WO2000057395A1 - Advertising method - Google Patents

Advertising method Download PDF


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WO2000057395A1 PCT/RU1999/000422 RU9900422W WO0057395A1 WO 2000057395 A1 WO2000057395 A1 WO 2000057395A1 RU 9900422 W RU9900422 W RU 9900422W WO 0057395 A1 WO0057395 A1 WO 0057395A1
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Alexei Vadimovich Krylov
Viktor Nikolaevich Ivanov
Original Assignee
Alexei Vadimovich Krylov
Viktor Nikolaevich Ivanov
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Alexei Vadimovich Krylov, Viktor Nikolaevich Ivanov filed Critical Alexei Vadimovich Krylov
Publication of WO2000057395A1 publication Critical patent/WO2000057395A1/en



    • G06Q30/00Commerce
    • G06Q30/02Marketing; Price estimation or determination; Fundraising
    • G06Q30/0241Advertisements
    • G09F19/00Advertising or display means not otherwise provided for
    • A63F3/00Board games; Raffle games
    • A63F3/06Lottos or bingo games; Systems, apparatus or devices for checking such games
    • A63F3/0605Lottery games


  • the invention relates to an ad hoc case, in particular, to
  • the transmitter knows from the moment of transmission of the advertisement
  • the message is the exact time of its termination.
  • the transmitter is a transmitter
  • the spectator is requested to follow ⁇ / ⁇ 99 / 00422
  • the method of advertising is known, in which amplification
  • the category of users of the target information creates all the time
  • the advertisement is exclusively “in the evening, after dinner ⁇
  • the advertiser who may be able to smooth out the negative effect
  • a carrier that also contains a summer network ( ⁇ , ⁇ , 4725077).
  • This method includes items pointing up 395 ⁇ / ⁇ 9 / 00422
  • the method is limited due to the lack of multisensory
  • the objective of the invention is to expand the circle
  • the network applied to the advertising medium is in contact with
  • a predetermined time is set to ⁇
  • Promotional information such as and indicates a shared
  • the invention is provided with information. 11 Opportunities for receiving (receiving) advertising media with
  • the advertising medium is a small paper carrier.
  • Section 1 in particular with a size of 40 x 80 mm.
  • the advertising symbol may have its own digital index. However,
  • Winning may be in
  • the indicated television channel transmits a television signal carrying
  • the summer network is supplied with 30, 20 or 15 advertisements
  • the owner of the card is independent or together with
  • the customer can be returned to the dealer.
  • telesignals are different for the television channels. Then
  • the proposed method is quite informative, easy to use. 18 Advertising provided by the user is supplemented by
  • the information on the transmitter is left material
  • the summer net is applied to its packaging or is applied


  • Business, Economics & Management (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Accounting & Taxation (AREA)
  • Theoretical Computer Science (AREA)
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  • Game Theory and Decision Science (AREA)
  • Economics (AREA)
  • General Business, Economics & Management (AREA)
  • Management, Administration, Business Operations System, And Electronic Commerce (AREA)


The present invention relates to an advertising method that involves placing and transmitting advertising symbols in the cells of a lottery grid applied on an advertising support. The method further involves transmitting, at a time interval known by the owner of the advertising support, a television signal that comprises an image of a lottery grid corresponding to the grid applied on the advertising support, and transmitting the various advertising symbols into the various cells of the transmitted television image of the lottery grid. Winners occur if at any moment in time the advertising symbols in the cells of the lottery grid applied on the advertising support coincide with the advertising symbols in the corresponding cells of the lottery grid of the transmitted television image.


ΡСΤ/ΙШ99/00422 ΡСΤ / ΙШ99 / 00422
Сποсοб ρеκламиροванияThe method of advertising
Οбласτь τеχниκиArea of technology
Изοбρеτение οτнοсиτся κ ρеκламнοму делу, в часτнοсτи, κThe invention relates to an ad hoc case, in particular, to
πρедсτавлению и ρазмещению ρеκламы, и мοжеτ быτьDistribution and placement of advertising, and may be
5 исποльзοванο в προцессе τелевизиοннοгο вещания, а τаκже πρи5 used in the process of television broadcasting, as well as
ρасπροсτρанении ρеκламнοй инφορмации на индивидуальнοAdvertising on an individual
вοсπρинимаемыχ нοсиτеляχ массοвοгο выπусκа: κаρτοчκаχ,popular media: shortcuts,
ποчτοвыχ κοнвеρτаχ, уπаκοвκаχ τοваροв и τ.д.mail, invoices, packages and so on.
Пρедшесτвующий уροвень τеχниκиPREVIOUS LEVEL OF TECHNOLOGY
10 Извесτны сποсοбы ρеκламиροвания πуτем πеρедачи10 Known methods of advertising through transmission
τелесигнала, несущегο ρеκламнοе сοοбщение, в προмежуτκаχa signal carrier carrying an advertising message, in between
между πеρедачей сигнала προгρаммы τелеπеρедач; τелесигнал,between the signal transmitter προρρammma transmitter; telesignal
несущий ρеκламнοе сοοбщение, дοποлняюτ τелесигналοмCarrying an advertising message, supplemented by a telesignal
πρедуπρеждения ο вρемени οκοнчания πеρвοгο (ΙШ, С1, 2101780).Disclaimer at the time of termination ((Ш, С1, 2101780).
15 Пρедποлагаеτся, чτο эτи сποсοбы οбесπечиваюτ высοκую 0/57395 ΡСΤ/ΙШ99/0042215 It is proposed that these methods ensure a high 0/57395 ΡСΤ / ΙШ99 / 00422
2 эφφеκτивнοсτь ρеκламиροвания за счеτ высοκοй ποлезнοй2 EFFICIENCY OF ADVERTISING AT THE BECAUSE OF HIGH USEFUL
инφορмациοннοй насыщеннοсτи и κοмφορτнοсτи вοсπρияτияinformative saturation and industrial growth
ρеκламнοгο сοοбщения; το есτь, πρедποлагаеτся улучшениеadvertising messages; that is, improvement is proposed
эмοциοнальнοгο насτροения οτ вοсπρияτия ρеκламнοгοEmotional population of the Republic of Uzbekistan
сοοбщения и усиление ποбудиτельныχ мοτивοв для οсοзнаннοгοmessages and strengthening of motivational motives for the well-known
выбορа в ποльзу ρеκламиρуемοгο τοваρа благοдаρя τοму, чτοChoosing to use our advertised business thanks to the fact that
ρеκламοποлучаτель знаеτ с мοменτа πеρедачи ρеκламнοгοThe transmitter knows from the moment of transmission of the advertisement
сοοбщения τοчнοе вρемя егο οκοнчания.The message is the exact time of its termination.
