CA1055497A - Process for the preparation of 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine - Google Patents

Process for the preparation of 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine


Publication number
CA1055497A CA257,351A CA257351A CA1055497A CA 1055497 A CA1055497 A CA 1055497A CA 257351 A CA257351 A CA 257351A CA 1055497 A CA1055497 A CA 1055497A
Prior art keywords
process according
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Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
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Other languages
French (fr)
Nedjeljko Kujundzic
Krunoslav Kovacevic
Berislav Gluncic
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Pliva Farmaceutika dd
Original Assignee
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Priority to CA257,351A priority Critical patent/CA1055497A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1055497A publication Critical patent/CA1055497A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)


The process relates to the preparation of 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine, which displays synergetic activity with sulfonamides in the control of coccidiosis in poultry and is available under the name of ORMETOPRIM.


~6~SS~97 P L I V A

The process relates to the preparation of 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine, which displays synergetic activity with sulfonamides in the control of coccidiosis in poultry and is available under the name of ORMETOPRIM.

It is already known to prepare 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyramidine by (a) condensing 2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde with beta-methoxypropionitrile in the presence of sodium methylate in methanol and converting the obtained alpha-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzylidene)-beta-metho~xy-propio-nitrile by boiling in methanol with sodium methylate for 24 hours to alpha-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl)-beta, beta-dimethoxy propionitrile, which gives ormetoprim (Dutch pat. 6 514 178) by the condensation with guanidine;
(b) converting acetylthymine by bromination with N-bromosuc cinimide in chloroform in the presence of benzylperoxide to 2,4-diacetoxy~5-bromomethyl pyrimidine which is con-densed with 4-methylveratrole in the presence of HgC12 ~i in nitrobenzene to 2,4-dihydroxy-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dymethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine. By the chlorination of the obtained compound with POC13 in the presence of N,N-dimethylaniline, the 2,4~dichloroderivative is prepared and converted to ormetoprim by the treatment with alcoholic ammonia (Dutch pat. 6 514 743).

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~55497 We have ~ound that by the co~de~atio~ o~ the (2-meth~l-4,5 dimethoxybenzgl) cy~nocetic acid ~th~l ester or (2-meth~l-4,5_dimethoxybenzyl) malonic acid diethyl e~tsr with guanidi~e or urea the compou~ds o~ general fo~mula I
are obtained:



`wherein ~ and Y ha~e the meanihg of OH and/or ~H~ Free amino group~ are protected b~ the treatme~t with a~etic ~-:
an~ydride and thus compound~ of ge~eral form~la I are ob-tained, wherei~ ~ and Y ha~e the meani~g of OH and~or ~XCOaH3, which compounds are the~ co~erted to the compounds o~ general formula II b~ chlori~atio~ with phosphorous o~chloride or phoæphorous ¢hlorides.

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C~3 Cl II

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;' ~ ' , , , , . - , l~SS~97 wherein Z ~nd W have the mea~ing of Cl, ~2 and/or ~HCOC~3.
~he obtai~ed co.mpounds are co~verted b~ the amination with a~mo~ia to 2,4-dia~ino-5-~2_meth~1-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl)-6-chloropyrimidine, which is converted by the h~dro~enolgtic dechlorination with hydroge~ in the prese~ce of Pd/C to 234-diami~o-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethox~be~z~l)p~rimidi~e.
~he ~ondensation of (2-meth~1-4,5-dimethoxy~enzyl) c~ano-acetic acid eth~l ester sr ~2-methyl-4,5-dimetho2ybe~zyl) malonic a¢id diethyl ester with guani~i~e or urea i~ brought about b~ boili~æ in a lower alcohol i~ the pre~ence of sodium alko~ide~
~he chlori~ation with pho~phorous oxyoh~oride or phosphorous chlorides i~ carried out i~ th0 pre~e~ce of ~ dimethyl-a~ili~e a cataly~t in a~ organic ~olvent, ~uch as be~ze~e, toluene or xylene a~ the boiling poi~t of the reactlon mi~ :
ture for a period of 2 to 4 hoursO After the completion of the reaction the ex¢es~ of pho~phorous oxychloride and the ~olvent are removed by di~tillatio~ u~der reduced pres~ure, water i~
added ~o the residue, a~d the precipitate of the co.mpounds of ~eneral formula II, wherein Z a~d W heve the meaning of Cl and/or ~2~ i~ sucked of~. ~he compound~ ~herei~ Z a~d W ha~e the ~ea~i~g o~ al æ~ECOCE~ ~re obtai~ed b~ the addition of water under cooling to 0 to 5 aPter the ~olve~ a~d POC13 have been remo~ed b~ di~tillation.
~he aminatio~ i8 carried out in co~ce~trated aqueo~ ammonia i~ an au~o¢la~e ~t a temperature betwee~ 100 and 150C. It ha~ boe~ ~ound tha~ the be~t ~ield i5 achieved i~ the pre~ence o~ a ~our~old molar ex¢es~ o~ a~mo~ia ~d b~ carryi~g out th~
reacbion ~or 5 to 7 hour~0 ~he de~ihloxi~ation i~ carried out with h~dro~en u~der the pre~isure betwee~ 1 and 5 a~mo~phere i~ th0 pre~ence o~ 5%
Pd o~ cih æcoal in diluted meth~nol or etha~ol i~ the prese~ce ~. .


