CA1044460A - Podiatric insole - Google Patents

Podiatric insole


Publication number
CA1044460A CA263,057A CA263057A CA1044460A CA 1044460 A CA1044460 A CA 1044460A CA 263057 A CA263057 A CA 263057A CA 1044460 A CA1044460 A CA 1044460A
Prior art keywords
compartment beneath
Prior art date
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French (fr)
John L. Voorhees
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Curiel Products Corp
Original Assignee
Curiel Products Corp
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Curiel Products Corp filed Critical Curiel Products Corp
Priority to CA263,057A priority Critical patent/CA1044460A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1044460A publication Critical patent/CA1044460A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Footwear And Its Accessory, Manufacturing Method And Apparatuses (AREA)



A podiatric insole is disclosed comprising two layers of flexible material sealed along the outer edges thereof and provided with three substantially transverse walls to thereby provide a compartmentalized structure having four non-communicating compartments. Each of the compartments is provided with a liquid such as water and incorporates a unique volume of liquid per unit area of the compartment. Each of the compartments provides the proper cushioning for that portion of the foot which it supports.
Such cushioning in each of the areas is important in maintaining overall comfort and preventing stress conditions that could produce damage to the foot.


rne present invention pertains to a podiatric insole and more particularly to a liquid-filled insole utilized as a cushion to be posi- ;
tioned in contact with the bottom of a user's foot.
The desirability of providing a cushioning surface for the bottom of the foot has long been recognized. Several prior art patents exist relating to cushioning materials and insole structures. For example, United States Letters Patent No. 2,477,588 (Dumm~ issued August 2, 1949 describes a hydraulic insole formed by opposing sheets of flexible material and incorporating non-communicating oompart~ents therein. Hk~lever, the oompartments provided by Dumm do not correspond to t.~e major pressure points of the user's foot and, except for the area ~eneath the toes, are formesd by essentially longitudinally extending walls. Further, only a specific comp ætment is provided with a liouid, and the viscosity of the liquid is that of hom~genized honey. While the Dumm patent represents an advance over the then-existing prior art, the problem still exists of the acoommodation of the differing requirements of the different portions of the user's foot.
Another example of the prior art is United States Letters Patent 1S' Nb. 3,765,422 issued October 16, 1973 to 5mith. 5mith suggests the provision of a transverse ~all, in a fluid cushion padiatric insole, positioned along the forward edges of the netatarsal pressure points of the foot; thu~s, the positioning of the wall represents a recog- -nition of the requirement for limiting fluid flow in the æ ea of the ; metatarsus. However, Smith does not solve the problem of the differing cushioning requirements of the various other portions of the foot.

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Body weight is transmitted through the seven tarsal and five metatarsal bones to the weight-bearing surfaces of the foot. The ~7eight is received by the talus positioned on the lower end of the tibia and the lines of force created by the weight extend dowr~7ard and backward to the r os calcis, or heel, and also extend downward and forward to the forefoot.
The ~^7eight is generally distributed through the longitudinal and transverse arches predominantly to three weight-bearing areas. These areas include the tuberosity of the os calcis, the head of the first metatarsal and the outer border of the foot. The phalanges do not carry a significant portion ; 10 of the total ~eight but do provide pressure points under non-static condi-tions such as waLking or running.
It was previously believed that the overall slope of the foot was basically determined by the muscles and ligaments maintaining the bones in proper relationship with respect to one another; however, more recent studies have indicated that the shape of the foot is primarily deternined by the interfitting of the respective bones and that the muscles and liga-ments are called upon to retain the shape only during periods of high r stress when the foot is subjected to forces in excess of the static weight of the individual. That is, those forces enoountered during the initial movement of the foot when the individual steps for~7ard or when the indi- --vidual is running. Without regard to the nature of the shape of the foot, or the manner in which the shape is maintained, it has now been found that foot oomfo~t can be enhanced by providing four separate cushioning areas to contact, respectively, the phalanges, the metatarasal pressure points, the arch and the tuberosity of the os calcis. The cushioning ;, , .. . ", ........... .

