CA1118393A - Fan cylinder having invisible eased inlet - Google Patents

Fan cylinder having invisible eased inlet


Publication number
CA1118393A CA000316336A CA316336A CA1118393A CA 1118393 A CA1118393 A CA 1118393A CA 000316336 A CA000316336 A CA 000316336A CA 316336 A CA316336 A CA 316336A CA 1118393 A CA1118393 A CA 1118393A
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French (fr)
Verne S. Stevenson, (Deceased)
Samuel W. Bell, Jr.
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Marley Co LLC
Original Assignee
Marley Co LLC
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Marley Co LLC filed Critical Marley Co LLC
Priority to CA000316336A priority Critical patent/CA1118393A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1118393A publication Critical patent/CA1118393A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Structures Of Non-Positive Displacement Pumps (AREA)



Abstract of the Disclosure Air moving mechanism is provided for equipment such as direct or indirect heat exchange cooling towers. Conventional cross-sectionally elliptical eased inlet structure leading to a fan opening or cylinder surrounding a rotary fan air mover is replaced by a much simpler, less costly, apertured airflow modifying baffle member which functions to define an invisible eased inlet for the fan. The specially shaped aperture in the baffle member is configured and arranged relative to the fan cylinder inlet to cause air removed from the tower casing and directed toward the fan to follow a transition path between the baffle member and fan opening or cylinder which generally conforms to and substantially fills the opening or cylinder inlet around the entire circumference thereof. In those instances where air enters the tower casing on one side, or on opposed sides of the fan structure only, the orifice in the baffle is formed of somewhat rectangular shape with edge portions thereof aligned with the air inlet sections of the tower in greater spaced relation-ship from the axis of the fan opening or cylinder than the remaining edge portions of the aperture to compensate for the more radial airflow patterns toward the cylinder or opening from the parts of the tower which receive ambient air as contrasted with the axially oriented airflow toward the fan cylinder or opening from the closed parts of the tower casing.


-This invention relates to air moving mechanism of the type which has particular utility in heat exchange equipment and provides increased operating efficiency at lower cost for units such as induced draft direct or indirect cooling towers.
Heat exchangers of the finned tube type as well as evaporative water cooling towers have long used direct and induced draft fan assemblies for directing cooling air through the heat ex-change zones of the apparatus to increase thermal interchange at minimum cost and in the least amount of space. Most evaporative water cooling equipment initially depended upon convective air currents enhanced by stacks which depended on natural draft for air movement. This required the fabrication of extremely high chimneys to produce dependable air movement under varying ambient conditions, particularly in geographical area where high.temperatures were encountered for critical or extended periods of time. Also, as fan and electric motor designs became more ef-ficient and dependable, means was presented for moving cooling air through the evaporative or dry thermal exchange séctions of the cooling apparatus on demand, at predetermined flow rates and vol-: umes, and at feasible operating costs. Further-more, the use of fan driven air currents through the cooling units permitted fabrication of compact apparatus which not only could be sized accurately for particular thermal requirements, but also allowed location thereof in advantageous positions for optimum cooling without creating attendant aesthetic problems.

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,:, 3~3 1 Although for the most part forced draft fans were initially used to direct cooling air through evaporative and dry thermal interchange sections, induced draft fan mechanisms are used primarily today because of greater effectiveness attributable to the more uniform air distrib~tion which is obtained over the entire area of the cooling section, and improvement in recirculation resistance inherent in designs which force the hot air away from the inlet of the cooling equipment to the greatest possible extent.
Squirrel-cage type centrifugal blowers have found application in many types of evapora-tive or dry surface cooling towers because of their quiet operation and ability to impart the necessary velocity to the air entering the units.
However, rotary fans having a series of radial blades have found greatest acceptance because of their ability to deliver large volumes of air at low static head (nominal 3/4 in. water or less).
Propeller fans are used almost exclusively on large towers for outdoor installations because of their lower cost than other types of air moving devices, and the fact that they may be used on any size tower and are particularly suited to cooling tower usage where low draft losses prevail.
Properly designed fan cylinders having propeller fans therein operate at efficiencies as high as 80%. Typically, fans of this type will have diameters ranging from about 2 feet up to 30 - 40 -feet.
In a conventional evaporative water cooling tower of the induced draft type, a single propeller-type fan rotatable in a fan cylinder therefor which discharges vertically into the 35~3 l atmosphere is located above a plenum chamber of a casing that has two opposed fill sections therein which receive air from diametrically opposed, upright air inlets. I~ater to be cooled is gravi-tationally delivered to the upper plan areas of the fills and permitted to flow downwardly therein before being collected in a cold water basin at the bottom of the tower. Air pulled into the casing of the tower intersects the gravitating water in what is termed "crossflow relationship"
and then forced outwardly and upwardly through the fan cylinder mounted at the top of the tower casing. Drift eliminators over the inboard upright faces of the opposed fill assemblies serve - 15 the dual function of removing entrained water droplets from the air before discharge thereof, and turning the air from its initial essentially horizontal path to an upward vector leading in an essentially straight line toward the inlet of the fan cylinder. It can be appreciated in this respect though that the air moving in crossflow fashion through the fill assemblies adjacent the upper hot water distribution basins is moving in an essentially radial direction with respect to the fan, whereas air entering the plenum between the fill units at the lower ends thereof is more axially oriented with respeGt to the fan cylinder as it leaves the fill and travels toward the air outlet. The result is that the component of velocity of air parallel to the fan axis at the upper part of the casing plenum is substantially lower than that of the air coming from the bottom of the tower.
In addition, air is pulled into the tower from opposite sides of the casing and . ~