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~OS54~3 _ 4 _ of an acid scavenger for bindi~g the ~ormed h~drochlor~
acid, ~uch a~ sodium or potassium h~droxide or acetate~
~hereby practicall~ quantitatiYe yields o~ o~metoprim are achieved.
~he advantage~ of the presen~ process reside i~ ths ~act that the reactions are ver~ simplc a~d result in ver~ high ~ields, that the i~termediateæ are well cry~t~llized ~ub- :
stances a~d the overall yield amo~nts to about 65 ~ ~f the theory, calculated o~ (2_meth~l-415_d~methoxybe~z~1) c~no-aceti¢ acid ethyl e~ter.
~he proces~ i~ illu~trated but in no way limited by the fol_ lowing Example~.

mixture of 9~56 g. (0.0784 mole) of gua~idi~e ~tr~te, eth~nolic solutio~ of sodium eth~late (prepar~d by dissolvi~g 4.37 g. of sodium i~ 80 ml. of ethanol) and 16.70 g. (0.0602 mole) of 2-.methyl-4,5-dim~hoxy~e~z~l) c~anoa~etio a¢id eth~l ester was hea~ed to bdling for ~ hours, the solvent was re-mo~ed bg di~tillatio~ under re~uced pressure~ water wa~ added to the re~idu~ and a~idified with 10 % hydro¢hlorid acid to p~ 3. ~he ex~racted precipitate wa~ ~ucked o~f a~d washed with water. ~hu~ there wsre obtained 16.7 ~. (95.5 %) o~
2~4-diami~o~5 (2-methyl-4~5_dim~thoxyb~nzyl) 6-~ydroxyp~rimidi~e, m.p. 277-27~C (~tO~_D M ~)O
xample 2 A mix*ure o~ 16.7 g~ (0.0575 mole) o~ 2,4-diami~o-5-~2-meth~l-4~5_d~me~ho~ybe~yl)_6_h~drox~p~rimidine, 9 9 5 ml~ (0.118 mol~
of ~gridine and 72 ml. o~ acctic anhydride was heated to boil_ ing for t~o hour~. ~he ~olve~ wa~ evaporated and the re~idue wa~ ~u~pended i~ ~ater and acidi~ied with 10 X h~ro¢hloric a¢id to p~ 5. ~he resulting precipit~te wa~ ~ucked o~, wa~hed ., ' -, ' : ' : -~ ' , : ' , ,:
'' S5~L~7 ~ 5 ~

