USPP1921P - Nectarine tree - Google Patents

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Publication number
USPP1921P US PP1921 P USPP1921 P US PP1921P
United States
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nectarine tree
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Frederic W. Anderson
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Stark Bros
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  • NECTARiNE TREE Filed Aug. 10, 1959 INVE NTQ 6'0. fl'n dezzs'ob ATTYS.
  • Claim. (Cl. 47-62)
  • the present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of nectarine tree which bears yellow-fieshed,"free-' stone fruit having yellow skin mottled with red; the variety being of the type embraced by group 111 of the classification by Caillavet and Souty, Monographie desPri ncipales Varits de Pchers, 1950 edition, page 46.
  • the variety was originated by me in my experimental orchard located near Merced, California, and is a cross between the Late Le Grand nectarinc (United States Plant Patent No. 1,035) and the Star Grand nectarine (United States Plant Patent No. 1,327).
  • Fig. l is an elevation showing one of the nectarines
  • Fig. 2 is a sectional elevation of one of the nectarines.
  • Suture.Distinct extends from base to apex, with slight depression beyond pistil point.
  • the tree and its fruit herein described may vary in slight detail due to climatic and soil conditions under which the variety may be grown; the present description being of the variety as grown in the Central Valley of California.
  • a new and distinct variety of nectarine tree as illustrated and described, which bears yellow-fleshed freestone fruit having yellow skin mottled with red; said variety-in comparison with the Sun Grand nectarine having leaves with reniform instead of globose glands, and bearing fruit which is larger, ripens approximately ten days earlier, and has less red exterior color.


March 15, 1960 w ANDERSON Plant Pat. 1,921
NECTARiNE TREE Filed Aug. 10, 1959 INVE NTQ 6'0. fl'n dezzs'ob ATTYS.
United States Patent NECTARINE TREE Frederic W. Anderson, Mercer], Califi, assignor to Stark Bros. Nurseries and Orchards Co., Louisiana, M0., a corporation of Missouri Application August 10, 1959, Serial No. 832,872
1 Claim. (Cl. 47-62) The present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of nectarine tree which bears yellow-fieshed,"free-' stone fruit having yellow skin mottled with red; the variety being of the type embraced by group 111 of the classification by Caillavet and Souty, Monographie desPri ncipales Varits de Pchers, 1950 edition, page 46.
As compared with the Sun Grand (United States Plant Patent No. 974)-which, at present, is the most extensively commercially grown freestone nectarine in Californiathe present variety has leaves with reniform instead of globose glands, and bears fruit which is larger in size, ripens approximately ten days earlier, and has less red exterior color.
The variety was originated by me in my experimental orchard located near Merced, California, and is a cross between the Late Le Grand nectarinc (United States Plant Patent No. 1,035) and the Star Grand nectarine (United States Plant Patent No. 1,327).
Subsequent to origination of the variety I asexually *reproduced it in my experimental orchard, located as aforesaid, by topworking on mature orchard trees; such reproductions having run true in all respects.
In the drawings:
Fig. l is an elevation showing one of the nectarines,
together with twigs and leaves.
with the stone remaining in place.
Referring to pomological details of this new and distinct variety of nectarine tree and its fruit, the following is an outline description thereof; all major color plate identifications being by reference to Maerz and Paul Dictionary of Color, except where common terms of color definition are employed.
Fig. 2 is a sectional elevation of one of the nectarines.
Size-Large to medium. Vigor.-Vigorous. Production-Productive. Bearing.-Regular bearer. Trunk: Sizestocky to medium. Branches: Sizestocky to medium. Leaves:
Size-Large to medium. Thickness.-Thick to medium. Margin.-Glandular; crenate. Petiole.Medium length; medium thickness. Glands.-Large to medium; reniform. Positionusually two on petiole and two or more on blade. Colon-Top side-medium green (22-L-6 to 22- L-8). Under sidelighter green (21-K-6). Flower buds: Size-large to medium.
Flowers: Blooming period (1958).
Date of first bl0om.--March 1st.
Date of full bl00m.-March 12th. Medium as compared with other varieties.
Maturity when deseribed.-Eating ripel'uly 3,
Date of first picking-lune 28, 1958.
Date of last picking.]uly 5, 8.
Size-Variable. Average diameter axially2-'/s".
Average transversely in suture plane-2%,".
F0rm.-Variable; symmetrical; globose to oblong.
Suture.Distinct; extends from base to apex, with slight depression beyond pistil point.
Thickness.-Thick to medium.
Tendency to crack-None noted.
Color.-Yellow (10-L-3) shading to orange-yellow (9-K-8 to 10-L-12), mottled with red (5-L-l2).
Texture.Medium; crisp; melting.
F lavor.-Subacid; delicate.
Eating quality-Good.
Color.Yellow (9-L-2 shading to 9-1-5), with considerable red (3-L-3) adjacent the stone; the surface of the pit cavity being red with yellow fibers.
A pex.--Acute.
Ventral edge.Thin.
Dorsal edge.-Full.
Tendency to split.Slight.
Colon-Brown (5-A-l2).
Use: Market. Keeping quality: Good. Shipping quality: Good.
The tree and its fruit herein described may vary in slight detail due to climatic and soil conditions under which the variety may be grown; the present description being of the variety as grown in the Central Valley of California.
The following is claimed:
A new and distinct variety of nectarine tree, as illustrated and described, which bears yellow-fleshed freestone fruit having yellow skin mottled with red; said variety-in comparison with the Sun Grand nectarine having leaves with reniform instead of globose glands, and bearing fruit which is larger, ripens approximately ten days earlier, and has less red exterior color.
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