USRE3323E - Improvement in cushions for billiard-tables - Google Patents

Improvement in cushions for billiard-tables Download PDF


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USRE3323E US RE3323 E USRE3323 E US RE3323E
United States
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Levi Decebe
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  • Figure 1 is a transverse vertical section of my invention, taken in the line at' w, Fig. 2.
  • Fig. 2 is a top plan view of Fig. 1.
  • Fig. 3 is a detached view pertaining to the same.
  • each of the .lignres A represents a portion of one side of a billiard-table made in the common or ordinary .
  • B is a strip or cleat atttached to the inner surfaceof the upper part or portion of the table. This strip or cleat B forms an elevation above the surface of the table, sopas to prevent the ball from rolling oli' while playing.
  • U is a body of rubber, which forms acushion against which the ball strikes.
  • This said rubber cushion has its inner or face side beveled'in such a manner that the ball strikesat about its center against the upper corner or point of the cushion, as clearly shown at a, Fig. l.
  • l make a small concave or bed -immediately, or as near as may be, in the nppercorner of the cushion, so that a suitable cord, E,or other support may be fitted longitudinally the whole length of the said cushion around the table,
  • This cord'E may be more thoroughly secured in its position by molding it or embedding it entirely within the rubber near the corner, so as to perform the functions for which it is designed; or it may'be secured by gluing astrip of cloth, b, over it when not fully embeddedin the rubber; or it may be secured by any other wellkuown.means.
  • ' D is a strip of elastic cloth, which is cemented to the face side of the rubber strip or cushion C, and attached at its lower edge to the lower part of B,so as to support the upper edge, a, ot c.


' lway.
LEVI DECKER, or ,New vonk, n.15
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 60,657, dated December 18, 1866; Reissue No. 3,323, dated March 9, 1869.
'To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, LEVI DECKER, of the city, county, and State of New York, have in- 4vented new and useful Improvements in Gushions for BilliardJEables; and I do hereby de- I clare that the following'is a full `and exactdeemploymentor useof a catgut or other strong cord located in or at the upper corner or edge of the cushion, and
immediately at the point against `which thc ball strikes when the game of billiards is played.
To enable others skilled in the art to make and use my invention, I will proceed to dcscribe its construction.. I
Figure 1 is a transverse vertical section of my invention, taken in the line at' w, Fig. 2. Fig. 2 is a top plan view of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a detached view pertaining to the same.
Letters of like name and kind refer to like parts iu each of the .lignres A represents a portion of one side of a billiard-table made in the common or ordinary .B is a strip or cleat atttached to the inner surfaceof the upper part or portion of the table. This strip or cleat B forms an elevation above the surface of the table, sopas to prevent the ball from rolling oli' while playing.
U is a body of rubber, which forms acushion against which the ball strikes. -This said rubber cushion has its inner or face side beveled'in such a manner that the ball strikesat about its center against the upper corner or point of the cushion, as clearly shown at a, Fig. l. For the purpose of protecting the upper corner` or edge of the cushion C against the impact of the ball, l make a small concave or bed -immediately, or as near as may be, in the nppercorner of the cushion, so that a suitable cord, E,or other support may be fitted longitudinally the whole length of the said cushion around the table,
protected on all. sides ofthe table against the impact of the ball. For this cord and support of the cushion Iusually employ catgut; or cord purpose; but expemaybe used for the same so that the cushion is fully rience proves thatcatgut is most suitable for' the purposeas it is best adapted to prevent the cushion from giving way or yielding under the impact of the ball, it being understood that the ball onlyr comes in contact with the cushion at a, the bevel or inclination being given the face of the cushion in order that all other parts of it will be kept clear of the ball.'
This cord'E may be more thoroughly secured in its position by molding it or embedding it entirely within the rubber near the corner, so as to perform the functions for which it is designed; or it may'be secured by gluing astrip of cloth, b, over it when not fully embeddedin the rubber; or it may be secured by any other wellkuown.means.
' D is a strip of elastic cloth, which is cemented to the face side of the rubber strip or cushion C, and attached at its lower edge to the lower part of B,so as to support the upper edge, a, ot c. I
1t will be understood that the cord E is at tached to D before the latter is securedto the cushion C and cleat B. To make the whole more secure l usually cover the whole with the cloth F, and after cover the whole again with the usual green cloth, Gf. This cord Eperforms two very importantr functions,lto Wit: it gives stiil'ness to the angle or corner a. of the cushiony f G, so that it cannot yield or give way under the impact of the ball to allow the latter to pass over it, and it also gives prominence to the.
said angle, so as to present under the yielding of the cushion a stili narrow thus obviating much friction,
line to the bali, so as not to impede the motion of the latter, and still not in terfering in the least with the elastic eiiects ot' the cushion upou the ball.
Having thus described my invention, what l. claim as new, and Patent of the United States, is-
The catgut or other cordfE,par't1aliy or fully embedded or otherwise attached at the angle a of the rubber cushion C, so as to protect said cushion against the impact of the ball, substantially as herein shown and; described, and for the purposes set forth.
Witnesses S. B. WILSON, A. S. Wilss.
desire to secure by Letters l



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