CA1085662A - Optical device for inspecting the interior of an enclosure - Google Patents

Optical device for inspecting the interior of an enclosure


Publication number
CA1085662A CA290,157A CA290157A CA1085662A CA 1085662 A CA1085662 A CA 1085662A CA 290157 A CA290157 A CA 290157A CA 1085662 A CA1085662 A CA 1085662A
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Other languages
French (fr)
Robert A. Pirlet
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Centre de Recherches Metallurgiques CRM ASBL
Original Assignee
Centre de Recherches Metallurgiques CRM ASBL
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Centre de Recherches Metallurgiques CRM ASBL filed Critical Centre de Recherches Metallurgiques CRM ASBL
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1085662A publication Critical patent/CA1085662A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • G02OPTICS
    • G02B23/00Telescopes, e.g. binoculars; Periscopes; Instruments for viewing the inside of hollow bodies; Viewfinders; Optical aiming or sighting devices
    • G02B23/24Instruments or systems for viewing the inside of hollow bodies, e.g. fibrescopes
    • G02B23/2476Non-optical details, e.g. housings, mountings, supports


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Astronomy & Astrophysics (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Optics & Photonics (AREA)
  • Radiation Pyrometers (AREA)
  • Instruments For Viewing The Inside Of Hollow Bodies (AREA)
  • Investigating Materials By The Use Of Optical Means Adapted For Particular Applications (AREA)


The interior of an enclosure is inspected from the outside through an opening by a device comprising an observation or measuring instrument. Deflectors are arranged so that radiation from the interior of the enclosure passing through an observation orifice of the device is transmitted to the instrument along a folded optical path, one end part of which coincides with the sighting axis of the instrument. One of the deflectors is rotatable about an axis perpendicular to a plane containing the sighting axis and the said path in order to vary the angle of the end part or the said path adjacent the orifice. The assembly of deflectors is rotatable relative to the instrument about the sighting axis.



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~he present invention relates to a device which makes it possible to inspect the interior of an enclosure, for example for making some specific measurements.
-. ~he following description illus-tra-tes an application of the device to the inspection of the burden in a blast furnace. ~his is done, however, by way of eæample and wi-thout implying c~ny limitation. A device according to -the invention can be used for observing the interior : : of ~n~ enclosure.
~here is a well-recognized interest in observing~
for example, -the evolution of -the shape of the upper surface of the burden in a blas-t Iurnace, the distribution of -the surface -tempera-tures from i-ts centre to its periphery and the appearance of ho-t spots or cold zones, etc. ~hese indications allow the operation of the blast furnace to be improved, this depending on appropriate addition of coke, ore, and flu~es as well as on accurate dlstri.bution of these materials across the whole of the upper surface of -the burden.
~he value of all data is of course subo.rdinate to the ~act of being able to correctly observe the burden by means of a device which is as reliable as possible.
~heoretically, these conditions cannot easily be met~
because the space above the burden in the blas-t furnace i 25 may con-tain a comp:ressed gas (for example~ at a pressure of 2 kgjcm ) and is practi.cally always very dusty.
In order to observe thb charge inside a blast furnace~ various devices have already been suggested which are generally of the scanning t~e and .iorm a com~onen~ of a~practically fi.~ed device, or o~ -the telemetric type.

