USD3674S - Design for a set of harness-mountings - Google Patents

Design for a set of harness-mountings Download PDF


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USD3674S US D3674 S USD3674 S US D3674S
United States
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nit tant Desir/u No. 3,674, (lated ,S'qitmnlm 28, 188.
The Schedule referred to in these Letters Patent and making part of the sume,
I, JAMES PATTERSON Romxs, ofthe city of Philadelphia, and Stante of leilnsylvmiiat, have invented and produced zt new zuid Originzd Design for Harness- Mounting, of whioh the following is :t speeiliention.
The nature of' my design is fully represented in the accompanying photographie illustration, to whieh ret'- erenee is nntde.
Figure 1 represents the saddle-hook;
Figure 2 is the postqtnul hoek;
Figure 3 is the post-Hy hook;
Figure 4 is the terret;
Figure 5 is the iy-terret; und
Figure G is the saddle-bolt hook.
in the several iigures, the open parts al, which receive the lilies, are of oetngen-t'ortn, the seid forni heing interrupted, or broken, only uit the points 1, where the lines are pushed into the openings b, in igs. 1, 2, 3, zuid (j.
In said parts a, every other corner or side of the Octagon is strt ight, and the intermediate sides formed of an are of :t eirele, as represented.
1n tig. 1, the part a has zur immediate connection with the holt or shank-part c, but in gs. 2, 3, 4, :tud 5, the pedestzds d eonneet the pznts a :uid c.
Fig. 3 has :tn ornzunentnl l1end,e, in eonneetion with the stein j', which projects upwnrd .t'roln the port (1f.
The seid lieztd e, and iy g, in eonneetion therewith, :tre of' correspondent Octagon-forni to the prut (t. rlheir position is et right angles to the said pzut all.
The fly g has l'our openings, It.
1n lig. 5, the fly g is of the sinne forni :ts the pnrt (l, in which it is situated, :tud hns four openings, It'.
V1n igs. 1 :nid 2, there :tre scroll-termed projeetions, yi, i'roni the parts a.
W het I elailn :1s iny invention, :und desire to secure by Letters Patent, is-
The design for h:uness-mountiug, :ts shown.
1n testimony whereof, I have signed my nune to this specification, this 27th dey ot' August, 1569, in the presence 0f the ollowing witnesses.
JAMES lA'llllSON' lOlllNS. YVitneSses:
STEPHEN Us'rleii, J ons WHITE.



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