with water and dried. ~hus there were obtained 20050 g~
(g6.2 %) of 2,4-diacetamido_5_(2~-meth~1_4,5_dimethox~be~zyl) _6-hydro~pyrimidine, m.p~ 280-281C (EtO~I _ DMF).
E~ample ~
mixture of 20.5 ~. (0.0547 mole) of 2,4-diacetamido-5-(2-meth~1_4~5_dimetho~ybenzyl)_6_h~dro~ypyrimidine, 2 ml.
of ~ dimeth~lanili~e, 2095 ml. of POC13 R~d 145 ml. o~
be~zene wa~ hea*ed to the boiling te.mperature ~or t~o hour~.
The axee~ o~ POC13 a~d benze~ewe~ evaporated u~der reduced preesure, water was added to the re~idue, and the separated pre¢ipitate was sucked of~- Thu~ thare were obtained 15~25 gO
(90.1 %) of 2,4-diami~o-~5-(2_math~1-4,5-dimethox~be~zyl3-6 chloropyrimidine, m.p~ 228~ (Et~ _ DM~).
~a~ .
mi~ture of 10.37 g. (0.032 mole) of (2_math~1-4,5-d~methoxyben-~yl) malonic acid dieth~l ester, 4.27 g. (0.035 mole~ of gua- -nidi~e ~itrate ~nd 67 ml~ (00067 mole) o~ a 1 ~ sodium eth~la~e solution wa~ heated to boili~g for two hour~, eth~nol wa~ evap-orated, water ~as added to the residue (50 ml.) ~d acidified b~ addition of h~droehloric aeid~ ~he ~epara~ed c~ystals were ~ucked oP~ and wa3hed with water. ~hus there wera obtalned 7.57 g. (81.5 Yo) of 2-ami~o-4,6-di~drox~-5-(2-meth~1-475-dimethoxyben~yl) p~rimidine, m.p. 298 - 300C (~t~ _ DMF)~
~he (2-meth~1_4,5_dimetho~ybenzyl) malonic acid diethyl ester wa~ prepared b~ first he~king 7.2 g. (0.05 mole) of 2~methyl 4,5~dimetho~7benzaldehyde, 6.7~ g. (0.042 mole) o~ malo~ic a¢id dieth~l e~ter7 0.54 ml. o~ piperidi~e and 25 ml. of ethanol for 20 hour~ a~ the bdling te.mperature, evaporati~g th2 sol-ve~t, re~oving piperidi~e with h~dro~hloric acid and recry~tal~
lizi~ the re~idue ~rom 96 % ethanol to obtain 10.5 g. (82.0 %) of (2-meth~1~4,5-dimethoxy~enzylidine) malo~ic a~id dieth~1 e~ter, m.p. 85 - 86C. ~he obtained compou~d ~a~ di~sol~ed in 50 ml~

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.. . . . , . , . ,, ~ , , ,. . : . , 1~3559~7 _ 6 _ of 96 % etha~ol and hydroge~ated under pre~sure of 2 atmo ~pheres at the te.mperature o~ 50C i~ the prese~ce of 1 gD
of 5 % Pd on charcoal, until the equivalent amou~t of ~-drogen was co~sumed. ~hus there were obtained 10.37 g.
(9801 %) of (2-.~ethyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) malonic acid diethyl e~ter, ~.p. 43 - 45 C (petroleum ether).

Example 5 A mi~ture o~ 7.57 gO ~0~026 mole) of 2-amino-4,6_d~hydro~y-5-(2-meth~1-4,5-dimetho~ybenzyl) pyrimidi~e, 7~95 g. (00078 mole) of acetic acid anhydride and 6.28 ml. (0.078 mole) of p~ridine wa~ heated to the boiling point of the reactio~ mix-ture for two hours. ~he resulti~æ ~u~pensio~ wa~ evaporated to drynes~, the residue ~as suspended in wa~er, the ~epara~ed GryStal~ were ~ucked off and washe~ with dilutsd h~drochloric acid. Thu~ there were obtained 7.85 g. t90.5 %) o~ 2-acetyl- :
ami~o-4,6~dihydroxy_5-(2~methyl ~,5-dimethox~benzyl) pyrimi-dine, m~p. 310 315 a (D~ _ H20).

E~ample 6 ~ mi~t~re of 7~85 g. (0002~6 mole) of 2-acetamido-4,6-di-hyd~oxy_5_(2_methyl-~75_dimethox~benzyl) pyrimidine, 12~6 g~
(0.0825 mole) of POC13, 3~92 ml~ (0~0306 mole) of ~ dimeth~l-anili~e and 118 ml. ~f banze~e wa6 heated to the boiling tem- -per~*urs of the rea¢tio~ mixture for two hour~ ~he u~reacted P0~1~ wa~ deco.mpo~d b~ the addition o~ ice, the benze~e layer was ~eparated a~d the agu~ou~ la~er wa~ twioe r~extra¢tsd b~
be~zene. The ¢ombined ex*ract~ were wa~hed with a 5 % ~odiu~
hydrox~de ~olutio~ and water, then th0 ~olvent wa~ evaporated.
~h~ there were obtai~ed 7.07 g. (91~5 %) of 2-amino-4~6-di chloro-5_(2-meth~1_4,5 dimethoxybe~zyl) pyrimidine, m.p. 238 -- 240 a (~tO~).