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' ' . In mos-t cases~ -these devices permit observation of ~: the burden in a blast furnace ~hrough an inspec-tion window of -transparent material permanen-tly cleanecl from inside . ~he applicants have alread~ sugges-ted a device of this t~pe whiGh comprises, on -thè one hand, an observation or measuring instrument whose sigh-ting axis, or a-t least i-ts ter~ninal par-tj is orienta-ted so as -to pass -through an opèning and, on the o-ther hand, means for devia-ting the si~l-ting axls of -the instrumen-tO Such a device makes it ~ possible to orientate the axis o~ -the ins-trument in an~.- ~ 10 directions compatible wi-th the aperture of -the ins-trument.
~` Some devices of this type have alread~ been availableon the marke-t, in particular -thermographic apparatus whose means for cleviating the sighting axis o~ the camera are po~gonal prisms. In general~ use of these devices requires -the formation of a relativel~ large opening : in the side wall as well as an insulating valve in order -to be able to make all -the necessar~ measurements ins:Lde the enclosure.
~'he present invention providcs a device which comprises :` .
- an--observation or measuring instrumen-t, - deflec-tors a-t least one of which Ls mobile to ensure7 on the one harid, the passage of radia-tion from the inside of the enclos-ure to an observation opening, preferabl~
of mini.mum size, and, on -the o-ther hand, transmission of the sàid radia-tion to the observation or measuring instrumen-t along a braken line -the end part of which coincides wi-th the sighting a~is of the sald observation or measuring instrumen-t7 : . , ( - means for rot~ting the mobile deflector or deflec-tors , ~ .
.about an axis perpendicular to the plane formed b~ the said s.igh-ting axis and its prolongation along -the said broken line~
~ - means ~or rotating the deflector ass~mbly about an : 5 axis cQincidin~ with a portion o~ the said bro.ken line, - a suppor-t on which -there are ~ T~ on the one hand~ the obse~vatlon or measuring ins-trumen-t and, on the other hand, -the RXiS o.f rotation about which -~he de~lector assemb~y is designed to rotate as well as me~ns for rotating this assembly.
he de~lee-tors ma~ advantageously be :~o~med by mirrors. ~he mirrors may be configured and arranged to . ensure measurement or observation at as constant as possible an angle independently o~ -the direction in ~uestion. Alternat ively, the mirrors may be con~igured and arranged to ensure as constant as possible a measurement or observation o~ a surface in -the sigh-ted zone independently o~ the direction in question.
~he ~ixed or movable mirrors can be pla~o and/or cylindrical with a circularq or ellip-ticalq or ~arabolic cross section~ and/or having ~n ellipsoi.d sux~ace por~ion and/or a paraboloid sur~ace portion and/or a spherîcal : surface portion.
Accordin.g ~o a par~icularly advantageou~ embodimen-'~
o~ the invention, the mirrors are p].ane and the axis o:~ ro-tation o~ the movable mirror is located outside -the pa-th ~ollowed by the radia-tion from the orlfice to the instrument.


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ssi~z ~, It is thus obtained that the common intersection of the received radiation and the radiation reflected b~ the movable mirror is subjected to combined rotary movement and displacement during the displacement of the movable mirror.
According to a modification, one of the mirrors is fixed and has a curvature such that at least one movable mirror can be located on the path o~ the radiation from the orifice to the instrument. A particularly advantageous embodiment is a concave shape. The surface of the curved mirror can be either ~
10 continuous (which is preferred) or formed by facets. `
The device preferably comprises a diaphragm which .
ensures a constant aperture for the optical system used. The optical circuit may comprise an element adapted to focus radiation through the diaphragm~ or through the observation opening, onto the surface of the instrument.
The movement of the movable de~lector or deflectors may be derived through a cam or a rack. The movement of the .. .
movable deflector or deflectors and the rotation movement of the deflector assembly are advantageously controlled by the same motor by way of a differential system.
Moreover, the obser~ation or measuring instrument, the deflector assembly, and the means for rotating this assembly may be mounted on a support movable towards and away from an opening formed in the side wall of the enclosure or of an insulation valve. The end of the approaching movemént stroke of the assembly comprising the ~ " '' ' ;~

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observation ins-trument c~nd -the de~lectors~ in ~ront of the opening lormed in -the side wall o~ the enclosure to be in.spected or of` the insulati~g valve, ad~antageousl~
coincides with -the closing of a seal o~ a circular space supplied with a fluid and ensuring injec-tion of this ~luid all around the said assembly.
A shield protecting the optical sys-tem from the inner atmosphere o~ the enclosure to be inspected is advantageous~
rigid with the support oE the observation instrument and with the axis of rota-tion of the deflectors~ thereby making it easier to clec~n it. A second shield is advantageously ;
made rigid with the movable assembly o~ the deflectors in order to tiC~ht seal -the element .Eormed b~ the observa-tio.n instrument and the said deflec-tors. In -the case in which . a single shield .is used, the shield can be made rigid with the mo~able assembly of -the de~lec-tors in order to tight seal the element Eormed ~y the observation instrume~*
and -the said de~lectors. In the case in whlch a single ~, shield is used, the shieid can be made rigid with the movable i assembl~ of the deElectors in o:rder to tight seal the ; 20 optical s~stem.
¦ ~he suppo:rt to which the observation or measuring instrume.nt and the axis o~ rotation of the de~lectors are fixed, is advantageously contcained in a tigh-t ~ealed casing so as to prevent an~ danger which mi~lt come ~rom the enclosure to be inspected.
¦ ~he~invention.will be described further? by wa~ of .
¦ example only, wi-th reference to the accompanying drawings, ¦ in which ~or inspecting the in-terior o~ an enclosure~-~IGURE 1 shows a device ~or inspecting the interior of ` 3 ' - ' , " ' ' .