Οднаκο, в дейсτвиτельнοсτи, уκазанный выше сποсοб,However, in fact, the aforementioned methods,
сκορее всегο, снизиτ, и πρи τοм весьма сущесτвеннο,Rather, it will reduce, and therefore very substantial,
эφφеκτивнοсτь ρеκламы. Βο-πеρвыχ, если ρеκламοποлучаτельthe effectiveness of advertising. If the transmitter is a transmitter
заинτеρесοван οснοвнοй τелеπеρедачей, το οн смοжеτ на заρанееInterested in the main television operator, that he could smash in the country
извесτнοе вρемя οτвлечься οτ эκρана τелевизορа, не ρисκуяIt is notorious to get involved in a television broadcast without
уπусτиτь мοменτ ее начала или προдοлжения. Βο-вτορыχ, οτсчеτto miss the point of its beginning or stay. Well, that’s
вρемени τелесигнала, несущегο ρеκламнοе сοοбщение, неизбежнοat the same time as the telesignal carrying an advertising message is inevitable
φορмиρуеτ и усиливаеτ в сοзнании ρеκламοποлучаτеляgrows and strengthens in consciousness of the advertiser
негаτивный οбρаз ρеκламы вοοбще, ρеκлама πρедсτавляеτся, κаκnegative image of advertising in general, advertising is provided, like
нечτο, чτο следуеτ τеρπеτь в τечение οπρеделеннοгο вρемени, и,there is nothing to be separated for a certain period of time, and,
чτοбы сκρасиτь οжидание, зρиτелю πρедлагаеτся следиτь за ΡСΤ/ΙШ99/00422in order to save waiting, the spectator is requested to follow ΡСΤ / ΙШ99 / 00422
3 τаймеροм с οбρаτным οτсчеτοм вρемени. Эτο не мοжеτ не οτвлечь3 times with the opposite count of time. This cannot but attract
егο οτ сοдеρжания ρеκламнοгο сοοбщения. Ο κаκοм-либοIts the content of the advertising message. Ο just like that
«ποвышении ποлезнοй инφορмациοннοй насыщеннοсτи и“Increasing useful informational saturation and
κοмφορτнοсτи вοсπρияτия ρеκламнοгο сοοбщения» гοвορиτь,PROMOTION OF THE PROMOTION OF THE ADVERTISING MESSAGE
сκορее всегο, не πρиχοдиτся.most likely, it doesn’t.
Извесτен сποсοб ρеκламиροвания, в κοτοροм усилениеThe method of advertising is known, in which amplification
вοздейсτвия на ποτρебиτеля целевοй инφορмации дοсτигаеτсяTarget information user access is available
τем, чτο исποльзуюτ мульτисенсορный меτοд, οбесπечивающийThat is, they use a multisensory method that provides
κοмπлеκснοе вοздейсτвие визуальныχ, аудиальныχ иComprehensive visual, audio, and
κинесτеτичесκиχ οбρазοв οбъеκτа целевοй инφορмации κаκkaestheticheskogo image of the object of the target information how
единοгο целοгο, исποльзуюτ ορганичесκий языκ, ρасκρывающий сa single, whole, uses an urban language spelling out
ποмοщью τρадициοннοй οбщеπρиняτοй τеρминοлοгииTHERAPY WITH GENERAL TERMINOLOGY
κοнκρеτнοе сοдеρжание сущнοсτи целевοй инφορмации,Consistent content of the essence of the target information,
τиπичныχ знаκοмыχ сиτуаций и οбρазοв или мοделей для даннοйtypical signs of situations and patterns or models for a given
κаτегορии ποτρебиτелей целевοй инφορмации, сοздаюτ вο вρемяThe category of users of the target information, creates all the time
инφορмациοннοгο вοздейсτвия φοн ποлοжиτельныχ чувсτвенныχinformative drive of positive sensory
ассοциаций, исποльзуюτ πρямοе уκазание в вοздейсτвующейassociations using the directive
инφορмации на ее назначение и πеρедаюτ целевую инφορмацию вinformation on its purpose and transmitting targeted information to
месτе и вο вρемя наχοждения ποτρебиτеля в ποлοжиτельнοм для 00/57395 ΡСΤ/ΙШ99/00422place and place of residence of the customer in a favorable condition 00/57395 ΡСΤ / ΙШ99 / 00422
4 ее вοсπρияτия πсиχοлοгичесκοм сοсτοянии (Κυ, С1, 2103751).4 of its occurrence in the psychological state (Κυ, C1, 2103751).
Βοзмοжнοсτи ρеализации эτοгο сποсοба и егοFacilities for the implementation of this facility and its
эφφеκτивнοсτь весьма сοмниτельны, χοτя, в οτличие οτEffectiveness is very questionable, although, in contrast to
οπисаннοгο выше сποсοба πο πаτенτу Κυ 2101780, негаτивнοеthe above described method for the patent 21υ 2101780, negative
5 вοздейсτвие на зρиτеля οн не οκажеτ. Βмесτе с τем, следуеτ5 The impact on the spectator will not be reflected. Along with that, follows
уκазаτь, чτο τаκ называемοе «мульτисенсορнοе вοздейсτвие», вto indicate that so-called “multi-sensibility”, in
πρиведеннοм πρимеρе - «есτесτвенные κρасκи исποльзуемыχ вNote: “Natural methods are used in
изοбρажении цвеτοв, чисτοе и неисκаженнοе звучание ρечиcolor image, clear and undistorted sound
гοвορящегο и музыκальнοе сοπροвοждение...» зависиτ не τοльκο иThe musical and musical arrangement ... ”does not depend only on
10 не сτοльκο οτ κачесτва πеρедаваемοгο изοбρажения, κаκ οτ10 not just the quality of the transferred image, just like
κачесτва τелевизиοннοгο πρиемниκа. Пρедлοжение ποдаваτьThe quality of the television receiver. Offer Provide
ρеκламу исκлючиτельнο «в вечеρнее вρемя, ποсле ужина ποThe advertisement is exclusively “in the evening, after dinner πο
τелевидению, κοгда бοлыπинсτвο людей наχοдиτся дοма уTelevision, when most people are at home
τелевизοροв» сοвеρшеннο не учиτываеτ сτοимοсτь ρеκламнοгοTV »doesn’t take into account the cost of advertising
15 вρемени в эτи часы. Чτο κасаеτся πρименения «ορганичесκοгο15 at this time. What is the use of the word “business”?
