USRE13484E - Ments - Google Patents

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USRE13484E US RE13484 E USRE13484 E US RE13484E
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Hehey Pabkee
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  • 'It is the object of the invent-ion to provide means ⁇ vhercby'z'i ball or other indicator device may be shifted over a field representation on the board, and thisfivithout the necessity of cutting, through the board or otherwise disfiguring or obstructing said field representation.
  • novel instrumentalities are employed for shifting the ball or indicator from a. point reunite from the field representation surface of the board conveniently at the rear "thereof.
  • the invention includes a hoard having a field representation on the front thereof and an indicator adapted to play over the representation surface, an operating device at the rear of the field representation, and a member connecting with said indicator and operating device whereby as the operating device moves a certain distance over a given surface the indicator will he moved an extended distance over the tield representation.
  • the flexible member is given a movement which imparts a, relative increased movement to the indicator.
  • anviliar field representation or guide surface at the rear of the field which may take the form of grooves along which the operating de ice which may be. eri'ned a shoe is adjusted, together with a novel means of support for the operating device or shoe which will permit the operator to accurately adjust the some and in turn the connected indicator to the precise point de sired.
  • n in 1 is a front ele tetiu t; at with thy improve .11 a or view, Fig. 3 is a lt'tlitlo. apical section. F at, 5, and (i are detail. views oi parts removed.-
  • tc ings ⁇ vhereii'i like reterenee mm:.rals refer the drawto corresponding parts throughout the sew eral views
  • 1 is a bulletin board or support proper
  • 2 a field representation on the front thereof.
  • 3 an auXilia-rvfield representation at the rear there-oi. which may be relativelv small as shown and having guide grooves 8" for convenience in adjustment of the operating device.
  • guide grooves extend between ditt'erent points, as
  • an indicator 2- Adapted to play over the main field repre sentation in a manner to he described, is an indicator 2- convent; "'ly taking the form of a hail having a slot ?..u. retln' ui; 1'h. through each are of substantially similar constructhe tailblock T
  • the head block is of subing or carrying frame for the operating above an opening 12 therein.
  • guide wire-.5 is connected, the wire being preferably in two sections and the ad acent [necting .turn buckle. 5 may be utilized for tubular member 16, which maybeof integral of a guide shoe 17 adapted to fit. in the guide.
  • Rela- --par ts just referred. to comprise an open or engaging tlze'guide shoe 17 with the guide" which loosely passes a guide wire or rod 5.
  • a carrying frame comprising oppositely disposed bars or posts 6 connected by suitable brace me1nbers which may constitute head and tail blocks 7 and 7 respectively.
  • Apulloy 10 is mounted for free rotary adjacent the hollow extension, and a substantially similar pulley 11 is mounted adjacent the forward end of the block and that the blocks. 7 and Fare adapted to fit over the upper and lower edges of the board. 1 and that the forward ends thereof project beyond thefron t surface ofthe board. It is to these forward ends of the blocks that the terminals thereof. threaded, whereby a contaking up any play or sagging of the wire.
  • disposed plates comprising body parts 13 with transversely curved ends l ladapted to fit over the re spective bars 6 of the frame are provided and the parts are so constructed that the plates. may have slidable. engagement tively narrow cross brace bars or arms 15 connect Wltll the'said plates and a hollow.
  • the carryingfframe G which is mounted for pivotal movement by means of a swivel connection 20 of any desired construction, with .the board 1 is. swung or moved by lateral pressure on the handle 19.
  • 21 and 21 are loose pulleys mounted on the shoe frame or saddle, one upon each of the body parts 13, and preferably centrally thereof.
  • a cord or wire 22 is adjustablysecured at one end of one of the bars ti-adjacent the upper end thereof and passes downwardly under the illey 21. thence upwardly over the'rotary pulleys 22* carried by a frame 23 extending between the frame bars, again downwardly over the pulleys 10 and 11 in the tail block 7, and finally upwardly over the front surface of the board 1 for connection with the lower surface of the ball indicators as at 24.