1 delivered to the plenum zone from upright rec-tangular areas in direct facing relationship, thus creating an inherent imbalance insofar as delivery of air to the circular fan and cylinder is con-S cerned since supply of air to the perimeter of the fan unit is from different directions and non-uniform. Fan starvation can result around the circumference thereof, as well as at the inboard segments of the blade.
It has been known for a long time that smooth flow of air into a fan cylinder equally around the perimeter thereof must be provided for most efficient operation. Since air flowing essentially radially at the upper end of the tower must be turned to a greater extent than air de-livered to the fan cylinder from the lower section of the casing, it can be appreciated that there would be a tendency to stall the tips of the blades unless means is provided to assure uniform transition of the air streams into the ultimate axial path thereof through the fan. Tests over the years ultimately confirmed that most efficient fan operation is assured by use of what has become known in the art as an eased inlet. But since fan performance is sensitive not only to inlet airflow conditions but also fan tip blade clearance, it necessarily follows that the inlet structure must provide for minimum clearance with the blade tips while at the same time allowing air to smoothly enter the inlet from all directions. Various configurations of fan opening structure may be advantageously employed in this respect to in effect "seal" the tips of the blades against inefficient leakage of air.
Furthermore, i~ i9 desirable alth~u~h ~1183~33 1 not essential to operability of this invention that the fan inlet also be accompanied by an upright or outwardly extending stack generally termed a fan cylinder which serves as an enclosure around the fan to effectively improve fan per-formance. It necessarily follows that a structure of substantial size must be fabricated and mounted on the tower, usually at the upper end of the casing in the case of vertical discharge, rela-tively large towers. Oftentimes, these cylinders can be relatively massive in size for large diameter fans (30 to 40 ft.) employed in high water volu~e cooling towers. In addition, in view of the fact that most industrial towers are of the multicell type wherein a long line of side-by-side fill assemblies are served by respective fan units, avoidance of hot air recirculation is an essential requirement necessitating fan cylinders of considerable height. These cylinders must not only be constructed of materials which withstand the corrosive atmospheres in which they operate, but must also be rugged enough to withstand the vibration induced by pulsating air flows. Re-covery stacks for large scale industrial water cooling towers are often 15 - 20 feet in height where large diameter fans are utilized. The eased inlet of the fan cylinders leading to the oper-ating area of the fan blades desirably are of a logarithmic curved configuration but for practical reasons usually are fabricated as elliptical -surfaces which approximates the theoretical optimum contour.
Although curvilinear eased inlets offer operating advantages, fabrication can be expensive if other requirements such as corrosion resistance :

l and inherent strength are satisfied for a particu-lar applica~ion. Compound curves are difficult to fabricate using metal; and reinforced synthetic resin designs not only are costly to mold, but must be specially shaped and reinforced to provide adequate strength. Exemplary fan cylinders fabricated of wood and embodying eased inlets for improving fan performance are found in U.S.
Patents Nos. 2,681,178, No. 2,681,179, and No.
2,814,435, all assigned to the assignee hereof.
These wooden cylinders, although corrosion re-sistant, were subject to deterioration over a period of time by virtue of the humid conditions under which they normally operated, and not only were costly, but not as aesthetically pleasing to the eye as desired. Glass reinforced polyester fan cylinders have, for the most part, replaced earlier wood struetures but here again, although deterior-ation is not the problem encountered with wood, they are still subject to limitations, particu-larly wind damage deflection by strong wind gusts which can cause the blade tips to ~ouge through the inner wall of the cylinder and destroy the blade tip as well as part of the enclosure struc-ture. Relatively high initial cost is a major deterrant to widespread usage of synthetic resin fan cylinders. Exemplary structures of this type are illustrated in the assignee's U.S. Patents Nos. 3,708,155, and 3,780,999.
It has now been discovered that fan inlet structure may be provided for units such as wet or dry surface cooling towers which may be fabricated of corrosion resistant materials such as metal, plastics or concrete without the neces-sity of providing compound curves therein, all at .