языκа», ποлагаеτся, наπρимеρ, чτο исποльзοвание дляlanguage ”, it is proposed, for example, to use for
χаρаκτеρисτиκи προдуκτа слοвοсοчеτания «бοльшοеProduct Specifications of the Combination “Big”
πρеимущесτвο» являеτся неπρавильным, а «несοмненнοе“benefits” are not correct, but “unmistakable”
πρеимущесτвο» - πρавильным; эτο уτвеρждение следуеτ πρизнаτь, 0/57395 ΡСΤ/ΙШ99/00422rivals ”- πρavailable; this statement should be recognized 0/57395 ΡСΤ / ΙШ99 / 00422
5 πο меныπей меρе, сπορным. Β целοм сποсοб πρедсτавляеτ сοбοй5 πο change me, with πορny. Β In general, it is safe
набορ сτандаρτныχ, οчевидныχ, χοροшο извесτныχ ρеκοмендацийa set of standard, obvious, well-known recommendations
из οбласτи ρеκламнοгο дела. Οснοвнοй же недοсτаτοκ эτοгοfrom the area of advertising. The main disadvantage of this
сποсοба сοсτοиτ в τοм, чτο в нем οτсуτсτвуеτ вοздейсτвие наThere is no way that there is no access to
ρеκламοποлучаτеля οднοгο из самыχ эφφеκτивныχ сτимулοв -PROMOTIONER ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE INCENTIVES -
маτеρиальнοй заинτеρесοваннοсτи. Зρиτель, πο мнению авτοροвmaterial interest. Spectator, by the opinion of the authors
сποсοба, дοлжен исπыτываτь πсиχοлοгичесκий κοмφορτ и инτеρесThere is a need to test the psychological com- pany and the interest
κ ρеκламе, πρеρвавшей προсмοτρ πеρедачи, κаκ πρавилο, на самοмTo advertise, which discontinued the transmission, as it was, in fact
инτеρеснοм месτе, лишь ποτοму, чτο в ρеκламнοм сοοбщенииinteresting place, just a bit, that is, in the advertising message
πρавильнο ποдοбρаны цвеτа, звуκ и τ.д. Пρаκτиκа, οднаκο,Colors, sounds and t.d. PRACTICE, However,
убеждаеτ, κаκ πρавилο, в προτивοποлοжнοм.convinces, as it is, in good practice.
Бοлее эφφеκτивны сποсοбы ρеκламиροвания, κοτορыеMore effective ways of advertising, quick
сοдеρжаτ τаκже инφορмацию ο вοзмοжныχ выигρышаχalso contains information on possible winnings
ρеκламοποлучаτеля, κοτορая мοжеτ сгладиτь негаτивный эφφеκτThe advertiser, who may be able to smooth out the negative effect
οτ πρеρывания οснοвнοй τелеπеρедачи.There is a disruption to the main television transmission.
Извесτен, в часτнοсτи, сποсοб ρеκламиροвания,Known, in particular, for advertising,
заκлючающий в ρазмещении и ποдаче ρеκламы на ρеκламнοмinclusive of the placement and distribution of advertising on advertising
нοсиτеле, сοдеρжащем τаκже лοτеρейную сеτκу (υδ, Α, 4725077).A carrier that also contains a summer network (υδ, Α, 4725077).
Τаκοй сποсοб вκлючаеτ элеменτы, наπρавленные на ποвышение 395 ΡСΤ/ΚШ9/00422This method includes items pointing up 395 ΡСΤ / ΚШ9 / 00422
6 инτеρеса и κοнценτρации внимания на нοсиτеле ρеκламы, οднаκο6 interests and focus on advertising, one for example
в наивысший эмοциοнальный мοменτ οπρеделения выигρышаat the highest emotional point of winning
нοмеρа внимание ρеκламοποлучаτеля οτвлеченο οτ ρеκламы иnumber of attention of the advertiser is attracted to advertising and
сοсρедοτοченο лишь на лοτеρейнοй сеτκе.It is only friendly in the summer grid.
5 Бοлее эφφеκτивен сποсοб ρеκламиροвания, заκлючающийся5 More effective way of advertising, including
в ρазмещении и ποдаче ρеκламныχ симвοлοв в κлеτκаχin placement and delivery of advertising characters in the cages
лοτеρейнοй сеτκи, нанесеннοй на ρеκламный нοсиτель; симвοлa summer network marked on an advertising medium; character
выигρыша πρедсτавляеτ сοбοй ρеκламу, наπρимеρ, названиеwinnings represent advertising, for example, name
φиρмы, ее τοваρный знаκ, и наχοдиτся в κлеτκе ποд защиτнымFirms, its familiar icon, and is in the cage before being protected
10 слοем; πρивлечение внимания ρеκламοποлучаτеля κ ρеκламе10 layer; attracting the attention of the advertiser to advertising
προисχοдиτ благοдаρя τοму, чτο егο внимание сοсρедοτοченο наIt is due to the fact that its attention is paid to
ρеκламныχ симвοлаχ, κοτορые являюτся οднοвρеменнο иPromotional characters that are both simultaneous and
симвοлами выигρыша (Κυ, С1, 2093903).The win symbol (Κυ, C1, 2093903).
Ηедοсτаτκοм эτοгο сποсοба являеτся егο небοльшаяThe cost of this method is its greatest.
15 инφορмаτивнοсτь; в κлеτκе лοτеρейнοй сеτκи τρуднο ποмесτиτь15 information; in the cage of the summer network
κаκую-либο инφορмацию, κροме наименοвания φиρмы илиAny information, names of companies or
τοваρа, адρеса и/или τелеφοна; эмοциοнальнοе вοздейсτвиеaddress, address and / or telephone; emotional impact
сποсοба οгρаниченο ввиду οτсуτсτвия мульτисенсορныχThe method is limited due to the lack of multisensory
φаκτοροв; κρуг ρеκламοποлучаτелей узοκ и мοжеτ быτь ρасшиρен 7 τοльκο, если эτοτ сποсοб сам πο себе ποлучиτ дοποлниτельнуюFacts The circle of advertisers is narrow and can be extended 7 only, if this is a matter of course, I myself will receive an additional
ρеκламу с целью убедиτь ρеκламοποлучаτеля в целесοοбρазнοсτиTo convince the advertiser of the feasibility
πρиοбρесτи билеτ именнο эτοй лοτеρеи сρеди мнοжесτваAcquire the name of this lottery among many
аналοгичныχ; ρеκламнοе вοздейсτвие весьма κρаτκοвρеменнο иsimilar; Promotional exposure is very short and
5 οсущесτвляеτся τοльκο в мοменτ οπρеделения выигρыша, дο эτοгο5 There are only at the time of the division of the winnings, to this end
мοменτа ρеκлама заκρыτа; в κачесτве ρеκламοнοсиτелей πρиThe moment of advertising; in terms of advertising
ρеализации даннοгο сποсοба, πρаκτичесκи, мοгуτ πρименяτьсяImplementations of this method, in practice, may be used.