  • a substantially similar cord or wire 25 is adjustably connectedto the opposite bar 6 adjacent its lower end and extends over the pulley around loose pulleys 26 carried by a frame 27 extendingbetween the frame bars 6.,agaii1 upwardly over the pulleys 10 and l]. in the head block, thence downwardly over the front surface of the board where it is connected to the upper surface of the ball, as at 28.
  • the structure ust'described makes it pos sible to converta relatively short movement of the operating device over a guide repre sentation into an extended movementof the indicator over theniain field representation, and the .parts being accurately positioned and adjusted the guide shoe and indicator will at all times maintain corresponding points on the respective fields regardless of the variance in the size of the fields.
  • the supporting or carrying frame constitutes a guide or run- Way upon which is mounted for bodily or sliding movement the operating or act-uating device or-shoe, and said-operating or actuating deviceniay be said to include the guide shoe skeleton frame or saddle or any of the parts connected thereto for bodily movement therewith over the support or carrying frame, the said connected parts lac ng in effect a singic'unit or elen'ient.
  • the means for in creasing the HIUVQIHQIlt of the indicator relative to the operating or actuatingdevice is mounted di rectl v'upon the carrying frame, a very simple and compact structure results.
  • Theflnoad invention comprising a swingmg supporting frame or i'ncmber with amovable iutlicator carried thereby is not herein claimed, the, same being included tlie subject matter of of I co-pending application Serial No. 448
  • a hall bulletin board the combination of a field representation at the front of the board, a field representation :1 t the rear of the hoard, an iniilicator adapted to more to any part of the front field representation, a cord connected to the indicator, an clo ment adapted to move to any part of the rear field representation and having associated-means directly engaging thecord for differentially moving the element and indicater, and movable carrying frame upon.
  • a board having at thefront thereof a representation, an indicator to move thereover, a lengthwise n'iovahle flexible member connected to the indicator, a movable operating device arranged at a point removed from said representation terrorism ns associated with the movable o 'ieratingi' device and flexible member for moving the indicator in the same direction as tlie i'novable device at a dill'ercnt speed, and a movable frame rronstituling a guide upon which the device is mounted for back and forth movement.
  • bodily movable actuating means atthe rear of the field for engawingr sn'irl' tlmgjhl Enism ryhere '3 ports intermediate their ends to impart movement thereto, and associated mechathO ll'KilCfttOI motes mi increased distance over the fieid relative to said means a i l T 1 r I t).
  • the combinationot in an apparatus ot the cum-octet oeserihed, the combinationot a field representation a supporting member positioned at a point removed from the-field, an) indicator adapted to phty over the field, an actuating device for the indicator connected to said support and mounted to move bodily on said support, and means whereby a reistlveiy short movement of the actuating device W111 resuit in an increased movement or the indicator,
  • a field representation an indic te to movethereovenm runway positioned at a point beyond the bounds of the iieich a scribed the combination of; a board hard thereon a field representation, an elongated guide, a device mounts-:1 on guide tor movement fl'glilde surface vfor the device,
  • a movable supporting frame an indioator to more over the fieldrepresentation, an :iotnat-ing device mounted to back and forth on said frame and means where by the device and indicator move at difi'er ent speeds 11. 111 221; apparatus of the diameter described, the combination of a. iieid rep-re sentation, a swinging supporting frame, indicator to move over the field representa tion, on actuating device mounted to more back and forth on said frame, andineans whereby the device and indicator more at the character deof 1, held repre; play thereover, a
  • the otisrocter def scrihed the combination er an indicating surface, an indicator adopted to my over the said surface, a. support, a, flexible-meniher-connected one end to said support and at its opposite end to theindiczttor and an operating device engaging; said flexible P116111- her intermediate its ends,
  • the indicator is operated by the movern t of t shoe;
  • m field representation In an apparatus of the character de' scribed, m field representation, a pivoted so orting member, an indicator adapted to 1) over the field representation, a flexible 1'11: her secured to thesupporting member adjacent one end and connected to the indicstor and means movable relative to the support engagingsaid fiexibw supported, on op ating:- shoe ado ed to pile over in an. apparatus )1 ol'mrnoter deilofi rmediate its ends for mow an increased distance rclal or l 19. ii an app; is of the character def set the com n of field represent .1? ld repicsenta-v tion.
