CA1085918A - Alternators with hydromagnetic engines - Google Patents

Alternators with hydromagnetic engines


Publication number
CA1085918A CA201,214A CA201214A CA1085918A CA 1085918 A CA1085918 A CA 1085918A CA 201214 A CA201214 A CA 201214A CA 1085918 A CA1085918 A CA 1085918A
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CA201214S (en
Arthur C. Northover
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Application filed by NORTHOVER filed Critical NORTHOVER
Priority to CA201,214A priority Critical patent/CA1085918A/en
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Publication of CA1085918A publication Critical patent/CA1085918A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • H02K99/00Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass
    • H02K99/10Generators


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Power Engineering (AREA)
  • Control Of Eletrric Generators (AREA)


This Invention relates to Alternators with hydromagnetic engine prime movers, generating alternating current. Contrarotating alternators, parallel connected, are a paired power cell unit.
Each alternator stationary housing contains insulated armature windings and encloses a hydromagnetic engine. The prime movers are direct current hydromagnetic motor generator engines, each containing upper andlower semitoroidal vortex generators and a central toroidal flysphere rotor, (accelerator). A gyroscopic, paramagnetic flysphere, magnetically suspended, rotates on the central vertical axis. A diamagnetic plasma working fluid envelopes the cathodic flysphere. The external engine housing is a paradiamagnetically suspended rotor. Each rotor contains upper and lower insulated paramagnetic bearings, inner circum-ferential upper and lower anodes and inner circumferential central cathode, insulated hydromagnetic shunt current windings, insulated field excitation windings to supply outer circumfer-ential flush mounted electromagnets. Dynamic tube balancers girdle the horizontal circumference of each rotor, compensating unbalanced kinetic momentum. The power cell unit furnishes on site "step up" direct current static power, (fuel cell) conver-sion to alternating current rotating power, (alternator) at thirty percent efficiency. Natural gas fuelled, fuel cell stacks supply power for initial flysphere rotation, excitation, continuous plasma generation and recycling subsysteme. Helium plasma, cesium added, feeds the vortex generators. Flysphere rotation magnetically confines plasma, pulsating direct current flows. Accelerator motion develops. Solenoid torque rotates field rotor inducing alternating current in alternator armature.
When alternator loads increase, requiring higher terminal voltages, hydromagnetic engines reduce shunt current, rotation speed in-creases, alternator field resistance decrease, field excitation increases. When alternator loads decrease, the process is reversed.


This Invention relates to Alternators wlth Hydromagnetlc englrles as the prlme movers. Horlzontal shaft type alternators wlth rotating fields have the followin~ disadvanta6es:
(l) On slte power for the prlme movers 18 generally un-acceptable for the envlronmental reasons of nolse and pollutlon emisslons, asQuming power generatlon u~ing fossll fuels.
(ll~ At hlgh speeds, the horlzontal shart develops large mechanlcal strains requirlng hlgh tenslle materials to counter-act the large centrlfugal forces that create ehaft deflectlon and bearlng problems.
(111) The dlrect current fleld excltatlon must be supplied by an external dlrect current power source, (exclter). The fleld excltatlon current must be conducted to the rotating electra-magnets through 811p collector rlngs and brushes and lnsulated low voltage conductors.
I have found that these dlsadvantages may be overcome by the use of Alternators wlth Hydromagnetlc englnes as the prlme movers. Vertlcal shaft type Alternators, wlth the rotatlng fleld members ln magnetlc suspenslon, can be operated at hlgh speeds wlthout large mechanical stralns and bearing problems ln the rotatlne member.
The central Hydromagnetlc englne, as the prime mover, 18 an lntegral, dlrect connected drlve unlt whlch lncorporates an energy storlng flysphere, a fleld excltatlon dlrect current generatlon source and a solenold torque drive. The rlysphere acts as a short term energy storage unit, whlle direct current power lnput is 3upplled by a fuel cell stack wlth natura~ gas fuel. There 18 no englne noise and low emlsslon of pollutants.
The Hydromagnetic englne 18 a devlce for the on site "~tep up"
converslon of static dlrect current power (fuel cell~ to alter-natlng current power (alternator) and ellmlnates the trans-mlsslon llnes lnherent ln system~