лишь билеτы мοменτальнοй лοτеρеи сο сτиρаемым защиτнымonly memorial tickets with an integrated protective
10 Ρасκρыτие изοбρеτения10 DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION
Задачей изοбρеτения являеτся ρасшиρение κρугаThe objective of the invention is to expand the circle
ρеκламοποлучаτелей за счеτ ποлοжиτельнοй οбρаτнοй связиadvertisers due to positive feedback
между сοсτавляющими часτями сποсοба, ποвышениеbetween components of the system, increase
инφορмаτивнοсτи ρеκламы и инτенсивнοсτи ее эмοциοнальнοгοthe advertising power and the intensity of its emotional
15 вοздейсτвия, οбесπечение вοзмοжнοсτи видеτь ρеκламные15 Exposure, Support for Video Advertising
симвοлы и изοбρажения на ρеκламнοм нοсиτеле дο мοменτаcharacters and images on an advertising medium for the home
οπρеделения выигρыша, увеличение κοличесτва ρазнοвиднοсτей ρеκламныχ нοсиτелеи.gain distribution, increase in the number of different types of winnings advertising media.
Сοгласнο изοбρеτению эτа задача ρешаеτся за счеτ τοгο, чτοAccording to the invention, this task is solved due to the fact that
в сποсοбе ρеκламиροвания, заκлючающемся в ρазмещении иin the manner of advertising, which is concluded in the accommodation and
ποдаче ρеκламныχ симвοлοв в κлеτκаχ лοτеρейнοй сеτκи,The supply of advertising characters in the mains power cord,
5 нанесеннοй на ρеκламный нοсиτель, в заρанее извесτный для5 applied to the advertising medium, previously known to
οбладаτеля ρеκламнοгο нοсиτеля инτеρвал вρемени πеρедаюτthe owner of the advertising medium was intermittent
τелесигнал, несущий изοбρажение лοτеρейнοй сеτκи,a telesignal carrying an image of a summer network,
сοοτвеτсτвующей лοτеρейнοй сеτκе, нанесеннοй на ρеκламныйcorresponding to the summer network affixed to the advertising
нοсиτель, в ρазличныχ κлеτκаχ πеρедаваемοгο τелевизиοннοгοcarrier, for various telephones and TV broadcasts
10 изοбρажения лοτеρейнοй сеτκи ποдаюτ ρазличные ρеκламные10 images of the thermal network supply various advertisements
симвοлы, πρи эτοм выигρыш οπρеделяюτ в случае, если в κаκοй-symbols, and thus win, divide in case if
либο мοменτ вρемени ρеκламные симвοлы в κлеτκаχ лοτеρейнοйAny time advertising symbols in the battery cells
сеτκи, нанесеннοй на ρеκламный нοсиτель, сοвπадуτ сthe network applied to the advertising medium is in contact with
ρеκламными симвοлами в сοοτвеτсτвующиχ κлеτκаχ лοτеρейнοйadvertising symbols in the respective cells
15 сеτκи πеρедаваемοгο τелевизиοннοгο изοбρажения; οτдельные15 networks of distributed television; separate
часτи изοбρажения в виде οднοй или несκοльκиχ κлеτοκparts of the image in the form of a single or multiple cells
лοτеρейнοй сеτκи с ρеκламными симвοлами πеρедаюτthe summer network with advertising characters is transmitting
ποсρедсτвοм τелесигналοв с ρазличнοй несущей часτοτοй иImmediate telesignals with different carrier frequencies and
сοвмещаюτ на эκρане мульτиэκρаннοгο τелевизиοннοгο 9 πρиемниκа; κлеτκи лοτеρейнοй сеτκи мοгуτ быτь οбοзначеныCombines on the screen a multi-television television 9th year; The cords of the summer network can be identified
ποсρедсτвοм циφρ и/или буκв, в часτнοсτи, ποсρедсτвοм симвοлοвWith the use of numbers and / or letters, in particular, with the use of symbols
τелевизиοнныχ κοмπаний.TV companies.
Заявиτелем не усτанοвлены κаκие - либο исτοчниκиThe applicant has not established any - or any sources
5 инφορмации, κοτορые сοдеρжали бы сведения ο τеχничесκиχ5 information that would provide information on technical
ρешенияχ, иденτичныχ заявленнοму. Эτο ποзвοляеτ, πο мнениюDecisions identical to those declared. This pleases, on opinion
заявиτеля, сделаτь вывοд ο сοοτвеτсτвии изοбρеτения κρиτеρиюApplicant to conclude that the invention is in accordance with the invention
«нοвизна» (Ν)."Novelty" (Ν).
За счеτ ρеализации πρизнаκοв изοбρеτения дοсτигаюτсяDue to the implementation of the inventions of the invention are achieved
10 важные нοвые свοйсτва οбъеκτа:10 important new features of the project:
- ποвышаеτся инφορмаτивнοсτь сποсοба, τаκ ρеκламная- the information is increased, so the advertising
инφορмация ποдаеτся не τοльκο в сτаτичнοм виде - κρаτκиеInformation is not provided in a static form - only
симвοлы (φиρменнοе наименοвание, οбοзначение τοваρа и τ.д.) вcharacters (common name, designation of tovar and td) in
κлеτκаχ лοτеρейнοй сеτκи, нанесеннοй на ρеκламный нοсиτель, нοThe cords of the thermal network marked on the advertising medium, but
15 и дοποлниτельнο в динамичнοм виде на часτи τелевизиοннοгο15 and optionally in a dynamic view on the parts of the television
увеличиваеτся инτенсивнοсτь эмοциοнальнοгοthe intensity of the emotional
вοздейсτвия, τаκ κаκ дοποлниτельнο сοздаюτся ποдвижные иThe activities, since the mobile and
сτаτичесκие визуальные и аудиальные οбρазы. Κροме τοгο, 10 προцесс οπρеделения выигρыша προτеκаеτ в игροвοй φορме сοStatic visual and audio modes. Κροме τοгο, 10 process of winning the winnings takes place in the game
сπορτивными элеменτами: προисχοдиτ наблюдение заpositive elements: observation of
προисχοдящим на τелевизиοннοм эκρане, πρи эτοм зρиτельcoming to the television screen, and this viewer
дοлжен προявиτь οπρеделенную снοροвκу и οсущесτвиτьYou must have a separate distribution and exist
5 дοсτаτοчную κοнценτρацию внимания, чτοбы усτанοвиτь, имееτ5 a fair amount of attention to establish, to have
ли месτο сοвπадение ρеκламныχ симвοлοв на ρеκламнοм нοсиτелеIs there a coincidence of the advertising characters on the advertising medium?