~ .


an enclosure~ comprising a movable pl.ane mirror havlng i .an axis o~ ro-tation located ~u-t,side the pa-th ~ollowed . by radiation from an o~servation ope~ing to an observa-tion ins-trument;
~IGURE 2 shows a device comprising a ~ixed concave mirror , 5 and at least one movable mirror having an a~is of rotation .l loca-ted on the path followed bg radiation ~xom an observa-tion - openin.g to a.n obser~ation instrument; and ~G~E 3 sho~s a ;~ device movable towards and away from the opening formed in thejside wall o~ the enclosure ~hose in-terior is to : 10 be inspec-ted.
~he device illustrated in ~IGURE 1 has a measuring 'l instrument in the form of a pyrome-ter P having a sighting.
~' axis 1. ~he p-yrometer P is mo~mted i.ndirectly on a :.
support 2. The prolongation of the sighting axis 1 is ~oId~d op~,'c~,I
,~, 15~ deviated along a ~ Y~ ~}}~ path by the action o~
de~lectors formed by plane mirrors 3, 4~ 5, 6 and passes through an observation ori~ice 8 before entering the enclosure (not shown) the temperature of whose interior is -to be measured. ~he ori~ice 8 is located in front o~
a transparen-t shleld 9. A diaphragm 7 delimi-ts a constant aperture ~or the optical s~stem.
:~ ~he plane mirrors 3, 4, 5 are fixed wi-th respect to one another and onl~T the plane mirror 6 is mo~Table~
in -the sense tha-t l-t can rotate abou-t an axis 10 perpendicular to -the plane con-taining the sightin~ ~is . 1 and.its prolongation . The axis 10 is located outside : the pa-th followed b~ -the radia-tion from the orifice 8 . to the p~Trome-ter P. The posit~ons ~f the common i~tersecti.ons ~()8S6~iiZ

11 and 12 between the incident beam and the beam reflected by ~.
the movable mirror 6 in two different positions of the mirror 6 .
clearly show that these intersections are subjected to a combined rotary and translational movement during the displacement ;; -of the movable mirror 6.
The movement of the mirror 6 is obtained as follows. ;;~
A tube 13 rigidly fixed to the support 2 is connected to a movable tube 14 by means of needle bearings 15. Within the : -;
movable tube 14, a second movable tube 16 is kept in position by two needle bearings 17. Rotary movement is transmitted to the tubes 14 and 16 by means of toothed rings 18 and 19 as well as a differential comprising two toothed wheels 20, 21 and a motor 22 mounted on the support 2. A position indicator 23 is also pro~ided. A cam 24 is located at the end of the tube 16, the movement of the cam 24 displacing the axis of a ro~ler `
25 mounted on the rotatable arm 26 rigid with the mirror 6.
A return spring 27 acting on the rotatable arm 26 urges the `;
roller 25 to contact with the cam 24. The shape of the cam ; ; 24 may be such as to defice a trajectory of a predetermined given shape across the surface to be inspected in the enclosure.
.~ ~ The assembly of the mirrors 3, 4, 5, 6 i5 rotatable about an axis which coincides with the sighting axis 1 and is : fixed with respect to the support 2. ~.
The system formed by the components 18, 19, 20 and 21, ~ `
: drives of the tubes 14 and 16 at different predetermined speeds so that, if the tube 14 effects for example 10 rotations, .