  • an apparatus of the character described operates over carried by the actuatin thc'rcovcr, an operating shoe slidably mounted at the rear of the field, rollers on the shoe, a support, cords secured at one end to said support and passing around said rollers whereby the same is operated by the shoe, and a connection between the cords and indicator.
  • the shoe and support respeciratus of the character dciira ion with a boardmem- )ted to be moved across arrier for the indicator o located at the-rear of c i hole actuating device on one, pulleys on the said actupullcys on the carrier frame,
  • an indicator arranged at the'front of xibls means to which the indicator the board, and means interposed between the 1 indicator and the frame-and associated with saidactuating device-whereby upon the moveme'nt, of the actuating device the indicator is moved a distance greater than the distance of the movement of the actuating device.


1 3,484. 3 SHEETS-SHEET 1.
Reissued Oct. 29, 1912.
, ambcmioz:
Reissued Oct. 29, 1912.
Reissued 0ct.'29, 1912.
Specification of Reissued Letters Patent.
R-eissned Oct. 29, 1912.
(h'iginal 110.962.1634, dated June 21, 1910, Serial No. 488,862. Application for reissue filed January 24, 1912.
- Serial No. 673,267.
To all. whom it may concern:
Be it known that I Gnouon HENRY PAR- Knn. a citizen of the United States, residing at- Stamford, in the county of Fairlield and State of. Connecticut,have invented certain new and usefulImprovements in Bullet-in Boards; and I do declare. the following to be a full. clear, and exact description of the invention, such as will enable others skilled in the art to which it. ap'p'ertains to make; and use the same. This invention relates to bulletin boards of the character designed to illustrate graphically the progress of a game such as baseball or foot-hall.
'It is the object of the invent-ion to provide means \vhercby'z'i ball or other indicator device may be shifted over a field representation on the board, and thisfivithout the necessity of cutting, through the board or otherwise disfiguring or obstructing said field representation.
In attaining the objects of the invention. novel instrumentalities are employed for shifting the ball or indicator from a. point reunite from the field representation surface of the board conveniently at the rear "thereof.
The present strueture'is particularly useful where it is proposed to present a. field represciitation enlarged. for inspection at distances such as desired when placed on the stage in theaters, in front of newspaper ottices, or on ball fields. in which particular it is desirable to provide means rendering it unnecessary for the arm of the operator to accompany the full movement of the indicator in its travels over the enlarged surface of the field rern-esentation.
The invention includes a hoard having a field representation on the front thereof and an indicator adapted to play over the representation surface, an operating device at the rear of the field representation, and a member connecting with said indicator and operating device whereby as the operating device moves a certain distance over a given surface the indicator will he moved an extended distance over the tield representation.
hlore partieularlythe invention comprises a flexible member Connecting respectively with the indicatqr'and operating device and associated means whereby as the operating meats. app
device is adjusted the flexible member is given a movement which imparts a, relative increased movement to the indicator.
It is also contenfiplated by the invention to have an anviliar field representation or guide surface at the rear of the field which may take the form of grooves along which the operating de ice which may be. eri'ned a shoe is adjusted, together with a novel means of support for the operating device or shoe which will permit the operator to accurately adjust the some and in turn the connected indicator to the precise point de sired.
Other improvements and novel details in the construction and arrangement of theparts will be particularly re rred to here inafter, reference being directed in the consideration of this descri ition, to the aceoxnpartying dranfngs forming a part hereof and wherein I have disclosed for the purpose of illustration, one mode of application ot the invention.
\Vhile in the illustrative shown the invention ronnection with a hose l tion, I desire it (inc tion is capable of diifeje again, while 1 dime sho'wn ting parts as mounted 'on a swinging or pivotal support. that inav he otl mo .d in
carryii'ig out the n In the drau igS- l. ration of n in 1 is a front ele tetiu t; at with thy improve .11 a or view, Fig. 3 is a lt'tlitlo. apical section. F at, 5, and (i are detail. views oi parts removed.-
eferring more particularly tc ings \vhereii'i like reterenee mm:.rals refer the drawto corresponding parts throughout the sew eral views, 1 is a bulletin board or support proper, 2 a field representation on the front thereof. and 3 an auXilia-rvfield representation at the rear there-oi. which may be relativelv small as shown and having guide grooves 8" for convenience in adjustment of the operating device. These guide grooves extend between ditt'erent points, as
the bases and pitcher-s andcatchefis boxes.
