CA1051936A - Traction motor suspension bearing lubrication - Google Patents

Traction motor suspension bearing lubrication


Publication number
CA1051936A CA287,007A CA287007A CA1051936A CA 1051936 A CA1051936 A CA 1051936A CA 287007 A CA287007 A CA 287007A CA 1051936 A CA1051936 A CA 1051936A
Prior art keywords
biasing means
diameter surface
Prior art date
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French (fr)
Richard J. Renk
George E. Boller
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
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Priority claimed from US351176A external-priority patent/US3905659A/en
Application filed by MILLER GLADYS DAVIS filed Critical MILLER GLADYS DAVIS
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1051936A publication Critical patent/CA1051936A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • General Details Of Gearings (AREA)



The specification describes a device for restricting the loss of oil applied to a shaft comprising a member generally encircling the shaft and split to provide two ends and retain-ing means for holding the member against the shaft and for urging the ends thereof toward one another so as to be in substantial alignment with one another.



The present invention relates to traction motor support bearing lubrication such as may be found in diesel and electric locomotives and as generally descrihed in U.S.
Patents 2,980,472 and 3,254,925.
Suspension bearings of this type are used to support part of the weight of a driving electric traction motor on an axle of a locomotive. Lubrication is supplied to the suspension bearing by means of a lubricator.
Because of the critical nature of the support bearing, it is important that the supply of lubricant be conserved and that dirt and brake shoe dust be kept out of the bearing area. ~owever, up to this time, this has been difficult to accomplish because of the many variables involved such as cocking of the suspension bearings (and traction motor) relative to the axle, because of gear reaction forces, because of lateral movement


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bet~een the suspension bearings and ~he axle, and because of wide variances in bore clearancesbetween the axle and the bearlngs .
A solution to the aforementioned problems is proposed in the assignee's copending Canadian Patent Application Serial No. 196,436, filed April 1, 1974, and it is to provide an arxangement wherein the lubricant is restricted in its flow outwardly of the suspension bearing and is returned to the lubricant reservoir. More specifically, it describes a bearing comprising, an arcuate bearing surface si~ed to engage a journal, a continuous groove in which a rotating member may move durin~ rotation of a journal, and an internal drain passage extending within the beariny and communicating with the groove to allow a lubricant to be moved away from the groove and into the passage by the member during rotation thereof.
The present invention relates to the rotating member which is broadly defined as a traction motor support bearing seal for clamping around a journal surface within a circumfer-ential groove in a support bearing which is adapted to berotated as the journal rotates and to slide axially on the journal if the seal engages the sides of the groove comprising, a member encircling at least a portion of the journal and being split to have at least two adjacent ends, the member having an outside diameter surface and an inside diameter surface, the member having a channel-type slot extending inwardly from the outside diameter surface thereof in at least one of the ends, the slot extending outwardly through the tip of the end and '.

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also extendin~ away frorn the end and terminatiny in an enlarg~d opening which tapers at an angle to the slot, the enlarged opening bein~ wider than the slot and tapering downwardly and inwardly toward the axial center of the journal to a point below the base of the slot and at an angle to the slot to provide an under-cut area, and tension biasing means positioned in the slot and bridging between the ends of the member acting to urge the member inwardly into contact with the journal and pull the ends toward one another, the biasing means having an enlarged means on an end thereof which is wider than the biasing means, the enlarged means extending into the enlarged opening so as to coact with the under-cut area of the opening to retain the biasing means in the slot under rotational forces, the biasing means being of sufficient tension to cause the ring to rotate with the journal but yet allow the member to slip on the journal if the journal is rotated and the member meets resistance to rotation.
-Fig. 1 is a fragmentary vertical section through a traction motor suspension bearing, axle cap and lubricator, showing a ring member partially exposed.
Fig. 2 is a side view of a ring member.
Fig. 3 is a fragmentary side view of the ~ing of Fig. 2 showing a means of biasing the free ends thereof toward one another.
Fig~ 4 is a view taken generally along lines 4-4 of Fig. 3 showing the biasing means as viewed along the outer periphery of the ring.

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~ - 2a -~051936 Fig. 5 is a perspective view showing one half of a split suspension bearing with one arrangement of the oil ring
3 mem~ers in position relative to a phantom axle of the journal.