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the tube 16 effects 11 rotations in the same direc~ion.
Consec~uently, during the 10 rotations of the tube 14, the mirror 6 effects a complete forward and backward movement, since the tubes 14 and 16 perform a complete revolution relative to each other.
Scanning of the surface to be insepcted inside the enclosure is ensured by two movements: on the one hand, the movement provided b~ the rotation of the movable mirror 6, and, ~ -on the other hand, that provided by the rotation of the assembly ~ :
of the mirrors3, 4, 5, 6 about an axis coinciding with the sighting axis 1.
An air box 28 is provided in front of the shield 9 :~
so as to act as a cushion between the shield and the inside of .
the enclosure. The air box 28 is fed from a circular space 29 by way of conduits 30.
It is possible to readily disassemble the shield 9 from its support, which is mounted on the air box 28, which is, in turn, bolted to a cooling water jacket 31.
In FIGURE 2, the observation ins~rument is a pyrometer P having a sighting axis 41. This pyrometer is fixed on a support 42. The deflectors are formed by mirrors 43, g4, ~5, 46. A
: diaphragm 47 ensures a constant aperture for the optical ~ ;
system used. The optical path is folded along a non-rectilinear path in a plane containing the axis 41 under the action of the ~
mirrors 43 to 46 and passes through an observation orifice 48 ~.
before entering the enclosure the temperature in which is to be measured. The orifice 48 is located in front of a transparent ~ ;
shield 49. `-The mirrors 43 and 44 are plane and fixed; the mirror ~ :
46 is cylindrical and fixed. The mirror 45 is plane and can rotate about an axis 50 perpendicular to the )151566Z

plane containiny the sighting axis 41 and its prolongation.
The axis 50 is located on the said prolongation. Rotary movement of the mirror 45 can be obtained by means of a cylindrical cam 51 and a roller 52 which displaces a bent arm 53 actuating a rack system 54.
The surface of the mirror 46 is port on of a right circular cylinder. The curvature of the mirror 46 is such that it is possible to use the pivoting mirror 45 to locate the path followed by the radiation from the orifice 48 to the pyrometer 1 0 P .
The assembly of the mirrors 43, 44~ 45, 46 can rotate about an axis which coincides with the sighting axis 41 and is fixed with respect to the support 42.
Scanning of the surface to be inspected inside the enclosure is ensured by two movements: on the one hand, the movement given by the oscillation of the movable mirror 45 and, on the other hand, that given by the rotation of the assembly of mirrors 43, 44, 45, 46 about an axis coinciding with the sighting axis 41.
The angular position of these two movements is adjusted `
to selectively position the optical path so that it is directed to the part of the surface to be observed, e.g. for the measure-ment of the temperature of the burden in a blast furnace. An air box 55 is provided in front of the shield 49 to act as a cushion between the shield and the inside of the furnace. The air box 55 is fed by a circular space 56. It is possible to easily disassemble the shield 49 from its support, which is mounted on the air box 55, which is, in turn, bolted to a cooling water jacket 57.
In FIGURE 3, the assembly 61 formed by the system of mirrors is connected to a pyrometer 62 in the case of a measurement of the temperature of the burden in a _g_ ;:


, ~las-t fl~nace. Rotatlonalmovement o~ the assembly 61 is con-trolled b-y a reduction gear 6~. ~urthermore~
~IGUR~ 3 shows a loca-tion 64 ~or con-trol devices indispensable for mailitainlng transparent the shield ' designed to protect the op-tical system agains-t the internal atmosphere of the enclosure, to be inspscted.
~o be able to move the components 61, 62~ 63 7 64 near -to and awa~ from an opening f'ormed in the side of the enclosure whose in-ternal temperatures are to be measured, -the said components are mou~-ted on a s~pport ' 10 65 which is displaced along guides 66 and 67 by a jack 68.
~he components 61 to 68 are located in,an enclosure 69 under pressure, which rests on,shaft 70 attached to ~i a support plate 71 fixed -to -the pla-ting of' the blast ~urnace.
. , ' '~his approaching movement ma~es i-t possible -to ,"1 15 , obtain an extremely large observation field 73 independently ., , . .
~' of the ratio,of thickness to useful diameter of the~' ~ ' shaft 70. One,end posl-tion'o~ -the movement -towards and awa~ ~rom the isolation val~e 69 is determined by the value of the said o'~servation field 73,, whereas the other end position is chosen so as to comple-tely withdraw ¦ 1, the componen-ts 61 to 6~ ~rom -the shaft.
~he stroke limit 72 of the approaching movement of the components 61 -to 64 rela-tlve -to the isola-tion enclosure 69 coincides with the closing o~ a seal 74 of a circular space 75 fed wi-th air. Coilsequently -the air contained in -the circular space 75 is discharged ~rom -thls space ,, and enters the ass~bly 61 and -the shaft 70 and thus assis-ts in keeping these in good working condition.
, ' " -10-