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, ', ~ ''',, ',,' ',', ' ' ', ' 1~55497 ExamPle 7 ~ mixture of 5.0 g. (0.015 mole) of 2-acetamido_4,6-dihydro-xy_5-(2-methyl-4,5_dimethox~benzyl) pgrimidine, 8.02 g.
(0.0525 mole) of phosphorou~ oxychloride, 2.5 ml. (0.0196 mole) of ~_dimethylaniline and 75 ml. of benzene wa~ heated at the boiling temperature of the reaction mixture for 2 hours.
~he reaction mixture was then evaporated to dryness under reduced pre~sure, the residue ~was suspended in water while cooling, the ~eparated crystals were sucked off and washed with water. ~hus there were obtained 4.54 ~. (79.0 %) of 2-acetylamino-4,6-dichloro_5_(2-meth~1-4,5~dimethoxybenzyl) pyr; mi dine, m.p. 203 - 205 C (EtOH).

ExamPle 8 ~ odium eth~late solution prepared by dis~olvi~g 3.66 g. of ~odium in 72 ml. of ethanol was added dropwi~e at the boiling temperature within two hours to a ~olution of 20.0 g. (0.0722 molé) of (2-methyl_4,5_dimethoxybenzyl) cyanocetic acid eth~l ester and 6.48 g. (0.108 mole) of urea i~ ~4 ml. of ab~olute ethanol a~d then heating wa~ continued for another period of 6 hour~. ~he al¢ohol wa~ evaporatod, water wa~ added to the r0~idue and a¢idified by adding diluted h~drochlori¢
acid. ~he separated pre¢ipitate wa~ su¢ked off, wa~hed with water and dried. ~hu~ there were obtained 20.67 g. (98.5 ~) of 4-amino-2,6-dihydrox~-5-(2-methyl_4,5-dimethoxyben~yl) ~rimidine, m.p. 289 _290 C (EtO~ _ DMF).

Ex~m~le 9 mixture of 20.67 g. (0.071 mole) of 4-amino-2,6-d~hydroxy-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine, 22.2 ~1. (0.235 mole) o~ aceti¢ acid anhydride and 85 ml~ ~1.055 mols) o~ pyridine was heated at the boiling temperature for 7. hour~.~fter evaporation to dr~-. , .. . .. . - , . - - .. . . . ~

1~35S4~37 _ 8 _ n~ under reduced pre~ure the re~idue wa~ ~uspended in diluted h~drochloric acid, the resulti~g precipitate was sucked off, washed with water and dried. Thu~ there were obtained 23,15 g. (97.9 %~ of 4_acetylami~o_2j6-dihydroxy-5_(2_meth~1_4,5_dimethoxybenz~1) pyrimidine, m.p. 268 -_ 269 C (~tOH _ DMF).
Analogou~ly to the procedure de~ribed i~ ~xample 6 ther~
wa~ obtained with a ~ield of 71~1 % 4-amino-2,6-dichloro-5-(2-meth~1~4,5_dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidi~e, m.p~ 195 - 197 C ~EtO~ _ D~F) from 4-acetamido 2~6-dih~droxy-5-(2-meth~1-4,5-dimethoxy~enzyl) pyrimidine.

Example 11 A mi~ture of 20~0 g~ (0.0615 mols) ~f (2-methy1_4,5_dimethox~-be~zgl) malonic acid dieth~l e~ter, 4~05 ~. (0.0671 mole) of urea and 67.1 ml.(O.0761 mole) of a 1 ~ ethanolic ~olu~ion o~
~odium ethyla~ were hea~ed to boili~g for ~wo hour~, ethanol was e~aporated~ the ra~idue wa~ di~olved in 60 ml. o~ w~er and acidi~ied b~ the additio~ o~ hydro~hloric a¢id. The ~ep-arated cry~tals ~ere ~uGked of~ and wa~hed with water. ~hus there wer~ obtained ~3.6 ~. (75~9 %) of 5_(2_meth~1_4,5_di-methox~b~nz~l) barbituri¢ acidg m.p. 185 - 187 C (~tO~).