- 2b -`' ; ' `


~OS1936 Fig. 5a ls nn exploded vlew of a ~mall portlon of Flg, 5 showlng the benring snd ring membcr3.
Flg. 6 1s a sectionAI view of the boarlng hnlf of Fig, 5 taken through the wlndow alon~ lines 6-6.
Fi8. 7 19 a vlew of the oil drain pnssage into the window as viewed along lines 7-7 of Flg. 6.
Fig. B is a fragméntary slde view of a statlc rlng member showing a means of preventing rotation.
Fig. 9 is 3 view taken along lines 9-9 of Fig. 8 showlng the outer perlphery of the split joint of the embodiment of Fig. 8.
Flgs. 10 and 11 are vlews of another embodiment of a ,~ rotating ring member showing notches or cogs in the outer periphery.
Figs. 12 and L3 are views of another embodiment of a rotating ring member showing pockets in the outer periphery.

In the drawings, numeral 10 generally indicates a typical tractlon motor suspension bearing assembly. The assembly includes a split bearing liner or shell IL which surrounds an axle or shaft 12. Bearing 11 is hcld in position against the axle 12 by a portion of the traction motor casting 13 and by an axle cap 14 through bolts 15.

Oil is applied to ehe ~ournal portion 16 of the axle 12 by a lubricator 17 which serves to lift oil f mm the axle cap : ., resorvolr 18 and apply it to the journal through a generally roctangular wlndow openlng 19 extonding through the axle cap 14 and bearing 11~ The window opens or faces downwardly toward the resQrvoir at about 30 from the horizontal.

~05~936 The benring 11 19 0~ thc sleevl type and ~ormod of two complimentary halves or segments Z0 and 21, thc Intter havlng the window 19 (Fig 1). The two hnlves hnve n common axial bearing surface or bore 22 which heMrs aKainst the journal.
A thrust flange 23 of the bearin~ (Figs 5 & 6) is adapted to engsge either a wheel or gear hub lndicated by phantom lines at 24.

Because of the variables of traction motor Interal, axle movement, bore clearances, and axle and bearill~ mis-alignment, lubricant retention within the suspension bearing Assembly has been very difficult.

In service, oil which is applled to the ~ournal 16 by the lubricator 17 is eventually squeezed axially outwardly eoward both ends of the bearing and is lost. To reduce the t oil losses, the present invention provides a novel member 25 (Figs. 2 & S) which returns oil to the reservoir 18 after it ' reaches a predetermined posieion in the bearing bore where it no longer serves to lubricate the bearing load zone.

As shown in Figs. 3 to 5, the member 25, which may be in the form of a rlng, is held on the journal by the clamping :
effect developed by a retaining or biasing member such as 8 .
coiled tension spring 26. The ring 25 thus rotates with the 30urnsl in a recessed groove 27 formed in the bearing 11. To .
permit roeation~ the groove 27 is larger than the ring 25 in both the axial and outer peripheral dimensions. ;

011 wh~ch works outw~rdly lnto groovc 27 18 carrled or moved by the rlng 25 and deposited In a draln passage 2~ ln the bear~ng window 19 (Flgs. 5 - 7). This lncludes oll whlch collects in the bottom-most part of the groove as well as that whlch ls running into the groove. The passage 28 extends from a generally vertically disposed side 29 of the bearing window 19 and inter-sects the rin8 groove 27 as at 30 (Fig. 6). The oil then drains through the window drain passage 28 and into the reservoir 18 wherein the maximum oil level 31 (Fig.l) is below the window 19.
To aid the flow of oil downwardly, the passage 28 may have a taper or pitch wlth a vertical component as shown in Fig. 6.

As shown in Figs. 2 - 5, the rotating ring 25 may have a rectangular cross section and be split to provide a gap 32 to allow for thermal expansion and contraction. At the ends, the tip~ 33 of the ring are cut straight. Cut into the outer pe-ripherv or "O.D.~ of the ring on both sides of the gap 32 is channel type slot 34 (Figs. 3 and 4~. The slot breaks out of the ring tips 33 as at 33' and terminates at a point spaced away from the ends in a wider flared opening 35.