. ~ . . .1 . -. ' " '~ ' 10859~8 takln~5 power at one location. On ~ite power systems provlde good volta6e regulatlon at hlgh rellablllty and low operatlnt3 cost, freed from the transmlsalon hazards of 11ghtnln3, wlnd, sleet and other ~o~rces of power fallure.
Alternators wlth Hydroma~netic englnes are well adapted for parallel operatlon, where the palred Alternators are connected to a common bus feeder. As the Hydroma~snetic en~;lne 18 a con-tinuously operated machlne, partial and standby load variations can be readlly h~ndled by control of the Alternator fleld ex-10 cltatlon. The Hydromagnetlc englnes are deslgned wlth balanced~peed characterlstlcs and matched flysphere characteristlcs to meet pulsatlng torque loads.
The Hydroma~;netic en~sines are as descrlbed in Patent Appllcatlon #115,193, dated January 16th, 1973, wlth the exceptlon that the external englne housln~s are not stationary but are designed to operate as solenoid driven rotors ln paradiamagnetic suspension. The Hydromasnetic en31nes are the prime movers and sup21y an intesral source of mechanical power and direct current excitation power. The en~;ines also develop vertical 20 sustentation forces, rotation torque and electrostatic ~;ravi-t~tional fields.
The Hydromagnetic an6ine is a Brayton ~;as cycle an3ine compri-eins a dlrect current senerator motor with a cantral rotatins flysphere and a captive workin~s fluid. The workin3 fluid i8 inert, hot helium gas at subatmospheric pressure, which i9 alternately heated and cooled withln a regenerativa, closed system. The workins fluid constitutes a low temperature plas~na enclosed in a magnetic bottle developed by magnetic boundary layers. The magnetic gauss strength excaeds the plasma 30 pressure.
The hollow ellipsoidal rotor oontains innar and cylindrlcal upper/lower sectionalized alectrodes and inner, cylindrical, central sectionalized electrode~ whlch serve as the separate `" 10~S918 termin~ls of three lnsul~ted low voltage dlrect current circults:
(1) The Hydromagnetlc englne control clrcult: an lnsulated, ~ertlcal solenold shunt clrcuit.
(11) The comblned rotor paramagnetlc upper/lower electromagnetlc suspenslon system and solenold torque drlve clrcult~: an insulatsd vertlcal solenold circult whlch serves as the excltatlon clrcuit ~or the upper/lower bearlng electromagnets.
(111) The Alternator excitatlon clrcult: an ln~ulated e~cltat-lon clrcult for the rotor electromagnet windlngs, The hollow elllpsoldal rotor also contalns outer, olrcumferentlal, ~ertlcally mounted, round rotor or flush type electromagnets and a central, psrlpheral, horlzontally mounted, dynamlc tube balancing system. The rotor electromagnets are bolted to the rotor frame. They are elllpsoidal, concave, low carbon forged steel electromagnets wlth elther parallel or radial slots ror the strap oopper field wlndlngs.
These excltatlon wlndlngs surround each pole. Cage damper wlndings or amortisseur wlndings, consisting of heavy copper ~rlds, are bolted lnto the pole faces. These ahunt wlndings 20 control current fluctuatlons created by the drlvlng torque -pulsatlons. These huntlng currents occur when alternators are operated ln parallel.
The external statlonary houelng of the alternator encloses the Hydromagnetic englne lncludlng the central ~lysphere, the plasma generator motor and the rloating rotor. Thls hou~ing contalns hlgh ~oltage, lnsulated armature wlndlngs, three phase lap or wave wound, ln two layer barrel or simllar wlnding.
In the three pha~e windlng, three wlndlngs are spaced 120 electrical space degrees apart.
The low voltage, dlrect current, lnsulated wlndlngs feedlng the rotor su~pension system and the Hydromagnetlc engine control clrcult are wound to develop a magnetic fleld within the rotor.

..... 3 ~0859~8 Thls mq~net;c flel~ can ralnforce the c~mpo~lte magnetic field of the flysphere and the plasma. Thls creates an electroma6netlc soleno1d torque dr~ve wnlch spins tne locked rotor ln the direct-lon of the en~lne rotation.
The Hydroma~netlc an~lna control circuit 18 an insulated vertlcal solenoid encloHe-~ ln tha rotor frame. Thls solenoid current can be ~hunte~ to elther oppose or as~ist the composite magnetic fleld.
The magnetic Reynolds number of the pla~ma : Rm:

Induced_magnetic fleld Imposed magnetic fleld If the Rm of ths lmposed magnetlc field of the control solenold was too small, the lnduced magnetlc fleld would fall, the magnetlc fleld would not oppose the fluid motlon and the flow velocity would accelerate. If the Rm was too large, the lmposed magnetic fleld would fall; the magnetlc fleld would lncrea~e and oppose the fluid motlon, and the flow velocity would deoelerate.
The low voltage, contra flowlng direct current feeding the lnsul-ated wlndings constltutlng the Hydromagnetic englne control clrcuit can be shunted through a resistance ~ield. This reduces the contra flow currant and thus increases the imposed current and the speed of botatlon of the Hydromagnetic enslne.
Conversely the contra flowlng dlrect currant can be lncreased by shuntlng out the reslstance fleld and thus deoraasing the imposed current and tha speed o~ rotation of the Hydromasnetic engine.
The low voltage, dlrect current feedin~ the insulated windings of the Alternator electromagnets can also be shunted through a reslstance field. Thls reduces the electromagnet excltation current and decraases the Alternator field. Convarsely the excitatlon current can bypas~ the resistance field to develop tha full Alternator field. The excltation current can also be switched off to enable the Alternator to float on the line.

