Background of the Invention
This invention relates to fuel cell systems and, in particular, to manifold
assemblies for use with the fuel cell stacks of such systems.
In present day fuel cell systems, manifolds are used to supply and extract fuel and oxidant gasses to and from the fuel cell stack of the system. In some cases, the
stack is situated in an enclosure and the enclosure serves as a manifold for one of the
gasses. In such an arrangement, a minimum of three additional manifolds is required
to provide inlet and exit passages for the other gases of the system In other cases,
where an enclosure does not serve as a manifold, a minimum of four manifolds is
In systems of this type, it is also customary to compress the manifolds against
the stack. An example of a stack compression system is described for example in
copending U.S. patent application Serial No. 09/651 ,921, filed August 31, 2000,
assigned to the same assignee hereof. In systems of this type it is also conventional to provide a manifold seal assembly for the external manifolds of the system. A typical
seal assembly is disclosed, for example, in U.S Patent 4,467,018
FIG. 1 shows a typical fuel cell stack 1 in which four manifolds are
employed As shown, the stack 1 includes a number of fuel cell assemblies 11 A and
electrolyte matrices 1 IB which are stacked on one another The arrangement of these
components is such that the reactant gases flow in the stack 1 in cross-flow configuration. More particularly, the fuel and oxidant gases flow into respective
anode and cathode inlet manifolds 2A and 3A, respectively, and then through the stacked cell assemblies Exhausted fuel and oxidant gases are then extracted from the cell assemblies via anode and cathode outlet manifolds 2B and 3B. Manifold seal assemblies 4 are also provided and act as seals between the manifolds 2A, 3A, 2B and 3B and the stack 1
More particularly, as shown in FIG. 2, each of the fuel cell assemblies 11 is comprised of a cathode electrode 12, cathode corrugated current collector 13, bipolar plate 14, anode corrugated current collector 15, and anode electrode 16. The bipolar plates 14 include end flaps 14A at each end which provide flat sealing surfaces as discussed in U S. Patent Nos. 5,773,161, 5,399,438 and 4,514,475
These flat surfaces together result in flat vertical peπpheral areas 1A for the stack 1, while the end plates 6 provide flat hoπzontal peπpheral areas IB for the stack. It is against these flat peπpheral areas that the anode and cathode manifolds 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B are sealed Each manifold seal assembly 4 includes a stack side compressible gasket 4A, a dielectπc frame assembly 4B and a manifold side compressible gasket 4C, all of which interface with a respective one of the manifolds These components permit each seal assembly not only to provide sealing but also to limit the electrolyte movement from the top to the bottom of the stack, to limit the electrolyte movement from the stack across the dielectπc frame assembly to the manifold, and to allow differential movement between the stack and manifold.
More particularly, each gasket 4A provides a seal between the bipolar plates 14 of the fuel cell assemblies 11 and the dielectnc frame assembly 4B. The gaskets 4A are further adapted to limit undesirable transport of electrolyte from the positive to negative end of the stack. If unchecked this electrolyte migration causes the cells at
the negative end of the stack to flood and depletes cells of electrolyte from the positive end. Methods of adapting the gaskets 4A in this way are disclosed, for example, in U S. Patents 4,591,538, 4,643,954, 4,761,348 and 5,110,692 These methods, while they reduce electrolyte migration, do not eliminate all the transport and also add cost to the fuel cell stack 1.
The dielectπc frame assemblies 4B provide electπcal isolation between the stack 1 and the associated metallic manifolds. As shown in FIG. 1, a typical frame assembly includes hoπzontal and vertical members 5A, 5B which are joined at joints 5C via aligned slots 5D, 5E and a key 5F. This configuration allows for the differential movement between the stack and the frame assembly (see, e.g., U.S.
Patent 4,414,294). To withstand stresses caused by the differential movement, the frame assemblies 4B require high-density ceramics. These ceramics must also be highly polished for assuπng required voltage isolation, as descπbed in U.S. patent application No. 09/736,549, filed on December 13, 2000, also assigned to the same assignee hereof. As can be appreciated, the need for high-density, highly polished ceramics also increases the overall cost of the fuel cell stack 1.