Openings 35 are preferably tapered at an angle to the slot and toward one another as they progress downwardly toward.the center rotational axis of the rin~. The tapered effect pro-vides an undercut (Fig. 3) with the top of the side wall 36 ovorhanging the bottom portion 37. This provides a locking effect for the spring ends 38 which are wider than the spring body 38' and helps retain the spring ends in position when sub3ected to centrifical forces during rotation. The spring ends 38 may be formed with an externally attached head or, the ends may be flared during manufacture. Preferably the 810t 34 and wlder openlngs 35 at the ond are decp enough to allow the spring or other binslnK member 26 to bc recesced or below the surface of tho ring, In a typical installation, a rotntlnK rlng member 25 can be positioned on each side of the wLndow 19 as shown in Fig. 5, However, in some installations where an excess of oil might be desired at the bearing ~lange 23, only one ring mi~sht be used eoward the opposite or inboard end of the bearing.

A very successful ring has been one which has a generally rectsngular cross section and made of a flexible, semi-rigid material such as nylon, This allows the ring to be deeormed and "sprung" as lt is inserted around a journal by threading one end of the rin8 into the bearin8 groove 27 when one half of the bearin8 is in place around the journal, After the seals sre in position, the other half of the bearing is then clamped into position.

In most applications the traction motor is designed to allow for lateral movement between the axle 12 and the two bearings 11 (which are fixedly secured to the motor). Lateral movement is generally between 1/16" to 5/16". To accomodate such movement and to keep any sliding or rubbing action of the rotating rlng 25 against the journal or against the side-walls 39 ~Fig, 6) of the bearing groove 27 to a minimum, the groove 27 may be for~ed wider (in an axial direction) than the ring 2S, In oehe: words, if ehe axial width of the ring is 1/4", the wldth of the Qroove may be 9/16" etc. ln a rndial direceion, a very satisfactory rin8 thickness has been 1/4".

.: - -, . , . . ~ . ' The rlng 25 thus continucs to rotate wlth the ~ournal with no contact with the groov-- 27 evcn though thc traction motor and its attached bearings may movc from slde to slde.
However, contact of the ring 2S agalnst the side walls 39 of the grooves 27 is easily accommodated as the ring is cammed slightly along the journal to provide a self centering action.
As a further advantage, the spring 26 also allows the ring to slip on the journal if the ring 25 is restrained from moving.
In other words, it provides a slip-clutch effect.

Because the clearance between the bearing bore 22 and the journal 12 can vary from .010" to as much as ~060", sufficient mlnimum clearance has to be provided between the outer periphery -` of the ring 25 and the bottom 40 (Fig. 6) of the groove 27 so that the rin8 is free to rotate. Likewise, the minimum clear-ance also has to accommodste cocking of the traction motor due to reaction forces generated by the traction motor plnion gear and the axle bull gear (not shown). Thus, in most instances, the axle and the bearings are not in true axial alignment with one another.

It has been thsse variables of traction motor lateral, axle movement, bore clearances, and axle and bearing misalign-~ent that have made lubricant retention within the suspension bearin8 asseobly so difficult. With the concepts of the present invention, using a rotating member on each side of the window opening, oil losses have been reduced to as much as 1/16th of former losses.

~05~936 Another cmbodlment, ls shown Ln Flgs. 8 and 9, whereln a statlc ring 41 (Fig. 5) may be used to keep dlrt, brake-shos dust and the like out and ~id in keeplng oil in. The static ring 41 m~y employ the same sprlng bias 26 as the rotating rlng 25. Instead of a butt ~oint, the static ring may empLoy an over-lapping joint 42 (Fi~. g) with over-han~ing ends 43.
A dowel or pin 44 extending from the outer periphery of the rlng nests in a complimentary recess 44' in a bearing groove 4S
to keep the static ring from rotating. The recess 44' (Fig. 5a) may be formed in one half of the bearing at the split line as shown in Fi8. 5(a), The bearing groove 45 for the static ring is generally formed to flt snugly against the sides of the ring but the bottom 46 of the groove ls larger than the O.D. of the ring.
With the depth of the bottom of the groove being larger, the rin8 41 may receed into the groove when the axle cocks or bearing wears.

Another embodimene of the rotating ring member 25 of the lnvention is shown in Figs. 10 snd 11 wherein notches 47 are cut at spaced intervals into the outer periphery of the rotating ring, The notches thus provide pockets in which oil collects and i9 moved or impelled around the grooves to the drain passage 28.

A still further embodiment Oe the rotating ring member 25 is shown in Figs. 12 and 13 wherein confined pockets 48 are formed in the outer periphery of the rings. The pockets 48 are 8eparated by lands 49 and enclosed on their sides by ~alls 50. The pock~ts collect o$1 to provide for greater moverent to the drain passage 28.