Adapted to play over the main field repre sentation in a manner to he described, is an indicator 2- convent; "'ly taking the form of a hail having a slot ?..u. retln' ui; 1'h. through each are of substantially similar constructhe tailblock T The head block is of subing or carrying frame for the operating above an opening 12 therein. It is noted guide wire-.5 is connected, the wire being preferably in two sections and the ad acent [necting .turn buckle. 5 may be utilized for tubular member 16, which maybeof integral of a guide shoe 17 adapted to fit. in the guide.
movement within the head block at a point ongitudinally of said frame. posts 6. Rela- --par ts just referred. to comprise an open or engaging tlze'guide shoe 17 with the guide" which loosely passes a guide wire or rod 5. To the rear end of the board 1 is a carrying frame comprising oppositely disposed bars or posts 6 connected by suitable brace me1nbers which may constitute head and tail blocks 7 and 7 respectively. The head and tail blocks and the parts carried thereby tion and a description of one will suiiice for the other, it being noted that the parts des 'ignated by numerals on the head block 7 are the same parts designated by corresponding numerals with an alphabetical. exponent on stantially rectangular construction and hollow having extending downwardly there from hollow lugs or projections 8, one upon each side adjacent the rear end thereof. To these-projections 8 are adapted to. be secured the respective bars or posts f the support-' device. A suitable means of connection is provided by making the bars 6 hollow and fitting the terminals thereof over the projections S and securing the interfitting parts by retaining deiicesi 9.
Apulloy 10 is mounted for free rotary adjacent the hollow extension, and a substantially similar pulley 11 is mounted adjacent the forward end of the block and that the blocks. 7 and Fare adapted to fit over the upper and lower edges of the board. 1 and that the forward ends thereof project beyond thefron t surface ofthe board. It is to these forward ends of the blocks that the terminals thereof. threaded, whereby a contaking up any play or sagging of the wire.
The operating device or movable shoe. which actuates the indicator will now be. described. Oppositely. disposed platescomprising body parts 13 with transversely curved ends l ladapted to fit over the re spective bars 6 of the frame are provided and the parts are so constructed that the plates. may have slidable. engagement tively narrow cross brace bars or arms 15 connect Wltll the'said plates and a hollow.
construction with the arms and. plates. The.
skeletonFfr-ame.oreaddle for the reception groo es of the auxiliary field representation 3 ant hasoan extension 18 fitting within the same taut.
grooves when the'ljatter are used, but the means for sliding the supporting frame relative to the carrylng. fra'zneinemliers (3.
'The carryingfframe G which is mounted for pivotal movement by means of a swivel connection 20 of any desired construction, with .the board 1 is. swung or moved by lateral pressure on the handle 19.
21 and 21 are loose pulleys mounted on the shoe frame or saddle, one upon each of the body parts 13, and preferably centrally thereof.
A cord or wire 22 is adjustablysecured at one end of one of the bars ti-adjacent the upper end thereof and passes downwardly under the illey 21. thence upwardly over the'rotary pulleys 22* carried by a frame 23 extending between the frame bars, again downwardly over the pulleys 10 and 11 in the tail block 7, and finally upwardly over the front surface of the board 1 for connection with the lower surface of the ball indicators as at 24. I 1
A substantially similar cord or wire 25 is adjustably connectedto the opposite bar 6 adjacent its lower end and extends over the pulley around loose pulleys 26 carried by a frame 27 extendingbetween the frame bars 6.,agaii1 upwardly over the pulleys 10 and l]. in the head block, thence downwardly over the front surface of the board where it is connected to the upper surface of the ball, as at 28.
From the construction just described it will be appreciatedthat the cords or wires 22 and 25 follow acircuitous course with the result that a relatively short bodily movement of the guide shoe'17 and its carrying saddle on the carrying frame will, result in an increased or extended movement of the indicator ball overthe field representation on thefront surface of the board.