It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide a manifold and manifold sealing assembly which overcomes the above-discussed disadvantages of pπor assemblies. It is also an object of the present invention to provide a manifold and manifold sealing assembly having a reduced number of parts.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide a manifold and manifold sealing assembly which permit a reduction in the number of parts of the dielectπc frame assemblies and in the number of gaskets.
It is also an object of the present invention to provide a manifold and manifold sealing assembly which permit the use of simplified bipolar plates.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In accordance with the principles of the present invention, the above and other objectives are realized in a manifold and manifold sealing assembly including a plurality of frame assemblies and a plurality of manifolds. One or more of the frame assemblies is a supporting frame assembly and one or more of the frame assemblies is a supported frame assembly. Each supporting frame provides structural support for a part of one of the supported frame assemblies facing a face of the fuel cell stack adjacent to the face faced by the supporting frame assembly. In further accordance with the invention, the manifold abutting a supporting frame assembly is adapted to sealing engage with areas of the manifold abutting the associated supported frame assembly.
In the embodiment of the invention to be disclosed hereinafter, each supporting frame assembly includes a vertical member adjacent to a vertical side of the associated fuel cell stack face which supports at its upper and lower ends upper and lower horizontal members of the associated supported frame assembly. These horizontal members are, in turn, situated adjacent to upper and lower ends of the associated fuel cell stack face. Also, in this embodiment, each manifold situated adjacent to a supporting frame assembly has a peripheral flange having a vertical side with an extension which extends beyond the vertical end of the associated fuel cell stack face. This extension serves as a sealing member for a vertical side of the peripheral flange of the manifold situated adjacent to the supported frame. The latter manifold has a central region
which extends beyond the vertical edge of the associated fuel cell stack face so as to permit the sealing engagement.
Additionally, in the disclosed embodiment, a supported frame assembly abutting a given face of the fuel cell stack is supported by two supporting frame assemblies abutting the faces of the stack which are adjacent the opposite vertical sides of the given face. In the disclosed four face stack, two supporting frame assemblies abut opposite faces of the stack and support two supported frame assemblies which abut the other two opposite faces of the stack. In this case, each supporting frame assembly includes vertical members adjacent opposite vertical edges of the associated fuel cell stack face, one of which supports upper and lower hoπzontal members of the supported frame assembly abutting one of the adjacent fuel cell stack faces and the other of which supports upper and lower hoπzontal members of the supported frame assembly abutting the other of the adjacent fuel cell stack faces. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
The above and other features and aspects of the present invention will become more apparent upon reading the following detailed descπption in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which.
FIG 1 shows a fuel cell stack employing known manifolds and a known manifold sealing assembly;
FIG. 2 shows a fuel cell assembly used in the fuel cell stack of FIG. 1;
FIG 3 shows a fuel cell stack employing a manifold and manifold sealing assembly in accordance with the pπnciples of the present invention;
FIG. 4 illustrates the frame assemblies of the manifold and manifold sealing assembly of FIG. 3;
FIGS. 5 and 6 show schematically and pictorially a corner section of the manifold and manifold sealing assembly of FIG. 3; and FIG. 7 shows the corner section of the manifold and manifold sealing assembly of FIG. 1.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION FIG. 3 shows a fuel cell stack 21 employing a manifold and manifold sealing assembly 31 in accordance with the principles of the present invention. The fuel cell stack 21 includes a plurality of fuel cell assemblies 52 which are stacked on one another and between each pair of which is disposed a fuel cell matrix 53. End plates 54 and 55 are situated above and below the uppermost and the lowermost assemblies 52.