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3~3 1 a subs~antially lower cost than heretofore possible in equipment of this size, and providing optimum efficiency even in instances where airflow veloci-ties and directions of air travel toward the fan cylinder are not equal throughout the air delivery zone. Others have disclosed fan cylinder struc-ture which attempts to do away with the necessity of providing a compound curve eased inlet, but none of these prior efforts have addressed them-selves to the need to modify the vena contracta of the airflow into the inlet so that it fully fills the fan cylinder without stalling of the blades regardless of the variations in air velocities and directions of supply thereof to the fan. An exemplary noncurved eased inlet for fans is illustrated in U.S. Patent No. 3,814,538, de-picting two cylinders interconnected by a radial flange with the fan being rotatable within one of the cylindrical segments while the other is outboard thereof in the direction of air supply.
The double ring configuration of the '538 Patent does not allow for modification of the vena contracta of the airflow into the primary cylinder regardless of variations in airflow direction and velocities leading into the fan. Equally as important though is the fact that the structure of this patent fails to really provide smooth transi-tional movement of the air from the source into the fan cylinder around the full perimeter thereof without attendant blade starvation.
It is therefore the primary object of the present invention to overcome the disadvan-tages of the prior art and permit utilization of an easily fabricatable and relatively inexpensive right circular cylinder as an enclosure for the 1 fan blades and utilizing an appertured baffle in a strategic position ahead of the cylinder inlet for modifying the airflow thereto in a manner to assure circumferentially uniform flow of air into the fan cylinder in substantially coaxial rela-tionship with the axis of rotation of the fan blades.
Another important object of the inven-tion is to provide air moving mechanism as des-cribed wherein uniform transition of air from a source into the fan cylinder is assured even in instances where the air is delivered to the fan cylinder from zones which are essentially on opposite sides of the center line of the fan, by the simple expedient of modifying the shape of the aperture in the baffle ahead of the fan to provide a generally rectangular opening which has the effect of modifying the vena contracta of the airflow to an extent that the air enters the fan cylinder substantially equally around the perimeter thereof and in generally parallel relationship to the axis of the fan. Also an important object of the invention is to provide air moving mechanism as mentioned above which may be used on cooling towers of conventional design without significant modification thereof being required, all at reasonable cost while at the same time permitting optimized fan performance. Another important object of the invention is to provide air moving mechanism for units such as cooling towers or the .like wherein an invisible eased inlet for a fan cylinder is formed by simply mounting a plate ahead of the cylinder inlet with an orifice being provided in the baffle plate of a size and shape to control the vena contracta of the air delivered -- ~

3~3 g to the fan so as to cause the airflow entering the fan opening to be of desired circular shape thus completely filling the cylinder without stalling o the blades at any point around the perimeter of the fan cylinder. In addition, variation of the shape of the vena contracta of the flowing air may be accom-plished by simply changing the relative position of the baffle with respect to the fan, or in the alternative or as an adjunct, changing the shape of the baffle orifice.
A further object of the invention is to provide air moving mechanism of the characteristics defined which is usable on various size cooling towers of either the wet or dry surface type and which may be employed in either vertical or horizontal orientation as desired and in cases where the source of air is immediately aligned with the fan opening, to one side thereof, or on opposite sides of the same.
Other objects of the invention will be explained or become evident as the following description progresses.
The present invention can be defined, in general terms, as an air moving mechanism comprising: structure defining restricted, generally circular opening for passage of air there-through, said opening communicating with a plenum zone from which air is to be removed and leading to an area into which the air is to be discharged, said zone having a cross-sectional area transverse to the flow path of air therethrough which is larger than that of said opening and defined by a non-circular perimeter whereby throttling of the air must occur as it flows from all parts of the zone toward the opening in said structure and ultimate discharge to said area; means associated with said structure for removing air from said zone, increasing the velocity thereof as it flows toward and through said opening in the structure, and directing such air into the area; air throttling baffle means adjacent the opening in said structure in spaced relationship therefrom toward the zone and provided with a continuous edge surface defining a non-circular orifice larger than the opening and having an overall shape geometr~c-ally similar to that of said perimeter and through which the air from the zone must pass in flowing toward the opening in said structure, the edge portions of said baffle means being positioned to project into those regions of the zone where V

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~1t3393 - 9a -the a:ir flow paths toward the opening from any boundary of the zone are non-parallel to the axis of the opening; and enclosure means operable associated with the structure and said baffle means for preventing area derived air from flowing 5 to said opening without first passing through said zone and thence the orifice in said baffle means, said orifice defining edge surface of the baffle means being configured and arranged relative to said opening in the structure and the baffle means being positioned with respect to the opening in the struc~ure in a location to cause air removed from said boundaries of the zone to follow non-linear transition paths between the baffle means and said opening which vary in angularity relatively to an extent that such boundary derived air not only assumes a generally circular pattern conforming to and substantially fills the opening as the air flows into the structure and is directed through the latter to said area but also enters the opening in generally parallel relationship to the axis thereof.
In the drawings:
Figure 1 is a fragmentary perspective view of the ~0 upper part of a cooling tower showing air moving mechanism embodying the preferred concepts of the present invention, with parts thereof being broken away for clarity;
Figure 2 is a fragmentary plan view of the cooling tower structure having air moving mechanism thereon as depicted in Figure l;
Figure 3 is a fragmentary vertical cross-sectional view of the cooling tower as is shown in Figure 2, with parts being broken away for clarity and with certain components thereof n .