.... .
:' ': ' ' 10859~8 An alternator power cell unlt conai~ts Or two vertlcal axls type alternator6 o~ e~ual power with simllar electrlcal shunt char~cteristics, mounte~ horlzontallly and ln longltudinal align~ent with thelr rotative axes vertical. Each alternator encloses an indlvidu~l prime mover Hydroma~netic englne of equal power and silnllar speed characterlstlcs. The two alternators contrarotate and are anchored to counteract levitatlng screw forces and gyroscoplc lmbalance. The two alternators are oper-ated ln parallel on a common bus feeder and are ln stable equi-llbrlum. If the drlvin~ torque of one alternator 18 lncreased,the electrlcal raaction between the paired alternators creates a circulating current between the alternators. This current puts more electrlcal load on the alternator with the hi~her drlvin~ torque andthis produces motor action on the other alternator. Variations in drlving torques create circulatin6 or huntln~ currents whlch are reduced by lnstallin~ amortisseur or damper wlndln~s into the alternator electroma~net field pole faces.
The three phase alternator has three sets of stator coil windings each one third of the total number of coils. The three groups of coils are 80 arranged that the alternator produces three equal volta~es having a phase displacement of 120 degrees.
One end of each of the three phase windings is conneated to a central terminal from which terminal three leads are pro3ected in star or wye connexion. The three leads may also be combined lnto a slngle circuit to produce a delta connexlon.
The air ~ap between the rotor frame and tha stator frame is 1/8 inch plus ambient temperature expanslon olearances.
If the flux density in the alr gap is ~inusoldal, the total flux cut by one conductor in one rotation at specifled speed of rotation, is calculated to determine the avera3e lnduced ~oltage.
An electro~oti~e force of one ~olt i9 induced in a conductor when it cuts magnetic flux at the rate o~ 108 lines per second.

....5 ~os59~B

If the flux is unlformly dlstrlbuted, the conductor will cut a f~eld of constant magnetlc flux denslty and a ~teady emr. will be induced. If the field ls not uniform, the emf. will vary durlng rate of cutting but the average voltage wlll be lnduced.
In the alternator operation, the electromotive force wlll act on a closed circult and current wlll flow. When the alternator 18 ~loatin~ on the line, the circult can be open, the electro-motlve force is still lnduced, but no current wlll rlow.
Each power cell unlt must have balanced speed, load and elect-rlcal shunt characteristlcs. Alternators may be used ln a wlderange of sizes, but lt i8 preferable to proportion the load for more than one power cell unlt in order to handle partial and ~tandby load requirements. The power cell unlt is connected ln parallel to a common bus feeder. ~s the Hydromagnetic englnes are operated contlnuously, controls are provlded to automatlcally exclte the alternator electroma6nets when the load requlres addltlonal power cell unlt output; or when the load must be shared equally between two power cell units. The controls must also malntain unlform voltage, and regulate the output frequency to the supply tolerances required. All power cell units operate in parallel.
The Hydromagnetlc engine speed control i9 by means of an lnsul- -ated solenold windlng lnstalled ln the rotor frame. The composlte magnetlc fields of the flyspher~ and the plasma fluid assist each other. The solenoid wlnding lnduces a current whlch counterflows a~alnst the imposed current. Thls actlon develops a ma6netic fleld wlth reverse polarity that opposes the composite field. The solenoid winding i~ shunted throu~h a retractable plate rheostat and dlsconnect swltch.
Thls horizontal plate rheostat 18 set ln vert~cal guldes and 18 held in operatlng position by tension spring control. The plate rheostat iB vertlcally retractable to make or break ~ .
..... 6 1085918 >