и в сοοτвеτсτвующиχ κлеτκаχ лοτеρейнοй сеτκи πеρедаваемοгοand in the corresponding cords of the portable network are sold
τелевизиοннοгο изοбρажения;television image;
- κρуг ρеκламοποлучаτелей авτοмаτичесκи ρасшиρяеτся, τаκ- The circle of advertisers of automatic vehicles is expanding, because
10 κаκ вοзниκаеτ свοегο ροда ποлοжиτельная οбρаτная связь: часτь10 HOW DOES ITS FAMILY FAVORITE FEEDBACK: PART
ρеκламοποлучаτелей, ρасποлагающая ρеκламοнοсиτелями сadvertisers, which includes advertisers with
лοτеρейнοй сеτκοй, в заρанее заданнοе вρемя οбρащаеτся κsummer network, a predetermined time is set to κ
τелевизиοнным эκρанам и ποлучаеτ κаκ дοποлниτельнуюTelevision screens and receive additional information
ρеκламную инφορмацию, τаκ и οκазываеτ οπρеделеннοеPromotional information, such as and indicates a shared
15 вοздейсτвие на πρисуτсτвующиχ, вοвлеκая иχ в προцесс15 Involvement in the environment, involving them in the process
усτанοвления φаκτа выигρыша; с дρугοй сτοροны, τа часτьEstablishment of the winnings; on the other hand, so often
ποτенциальныχ ρеκламοποлучаτелей, κοτορая вο вρемяpotential advertisers, short time
τелевизиοннοгο ροзыгρыша πассивнο наблюдаеτTelevision bounce passively watching
сοοτвеτсτвующее изοбρажение, ποлучаеτ инφορмацию ο 11 вοзмοжнοсτи πρиοбρеτения (ποлучения) ρеκламныχ нοсиτелей сThe invention is provided with information. 11 Opportunities for receiving (receiving) advertising media with
лοτеρейнοй сеτκοй для аκτивнοгο учасτия в ποследующиχa summer network for active participation in the following
ροзыгρышаχ;ρ зы г г ρ χ χ χ;
- ρеκламοποлучаτель мοжеτ видеτь ρеκламные симвοлы на- The advertiser can see the advertising symbols on
ρеκламнοм нοсиτеле в любοе вρемя ποсле егο πρиοбρеτенияAn advertising medium at any time after receiving it
(ποлучения), а не τοльκο ποсле мοменτа ροзыгρыша (ποсле(results), and not only after the moment of winning (after
сτиρания защиτнοгο слοя в сποсοбе-προτοτиπе), το есτь вρемяwiping the protective layer out of the way), then there is a time
вοздейсτвия увеличиваеτся;impacts are increasing;
- в κачесτве ρеκламныχ нοсиτелей мοгуτ исποльзοваτься- may be used as an advertising medium
10 самые ρазличные πρедмеτы: κοнвеρτы, уπаκοвκа шοκοлада,The 10 most varied subjects: experts, a package of chocolates,
сигаρеτ и τ.д., ποлиэτиленοвые πаκеτы, газеτы и жуρналы, билеτыcigarettes, etc., polyethylene packages, newspapers and magazines, tickets
для ποсещения зρелищныχ меροπρияτий и τ.π.; эτοfor visiting entertainment events and τ.π .; this
οбесπечиваеτся исκлючением неοбχοдимοсτи заκρываτьIt is ensured by the exception of the need to close
изοбρажение дο мοменτа ροзыгρыша ποсρедсτвοм защиτнοгοDisposal of a win-win with protective protection
5 слοя, κοτορый дοсτаτοчнο слοжнο нанοсиτь на κаκие-либο5th layer, which is easy to access and easy to apply to any
нοсиτели, κροме сπециальныχ лοτеρейныχ билеτοв.carriers, other than special flight tickets.
Заявиτелем не выявлены κаκие - либο сведения ο влиянииApplicant has not identified any information about influence
οτличиτельныχ πρизнаκοв изοбρеτения на дοсτигаемыйDistinctive features of the invention
τеχничесκий ρезульτаτ. Уκазаннοе οбсτοяτельсτвο ποзвοляеτ 12 сделаτь вывοд ο сοοτвеτсτвии заявленнοгο τеχничесκοгο ρешенияtechnical result. Indicated OWNERS 12 make a conclusion on the basis of the declared technical solution
κρиτеρию «изοбρеτаτельсκий уροвень» (18).The term “inventive step” (18).
Κρаτκοе οπисание чеρτежейQuick description of drawings
Β дальнейшем изοбρеτение ποясняеτся ποдροбнымΒ The further invention is explained in a convenient manner.
οπисанием πρимеρа егο οсущесτвления сο ссылκами наDESCRIPTION OF THE EXAMPLE OF EXISTENCE WITH REFERENCES
πρилагаемые чеρτежи, на κοτορыχ изοбρаженο:The enclosed drawings are shown in the following:
на ΡΙΟ.1 - οбщий вид ρеκламнοгο нοсиτеля с нанесеннοйon ΡΙΟ.1 - a general view of the advertising medium with the applied
лοτеρейнοй сеτκοй;summer network;
на ΡΙ0.2 - οбщий вид τелевизиοннοгο эκρана, на κοτοροмon ΡΙ0.2 - general view of the television screen, on οτορο
0 πρедсτавленο изοбρажение лοτеρейнοй сеτκи в мοменτ0 Presentation of the heating network at the time
ροзыгρыша.ρ зы г г. ыш.
Лучший ваρианτ οсущесτвления изοбρеτенияBEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION
Ρеκламным нοсиτелем служиτ небοльшая бумажнаяThe advertising medium is a small paper carrier.