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l'"f.34~g~60 in each o~ the~e ~eRs is i~pQ~tant for ~a~nt~ning overall comfort and preventing stress concent~ation that could produce damage to the foot.
It is therefore an object of one aspect of the present invention to provide a podiatric insole having four distinct cushioning areas, each for cushioning a separate portion of the bottom of a user's foot.
It is an ob;ect of another aspect of the present invention to provide a podiatric insole utilizing a liquid such as water enclosed within3four separate compartments for contacting four separate areas of the bottom of a user's foot.
; It is an object of still another aspect of the present invention to provide a podiatric insole incorporating a pair of flexible layers bonded along specific lines to form a compartmentalized structure, each compartment of which is non-communicating with the others and which contain a liquid, the volume of liquid per unit area of each compartment being determined by the requirements of that compartment.

By one broad aspect of this invention, a podiatric insole is providing comprising a) first and second substantially flat , layers of flexible material each generally conforming to the outline of the bottom of a user's foot; b) said layers being joined to each other i) along the edges thereof; ii) along a line forward of the metatarsal pressure points; iii) along a line substantially transverse of the user's foot and rearward of the metatarsal pressure points; iv~
along a line substantially transverse of the user~s foot and forward of the 08 calcls area to form a compartmentalized envelope having four separate non-communicating compartments beneath the phalanges, metatarsal pressure points, arch, and 08 calcls~ respectively; and c) each of said - compartments covering a predetermined area between said layers and each containing a predetermined volume of liquid per unit area.
By one variant, at least two of said compartmeDts contaln different predetermlned volumes o liquid per unit area.
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.~? ' ' , '' ', 16)4~460 By anpther yariant, the compartments each contain a different predetermined voiume of liquid per unit area.
By yet another variant, the liquld includes water and wherein a) the compartment beneath the phalanges of the user~s foot contains from 3 x 10-6 to 8 x 10 6 grams of water per square centimeter; b) the compartment beneath the metatarsal pressure points of the user~s foot contains from 12 x 10 6 to 17 x 10 6 grams of water per square centimeter; c) the compartment beneath the arch of the user's foot contains from 17 ~ 10 6 to 24 x 10 6 grams of water per square centimeter; and d) the compartment beneath the 08 calcis, or heel, of the user's foot contains 7 x 10 6 to 13 x 10 6 grams ` of water per square centimeter. -. `
By still another variant, the liquid includes water and wherein a) the compartment beneath the phalanges of the user's foot contains from 6.2 x 10 6 grams of water per square centimeter; b) the compartment beneath the metatarsal pressure points of the user's foot contains from 15.5 x 10 6 grams of water per square centimetèr; c) the compartment beneath the arch of the user's foot contains from 21.7 x 10 6 grams of water per square --centimeter; and d) the compartment beneath the os calcis, or heel, of the user's oot contains 10.9 x 10 6 grams of water per square centimeter.
By a still further variant, the liquid includes water and wherein the ratio of weight of water per-unit area of the respective compartments are a) the compartment beneath the phalanges -of the user's foot to the compartment beneath the metatarsal pressure points equals 0.4; b) the compartment beneath the phalanges of the user's foot to the compartment beneath the arch equals 0.28; and c) the compartment beneath the phalanges of the user's foot to the ' 30 compartment beneath the o~ calcis, heel, equals 0.57.
In accordance with the embodiment chosen for lllustratlon, a pair of flexible sheets having the general outlioe of a u8er~s foot àre formed into a two-layered compartmentalized ~ - 4a -, . , . ., ,. :. :
, 4~0 structure b~ bonding the laye~s along the outside edge thereof and by bonding the layers along walls extending substantially transversely of the wearer's foot. The walls are positioned to provide four separate non-communicating compartments each posi-- .:
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o ' tioned beneath a portion of the foot and each provided with a different - cushioning effect by the control of the liquid placed in each ccnpartment.
In the acccmpanying drawings, Figure 1 is a plan view of a podiatric insole constructed in accordance with the teachings of an aspect of the present invention.
Figure 2 is a cross-sectional view of Figure 1 taken along line
Referring now to the drawings, a first layer 10 of flexible ma-teriql is cut to the general outline of the bottom of a user's foot. The 10 outline is typical of shoe soles and insoles; a second layer 11, cut to the same shape, is bonded to the first along the outside edge 13 thereof.
! me flexible m~terial fr~m which layers 10 and 11 are made may be any of ~ ', r several well known rubber-like or plastic materials readily oommercially available and which exhibit sufficient strength and toughness to withstand the pressures and abrasion encountered in use as an insole. The konding of layers 10 and 11 may be accomplished using well established bonding techniques which form no part of the present invention and need not be r discussed.
The layers 10 and 11 are also konded together to form ~7alls 15, 16 and 17. The wall 15 is positioned for~7àrd 'of the heads of the metat æ sus and is generally transverse of the user's foot. The wall 15 is i' curved as shLw,n to generally follow the , .