contact with the Hydromagnetlc engine control circult terminals.
These termlnals are rotating electrodes, proJectlng upwards rrom the rotor conductors, and they contact and travel on clr-cular collector or conductor ralls su~pended from the plate rheostat. The collector ralla feed the plate rheostat clrcult and thus lnte~rate the rheostat clrcuit with the Hydromagnetic englne control clrcult.
By lncreaslng the rheostat fleld resistance, the induced current can be reduced, thus lncr~aslng the lmposed current and the speed o~ rotatlon o~ the engine.
The rheostat resistance can be ellmlnated or shunted out by ralsing the retractable plate rheostat. Thls actlon dlsconnects the rotatlng electrodes from the conductor ralle and no solenold current flows. The balanced ~ydromagnetlc en8ines constituting the prlme movers for the power cell unlt must rotate at th0 same speeds, and therefore must have synchronlzed epeed controls.
The alternator electrical shunt control 18 by means of a voltage regulator lnstalled ln the fleld excltatlon circuit ln order to match the output volta6e with varylng power load. The variatlon Or alternator fleld current is controlled by varyln~ the exclter voltage. The balanced alternators must have synchronlzed controls ln order to share the power load equally. The fleld excitatlon current 18 shunted through a second retractable plate rheostat and swltch. Each alternator has this second smaller, horizontal plate rheostat set below the Hydromagnetlc engine control plate rheostat. The second plate rheostat 18 set in vertlcal guides and 18 held ln operatlng positlon by tension spring control.
Thls plate rheostat 18 vertlcally retractable to make or break contact wlth Alternator fleld excltatlon clrcult termlnals.
~0 The6e termlnals are ln the rorm of rotatlng electrodes proJecting upwards from the rotor conductors and they contact and travel on clrcular collector or conductor rails suspended from the second !,. ' '_'` ~ ..... 7 ~08S918 and lower plate rheost~t. The collector rails feed the plate rheost~t clrcuit and tnus lntegrate the rheostat field wlth the Alternator field excitation circuit. By increasing the rheostat ~leld resistance, a low voltage ls produced on the exclter, whlch reduces the alternator power output.
By reducin~ the rheostat field resistance? a hlgher voltage i8 prod~ced on the exciter and the alternator power output 1B ln-creased. Variations in the power cell termlnal volta~es, created by load variations, can be transmitted to relay swltches whlch shunt the field rheo~tat to increase or decrease fleld reslst-ance.
In summary, by synchronizing the controls of the power cell unit, if the power load increases, requlring higher voltage, the hydromagnetic engines shunt current is reduced to de~elop faster rotation, and the alternator fleld reslstances are bypassed to create higher field excitatlon current. If the power load decreases, requiring lower voltage, the hydroma3netic engines shunt current ls increaeed to develop slower rotation, and the alternator field resistances are "shunted ln" to create lower ~ -field excitatlon current.
The upper rotor bearing is an attraction bearing comprising an upper ferromagnetic reaction stator bearing and a lower para-magnetlc rotor bearlng. The attractlve magnetlo forces attempt to reduce the l/8inch working distance between the two bearings by magnetlc attraction. The a/m lower paramagnetic rotor bearin~
consists of a bearing electromagnet served by the excitation circuit for the suspension system.
The lower rotor bearing is a repulslon bearlng comprising an upper paramagnetic rotor bearlng and a lower paramagnetic stator 3V bearing. The bearing electroma~nets are served by the excitatlon circuit for the suspension system. An addltional clrcular plate conductor is mounted below thealternator and lntegral with the Alternator foundatlon. This circular plate conductor contains ....8 10859~8 clrcular collector or conductor ralls ~or the vertlcal electrode termlnals of the excltation clrcult feedln6 the lower para-ma~netlc ~tator bearlng. -~
1. OBJECTIVES: We shall conslder the case of one alternator powered by a Hydromagnetlc englne as descrlbed ln Patent Appllcation # 115,19~. Thls englne was designed for across the load dlrect current voltage of 48 volts, and a rotatlon speed of 5500 RPM. The alternator shall have the followlng characterlstlcs:
(a) 60 Hertz, 3 phase, capaclty 10 KW, 12.5 KVA, 80% P.F., NEMA standard~.
(bJ ~oltage rating 240 volt termlnal volta~e.
(c) Two rotatlng electroma~netlc ~ield poles.
(d) Alternator rotation ~peed 3600 RPM.

(e) Frequency: RPM. Number of pole~ : 3600.2 : 60Hz r) Rotor perlpheral speed : RPM. ~. d : 3600.IT.3 feet minute : 33,912 F.P.M.
(g) Excitation dlrect current voltage : 48 volt~
(h) Voltage regulatlon plus or minus : 5%
(1) Frequency reeulatlon : 3 Hertz (J) Rotor windin~ preheat 75 C be~ore ~ull speed appllcation.
(1~ Our de~ign i~ based upon the assumption that we can generate and malntaln a low temperature, low pressure plasma (1800F, 9ub-atmospherlc~. We al90 assume that we can self energize the plasma and control the heat insulation and clrcuity problems. We further assuma that the plasma wlll be magnetically confined.

The power of the prime mover would determine the rotor speed and the electrical output of the alternator. The englne speed would 30 be calibrated to develop the required alternator speed~
The confi~uration 18 ellipsoidal but optimum design~ might vary from a spheroidal to an ellipsoidal orothar suitable conflgur-~; atlon depending upon the requlrement.