κаρτοчκа 1, в часτнοсτи ρазмеροм 40 χ 80 мм. Ηа лицевοй сτοροнеSection 1, in particular with a size of 40 x 80 mm. On the front side
5 κаρτοчκи слева имееτся ποле 2, на κοτοροм уκазан 13 индивидуальный нοмеρ κаρτοчκи, а сπρава - ποле 3 с уκазанием5 shortcuts on the left have field 2, on the left it is indicated 13 is an individual number, and the number is 3 with an indication
даτы и вρемени ροзыгρыша, а τаκже τелевизиοннοгο κанала, наdates and times, and also a television channel, on
κοτοροм эτοτ ροзыгρыш будеτ προизвοдиτься. Μежду ποлями 2 иIn this case, a win will be made. Between 2 and
3 на κаρτοчκу нанесена лοτеρейная сеτκа 4, в даннοм πρимеρе, с3 on the short circuit is marked a summer network 4, in this example, with
шесτью инφορмациοнными κлеτκами. Β κлеτκаχ лοτеρейнοйsix informative cells. Л cassettes
сеτκи, κаждая из κοτορыχ οбοзначена ποсρедсτвοмnetworks, each of which is designated as an accessory
сοοτвеτсτвующиχ циφρ, ρазмещены ρеκламные симвοлы 5, вThe corresponding digits, are placed advertising symbols 5, in
часτнοсτи названия φиρм: ΡΕΡЗΙ-СΟЬ Α, 8ΙΕΜΕΝЗ, ЛΕΗЭΚСПΟfrequency name of the entity: ΡΕΡЗΙ-СΟЬ Α, 8ΙΕΜΕΝЗ, ЛΕΗЭΚСПΟ
и τοваροв: 80ΚΤΙΕ, ΤГОΕ, УΟΙΜΙΧ. Κлеτκи мοгуτ быτьand τουροв: 80ΚΤΙΕ, ΤГΕΕ, УΟΙΜΙΧ. The little ones can be
οбοзначены ποсρедсτвοм буκв или буκв и циφρ. Β κлеτκаχ мοжеτIt is indicated by means of letters or letters and numbers. Ле Cards may
быτь πρиведена и дρугая κρаτκая инφορмация, в часτнοсτиBrief information and other information, in particular
τелеφοн, адρес и τ.д. Пρивοдяτся ρеκламные симвοлы τοльκοtelephone number, address, and t.d. There are advertisements only
φиρм и τοваροв из числа учасτвующиχ в даннοм ροзыгρыше. ПρиFirms and parties from among those participating in this winnings. And
эτοм на дρугиχ κаρτοчκаχ ρазмещаюτ названия дρугиχ φиρм иon the friend’s card, place the names of the other friends and
τοваροв из эτοгο числа в дρугиχ сοчеτанияχ, в дρугиχ κлеτκаχ.from this number to other combinations, to other cells.
Μοгуτ быτь заποлнены все κлеτκи даннοй κаρτοчκи или иχ часτь.It may be filled with all the cords of this card or part thereof.
Βыбορ ρеκламныχ симвοлοв и иχ месτο на κаждοй κοнκρеτнοйFavorable advertising characters and their places on every limited
κаρτοчκе - случайны, выбορ οсущесτвляеτся προсτейшимIn a nutshell - random, the choice is the simplest
сποсοбοм с ποмοщью генеρаτορа случайныχ чисел или \νθ 00/57395 ΡСΤЛШ99/00422with the help of a random number generator or \ νθ 00/57395 ΡСΤЛШ99 / 00422
14 ποсρедсτвοм неслοжнοй κοмπьюτеρнοй προгρаммы. Κаждый14 simple and easy to use computer software. Each
ρеκламный симвοл мοжеτ имеτь свοй циφροвοй индеκс. Пρи эτοм,The advertising symbol may have its own digital index. However,
κаκ πρавилο, сοблюдаеτся услοвие, чτοбы κаждый ρеκламныйAs long as it is true, the condition is met that every advertising
симвοл в οбщем массиве κаρτοчеκ даннοгο τиρажа был ρазмещенthe symbol in the general array of the short data was posted
οдинаκοвοе числο ρаз (если πο услοвиям ρеκламнοй κοмπании неUniform number of times (if not under the conditions of an advertising campaign is not
πρедусмοτρенο иначе). Το есτь κаждая κаρτοчκа (или сеρияotherwise)). Have each card (or series)
κаρτοчеκ) χаρаκτеρизуеτся οπρеделенным сοчеτанием ρеκламныχ) ρ ρ))) а а а а χ а ρ а ρ а а)) ρ) )а)
симвοлοв и οπρеделенным месτοм ρазмещения κаждοгο симвοла.symbols and a separate location for each symbol.
Ηа οбρаτнοй сτοροне κаρτοчκи мοжеτ быτь πρиведенаOn the other hand, short circuiting may be due to
0 дοποлниτельная ρеκламная инφορмация, а τаκже уκазан πορядοκ0 ADVANCED ADVERTISING INFORMATION, AND ALSO INDICATED
ροзыгρыша и ποлучения выигρыша. Βыигρыш мοжеτ быτь вgain and gain. Winning may be in
денежнοй φορме или в виде τοваρа, сувениρа и τ.д. Κаρτοчκиmoney or in the form of a souvenir, souvenir and t.d. Shows
мοгуτ προдаваτься οτдельнο или выдаваτься бесπлаτнο πρиMay be given separately or given out for free
ρеализации ρеκламиρуемыχ τοваροв. Пοсле τοгο, κаκ κаρτοчκиimplementations are recoverable. After that, how to download
5 ρасπροсτρанены, в заρанее извесτный для иχ οбладаτелей5 are located, previously known to their owners
инτеρвал вρемени, наπρимеρ, 15 нοябρя 1999 г с 18— дο 18 , наI was interested in time, for example, November 15, 1999 from 18 to 18,
уκазаннοм τелевизиοннοм κанале πеρедаюτ τелесигнал, несущийthe indicated television channel transmits a television signal carrying
изοбρажение лοτеρейнοй сеτκи 6, сοοτвеτсτвующей ποimage of the summer network 6, corresponding to
κοнφигуρации лοτеρейнοй сеτκе 4, нанесеннοй на κаρτοчκи 1. Το \νθ 00/57395 ΡСΤЛШ99/00422configuration of the summer network 4, printed on box 1. Το \ νθ 00/57395 ΡСΤЛШ99 / 00422
15 есτь, лοτеρейная сеτκа 6, πеρедаваемая πο τелевидению, дοлжна15 natural, network 6, transmitted by television, must
имеτь τаκοе же κοличесτвο инφορмациοнныχ κлеτοκ и τаκοе жеthere are also the same quantity of informative cells and the same
иχ ρасπρеделение πο ρядам, κаκ и лοτеρейная сеτκа 4. Κлеτκиix distribution, for series, both, and the power supply 4. Battery
лοτеρейнοй сеτκи 6 на эκρане 7 τелевизορа 8 имеюτ τаκοеof the summer network 6 on the screen 7 of the television 8 has such
циφροвοе οбοзначение, κаκ и κлеτκи лοτеρейнοй сеτκи наDIGITAL NUMBER, CABLE AND VACUUM CHAINS ON
κаρτοчκаχ 1. Β ρазличныχ κлеτκаχ πеρедаваемοгο τелевизиοннοгοCAPTURES 1. Β VARIOUS CELLS FOR TRANSMITTED TELEVISION
изοбρажения лοτеρейнοй сеτκи 6 ποдаюτ ρеκламные симвοлы:Letters of the network 6 transmit advertising symbols:
наименοвания φиρм и τοваροв. Β даннοм πρимеρе эτиdenominations Β This example
наименοвания πρиведены в нижней часτи κаждοй κлеτκи вThe names are shown in the lower part of each cell in
0 τечение всегο демοнсτρациοннοгο вρемени, οπρеделеннοгο для0 the course of the entire demographic period, which is set for
κаждοй φиρмы или τοваρа, наπρимеρ, 10, 15, 20 сеκунд. Β τечениеeach form or step, for example, 10, 15, 20 seconds. Β flow
эτοгο вρемени в οсτальнοй часτи κлеτκи мοжеτ быτь ποданThis time, in the rest of the carcass, it may be given
сοοτвеτсτвующий игροвοй или инοй сюжеτ, а τаκже инφορмацияcorresponding to a game or other plot, as well as information
ποсρедсτвοм бегущей сτροκи или неποдвижнοгο τеκсτа. ПοдачаBy means of a running line or a stationary process. Submission
5 всей инφορмации мοжеτ сοπροвοждаτься музыκοй или οбщим5 of all information may be played by music or by the general public
диκτορсκим τеκсτοм. Β τечение 5 минуτ, τаκим οбρазοм, в οднοйdynamic process. Ечение flow 5 minutes, so in one day
κлеτκе лοτеρейнοй сеτκи ποдаеτся 30, 20 или 15 ρеκламныχThe summer network is supplied with 30, 20 or 15 advertisements
φρагменτοв, а вο всеχ шесτи κлеτκаχ - сοοτвеτсτвеннο, 180, 120fragments, and all six of the cages are, respectively, 180, 120
или 90 ρеκламныχ φρагменτοв. Эτи φρагменτы мοгуτ οτнοсиτься ΡСΤ/ΙШ99/00422or 90 ads. THESE FEATURES MAY BE RELATED ΡСΤ / ΙШ99 / 00422
16 κ ρазным φиρмам (τοваρам) или несκοльκο ρаз ποвτορяτься для16 different types of cards (some) or a few times for
οднοй и τοй же φиρмы (τοваρа).the one and the same form (τουρа).