1 being shown schematically;
Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7 are fragmentary cross-sectional views taken substantially on the lines 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, and 7-7 respectively of Figure 2;
Figure 8 is a fragmentary horizontal cross-sectional view on the line 8-8 of Figure 3 and looking upwardly in the direction of the arrow;
Figure 9 is a schematic vertical cross-sectional view of another type of coolin~ tower on which air moving mechanism of this invention may be advantageously employed;
Figure 10 is a vertical cross-sectional view taken on the line 10-10 of Figure 9 and looking to the right as indicated by the arrows;
Figure 11 is a fragmentary, essentially schematic, cross-sectional view of the upper part of air moving mechanism comprising another embodi-ment of this invention and showing structure presenting an air passage opening and a rotary fan in operable association with the structure wherein ~he blade tips of the fan are aligned with the opening defining edge of the structure;
Figure 12 is a fragmentary, essentially schematic, cross-sectional view of the upper part of another embodiment of the invention similar to that shown in Figure 11 but having the rotary fan located in disposition such that the blade tips are inside the opening defining structure and extending beyond the edge thereof for enhancing efficiency of the fan;
Figure 13 is a fragmentary, essentially schematic, cross-sectional view of still another embodiment of the invention similar to those of ` ' ' ` ' ' 3~3 1 Figures 11 and 12 but having the fan blades located outside of the structure and beyond the opening de~ining edge thereof;
Figure 14 is a fragmentary, essentially schematic, cross-sectional view of a further embodiment of the invention like those shown in Figures 11-13 wherein a pair of planar members define the air passage opening and the blade tips of the rotary fan extend between the members for more effective fan operation;
Figure 15 is a fragmentary, essentially schematic, cross-sectional view of an embodiment of the invention similar to Figure 12 but em-ploying a fan cylinder of the type shown j.n the tower of Figures 1-3;
Figure 16 is a fragmentary, also gen-erally schematic, cross-sectional showing of the upper part of a further embodiment of the inven-tion wherein air enters the structure from only one side thereof and the air flow modifying apertured baffle is inclined from the horizontal to more effectively control air movement toward the outlet opening of the structure; and Figure 17 is a fragmentary, essentially schematic, cross-sectional view of an embodiment of the invention similar to that of Figuxe 16 but differing therefrom in that air enters the struc-ture from opposite side thereof and the apertured air flow modifying baffle is configured to present a double incline facing toward respective air inlet to more precisely control air movement toward the outlet opening of the structure.
Air moving mechanism according to the preferred concepts of the invention is broadly designated by the numeral 20 in Figure 1. This 1 apparatus is especially useful in connection with cooling towers of either the wet or dry surface type. An evaporative-type water cooling tower generally identified by the numeral 22 is shown in Figure 3, and includes a casing 24 made up of opposed side walls 26 and 28 centrally joined at the upper ends thereof by an upper panel 30 having depending opposed wall segments 32 and 34 which are parallel and span the distance between side walls 26 and 28 as is evident from Figures 2 and 3. A pair of open top hot water distribution basins 36 are carried at the upper end of the casing 24 on opposite sides of the air moving mechanism 20 outboard of wall segments 32 and 34, and serve to gravitationally deliver water to be cooled onto the upper plan area of respective parallelepiped shaped fill assemblies 38 and 40 respectively. Water leaving the lower ends of fill assemblies 38 and 40 is collected in cold water basin 42 underlying the entire plan area of casing 24. The inwardly and downwardly inclined inner faces of the fill assemblies 38 and 40 have vertically spaced, horizontally oriented eliminators 44 thereon which present respective inclined stacks that function to remove entrained water droplets from air passing through fill assemblies 38 and 40 toward the central plenum zone 46. The eliminators 44 are also transversely inclined upwardly as shown in Figure 3 to enhance turning of air toward the inlet of air moving mechanism 20 and more uniformly distribute the air throughout the extent of plenum zone 46. Although cooling tower 22 has been shown as having opposed evaporative sections 38 and 40, it is to be appreciated that the invention hereof is useful 33~3 1 for other applications involving only a single thermal interchange section as for example shown in Figures 9 and 10 to be described hereunder.
Similarly, the fill assemblies 38 and 40 are shown schematically since they may be either of the splash or film type, or conceivably could be dry surface exchangers oriented substantially in the disposition of upright inclined eliminator stacks 44, in vertical planes or in a horizontal plane.
A baffle member 48 in the form of a planar sheet is provided at the top of casing 24 in overlying relationship to plenum zone 46 and extending between side walls 26 and 2~ as well as the upper ends of the eliminator stacks 44. In fact, as shown in Figure 3, baffle member 48 may comprise an éxtension of the perforated bottom walls of respective hot water distributors 36. It is also to be noted that the wall segments 32 and 34 projecting downwardly from panel 30 are joined to the upper surface of baffle member 48 in air sealing relationship thereto. The circular air inlet 50 which is coaxial with the central upright axis of plenum zone 46 is enclosed by a right circular fan cylinder 52 oriented to discharge hot air vertically back into the atmosphere. Fan 54 mounted within cylinder 52 and rotated about a vertical axis through gear reducer and motor means not shown, has a series of radial blades 56 each provided with a square or round tip 56a which just clears the inner surface of cylinder 52. It is to be appreciated that the higher the fan efficiency, the lower the sound level. It is also to be noted from Figure 3, that fan 54 i~ oriented such that a major part of the vertical extent of each of the blade tips 56a is contained within the tubular ,:

4 -1 expanse of cylinder 52. It is also apparent from Figure 3 that panel 30 is in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of fan 54. The close spacing of blade tips 56 to the inner surface of cylinder 52 in substantial air sealing relation-ship thereto is believed to be an important factor in successful operation of air moving mechanism 20 utilizing an apertured baffle as the sole eased inlet defining means. As illustrated in other embodiments of this invention, various arrangements of the blade tip relative to the air outlet may be utilized to minimize air velocity losses at the tips of the rotary fan blades.
In the instance where air moving mechanism 20 is used for a cooling tower having air inlets on opposite sides of the tower casing, baffle member 48 is provided with an arcuate, somewhat square shaped orifice 58 therein which is coaxial with the axis of rotation of fan 54 and centrally located with reference to plenum zone 46 there-below. As will be explained hereinafter, baffle member 48 is preferably located in predetermined disposition relative to the horizontal median plane of rotation of blades 56. Also, orifice 58 is of a predetermined size and shape to assure that air delivered to fan 54 is led into opening 50 and thereby cylinder 52 in such manner that no zone of the fan blade area is starved of access to incoming air.
If in this respect it is assumed that air moving mechanism 20 is to be employed for an evaporative-type cooling tower such as 22 wherein air is pulled into the interior of casing 24 for cross flow contact with water gravitatin~ down-wardly in corresponding opposed fill assemblies 38 ~' ~