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~4~460 contour, as viewed from above, of the metatarsal pressure points of the user.
m e wall 15 forms a ccmpartment 19 which is forward of the metatarsus and generally provides cushioning for the phalanges.
me wall 16 is generally transverse of the user's foot but is somewhat angled and defines a ocmpartment 21 that is generally positioned beneath the metatarsal pressure points. The wall 17 is transverse to the wearer's foot and separates ccnpartment 22 fram compartnent 24. The conr parbment 22 is positioned beneath the arch of the foot; however, the ccmr partment does not extend upward to contact and support the arch as suggested 10 in the prior art; instead, the insole of the present invention relies on the arch of a shoe to provide ~ajor supp~rt to the arch of the foot. The com-partment 22 only provides the proper cushioning. This cushioning is extremE-ly important since the outer border of the foot along the border designated at 25 assists in the support of the weight of the user.
The come~rtment 24 is positioned beneath the os calcis, or hee~, and cushions the foot of that area. Each of the ccnFartmcnts 19, 21, 22 and 24 oontains liquid which may be ~ater although other liquids such as, for example, aloohol may be found suitable. Usually, water is satisfactory and may contain chemicals such as an algacide. In oolder climates the J
20 presence of an antifreeze in the water is advantageous. The weight or ~Dlume of the water used to fill the compartments has been found to greatly affect the comfort afforded by the present insole. For example, it was found that the oomfort of the insole was enhanced when the weight or volume per unit of the liquid in ccLpartment 22 was essentially twice t'nat in comparbment 24. This relationship is quite unex-, , . ,, ,, ,, , " , : , ,,,:, ; .. . .

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1 ¦pected since the weight borne by the os calcis in contact with 2 ¦com~artment ?4 is su~stantially greater than the weight borne by .
3 ¦that portion of the foot in contact with compartment 22. Speci-
4 ¦fically, I have found the following values of liquid weight - ,
5 ¦tusing water as the liquid) per unit area o~ the respective com-
6 ¦partments to be ideal for use by men and women:
71 . .
8¦ For Men .
9 Compartment 19 6.2 x 10-6 grams per square-. ce~timeter 11 ` Compartment 21 15.5 x 10-6 grams per square centimeter - -12 ` Compàrtment 22 21.7 x 10-6 grams per square .
13 centimeter .
14 - Compartment 24 10.9 x 10-6 grams per square . . centimeter .
. . - . . .
16 For Women . .
7 Compartment 19 4.7 x 10-6 grams per sguare .
18 - . centimeter .
19 Compartment 21 13.9 x 10-6 grams per sguare centimeter Compartment 22 18.6 x 10-6 grams per square ~ :~
21 . centim~ter .
22 Compartment 24 9.3 x 10-6 grams per square .
- centimeter ~.
23 . . . -24 While the above weights per unit area were found to -25 be substantially ideal, the following ranges will provide satis- :
26 factory cushioning for the various areas of the foot:
27 . . .. ~-.
28 Compartment 19 3 x 10-6 to 8 x 10-6 29 Compartment 21 12 x 10-6 to 17 x 10-6 Compartment 22 17 x 10-6 to 24 x 10-6 32 . Compartment 24 7 x 10 -6 to 13 x 10-6 ; . .
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~ o ~ J4~4~0 1 I The specific values of liquid weight per unit area ~7ill 2 ¦depend to some extent on~he shape and size of the user's foot.
3 ¦For example, I have found that slightly more liquid may be 4 ¦reguired in the compartment under the arch of a woman's foot 5 Irelative to the same compartment under the arch of a man's foot. ., 61 However, the above range of values are appropriate for the entire 71 range of men's and women's foot sizes, assuming, of course,
8 rhat the user's foot is normal.
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6 - . .
17 . . - . . .
18 . . . .-.-. . :
21 : - . - . -~

