USRE11250E - Electrical measuring-instrument - Google Patents

Electrical measuring-instrument Download PDF


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USRE11250E US RE11250 E USRE11250 E US RE11250E
United States
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English (en)
Edward W-eston
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  • My invention relates to an electrical. mess
  • My invention consists, broadly, in e fixed or' stationary coil ands coil oscillating or vibrating on inclosed pivots in the field of force of said stationary coil, said coils being electrically connected.
  • the vibrating coil on the passage of the current through the circuit, including both coils, assumes an angular position, depending upon the diflfer'encc of poten:
  • Figure 1 is a plan view; Fig. 2, a section on the line X X. of Fig. 1 ;a .nd Fig.3, a'section on the line Y Y,
  • spools 2 nnd -3 'nrc made of rubber. or other insulating material, they are hollowed out to form a spherical cavity 4, Fig. 3.
  • asheet of inica'24 Within. the ring 5 and filling the space included in it is asheet of inica'24. This sheet passes through an openingin adiephragm 25' of rnbber'or other non-conducting material, which is held between the spools 2 and 3 and extends diumetrically. across the spherical opening or chamber 4.
  • 26 is an ordinary resistm'ice-coil supported in a recess on the base in any suitable manner.
  • 27 and 28 (dotted lines) are two contacts'prings, the spring 28 being in electrical contact with the binding-post
  • a 29 is apush-bnttonpassing through a sleeve 30, which surrounds an opening in the base:
  • the circuit in the instrument proceeds as follo'wsi From the binding-post B by wire a to one of the terminals of the coils on the spools 2 vend 3 and th-rouglrmaid-coils,'the other terminal of which is connectethto the lower spring 15, The cnrrent'then passes by the pivot 7 to and through the 'movable coil on'the frame 5 and thence to the pivot l to, spring 14, to arm 16, to'upper bracket 10, thence by the wire-b through the resistancecoil 26 to the contact-plate 27 by-wirec.te
  • the object ofthe mica diaphragm 24 is to deaden the vibrations of the coil upon the frame li-through itsaction as a fan, and this effect is increased by thevpreseuce of thedia- :5 phragm 25, between "which and the movable diaphragm 24 the air-becomes somewhat comprcssed during the movement of the frame, I and henceoflers still g ter resistance to the a motion otthe' latter.
  • non-inductive materiai hereint in applied to the spool. or bobbin Imean a 0 spool or bobbin constructed of any material or combination of materials in which induced currents will practically not be produced.
  • the coils in" the p instrument are to-be made of flnewire. It is 5 also to be understood that the movable coil is to be as light as possible and that the bearings ofits pivots aft are to he jeweled; or, in other-words, the said coil is to be sosnpported that it will move with the minimum of 5c friction and to be so constructed that it will offer the least possible inertia to the actuating force 'of the current.
  • the extent of its movement in are will not be necessarily proportional to-the difference in go potential between the terminals ofvthe instrnment, but will simply bear some relation to said potential diiference.
  • iu-- stead ofthe position of the movable coil being due to the reaction-of a variable field.
  • mag- 7 net upon a definite constant and fixed field, such as might be produced bya-permanent mag- 7 net, in which case the reacting force would act in substantially the same way for all positions of.
  • I claim 1 In an electrical m'easilringdnstrument, a stationary coil, a coil movable in the field of said stationary coil, and a spring opposing and counter-balancing the impressedaction of said movable coil, the said coils and spring being connected in circuit.
  • a stationary coil In an electrical measuring-instrument, a stationary coil, a coil pivoted and vibrating in the field of said stationary coil, and a spring opposing and counterbalancing the impressed action of said movable coil, the said coils and spring being in circuit.
  • a stationary coil In an electrical measuring-instrument, a stationary coil, a coil movable in the field of said stationary coil, and two springs opposing and counterbalancing the impressed action of said movable coil, the said coils and springs being in circuit and the said springs being disposed, respectively, to lead the actuating-current into and out of said movable coil.
  • a fixed coil In an electrical measuring-instrument, a fixed coil, a movable coil in the field of said fixed coil, an index controlled by said movable coil, a scale graduated in definite electricai-units, and a spring opposing and counterbalancing the movement of said movable coil and in circuit therewith, the said elements being constructed and arranged so that by the actuating-current said indr will be moved directly to give a definite reading ori said scale and be maintained at such read-- ing by the counterbalancing eifect of said spring.
  • a stationary coil a coil vibrating or oscillating on inclosed pivots in the field of, force of said stationary coil, and a coiled spring connected to a coil-pivot and to an abutment and opposing the motion of said IDOVflblQCOll, said coils being electrically connected;
  • stationary coil a coil supported on diamctral inclosed pivots and vibrating or oscillating in the field of force of said stationary cell, a coiled spring concentric with the axis of retation of said vibrating coil having one end connected to said coil and the other end to an abutment, and means for varying the resiliency of said spring, said coils, being electrically connected.
  • a stationary coil a coil vibrating or oscillating in the held of force of said stationary coil, and a spring of conducting material opposing the movement of said vibrating coil, the said coils and spring being electrically connected.
  • pivots extending through oppbsitei sides of said spool, supports outside of saidspool re- ;ceiving said pivots, and-a coiled spring connected at one end toone of said pivots outside of said spool and at the other end to a fixed abutment,- the said cells being electrically connected.
  • a stationary coil a coil vibrating or oscillatingin the field of force of said stationary coil, two coiled springs of conducting material combined'with said movable coil, and circuit connections, whereby said springs and movable coil are connected in circuit.



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