As can be seen in FIG. 5, each assembly 52 is similar to the conventional assembly 11 A shown in FIG. 2 and comprises a stacked arrangement of a cathode electrode 52A, a cathode corrugated current collector 52B, a bipolar plate 52C, an anode comigated current collector 52D and an anode electrode 52E. In the case shown, these components, and, thus, the fuel cell assemblies 52 are of rectangular configuration. The stacked components result in the stack 21 having four faces 21A, 21B,
21C and 21D. The faces 21A and 21B oppose one another and serve to receive and exhaust fuel gases, respectively. The faces 21C and 2 ID also oppose one another and they serve to receive and exhaust oxidant gases, respectively.
Like anode manifolds 31A and 31B abut the fuel cell stack faces 21A and 21B to deliver and extract the anode gases from these faces Like cathode manifolds 31C and 31D, in turn, abut the fuel cell stack faces 21C and 21D to deliver and extract oxidant gases from these faces. Between each manifold and its respective face of the stack 21 are a stack side gasket 31E or 31F, a frame assembly 41 or 42 and a manifold side gasket 31G or 31H. The manifolds, frame assemblies and gaskets together form the manifold and manifold sealing assembly 31 for the stack 21.
In accordance with the pπnciples of the present invention, the manifold and manifold sealing assembly 31 is adapted to provide the manifolding and sealing function with a reduced number components. This is accomplished by utilizing a frame assembly, i.e., a supporting frame assembly, associated with one face of the stack to provide structural support for parts of a frame assembly, i.e., a supported frame assembly, associated with an adjacent face of the stack. It is further accomplished by adapting the manifolds abutting a supporting and a supported frame assembly to sealing engage in areas adjacent where the supporting frame assembly supports the supported frame assembly.
In the present illustrative embodiment, like supporting frame assemblies 41 are arcanged adjacent the stack faces 21A and 21B These frame assemblies provide support for like supported frame assemblies 42 arranged adjacent the stack faces 21C and 2 ID. FIG 4 shows the frame assemblies 41 and 42 in greater detail. Each supporting frame assembly 41 compπses upper and lower hoπzontal frame members 41A and 41B which abut upper and lower edges of the associated stack face. Vertical frame members 41C and 41D of the frame assembly 41 he adjacent the vertical edges of the associated stack face
The vertical frame members 41C and 41D each include an upper section 43 and a lower section 44. These sections have keyways or slots 43A and 44A at their butting ends which receive a key 45 which holds the sections together An enlarged end 46 of the upper section 43 lies adjacent the upper edge of the stack face and an enlarged end 47 of the lower section lies adjacent the lower edge of the stack face.
The end 46 has a part 46A which extends beyond the stack face and a part 46B which extends along the stack face Similarly, the end 47 has a part 47A which extends beyond the stack face and a part 47B which extends along the stack face.
The part 46B is keyed or slotted at 46C and this slot is aligned with a slot or keyway 71 in the adjoining end of the upper hoπzontal member 41 A. A key 72 is received in the adjoining slots and holds the members together. Similarly, the part 47B has a slot or keyway 47C which aligns with a slot 73 in the adjoining end of the lower hoπzontal member 41B A key 74 is received in these slots and holds the members together. Each supported frame assembly 42, in turn, includes upper and lower hoπzontal members 48 and 49 which run adjacent the upper and lower edges of the associated stack face. The members 48 and 49 have respective slots or keyways 75 and 76 at their respective ends adjacent to the vertical edges of the associated stack face. Each slot 75 aligns with a similarly directed slot in 77 in the part 46A of the vertical frame member of the adjoining supporting frame assembly 41. A key 78 joins these members together. Each slot 76 aligns with a similarly directed slot 79 in the part 47 A of the vertical frame member 41 of the supporting frame assembly 41 A key 81 joins these members together
As can be appreciated, with this configuration of the frame assemblies 41and 42, the supporting frame assemblies 41 include vertical members 41C, 41D which support not only the hoπzontal members 41 A, 41B of that supporting frame assembly, but also the hoπzontal members 48, 49 of the adjacent supported frame assemblies 42 In this way, the total number of components of the frame assemblies is reduced, thereby simplifying and significantly reducing the cost of the manifold and manifold frame assembly 31.