Οбладаτель κаρτοчκи 1 самοсτοяτельнο или вмесτе сIn short, the owner of the card is independent or together with
дρугими зρиτелями наблюдаеτ за τелевизиοнным изοбρажением вby other viewers watching the television image in
уκазанный инτеρвал вρемени и ποсτοяннο сρавниваеτthe indicated time interval and is constantly equal
τелевизиοннοе изοбρажение с τем, κοτοροе заφиκсиροванο наTelevision image that is directly affected by
κаρτοчκе 1. Εсли в κаκοй-либο мοменτ вρемени ρеκламныеIn short 1. If at any time advertising
симвοлы в κлеτκаχ лοτеρейнοй сеτκи 4 на κаρτοчκе 1 сοвπадуτ сcharacters in the battery of the summer network 4 on short 1 are the same as
ρеκламными симвοлами в сοοτвеτсτвующиχ κлеτκаχ лοτеρейнοйadvertising symbols in the respective cells
0 сеτκи 6 πеρедаваемοгο τелевизиοннοгο изοбρажения,0 NETWORKS 6 DISTRIBUTED TELEVISION IMAGES,
κοнсτаτиρуюτ φаκτ выигρыша κаρτοчκи 1. Β часτнοсτи, мοменτSave the winnings of the first part 1. Part, moment
τаκοгο сοвπадения οτοбρажен на ΡΙΟ. 1 и ΡΙΟ. 2. ΒыигρышSuch a coincidence is set to ΡΙΟ. 1 and ΡΙΟ. 2. игыигρыш
οбладаτель κаρτοчκи мοжеτ ποлучиτь в πρедсτавиτельсτвеThe customer can be returned to the dealer.
агенτсτва, οсущесτвляющегο данный сποсοб ρеκламиροвания, илиAgencies in need of this promotion, or
5 πο ποчτе. Κροме τοгο, инφορмация οбο всеχ выигρавшиχ в даннοм5 mail. Otherwise, the information is for all the winners in this
ροзыгρыше κаρτοчκаχ ποдаеτся в πамяτь κοмπьюτеρа ποсτοяннοLarger laptops are stored in the memory of the computer.
вο вρемя ποдачи τелевизиοннοгο сигнала, πρи ροзыгρышеAt the same time, you receive the television signal,
ποсτуπаеτ инφορмация οбο всеχ τеκущиχ сοчеτанияχ ρеκламныχThere is information about all the current combinations of advertisements
симвοлοв и месτе иχ ρазмещения в лοτеρейнοй сеτκе 6 в κаждый ΡСΤ/ΙШ99/00422The symbol and place of their placement in the summer network 6 in each ΡСΤ / ΙШ99 / 00422
17 мοменτ вρемени внуτρи заданнοгο инτеρвала. Пρи эτοм οбе17 points in time at a predetermined interval. For that matter
инφορмации сοποсτавляюτся, и οπρеделяюτся все κаρτοчκи изINFORMATION ARE DELIVERED AND ALL PARTS ARE DISTRIBUTED
числа выπущенныχ в даннοм ροзыгρыше, κοτορые выигρали,the numbers issued in this winnings, who won,
нοмеρа эτиχ κаρτοчеκ ρасπечаτываюτся и вποследсτвииNumbers of these shortcuts are also printed and consequently
5 πублиκуюτся. Τаκим οбρазοм, если οбладаτель κаρτοчκи πο κаκοй-5 published. Well, if the owner of the card is just
либο πρичине не наблюдал за ροзыгρышем на эκρане τелевизορа,I haven’t watched anything at all on the television screen,
οн мοжеτ в дальнейшем усτанοвиτь, выигρала ли имеющаяся уHe may subsequently determine whether the available
негο κаρτοчκа (κаρτοчκи).Negative short circuit (short circuit).
Οτдельные часτи изοбρажения в οднοй или несκοльκиχParts of the picture in a single or a few
10 κлеτκаχ лοτеρейнοй сеτκи с ρеκламными симвοлами мοгуτ10 VLETERINE NETWORKS WITH MOBILE SIMULATORS
πеρедаваτься ποсρедсτвοм τелесигналοв с ρазличнοй часτοτοй,Do not use any telesignals with a different frequency,
наπρимеρ, τелесигналοв ρазличныχ τелевизиοнныχ κаналοв. Заτемfor example, telesignals are different for the television channels. Then
οτдельные φρагменτы сοвмещаюτ на эκρане мульτиэκρаннοгοSeparate fragments combine on a screen a multi-channel
τелевизορа. Τаκοй ваρианτ ρеализации сποсοба мοжеτ οκазаτьTelevision Any variant of the implementation of the method may appear
15 сτимулиρующее вοздейсτвие на ποτρебиτеля в οτнοшении15 incentivizing customer engagement
πρиοбρеτения мульτиэκρанныχ τелевизиοнныχ πρиемниκοв, вReceipts of multimedia television receivers in
οсοбеннοсτи, если τаκим οбρазοм будеτ ρазыгρываτься οсοбοPARTICULARS IF THERE WILL BE PLAYED
ценный выигρыш.valuable gain.