. Sin'ce'it is desired that the indicator may i be accurately positioned, I provide means for adjusting the cords or wires, conveniently comprising suitable thumb screws 22 and 25, which constitute the means for se curing the cords or wires to the frame bars 6, and which are adapted to turn and wind the cords or wires thorearound to keep the The operation may be briefly described as follows. It being borne in mind that the field representation on the front of the board lissubstantially similar though enlarged relative to that representation whichconstitutes a guide surface at the rear of the board, the operator grasps the handle. 19, and if guide groovesare provided, properly inserts the guide shoe ll inthe sele..-ted groove. He thereupon imparts movement to the shoe in. the desired-direction, along said grooves, the connection 20; the supporting frame. .einbe rsfiand the slidable movement between the latter and the saddle pert-nib ting ad ustment of the shoe to any of the de' s red points. -Now assuming that it be de sired to impart upward movement to the ball indicator, the operator pi'ishes the saddle and with it the guide shoe upward when the cord or wire 2-2 connected to the lower sur I face of the ball will permit the ball to rise impart a, multiple or greater movement of adjusting the guide I grooves ofthe auxiliary guide surtacl-r.
the ball, say twice that of the shoe. At the same time the cooperating cord or Wire 25 will exert drawing or raising action to the indicator ball. A ain, should the saddle he moved downwarc, the movement of the cord or wire will be reversed, with the same effect.
The structure ust'described makes it pos sible to converta relatively short movement of the operating device over a guide repre sentation into an extended movementof the indicator over theniain field representation, and the .parts being accurately positioned and adjusted the guide shoe and indicator will at all times maintain corresponding points on the respective fields regardless of the variance in the size of the fields.
It will be observed that the supporting or carrying frame constitutes a guide or run- Way upon which is mounted for bodily or sliding movement the operating or act-uating device or-shoe, and said-operating or actuating deviceniay be said to include the guide shoe skeleton frame or saddle or any of the parts connected thereto for bodily movement therewith over the support or carrying frame, the said connected parts lac ng in effect a singic'unit or elen'ient. it is also appreciated that since the means for in creasing the HIUVQIHQIlt of the indicator relative to the operating or actuatingdevice is mounted di rectl v'upon the carrying frame, a very simple and compact structure results.
The open or skeleton frame re! 1 possilole forthe operator to always then- 'act position assumed by the guide shoe with the result that the adjustment of the indicator will, be more accurate than would he possihlewere the saddle made closed or solid and the shoe hidden. from. View. Again the skeleton frame .J the operator in quickly shoe into and out of tho In the claims when I refer to tlieiuembcrs 22 and as'a cord, I desire this term as includingra vire or similar member opcrating in the manner specified.
Theflnoad invention comprising a swingmg supporting frame or i'ncmber with amovable iutlicator carried thereby is not herein claimed, the, same being included tlie subject matter of of I co-pending application Serial No. 448
J0, filed. August 4;, 1908.
Having thus described the invention, What I claim as new zuiddesirc to secure by Let tors Patent is:
1. In a hall bulletin board, the combination of a field representation at the front of the board, a field representation :1 t the rear of the hoard, an iniilicator adapted to more to any part of the front field representation, a cord connected to the indicator, an clo ment adapted to move to any part of the rear field representation and having associated-means directly engaging thecord for differentially moving the element and indicater, and movable carrying frame upon.
'whichsaid element is mounted for bodily movement.
In an apparatus of the character de scribed, the combination of a board having at thefront thereof a representation, an indicator to move thereover, a lengthwise n'iovahle flexible member connected to the indicator, a movable operating device arranged at a point removed from said representation niei ns associated with the movable o 'ieratingi' device and flexible member for moving the indicator in the same direction as tlie i'novable device at a dill'ercnt speed, and a movable frame rronstituling a guide upon which the device is mounted for back and forth movement.
