loaded quarter-wave mobile whip antenna (41.75 inches long) it became necessary to shorten the length of the antenna by 3 1/2 inches when a single layer of fiberglass impregnated with a mag-netic resin (comprised of 20~ barium ferrite powder~ was used.The resultant structure, appears to add effective length to the antenna (inductive reactance) caused by the permanent magnet mat-erial. Thus, it is necessary to shorten the overall length of the antenna when it is modified as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. A modified antenna of this type exhibited substantially incresed power ( 5 db to 6 db improvement on receive) when it was used with a standard CB radio, over that exhibited by the same a~tenna prior to its modification. The results for the antenna used as a receiving antenna are even greater tllan when it is used as a transmitting antenna.

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Because of the nature of this structure, however, it no longer is necessary to employ a relatively heavy duty rod 30 for the conductive portion of the antenna. A whip antenna may be fabricated by using a thin copper wire embedded within a FIBERGLAS structure formed either by wrapping multiple layers of FIBERGLAS or by potting. The FIBERGL~S structure, however, uses a resin/ferrite mixture as described above and is permanently magnetized to form the resultant antenna. In this manner, a true FIBERGLAS antenna is obtained, because the FIBERGLAS becomes an active part of the circuit. Apparently, the undesirable skin effects are substantially eliminated from the antennas of Figs.
5 and 6. The power of these antennas is substantially higher than standard whip antennas. In addition, the signal-to-noise ratio is much improved.
Referring now to Fig. 7, there is illustrated a helical antenna which is particularly adapted to two-way mobile commun-ications such as used in Citizen's Band (CB) radios. This antenna comprises a helical coil 37 which is wound with relatively open turns for the lower two-thirds cf its length with closely wound turns. The ~iire 37 may be wound about any suitable dielectric hollow cylinder or rod, which is then potted in an epoxy/ferrite misture of the type described previously, or formed as part of .. . ~ ~ .
a ~'IBERGLAS enclosure 38 in the manner described in conjunction with Figs. 5 and 6. Whatever construction is used for the mag-netic dielectric covering 38 over the coil 37, it is magnetized across the axis of the coil (or radially outward from the ~ 13 "~


axis~ to form a permanent magnet dielectric wi-th the coil 37 emhedded in it. The di'electric/magnetic covering 38 completely encases the coil 37~ The operating characteristics of this antenna, either used as a transmitting antenna or a receiving antenna, are significantly improved over a comparable antenna which does not use the permanent magnet dielectric.

~ variation of the structure of Fig. 7 is effected by winding the helix coil 37 as a standard tapered linear coil.
la The antenna dielectric then also is constructed as a tapered linear magne-tic structure. By way of example, this may be ac-complished for a 36 inch antenna by dividing it into 6 inch seg ments. The epoxy/ferrite mixture for -the lower six inches is 5% ferrite to 95% epoxy. Each of the successively higher six inch sections then has the ferrite portion increased by 5~ over the adjacent lower section except for the top section. To max-imize the top loading of the struct:ure, the top six inches has a ferrite/epoxy mixture which is 80% barium ferri-te and ~0%
epoxy. The tapered coil/tapered magne-tic field antenna which results after the structure is permanently magnetized is ~ sig-nificantly improved top loaded antenna.

Referring now to Fig. 8, there is shown a composite antenna made of a spiral antenna structure, such as shown in Figs. 3 and 4, fonming the base, and a vertical helical antenna, such as shown in Fig. 7, attached -to and extending upwardly from the spiral antenna base. The input feed is to the center of the spiral 25 and the lower end of the base of the vertical helix 37. The outer end of the spiral and the upper end of the helix ,:~ ',,, ` ~ ' !., ; :, ' . "' ~ ' `' ' `


are open~ so that the resultant antenna is. o~ the Hertz type~

An antenna of type .has been constructed to pro-vide a 7¦8 wave antenna, with the base sp~ral wound in the form o~ a 12 inch coil~ The spiral was formed with 540 inches of number 14 wire as follows:
4 turns at 12 inches ~ 144 inches 3 turns at 11 inches - 99 inches
2 turns at 10 inches - 60 inches 2 -turns at 9 inches - 54 inches 2 turns at 8 inches - 48 inches 2 -turns at 7 inches - 42 inches 2 turns at 6 inches - 32 inches 2 turns at 5 i.nches - 30 inches 2 turns at 4 inches - 24 inches 2 turns at 3 inches - 18 inches The helical vertical portion of the antenna was formed with 31 turns of number 14 wire close-wound at the top (18 inches) with 46 turns loosely wound at 1/4 inch spacing below this. The total height of the vertical helical portion of the antenna was 14 inches~ The upper turn terminated in a vertical 6 inch stub 53~