`'`"' '` ..... 9 108$918 (11) PO R BALA~CE: A sin61e Alternator wlth a central Hydro-ma3netlc englne.
(a) Accelerator dc power lnput: 27.4KW
(b) Hydromagnetlc en~lne 8% excltatlon load lncludlng 5%
suspenslon, 3~ engine control: 3.0 KW
(c) Generator ohmlc heating 1088, assumlng regeneratlve heating ~ nd external adlabatic in~ulation: 5.6 KW
(d) Alternator load expressed as a percentage of rated power:
1.5% field magnet excitatlon : 0.15 KW
5 .0~ rotor suspenslon : O. 50 KW
8.5% solenoid torque ~eed : 0 85 RW:1.5 KW
Total generator dc power output : 37.5 KW
Assume a composlte speciflc gravity of 8.o to embrace the weighted speclflc gravltles of the electromagnets, lnsulated copper windln6s, ceramlc thermal lnsulatlon and laminated steel enclosures .
Volume of solld ellipsoid : 4/3 1~ a.b.c A~suming 1" thickness, 20 4/3 (3.14) 19. 19. 10 : 15000 less 4/3 (3.14) 18. 18. 9 : 12200: 2800 cu. lns.. or approx.-1.62 c.f. ~ 62. 3 (S.G.8) : 807#
Welght capltulatlon : Flysphere 490#
Rotor 807 Encapsulatlon 1500 2797 ~ 2800#
Design magnetlc bearln~ for l# per sq. Cm. pressure. Assume net pole diameter 12'`, 30.48 cm..
Area : i~ d : 0.785 (30.48) : 730 sq. cm..
Bearing load 1297# dlstributed as 650#, say for each bearlng.
Loadlng criterlon 18 satisfactory.
The machlne has a hlgh weiæht ratio per KW developed, therefore a hlgh flrst cost.

...... 10 The design assumptlon for the Alternator XW output i8 extremely conc~ervatlve; another compensatlng factor 18 the low cost of operatlon whlch could negate thls posslble dlsadvantage.
The lnsulated hellcal wlndlng serving as the solenold control clrcult wlll be enclosed as a steel clad solenold. A return path i6 thus provided for the maEnetlc flux. The electrlcal clrcult 19 reverslble by uslng two solenolds, each wlth one end returned to the middle. The direct current feed can be from either the upper or lower cyllndrlcal electrode, termlnatlng at a central cyllndrlcal electrode. The solenolds consequently have opposlte currents and thus produce oppo~ln~ magnetlc flelds.
V : I.R, where V : 48 volts; the low voltage.pressure would be lmproved by feedlng lndlvldual turn windings to develop the maxlmum current at the mlnlmum reslstance. (Copper reslstance, 1 ohm per circular mil lnch.) The magnetic flux for the steel core solenold:

Bm : u . Magnetomotlve force reluctance ~ -: u . (0.4 Il N I ) reluctance Bm : ~ : Flux : u . (0.4 IT N I ) A A reluctance . A

( Where reluctance : 1.~) : u . (0.4 TT N I ) A lp : u . (1.257 N I gllberta) Where u : permeabillty of magnetlc clrcult, NI : ampere turn~ Or coil, (one ampere turn: 1.257 gilberts) A : area of magnetlc clrcult, 8q. lns..

length 1 : average circumference of core, ins..
p : flux denslty and materlal factor.
The lnsulated hellcal wlnding ~ervlng as the solenold torque drlve circuit would also be enclo~ed a~ a steel clad solenold;
thus furnishing a return path for magnetlc flux. The direct current feed would be from the lower cyllndric~l electrode and l,rould terminate at a central cylindrical electrode. The solenold current flow would parallel the hydromaenetlc englne current flow.
The ~lolenold would develop a torque ~orce I.B.R. where ampere current B: ma~;netlc flux density, lines per sq. in..
R: avera~;e radius of solenoid, ft..
IBR: ft. lbs..
10 The torque force would spin the floatlng rotor. The rotor speed would be calibrated for the Alternator operatin~; speed of 3600 RPM with 25% overspeed regulatlon.
The reactlve holding power of the solenold torque drive ln pounds:

B . A
72 Million Where B: rlux denalty, llnes per sq. ln..
A: Area o~ core ln sq. lns..
The permlssible current carryln~3 capaclty of the electromagnet solenold wlndin3, depends upon the amount of heat that the 20 wlnding can dissipate wlthout exceeding a given temperature rise.
1: 2 ~t r where 1: mean length of turn, inches.
r : mean radiu~, inches.
The reslstance or ooppar per clrcular mll. ft..
12 ohms at 60 C or 1 ohm per clr. mll lnch.
Resistance: N 1 Where N: number of turns A: cross section of wire, circular mils.

I: ~r: V . A

or Ampere turns N.I: V A : 13.A

30 The power to be dissipated : ~A

..... 12 ~085918 The cross saction Or the wlre and the number Or turn~ are calculated to determlne the permlsslble current carrylng capaclty of the wlndlne.
The magnetlc rlux rormi~lae used in Paragraph 4, (Hydromagnstic en~lne control clrcult) determlnes the ampere turns requlred to produce the speclrled flux denslty.
Aa the flux denslty ln the alr gap 18 slnusoldal; the total flux 19 cut by one conductor ln one rotatlon 18 ~.P llnes and the tlme taken to cut thl~ flux is i/n seconds.
. . The rate of cuttlng ~

and the agera8e induced voltage ~ . n volts Where ~ : flux per pole, maxwells N : number of conductors ln one phase of the Alternator windlng n : speed ln rotatlons per second P : number Or poles f : frequency, Hertz t : time ln seconds.
An electromotive force (emf.) i8 lnduced and this acts on a closed circult. Current then flows due to this volta6e pressure.
If the clrcult is opened, the emf. is stlll lnduced but no current rlows.
An emf. of one volt i8 induced ln a conductor when it cuts magnetic flux at the rate of 100 milllon llnes per second(lO8).
The rate of cutting ~ : If the flux 18 unlformly dlstributed, the conductor cut~ a fleld of constant flu~ denslty and a steady em~. ls lnduced, Where E : ~ 8 x lO volts.
When the field 18 not unlform, the emf. wlll vary durlng the time t but the average emf. lnduced i8 as above.