3. In an apparatus of the charm-tor dcscrihcd. the combii'iation of a l'lOdl'fl having a field representation, a fral'i'ie, and an :H'llh sling element carried thereby arranged at the roar of the field, anindicator to move over the field surface, :1 cord connected to the indicator and extending beyond the [icld to the rear tlngrcof and connected directly to said i ranim and said element being movable on the frame and engaging said cord inlcrmediate its ends whereby to more the indi cater a, dillorcnt distance relative to the ch ment andut the same time.
l. in an appai'atus of the character described, the combination of a field representation, an indicator, a flexible support for the indicator, a movable actuating means at the rear of the field for mving liexihle support, associated means whereby the indicator moves an increased distance over the field relative to said means, and a' movable guide orrunway-upon Whichsaid actuating means is mounted for back and fortl'i movement. A
5. in an apparatus of the rharacter descrihed the combination of a field representation, an indicator, a flexible support for the indicator extending in one direction beyond thel'nnmns of the field, ah auniliary flexible support for the ini'licah'rr extending in an. opposite direction beyond the bounds of the field, supporting means to which the ends of the-flexible ipports are connected,
bodily movable actuating means atthe rear of the field for engawingr sn'irl' tlmgjhl Enism ryhere '3 ports intermediate their ends to impart movement thereto, and associated mechathO ll'KilCfttOI motes mi increased distance over the fieid relative to said means a i l T 1 r I t). in an apparatus ot the cum-octet oeserihed, the combinationot a field representation a supporting member positioned at a point removed from the-field, an) indicator adapted to phty over the field, an actuating device for the indicator connected to said support and mounted to move bodily on said support, and means whereby a reistlveiy short movement of the actuating device W111 resuit in an increased movement or the indicator,
7'. In an apparatus of the character described, a field representation, an indic te to movethereovenm runway positioned at a point beyond the bounds of the iieich a scribed the combination of; a board hard thereon a field representation, an elongated guide, a device mounts-:1 on guide tor movement fl'glilde surface vfor the device,
indicator to play over the fieid representsscribed, the combination of a. field rep ien hwise inovahie s11" ort for the indie PP -.difi'erent speeds.
tion zmd connections between the device and'indicntor whereby a, reletiveiy niovement oi the device will result in an in creased movement of the indicator.
10. In an apparatus the character detation, a movable supporting frame an indioator to more over the fieldrepresentation, an :iotnat-ing device mounted to back and forth on said frame and means where by the device and indicator move at difi'er ent speeds 11. 111 221; apparatus of the diameter described, the combination of a. iieid rep-re sentation, a swinging supporting frame, indicator to move over the field representa tion, on actuating device mounted to more back and forth on said frame, andineans whereby the device and indicator more at the character deof 1, held repre; play thereover, a
"12. In arr-apparatus of scribed, the combination sentntlon, an indicator to cater; an operating device for-moving said support arranged at. point removed from senthe bonnie of the field associted-ixistru: nientaiities whereby the opera-ting device and indicator move in the same direction diderent noes oi; tie some time, aguide surface for the operating device "11d mow able carrying frame for the opciw ice.
13. In an apparatus the otisrocter def scrihed the combination er an indicating surface, an indicator adopted to my over the said surface, a. support, a, flexible-meniher-connected one end to said support and at its opposite end to theindiczttor and an operating device engaging; said flexible P116111- her intermediate its ends,
In an s of the character described,- the comb ation of a iieid representation, an indicator adapted to pk-L37 over the surface of the some;as'upport afie do member connected at one end to said support and at its opposite end indicator, on operating; device eon: ing said fiezribie member 11 ferinediate its ends and an mini iary field representation constituting a guide surface for said operating device 15. In an apparatus oi the character described, the combination of a field re /re sentatioin of a guide an indicator adapted to "play over the fiSid representitthe mide time, it support, a cord conneeted at; onev to said support and its op-- posits end to the inc'ticetor and entifriction bearing on the shoe adopted to be engaged by the cord. whereby the indicator is operated by the movern t of t shoe;
scribed, the combination of "field rep-re? sent-sti U, a suitahie SHI1 OT the of the field, an indieator adapts play over field surtzi'oe sdevice niovnoie reiative respecti'veiy and c iier to more" inmates of the character do bination of field reprew r indicator play sir porqa, cord eoiinect n with one end and secured to )pOSitG end, and means Inorebie on said crqaport engaging the cord in- *nds for moving the indicator a c y 1-8. In an apparatus of the character de' scribed, m field representation, a pivoted so orting member, an indicator adapted to 1) over the field representation, a flexible 1'11: her secured to thesupporting member adjacent one end and connected to the indicstor and means movable relative to the support engagingsaid fiexibw supported, on op ating:- shoe ado ed to pile over in an. apparatus )1 ol'mrnoter deilofi rmediate its ends for mow an increased distance rclal or l 19. ii an app; is of the character def set the com n of field represent .1? ld repicsenta-v tion. t the anXiL- icator adaptrepresentation, t adapted; to itaticn 1 l to said iary he ed to piay o. a shoe xnov LXlbl? supper. the indic an opci'rii V and shoe v'r cl the auxiliarv held the indicator-"Will operate in ii d inop'posite er between said cord 20. In 0. us of the character dcscribed the, i ation afield r uitatiou, a: tiCilllOl to move therco: r, a.