A transmitter 40 is coupled with the upper or "hot"
lead 41 connected to the bottom of the helical conductor 37 of the antenna, and the ground lead 42 is connected to the center end of -the spiral base spiral conductor 25~ Magne-tization o~

the base portion 27 is verti:cally through its thickness, as shown in Figs~ 4 and 5; and magnetization of the dielectric/

ferrite material 38 in w~hich the hel~cal conductor 37 of the antenna is embedded is across its ax~s, as shown in Fig. 7.

Figs;. ~, 10, 11 and 12 illustrate the current standing ding wave patterns contributed by~the different parts of the composite antenna of Fig. 8. Fig. 9 shows the current standing wave pat.ern contributed by the flat spiral base portion 27.
Fig. 10 shows the current standing wave pattern contributed by -the vertical helix portion 37, 38, and Figs. 11 and 12 show the lQ composite current standing wave pattern which results from phase differences (in phase and 180~ out of phase) between the pat-terns contributed by the antenna parts. All of these pat--terns result from the antenna being located on a metal ground plane.

Antenna structures other than those described pre-viously also are possible using the principles of this inven--tion. For example, base configurations such as shown in Figs.
13A, 13B and 13C may be employed~ These base configurations for winding spiralor helical conductive wires to form the inner imbedded conductive member of the antenna may be used either alone or in a number of configurations. The bases or at least the portions of the base forms in which the conductive wire of the antenna is embedded are made of resin/ferrite mixtures of the type described previously in conjunction with the other embodiments of the invention. Af-ter the antenna structures are formed, they are permanently magnetized, for example, as illus-trated in Fig. 13C and Figs~ 14 and 15 for the four-sided pyra-mid base shape illustrated in those Figures~

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Referring now to Pig. 16~ there is shown a composite an-tenna which is formed on a py~amid base 50 o~ the type illus-trated in ~igs~ 13C, 14 and 15 to which is added a flat base 57 with a s~uare spiral winding 58 wh~ch are similar to the member 27 and winding 25 of Figs. 3 and 4. The base 57, however, is only magnetized in the region lying outside the edges of the pyramid 50. The base 50 is formed of a suitable dielectric material, preferably which is impregnated with a ferrite powder in the proportions described pre~iously, that is, from 5% to la 90% by weight of 2a _ 16A -~3~
ferrite to resin. On -the form 50, a spiral coil 52 is wound in a pattern to match the square spiral 58 shown in Fig. 17. At the apex of the pyramid, a vertical helical antenna component 37, 38 of the type shown in Fig. 7 is placed, much'in the same manner as in the composite antenna of Fig. 8, previously described. The lead 41 of the transmitter 40 then is connected to the lower end of the helix 37 and the lead 42 is connected to the outer end of the flat spiral S8. The inner end of the spiral 58 is connected to the lower end of the winding 50, the other'end of which is open. Tuning of the antenna may be effected by use of the trim-mer capacitor 43.
After the windings 37 and 52 are in place, a fiberglass gauze or winding 55 is wound over the exterior of the pyramid base and over -the helical antenna winding 37. The FIBERGLAS
gauze 55 then is impregnated with a resin/ferrite mixture 56, which is allowed to harden. Finally, the base is magnetized to form a permanent magnet with the poles as shown in Figs. 14 and 15. The vertical portion of the antenna is constructed as shown in Fig.'7, and is magnetized across its axis. The resultant antenna exhibits a radiation pattern of the type as shown in Figs. 17 and 18.
An actual antenna built in accordance with the structure shown in Figs. 16 through 19 used a pyramiaal base formed of four equilateral triangles. The height of the base cone was 7 inches, and the height of the vertical helical antenna portion extending upwardly from the base of the cone was 23 inches. A
6 inch stub ~3 completed the antenna which operaied as a 3/4 wave antenna. The standing wave ratio of this antenna over the full band of CB frequencies for CB channels 1 through 23 was measured to be nearly flat 1:1 to 1:1.2 across the full band, as illustrated in Curve C of Fig. 19. Tilis is in contrast to a con-..