....13 If E : llne voltage between the Alternator termlnals and I : llne current ln each termlnal or llne wlr~, then power output for the three phase machlne : V3~ . I in KVA.

The specifled termlnal voltage i8 expressed for a power factor of 0.80% lagglng.
The stator coils are connected together ln groups to form the three pha~e wlnding.
The regulatlon of the Alternator is affected by three factors:
(1) The effectlve armature reslstance, (11) The armature leakage reactance, (111) The armature reactlon.
The speed l~g, created by the armature reactlon, would be adJusted to develop 3600 RPM at the specifled speed regulation.
(~Vlll) ~ATERIAL~
A suggested core materlal for the flysphere 18 Permendur.
Insulatlon materlal 18 refractory Zlrconla, used both as a ~-solid electrolyte or as thermal lnsulation.
The electrode materlal 18 tantalum hafnla alloy cladding with tantalum tungsten core or the equi~alent.
The working fluld 18 lnert monatomic hellum gas seeded wlth 0.5 atomic percent cesium alkali.
A susgested magnetlo pole materlal 18 low carbon, lamlnated sheet steel, rivetted or fastened and lndivldually insulated with varnish or gla~s. The two electromagnet poles on the rotor could be low carbon, steel forged with ~lots for excitation wiring.
The electromagnetlc field poles would be clamped to the rotor frame.
The stationary ar~ature coils might consist of laminated electric steel sheet rings, lndividually varnished or glass insulated, wlth slots in the inner circumference for the armature windings. The armature windlng~ would form three ....14 groups of colls ~n~ three c~rcu~ts ror the three phase output.
The fleld and rotor wlndings woul~ be AI~E Clqss A low voltaee, lnsulated har~ drawn cooper wlre or equlvalent. The Alternator must with~tand all CSA or AIEE short circult tests.
The plate rheostats would be stacked carbon type or the equl-valent. The rot~tln~ electrodes would be ~lmllar to ~hielded trolley pole conductors with slidln~ shoe~, copper/lDon/bronze and runner inserts of ~raphlte carbon or improved material.
The runnin~ rail wo~ld be hard drawn copper of Flgure 8 or 9 sectlon with rated current capaclty and abrasion reslstance.
The dynamlc tube balance would conslst of a speclfic number ~ steel ball bearings enclosed ln a horlzontal, tubular rlng of sultable plastlc or steel materlal. When dynamic lmbalance occurs ln the rotor, the reaction force would allgn the ball bearings to balance the unbalanced horlzontal actlon force.
Where a coolant gas 18 requlred for Alternator operatlon, hellum mi~ht be preferable because of the high operating temperatures.
The fuel cells would be sodium sulphur type with a solid electrolyte of permeable Zirconla or other equivalent fuel cell type.
Drawing one: The schematic assembly of an Alternator wlth Hydroma~netic englne _ w n~ : The circuit and assembly details of an Alternator with Hydroma~netic englne.
Drawln~_one shows the schematic as~embly of one Alternator with central Hydromagnetic engine. An isometrio sketch of a power cell unlt 1~ also shown. (See Drawing #2.) Draw~E~ illustrates oiroult and assembly detail~ of one Alternator with central Hydromaænetio engine.

In ~r~wln6s whlch lllu~trate the embodlments o~ the lnventlon, Drawin~_~, Fi~ure I 18 a vertlcal section of the esnbodiment, Fl~re 2 i8 a plan sectlon of the llne A-A Or Figure I. The Altern~tor wlth Hydro~gnetic en~lne illustrated, co~prises an lnsulated, parama~netlc flysphere wlth a cathode surface, I, rotatirl~ contra clockwise ln paradlamagnetic suspenslon in an lonlzed, hellu~ plasma as worklng fluld whlch fllls an annular cavlty, 2, with an inner linin3, 3, includlng upper and lower cylindrical electrodes, 4, and a central cylindrlcal electrode, 5, (This electrode may be subdivided lnto two central cylindri-cal electrodes, one above and one below the horizontal, central neutral plane.) Also illustrated is the rotor, 6, rotating contra clockwise ln paradlama~netlc suspenslon wlth a ~olenoid torque drive; the rotor contalns the upper and lower paradlamag- :~
netlc rotor bearin~s with lnsulated, direct current windin~s feedlng the parama~netic bearlngs; the solenoid torque drlve with insulated, direct current windin~s, and the englne control solenoid, 7, consistin~ of an insulated, reversible, direct current shunt circuit; the Alternator excitatlon circuit is also included comprlsing insulated, direct current windings for the rotor electromagnet excitatlon. The bearin~s are shown as follows: The upper and lower paramagnetic rotor bearin~s, 8,.
and the upper ~tator ferroma~netlc bearing, 9, (This bearing may be designed as a paramagnetic bearlng.), and the lower stator paramagnetic bearlng, 10. Also illustrated are the stator armature coils with lnsulated, alternating current wlndings, II, and the upper plate rheostat ( variable resistance) for the Hydroma~netic engine control complete with disconnect switches and two vertical rotating electrodes, 12, and the lower plate rheo~tat (varlable resistance) for the Alternator dlrect current excltation control complete with disconnect switchss and two vertical rotatin~ electrodes, 13. The lower stator plate rheostat to supply the lower stator paramagnetlc bearing is also ~hown ...... 16 :