Example 12 ~nalogousl~ to the proce~ure de~cribed ln Ex~mple 6 there was obtained with a ~ield o~ 61~2 % 2~-trichloro-5-(2-meth~1-4.5-dimethox~be~zyl) p~rimidi~, m.p. 159 _ 16~ a (EtOH) ~rom 5-(2-methyl~4,5-dimethoxybenz~l) barbituric acid.

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A mixture of 7.07 g. (0.0215 mole) of 2-am~no~4,6-dichloro-5-(2 methyl-4,5_dimetho~ybe~2yl) p~rimidin~ and 50 ml. of a 25 % aqueous ammonium h~droxyde solutio~ were heated with ætirring in an autocla~e at the tempera~ure of 130 C for 6 hour~. After cooli~g to O C~ the ~eparated product wa~
~ucked of~ and wa~hed with w~or~ ~hu~ there were obtained 6.0 gO (9004 %) o~ 214-diamino-5_(2_meth~1_4,5_dimethoxy- -benzyl)-6_chlorop~rimidine, m.p. 228 ¢ (80 % Et~

Example 14 Analogou~1~ to the pxocedure de~cri~ed in Exampl~ 13 there wa~ obtained, with a ~ield o~ 89 %, 2,4-diami~o 5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenz~ 6_chloropgrimidine, mOp~ 228 C (80 % E
EtOH)9 from 2-acet~lamino-4,6-di~hloro-5-(2-meth~1-4,5-di-methoxy~ez~l) p~rimidi~e~
~ ,-~nalogouæly to the procedure described i~ Example 1~ there : -was obtained with a ~ eld o~ 79.1 % 2,4-diami~o_5_(2_methyl- :
4,5_dimetho~be~z~1)-6_¢hloropyrimidine, m~p~ 228 QG (EtOE _ DMF) from 4-~mi~o-2,6-di¢hloro-5_(2-meth~1-495-dimetho~ybenæ~l) -p~rimidine~

Exam~le 16 ~nalogou~l~ to the procedure described in Example 13 there wa~ obtained with a ~ield of 82.4 % 2,4-diamino~5~(2-meth~
4,5_dimethox~e~z~ 6_chloropyrimidine; m.p. ~28 C (EtOH - -DMF), from 2,4,6-trichloro-5_(2-methgl-4,5-dimetho~enz~l) pgTimidine.


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1~554 - 10 _ Example 1 7 A mixture of 5.0 g. (0.0162 mole) o~ 2,4-diami~o_5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethox~benzyl)_6-chlorop~rimidine, 300 mlO of 80 % ethanol, 103 g. ~0~0325 mole) o~ sodium hydrox~de and 1.0 g. of 5 % palladium o~ activated charcoal was hydrogerlat;ed for three hours under the pre~slLre of 4 a~mospheres at the te.~-perature oî 7O C. l~ter cooli:ag, the cai;al~st was sucked off ~ d the filtrate wa~ e~Taporated to dry~ess b;sr the distillation under reduced press~re. The residue wa~ ~u~pe~ded in water and the precipita~e of 2,4-diamino-5-(2_methyl-4,5_dimethoxy-banz~l) pgri~idine was sucked off~ ~here were obtai~ed 400 g.
(90.0 %) of the product~ m.p. 234 C (80 % ~tOE).
Analogou~1~ to the procedure de~eribed i~ Example 7 there was obtained from 2,4-dia¢etamido-5-(2-meth~1-4,5-dimetho~y-benæ71)-6_h~droxypgrimidine the corresponding 6.chloro deriv-a~ive.

Analo~ou~l~ to the procedure d~scribed in ~xample 7 there was o~tain~d ~rom 4-a¢atamido-276-dihydrogy_5-(2_meth~1_4,5 dimetho~y~enzyl) pyrimidine the correspo~di~g 2,6-dichloro de-rivative.

