USD144164S - Dreyfuss typewriting machine - Google Patents

Dreyfuss typewriting machine Download PDF


Publication number
USD144164S US D144164 S USD144164 S US D144164S
United States
Prior art keywords
typewriting machine
filed aug
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H. Dreyfuss
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March 19, 1946. H. DREYFUSS Des. 144,164
TYPEWRITING MACHINE Filed Aug. 2, 1945 INVENoR. Hen-ry Dreyfuss BY ATTORNEYS March 19, 1946. 14mm-muss Des. 144,164
TYPEWRITING MACHINE Filed Aug. 2, 1945 4 Sheets-Sheet 2 ATTORNEYS Mmh19,1946. H DREYFUSS I Des.144,1s4v v' TYPEWRITING MACHINE Filed Aug. 2, 1945 4 Sheets-Sheet 5 [N V EN TOR.
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6MM )L ATTORNEYS March19,1946. l H DREYFUSS Des.144,164 0 TYPEWRITING MACHINE Filed Aug. 2, 1945 4 sheets-sheet 4 IN1/M1011 Hen? Ere wss Q Y y 3f ATTORNEYS Patented Mar. 19, 1946 Des. 144,164
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FR A TYPEWRITING MACHINE Henry Dreyfuss, New York, N. Y., assignor to Royal Typewriter Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York Application August 2, 1945, Serial No. 121,176
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D64-11) Figure 3 is a top, back, and left side perspective View thereof.
Figure 4 is a top and front perspective view thereof.
The design appearance of the right side is substantially the same as the design appearance of the left side.
I claim:
The ornamental design for a typewriting machine, as shown and described.



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