complete wlth two vertical rotatlng electrodes, 14. The dynamic tube balancer i9 shown ln vertlcal ~ectlon only, Fl~ure 1, 15.
The balancer consists of a speclrlc number of steel ball bearings, free to rotate together ln a horlzontal, tub~lar ring of pla~tlc or steel materlal. The ball bearln6s as a 6ro~p w111 dynamlcally balance any rotation imbalance. Also shown are the stator frame, 16, the alr ~ap between the rotor frame and the stator frame, 17, and the Alternator excitation clrcuit, 18.
In drawings whlch lllustrate the embodiments of the lnvention, Drawln~ 2 lllustrates the assembly and clrcult details of the em-bodlment. Flgure 3 18 an isometric sketch of a power cell unit comprlsing two contra rotating Alternators, each powered by a Hydromagnetic englne; Figure 4 18 a llne diagram Or a three phase Alternator with Hydromagnetic englne ( generator/accelerator) as a prime mover; Figure 5 i~ a line diagram Or the Hydromagnetic engine control clrcuitry; Flgure 6 18 a llne diagram of the solenoid torque drive for the rotor; Figure 7 lllustratea the excitatlon electromagnet circultry. The power cell unlt lncludes (variable resistances) plate rheostats, 1, llne terminals, 2, varlable reactances, 3, dlsconnect swlt¢hes, 4, and oll clrcuit breakers, 5, and platform space, 6, for direct current fuel cells, and hellum puriPlcation system comprlsing vacuum pump, compressor, condensing unit, filter unit and closed circulatlon system. Also illustrated are the fuel cells, 7, variable reslstances( plate rheo-stats) 8, steel clad solenoids with insulated windlngs, with one end returned to the middle, 9, and a steel clad Aolenoid with in-~ulated windings, with both ends termlnating at the middle, 10, in~ulated excitatlon electromagnet wlndlngs, 11, upper and lowsr cyllndrical electrode termlnals, 12 and 13 respectively, and the central cyllndrical electrode terminal, 14.