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33~33 l and 40 and then allowed to enter plenum zone 46 before being pulled upwardly toward the air mover, it is preferred that orifice 58 be of the essen-tially noncircular configuration as best shown in Figures 2 and 8 of the drawings. As is most apparent from Figures 2 and 3, air flowing through the fill assemblies 38 and 40 cannot to any really significant extent commence movement toward the air discharge opening until leaving corresponding eliminator stacks 44. As a consequence, the airflow patterns from the fill assemblies 38 and 40 are essentially as depicted by the arrows A to D inclusive of Figure 3. Airflow alongside the casing walls 26 and 28 is generally more direct to the fan. The same is true for air coming from the lower central part of the tower casing. Because of these different airflow patterns, it has now been unexpectedly found that configuring orifice 58 of the shape shown in Figures 2 and 8 modifies the air flowing toward the fan cylinder 52 or air outlet opening to an extent that there is even transition of such air into the outlet passage or opening notwithstanding the non-uniform direction of air toward baffle member 48.
In the case of a cooling tower where air comes in from two opposed sides of the casing, an optimized orifice 58 is thus defined by flattened arcuate end edge portions 58a and 58b on opposite sides of the axis 60 of fan 54. These edge portions are joined to opposed side edge portions 58c and 58d by respective corner edge portions 58e of greater arcuateness as is most evident from Figures 2 and 8. The lip portions of planar sheet member 48 defining edges 58a and 58b respectively, are spaced a greater distance from axis 60 than 1 the lip portions presenting edges 58c and 58d.
Edge portions 58e are of somewhat greater arcuate-ness than edge sections adjacent thereto as is most evident from Figures 2 and 8. The lip portions of planar sheet member 48 defining edges 58a and 58b respectively, are spaced a greater distance from axis 60 than the lip portions presenting edges 58c and 58d. Edge portions 58a and 58b are located above corresponding subzones 46a and 46b where airflow is more radial than adjacent casing side walls 26 and 28 to assure that cylinder 52 is filled uniformly with air around the entire perimeter thereof.
For best performance, baffle means 48 in the form of a planar sheet should be spaced from about 10% to approximately 50% of the di-ameter of fan cylinder 52 away from inlet 50 or of the fan opening if no cylinder is provided and sealed to the baffle means 48 by structure such as wall segments 32 and 34 which in conjunction with upper extensions of side walls 26 and 28 present a confined space 62 surrounding orifice 58. Best results are obtained when the spacing of planar member 48 is from about 10% to 20% of the fan cylinder diameter away from inlet 50 or the equivalent fan opening.
With particular reference to Figures 2 and 3, airflow through the left hand fill assembly 38 adjacent planar member 48 is designated by the arrows A which it can be seen are essentially radial with respect to the axis 60 of fan 54 before clearing the edge portion 58a of orifice 58 and then moving into fan cylinder 52 for discharge to the area 64 above tower 22 via the outlet opening 66 of fan cylinder 52. However, cross-3~3 1 flowing air emanating from the lower part of fill assembly 38 adjacent the bottom region of elimi-nator stack 44 and depicted by the arrows desig-nated D tends to flow toward fan 54 in a more axial direction than air path A, and as a conse-quence, the air from zone 46a being directed to the cylinder opening 50 from the lower part of the lefthand fill is almost coaxial with the axis of fan 54 as it enters the fan cylinder 52. Simi-larly, as air leaves the eliminators 44 in a direction from the top of the tower toward the bottom thereof, it tends to progressively assume a more axial direction from the radial path A as is indicated by the arrows B and C successively lower along the outlet face 68 of corresponding fill assembly 38 and 40. In accordance with the present invention, it has been determined that where airflow is predominantly axial, the orifice should be reduced. In areas where airflow is predominantly radial, the orifice should be increased. The shaping of orifice 58 may be accomplished mathematically using derived equa-tions from performance figures, or optimized from empirical data wherein velocities near the inside wall of the cylinder 52 at its inlet 50 are measured and the orifice shaped until the values obtained are nearly equal at all angular locations. Test data in this connection may be generated by measuring the flow rate of air through cylinder 52, for example at points 1/2 in. inside the cylinder, 1 in. above cylinder inlet 50 and at locations evenly spaced around the circumference of the cylindrical enclosure.
Optimum shaping of orifice 58 and proper spacing of planar member 48 from cylinder opening 1'11~393 1 50 may be illustrated by the following example.