ventional whip antenna Eor the same band, the standing wave ratio of which is shown in Curve A of Fig. 19. Curve B of Fig. 19 illustrates a conventional whip antenna which is modified in accordance with the structure shown in Figs. S and 6.
Even starting with a conventional antenna which is then potted or wrapped with FIBERGLAS impregnated with a resin/
ferrite material, as described previously, the resultant perm-anent magnet/ antenna structure greatly increases the gain of the antenna. Gain improvements of several db have been measured.
Of the various types of ferrite materials which may be employed, it appears the barium ferrite or cobalt ferrite are the best.
This probably is-because of the high coercive forces which ex-ist in these materials in their powdered form, which permit them to make good permanent magnets.
It should be noted that the lower the frequency of oper-ation of the antenna, the higher the ratio of the ferrite powder to resin must be. The optimum ratios for given fre~uencies have not yet been determined, but even without a determination of optimum ratios, antennas which have been constructed in accordance with the foregoing examples clearly exhibit improved operating characteristics over converltional antennas. While the ampere turns of magnetizing force used to create the permanent magnet characteristics of the various antenna configurations descri'bed may vary, the various ~amples which were made and which have been described above used 2~,000 ampere turns per cubic inch for per-manently magnetizing'materials. The magn~tization preferably was effected perpendicular to the surfaces of the various antenna where possille since it appears that this is the most effective ~3~ Q~

direc-tion of polarization of the~ perm.anent magne-t in which the conductive wire for the antennas is embedde.d. The theory which results in the improved operation of these dielectric/magnetic antenna structures is not fully understood, but the many dif-ferent models of antennas which have been built, both by modi-fying standard antennas and by antenna structures such as shown in Figs. 8 and 16 clearly exhibit improved power or gain and significantly improved signal-to-noise ratios over their con-ventional counterparts. The antennas operate with a relatively 1~ large ground plane for best res.ults, but this is common with many radio frequency antennas~ Merely placing the antenna s-tructure of the various types shown in the drawings and des~
cribed above on a large metal surface, such as the roof of a car or directly on the ground, results in the excellen-t oper-a-ting characteristics which have been described.

The antennas of Figs~ 8 and 16 operate best from a balanced input which eliminates line radiation and causes essentially all radiation to occur from the antenna only. This 2a causes the standing wave ratio (S~R) and impedance, once balan-ced to be more independent of ground effect and environment since the antennas of these Figures are ungrounded antennas.

Claims (11)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or priviledge is claimed are defined as follows:
1. An electrical circuit component including in combination an electrical conductor encased inside a solid suspension of permanently magnetized, magnetically hard material in a dielectric carrier.
2. The electrical circuit component of claim 1 wherein said permanently magnetized material comprises a solid suspension of ferrite powder and said carrier is a dielectric resin.
3. The electrical circuit component of claims 1 or 2 being an antenna having terminal means connected to said electrical conductor.
4. An antenna comprising an elongated electrical conductor encased in a dielectric carrier having a colloidal dispersion of powdered permanently magnetized, magnetically hard material therein, and means coupled to said conductor for applying energy to and for obtaining energy from said antenna.
5. An antenna according to claim 4 wherein said permanently magnetized material comprises powdered magnetically hard ferrite; and wherein said elongated electrical conductor is embedded in said dielectric carrier.
6. An antenna according to claim 5 wherein said dielectric carrier comprises glass fibres impregnated with a resin binder mixed with said magnetic ferrite in a ratio from 5 percent to 90 percent ferrite to resin.

An antenna according to claim 4 wherein said elongated electrical conductor is potted in said dielectric carrier and
Claim 7 (Cont'd.) wherein said dielectric carrier comprises a resin binder with said ferrite powder in intimate mixture therewith.
8. The antenna according to claim 7 wherein said ferrite powder is selected from a class comprising barium ferrite and cobalt ferrite.
9. An antenna according to claim 4 wherein said elongated electrical conductor comprises a helical coil embedded in a glass fibre dielectric impregnated with a resin binder having a colloidal suspension of powdered magnetic ferrites in it.
10. The antenna according to claim 9 wherein the ratio of the powdered ferrite to resin ranges from 1:20 to 9:10.
11. The antenna according to claim 10 wherein said magnetic ferrite is selected from the group consisting of barium ferrite and cobalt ferrite.
CA000290317A 1976-11-08 1977-11-07 Magnetic antenna Expired CA1135404A (en)

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US73942976A 1976-11-08 1976-11-08
US739,429 1976-11-08

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CA1135404A true CA1135404A (en) 1982-11-09



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA000290317A Expired CA1135404A (en) 1976-11-08 1977-11-07 Magnetic antenna

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CA (1) CA1135404A (en)

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