....... 17 (X~ SUMMARY:
a~ Fuel Cell Stack: Assume 75 f~el cells, natural gas fuel.
The 75 ~uel cells requlre contlnuous lnput of 37.5 KW or serles currlsnt 770 amperes at pressure of 48.75 volt~ d.c.. The average efflclency of stack, omittln~ rectlfler, 80g. (Assume 77%1.
b) ystem Losses: Fuel cell contlnuous load: Hellum plasma arc ~et heater 48 volts d.c. 4KW; Plasma clrculator (12CFM), compressor, condenser, cesium subsystem 1.5 KW, Hydromagnetlc enelne loseea 20.7 ~W, Alternator losses 0.5 KW. . 26.7 RW.
c) System Efflclency at full load: output/output plus losses :
12.5.(0.8PF) / 12.5.(0.8PF) plus 26.7 : 27.4%
Theoretical Efflclency: ~uel cell (0.77). Hydromagnetlc englne (0.41). Alternator (0.95) : 30%, (Comparable to typlcal publlc ~tllity.) d) Starting Procedure: me moveable starter d.c. motor has a vertlcal drive shaft connexlon to the rlysphere. The retract-able shaft inltlally supports and rotates the flysphere. The 4KW short term load 18 furnished by the fuel cell stack.
e) O~eratlng Condltlons: The Hydroma~netlc en~lne i8 a contlnu~
ously operatlng machlne uslng a closed, regeneratlve, self cycllng process. The high speed englne at 5500RP~ must have controlled rotor speed to develop the requlred 3600RPM. The Alternator clrcult would be protected by fault categorles as follows: 1~ Manual operation as a precautionary actlon; 2) Clrcult tripped by lnternal lnsulatlon fallure; 3~ Clrcult trlpped by external flashover.
f) DesiRn Criterla: A minlmal welght must be maintalned for alternator rotor. The low d.c. excitation voltage requires more ampere turn windings in the d.c. electromagnetsO The hlgh speed d.c. electrodes require speclal materials for electrode shoes and ralls. The adiabatic heat levels of the flysphere and elect-ramagnets will create an insulatlon problem. Special heat seals are required for the alternator rotor be&rlngs. The magneto-motive force wlll pull the rotor and stator iron ~r;~ ..... 18 ~085918 towards each other, a compresslve stress effect; the electro-magnetlc force wlll sllde the rotor and stator over each other, a shearinE stress erfect.
There i9 the posslbillty that the hydromagnetic plasma current wlll attempt to allgn wlth the vertlcal magnetlc field thls efrect mlght cause the flysphere vertlcal axls to be lnclined to lts axls of rotation.
Design crlterla must satlsfy optlmum crlterla for the flysphere and hydromagnetlc englne con~igurations to develop the maxlmum alternatlng current power output at mlnlmal dlrect current motor input; to satisry the optimum rotor conflguratlon and the mlnlmal weight crlteria to develop the maximum alternatlng current power output.
The merlt of the machlne ls the ablllty to convert direct current to alternating current power. By reducing the reslstance of the electric circuits, we obtain the maxlmum current for the electromotive pressure lnduced by the magnetic flux. By re-duclng the reluctance of the magnetlc circuit, we obtain the maximum flux for the electrlc current which produces it.
d) Special Problems (l) Can we energize the plasma ror continuous operation ~ 2000 F?
(2) Can we contaln the low temperature plasma in a magnetlc bottle to thermally shleld the rotor electromagnets and the alternator wlndln~s from excesslve heat?
(3) The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamlcs appear to hold for our global envlronment; do they hold for the earth hydro-magnetic englne, our prime mover? In other words, do they hold ~or plan~tary rotation and the resultant orbital motion?
(4) The electrostatlc gravltatlonal forces developed by the Hydromagnetic engine will create local partlcle interactlons, or gravitation lnteraction. This electrostatic force could create speclal electrostatic problems on the outer surface of the rotor.

..... 19 ' ~

(5) The current re~earch ln low temperature plasma power has concentrated on the deYelopment o~ power generators; thls patent appllcatlon 18 based on the premlse that the generator motor fleld 1B the urgent fleld for research ln order to develop a Hydromagnetlc englne prototype ~ transportatlon .power generatlon use.

..... 20

Claims (2)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. Alternators with hydromagnetic engines, comprising two contrarotating alternators, operating in parallel with similar shunt characteristics, paired as a power cell unit and mounted on a fixed foundation counteracting gyroscopic torque and hydro-magnetic uplift, each alternator with a prime mover hydromagnetic engine means consisting of a hydromagnetic cell comprising a rotating, paradiamagnetically suspended, paramagnetic flysphere, a hydromagnetic, diamagnetic enclosing plasma constituting upper and lower vortex generators and an integral central volume, annular rotor accelerator, the external housing of the said engine means comprising a paradiamagnetically suspended rotor, rotating by solenoid torque, the said rotor containing upper and lower heat insulated paramagnetic bearings, inner circumfer-ential upper and lower anodes and an inner circumferential central cathode, insulated hydromagnetic shunt current windings and insulated excitation windings supplying outer circumferential flush mounted electromagnets, a dynamid tube balancer girdling the horizontal circumference of the said rotor compensating for unbalanced kinetic momentum, each alternator stationary housing containing insulated high voltage alternating current single or three phase armature windings, the hydromagnetic engines having natural gas fuelled, fuel cell stack direct current power supply for initial flysphere rotation, engine excitation, continuous plasma generation, cesium seeding and recycling subsystems, the power cell unit furnishing on site "step up" direct current static power, (fuel cell) conversion to alternating current rotative power, (alternator) at thirty percent efficiency, auto-matic control of hydromagnetic engine rotation speeds with load variations, the hydromagnetic engines having similar speed characteristics, automatic voltage regulation controlling alter-nator field excitation, for parallel operation, for on site automatic power plants, load following, (continuous).
2. Alternators with hydromagnetic engines as claimed in Claim 1, for automatic power plants at load centres and other points of utilization for peak loads.
CA201,214A 1974-05-30 1974-05-30 Alternators with hydromagnetic engines Expired CA1085918A (en)

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CA201,214A CA1085918A (en) 1974-05-30 1974-05-30 Alternators with hydromagnetic engines

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CA201,214A CA1085918A (en) 1974-05-30 1974-05-30 Alternators with hydromagnetic engines

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CA201,214A Expired CA1085918A (en) 1974-05-30 1974-05-30 Alternators with hydromagnetic engines

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN103758577A (en) * 2014-01-07 2014-04-30 中国科学院电工研究所 Superconducting-ball-rotor rotary driving device

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN103758577A (en) * 2014-01-07 2014-04-30 中国科学院电工研究所 Superconducting-ball-rotor rotary driving device

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