iblc in conncctedtoithe indicatdr direction beyond the mutation, an auxiliary connected to the" indic: or and projt, I!" in an opposite direction oc yond the bounds of the representation, sup porting means to which said ends of the flexible members are connected, 'a' bodily moval' le operating member opcralvivcly connected to both flexible members at a point intermediate the ends of said members for moving the indicator a ditl'erent. distance relative to the operating member, and a guide surface for the perating member.
v 21. Tn an apparatus of the characterlde scribed, a field representation, an lndicator to move thcrcovcr, a support connected at one end to the indicator and pro'ectin in one direction beyond. the bounds-o the old,
an auxlliary support connected to the indicator and projecting in 'an opposite direction beyond the bounds of the field, and a bodily movable member having associated means engaging said supports for moving the indicator in the same direction as the movable member diiferent distances during the samcitinie. I
22. I" all apparatus of the character de scribed, the combination of a. field representation, an indicatoradapted I to play thereovcr, and an operatingdevice' forthe indicator including oppositely disposed body parts, a tubular mem er between said body parts, arms connecting respectively; with said tubular member and body partsg'dt shoe carried by the tubular member, surface for the shoe. r
23.111 an apparatus of the character described, the combination of a field representation, an indicator adapted play is shoe operates over carried by the actuatin thc'rcovcr, an operating shoe slidably mounted at the rear of the field, rollers on the shoe, a support, cords secured at one end to said support and passing around said rollers whereby the same is operated by the shoe, and a connection between the cords and indicator.
In an apparatus of the charactcr'described, the combination of'a field representation, a support, an indicator adapted to ping over the field surface, a shoe movable rcla to the support, a flexible member nnccted at one end to the support and and s sits end to the indicator, and pulleys for said flexible member united on. the shoe and support respeciratus of the character dciira ion with a boardmem- )ted to be moved across arrier for the indicator o located at the-rear of c i hole actuating device on one, pulleys on the said actupullcys on the carrier frame,
2 passing around said pulleys on the an it g device and over the pulleys on the frame. i
26. In an apparatus of." the class described,
the combination with'a board membenof a movable frame. member, an actuating device slidable longitudinally on the frame men,
her, an indicator arranged at the'front of xibls means to which the indicator the board, and means interposed between the 1 indicator and the frame-and associated with saidactuating device-whereby upon the moveme'nt, of the actuating device the indicator is moved a distance greater than the distance of the movement of the actuating device.
' 2-7. In an apparatus of the class dcscribcd the combination With a board member having guide grooves, of a movable frame member, an actuating device sl-idable longitudinally oh the frame member, an indicator arranged 'at'the front of the member, and means interposed between the indicator and the frame e and assodiated -with-said actuating device whereby upon the movement of the actuating device the-indicator is moved a distance greatcr'than the distance of thc movement of thoactua i lgdevice, and-a movable shoe engage the guide 'groov In testimony whereof I afiix my signature in the presence of two witnesses. "and a guide GEORGE .HENRYVPARIKEB, Witnesses:
' Hnwmn M. PAIGHT,
Gnannns J. Parana.
g device adapted to V



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