USD178584S - Amphibian aircraft - Google Patents

Amphibian aircraft Download PDF


Publication number
USD178584S US D178584 S USD178584 S US D178584S
United States
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amphibian aircraft
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Anthony Totli
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United Statczs Patcent Ofifice "8,584
Patented Aug. 21, 1956 AMPHIBIAN AIRCRAFT Anthony Toth, Inglewood, Calif.
Application March 28, 1955, Serial No. 35,244
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D71-l) Des. 178,584
PAGE 2 Fig. l is a perspective view taken from the front and one side of an amphibian aircraft embodying my new design. Fig. 2 is a perspective view of the design shown in Fig. 1, taken from the rear and other side. Fig. 3 is a top plan, and Fig. 4 is a front elevation thereof.
The essential features of my design reside in the portions shown in full lines.
I claim:
The ornamental design for an amphibian aircraft, as shown and described.
References Cited in the file of this patent D. 97,090 D. 145,086 D. 155,281 D. 156,753 D. 156,786
UNITED STATES PATENTS Nemeth Oct. 1, 1935 Jensen June 25, 1946 Fontaine Sept. 20, 1949 Miller Jan. 3, 1950 Taylor Jan. 3, 1950



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