USRE354E - Improvement in harvesting-machines - Google Patents

Improvement in harvesting-machines Download PDF


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John H. Manny
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  • the tongue O' by which the horses draw the machine is attached to the iinger-bar, near its outside or right end by means of a bolt, a, passing through it and the ears'b, thus forming a hinge-joint nearly in aline with'the front ends of the fingers, which allows the front of the frame to be elevated or depressed in this line.
  • an inclined arm, G which extends upward and backward within reach of the driver, whose seat H is mounted upon the frame I.
  • the tongue and arm together resemble the letter Y, with one one limb shorter than the other, or a stem with two branches of unequal length.
  • One ot these branches forms the arm G, which has a ⁇ staple, g, projecting from its side, through which an upright bar, J, passes, whose lower end is hinged to the frame I'.
  • This hinged bar J has a series of holes in it, into any one of which a strong pin, g2, is inserted to limit the descent of the arm G on the bar J.


Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 11,810, dated October 1'7, 1854; antedated June 15, 1854;
Reissue No. 354, dated February 19, 1856.
To all whom it may concern: l
Be it known that I, JoIiN H. MANNY, of Rockford, in the county of Winnebago and State of 1llinois,late of Freeport,in the county ofStephensomiu the same State, haveinven ted certain new and useful Improvements in Harvesting-Machines, of which the following is a full, clear, and exact description, reference be ing had to the accompanying drawings, which make part of this specificatiomand in which- Figure l represents a view in perspective of a machine embracing my improvements; and Fig. 2 represents a section at the line a: x of Fig. 1, with the fence, guard, or wing ot' the platform removed to exhibit more clearly the arrangement for adjusting the cutters at varyingdistances from the ground.
In other patents bearing date March 6, 1855, for the term of fourteen years from the 15th day of June, 1854, I have described some ot' the advantages of my improved divider, my improved arrangement of the rakers or fork eis seat or stand, and my improved shield or guard to compress the grain against 'preparatory to discharging it from the platform; and I need not here repeat these descriptions, myobject now beingto secure by this patent my improvement in the construction of the tongue and the manner of connecting it with the machine, whereby the adjustment ofl the cutter at dif ferent heights is facilitated and the machine simplitied and rendered more compact.
The machine represented in the accompanying drawings is being supported on two wheels, A and B, and provided with driving-gear suitable for giving motion to the cutters and reel; butas the construction and arrangement ot' the drivin g-gear and rcel are similar to those described in my former patents I deem it un- -necessary to describe them particularly here.
The tongue O' by which the horses draw the machine is attached to the iinger-bar, near its outside or right end by means of a bolt, a, passing through it and the ears'b, thus forming a hinge-joint nearly in aline with'the front ends of the fingers, which allows the front of the frame to be elevated or depressed in this line.
On the top of the tongue Gis an inclined arm, G, which extends upward and backward within reach of the driver, whose seat H is mounted upon the frame I. The tongue and arm together resemble the letter Y, with one one limb shorter than the other, or a stem with two branches of unequal length. One ot these branches forms the arm G, which has a` staple, g, projecting from its side, through which an upright bar, J, passes, whose lower end is hinged to the frame I'. This hinged bar J has a series of holes in it, into any one of which a strong pin, g2, is inserted to limit the descent of the arm G on the bar J. By this arrangement it is obvious that as the front extremity of the tongue is rmly held by the horses, when the arm Gr is raised or lowered it will raise or lower the rear of the tongue or draft-bar, and impart a corresponding movement to the iront edge machine which carries the cutting apparatus so that the adjustment of the cutter to cut the grain at varying heights is made by raising or lowering the arm Gr on the bar J, and placing the pin g2 beneath it in the proper hole to hold it from falling below the required elevation. The axles of the supporting-wheels constitute the tulcra upon which the frame turns, while the flexure of the ma chine to vary the adjustment is at the joint which connects the tongue and finger-bar.
1 claim- In machines for reaping and mowing where the joint by which the tongue or draft-bar is connected to the platform is situate at or near the front of the frame, a draft-bar or tongue constructed with an arm, G, extending backward over the main frame and`connected with a. suitable device for supporting itat various heights, whereby the cutter can be couveniently adjusted to different heights by an at= tendant on the main frame, substantially as herein set forth.
In testimony whereof'l have hereunto subscribed my name.
JOHN H. MANNY 1u presence ot` P. H. WA'rsoN, A. E. H. JoHNsoN'.



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