USD131476S - Design for a fish lube - Google Patents

Design for a fish lube Download PDF


Publication number
USD131476S US D131476 S USD131476 S US D131476S
United States
Prior art keywords
fish lube
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Levin B. Cook
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f one
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L. B. cooK Des. 131,476
FISH LURE March 3, 1942.
Filed June 4, 1941 IN V EN TOR.
Patented Mar. 3, 1942 Des. 131,476
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A FISH LURE Levin B. Cook, Shreveport, La., assignor of onehalf to Haskell R. Miller, Shreveport, La.
Q Application June 4, 1941, Serial No. 101,302
' Term of patent 3 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 2 is a side elevational view thereof; Be it known that I, Levin B. Cook, a citizen of Figure 3 is afront elevational view; and the United States, residing at Shreveport, in the Figure 4 is a top plan view. county of Caddo and State of Louisiana, have Iclaim: invented a new, original, and ornamental De- The ornamental design for a fish lure, as sign for a Fish Lure, of which the following is a shown. specification, reference being bad to the accom- LEVIN B. COOK. panying drawing, forming part thereof.
Figure 1 is a. rear elevational view of a fish lure showing my new design;



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