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27 . . :
28 . .. . ' .

31 - .
32 . -8-. ' ' , ' , ., ' , ' , .,. ..

Claims (6)

1. A podiatric insole comprising a) first and second substantially flat layers of flexible material each generally conforming to the outline of the bottom of a user's foot;

b) said layers being joined to each other i) along the edges thereof;

ii) along a line forward of the meta-tarsal pressure points;

iii) along a line substantially transverse of the user's foot and rearward of the meta-tarsal pressure points;

iv) along a line substantially transverse of the user's foot and forward of the os calcis area to form a compartmentalized envelope having four separate non-communicating compartments beneath the phalanges, metatarsal pressure points, arch, and os calcis, respectively; and c) each of said compartments covering a pre-determined area between said layers and each con-taining a predetermined volume of liquid per unit area.
2. The podiatric insole of Claim 1, wherein at least two of said compartments contain different predetermined volumes of liquid per unit area.
3. The podiatric insole of Claim 1, wherein said compartments each contain a different predetermined volume of liquid per unit area.
4. The podiatric insole of Claims 1, 2 or 3 wherein said liquid includes water and wherein a) the compartment beneath the phalanges of the user's foot contains from 3 x 10-6 to 8 x 10-6 grams of water per square centimeter;

b) the compartment beneath the metatarsal pressure points of the user's foot contains from 12 x 10-6 to 17 x 10-6 grams of water per square centimeter;

c) the compartment beneath the arch of the user's foot contains from 17 x 10-6 to 24 x 10-6 grams of water per square centimeter; and d) the compartment beneath the os calcis, or heel, of the user's foot contains 7 x 10-6 to 13 x 10-6 grams of water per square centimeter.
5. The podiatric insole of Claims 1, 2 or 3 wherein said liquid includes water and wherein a) the compartment beneath the phalanges of the user's foot contains from 6.2 x 10-6 grams of water per square centimeter;

b) the compartment beneath the metatarsal pressure points of the user's foot contains from 15.5 x 10-6 grams of water per square centimeter;

c) the compartment beneath the arch of the user's foot contains from 21.7 x 10-6 grams of water per square centimeter; and d) the compartment beneath the os calcis, or heel, of the user's foot contains 10.9 x 10-6 grams of water per square centimeter.
6. The podiatric insole of Claims 1, 2 or 3 wherein said liquid includes water and wherein the ratio of weight of water per unit area of the respective compartments are a) the compartment beneath the phalanges of the user's foot to the compartment beneath the metatarsal pressure points equals 0.4;

b) the compartment beneath the phalanges of the user's foot to the compartment beneath the arch equals 0.28; and c) the compartment beneath the phalanges of the user's foot to the compartment beneath the os calcis, or heel, equals 0.57.
CA263,057A 1976-10-08 1976-10-08 Podiatric insole Expired CA1044460A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA263,057A CA1044460A (en) 1976-10-08 1976-10-08 Podiatric insole

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA263,057A CA1044460A (en) 1976-10-08 1976-10-08 Podiatric insole

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1044460A true CA1044460A (en) 1978-12-19



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA263,057A Expired CA1044460A (en) 1976-10-08 1976-10-08 Podiatric insole

Country Status (1)

Country Link
CA (1) CA1044460A (en)

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