In order to accommodate the configuration of the supporting and supported frame assemblies 41 and 42, the anode manifolds 31A and 3 IB and the cathode manifolds 31C and 31D are adapted to sealing engage in the areas where the supporting frame assemblies support the supported frame assemblies. This support occurs in areas of the vertical edges of the faces of the stack and, accordingly, the vertical portions of the manifolds are adapted to provide such sealing engagement.
More particularly, referπng to FIGS. 3, 5 and 6, the anode manifolds 31 A and 3 IB each have a central area 81 which is bordered by a peπpheral flange area 82. The vertical parts of the flange area 82 are further provided with extensions 82A which extend hoπzontally beyond the vertical edges of the associated stack faces.
Each cathode manifold 31C and 3 ID, in turn, has a central region 83 which extends beyond the opposite vertical edges of the associated stack face. This bπngs the peπpheral flange 84 of each manifold to a position where the vertical parts of the flange 84 are opposite to the vertical extensions 82A of the adjacent manifolds.
In this way, when the manifolds 31A-31D are placed in abutting relationship with the stack faces, the extensions 82A of the anode manifolds 31 A and 3 IB engage the vertical parts of the flanges 84 of the cathode manifolds 31C and 3 ID. This is
shown more clearly in FIGS 5 and 6 which depict the corner of the stack 21 where the anode manifold 31 A and the cathode manifold 31C meet This engagement differs from that in the stack 1, as shown by the corner section of this stack in FIG. 7.
With the aforesaid configurations for the frame assemblies 41 and 42 and the manifolds 31A-31D, the manifold side gaskets 31H for the anode manifolds 31A and
3 IB extend around the entire peπpheral flange 82 of each manifold, but do not extend to the extension areas 82A. The manifold side gasket 31G for each of the cathode manifolds also extends around the entire peπpheral flange 84 of the manifolds and, thus, becomes situated between the vertical part of the flange 84 and the end of the vertical extension 82 A of the adjacent manifold.
The stack side gaskets 3 IF between the fuel cell stack faces 21 A and 2 IB and each of the supporting frame assemblies 41 each extend around the entire flat peπpheral area of their associated stack faces. This peπpheral area compπses hoπzontal portions formed by the end plates 54 and 55 and vertical portions formed by the flap regions on the anode side of the bipolar plates 52C. Both hoπzontal and vertical portions are needed, since the frame assemblies 41 have hoπzontal and vertical members
The stack side gaskets 31E between the fuel cell the stack faces 21C and 21D, however, only need extend honzontally to accommodate the hoπzontal flat peπpheral areas of the associated stack faces formed by the end plates 54 and 55 and the hoπzontal members of the frame assembly 42. Since the assemblies 42 have no vertical members, these stack faces do not need flat peπpheral vertical portions. Accordingly, the bipolar plates 52C on the cathode side of the stack need have no flap regions.
As can be appreciated, the manifold and sealing assembly 31 of the invention provides the advantage of reducing the number of parts of the frame assemblies 41 and 42 as compared to pπor assemblies For the four face stack 21 illustrated in FIG. 3, the number of parts is reduced from 65 to 36 as shown in Table 1 below.
Table 1
Table 1 also shows the reduction in the number of parts of a three manifold system in accordance with the invention as compared to a conventional three manifold system (parts reduced from 48 to 30).
Additionally, with the manifold and manifold sealing assembly 31 of the invention the number of gasket parts contacting the stack face is reduced and electrolyte migration is reduced Moreover, gas leakage for the anode in the active area is now into the cathode chamber. The differential pressure for this leakage path is less than in pnor assemblies. Also, since the bipolar plate fold or flap on cathode side is no longer used, the bipolar plate corner design is also simplified
In all cases, it is understood that the above-described arrangements are merely illustrative of the many possible specific embodiments which represent applications of the present invention. Numerous and varied other arrangements can be readily devised in accordance with the principles of the present invention without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.