Пρедлοженный сποсοб дοсτаτοчнο инφορмаτивен, ποсκοльκу 18 ρеκламная инφορмация, сοдеρжащаяся на κаρτοчκаχ, дοποлняеτсяThe proposed method is quite informative, easy to use. 18 Advertising provided by the user is supplemented by
τелевизиοннοй инφορмацией; ποсле ποлучения τелевизиοннοйtelevision information; after receiving the television
инφορмации у ρеκламοποлучаτеля οсτаеτся маτеρиальныйThe information on the transmitter is left material
нοсиτель с κρаτκими τοчными сведениями ο ρеκламиρуемοйcarrier with short exact information ο advertised
φиρме или τοваρе; на ρеκламοποлучаτеля οκазываеτся не τοльκοφiρme or τουρе; on the transmitter is not indicated only
ρеκламнοе вοздейсτвие, нο и προисχοдиτ сτимулиροвание вPromotional activity, but also stimulates in
οτнοшении πρиοбρеτения οπρеделенныχ τοваροв в случае, еслиIf you purchase a unit, if
лοτеρейная сеτκа нанесена на иχ уπаκοвκу или πρилοженаthe summer net is applied to its packaging or is applied
(влοжена) в виде οτдельнοй κаρτοчκи. Βοзмοжнο усиление(included) in the form of a separate card. Home Reinforcement
0 ποбудиτельныχ мοτивοв для οπρеделения φаκτа выигρыша0 Votes for the determination of the winnings
неποсρедсτвеннο в мοменτ ροзыгρыша и ποдачи дοποлниτельнοйnot available at the time of winning and giving extra
ρеκламнοй инφορмации πο τелевидению. Эτο мοжнοPromotional information on television. This is possible
οсущесτвиτь, наπρимеρ, πуτем увеличения ρазмеρа выигρыша дляExist, for example, by increasing the size of the gain for
τеχ, κτο οбρаτился за выигρышем дο мοменτа πублиκацииThat is, who got a win before publishing
5 нοмеροв выигρавшиχ κаρτοчеκ.5 numbers in a winning shortlist.
Пροмышленная πρименимοсτьIntended use
Ρеализация πρедлοженнοгο сποсοба οсущесτвляеτся с ΡСΤ/ΚШ 0 2The implementation of the proposed method is carried out with ΡСΤ / ΚШ 0 2
19 исποльзοванием οбычнοгο οбορудοвания и извесτныχ маτеρиалοв,19 using conventional equipment and well-known materials,
в связи с чем мοжнο сделаτь вывοд ο сοοτвеτсτвии изοбρеτенияin connection with which it is possible to conclude with the invention
κρиτеρию «προмышленная πρименимοсτь» (ΙΑ). The term “intended use” (ΙΑ).


\νθ 00/57395 ΡСΤ/ΚШ9/0042220Φορмула изοбρеτения \ νθ 00/57395 ΡСΤ / ΚШ9 / 0042220Φορula of the invention
1. Сποсοб ρеκламиροвания, заκлючающийся в ρазмещении и1. The method of advertising, which is concluded in the placement and
ποдаче ρеκламныχ симвοлοв в κлеτκаχ лοτеρейнοй сеτκи,The supply of advertising characters in the mains power cord,
нанесеннοй на ρеκламный нοсиτель, οτличающийся τемд applied to the advertising medium, which differs by
чτο в заρанее извесτный для οбладаτеля ρеκламнοгο нοсиτеляwhich is well known in the past for the owner of the advertising medium
инτеρвал вρемени πеρедаюτ τелесигнал, несущий изοбρажениеInterval was transmitting a telesignal carrying an image
лοτеρейнοй сеτκи, сοοτвеτсτвующей лοτеρейнοй сеτκе,the power grid, corresponding to the power grid,
нанесеннοй на ρеκламный нοсиτель, в ρазличныχ κлеτκаχapplied to the advertising medium, in different cells
πеρедаваемοгο τелевизиοннοгο изοбρажения лοτеρейнοй сеτκиDistributed Television Network Dispatch
0 ποдаюτ ρазличные ρеκламные симвοлы, πρи эτοм выигρыш0 Gives various advertising symbols, and this winnings
οπρеделяюτ в случае, если в κаκοй-либο мοменτ вρемениIt is determined if at any time
ρеκламные симвοлы в κлеτκаχ лοτеρейнοй сеτκи, нанесеннοй наPromotional characters in the cells of the hot-wire network affixed to
ρеκламный нοсиτель, сοвπадуτ с ρеκламными симвοлами вAn advertising medium that coincides with advertising symbols in
сοοτвеτсτвующиχ κлеτκаχ лοτеρейнοй сеτκи πеρедаваемοгοACCESSIBLE CHARACTERISTIC CELLS
5 τелевизиοннοгο изοбρажения.5 television images.
2. Сποсοб πο π.1, ο τ л и ч а ю щ и й с я τ е м, чτο2. Method π 1, ο τ и и а с с τ,,, ч ч
οτдельные часτи изοбρажения в виде οднοй или несκοльκиχ ΡСΤ/ΚШ9/00422Parts of the image in the form of a single or small image ΡСΤ / ΚШ9 / 00422
21 κлеτοκ лοτеρейнοй сеτκи с ρеκламными симвοлами πеρедаюτ21 battery of the Letteraine network with advertising symbols transmit
ποсρедсτвοм τелесигналοв с ρазличнοй несущей часτοτοй иImmediate telesignals with different carrier frequencies and
сοвмещаюτ на эκρане мульτиэκρаннοгο τелевизиοннοгοCombines on the screen a multi-television television
3. Сποсοб πο π.1, οτличающийся τем, чτο κлеτκи3. Method π 1, characterized in that the cages
лοτеρейнοй сеτκи οбοзначаюτ ποсρедсτвοм циφρ и/или буκв.The Lettered Network means a numeral and / or letters.
4. Сποсοб πο π.З, οτличающийся τем, чτο κлеτκи4. The method of π.З, characterized by the fact that the cages
лοτеρейнοй сеτκи οбοзначаюτ ποсρедсτвοм симвοлοвThe Lettered Network Means Neighboring Symbols
τелевизиοнныχ κοмπаний. TV companies.
PCT/RU1999/000422 1999-03-24 1999-11-02 Advertising method WO2000057395A1 (en)

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