Utilizing a fan cylinder having a diameter of 36.4 in., it was determined that the distance from sheet 48 to opening 50 should be about 5 3/4 in.
based primarily on geometrical structural con-siderations. Using one 90 quadrant of cylinder 52 as a reference and starting from the 270 position (Fig. 8) and proceeding to the 360 position, 11 1/4 arcuate segments have been designated by the numerals (1) to (9) inclusive.
If in the assumed structure the vertical height of the fill units 36 and 40 is about 40 ]/2 in. and the angle of each eliminator stack 44 is approxi-mately 11.2 with the individual eliminators thereby being at a 60 angle with respect to the horizontal, airflow toward the fan cylinder would be substantially along the lines depicted by arrows A, B, C and D respectively of Figure 3.
Also assuming a plenum chamber having an overall size of the order of 42 3/4 by 46 11/16 in hori-zontal cross-section, and with the distance between the lower ends of eliminators 44 being about 16 inches, best results obtain when the edge segments of orifice 58 at points (1) to (9) inclusive are spaced horizontally from diamet-rically opposite vertical projections of cylinder opening 50 as follows: (1) 2.3 in.; (2) 2.55 in.; (3) 2.67 in.; (4) 2.61 in.; (5) 2.24 in.; (6) 1.55 in.; (8) 0.61 in.; and (9) 0.36 in. These values were found to be optimum for any of a number of airflow rates through the test fill as defined.
In the operation of air moving mechanism 20, it is believed that special shaping of orifice 58 in baffle member 48 and location of the latter ..
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' ~ -3~3 1 in predetermined relationship with respect to the opening 50 of fan cylinder 52 allows relatively uniform filling of the cylinder with air not-withstanding the fact that air from plenum 46 is traveling in an essentially radial direction toward the fan opening in parts of the chamber, while moving toward the opening 50 in a generally axial direction from other sections of the tower casing. Greater spacing of the orifice opening from the axis 60 in those areas where airflow is radial, as contrasted with more axial flow of air permits the apertured baffle 48 to modify the vena contracta of airflow to the cylinder, thus in effect functioning as an optimized invisible eased inlet. Smooth airflow into cylinder 52 is as-sisted by the fact that air in the confined space 62 (see Figures 4 to 7 inclusive) is caused to rotate in a counter clockwise fashion at the points at which the sections are taken (viewing Figure 2) which means that the air flow in the confined space 62 between oriice 58 and an adjacent segment of opening 50 is in the same direction as air delivered to the fan cylinder.
Because of the simplicity of the in-visible eased inlet structure of this invention which comprises a planar plate with an optimally sized orifice therein configured to conform to operating parameters for a particular tower structure, it is possible to design a required orifice and to properly space it from the fan cylinder without regard to metal or reinforced resin shaping limitations heretofore imposed on design personnel. This is true whether or not the tower has air inlets on one, two or all four sides, and independent of the direction of dis-1 charge of the fan. For example, an evaporative water cooling tower of the small package type is illustrated in Figures 9 and 10 wherein casing 124 has an upright air inlet face 170 aligned with package fill 138 while inlet louvers 172 are complementary with the inclined outer inlet face 170. Double pass eliminators 144 cover the inner outlet face 168 of the fill. A hot water dis-tributor 136 overlies the upper end of fill 138 while the lower part of casing 124 serves as a cold water basin 142. Air moving structure 120 is mounted in the end wall of casing 124 opposite air inlet 170 and comprises a fan 154 rotatable within fan cylinder 152 projecting outwardly from upright end wall 130. Fan 154 has been illustrated as being of the propeller type having a series of blades 156, but it is to be appreciated that other types of air moving devices may be employed, as for example a centrifugal blower or a fan of the squirrel-cage type.
An upright baffle I48 mounted within casing 124 and comprising a sheet metal member spaced from wall 130, is provided with a special shaped rectangular orifice 158 therein as illus-trated in Figure 10. In this instance, it is to be seen that the long axis of orifice 158 extends vertically to compensate for the radial flow of air along the upper and lower stretches of baffle member 148 as contrasted with the more axial flow of air toward the fan cylinder 152 at the sides of the casing 124 view~ng Figure 10. Orifice 158 is thus specially shaped to modify the vena contracta of air flowing into cylinder 152 and assures that supply thereof near the inside wall of the cylinder at its inlet is nearly equal at :