Claims (13)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:-
1. A device for inspecting from outside the interior of an enclosure through an opening, the device comprising:
an observation or measuring instrument having a sighting axis; an observation orifice; a plurality of light path deflectors arranged so that radiation from the interior of the enclosure passing through an observation orifice of the device is transmitted to the instrument along a folded optical path which lies in a plane, the end part of the said path adjacent the instrument coinciding with the sighting axis of the instrument; means for rotating one of the deflectors about an axis perpendicular to the said plane containing the sighting axis and the said path so as to vary the angle of the end part of the said path adjacent the orifice; and means for rotating the assembly of deflectors relative to the instrument about an axis contained in the said plane and coinciding with the sighting axis.
2. A device as claimed in claim 1, in which the deflectors are mirrors.
3. A device as claimed in claim 2, in which the mirrors are plane mirrors, one of which is rotatable about the said axis perpendicular to the plane of the optical path, the axis of rotation of the rotatable mirror being located outside the path followed by radiation from the orifice to the instrument.
4. A device as claimed in claim 2, in which one of the mirrors is a fixed curved mirror which is located on the optical path between the orifice and the movable mirror.
5. A device as claimed in claim 4, in which the curved mirror is concave.
6. A device as claimed in claim 1, including a diaphragm which ensures a constant aperture for the optical system.
7. A device as claimed in claim 1 or 6, including means for focusing onto the instrument the radiation passing through the observation orifice or the diaphragm.
8. A device as claimed in claim 1, in which the movement given to the rotatable deflector is controlled by a cam or a rack.
9. A device as claimed in claim 1, in which the movement of the rotatable deflector and the rotary movement of the assembly of deflectors are controlled by a single motor by way of a drive system which is arranged to drive them at predetermined relative speeds.
10. A device as claimed in claim 1, in which the instrument, the assembly of deflectors, and the means for rotating this assembly are mounted on a support movable towards and away from the enclosure whose interior is to be inspected.
11. A device as claimed in claim 1, including a shield protecting the deflectors from the internal atmosphere of the enclosure to be inspected.
12. A device as claimed in claim 11, in which the shield is fixed with respect to the assembly of deflectors.
13. A device as claimed in claim 1, in which the instrument and the deflectors are contained in a sealed casing.
CA290,157A 1976-11-04 1977-11-03 Optical device for inspecting the interior of an enclosure Expired CA1085662A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
BE6/45744 1976-11-04
BE6045744A BE847998A (en) 1976-11-04 1976-11-04 DEVICE FOR OBSERVING THE INTERIOR OF A SPEAKER.

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1085662A true CA1085662A (en) 1980-09-16



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA290,157A Expired CA1085662A (en) 1976-11-04 1977-11-03 Optical device for inspecting the interior of an enclosure

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BE (1) BE847998A (en)
CA (1) CA1085662A (en)
DE (1) DE2748651C3 (en)
GB (1) GB1586674A (en)
IT (1) IT1116341B (en)

Families Citing this family (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE3118080C2 (en) * 1981-05-07 1986-04-30 Bergwerksverband Gmbh, 4300 Essen Device for measuring the temperature distribution along the inner walls of narrow, shaft-shaped spaces
GB9404728D0 (en) * 1994-03-11 1994-04-27 British Nuclear Fuels Plc Arrangements for use with radiation shielded enclosures

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GB1586674A (en) 1981-03-25
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DE2748651C3 (en) 1981-02-19
IT1116341B (en) 1986-02-10
BE847998A (en) 1977-05-04
DE2748651B2 (en) 1980-06-04

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