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Claims (9)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. A process for the preparation of 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine which comprises condensing (2-methyl-4, 5-dimethoxybenzyl) cyanocetic acid ethyl ester or (2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxy-benzyl) malonic acid diethyl ester with guanidine or urea to give a compound of general formula I:

wherein X and Y are the same or different and are selected from the group consisting of -OH and -NH2, protecting therein the free amino groups by acetylation with acetic anhydride whereby these groups are converted to -NH COCH3, and converting said compound to a compound of general formula II by chlorination with phosphorous oxychloride or a phosphorous chloride II

wherein Z and W are the same or different and are selected from the group consisting of -C1, -NH2 and -NHCOCH3; and converting said compound of formula II by amination with ammonia to 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl)-6-chloropyrimidine, and catalytically dehalogenating said 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-di-methoxybenzyl)-6-chloropyrimidine.
2. A process according to claim 1, wherein the condensation is carried out in a lower alcohol in the presence of a sodium alcoholate at the boiling temperature of the reaction mixture for 2 to 6 hours, the solvent is evaporated, and the residue is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid to give the compound of formula I.
3. A process according to claim 1, wherein the acetylation is carried out in the presence of pyridine by heating the reaction mixture at boiling temperature for 2 to 7 hours, the reaction mixture is evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure to leave a residue, and the residue is treated with diluted hydrochloric acid.
4. A process according to claim 1, wherein the chlorination is carried out with phosphorous oxychloride, phosphorous trichloride or phosphorous pentachloride in benzene, toluene or xylene in the presence of N,N-dimethylaniline as catalyst by heating the reaction mixture at boiling temperature for 2 hours.
5. A process according to claim 1 or claim 4, wherein, upon completion of the chlorination reaction, the excess of the chlorination agent is decomposed by addition of ice, the organic solvent layer is washed with a diluted sodium hydroxide solution, and the solvent evapora-ted to give 2,4,6-trichloro-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine or 2-amino-4,6-dichloro-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine.
6. A process according to claim 1 or claim 4, wherein, upon completion of the chlorination reaction, unreacted phosphorous oxychloride and organic solvent are evaporated to leave a residue, which is taken up with water and sucked off to give 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxy-benzyl)-6-chloropyrimidine or 4-amino-2,6-dichloro-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine.
7. A process according to claim 1 or claim 4, wherein, upon completion of the chlorination reaction the reaction mixture is evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure to form a residue, ice is added to the residue to form crystals, the temperature of the reaction mixture being kept below 0° C, and the separated crystals are sucked off to give 2-acetamido-4,6-dichloro-5-(2-methyl-4)5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine, 2,4-diacetamido-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl)-6-chloropyrimidine or 4-acetamido-2,6-dichloro-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine.
8. A process according to claim 1, 3 or 4 wherein said compound of formula II is aminated with a concentrated aqueous ammonia solution in an autoclave at a temperature from 100°C to 150°C for 6 hours in the presence of a fourfold molar excess of ammonia.
9. A process according to claim 1, wherein 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl)-6-chloropyrimidine is dehalogenated with hydrogen in the presence of 5% palladium on charcoal at a temperature between 20°C and 80°C under a pressure of from 1 to 5 atmospheres in diluted methanol, ethanol or propanol in the presence of an agent, such as sodium or potassium hydroxyde or acetate, for removing the formed hydrochloric acid.
CA257,351A 1976-07-20 1976-07-20 Process for the preparation of 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine Expired CA1055497A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA257,351A CA1055497A (en) 1976-07-20 1976-07-20 Process for the preparation of 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA257,351A CA1055497A (en) 1976-07-20 1976-07-20 Process for the preparation of 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1055497A true CA1055497A (en) 1979-05-29



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA257,351A Expired CA1055497A (en) 1976-07-20 1976-07-20 Process for the preparation of 2,4-diamino-5-(2-methyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl) pyrimidine

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CA (1) CA1055497A (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN104447574A (en) * 2014-12-26 2015-03-25 苏州步跃医药科技有限公司 Method for the synthesizing ormetoprim

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN104447574A (en) * 2014-12-26 2015-03-25 苏州步跃医药科技有限公司 Method for the synthesizing ormetoprim

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