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While the drain passngos 28 have been shown to be centcr-ed with respect to tho vortlcal sides of the wlndow 19, they csn be at other locations arouod the bcaring grooves 27 to drsln the oil outwardly from the bearlng body. In such case, for example a complimentary registering draln passnge would be provided in the axle cap casting to allow dralnage lnto the reservoir 18. Likewise, while a coiled tension spring has been shown, other types o~ springs such as clips may be used.
The springs also may be inserted along the sides of the rings rather than in the outer periphery. Of course, whlle the oil restricting members have been shown in the form of spllt rlngs 25 etc., a partial segment or lug type could be used.

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Claims (6)

1. A lubricant seal ring for clamping around a shaft and in a groove area of a bearing which when unrestrained is adapted to be rotated by said shaft so as to move lubricant from said groove area to drain means operatively connected to said groove area comprising, a flexible, semi-rigid member adapted to encircle at least a portion of said shaft and being split to have at least two adjacent ends, said member having an outside diameter surface and an inside diameter surface with the inside diameter surface being shaped to conform to the shaft, said member having a recessed channel-type slot projecting inwardly from the outer diameter surface and extending through the tip of at least one of said ends, said slot terminating inwardly away from an end in a flared opening wider and deeper than said slot, said slot being curved to somewhat follow the curvature of the member, said flared opening tapering downwardly and inwardly from a point adjacent the outside diameter surface of said member toward the inside diameter surface thereof at an angle to said slot to provide an under-cut effect with the top of the side-wall of the opening overhanging the bottom of the opening, and tension biasing means positioned in said slot bridging between the ends of said member acting to urge said member in-wardly into contact with said shaft, said biasing means having an enlarged end area which is wider than the body of the tension biasing means and extends into a tapered and under-cut opening to retain the tension biasing means in position when the member is subjected to centrifugal forces during rotation, said channel-type slot in said member being deep enough to allow said tension biasing means including said end area to be recessed below the outside surfaces of said member, said tension biasing means following the curvature of the recessed slot within the member and being of sufficient tension to cause said member to rotate with said shaft but yet allow said member to be cammed from side to side along the shaft to provide a self-centering action if the member engages the side walls of the groove area and also provide a slip-clutch effect to allow said member to slip on said shaft if the member is restrained from moving.
2. A device as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said member has opposed overlapping legs at the split thereof which overlap one another along an area extending from the inner diameter of said member to the outer diameter of said member.
3. A device as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the outer periphery of said member has a pocket therein in which lubricant is collected and is moved during rotation of the member.
4. A device as claimed in Claim 1, wherein means are carried by said member to aid in preventing rotation of said member.
5. A device as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said member has notches in the outside thereof to aid in moving lubricant during rotation of the member.
6. A traction motor support bearing seal for clamping around a journal surface within a circumferential groove in a support bearing which is adapted to be rotated as the journal rotates and to slide axially on the journal if the seal engages the sides of said groove comprising, a member encircling at least a portion of said journal and being split to have at least two adjacent ends, said member having an outside diameter surface and an inside diameter surface, said member having a channel-type slot extending inwardly from the outside diameter surface thereof in at least one of said ends, said slot extending outwardly through the tip of said end and also extending away from said end and terminating in an enlarged opening which tapers at an angle to said slot, said enlarged opening being wider than said slot and tapering downwardly and inwardly toward the axial center of said journal to a point below the base of said slot and at an angle to said slot to provide an under-cut area, and tension biasing means positioned in said slot and bridging between the ends of said member acting to urge said member inwardly into contact with said journal and pull said ends toward one another, said biasing means having an enlarged means on an end thereof which is wider than the biasing means, said enlarged means extending into said enlarged opening so as to coact with the under-cut area of said opening to retain said biasing means in said slot under rotational forces, said biasing means being of sufficient tension to cause said ring to rotate with said journal but yet allow said member to slip on said journal if the journal is rotated and the member meets resistance to rotation.
CA287,007A 1973-04-16 1977-09-19 Traction motor suspension bearing lubrication Expired CA1051936A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US351176A US3905659A (en) 1973-04-16 1973-04-16 Lubricated bearing
CA196,436A CA1025507A (en) 1973-04-16 1974-04-01 Traction motor suspension bearing lubrication

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1051936A true CA1051936A (en) 1979-04-03



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA287,007A Expired CA1051936A (en) 1973-04-16 1977-09-19 Traction motor suspension bearing lubrication

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CA (1) CA1051936A (en)

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