USD130938S - Design for an atomizer top - Google Patents

Design for an atomizer top Download PDF


Publication number
USD130938S US D130938 S USD130938 S US D130938S
United States
Prior art keywords
atomizer top
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Fred K. Hoch
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Dec. 30, 1941. F. R. HOCH Des. 130,938
Patented Dec. so, 1941 D 130,938
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FR AN ATO1\IIZER TOP Fred R. Hoch, Norton, Mass., assignor to T. J. Holmes Co. Inc., Charley, Mass. a, corporation of Massachusetts Application August 26, 1941, Serial N0. 103,014
Term cf patent 7 years T0 all whom it mag concern: Figure 1 is a side elevational view of an atomizer Be it known that I, Fred R. Hoch, a citizen of top, showing my new design;
the United States, residing a1: Norton, in the Figure 2 is a top p1an view thereof; and
county of Bristol and Commonwealth of Massa- Figure 3 is a front elevational view thereof.
chusetts, have invented a new, original, and 01- I claim:
namental Design for an Atomizer Top, of which The ornamental design for an atomizer top,
the following is a specification, reference being substantially as shown.
had to the accompanying drawing, forming a FREI) R. HOCH.
part thereof, in which:



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