, 1 all angular locations around the circumference Gf the enclosure.
It is also to be appreciated that the results of this invention are not dependent on the provision of a fan cylinder in operable associ-ation with an air moving device such as a rotary fan. A vena contract modifying apertured baffle may also be used where the fan is simply posi-tioned in a suitable fan opening in a wall, plate or other structure separating the zone from which air is to be removed from an area into which the air is to be discharged.
In the schematic illustration of Figure 11 for example, air moving mechanism 220 includes structure 224 which has a panel 230 provided with a circular fan opening 250 therein. A rotary fan having a series of radially extending blades 256 is positioned for blade rotation inside of opening 250 with the tips 256a of the blades just clearing the edge of panel 230 defining opening 250.
Baffle member 248 on structure 224 has an ir-regularly shaped orifice 258 therein sized and configured in the same manner as described with respect to baffle orifice 48. Circumscribing closure wall 232 prevents surrounding air from entering structure 224 between panel 230 and baff~e membçr 248. The operation of mechanism 220 is identical with that previously described in connection with mechanism 20, noting only in this respect that air is discharged to the area sur-rounding structure 224 without passing through a cylinder associated with the fan.
In the variation 320 of the invention shown in Figure 12, the fan blades 356 are located just inside of the fan opening 350 in panel 330 1 and the rotary fan is of a diameter causing the blade tips 356a to extend beneath the edge of the panel for somewhat better fan efficiency attri-butable to an improved air seal between the fan blades and the fan housing. Here again though baffle member 348 having an orifice 358 is located in proper airflow modifying-relationship to the fan and opening 350 therefore.
Mechanism 420 of Figure 13 differs from that of mechanism 320 only in the location of the fan in disposition such that the blades 456 are outboard of the panel 430 above baffle 448 with the tips 456a overlying the opening defining edge of the panel for improved air sealing in the same manner as described with respect to mechanism 320.
In mechanism 520 shown in Figure 14, a pair of spaced panels 530a and 530b are provided with cooperatively defined fan opening 550 above baffle 548. Blades 556 are located such that the tips 556a extend between panels 530 aand 530b. It is preferred in t.his respect that the blade tips extend outwardly to an extent to overlap the edges of the panels presenting the fan openings 350 therein.
Mechanism 620 in Figure 15 is illus-trative of the fact that fan cylinder such as cylinder 652 may be used in association with rotary fan of any of the variations of the inven-tion shown in Figures 12 and 14.
In Figure 16, the casing 724 of air moving mechanism 720 is constructed for entrance of air only through the right hand side of the structure. This mono-flow unit therefore has only a single fill assembly 740 for passage of air therethrough before entering plenum 746 via ~ 3~ 3 1 eliminators 744. In this instance, the vena contracta controlling baffle member 748 provided with an orifice 758 is inclined at angle relative to the horizontal with the greatest distance between the baffle and panel 730 provided with the fan opening 750 being adjacent the air inlet side of the structure. As a consequence, even though air enters the tower casing 720 from only one direction, modification of airflow toward the fan opening 750 receiving rotary fan 754 may still be optimized by proper sizing and shaping of orifice 758 in baffle 748.
Another form of dual flow tower is shown in Figure 17 wherein casing 820 has air inlets on opposite sides thereof in the same manner as casing 20 of tower 20 in Figures 1-3. In this instance though, air entering plenum 846 from opposed fill assemblies is modified before passing to fan opening 850 in panel 830 by a baffle member 848 having inclined sections 848a and 848b de-fining an apex 848c at the central part of the casing intermediate fill assemblies 738 and 740.
The orifice 858 in baffle member is still shaped and sized for optimum transition of airflow from plenum 846 to circular opening 850 in panel 830.
It is also to be appreciated that the baffle member may be of conical shape overall for strength purposes and that an orifice of any required generally rectangular shape or otherwise may be provided therein.

Claims (23)

We claim:
1. Air moving mechanism comprising:
structure defining a restricted, generally circular opening for passage of air there-through, said opening communicating with a plenum zone from which air is to be removed and leading to an area into which the air is to be discharged, said zone having a cross-sectional area transverse to the flow path of air therethrough which is larger than that of said opening and defined by a non-circular perimeter whereby throttling of the air must occur as it flows from all parts of the zone toward the open-ing in said structure and ultimate discharge to said area;
means associated with said structure for removing air from said zone, increasing the velocity thereof as it flows toward and through said opening in the structure, and directing such air into the area;
air throttling baffle means adjacent the opening in said structure in spaced relationship therefrom toward the zone and provided with a continuous edge surface defining a non-circular orifice larger than the opening and having an overall shape geometrically similar to that of said perimeter and through which the air from the zone must pass in flowing toward the opening in said structure, the edge portions of said baffle means being positioned to project into those regions of the zone where the air flow paths toward the opening from any boundary of the zone are non-parallel to the axis of the opening; and enclosure means operably associated with the structure and said baffle means for preventing area derived air from flowing to said opening without first passing through said zone and thence the orifice in said baffle means, said orifice defining edge surface of the baffle means being configured and arranged relative to said opening in the structure and the baffle means being positioned with respect to the opening in the struc-ture in a location to cause air removed from said boundaries of the zone to follow non-linear transition paths between the baffle means and said opening which vary in angularity relatively to an extent that such boundary derived air not only assures a generally circular pattern conforming to and substantially fills the opening as the air flows into the structure and is directed through the latter to said area but also enters the opening in generally parallel rela-tionship to the axis thereof.
2. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 1 where-in the air moving means comprises a rotary fan asso-ciated with the opening for moving air therethrough.
3. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 2 wherein said structure includes a generally planar member having said opening therein, said rotary fan having a series of radially extending blades rotat-able about an axis coaxial with the opening, the outer tips of said blades being rotatable through an arcuate path adjacent to and inside the edge of the opening.
4. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 2 wherein said fan is provided with a series of blades each having a tip terminating in closely spaced, essentially air sealing relationship to the structure at said opening therein.
5. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 2 wherein said structure includes a generally planar member having said opening therein, said rotary fan having a series of radially extending blades rotatable about an axis coaxial with the opening, said blades being located in dispositions and of respective lengths causing the tips thereof to rotate axially outside the edge of the opening but in proximal relationship to the member.
6. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 5 wherein is provided means mounting the blades in disposition causing the tips thereof to rotate on the side of the member facing said area.
7. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 5 wherein is provided means mounting the blades in disposition causing the tips thereof to rotate on the side of the member facing said baffle means.
8. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 5 wherein said structure includes a pair of planar members in parallel spaced relationship, one of said members being provided with said opening therein located in facing relationship to the area, the other member having an opening therethrough in gen-erally coaxial relationship to the opening in said one member, said rotary fan having a series of radially extending blades rotatable about an axis coaxial with said openings, and means mounting said blades in disposition and the blades being of respective lengths causing the tips thereof to rotate in the space between the members at an axial spacing from the edges of both of the openings.
9. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 8 wherein said members are located in relative spaced relationship only slightly greater than the effec-tive width of the blade tips rotating therebetween.
10. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 2 wherein is provided means supporting said baffle means in non-coplanar relationship with a plane through the structure defining said opening therein thus causing the axis of the orifice to be at an angle relative to the axis of rotation of the rotary fan and the axis of the opening.
11. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 2 wherein said zone includes a pair of opposed air inlets communicating with the opening, each of said air inlets having outer limits which are non-circular, said baffle means having a pair of sections in at least partial facing relationship to respective air inlets, said sections lying in respective planes which are at an angle with respect to each other and having cut away segments presenting lip portions which cooperatively define said orifice.
12. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 1 wherein said baffle means is oriented to cause the orifice to be substantially coaxially aligned with the opening and lying in a plane generally parallel with a plane through said opening.
13. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 1 wherein said enclosure means includes panel means extending outwardly in generally radially projecting relationship from said structure, the baffle means comprising a baffle member spaced from said panel means in a direction toward the zone, said enclosure means for preventing area air from bypassing the opening further comprising air blocking means sur-rounding said orifice and extending between said panel means and the baffle member.
14. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 13 wherein said air blocking means comprises wall means between the panel means and said baffle member and having surfaces facing toward the axis of the orifice spaced outwardly from the orifice defining edge of the baffle member.
15. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 14 wherein said air blocking wall means is spaced radially outwardly a sufficient distance from the orifice to permit air to enter the confined space surrounding said orifice between said baffle member, the structure and said wall means and to enhance transitional movement of air flowing from the zone toward said structure by rolling motion of air in said confined space which rotates in a direction with the part thereof next adjacent the orifice at any one time moving toward said opening and away from said orifice and away from said baffle member.
16. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 1 wherein said structure is of generally cylindrical configuration presenting an essentially circular inlet opening facing said zone and an outlet leading to said area.
17. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 1 wherein said zone has an air inlet located to one side of the axis of the opening, said orifice being of irregular configuration around the circum-ference thereof and defined in part by a first lip portion of said edge surface of the baffle means in greater spaced relationship from the axis of the orifice on the side thereof proximal to said air inlet than the orifice defining lip portions of the edge surface of the baffle means on each side of said first lip portion.
18. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 1 wherein said zone has an air inlet located to one side of the axis of the opening, said orifice being of generally rectangular shape and having one flattened portion thereof defined by said edge surface located in generally aligned relationship with said air inlet and spaced from the axis of the orifice a greater distance than the portions of said edge surface on each side of said one edge surface portion.
19. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 1 wherein said structure is provided an essentially circular air passage opening and the baffle means is spaced from the opening a distance that is from about 10% to about 50% of the diameter of said opening.
20. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 1 wherein said structure is a right circular cylinder having an inlet and outlet and the baffle means is a sheet member spaced from the structure and lying in a plane essentially perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder, said sheet member having an inner edge defining said orifice and of con-tinous non-circular arcuate shape throughout the extent thereof.
21. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 1 wherein said zone is provided with means therein causing certain currents of the air flowing there-through from the perimeter of the zone to be dir-ected toward the opening in said structure in gen-erally parallel relationship to the axis of the opening and other currents of such air from the zone to be directed toward respective perimeter segments of the opening generally radially of the axis of said opening, the orifice defining sec-tions of said baffle means proximal to said certain currents of airflow from the zone being in closer spaced relationship to the axis of the opening than the orifice defining sections of the baffle means adjacent said other currents of the airflow from the zone.
22. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 1 wherein means is provided in said zone on dia-metrically opposed sides of said opening in the structure for causing air removed from the zone and directed to the opening to emanate from two opposed, spaced, generally rectangular subzones, said orifice being of generally rectangular shape with the major extent thereof extending toward and overlying said subzones.
23. Mechanism as set forth in Claim 22 wherein said subzones are provided with means therein inclined relatively with reference to one another and with respect to a plane through said opening causing the air emanating from those portions of the subzones in closest proximity to the opening to be directed toward the opening in a more radial direction relative to the axis of the opening than air emanating from parts of said subzones in greater-spaced relationship from the plane of the opening, said rectangular orifice having flattened but still somewhat arcuate side and end edge portions joined by arcuate corner edge portions of greater arcuateness than said end and side portions.
CA000316336A 1978-11-16 1978-11-16 Fan cylinder having invisible eased inlet Expired CA1118393A (en)

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CA000316336A CA1118393A (en) 1978-11-16 1978-11-16 Fan cylinder having invisible eased inlet

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CA000316336A CA1118393A (en) 1978-11-16 1978-11-16 Fan cylinder having invisible eased inlet

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CA000316336A Expired CA1118393A (en) 1978-11-16 1978-11-16 Fan cylinder having invisible eased inlet

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN113803290A (en) * 2021-09-17 2021-12-17 苏州西热节能环保技术有限公司 Resistance reduction method for air inlet area of thermal power generating unit fan

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN113803290A (en) * 2021-09-17 2021-12-17 苏州西热节能环保技术有限公司 Resistance reduction method for air inlet area of thermal power generating unit fan
CN113803290B (en) * 2021-09-17 2024-01-19 苏州西热节能环保技术有限公司 Resistance reducing method for fan air inlet area of thermal power generating unit

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